THE FBANKL1N TIMES . A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. E. F. 7 ARBOR 0 UGH, Associate Ed. ONE YEAR, , ers MONTHS, $1.50 75 Friday. Juke 19, - - - - 1896. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. The Democratic County Conven tion will be called to order in the Opera House in Louisburg next Saturday, (to-morrow,) at twelve o'clock. We learn that the primaries last Saturday were well attended and that a full list of delegates were sent from each township. The Convention to-morrow is for the purpose of selecting delegates to the State and District Conven tions, and it is very important that the list of delegates sent to these Conventions should be composed o crnci( man. trne and tried, men, fc , - toTio when thev ero to the Convert! j o tion, will vote for such candidates for the various offices as will re flect the wishes of the party, and stand by its principles. The true Democrats of Franklin can always be counted on to do their duty, and in the coming campaign, we ex pect to see, not only the delegates who help to nominate a ticket, but every private in the ranks stand ing solidly for the tickets named at Raleigh and at Chicago. CAN FREE SILVER WIN. A Question That is New Being Dis cussed By the Politicians. Washington Post. The silver movement now ram pant in the Democratic party is either a revolution or a fiasco. If it is a revolution it will sweep the country; if it is a fiasco there are yet five months in which it can shatter itself into fragnents against a golden wall. If the Republicans were going to declare for a gold standard, the outlook might be different, but they are not. As a matter of fact the platform will be even more friendly to silver than the decla-j ration made at the Ohio conven tion. This, in conjunction with the tariff issue, will keep many States from going over into what would other wise be a long list of silver States. The Eastern States REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVEN TION. V y The above convention has been bnsy all the week completing its or ganization. Not until Wednesday was a permanent Chairman selec ted when Senator Thurston was chosen to fill this position. The convention received and adopted the report of the commit tee on credentials besides also the reports of other minor committees. At the full meeting of the commit tee on Resolutions the silver men found themselves in a hopeless mi nority. The sub-committee report ed in favor of the adoption of a gold-standard, and when it be came apparent that the commit tee on resolutions would report to the Convention in favor of the adoption of the sub-committee's re port, Senator! Teller, Dubois, and Mr. Cannon, silver leaders, but life-long Republicans, aunounced their withdrawal from the Repub lican party. Up to going to press Thursday night we have been unable to as certain who has been nominated, but it is generally conceded that McKiuley will be, if he has not al ready been, nominated. without one of these despicable se crets fraternities, or a four hun dred" society of soft-head ninnies. We are glad they have been stop ed at Wake forest. A college is democratic if it is anything. It is no place for aristocracy or ex clusiveness of any sort. The young man too good in his own opinion to touch elbows on the campus, the play ground, in the debating-hall, the boarding-house, the public reception, or the parlor, with any of his fellows, is too sor ry a fellow to be suffered to be with him in the classroom. The college student who snubs any of his fellows, whether by personal or organized snobbery, ought to be kept out of college until he out grows his idiotic notions. $100 Reward $100. ANEW TOBACCO PEST. THE "ATLANTA." The readers of this paper will be pleaeed to learn that there ie at least one dreaded disease that -science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall s Catarrh Careis theonly positive cnreknown to the medical fraternity, Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken Internally, actinir directly upon the blood and muaons surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of tbe disease, and giring tbe patient strength by building np the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors qave so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars tor any case that it falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. "Sold by-Druggists. 75c. SPECIAL OFFER. Wanted. 10.000 dox. gg at once. All th chieken. turkeys and fresh shoat that oome to town, and will pay highest market' prices for the same. Kl50 & PIXL8A3TS. Baowji BZQkZ at King & Pleasant. The Baltimore, Chesapeake and Rich mond Steamboat Company's New Steel Passenger And Freight Steam er, "Atlanta." Appreciating the liberal patron age extended to our YORK RIV ER LINE for so. many years, and realizing the importance of being thoroughly equipped for our new Chesapeake Bay Line between Bal timore, Old Poiut Comfort and Norfolk, in connection with the lines of the Southern Railway Sys tem for all points South, this Com pany takes pleasure in announc ing the completion of its new steamer ATLANTA, which, with the magnificent and swift steam er CHARLOTTE, will be placed on the Norfolk route. Tbe steamer ATLANTA which has so aptly been termed the "New Queen of the Bay," is a ver itable floating palace. She was built by the William Cramp & Sons Ship and Engine Building Company, of Philadelphia, at a cost of 8250,000. Her dimensions A Warning To Tobacco Growers. A small caterpillar has been discovered mining the leaves of growing tobacco. The caterpillar is about one-half inch long, greenish with a dark head. It makes an irregular blotch mine by eating the green matter, or parenchyma of the leaf, leaving the skins intact and the leaf transparent. The caterpillar is extreme ly voracious, and as several usually mine one leaf, the leaf is soon rendered worth less. The insect belongs to ttie sub-fam ily of Tineid moths, whose best known representatives are the clothes and far moth and the Angumois grain moth This particular species is yet unnamed. Remedies: Being protected by the skins of the leaf, no ordinary poison or insecticide will destroy the pest, nor can it be hand-picked without destroying the leaf. The only treatment is to watch for leaves showing transparent blotches and when found to remove and burn them. So far this pest has been reported only from one locality in North Carolina, but it behooves tobacco growers everywhere to look out for it and destroy it as soon as it appears. If it becomes common it will greatly harm the tobacco industry of the State. Gerald McCarthy, Entomologist, N. C. Experiment Station. List of Text Books The Franklin Times ahst:d weekly Washington Post. UNTIL NOVEMBER 15TB, FOR OEY 50 CENTS. -:o:- Frog in you r throat is still the leader for coaghs, colds and hoarseness at Thomas' draff store at 10c box. We are daily getting in new goods. See oar stock beforw yoa bay. King & Pleasants. THOMAS Sarsaparilla is the best Tonic & Blood Purifier. New line fashionable stationery jost received at Aycocke & Co's. Don't forget, oar specialty is accc- B.ATS PRBdCBIPTI05 WORE. W. G. Thomas. We have bought oot the sewing ma chine business of It. r. larlor s Lo. and will continue to sell tbe old rxli A-BLE3, Standard and -Domestic. Respect! ally, Atcocib & Co. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Where do You Get Your Drugs Medicines? anl ADOPTED FOR USE IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY. A T a regular meeting of the Board of Education of Franklin county, held on Monday.the first day of J une 1896, the following orders were made : will have to accept this platform, ae Length, 240 feet; beam, 42 feet; Ordered 1st. That in compliance with the requirements of Chapter 16-t of the Public Laws of iSorth C arolina passed by the Gen eral Assembly at the session of 1895, the following series of text books is hereby adopted for exclusive use in the Public Schools of Franklin i-ounty, North Carolina, for a term of three years, and that the retail price of the said books be, and the same are hereby fixed as per contract with the pub lishers thereof at wholesale list prices as fol lows: t3?SE'D in your orders with the CASH enclosed at ooce. l-if Subscribers already on our books and who are paid up three months in ad vance can avail themselves of this oppor tunity to secure this GREAT WASHINGTON NEWS PAPER By paying at this office fifteen cents. Subscribers in arrears who will settle up to date and pay three months in advance will be given the POST FREE. X& The POST is the leading paper published at the National Capital, and is INDEPENDENT ix politico, and is just the paper for all who desire to keep reliably posted on the political situatioa. Cow chains, cow bells, ox balls. Cren shaw, ilicks &AUen. Bny the Best. National Special Tobacco Fertilizer, sold by King & Pleasants. Olives, olive oil, Momaja cofTe sure rising buckwheat flour, Crenshaw. Hicks Si Allen. The ten cent articles which src stand ard goods, previously sold for from 20 cn to 3j cents, consists of cold cream, annhor ice, witch hazel soap, tooth paste, and witch hazl jellv for the couple ion are all fur sale at Thomas' drufc s ure. CHICKEN CHOLERA Can be cured bv using THOMAS POULTRY POVfDER. It also cures roup and gapes. Now is the time to use it. 25 cents a package. For sale by W. G. THOMAS, Druggist, Louisburg, .N. (' ANSWER. Vell, I get my Patent Medicines aiil Sundry Articles at the most convenient Drug Store, but my Prescriptions Are compounded at THOMAS' Druir Store, Louisburg, N. C. NEW DRUG STORE. New Stock and a handsome New Fountain. S( m 1 ; t LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, :o:- DAVIS' RIVER- BAR. because, while it may not be what they want, it will be infinitely better from their point of view than the Democratic free silver platform, and candidate will af ford. In addition to this, tbe Re publicans will have a campaign fund of $20,000,000, if they need it, to send out speakers and dis tribute literature and organize in every doubtful State. The Demo crats will have only such money as may be contribnted by the mine owners of the West. Thev will depth to saloon deck, 26 feet. The hull is constructed of steel of the best character known for shipbuilding, and strictly accord ing to the rules of the American Ship Masters Association, all ma terial being subjected to the most rigorous test and inspection. The steamer is propelled by an InvertedTriple Expausion Engine of the latest and most approved type, with cylinders 24, 38, and 62 inches in diameter, all having a stroke of 36 inches. Running at xzo revolutions per minute, they indicate 2,250 horse-power, and drive the steamer at a speed of University Publishing Co. contract PRICE. get nothing from the moneyed in- eighteen miles per hour. - terests of the East, which have Te boat is lb-ted throughout nf,iWo,i by electricity; the steam-head.stern DUU,0xU HasL ligtt aud 8ide lights are eiectric notably in the campaign which re- and she is provided with a power! WoS Hansen's School Historv of C. S. Hansen's Higher School History of U. S. Holmes' First Reader. New Edition, Holmes' Second Reader. New EditioH. Holmes' Third Reader. New Edition. Holmes' Fourth Reader. New Edition. Holmes' Fifth Reader. New Edition. Maury's Elementary Geography. Maury's Revised Manual of Geogra- phv, . t. Edition Maurj's Revised Physical Geography. Sauford's Primary Analytical Arith metic. ... . Sauford's Intermediate Analytical Arithmetic. ' Sanford's Common School Analytical Arithmetic. Sanford's Higher Analytical Arithme tic. Sanford's Elementary Algebra. Finger's Civil Government. The J. B. Lippincott Co. Worcester's Primary Dictionary. orcester s iNew Jscnool Dictionary. suited in the election of President Cleveland four years ago. it the silver movement is not deepset, liable to bend or waver during the fiVe long months that yet intervene before the election, or li it suffers a reaction, the ful electric search light. lhe ship is provided with steam steering gear, steam windless, capstans and cargo hoisting en- gines. Tno expense has been spared in making the passenger accommo dations most complete. The din- chances are with the republicans. ing-roomy which is handsomely Tfiti.ou.i ..vS uuiBueuin nara wooa, ana nas , v Beatino- canacitv for evnT,r rvpr. stana oeiore it. A decision as to enr.a v,aa 1 uwuoj uuo kstvu iuoa i; via but? US aiu its real character is just now a saloon deck forward, thus insar- matter of purely personal opinion. n ample light and ventilat'on, Since the Republicans have de- ana enaDimg passengers to com Glared for a Gold Standard the "Post" will have to take back what it says or guess better next time. Another indictment has been found against the American To bacco Company in New York &be, fitted with steam heat, elec this time under the new anti trust maod a view of the beauties of the Chesapeake Bay while enjoying the meals for which this Company has always been deservedly fa mous. The main saloon is handsomely decorated in an artistic manner, and is luxuriously furnished. The state-rooms are large and comfort- law which makes any conspiracy to prevent competition in any ar- tide a misdemeanor. Tbe law here- tpiore reached only New York chartered companies dealing - in necessaries of life; now it covers everything dealt in from where. any- tric lights and call bells. The social hall is reached by a magniliciently carved hardwood stairway leading from the main saloon, and opens out on the prom enade deck; where the passengers gather to admire the glories of the Chesapeake and to discuss the charms of -this latest addition to tbe fleet of this progressive Company. ary. Worcester's Academic Dictionary. Worcester's Octavo Dictionary. The Baker & Taylok Co. Stephens' History of the U. S. (as Keierence Book) American Book Co. McGuffey's Revised Eclectic Primer. Harvey s Elementary Grammar and Composition. Revised. Harvey's Practical English Grammar. Revised. Eclectic Penmanship. Elementary Tracinz Course. 3 Nos. Doz. Eclectic Penmanship Copy-Books. New. 9 Aos, Per oozen, Swinton's Language Primer. Harrington's Spelling Book. Harper s New Graded Cop v-Books. Primary Course. 7 Nos. Dozen. Grammar Course. fc Nos. Doz. Steelt's Abndfed Physiology. Tames' Southern Selections. Page'a Theory and Practice of Teach ing Peterman's Elements of Civil Govern ment. Webster's Primary Dictionary, Webster's Common School Dictionary. Webster's High School Dictionary. Webster's Academic Dictionary, Webster's Counting House Dictionary. North Carolina Speaker. Cloth. " " " . Paper. " Practical Spelling Book. Mrs. Spencer's First Steps iu N. C. History. ..... Moore's History of N, C. Williams' Reader for Beginners. Leach, Shewsll 4 Sanborn, Brand's Good Health for Children. Brand's Health Lessons for Beginners. Edwards & Brouohton. Johnson's History of the Negro Race. 0 GO 1.00 .15 .25 .40 .50 .72 .55 1 25 1.20 .20 .36 .64 .85 1.00 .60 .48 .80 1 40 1.50 3.40 LOUISBURG, N. C. Since the fire we have bought an other stock of choice Whiskies, Wines, Beer, Ciprars, &c, the same old brands that everybody likel so well, together with several addition al brands dI renowned Whiskies. Our stand is in the Jasper Murphy Who may wish nice shampon ing or hair dressing done, will do well to call on WT. M. ALSTON & I. E. THOMAS. Ladies have your bang cut ribt. We have Dr. White new hair grower. Van's Mexican Hair Restorative, Ayer's Hair Vigor, Tricopherous for thehair and skin, nothing to beat it to keep the hair from fall ing out. -:o: Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction Citv El was told by ner doctors she had ConsumD- tion and that there was no hnn tnr h k " i i 1..1 - r ir , - iwo pomiifo o .i w. jxmg 8 iNew Discovery '' nmnlfitelv cured her nnrl bKa i j her life , Eggers, 139 Florida St, r- Qan Francisco, uffered from a dreadful cold, v approaching Consumption, tried without re- , v eult evervtninr se xnen bought one bottle i of Dr. June's jsew uiscoverv and in ; r; At mica resnB, ui wmca inwe are samples, - . :'i TD8B Droit ww : wviiucnui . emcacv of ; t.hia Z-fSr. medicine in; ConghB' and. Colds. Free trial jjottlea at Ajcocke & Co Drag Store. Rbct- W MV wy, ., TT'f i A1 recent issue of the Biblical Recorder says: a . Wake Forest College did the raanly tiling when it advised the students who daring the past year have been connected with a fool ish local . fexclnsi ve- society not to return again unless they conld do so withoat bringing back their or ganization. -Of. late years some college : i students ; have taken . the Jiotion that life ia not worth living 1.08 .10 .42 .65 .72 .96 .28 .20 .72 .96 .50 1.10 1,00 .60 .48 .72 .98 1,50 2.40 .50 ,40 .20 75 .85 .10 .20 ,28 .75 Office. FOR SALE. I have (vvernl fine grain, erniw, cotton I and tobncco fiirmH m V urrvn count y. which i I will tell Try cheap, one-thini or fourth I cash, und balance uu long time if rlwretj II . A Foot e . Wurrrr.ton N". (' The Best Only We hare opened in tbe new hotel building a well equipped '.- of Drags, Medicines & drnggiets sundries. Everything isgaarn. i new, pure and fresh, just from the leading manufacture r. A. & complete Hue of Cigars and Tobacco, embracing all tbe brands. PRESCRIPTIONS We Uke pleasure in stating that out Y Pleasants bag just undergone a most rigid and thorough examina tion before the State Board of Pharmacy and parsed a highly c:i;. able examination, receiving bis certificate of eflicncy. In tti nection, we will also state that be is a graduate of the Natior.a'. I- -ftitute of Pharmacy of Chicago, having received a diploma fr a that institution, which is an entirely sufficient gnaranee that Pre scription? entrusted to us will be accurately and carefully compcj' i ed according to the most modern and improved methods. The provements in Pharmacy of late years baa been unparalleled and importance of having your Prescriptions filled by an up to dk Pharmacist should not be over-looked. Cordially thanking ali f r their past patronage, we earnestly solicit a continuance of tbe am promising that you shall receive prompt a ad polite attention, an1 above stated, the purest and best Drugs and Cbemicala that can t bought. Our prices are moderate. Yours Respecfully, F. R. PLEASANTS & ( Vi. P. S. We have aLo put in one of Lippincotta up to date Sli Fountains and can supply you with Soda Water ice cold witho . destroying the gas by mixing ice in tbe water. All other fountain drinks. CREXSnAW HICKS & ALLEN". Ordered 2nd. That the list of Books above adopted and the prices fixed for the same, are hereby ordered to be recorded on tne minutes or the Board for public inspection as required bv the aforesaid act of the fcteneral Assembly. Ordered 3rd. That for the better in formation f the teachers, children, and public generally a eopv of this order be fnblisbed in the Frahklw Times, a week y newspaper of general circulation in Jthe county of Franklin county. . By order of the Board. . T. S, Collib Chairman. V W; K. Maetix, Clerk. . 7 Which we have fittted up in hand some stylj and thoroughly equip ped in every way, and cordially in vite you to call and see us in our new quarters, assuring you of a hearty welcome and guaranteeing all drinks served in the highest style of the art. Our reputation as expert drink mixers is too well known for us to say anything in that connection. We thank our friends most cordi ally for their past patronage and earnestly request a continuance of the same. Give us a trial. Res pec tfullv, S. S. DAVIS. LOUISBURG Carriage Shops, h. cTtaylor, Proprietor. If your Carriage, "Buggy, Wag on or anything in that line needs repairing and you want it done right, bring it to ine, and if you want your Carriage or Buggy re. painted in a first-class manner, bring it to me also. I have served jny time under a first-clasa pain ter and wood workman, can there fore gaurantee satisfaction in all work entrusted to me. I have a first-class black smith in the black smith shop who ful ly understands' everything about his business, from shoeing, a horse to irioning a fine buggy. It does not pay to have your work botched up, bo bring it along bp me where it WILL BE DONE RIGHT, my prices aw reasonable. ' I make Buggies and Wagons to order. If youfwant a good Home JMde Buggy or Wagon, giva me your orders, and you shall have what you want. v Thanking my friends for their patronage in the past and solicit- ,ing the same in futare, I am, : f xouisyery respectfully, Will answer young Ninety-six The New Year claims the world and the world phould be with him on the Food Question The best judges in Louisburg are with us, because they! want the bof t, and if we sell it, "it's the best every time. Have your Groceries new and fresh like 18 9 6 That makes them temptinglv eatable. Our groceries are always that. None know this better than our customers. Our store is a cyclopaedia of table wants and throws a flood of light on what we have to eat. . ' , . . ,...1.1 i n - r cti: ' i vui eira .'.atuueuia uas baixoii -nuo i t .,....., - ...... .... i . . . KtKtC'ixstoX:. "vv,. Su- . - iW 11fa 4 nnt, Hvino-1 PkT!j-:i: n. b.l t x v . ' . xouts yery respectfully. V V. ' . ' Mil Ml I mm Vbl w-w.w : -s . r.- -s- . M. wm W v w M v M M V. A W w . mm wh T wb m mm mm m m mm mm i. iiiiir - -. rw llir V ITrnn mmt mm m -mm. I - . w LOOK HERE: We carry a full line of plain and . iancy groceries, ana our stock is replenished each day. And a good many other choice articles too numerous to mention. Soliciting a gen. erous share of your patron age we are. Respectfully, LANCASTER & CO. LoaiabaTg, N.C. MAY 1896. Ask for the Battle Ax. Cotton and Tobacco Hoes, atCrenshaw Hicks & Allen's. Just received the eecond Car Corn 700 bushela, One car ship stuff and bran, Feed oats. 100 Barrels Lime, 100 Baihels Cow Hair, 50,000 Best Sawed Shin gles, at Crenshaw Hicks & Allen's. Ice Cream Freezers, Refrigerator, Milk shake glaisei, Ti snakers, Lemon squeezer, glaes and wood. n m ron Age Colti. , V..VI.U. uu ovonewau uotton rlc lows. . ' . -: ' H. C. TAYLOR. iillllllilils f -t - ! ' - T