mJEllLllAMp.IN' TIMES. Motiiodist Church Directory. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Geo. S. Baker. Snpt. IVeacbiogat 11 A. AL, and 7 P. M. every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night G. F. Smith, Pastor. I'rofessional cards jy; s. P. ISUIiT. I'KACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. i mi rr in the Ford Building, corner Main .Vih streetn. Upstairs front. ir. RUFFIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Louisb'urg, N. C. ,11 piMctice in till courts. Office in Ford UiiiMm. conicr of Main and Nash streets. U. MASS EN BURG, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LO'JI.SBUBS, N. C. Will i.r.ictiee iu all the Courts of the State Oillce in Court House. V. C'UKK & SON, . TTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LoUISBURG, N. C. Will iittetnl the courts of Nash. Franklin Q.-invill-. Wurren and Wake counties, also the .vai l-. iuo Court of -North Caroliup, and the U. j Liri-uu ;uiu iisLri';i uouris. J) R. J. E. MALOXE. uill.e two doors below Aycocke & iru stor.', ii ljoimnK Dr. O. jL. Ellis. CO. '8 JjK. W. U. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUISBURG, x. c. V. -t'KUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Lol'ISBURB, N. C. Will :ittr-ii l the courts of Franklin, Vance, Or in v ill", W.irren and Wake counties, also in Mipivuie Court of North Carolina. .Prompt atUMitioii K'en to collections, &c. T H-)S. D. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOl 1SBURG, N. C. u lice on Main street, over Jones & f!nnii.' 8t..r- fP W. CICKETT, T. ATlnilNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOI ISBURG N. C. : Prompt an. I painstaking attention given to every ui.ut r intrusted to his hands. K i -is to chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Maiming, Hon. Kot.t. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Bi;oii. i'res. First National Bank of Win ston. Ui -ini x Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank uf Moin oe, Clias. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For es! Coil g. , Hon. K. W. Timberlake. ut'fi. t in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. w. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C. Practices in all courts. Office in the Court House. y IL Y AKBOROUQH, Jr. ATloRNKY AT LAW, I.OLISBURQ, N. C. oifii r on st coiid Hour of Meal building Mam Stru t. All 1 yal l)iis:ne.-s intrusted to hiru 'Till iii iivc I'lumpt and careful attention. Dr. J. Iv. Palmer, I'RACTiriNG PHYSICIAN. FKANK LINTON, - - N.C. iit. Li-, irof(sional service to the people oi t his si'i.-t ion. D. T. Smithwick, DENTISTS. LOUISBURG, N. C. o ork in every department of Denistry 11 "on KKiii una accuracy. Dt- -EC. EAR.LT DENTIST. LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in New Hotel building, 2nd 'ioor. oas administered and teeth ex. tracted without pain. HOTELJS. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. Woodard, Tro;., Rocky Mount. N. C. J"('-pe P,us meets all trains. I'-"-s $2 per day. NORWOOD HOUSE Warrenton, North Carolina. v. j. NORWOOD, Proprietor. Pitronajre of Commercial Tourists ana lrav.-iing PuMic Solicited. iood Sample Room, arkest Hotel to Stores and Court House. FKANKLliS'TOJi. HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C. G. M. HOBBS, Frp'r. rlood accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, C D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for tbe Raveling public. MASSENBURG HOTEL, I 1 Mangcnburg Propr HENDERSON. N. C. Good accommodations. Good fare; Po lite and attentive ervaat'' V FACTS IN CONCISE FORM. Me now 500 In sou M. 1 111 -annuls J."1" cause 40 000 000 vZSST over whieTbiow811616' 18 fld' The8e 11111,8 The inhabi Jtrorrraer8b7' Teate a hme m"ket for tbe Wi.S1 ton. and also a home market for " lt &ll f the di"ified products of qufrX lUnda mint hefarm- Tbe Jacksonville Times JJf produce pound of oil of pep. n. in making some compari- Ninety-five thousand tona of Ara 8D8 ?f Prices in different South can apples are imYiAlT!1; cities, says: ZTL h week l ZtXS each lines in otdeP Ug EngW8 of Poleon I has been &lnparif " ' taSSffffi to catch the rodents. fa,la a160 Africa stated to L TSo 000 00 ta Microscopists say' thai h- ?:T1 VrZ v,gi oi animal lifa ChiuaS6 of farming districts of tmna PJ8S are harnessfid wagons and made to draw them The deepest running Ef t,.1J .- - , . . o "caiu in tho uuW8aiato be the Niajra juSt under the suspension bridga Af rvKo a. i. interest of decomm and civ3SiSr forbidden. all bathing from the beach? There has been of late an extraordi- cSSnp?. IntheUnit different species of trees, and 19 of tbem, when nerfertlxr " vwau LUti rown fVmnrMl Ko . .l. sink in water "U1JCU W11J Hume published his Mlliant Thil osophical Essays." whirl Jtt occupied his time during several years, at the age of 26. ' d i Barcelona is the opnt-nr o fu facture of cigarette pr. TwoWs alone produce 180,000 reams a Year valued at $60,000. . ' ' XattOOUlg 13 done bvnrioVino tt ter or mttpm nn i,n 6 a ter or pattern on the arm or nart to h tattooed vrith n ii riAi i j Tt . - "wuu nuu ruDDing in gunpowder or india ink. - i Chinese writers claim thnfi th vation of wheat was introduced into the Celestial empire by the Emperor Shin nung 2,700 years before Christ. The finest flour is not tho m &Xe: tious elements are almost lacking. The cost of raising wheat in Wash- mgton and Pennsylvania is almost ex- Eit.7W. 117.60. Tea wheat, a variety years ago much esteemed in this country, is said to have been grown from a single grain found in a box of tea brought fronf China. The name wheat is derived fiom a Saxon word, "hwaete," signifying any other. The title of emperor is of Bach exalt- ed dignity as to outrank that of royalty, An empeior is the supreme head of countries some or all of which are gov- emed by kings. English bishops receive from 2,500 to 10,000, and each is provided vlih palace in whirfhfn "- : said to be considerM rU;D; taching to the office. Starling ua , and successful nesting season in Eng- mittee of Yale 8 class of '96 have land. On May 20 and onward large made public what should prove a vrotfoKrtr81'1 hPPy Nation of the tbeft of the Companions of the noble orders take 8lip Ivy that Was 80 maliciously rank immediately after the knights of plucked from the grave of Gen. R SlS6 TteT' their P161106 ug E. Lee on tbe Yale campus. It has themselves being arranged by a compll- . j.jj. a o. n uas cated but well understood system. been decided to plant another slip The telephone line between Vienna rom General Lee's grave, and also and Triest is believed to be one of the a slip from the grave of Theodore meters, or rather more than 814 miles, who was one of the first Yale of- An English correspondent, protesting ficers to meet death in the Uuion fnf .def5roetion .mo1 y Army. Tbe planting of the ivies in the fields they are of incalculable . ! , , benefit to the agriculturist, ior not only wU1 be made a notable event, and do they clear the ground of worms and the plan of having ex-Governor other pests, but they drain it. Chamberlain, of South Carolina, The reason given that birds do not 4v , . fall off their perch is because they can- V1' theoratlOD. " being con not open the foot when the leg is bent sidered. It is probable, however, Look at a hen walking, and you will that the slips will not be put into see it closes its toes as it raises the foot it. j . and opens them as it touches the the ronnd untl1 spring. Mr. ground. Wells, chairman of the committee The strength of the London police in speakine of the matter, said: ?fnSiStS f a Chief coKmD?i88?oner' 3 assistant commissioners, 5 ohief con- stables, 31 superintendents, 597 inspect- ors, 1,834 sergeants and 12,754 con- ofiKaS118 " total f 15'325 Nothing is known at the Chinese ein- bassy in London of the rumor that Li Hung Chang's coffin had been sent to London to await his arrival, and, in answer to an inquiry there, an attache Bhook his head in a comprehensively doubting way. xne Lionaon bpectator looks forward f 4-Y rlotr Ttt Qll -f V i siY?j-t1n nrvll aj-w O? and will last ten vears. Cvcles will thn become for all the healthy the universal means of locomotion and will be hired out in thousands instead of tens, for pennies an hour. The Matabele girl is not devoid of sentimentj. On the contrary, she has the ZaTeX? with one leg in the grave and the other feebly tripping a war dance, but if he general of Hedjack. Mecca has iwiVBhow on his assegai the . bloody of now. a8snmet its nsnal qoiet, as many victims he is the greatest old bean naei -ntha niiarima h?r,inr tt 1n the kraal. 'i -i .-' THE VALUE OF KANUFACTURE1S TO SOUTHERN FARMERS The value to th e Cot inn nlant,. of tbe Utn - be good price paid for cotton f AUgU8ta i8 double a great degree doe to the fact that that V7. gr6at cotton-manufac- tu"npection, as well as a cotton- growing section. Probably 250 000ba,e.r cotton . . "'.. twd within 100 miles of Augusta 8 is fall7 lf of the cotton that' " that radiuS- The milla 1 . COttn fields et their cotton th-.the New England or but al- -European mills have to seems from the high , - 6 pay. price Pam IOr COtton in Augusta that tbe cotton -a wars r,a . .. p. fiC a nart of the amount that is saved from tran8nort.Rf H m. . . " e vuaigco uy uunaincr T C&D et Cot- t0n direct from the growers. These facts shuld be persistent- impressed upon the people of Some months &g the Mannfacturera' Record r " a "l,wr euuwing mat Wfin. & 8ma11 CirC'6 ar0QDd 8m9 of the large cotton mills of South Caro,ina tbe advance in the value nff.u uuu ut--eu ifreaier than a. ... , .... 8 Dan r ? lnV6Sted in the mi1 S Iu lts business life and trade and commPrrA M t.inn i oolf , , ii ivuuui nusiness o . . .. .. w n. 1 1 1 -- u i r nui fratiAn - " nijiiiamiii uecayg the Souths supreme effort should be given to tbe upbuilding of its manufactures. Upon the growth of manufactures in tbe South is staked its whole future. Its atrri it school,, its churches, itB banks, its merchants, the emPloymnt of its people, must al to a great extent rest upon this " thiog' De'elopit8 ind"5lrial life, diversify and advance its manufactures, utilize its vast natu- ral resources, and every question 4V, , 4 tkt "0W perplexes this section Wl11 be 8ettled- Immigration of well-to-do people, and of good and west, will bring a demand for farm8 Prosperity will come to the entire agricultural South, the race , . uo lunKer "OUDie anyone, schools will be increased, au( everywhere there will be seen a l,o o .. , . - FBKeruiiB people. Manufacturers' Record. wwvers oi me ivy com- The members of the T "The Winthrop ivy will be placed , F close beside that from tbe grave of General Lee, and as the vines grOW tthw. 'hey will typify the wislof ver7 .loyal Yae man for a union in spirit of the North and South, and a blow at any attempt . . .. . , to create. sectionalism in any form among Yle alumni and under- graduates. It 13 estimated that over 300,000 pilgrims performed their religious datie8 and made 8acrifice at Mecca, . , . j . .7 . , ., . ' Arabia, during the late pilgnm- age The Saltan has sent a mag- nificient cloak of honor to the Emir of.MMi Soldered with gold thread to the governor for their respective countries. LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY. 0CT0BBER I " R1v. unT. rr i . . Aoe man wno would lead other mnst not be a raid to walk bv him self. God's love is something we never buy or lose. T can i-ove never tarns back it hears a lion roar. beca use No oue who is fit for Heaven wants to go there alone. To have too mneh help is as bad as to have no help. The people who Ulk tbe most too often say the least. Religion that Js not used every day will not keep sweet. Yon can never tell bv the aiie of a sin bow black it ks. So me very good looking people are deformed on the inside. All sins promise to more than pay their way to begin with. It takes a good deal of grace to be a good Christian with a big in come. It is very bard to do thing after the mind made up. the right has been It is doubtful if God ever made j a man who could please all of his ! neighbors. j How cheap some people will aell ' themselves for the promise of spot ! cash. As long as he kuows that God i I with him why should any good ! man worry. Whenever we are willing to do : good, God will see that we have a I chance. It is a good thing for you to have riches, but a bad thing for riches to have von uoa s angels never get very far , . away from the man who lives a life of faith. The man who fears the light i? always ready to run from his own shadow. The richest man is the one who can give away the mosf without regretting it. No man can lov(. his neighbor ay himself until he first loves God with his whole heart. Many a man who would like to reform the world, has a front gate that won't stav nhnt -----. EFFECT OF TIGHT GARTERS. The garter has become a U1 ucauky, cm ii remains a by- 1 gienic abomination, according to I tne doctors. Ibis referred to the round garter the compressor of muscles, the hindrance to tbe cir cultaion and the benumber of nerves. And it is this instrument of torture upon which the manu facturers have lavished their at tention uutil it has become so pret ty an affair, with its filigree buckles and its ribbon bows, that only the most Spartan of women can resist it. The round garter, fastened above the knee, is uot considered bv the physicians quite so deadly as the tightly drawn corset. There are uoribs iu tbe leg to be compressed, j and the vital organs of the body are notlocated in the neighborhood of the knee. But next to the inju rious compression of tbe waist, bust and abdomen, by stays, tbe hygienists plaee the compression of the leg by elastic garters. The rubber bands which, encircle tbe flesh just above tbe knee are danw gerous because of their effect upon the muscles and tbe circulation. The veins are contracted, and tbe blood of necessity is retarded in its flow. Tbe result is not merely local injury but harm to tbe whole system, which is effected by the sluggishness of the circulation. But the danger does not merely lie in an impaired circulation, but is also muscular. In walking the muscles jast above and just below theknee are brought iuto more play than any others. The com pression of the muscle8at this point is therefore something to be avoid, ed, for it means additional effort at every step, and comseqaent weari ness. Often this fatigue produces mnsrjclar rheumatism, and doctor's bills are the direct result of the frivolous bit of silk elastic, rib bons and silver which dealers call a garter. Children Cry for Pitcher1! Cartorhu 16, 1896. f,1896. Riverside Saloon: Under New Management. H. E. JOYNER, Propt. I lire to inform m fn.-niU n.l the DuUk- that I Imv- l.o1Ii:,t out the Saloon form.-rlv .(,n n, fi y navi.s r.roM . nt th. Orricv" on Kiwr ntr-Tt. M urjih v I haw u,,lr, a n.-w iij.i.K ,,T thf Fintwt whisk I i:s ,i:i:.mii i :s . w i Ks a . . : r . i nun n yen will n. ,. , I unnintv to j.(t.s.- von. 'I'!,, -.f. , tut cure t'xorril m'thr pr.-i.nnitM.ti l. "mik, mi, in.-vrv U-.r .11: ' jn.uit OI l.KJU TX U.-,. for '( Ml TN KK HKKIi. of IU-vr i nhvavi on Imini it!i.' Ut.t I. fr.-h ; , t i i III' i I '(.!! one. omr ji ii. l t rv it v i nci 1 . t& lU'IllrmUT I' th- o!. r--- . ro-.ir -J"-' t In ii v . !:::-. N " ( HI V.TMc.' ar In h. k. .! )V.m:i:. Lo I 1 (. Cedar Rock VCADKMV r S AN1 G i KI.S Th d a v. ;e.teii:t..r 1 -', 1 "'. Tiiition and Hoard very tri...l.r ate. Thomuhert;, Hut j,rofc're shall be onr aim. I t..- very l- advantnpe? in ov, rv IVrnrtmi,t rri . t i ue run?ic d.-i.ir! im-nt 1 i f h a . ii . , f 1 chary i n : r- .-1 (1 I 1 1 ' r O V I 1 V C , teacher. . m For full particu SPK.NVKK HA1': Pri!i.i i ' H r r J. A. CnPl'KI;K N v G ANNAWAY Hardware Company. WHOLESALE AND F.ETA1L HARDWARE, LoriSBl KG. N. c We Lav e inst (in.Mii .nrk-e Hardware and propose at all t i rn ? to f.irrv a Full Line of all K i:,d f Agricultural Implements, ani nmer snj.j.li. r w e Farm. Plea-e call and Stock before making v.. chase. , ; n i 'U r 'ir j.'ir- STORAGE. - I am now prepap-d !o ft..ro a!n... any article IK MY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. TOBACCO, COTTON, COTTON SHKI). FARMERS SF PPL IKS, LATHS, SUING LKS, LCMBHR. AND BUILDERS SUPPLIES GENERALLY. There will bo no dra a-o on an -thing Htorfd for fnh'o.jnnt phip. nieut, as the car will ( i.tn direc ly to the doors of W;trehn. 1 solicit apphcat loiiH fo or storage Terms moderate. J. P. A PROW. July 8, ISHrt. Lo u i s b 1 1 rg . N. C. TO THE PUBLIC! Ideir to inf( Franklin coti rui th p4H)l (lf that 1 hiivt- count v openei a Hrxt-cl;HM SALE. FEED AND Livery Stable IN FRAN KLIN TON, N. C. And will be glad to render mv wr vice to yoa whenever you are in Fraiklintom- (Jive me a calL-1 R. A. SPEED d, CO. Experiment. State farm in Anson county is said to be an experiment. The convicts have done a great deal of -r, nui me crop is cot a rood Ollf. Albion Academy, STATE NORMAL A N D INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL N'KXT SKSION WILL BEGIN x T(HK K :rn i&5. "luiKiiuiicn lur benefits of a liberal dHction lo young men i.uauiao: color. It 19 loatd at Frankliuton. N. ('., on the Fjt fide of the S. A L. railroad, about one bundreii vards, thre n.tn'itf. a!k from the station, ar.d : n a park of three acre?. It command a pictur.-sque view of the surround ing country, and is froe from mala rial and pu'.mo:.ary disea.-s. Tbe building? are spaci-.-i?, w.-T, vei.ti:.,'e.l. .uitsl :T .,l'ir,..i b- cumf. r. i f th . 1 1 lent. . 1, larch i p. 1 ' for a term of " ! t ' a rd at; . F r m.'Ti'b", 11, ai. it..-. Tu F-r furll.-T par. ;cu'.ar REV. JNO. A. SAVAGE. A. U l" iU .V K 1 ; S T ' N . N ad d re P'isijeif. NEW STAND. I .- 1 r- t ( . to T! f it I :,.is . 'i, '. T" r . .!, .11 .. 1 r. t. i.'.- . : :i . 1 i'-j'.-r Mr 1 1 n .-1 r - R J ! C I. f ..:V, E. I. 1 1 ' F. ' N 1 a a 1 , r f '- f J H-1 1 r.n'. 1-, ji! j-p, n, hM id, a ....... 1. 1 . ri"' :-- ii; t'. -x ir n b r . f th-ir i : t 1. .TV M IT:.- . ' I.T.-T . V b. TAILOR'S PARLOR Harir; ains! Harirain: I. H. Tavlrr A C for cheap Wbikev B .- a r. d 1 e . , Wit: W ' A' 15 or?. '.if-re can v .'l k't t )ld L . mad cm whiskey ftt Ji. Ijiyiurvt '".. From .I.e wee. three y ears c Id , ch- a pe r t h a v. e Lo fore. Who keer ,.id R. A. re ? II STUART'S ROCK BRIDGE RYE- WARRANTED 4 VEARS ul.1v' D. II. Taylor A Co. Who keep, old V irgina Club. I H . lav., r . and healukeej , finest a:id cheap. -t Ijome-m.ad e Hrandr in town, other liquor ..f a: I k 1 d's that are jjood, and cheaper tLau ever before. Special prices to all my customer, come ot.e, come all I'olil.- n:id f rompt attention and skillful tar-tenders. OLD KOCK Binn;K RYK 1S THE ST A N I A K 1 W I C I I I km ar.ii 1 f ri p-! r pr"!crihed by tl,.- I. a. ointis t h r. n srh. .'it th. F TH E a ' , 1 ; ::tg pi.ys: co'i ; . t r v . 1 : 1 -: a : r. ; t ! h -v. 1 n and ' h'- r -: . 1 1. ' . i . 1 lit : i I.ouisurfj. Ri-arl h 1 1 . : 1 1 1 o r 1 . a ; We pr-cril Stuarts K.ok bridk." Whisk. j h'Ti-v.r a stiinulatit IS nodded, k.'njw,!: ;t to U absolutely purd and fr -from all adulteration. J. E. MA LONE, sign d e. s. Foster. ( J. B. CLIFTON. 1 Tho alov liquor is sold onlv by D. II. Taylor A- Co., xcluivo agent, at th.-ir saloons on Nash , St., who also carry a ( full line of everything usually ! kept in a first-class saloon. Fresh beer a srcialty. Your patronage solicited. SALOON Your friends, D. H. TAYLOR & CO, Absolutely pure. ' T t.t r. m i n..ti Bi:i. f, rr r r r m 1' r .T A f & i d , New Kr fr ' a : . 1 ( c 3 r a r. t . it i l a eiaaii:.fe- t . tear Mon. cure fur a 1 c cct'.or. mill. Sol "THKRN li.MI.WAY PIHIONT tiu LI4I. c 'NPFN.-KI' . H F. I r 1 K . TK.UN' w l. . A 11 rt - "t v. w r- 1 L " r M I Hi. : 1.- ' t M T H A ! . t i i H ' ' A V ; K k ; y. at Y A 1 v 1 r 1.. -. ' A T i -A 1 1 V r.4 Ki -. I - . ir I u. ' ' ?: '.. , - - . 1 . I H t . 'Hit' r ii 1 r 1 . .LIMITED Drains- DOL'BLE DAIiy SERVICE -1.- 4 1 1 a 11 la S v Orl.it, mend a.hlnci Hhtladrlphla. He: It III.L. Ia lllm,,,,, is 1 ; r 1 r. TRAIN' . r. ' y. : ! . 3 V A t r - f j ,r- h. if. t, K "'i ( 1 M . Ka.t-m -e- :j ft . - f ; fc , 1 r. 4 :.. r a 4 ' ri .-: - . A r. a h r t T T Ht. '.Tfc r - . O 4 ' a It u ri 4. r. 1 1 r. : t r. '. B -'. : tz. r ir.-' .. r. .. n5'..4- it-ri 1 1' K r .v. ri lr M: a. Li3 f r k: h oc : t Br4- ,,... : : . x : 4. ; ; x 4 i tr..tl 1J:. j-.. ; i. 'irrT. w - V ' i , a f ' X r - - A 41.1k A -r n. . k . - - ' ' 1 - r. J , r ft'. - t.e - g t. ' . f. , . r r . j m -. . r.g Ua-a a. a t j 4 i T r w.-ct g-. - ' - ' . . - . T g , '. A ..: . -ir. e ; I V ; 1 AlttJ A". la t - -r.a i . r. .-. 1 t t ! alth .;ilrfH 4lt 1 r.fak o'..". '..j A'.ar.ra 1 a . ;r .i . via '.J-- ' A'.. .f.. ax. N,-. j . r t T R A 1 ! a KA L H HALKl'iH 4 K M I1I T Norf xk 1 r-.a.-c ,r. . , . . north Tl R.X 1 1!V at.i T Y N it. .-lav 11 A K I.A.'l 1 Ai:u:uii!.tt4i:b. A:i, a,'V -Ora.titxl u(Wf 11 A M. PAI1.T anlUt U(ia. tu si; :t!ff rry- ia iS"1 A V! . I A : 1. T Ho-Vrra.. 1.4)01,. Rwlx.,,. . fUttlaaor. rtiikWlthia, A.w VT. Ua. So nu-a fti- ili-l." U kt .jru ,T lo S4 r-aaa .rta-y ..rV- H W B Oi, 1 . T, X McB j ...........