Methodist Oharch Directory. . Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. ' (iXQ. tJ. iiAKEH. fiopt. Praeiiing at 11 A. M., and 7 P. AT t r-ry suuUay. Praym- mua Weduesday night. U. tf. Smith, Pastor. t, " rT ' j.J B. JUiia, , AT rOil.V iii AT LA.W. L -ai.-BJS-i, S. C. Will iraotij i;i Lie Court of the 8 tat e J i tii iJuart House. 0. 1. COOAli Ok OOili, in jJLl trta-if -LAW, L J Jl.iiioiiu, JC. 0. Win icieu . yi juiis of Taah, Franklin, Grajvia, rt.fw.iiaj V.,seouuties,uloUie J) .Ui;e two .iu ,jiu AyoocKe & Co. '8 Ui. v,r. 11: -ViLii-JLo'J, itACi'Ioi.Vj rtU'iilCIAN, V. ;ill .1. iijd.Vilf.dl-L4V1 Wu: -cui. i Ltie ooarta ot t'r.iakllu, Vance, Qra;. .... , .Vrrcu aua Wake coaaties, also tui .-it Ooort ol .norm -Jaroiiaa. rroiupt A. 1' i; KNji V-A i'-LAW, LoaioBUKS, K. c - OillM on Alain atroet. over Jones & Coope T. ri W. BiUKiirT, Ai loaN'fir AKD CODN8ELLOR AT LAW. Prompt in j i liust, iKiug attention eiven to eve. m-iCt :r iutrustm to ni- hauas. Ketjes to .juiuf J astu ;da ipujra. Hon. John M la.nug, J.o.1. tto t. vV. w iustoa, Hon. J. C. BuxCju, t'rdi i'irat A' Uiona.1 iiaufe of Win sLo.i, Jl j.m & J.,iuly, vViuston, feoples Baas or Moarotj, on. U. f ijrlor, rYes Wa.Ke For 8t ;oiL:gj, Hou. K. W. iiui erUke. Office iu Court tioase, oppoaito jjneritf's. "VV. - FBitiiOxV, ATTORSKY-AT-LAW, LooisBuaa, n. c. Practices In all courts. Oifice In the Court faoue. yy u. YARBoaouaj, jh. ATlOitNEY AT LAW, LOUISBUHG, N. C. Office on second door of .Neal building Otrt-et. Ill business intrusted to him w II receive prompt and enretul atientiou. Dentistry, Y. H. EDWARDS OF WAKE FORE3T, N. C. Y ill viHib Louiburx un Mo'i Jay, Tuesday -i l folio wing t ae tirt Sunday in tn:.i ai niCii prepared co do ali kinds ot bcii.ii work. do; ,uw Jones St. -Cooper Store next .loor co T. U. Adder La odre J. id. C. HiLU in pr.i)iiml t j do all kind of tin wors, re purnij;, ii;. All wo.- guaranteed, i'iace tii DiiHiiifss on ilain fecreet ta no.ise recently o -cupi.' iiv r-"1. P;uvmu RUFF1N & LEWIS BLACKSMITH 8 We are pr-pared tu do ail kinds of w icd. la our hue. Call to see us at our u p near ih Louisburtj mills. DENTIST, LUJISBLTiiG, N. C. OfficH over it'ieket Store. Ur.tdu;ite rialtimore l3?Qtal College. Twenty-four ytsars active experience. Erinci.vL tssth a specialty. Natural terk rem ved aud new oaes inserted in TWE.NTiT MIXUTEci. All work warranted. L uis,buri in my home "for better or worse" aud you will always find me ready to correct at iny own eipnse any work that may prove unsatisfactory. - Very truly, R. E. KING, Dentist. fAtiBOaOU H Sb DAVIS, The blacksmiths OP LOUISBURG. AH work in onr line dotte on short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. We have our new shop (the old ten pin Wley) ins.od shape and are better Dre- pared than ever to serve our custo- tners STILL AT THE BB1D.GE. BLACK-SMITHING. Where I am well known and prepared to Jdo mysdmrt work. I hope you will see me as uu ua,v oone oeiore. xou will nnd me on la,-. sl le of the River orldire. Main street' J-ouisburg, n. C. While I am doing all kinds ot oiiiokauiithlng, don't forget fhat I am also prepaaeJio repair roar gun, such as putting on uew locks jfce. I have a few guns which I nave repaired that will be sold if uot called for J ten oays. Yours truly A. T. Nbal FRANKLINTON, N. C. 0. If. UOBBS, Frp'r. Good accomodation for the traveling y uoue. Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, C D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. ixood accommodations for the traveling public. n . . uu YOU WANT A HOUSE ? If so you wili 4o well to -write, or see J. Levister. nt Tnt.Kt. t., before contractirsr. PlaW "PuicauoDs ana estimates made n burnt buildiugs. &c. i HE FRNKILIN TTlIvlES Men Needed. great Men An exchange gay 6 the want of this age is- men ! wbo are not for sale. Men who are sound fro.m center;t circum ference, true, to the beart's core. Men wbo fear the Lord and .bate coTetousnet. Men Khose con sciences are as the needle to the pole. Men wbo will stand by the ribt, if tbe heavens totter and the earth reel. Men; who can tell tbe truth-and look' tbe world and tbe devil rigbt in the eye. Men wbo neither swagger nor flinch. Men wbo bave couraVe' without whistling for it. Meiuin whom the current of everlastinir (ire runs stt 1 1 and Vtee p a ud'sfrp ti'e i . careful of God's honor and careless of men's applause. Men: too lare for certain limits and too strouj; for certain bands. Men wbo will not fail or be discouraged till judg ment be set on earth. Meu who know their message and tell it Men wbo know their place and fill it. Meu wbo know tbeir duty and do it Men who will t.r.t ie. Men who are not too lazy to work nor too proud to be poor Men wbo are .willing to eat vha.t they have paid for. Men who know yvbooi thev bae believed. Men' whose feet are on the vp aeting rock. Men wbo are strong with Diviie strength, w4se with tbe wisdom which cometh from above, and loving with tbe love of Christ men of God ! Bee Culture at the Experiment Station The Experiment Station has re cently completed arraugeuients for carrying ou seme work iu Bee Cul ture, both to disseminate informa tion a to tbe be6t methods to fol- ow iu bee-keeping, as well as to conduct tests to determine what lau should be adopted in Uorth Carolina to make this particular iudustry as profitable as possible. In many sections of the State bee culture now yields handsome re turns when carefully mauau-ed. n With proper use of the improved methods of late years, this result might be largely increased. It will te the purpose of the Stttion to endeavor to aid in tbe extension of the industry, and with tho possible improvement of the culture where it basi uow found a foothold. For this purpose the co-operatiou of two experienced bee-keepers has beeu secured, Dr. J. V. Hunter au1 Mr. W. H. Hall, both of For syth county. It is expected that results interesting to bee-keepers will be reached during the coming season, in tbe meantim items of timely interest will be distributed upon tbe vauous phases of the subject. At, tbe Station desires to enter into correspondence with every bee-keeper uow iu North Carolina, each one is cordially requested to send his name and address to Dr. H. B. Battle, Director, Ralejgh, N. C. Any itemsias to the stocks. hives, etc., on hand, and the suc cess or failure heretofore. met with will be gladly received. Doubt less the correspondence will be mutually helpful. , Hiats To Housekeepers. Saturate tbe earth around bouse plants every day with tbe coffee left over from breakfast. It atiro ulatefe them. Plants that have. a red or purple blossom will be ren dered extremely brilliant in color by covering the earth in their pots with about half an inch of pulver ized charcoal. A yellow flower will not be affected iu any way by tbe use of charcoal. Tlnre is a general opinion that few people, especially among tbe young, have enough sleep, A famous' German physiciau says thajt every one up to the age of 2J should sleep for nine hours out of the twenty-four. In middle life people who can perform 'ordinary routine work when they are half awake may suffer no harm tor a time with six hours1 sleep, but all who .rise their brains should have atdeast eight hours,, P.Iain omeleto and sausages, broiled ; or f r i ed , accom pany each other nicely, and a sausage omelet is quite as good. Skin three links fof the beat sao sage f they are are short, or one if long; pot ove'r tbn fire in a frr ing pan and stir .nil min:r.. : .. i 1 ivi to uiiiiuieH, Ullil place in ibe middle of an omelet of six eg s, just ready to fold. .A gill of bro wti, Spanish or Madeira sauce poured arouud is an im provement. The tough end from a sirloin steak, or a pound or less of top round, will maka a nice dish for luncheon; cut it in dice and cover with one small carrot and one 'ur nip, peeled and cut iu small dice; three small onions quartered aud two stalks of celery, out in balf incb bite; cover with stock, or waW, with a lump of butter addfd if the latter is used and cook, cov ered, one hour in tbe oven; then reason witb alt aud pepper and cook thirty minutes longer. There is scarcely any ache to which -h i 1 Iren aie subject so bard to bear as earache. Almost instan ta neons relief may Le obtained by making a funnel of writing paper, saturating a small piee of cotton hatting in rbloroform and dropping it into the funnel. Put the small Md of the funnel into tbe ear, and glaring the m ntb close to t e other end, blow into it. The fums of the chloroform will quickly relieve the pain, a id i: tbe bead is kept covered the patient will soon be it ease. Riches and Happiness. Ram's Rom. No man can be made rich whose happine: s J p n is on mone r. What a mistake to think we can become rbh by keeping all we get. , Bowing down to a golden calf would soon transform an ang-1 into a beast. It was Job's faith in God tha made him rich, not his sheep and cattle. If some men would give up more and lay up less, how soon they would be rich-. The man wbo seeks first the kino--dom or God will not have to havo a big income to bo happy. If piling up dollars is all a man lives for, his soul shririks with every dollar he makes. It is not what we give to God, but what we keep from Him that keeps us from becoming rich. No greater mistake can be made than to make the accumulation of riches the first business of life. Job was richer without his posses sions than with them because the loss of them brought him nearer to God. How to Repel Moths. Pittsborg Dispat- h Housekeepers who have depended on camphor, pepper, cedarwood and the like as preventives again t moths will be surprised to learn that though these substances are distasteful to in sects unde,r ordinary conditions they . 1 ," 5 m. . cannot, oe renea upon, mis is proved by the fact that moths have been known to hatch in an atmos phere impregnated with camphor As moths will work in warm rooms in winter as well as in summer it be hooves us to be vigilant aud to use o durinjr all seasons some reliable moth-repellant. It is said by those who have tried it that a barrel or keg in which whisky has been kept is the most reliable place known for the preservation of furs. Keep in a dry place and examine occasionally. When furs are put away for ihs sum mer they should be beaten with a small cane and carefully combed through and then sewed up in linen or muslin carefully turned in at the edges. The statement in our Raleigh cor respondence a few days ago that Gen. Thomas L. Clingmxn ' . has applied for admission to the Sogers' Home is interesting. This institution is for those who have Reserved v. ell of their State, and surely upon this ground Gen.. Clingman is entitled to find refuge there. Before the war a member of the lower house of Con gress, afterwards a Senator, and dur ing the war a general in the service of the Confederacy, he has. done his share toward illustrating our annals. The State has had, perhaps, no pro fonnder . scholar, and in many ways he has done it service. It owes, him a. home in x his old age. Charlotte Observer.- 1 LODIgBUKG. N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 10. 5ote8. For and of The Fanner. Harness kept well -oiled, and mended will last in proportion to other care it re eiv: rA Kod harness, well taken tare of, ought to last ten years. , If tbe farmer bad something to sell every mnth in the year, either of crops or stock, he would find it less difficult to manage on a limited capital. Cows and poultry bring iu daily returns, and farmers wbo make a specialty or rnjlk, butter. au(j eggs are usu ally proserous Sometimes poultry raisers pro ide the beat of feed aud thn fail to get egs. One caue of this failure is tbp lack of fresh water. Water nuWrs largely in to tbe torniKMitioii of "n Ciiequeiilly unless the IjiTs bave a sufficient supply of it they ch not lay. Paint brushes and whitewash brushes can be made to last much longer if they arn placed with the hair end up, the l-iir sepa rated and some varnish poured in. This will tighteu the handle and prevent the hair from corn nig out. If bound with leather, a liberal oiling will prevent the lime from burning it up. The progressive orchardist will spud man v of the days of win ter araon I. g trees, instead of toastiug his sums at the fire iu dors. Pruning to be done, suckers to be cut a.vay and a dozen other tbihgs to keep one I'usy if we will go into ihe or hird and look them up. Thus our time in the spring is free to use to better advantage. Nearly all the diseases of atock ara due- to contact with other.ani tnals, tbe food, or from tbe gro'-nd on which diseased animals have trodden If a plot of ground ba been contaminated the cheapest method of treating it is to plow it and apply wood ashes liberally. If ashes cannot be obtained air lake lime should be used. The 6tatiment will bear often repeating thai warm stables save food, and as lumber is cheaper than fodder and bay, this warmth should be provided wberever ani mals are kept. Onet lbe'mot important among the various pur poses which feed serves iu the animal economy is the mainte -. nance of animal beat, and it is economy io preaervt it by outeide means. S. A. L SEABOARD AIR LINE. BUOKTaST AND QUICKEST HOITTB TO Atlauta, te Orleu. Avriolit. itlrh- JPuaUelplUtt. BuUu, Now kurk. SCHKOCLB I EFFKOT JXCAMT, C 188&. TKAI8 LEAVE RA.LEIQU : 136 m daily. "Atlanta 8mlal." uiimn v..tihni IIenaerou, v.eKioo, Peter.ljurg, Klchojonu, ...uiu8wu, ouuuore, rniujlpni i, Vw lora, ttii a &J1 lioiiiu norUl. BuUet lrwln hooiu Slet-p r mi rullumn iWhM am...,. U Whshingtou. Purlur Carm whlnjun to iew ork. Pulluttjut sleeping Cur Mui rv lo rurnuiuuin. A.rriT ml iVmDii gtub 10:44 a u . BulTimjiv H uoon. Phll.ioaipi.uS 9U k u ' Yr 43 p. m. Alito for Poniuoutk' iolro:k Ol n i- t nl IOolBtUou&eAOuarvi aud aouoae Rallroad- 1U1 .V. M., DAILY. For Hendnnwu, wcldoo. Suffolk. Porta moutb, Norfolk and letermdUt9 sUtloua rouixtU at Poruoiouib witb By Line lor uia Point n 1 BalUiuorts; wlih Aorfolk bji.i h. Inglon steami-oat Compauy for wjolnrton; wlih X. Y. P. ft Si. Railroad for PhllwTplit and point north; also at weldon wlia Atl&uuc Lu&bl i-lu- for rtn huio id, WaahlnirtOQ BJU more, Philadelphia aad New York, anJ with tkotlaud ix:k ilrnQch for urwuvlll-. Wash ington and Plmouth. iaUm4i tHex-yln Ul AUAQtA to Porumoutb. 5J A 41.. DAILY. "AUanU PpodHl" Pallman Vfatlbnlo. for Southern Plnea. Uamlt. wilmlngtoo, Monroe. ChirlotUsXlu oluton, Sheloy.CheaKr.CilntOD. tir.-enwool. AiU:viUe, AtUul. Aa gaata, Colamhla, Maooii. MonUronirr. Mo Wle, New Orlewia. ChitUwioo. Nehtilc Memphu. and all point aontft aud aouthweat; throutrti Paliann Baffet siepra nd day coachfs waablngtoo to Atlanta. ronueoUiiK directly afUnion LK-pot. Atlanta, with dlv-rif. Ing llnea; also Pulunan bleeping Cjt Porta tnoatb to Mouroo. 8:43 P. M., DAILY. For wtlmlngton. Charlotu. Chtr, Or wood, Ath-na, Atlanta an 1 all tntermaiat BtUlona. Coanecta at L'nlpn aUUon, AtUuU, with direrglug llnea. PuUmaa M.plug car Porumoath to Atlanta. TRAINS REACH RALEIOH- p DAILY From Norfolk, Portamooth. anl point north via Bxy 1 lue and N. Y. P. Ik It. Railroad; Petorabnrtr. Richmond and Washington Bal timore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston; also from Greenville, Plymouth. Washington, N. a, and eaatrrn Carolina point rlt weldon. i A. M., DAILY. "Atlanta Ppeclal." Pullman Vesttrmle. from Atlanta and poInU south, Athena, AbowrlUe, Oreenwood and Chester. 11:38 A. M , DAILY. From charlotte, Athena, Atlanta, and Inter- mediate iuuoim. J0 A. M.. DAILY. Atlanta Fpeciil." from Norfolk.Portamoath Henderson, weldon. Richmond, Washington. Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York aud ihe east. Magnificent Pul'ra n VeaUbaled Tnlna. No extra fare. AppW bucket agent, or to H. 8. Lbabd, Pol. peas Agnt, 0 Rieirrh. a E. Br. Joht. H. W. B Olovbr. andQen. Mun. Truffle Man. Gteaer&l Sapt. Oen. paaa. Agent. E. F. YARBORQUGH Life, Fire and Acci dent Insurance, 9 LOUISBURG, Nt C. Safe, Reliable Companies. Office in the Neal building up stairs, x i7tf 18. : - M 3!HK :x i DEATH DUST For removing; sod killitjr AaU. Roaches. (fed-Bo. (VatiiU. fro. too Bug-. SpiW. Kli. ttm aBj lAr on aimU. iRrU aud (Mr fc?2ia Tobacco FUnta a ad all toruM of irmect lfa Fix and Uu. qdrtor aro qity kilUd br tb rrunk Iron this powder, vhr bumd. Absolutely UanaW to Mitnand animitla, bat aart datb to innrrts. Prepared ooU br WlNKELHAN.t Si BROWV Dmrompin. Bsltlinorr, Ud P. 8. Tk so tbr vbich tby J claim is (ood. For U by lruxMts br and Mce to tam it May unGtrii. The taxes levied under M-hedole "B" iu the Revenue Law of North Carolina, chap r 1 L(j ratified the 12th day of Murch 1895, are license taxef for the privilege of practic ing r carrying on the businea or oc jpation therein mentioned. eraons prncth ing any trade or rofewsion, or doing busioe taxed v the laws of North Carolina in Franklin County Hre hereby notified to comply with the requirements o law or they inny expert tbe jenal ties to I enforced as required of iue in section 37. Sections 18-19-20-21-22-23-24 -31-34-35, requireti, the bating of purchiuee, gro-s receiptM, commis sions, or otberproprty Ac, nunifnl therein, within the rint ten dnvs of .fanuary nnd July of each nnd tbe receipt for the payment of such taxes, is n license, nnd authorize the person or firms to cminn busineas for the next 6 mo. tlis. and thos doing busineHH without pay ing taxes, are doing business with out a license, und subject them selves to the penalties imposed in Section 37. The uttntion of Magistrate, Con6tjibles and other county or tewn orHcern, art especially called to Sections 23-24-25-27-28 and 37 of this act. H. C. KEARNEY. Sh fT Louisburg, N. C. Mc'h. 25tb, '9G. TAYLOR'S PARLOR SALOON. Bargains! Bargains! Where at f D. H. Taylor & Co. J f,,r cheap Whiskeys, Brandies, Wines it Heer Where can yo-i get T Old home made corn whiskey at D. H. Taylor fe Co., from one wek to three years old, cheaper than ever hefore. Wbo keeps old It. A. STMT'S ROCK BRIDGE IU WARRANTED 4 i'EAItS OLD D. H. Tavlor & Co. Who keeps old Vagina Club. D. II. Taylor Co., and he also keeps th finest and cheapest home-made Brandy in town, other liquors of all kinds that is good, and cheaper than ever before. Special prices to all my customer, come one come all, polite nni prompt atteutiou and' skillful bur-tenders. OLD ROCK BRIDGE RYE IS THE STANDARD WORLD. OF THE Is guaranteed pure and is prescribed by the loading physi cians throughout the country, and the resident physicians of Lou is burg. Read the following testimonial : We prescribe StnaTts Rock bridge Whiskey whenever a stimulant is needed, knowing it to be absolutely purd and free from all adulterat on. ( J. E. M ALONE, Signed E.8. FOSTER. (J. B. CLIFTON. The above liquor is sold only by D. II. Taylor fe Co., exclusive agents, at their saloons on Nash St., who also carry a full litre of everything usually kept in a first-class saloon. Fresh beer & specialty. Your patronage solieited. Your friends, D. H. TAYLOR CO. TAKE NOTICE I Onr hack is run to the depot for tbe benefit of passengers who pay, and while we do not wish' to be discourteous tn anyone we respectfully aslfthat all 'Mead- neaaa . will either walk or pay HAYES & FULLER. FOR IBSECTS - K0.W00D HOUSE Wimatci, w.j. nonwooo,ri.rr1.r WkAtmsT Uotti ro 8roa a Coca-r an. FOR SALE. -JaVJTT"1 tn rtt , ! yybmp. oolklrtl nr fortb ca., aad bi-tx, OBJl rimm X,r-4 H A FAott, ' arrvatoa, N. i; NOTICE. 01 Iow t rir-n to a rm " Jr lor rS i iv . .... - r kUth- fonrl boo In rlM?" " "c c L rt l of Unj In TV I . k . . . . . . w ' w v F. a aj-atiix.CoatBiaUoer SALE OF LAND. Br lro- of a Wr- of iv Hor-ior Oari "rV' .Ann".Tror John W -..v. . . ii j kj j i r-i iia i n m ir. .i P H. Coi CorDiolMt-vnr. The Philadelphia Record P B N X SYLVAN I AS Ft) UK 10 ST Dillj Circslillsa 0-r loO.lKJO Copies Sa:Ji Circaiit93 0er 12U.000 Coj irs 'Tlie lUfoni" spurns n expense rt eolurt i her r late-t nevs)l" 1 1 1 Worll itS IVJl(l'lS, illld n .s Spet-. li depart ineiil tln'.i liy ci- perlH on iieaiui ami llyeinr, Farm an l ilousehjt .. Fashions, N-min Art Literature, Sporr, l urf, etc. JSriWCKIPTlON liATTA. Milled Posts Pais o so part ol tbe Uslte States or Cjjici- t)a 1 1 r Kduiuo, Daily and Suudar Daily KditKio. Daily and Suoday, $j uO p-r var. A UU ADDRESS The Resord PoJiisHing Co., 17-Uiy C healnot at., Philadelphia. I Build up Home. BY- PATR0NIZ1N3 HOME ENTERPRISE MALLOKYIUURIIAM CI1ER- OF DURHAM - N. C. ARE MANUFACTURING As FINK CIGARS CliBKUurs .iND C1GARROS As can o found on the market. Their leading bmudvare "BULL OF DURHAM" A dimetCigar for a nicklc. Hand liavaua filled. 'BLACKWELLS DURHAM' Namd in honor of Col. W. T. Blackwell, fathr of Durbauj 6 cnt SumatraWrapper. LITTLE SADIE, CUBAN CIG AR P. OS, 10 FOR 10 CENTS. ' OLD CHUNK" CHEROOTS, 5 for 10 cents. Tae finest smoke for tbe money. II OLD NORTH STATE' Cheroot, 3 for 5 cnt, a nor winner that always pleases.. Stick to home and send us your orders. t Uallorj Oar-aa CiKcol Ca.' DURIlAVf, N. C. Buy tbe BesL National Spkcial Tos oco FrtUlxr. soli by Klxur & i'WataaU. Sorbin '"Ur1 '- ,h "U- -Pr1t'1'. on tb- I t Dt r&inl M,t a a . ' wl To-U Ul. Ub Arrll IU lo: m- Uni nf Ivm.-M, jZ.'a Trf n.l Ih. Un. of Rutb-rfrl IVrrr i,nT! M r -1r1 rr whl-h tr.-f wu " oT . mon t r hi. f hr T-r'V.f VZ V4 " b Mrnb u n" faJl LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. :oc Who amy mith riir iLimnn. I ing or biir drtPf done, will dm wen u can on W. m. ALSTON A I. E. TII0MA8. Udi. I,a. roar ri.rf eut rjiht. V Dr. White oew hair grower. d' Mvsiraii Hair itclonx, Ayr Hair Vijtor, Triropbrei for tb hair and skin, nothing t b-at it to kep tbe hair frem fall ing out. HOTEL WO0DARD. W'. C. vtovbaaD, Pr Rcky Ut y.c. F re Cat arU all uaiaa. K 3 i-c ay. SHOE MAKING. MOSES WEST holds forth in rar of Thomas' Drug Store, (on the ai ly arLc U does she n-aking nd rtrpairin:,nd sruar antes to do work a .rood nM charer than any Shoe-Makt in the Stite. Come and see for younlf. Respectfully, M0SS WEST. R. R. CROSSEN. FIRST CLA&S PAINTER, LOCCPBCBG, !. C. I wUh rf-r raj avrtk to tb nai 'Ac. and will aar that I am prrj-arrd-1 . lo all kinds of h.o piBttog. irraia. mrf te. tj work m Loa .bcry pk for itr!f. and I ifr to all part. fc- bntn I hate wrrk-1 Old fornitcr ma le n-w Gi ro- joor patroca. ad jou iall b pU-ad. ). 0. & R S. CrilSTlAN KK'UMONI). Va. Prompt attention t order hu' MfMction (il AKANEKD. k d Rosas. Cutflowsrs. Bults &c k B.riq-jt. Poml IXuijrr.a. Pnbng FVrnn Ac . for hou d-orn!kn. Hvririnth. Tnlip. thin--- JJbi uid otht-r Bull for forrin? u,i ut ij.r pUctine-. V.vifrmo, Murnoluiv .-hi tr- ir H STEINMETZ Horf-t RaVeih. N. C. Tl. phone. No 113. For Sale. A dMrab li..iiiAr ;0t for !. Situated cm. Ma.n Street. Fur particular, a ply to DR. J B. CLIFTON. Jkn. ?th 18St MILL WRIGHTIN3. To tb.- .Bo o.n .'U I , r.rrT.rrd Ml. ..1 or ri ..r ii ik!ocmi ssath.y improxr burr. K,r rctlir( tr s . 0,I Ad3ri k at Y ,f L. L. BaraouoaiBv LOUISBURG Carriage Shops, H. C. TAYLOR. FrrpHetoc. It your Carriage, Bugy, Wap on or anything ju that line nedt repairing and vou want it doow rijibt, bring it to ice, lJ if TOa want your Carriage or Bugjry re painted in a Crat. cla mauner. hnog it to rne alo. I hart srrt-d my time undr a first-class pam ter and wood workman, C4n there lore aatitfaction iu aU work -ntrusid to tn. I hAv a firat-ciaas black mitii in !h- h!ack sm:tb shop wbo (oi ly unoVratanda evrTt bing abooc ins tuaiu, froio tboeiDg a bor. to iriiniLg a fine buggy. 1' do- not pay to have your work ootiDd up, o brin it along 'o ru h-rr i- WILL BE DONE RIGHT; my prices ar naavnablr I mak- Buggies and Wagons to ord"r. If you want a ood HcjjIE Made Buggy or Wauu. ic me .our orders, and you shall bav hat you w ant. .1 hanking my friend for their patruuae in tbo p: and solicit ing tbe miii in tutnrt-, 1 am, oura very rvtprct iuny, H. C i AYLOR. o u a WAruIJi Lsjyiis r aOctaaM Pt.BJIJrjJ iVBO IpBotUa, .UmCMIH Bin 1 MmpUTriiTnW yiaicMU Vsswsj sayU t n tea aw rtrafc s si lata a a, wsTsOi iun raxw: wtu errs a too tt taXea ha tiii taaa IU1MJITB raASTAViU OtfaV CATAHRH REMEDY, mmCiurrtl IViimIi hrawa. r 4 44 A1 "ilk u

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