Church Directory. Suuday School at 9:30 A. M. - - ' Geo. S. Bakee- Snpt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 7 P. M.. every Sunday. Prayer meeting weanesaay nignt. G. F. Smith, Pastor. , 1'ro fessional cards 15. B. MASSENBURQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. - -louisbobs, jr. c. Will practice in ail me courts oi the Bt&te omce in Coart Hoase. VI. CUOKK & BON, ATTORNBY8-AT-LAW, louisbuho, jr. o. Will attend the coarta of Nash, Franklin, Miiviu--. w arren ana Wake counties, also tbe upreiu'-' uouri ox iurui uarouup, alia tfle y.- jR. J. A1A.LONE. om.:e two doors below Aycocke & Co jdrutf ire. adjoining i)r. O. l. KUia."" D K. V II. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUISBURS, N. C. 8. HfHUlLL, ATTORN B Y-AT-L A W, LouiSBcae, n. c. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance. Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also iud supreme Uourt of North Carolina. Jfrompt ftiuMiumi given to collections, cc. mtluS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOOISBUBe, H. O. OiHce on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's T. fp W. BICKETT, A iIORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBUBS X. c. i'rotnpt and painstaking attention given to every matter intrusted to his hands. ilt-iers to Chief J ustice Shepherd, Hon. John U uiuiag, Hon. Root. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. uuxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win iwii, Uleuii Jit Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank ut Monroe, Chas. E. Taylor, fres. Wake For est College, Hon. K. W. 1'imDerlake. uffii;e iu Court House, opposite Sheriff's. W. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUB6, N. C. Practices in all courts. Office Jn the Court House. , li. YARBOROUGH, Ja, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LOUISBTJRG, N. ft. Oflicc on second floor of Neal building Street. Ill legal business intrusted to him w ill receive prompt and careful attention. J. M. C. HILL, THE TINNER, id prepared to do all kind of tin work, re (i-iinug, &c. All work guaranteed. Place ui mistiness on Main ecreet in house recently u .'-upied by F. Parrish. RUFFIN & LEWIS BLACKSMITHS We are prepared to do all kinds of work ia our line. Call to see as at our uop near the Louisburg mills. DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office over ilacket Store. (iraduate Baltimore Dental College. 1 '.venty-four years active experience. iiTiriciAL teeth a specialty. Natural tth removed and new ones inserted in TWENTY MINUTES. ; . All work warranted.' : ' Louisburg is my home "for better or tforse" and you will always find me ready to correct at my own expense any work that may prove unsatisfactory. Very truly, R. E. KING, Dentist. YARBOROUGH & DAVIS, The blacksmiths OF LOUISBURG. All work in our line done on short n tice, and satisfaction guaranteed. have our new shop (the old ten pin M ty) in good sha pe and are better pre pared than ever to serve our custo diers. STILL AT THE BRIDGE. BLACK-SMITHING. Where I am well known and prepared to do my same work. I hope you will see me as yju hav, done before. You will find me on lie hast aide of the River bridge, Main street' louisburg, n. c. While I am doing all kinds ot macksmithing, don't forget fhat I am also prepaaed io repair your gun, such as putting new locks &c. I have a few guns which I save repaired that will be sold lfnot called for u ten days. Yours truly A. T. Nkal tfKANKLINTOfl HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C. . G, M. EOBBS, Prp'r. Oood accomodation for the traveling Public. , . Good Livery AttachedT OSBORN HOUSE, c- D. OSBORN, Proprietor, r Oxford,.N. C. : : ; ood accommodations tot the raveling public. MASSENBURG HOTEL k I Massenburg I?ropir HENDERSON, N. C- ' Good aceoTnmArloTi'AB Hte and attentive servants.. M YOU WANT A HOUSE? if 80 you will do wall in. or see J. Levister at Louisburg, Delore COntrftf.t.ina Pinna nu16.01.008 estimates made jj-- outings, WHEN SHOULD fcrlRLS MARRY? A girl should marry when ehe is capable of understanding and ful ling t&e duties of a true wife and tuorougn Housekeeper, and- never before; ! ? Nomatter how old she i mar b if she is not capable of managing a house in every department of it, she is not old enough to. get mar- the position of wife and home maker, the man who holds w promises has every right to suddosb that she knows ' herself competent io nuftii it. t If she proves incom petent or unwilling, he has good reason to consider himself cheated. No matter bow plain the home may be, if it is in accordance with the husband's means and he finds it neatly kept, and the meals fno matter how simple) served from shining dishes and clean table inen, that husband will leave his nome with loving words and thoughts,' and looks ahead with eagerness to the time when he can return. Let a'vounff woman nun he piano and acquire every ac complishment within her power, the more the better, for every one will be that much more power to be used in making a happy home. At the same time if she cannot go to the kitchen, if necessary, and cheerfully prepare just as good a meal as anyone could, with "the same material, and serve it neatly after it is ureDared. sha rmrl w. ter defer her marriage until she earns. If girls would thoroughly fit hemselves for the position of in telligent housekeepers before they marry, there would be fewer dis contented, unhappy yives and more happy homes. Exchange. A DOG STORY Rescue Two of Their Kind That Were in Distress One of the most peculiar inci-v dents in the annals of animal in stinct occurred in Rutlandshire. recently, the facts of which, says r-earson s,are as follows: Squire X is one of the best known char acters in that part of the country. A lew days ago he missed two of his best pporting dogs, and his general supposition was that they bad been stolen. Recently how ever, he was surprised to see one of his pets walk into the house. followed a minute later by the other, both wearing the annear- ance of utter destitution. Investigation revealed the 'fol lowing facts: While out shooting a neighbor came across a brokeu bank on his estate, and two of his dogs showed uneasiness at a hole iri the ground. Nothing he could do would induce the dogs to leave the spot, and lie finally secured a spade and began digging for the cause of the trouble,. Eight feet of j earth was dug away before the truth was out. Then he discov ered the two dogs, evidently buried from their own exertion in endeavoring, to chase a rabbit. They had been there for 13 days and were nearly famished. On their return to the Squire's house they were followed by the animals who had rescued themand prompt treatment saved the lives of both. Here's aTgood on from the Mon roe Enquirer: "'VvV heard a story some time ago which struck us as being an exceedipgly good one illustrating the greatness of being a true Democrat. The atory run neth thus: A good man died and all his neighbors turned out to the funeral. As there was no minister present, an old friend of the de ceased was asked t6 say something after the coffin had been lowered in the grave. The old fellow walked slowly to : the- foot of the open grave and delivered - the fol lowing oration pvef the dead body of his friend: "My friends there lays as good a- Democrat as 7 water ever wt or Ban ever dried.'. He then turned slowly away with the consciousness that he had done bis full duty ? and had heaped the highest praise upon bis fellow being." . We Have Not Yet FaUen so Low. Jfew Berne Journal. However desperate the position of the Democratic-, party may be, the majority of its 'members have not fallen so low as to become the political chattel of ar few design ing and office-seeking politicians, who, wearing the badge of Dem ocracy in public, are in secret will, ing to see their party destroyed, if their own ends can thereby be served. The faithful and sincere Demo crats of North Carolina, " however they may individually stand upon the currency question makes no difference, cannot fail to denounce these betrayers, and utter a protestl against anything of a character which means betrayal of the party to Butler. Not a word will be said against the return of the Populists to the Democratic ranks; and the indica tions of a State convention for free silver can be a sufficient excuse for their returning, but for the Demo cratic party to give itself up to Marion. Butler, and follow his beck and call; ought to arouse the fury of every Democrat. Let the anything-for-office Dem ocrats go in to the Butler camp if they will; let the Democratic party go down in the next campaign, but let it be defeated with its face to the enemy, its principles intact, and its political integrity un sullied. Away with all offers of exchange of principle for office, of fusion with Butler to insure success! If Democratic success can only be attained through B'utlerism, may the party perish rather than suc ceed through such agencies. Learn to Laug;h. A good laugh is better than medicine. Learn how to tell a story. A well told story is as wel come as a sunbeam in a sick room. Learn to keep your troubles to yourself. The world is too busy to care for your ills and ssrrows. Learn to stop croaking. If you cannot see any good in the world, keep the bad to yourself. Learn to hide your pains and aches un der a pleasant smile. No one cares to hear whether you have the earache, headache or rheumatism. Don't cry. Tears do well enough iu novels, but they are out of place in real life. JLearn to meet your friends with a smile. The good-humored man or woman is always welcome, but the dyspeptic or hypochondrioc is not wanted anywhere, and may be a nuisance as well. Selection of Seed Corn. Farmers as a general rule are not careful enough in their selec tion and care oJ corn for seed. Many practice storing their seed corn in an open corn crib before it is thoroughly dry. The germ of corn being porous, absorbs mois ture and being subject to hard freezing during the winter. As a result the germ re nartiallv or wholly destroyed and the chances of its growing under the most favorable circumstances is very limited. An authority says while husking the best ears should be saved and placed in a dry room andycured by fire drying. Corn treated in this way is sure to grow and make vigorous and healthy grow thiDro vers' Journal. Wanted a Big- One. The annual report of Biddefords city missionary, just made public, shows some queer sides of human nature, as well as many pitiful cases of suffering. For instance, one woman, who had two or three small Bibles, asked the missionary fo get her one of thoaa nice family Bibles, worth about ; $14 One family who applied for aid were found breakfasting' on fricasseed rabbit, bread andA butter,' mince pie, and tea, when the missionary surprised them by the, unexpected call. 1 Children. Cry.for Pitcher's Castorla. LOUISBURq.-N. C.; -FRTOAY, MAY-.S, He Compromised. Oie of Calgary's recent cohtuu gent to the coast evidently; knew ; but little about the Chinook, judg ing by the story that is being told on him. Wishing to get some clams to take.back with him. he asked an old squaw, who bad obi webs in her eyes and a basket on her head, what she wanted for a basketful, and the blushing bru nette, replied : ."Sitcura dollar, bayas klosh." . To this tba gay Calgaryite said : 'Tumping yiia miny! .Six dollars and .all my clothes f No by gingersnap ! I'll give you $2.50, my wath and over coat." It is unnecessary Jo state that the offer was accepted, as all the dusky maiden asked for the clams was four bits How to Make Lemonade. Here is a good way to make lemonade, which, you will be sur prised to learn, is best mad with boiling water. For a quart of lemonade take the juice of three lemons, using the rind of one. Carefully peel this wnd very thin! getting just the yellow outside; cut it into small pieces and put it with two ounces of powdered su gar, into the juice. These should all be put in a small stone crock, with a cover, and when the water is just boiling, pour a quart of it over then. Clap the cover on and set it away to get cold. New York Times. LADIES oo too not DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S Steels Pennyroyal Pills on the market. Price. $1.00; at by mail. Oenuino sold onlj b SF RRHM'Q for EiTnr.B mt. LC DnUli OThU reiuedv la. Jeeted directly to the nu or tuose a:teNcs of the Genito-Urln&ry Organs, requires to change of diet. Core ruranteH in 1 to 8 days. Hraall plain pack ace. by mall, Sl.oo. Hold only by $500 Reward! WE will pay the above reward for any ease oi Ulver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache In- tugcsuon constipation otvCosUvenesa we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Lhrer rills, when the directions are stricUy complied with. Ther are nurelv Vezetahl. nH nmr r.;i j. isfaction. Suerar Coated. Beware of counterfeits nd imitation Ti nine manufactured only by THE JOHN C WEST COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. J E. F, YARBOROUGH Life, Fire and Acci- dent Insurance. LOUISBURG, N. C. Safe, Reliable Companies. Office in the Neal building up stairs. f7tf CATTLE WANTED We want 200 bead of cows and yearling and will pay the CASH. We do not pay fancy prices as we are not on the market for blooded or improved stock. We also want to buy-a number of sheep. We have six cows with young calves which we will sell or ex change for dry cows. We have two bvggjes and a few stoves which we will ex change for dry cattte. We ha vert wo yokes of good steers for sale. Tours truly - K. P. IIILL & CO. MILL WRIGHTINQ. To those wto own mills I atn prepared o build or -repair all kinds of mill machinery and improve burrs for making nice floor." also would rent a mOl for 1896. or work for wages if suited. Address me at Youngs yille,N.C.: . -V . . 'if. L.E.-BABTHOLOMKW Just received at J. P. Winston's 800 suits very fine clothing, 500 pair pants, ' and 200 pair ill wool orer tod nnder shirto, less than Kew York cost. J. P. has just returned from the North with these poods and says he bought cheaper than he eierdid, , J : 189G. V- D. T. SMITHWICK LortsBTJM, X. C. , Offles ia Neal IwildtBg with S. F. EHia.- HOTELWOODARD. W. C. WoODAkD, Pre, Boekj Uoant, K. C 'r Free Bos meets all trains. - B $3 per day, .NORWOOD HOUSE . WirreBtoB, . Koiti CinQii. "W. J. NOnwooO, Proprietor. Pstronajre of Commercial Tourists and Traveling- luUlc HoUuuxL ana 6dSaMli Bmmi.: , Ruitn Horn, to Sroau avo Cocrr Hook. ACiBD' To the people of Lo'uUtfurg and Frank Ma county: After Uaj 3, 1898, I will be ia my office in Louisburg where I will be pleased to wait on any Who may need my service in dental surgery. I am prepared to do all kinds of work ia my profession at reasonable prices, and guarantee satisfaction. I will administer gas U required. ap!24-tf. Ed. F. Easly, D. D. S. J. D. & R S. CHISTIAN IfllQleSals- mm, RICHMOND, Va. Prompt" attention to order and sat Hfaction UUARANEED. Roses. Cutflowers. Bulbs &c. Bouquets, Floral Deeigns, PrtliDg Ferns &c, for house decoration. Hyacinths, Tulips, Chinese Lilies and other Bulbs for forcing and out-door planting. Evergreens, Mtgnoliaa, Shade trees Jtc. H. STEIN METZ, Florist, Raleigh, N. C. Telephone, No. 113. R. R. CROSSEN. FIRST CLASS PAINTER, LOCISBURO, X. C. I wish to offer my services to the puu lic, and will say that I am prepared t. do all kinds of house painting, graiD ing &c. y work in Louisburjr speak for itself, and I refer to all parties for whom I have worked. Old fornitur made new. Give me your patronag and you shall be pleased. 1 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Who may wish nice shampon ing or hair dressing done will do well to call on W. M. ALSTON fc I. E. THOMAS. Ladies have your bang cut right. We have Dr. White new hair erower. Van's Mexican Hair Restorative, Ayer's Hair "Vigor, Tricopheron for the hair and skin, nothing lo beat it to keep the hair from -falling out. TAKE NOTICE. All persons indebted to King &. Macon are hereby requested to make settlement of same at once, or their account will be put in the hands of an officer for collection. KING & 1IACON. For Sale. A desirable building lot for eale. Situated on Main Street. For particulars, apply to DR. J. B. CLIFTON. Jan. 29th 1896. Groceries ! Groceries ! ! Groceries ! ! ! Groceries III! Fancy Groceries Fresh Groceries, Groceries Cheap, Heavy Groceries, "Family Groceries," BOTTOM PRICES. I am now handling the nicest line of heavy and fancy groceries ever before handled in Louisburg, with prices to suit all, my "Roanoke Flour" will talk for Ha self. Fresh polksausage always on hand (ex ceptMondays). hie lard at 9c. per. pound, others eell same at 10 to 12c. Fresh water ground mea'. You will fineya nice line of plain and fancy candies, cakes, crackers, tin ware, dates, cheese, apples, oranges, lemons, raisons, cigars, cheerotts, cigarette, in fact everything' yon need to make you eujoy a good meal at home, call to eee me before purchasing your groceries I can save you money. All goods will 1 delivered In the corporate limates, Yours respectfully, B C. BJVTCUELQR, ; Beef. Bed Springs, andjjides. If you want to boy or sell good milk cows, Hides or Cattle Of any kind, see mo bo- fore yon bny or sell, I buy. 11 or exchange, I also have on hand a nice lo of Jones patent BED SPRINGS. No superior, which I will put on at a clays notice, cheap for the money, ot excnange for any kind of stock or produce Best Bed Spring in the world, satisfaction guaran teed or no pay, over 100 sold in Frunklin county. Auction goods, and good work oxen for sale. E.J. RAGRDALE&CO. The Philadelphia Record PENNSYLVANIA'S FORK MOST NKWSPAPKR. Dally Circclitloi Over ltW.000 Copies Saodty Clrcalitioa Over 120,000 Copies "The Record" spares no expense to collect the very latest news of the World for its readers, and has special departments i dited by ex perts on Health and Hygeine, Farm and Household. Fashions, Science, Art, Literature, Sports, The Turf, etc. ScBacRirriox Rates. Milled Postage Paid ta any part of tae United States or Caaada. Daily Kdaion, - 25c. pr month. Dailj and Sundsr. 3jc. Daily Edition, Daily and Sunday, 00 pvt yar. 4 00 ADDRESS The Record Publishing Co., 917-919 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Build up Home, by PATRONIZING! HOME ENTERPRISE MALLORY DURHAM CIIER ROOTE CO.. OF DURHAM - N. C. ARE MANUFACTURING AS FINE CIGARS CHEROOTS .iND CIGARROS As can oe found on the market. Their leading brands are "BULL OF DURHAM" A dime Cigar for a uickle. Hand Havana filled. 'BLACKWELLS DURHAM1 Named in honor of Col. W. T. Blackwell, father of Durham 5 ont SumatraWrapper. LITTLE SADIE, CUBAN CIG ARROS, 10 FOR 10 CENTS. "OLD CHUNK" CHEROOTS, 5 for 10 cents. The finessmoke for the money. "OLD NORTH STATE" Cheroot, 3 for 5 cents, a sure winner that always pleases. Stick to home and send us your orders. Uallorj Durban Cbercot Co. DURHAM, N. .C FOR SALE. ! I bsvs wrml las rrala. rrs, cotton asd tobsrro laroa is WarTseoBty. vnirfc I will nsU -rrry cWpi oss-thta! or fearta cash, and bsiaacs os long tim. f 4mLn4. , . . II. A Foots. DAVIS' BAR LOUISBURG. N.C. Since lbs firs w have bought an. other stock ol choic WbUkic, . Wines, Br, Cigars, Jtc, tb sam . old brands that every body liked so well, logttner witn several addition al brands o! renowned WbUlW, wur BiikU(j iM in ina Jasper Murphy Office. WTjith we have fluted op In band. aom stji . and thorooghlv equip ped in every way, and cordially in vite you to call and se u in our new quarters, assuring them ot a hearty welcome snd guaranteeing all drinks served in the highest style of the art. Our reputation as expert drink mixers is too well known for u to say anything in that conviction. "We thank our friends most cordi ally for their paat patronAge and eorotly request a continuance of the same. Give us a triaJ. Respectfully, S. S. DAVIS. TAYLOR'S PARLOR SALOON. Bargains! Bargains! Where at T D. H. Taylor A Co. for cheap Whiskeys, Bandies, Wines & Beera. Where can yoa get f Old home made corn whiskey at D. H. Taylor t Co., from one week to three years old, cheaper than erer before. Who keeps old R. A. STUART'S ROCK BRIDGE RYE WARRANTED 4 TEARS OLD D. H. Taylor & Co. Who keeps old Virgin Club. D. H. Taylor Co., and he also keeps the finest and cheapest home-made Brandy in town, other liquors of all kinds that is good, and cheaper than eter before. Special prices to all my customers, come one corn all, polite and prompt attention and skillful bar-tenders. OLD ROCK BRIDGE RYE IS THE STANDARD WORLD. OF THE Is guaranteed pure and is prescribed by the leading physi cians throughout the country, and the resident physicians of Louisburg. Read the following testimonial : We prescribe Stuarts Hock bridge Whiskey whenever a stimulant is needed, knowing it to be absolutely pure and free from all adulteration. J. E. MALONE. Signed E.8. FOSTER, J. B. CLIFTON. The above liquor is sold only by D. II. Taylor, & Co., exclusive agents, at their saloons on Nash St., who also carry a full line of everything usually kept in a first-class saloon. Fresh beer a specialty. Your patronage solicited. Your friends, D. XL TAYLOR & CO. i r1 ! LATTXV C(2)l!y(9l S3 Olil) SUOOsrSettls. CkivsCclM H 9 prom ptirj ntwwm W sv las; Cots;. a4 rlrmh ssrar4 (si UI nrma voo tf ttaso ts ttrssw Acts' by rvarrtsts t s rnr Frr t asm nscs sQsa,nssaAintrs rULHXM ata.' HJLOH'SCATARRH mm tSctSL. X 4 to curs -rou. frtns Wc L.4 1..

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