' ' ' z. - 1 ' 1 , : v ' ' . VOL. XXVI. LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1896. Methodist Church Directory. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. .. ; Geo. S. Baker. Sapt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 7 P. M., very Sunday. , vaver meeting Wednesday night. 1 y G. F. Smith, Pastor. I'rot'essional cards. ' 15. B. MASS EN BURG, TOWN ORDINANCES. At a meeting of the Commission ers of the Town of Louisbure. held May 13, 1896, the following Ordi nances were adopted for the gov ernment of said town: Ordinance 1. It shall not be law. f ul for any live stock tojrun at large within the corporate limits of the town, to be ridden, driven or fed upon the sidewalks, nor hitched to ATTORNEY AT LAW. , - I 11 A u-.ii nractice in all the Courts of the State me trees, paiungS Or tences On the " i - i 1 1 . omce in coon tiouse. siae waiss under nenaltv of two I. . aoiiars ror each offense. Ordinance 2.Anvv person who shall drive or ride ahorse or a mote at an unusual speed ' through the c. A TT O RNB Y8-AT-L AW, LOUISBUBS, H. 0. M Mi attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, f Y ... riFMiiVl m Court S circuit aud District Courts, n;, vvarrenwia wake counties, ajao the streets of Louisburg (unless in case ,e court of North CarOlinp, and the U. , , I) R. j. B. id. ALONE. iiitlce tWO uours uciun nwv-no drag store, adjoining Dr. O. u JSllls. Co.'s D R. W. U. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, 1.0UISBUE9, N. C. SFHUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L0UISBUR9, N. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, nrmiville, Warren anu wk.o wuu, tne riuilreuie Court of North CaroUna. V rompt EOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, h.. Main street, over Jones & CoopeT's utoru. T T. W. BICKETT, -r .wn nrnVSW.T.T.OR AT LAW. ALlUttiMl a.ixiJ LOUISBUBS N. C. .. a oinatabinor attention eiven to John Winston. Hon. J. C. Ill, ttU"J CJ ; -v hio hflnna eVH,-fers to Chief Justice Snepherd, Hon, . X7 ""' '"." .r.rN.snnai Bank of Win- tn U Venn & MTy; Winston, Peoples Bank f,t Monroe. Chas. KL Taylor, Pres. Wake For- lu court nuiuw, ujijfum Of fioe iu PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBG, N. C. Prtis in all courts. Office in the Court House. -iir H. YARBOROUGH, JR. V . ATIORNEY AT LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C. nffice on second floor of Neal building Miiin Street. mi lpo-al hnsiness intrusted to him w ill receive prompt and careful attention. of necessity) shall be fined five dollars. Ordinance 3. Any person who shall leave any horse, mule or ox harnessed to any vehicle on the streets of the town of Louisburg or on the depot yard for the period of rive minutes unattended, except when necessary to load or unload carts or wagons shall be fined one dollar for each offense. Ordinance 4. No person shall ex- t ' i i niDib or snow any stud norse or jackass, or put a stud horse or jack ass to any mare within the limits of the town under penalty of ten dollars for each offense. 0rdinance5. Any person who shall leave any cart, wagon or vehicle of any kind upon the streets or side walks of the town during the night shall be fined two dollars for each offense. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to tie and feed any i -i Mr i . norse, muieor ox on main street in the town of Louisburg under a pen alty of two dollars for each offense. .Ordinance 6. If any hog, shoat or pig shall die within the corpor ate limits of the town with cholera or any other disease, the owner thereof shall burn the carcass or bury the same at least two feet in the ground within six hours after the notice of the death of said am mal and ou failure to do so shal be fined five dollars. Dr. J. K. Palmer, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN. 7 FRANKLINTON, - - N.C 3 o? essional service to the Ordinance 13, Any person hav ing firewood cut on the streets of the town will be required to have the chips and trash removed imme diately, under a penalty of two dollars. Ordinance 14. Sec 1. Any person who ehall throw or cause to be thrown any trash, wood orxther ob struction into the gutters of the streets of the the town shall be li able to a fine of five dollars for each offence. Sec 2. No person shall sweep, throw or deposit any garbage or burn, except with the permission of the Mayor, any trash in the streets of thetown, under a penal ty of hve "dollars for each "-offense. Sec. 3. The occupant of any lot or store house in town who shall allow any garbage or trashVto be swept, thrown or deposited on the streets or in the ditches shall be subject to a fine of five dollars for each offense. Sec 4. The owners or occupant of every store, bar-room, restaurant, office or other business house within the town of Louisburg shall be and are hereby required to have con tinually on the premises a box, bar rel or other receptacle in which shall be swept, thrown or deposited all of the trash or garbage accumu lating within their respective places of business; and said boxes, bar rels or receptacles shall at least as often as once a week be emptied aud hauled off at the expense of the town. All persons failing to com ply with this ordinance shall be fined two dollars for each offense. Ordinance 15. Sec. 1. Any person who shall cause or commit any nui sance around any dwelling or other house within the corporate limits of the town shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars for each offense. Sec. .2. No person living in the town shall allow any nuisance to ex ist on his or her premises, and any person failing to abate any nuisance ou his or her premises when ordered to do so by the Mayor or town police man shall be subjeet to a fine often dollars. Sec. 3. No person shall make any excrementitious deposits or si augh ter any livestock on any of the pub lic grounds of the town under a pen alty of five dollars for each onense. Ordinance46. Every oceupant.of a lot in the corporate limits of the town, shall at all times keep his or Off r ppoprs 'ii sipro n. 11. E. KING, D. T. SMITHWICK. King & Smith wick, DENTISTS. LOUISBURG, N. Ordinance . lne owner ot any dead carcass or carrion who shal permit the same to remain within the limits of the town for one day after he has notice of its existence shall be fined five dollars, and two ' . . ... - dollars additional for every day the her lot in a cleanly condition under same shall remain. If not removed a penalty oi ten dollars ior ianure by the owner, the same shall be re- so to do. moved by the town Constable at Ordinance 17. Sec. 1. No person the expense of the owner, or at the shall indecently expose or exhibit expense of the town if the owner his or her person within the limits of the town under a penalty of five dollars for the first, and for each C. "Work in everv department o! Denistry pxccuted with skill and accuracy. Office Opera House building. Dentistry, -W. H. EDWARDS OF WAKE FOREST, N. C. Will visit Louisburg on Motday.Tuesday ami Wednesday following the first Sunday in nach month and at Franklinton on Fri lay and Saturday of the same week, pre pared to do all kinds of Dental work. Crown and bridge work a specialty. Pos itively lean put inartificial teeth in one hour after extracting the teeth- Office in Meadow's hotel, room No. 9, at Kouishurg, and at E. W. Morris' residence, 1'riinklinton. cannot be found Ordinance 8. The Commissioners of the town shall have authority to direct the removal of any pig pen, or any other nuisance within the corporate limits of the town, when iu their iudgment it shall be ne- HOTEL'S. HOTEL WOODARD, i W. C. WOODAfcD, Prop., Rocky Mount; N. C. Free Bus meets all trains. subsequent offense ten dollars. Sec. 2. No lewd woman or woman of suspicious character shall be on the streets of Louisburg at night after 8 o'clock under a penalty of cessary for the health or comfort of five dollars for each offense, any portion of the inhabitants of Ordinance 18. Sec. 1. Throw the town and if the owner or oecu- ing missiles, rolling hoops, play pant of the premises shall fail to re- ingatball, wrestling ot boxing, move said pig pen or other nui- ot any other game on the streets, sance within three days, after hav- or any of the public squares xf the ial in a position where it could eu ing proper written notice, then be town shall be prohibited under a danger the safety of the town from or she shall be fined ten dollars, penalty of one dollar for each and liability to fire shall be subject to every offense. a nne of twenty-nve dollars Rp. 2. All iramesof whatever Ordinance 32. When any person tir.r1 nn anv nf t.h Rtreet.fl nr nnh. shall be found drunk and down, li HnnF nf the, tnwn on the Sah- or in a disorderly condition with shall continually have on the prem- bath day shall be prohibited under in the town of Louisburg, shall be IBM nnA ladder RnttilAnt. lentrth t.n I a nanaltv nf fitro Hnllnra fnr oaoh UnoU UB UUllttTS. Ordinanca 23. Any person who shall, in the corporate limits cT. the town, publicly use any obscene or profane language, or be .guilty of any disorderly conduct tend ing to violate the peace, quiet and good order of the town, shall be subject to a penalty of twenty dollars. "4..: Ordinance 24. Every owner or lessee of any business house in town shall be responsible for any disor derly conduct upon his premises or in his house, and every owner or lessee of any business house in town who shall permit any disor derly conduct in his bouse or upon his premises without reporting the game on affidavit to the Msy.j- the town, shall be subjeet to & fine of ten dollars. Ordinance 25. No privy shall be built or placed or allowed to re maiu within lb feet of any of the streets of the town under penalty of ten dollars. Ordinance 26. It. shall not be lawful for any bitch to run at large while in heat, within the corporate limits of the town, under penalty of five dollars, to be paid by the owner. If the owner cannot be found it shall be the duty of the constable to kill the bitch. Ordinance 27. All barber shops ,in town shall be closed from Sat urday night at 12 o'clock, until Sunday night at 12 o'clock ani no barber shall carry on his busiupss during that time under a penalty of five dollars. Ordinauce 28. It shall be un lawful for any person whatever. (except in case of necessity) to sell or offer for sale any article what ever on the Sabbath day, except ice and ipilk, aud articles necessary for burial purposes, within the cor porate limits of the town, under a penalty of ten dollars for each of fense. Ordinance 29. All shops or places for the sale of spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, shall be closed on each Sabbath in the year from 12 o'clock on Saturday night to 12 o'clock on Sunday nii?ht, and no person or persons shall, dur ing or between these times, in auy licensed liquor saloon, sell or give away any spirituous, vinous or malt liquors except in case of sick ness, and then only upon a certifi cate of a practicing phy sictftiif and any one or more persons seen go ing in or out of a Bar Room be tween said hours shall be deemed prima facie evidence of the guilt of the proprietor of said Bar Room. Any person violating this ordi nance shall for the first offense pay a fine of ten dollars, for the second offense a fine of twenty dollars ; for the third offense have his li cense revoked. Ordinance 30. Any person who interferes in any way with any of the street lamps or lamp posts in town except those employed for the purpose, npon conviction, shall pay a fine- of ten dollars for each and every offense. Ordinance 31. Any person who shall place any combustible mater- and the Commissioners may have the same removed. Ordinance 9. Every owner of a house within the limits of the town reach the eaves of such house. Any and every offense. iis $2 per day. NORWOOD HOUSE Warrenton, North Carolina. W. J. NORWOOD, Proprietor. Patronaire of Commercial Tourists and Traveling Public Solicited. Good Sample Boom. Nearest Hotel to Sioeks and Cotjet Hotjhs. TltANKLlNTOH HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C. G. M. HOBBS, Prp'r. Sec. 3. No person shall play cards or any other game of chance on the streets or public squares of the town under a peualty of ten dol lars for each offense. Ordinance 19. The following shall be the fire limits of the town of LouisburfiT, N. C: within 200 feet of that part of Main street ly- public. Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, 0. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. one failing to comply with this or dinance shall be fined ten dollars. Ordinance 10. Sec. 1. Whenever the shingles of any house within the coporate limits of the town shall become so decayed as to be dangerous on account of fire the Board of Commissioners may de clare, and the owner or owners ,of such house shall be required to re-1 ing between Tar River Bridge and cover the same within such time of R. D. rinnell s corner on Main as the Commissioners may think street and Dr. O. L. Ellis' office reasonable, under penalty of the I on the East, with n two hundred sum of ten dollars for neglect td feet 6f Nash street between Spring do so. street and the ditch near Thomas Warehouse, within 200 feet of j. i. x nan t i. stove or stove pipe snau oo uobiucu r , ' , .... .... r vQ .af0fff nf marset Hireou uuu wivum earn niu , j i nseu iu cuuBiiruviiuu ui uuwiud sioners ana tney may couuo oiu auu i ,. . . , . , . of the use of the same until it shall ?.or ba" adl.n wAfch" D6 SO repaired or rocuiiotruutou ao i ... . : to make it safe; and any person J who shall use any such chimney, J Ordinance 20. It shall be nn stove or stove pipe after it has been lawful for any person to ride a en nnndemned. shall be subiect to bicycle on the sidewalks of the r:1 nor any material iooi accomodation for the traveling so declared by the Town Commis- -nhii I j it a I need a fine of ten dollars. Ordinance 11. No Ordinance 33. It shall be un lawful for any person to jump on or off the train in the corporate limits, while in motion, under a penalty of five dollars. Ordinance 34. The town clerk shall be ex-officio sexton' to the public graveyard in the town, aud all interments therein shall be made by' and under the supervis ion of the commissioners of the town. Order and regularity shall be observed in diggiug graves and making interments. All persons expecting to make interments' therein, shall apply to the Clertr and have small lots of ground marked off and a record thereof made in the book. As a compen sation to the Clerk for his atten tion to the duties herein assigned, he shall charge fifty cents. He shall also charge fifty cents for the town and pay he same to the town treasurer, for each spot of ground assigned large enough for a grave, and he may collect the same by warrant if not voluntari ly paid. Any person making in terment in said grave -yard con- person shall town of Louisburg, unde the pen- trary to the provisions of this or alty of two dollars for eacn offense, dinance shall be fined five dollars . I M r-t Ti t 11 i rn ha a rrl iaH tr 4VtA i m t rn w a rv ant. M A QT7TiTTPP "PYYTFT pile or have piled any manure, urn- urainance'zi. ii snau do Un- -fk"- MA&fcliJNJSUJttr I1U1M.. wood V. other obstruction lawful for persons to sjsaemble to- of sa;d graveyard. J I Massenburg Propr HENDERSON, N. C , Ordinance 37. Any ferson or persons refosiug to assist the Con stable or any other town officer when called upou to assist to make an arrest shall be fined ten dollars. Ordinance 38. Any owner of any house or houses in the town of Louisburg, who shall rent the same as bawdy bouses or houses of ill fame or with a knowledge that they are being used as bawdy bouses or houses or ill fame, hall be subject to a fine of fifty doJlars. Ordinance 39. Any occupant or ocupants of any bawdy house or bouse of ill fame, who shall con tinue the same, or wh shall suffer or allow prostitution therein for iwv days after being so adjudged, shall be fined fifty dollars. No. 40. That it shall be unlaw ful for any parson to throw any un clean water from the windows of any house upon the streets or side walks of the town of Louisburg, under a penalty of five dollars No. 41. Anv person malicious ly injuring or interfering with any of the telephone property in the towu of Louisburg, shall be fined fifty dollars. Ordinance 42. Any person de siring to practice any profession, busiuess or trade, taxed by any ordinance o this town shall before commencing suco. professicu, busi ness or trade, pay the tax required and obtaiu a license signed by the Constable and Mayor of the towu, to practice such profession, busi uess or trade. Any person en gaged in or practicing any profes sion, business or trade taxed by any ordinance of this town, without having first paid the tax and ob tained the license, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on convic tion ehall be fined fifty dollars. Ordinance 43. Any person who 6hall sell or offer for sale any prize boxes or patent medicines of any kind withiu the corporate limits of the town must first obtain and pay a license of five dollars. jSaid license will entitle him to sell for one year from date. inis snail not apply to the regularly licensed merchants of the town. Ordinance 44. Any persou con-j victed of violating any one of the ordinances of the town who is not able to pay the fine and cost im posed upon him, may be confined at hard labor on the streets of the town until the fine and costs are paid. Ordinance 45. Every person re quired to list property or polls in the town of Louisburg, shall make out and deliver to the list-taker a statement on oath of all real and personal property, money, credits, investments in bonds, stocks, joint stock companies, annuities or other wise, and the value of improve ments on real estate since the same was assessed, in his possession or under his control on the let day of June, either as owner or holder thereof, or as parent, husband, guardian, trusteu, executor, ad ministrator, receiver, accounting officer, partner, agent, factor, or otherwise. Any person failing to lft his taxables during the month of June upon the same days the township list is taken shall be lia ble to a double tax. Ordinauce 46. All taxes for the town of Louisburg (except license) shall be due and collectible on the first day of October in each year and every person failing to pay his taxes by the 31st of December in every year, shall be guilty of a misdemeauor, and be, upon con viction before the Mayor, hned double the amonut of said taxes, provided, however, that said fiqe shall in no case exceed fifty dollars. Ordinance 47. Anv person or persons who shall disturb any church during religious wo ship) shall be fined ten dollars for each offense. Ordinance 4$. Any person who shall tie or stake a cow, ox, or live stock of any kind, for the purpose of grazing upon the streets or side walks of the town of Louisburg shall be fined two dollars fo each onense. Odinance 49. After conviction and judgment for the violation of any of the ordinances of the to the Mayor is authorized to remit so much of the penalty as in bis judg ment the circumstances may war rant. Ordinance 50. The penalties designated in the foregoing ordi nances shall he recovered by the Mayor, in the name of the Com missioners of the town of Liouis- burg. On every company of Qrotiea or other persons pretaodiog to tall fortune, $10 per year. On itinerant dealers in Llghnting rods $20 per year. On itinerant dealers in stove, ranges, clocks, $10 per year. On auctioneers or criers $2.50 per ysar. On all horse drovers or dealers in horses, $20 per annum. On each billiard or pool table kept for public nse whsthtrin coo nection with or separate from any place where liquor is sold, $10 pr year. On each bowling alley or alley of the like kind, bs gate lie tatle. or stand or , place , for any other game or play, with or witboat a name (unless for private amuse ment or exercise alone) $5. On liquor dealers $100 per year. On every itinerant dentist, medical practitioner, optleian, por trait or miniature painter, dsgner. rean artist, and every person tak ing or enlarging likenesses of the human face, $5. W. M. PERSON, Mayor; GEO. 8. BAKER, Clerk. KD1LBER 17 Notice ! ! ! The Democratic County Conven tion will be held in Louisburg on Saturday the 20th day of Jan 1896, lor the purpose oi electing delegates to the State, Congressional and Senatorial Coxxrentiona. The Democratic voters of the re spective townships are requfsted to meet at the usual voting places on Saturday the 18th day of June and elect delegates to the County Con vention. By orderof the County Executive Committee. W M PERSON, Ch'm. SOOTHES RAILWAY. Children Cry for Pitcher's Cisterk TAYLOR'S PARLOR SALOON. Bargains! Bargains! Whereat? D. H. Taylor & Co. for cheap Whiskeys, Brandies, Wines & Beers. Where can you get Old home made corn whiskey? at D. H. Taylor & Co. From one week to three years old, cheaper than ever before. Who keeps old R. A. STUART'S ROCK BRIDGE RTE WARRANTED YEARS OLD? D. H. Taylor & Co. Who keeps old Virgina Club, D. H. Taylor Co., and he also keeps the finest and cheapest home-made Brandy in town, other liquors of all kinds that are good, and cheaper than ever before. Special prices to all my customers, come one, corse all. Polite and prompt attention and skillful bar-tenders. OLD ROCK BRIDGE RYE (P1IDHOTT AlBt LDTK) CONDENSED SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT JANUARY 1. 18. TBJLOTS L1AVB 14XX1QH, 5. c. 1O0 A U. OooMeU t Orwithw tor ill otau for Sortt t4 Sovtfc. ud WHyolMai u4 otata on U Botttwrtwi KorU CroUm HaU rot At HUitalwrr. tor til hbu la Yfmurm KorU Ourotla. JLbox. vtlla, Taa CtBdmBAta. ud wm Ura potato; u Caartocu, tor Spar Uabof. OrMOtlUft. AtUcta. Al- kmtA uwt all ml.t. Sn.il, tar OrfAnl Poa4r. At ONrttiboro, wita t WiAhijQftoa a4 Boalawarw VaUII4 (UmitMft. i4 Uw Kw Tork u4 TVor4 Short Lis (limi ted) traia for all potata Sort, mm! wit, aula nam Lrla Ko. U for Daartlla, Bieaaoa4 aa4 taurat. otH tow muoa, -. imo aa Mctioa for Wlatoo-8ica. wiu aula tta train So. at (tart BkaU) for CaartoU. partBpr. OrertmUa. AUaata aa4 all points SoU; aiao OoiaaibU. Aaaata. Cbajtotoo. BaraaBaa. Jacaaon TUie, a4 an point la PlorUa. eiTlag ear for AUaxU. Jaeaaoa. t1U a4 at Caariou wtta alwp in ear for Aafuru a&4 Jatkaoo rUi. 11:10 P. at. Conaert at Stau fo PrlTlIW Daltj. and latarawtlat ataOoo os Um 1 anAr Wllaon aad PajvtZenu SaoH CnU daUj: Qoldaboro for 5evtwra a&4 Moreaaad CUr. daUjr exert JKia day; for WUmln-ioa aa4 InW- Bttt ataUooi oa ta W. ft W R. R. Dally. Coanaort at Wnu for WUaoa, Rocky atoant, Tarboro aa4 total rtatloMoa KorfoU aa4 CarotlDa Railroad, arrlra at Ooioatioro 116 P. M. M0 A. at. ConaarU at Duraaia for Orford Dally KryvTtt. Rlffttaood: at Or Kx Saaday boro, for Waaalcoo aad ail potata aorta. 114 aa4 For Ootoaooro. 9UO p. at. Dally. TRAILS ARJUTK AT RAXKIOB. 5. C VJ4 P. M. Proa AUaata. CtartoO. Omw. Dally. ticrro aad alt potata Soata too A. M. Proa Qpwmboro aixl an Mtata Daily. NortA and Soata. nixt'li'l ear Or m boro to &ai(a. i3M P. M. Proai Ooioaboro, Wllatfnftoa. PayrttrrtUe aod ail potata la -trra CaroUaa. llJ A. aL Proai Srr Tork. Waal&1oa, t-rauDaiT, jjaaniM uraTHtoro. OoUaboro aa4 ail petal M P. at. aL Dally Sx. Boa. Local freight tralaa alao tarry Pall man ears 00 fUraooa train f rota Ral Hfa to Or m boro. ao4 on nonlnf train froca QraaaboroL DoabtaoaOy traloa Mw Ralrlra. Cbar latxa aaJ AUaata. Qate Uiat, iMiniM ae- T. P. A. C L. Horxm. W. H. OaiBjf. 0Mral lUaaffr. . Chariot U, K. C. W A. TTXXE. 0a. Paaa ArL Waaai&rtoa. X. C. IS THE STANDARD WORLD. OF THE -Good accommodations, lite and attentive Good fare, servants. Po m YOU WANT A HOUSE ? If so you will do well to write, or see J. Levister, at Louisburg, 1 .. T! whatever (except temporarily f or j gether at any time on any of the hnildinp-nurDOses.. and then 20 streets of tte town, so as to C ' . . .v I . . . 1 U feet passage shall beunobstrnctea obeiructxne same, nnaer a penauy npon the streets, public crossings oi nve aoiiars. or side walks f the town nnder pen- Ordinance 22. No person shall alty of five dollars for eachofifense. snoot a j gnn .pi8tol or any other Ordinance 12.""Any person who fire arms unnecessarily, within the may have a private crossing orj limits of the town, or explode or bridge over "any ditch or sewer in j fire pflf . any squib, crackers fire tfiA Btrftftts of the town and shall I rockets, bean or g it shooters, or fail to keep the same open for the any other lire wors in wwn, nn- pecifications and estimates made passage of .water shall be subject der the penalty of ten doUan for to a penalty of fi?e dollars, each offense. Ordinance S5. . No person shall 8 ell within the corporate lim its of the town any tainted food. Any person violating this ordi nance shall for each and every of fense pay a penalty of ten dollars. Ordinance S6. Any persou who shall use any violent, abusive or in suiting language, or threatening gestures toward the Constable, or any officer of the town, wh'le' in discharge of his duty, shall be sub ject to a fine of tea dollars'. Is guaranteed pure and is prescribed by the leading physi cians throughout the country, and the resident physicians of ouisburg. Read the following testimonial : We prescribe Stuarts Rock bridge Whiskey whenever a stimulant is needed, knowing it to be absolutely pure and free from all adulteration. J. E. MALONE, Signed E.8. FOSTER, j. b. CLiirroN. The above liquor is sold only by D. H. Taylor k Co., exclusive agents, at their saloons on Nash St., who also carry a full line of everything usually kept in a first-class saloon. Fresh beer a specialty. Your patronage solicited. Your friends, D. II. TAYLOR & CO. R. R. CROSSEN. FIRST CLASS PAINTER, LOU18BUHO, y. C. I wish to offer my aervioM to the pni lic, and will aar that I am prepared t. do all kinds of hooae painting, grata, tog &c my work la LooUbajx spek for itself, and I refer to all partiea fo whom I have worked. Ola faro it or made new. Give me your patronagv and yon shall be pleaaed. .LIMITED DOUBLE DAILY SERYICE norravT aid qocxxjrr aom ro AUajita. Hew Orlraia, Harfolk. Rlrk aaam4. 'WTaalUmcWav, Balttaiar, raJla4alala. BVb, !w York. Studclb iv Imci jiicait. Si lse. TRAIS9 LXAVB RALXIQH : 1 A. U DA1LT. -AUaata tpeial," PaOaaaa Veatlbalr. for Hniaraoa. walooa. Paiarabarf . RlcaaaoaU. waahlartoa, BaWiaora. PaitaJripbla. Krw Tork . aa4 all potsta aorta. BoJTrt Dravln Roota Staepara aad Panama Onacaee AUaata to waaalaatoa. Partor Oar waaMaftoa to 2Trw Tork, PnUman tirping Car Mecroato Porta taoath. ArrlTa at waahtaftoa 1041 a. c.ElaoraUaoon,PknotpBUtJB r. m.. Hmw Tork 4 AS r. u. alao -tor Poruasoatk. Korf oik' OU Potat aa4 kxaJ itattona a board ao4 Roaaoka RaUroao. Ual a. aL, DATX.T. Por Bfoorraoa. waUoo. SaffoOx. Porta- tk. KorfoOx aa4 tatarmnlUta rtattooa. at Portaaaoatk wttk Bar Um for Oid Point aad BaMaaora; wttk VorfoU aa4 waaa laftow Steaaiboat Cocspaay for waaat&fXoa mWk V. T. P. ft U. Railroad for PkUaiJpkl: LICENSES. On each exhibition, coceeri or lecture for profit, except the same be given exclusively for religious, charitable or educational purposes, for each performance $3. On eircuses, for esxh perform ance, $25. ' On Peddlers, $10 per month. . On all halls or warehouses let or hired for entertainments, $15 per year, ' : J. W. ROBERTSOV PRACTICAL CONTRACTOR and BU1L0ER. L0Ct8BCB0,5.C PI axis, ripeciflcatiuiis and estimates Furnished on Short Notice. Fine Wprk a Specialty, .. aoa potata aorta; aiao at weldoa vttk Alaata Coaat lwm tot Rlekaaoady waaklaftoatBalta aaora. Pkllaoefpala aa4 XvTork.aa. m-iu-Brotlaad Verk Braack for QraaariUa 4 acta tnxtoa a&4 Plyaaoatk. Pmllaaaa BterptacCk Atlanta to Poruakoata. M A. H . DAZLT -AUaata Spatial- Panamas Veetlbal. for Soatkera Plaaa. UazaX. wllm (torn. Monro. CartottaXtaeolatoa. Saatbytaa4arX3latoa. OiwrooO. AbterUla. AtaXk AUaata. Aa raata. Ontawtita. ataeoa aaa. goaMry. kto Ula. Vew Ortaaaa, Cm. Moau. XaakrlUr. ataamakk) aad all potaUttaaooyl aoatkwvac: tkroak Pmltaua Boa aoota aara aa4 day coarwaa waaktnatoa ft BTap aonaartlar dtraetty atCaloa Da to AUaata, wttk dlrcr tn Hon; alao PaXTpot. AUaata, Oar PorM aoLk to ktoara. PalBMa Kvinm . t4 r. kU DAXLT. Por wQad&ctoa, CkarkHte.Ckratar.aiwa. wood. Atairn. AUaata aa4 all Inlai 11,la atattoaa. Claiana at Catpa ataUoa. AUaata, wttk 62rarrln- Baea. Palbaaa SVorpiax car Pmtaaatiati to Atlaata. TRAX5S RXACH EAXZZUB: tM T. AL DAXLT. Pioaa Sorfotk. Port aiiark. and potata aorta rat Bay 1 taa aa4 M. T. P. A If. Rallrol Patarsoarir. Rlaksaoatf aa4 waaalactoa. Bali ttaaora. PaOaocipkia, Kv TorkaM Boatoaj alao froai ttracarrUla. PTymoctk. wmaklaftoa, ' B . c, aad mat 1 1 a caroOaa potau via waaao. 131 A. BL, DAILY. -AUaata SparM.- PaUaaaa TaatXhaja. from AUaata aad potata aootk, Taraia. AMierlUa. tatrr- VLM A. kt DAXLT. aek-kt.. DAXLT. "AUaata tpaaUJ.- rkUaoaipkU. Bw Tork BarfoOxJPi n Taamaik waaktaftrsaf ark aa4 taa kUckUoeat PmSataa TaaffiwW Tralaa. ma extra fara. apptrOckrt avat. or to X. St. T T.B.M. atcBsa, Qaocrai h. wTb7o Kan. TraOaasa. X. . imnov OwkraaaAfcsV n burnt buildings, &c, it 0 !. !

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