! '"r:l IME TELE FRANHLIN VOL XXVI. LODISBURG. N. C, FRIDAY, 50YEM BER 1 3, 1896. NUMBER 40 Methodist Church Directory. ud;iv School at 9:30 A. M. k u Geo. S. Bakee. Sapt. preaching at 11 A- M- and7 M. ?veMic'etirig Wednesday night. 1 ' G. F. Smith, Pastor. I'rotssional cards j s. i'. IU UT, 1H ACT K 'ING PHYSICIAN, Lotiisburg, N. C. 1) iilli.'c in 1 1 Ford Building, corner Main -ih. Up stairs front. w M. 11 Ul'FFlN, AriKNEY-AT-LAW, Loiiisburg, N. C. I ( jr.- in all courts. Office in Ford 7,,,,, -t i-in -i ui Main and Nash streets. B. B. MA.SSENBURQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LoUISBURG, N. C. m ii .,r i ti' t: in all the Courts of the Btate Oil;cti in Court House. C. M. t'i'OKE & SON, ATTORNEYS-A.T-LAW, LOUISBUKG, N. C. -lm ..rt.'iiil tin' courts of Nash, Franklin, n ,nviU.- Wiirrcuand Wake counties, also the ? nrHui-lvui t)t NortaCaroliuP' and the U. J; Circuit .ma District Courts. r. J. E. MA LONE. 1) 0:tki two driiK stor'' loors telow Aycocke & Co.'s i.ijoiniiiK Dr. O. L. Ellis. D' V. li. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUISSBUKS, N. C. 1 ' s. Si b. SPRL'ILL, , ATT" iRNEY-AT-LAW, LiiUISBURe, N. C. win attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, cr-mviii" Warren and Wake counties, also the suur. uie court of North Carolina. Prompt aUeiitMii given to collections. &c. rpHuS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISB'JRS, N. C. Oilii e on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's Btr'. m V. UICRETT, T. HUMOR OF THE HOUR. "The maddest man I ever saw," said Marshall Phillips, "was General Sheri dan a minute or m afro u j , o uou UtJtJU mioimed that some nn k. i horseshoe, getting a higher price for it, on the ground that it was one of the shoes worn by Sheridan's horse Win chester on his famous war ride in the onenanaoan valley. The general fairlv boiled, 'in the first nlaee. ' Raid Sheridan, 'my 26 mile ride never took place, for the distance was but 15 miles. aiio writer oi those verses was a better poet than a topographer, and we might excuse him for that. Next. I never had any horse of that exact name, and if I naa myseir or none of those around me would have thought of securing . bia shoes and holdi Tier i VlFm fnr a riaa T d;d my best to quiet him and only suc ceeded in doing so by telline him thn relict whisky story, which .used to be told of the barkeeper of the little . place aujuiuiug rura s meater, tne place where John Wilkes Booth got a drink just Detore he assassinated President .Lincoln. The place was run as a bar room for several years after the govern ment took possession of the theater troi- ercy. visitors to the city always took in the barroom as one of the sights, and some Of them took in the linnor nn4d there. The barkeener had A WAT After telling the story of the assassination of pointing to a small demijohn and -say ing: ucotn asked me to hand him this demijohn, and he poured out a heavy anna ana swallowed it down in one gulp. There is a little of the Bame iden tical whisky in it yet. ' Frequently some of those who took in the story would go further and ask for a tast3 of the whis ky. This wish was always gratified for the price. One day a Maine man had a taste of it. For this 'taste he was charged 25 cents. The taste was, however, a good sized drink, of the Maine regulation size too. After putting down his glass he remarked : 'And so that was the whisky that Booth diank just before he killed Lincoln, was it? Well, sir, uutil Ibis time I have always blamed Booth, but that whisky, sir, would make a man kill his mother.'" Washington Star. Parable of a Book. In gentle flesh tints doth abound The book I hold most dear. It lives and breathes. In It I've found My title reading clear. SHORT NEWS STORIES. I THE HOUSEHOLD. Be Framed the Check lu Mauxiex's Dou ble -The Milliner's Sweet Be- entre His Grip on Fame. Decoration For tne Bvenlng Dane aad Other Oocaadcns 8trtw In Wall Coverings - Com Soup. Albion Academy, He was a Canadian government en gineer and found a line bv which the Canadian Pacific railway could .run its cars through the mountains near the bend of the Columbia river, past beau tiful and picturesque scenery and shorter by many miles than they had antici pated. By this means he saved a larae amount of money to the directors and earned the gratitude of every man on uie road. Hut he would not acknowl edge that he had done anythimr unueuaL although he had passed months of hard ship and toil in locating the route on soil where no other white man's foot had trod. The directors of the road sent him a check for $5, 000 and received Rogers' acknowledgment of it, but it was never presented for payment. On the occasion of his coming to Montreal he was waited on by some of the officers of the road and asked why he did not draw the money. "Why should I?" asked the ecoentrio old engineer. "I never had a testi monial presented to me before, and I have it framed and hung where I can see it night and day." The president of the company, Mr. Van Home, then ordered a gold watch suitably engraved presented to the in trepid engineer, and himself gave it to him. Rogers was much overcome at this second mark of esteem from the Cana dian Pacific railway and was about to take the watch when President Van Home drew it away and locked it in a drawer. ' ' What?' ' said Rogers. "Am I not to keep it?" "Oh, yes!" said the president, with a twinkle in his eye. "When you return that check and draw the money, the watoh is yours. " This liberal method of circumvention accomplished its end. Rogers went home, and, with much reluctance, sent his unframed "testimonial" to the bank and drew the funds placed there to his credit But it is d6ubtful if the money ever gave the pleasure that the framed check did. Chicago Times-Herald. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBUKG if. C. Vrmiit an. I painstaking attention given to -c v matter intrusted to his nanus. Kefirs to Chief J ustioe Shepherd, Hon. John iliuiinug, tiou. Root. W. Winston, Hon. J. (.. Tiiivtoii. 'P res. First National Bank of Win- jluii. Ul-ini & Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of M' hi rue, Chas. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est Cnll' K1'. Hon. E. W. Timberlake. uffici- in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. W. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L il'IBUK6, TS. C. Office in the Court Practices in rvii courts Holl.-i''. AY. II. YARBOROUGH, JR. Ail ul.M.Y AT LA, LoUiSBURG, N. C. office mi si c ni'l floor of Neal building Main Srti-eet. All l.jrul business intrusted to him 'Till receive prompt and careful attention. Whene'er I read this volume through Again, I meet surprise, For always I find something new To greet my.rapt'rous eyes. And yet to understand this book To nie's a hopeless task. Borne faint discernment by a look Is all that I may ask. And that is why I hold so dear The book I long to know. For if its secrot were too clear I would not love it so. The parable of this is plain To all who have the key. For "book" and "volume" read again "A girl" and you will 6ee. Torn Hasson in Detroit Free Press. 1). T. Smithwick, DENTISTS. LOUISBUKG, N. C. TV'itk in every department of Denistry executed with nkill and accuracy. . DR. IE. IF1. ZE-ARnirsr - DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office ia Xew Hotel building, 2nd tloor. Gas administered and teeth ex tracted without pain. The Bloomer Girl. "The idea that the bicycle unfits a girl for the domestic duties that natu rally fall to her is erroneous. I under stand Miss Bloomer kneads bread" "Possibly. But she needs skirta more. ' ' And thereafter they never spoke again. Chicago Post. It Was No Dummy. Dreary as is the labor of shopping to many women it has its occasional flash es of humor. A rudicrous incident oc curred one afternoon recently in one of the large city stores. Two young women were slowly threading their way among the gor geously dressed dummies, stopping here and there to inspect linings and price marks. Nothing seemed to strike their fancy very much till one of them caught sight of a black serge just in front of her. "There, Marie." she exclaimed in a tone of triumph, "that's what I want See how that umbrella skirt hangs. The frock makes even the lay figure distin guished. If it's silk lined and doesn't cost much, I shall have it." As she spoke she advanced and laid inquiring hands upon the frock. Then she fell back with a little cry. The supposed dummy was another cus tomer, who turned and faced her. Philadelphia Press. There is nothing more decorative for the evening dance than an artistio stair way. For this purpose the clematis vine can be used to advantage. On the-stair landing group together a many. palma and tropical plants as possible. Ot the Btair rail tiwith thick green cord the largest of ferns and group them with smaller ones in artistic lines. Tht add the clematis or tny other flowering vine that will make a goodly show. An ordinary lantern w quite a decora tive bit for a porch or piaua if fastened against the wall of the house near the main door. When a piazza fete ia in question, vines should cover the front door. At each corner there should be pots of flowers. Japanese lanterns can be hung from the ceiling of the porch and at one corner a small table with punch bowl and glasses. An excellent rug for a porch is two or three yards of ingrain carpet in doll red tones. It ean be fringed at each end und lined so as to make it heavy. To decorate a pier glass for a social function bank up the lower part with palms, so that a good foundation of green is accomplished. Then tack from the top of the mirror to the bottom four thin wires, fastening them securely at both ends. Select some vine in which the blossoms ore plenty and twine oacb wire in thiok profusion. On the top of the glaps festoon greens to the ceiling. This treatment is strikingly artistic and adds to the general ornamentation of the room. A novelty among flower holders ia shaped like a huge tumbler. It is made of openwork silver or gold finish, is supplied with small handles and con tains a cup of colored glass. In itself it Is a handsome and decorative object. When filled with flowers, it makes an effective centerpiece. A sofa pillow Been lately wra of Line denim, with several emblematical de vices appliqaed ou. some in relief. A rope served as a finish around the edge a, and this was fastened in knets at the corners, with fringed out ends. It wm thoroughly nautical in every particular and easily and cheaply made. Some double faced cretonne (French) is now seen of charming designs. It is some thing new and saves lining, remarks The Decorator and Furnisher In con cluding the foregoing useful note. Men don't go irouua now a days trying to break girla' hearts. But very good men can b- STATE NORMAL' 11 ouKb,leM ,ndwlfi81'- AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, NEXT SKSSION WILL BEGIN OCTOBER 5th 1S06. This School offers the benefit of a liberal education to voting men aud ladies of color. It is located I at Franklinton, N. C, on the Rast i eide of the S. A L. railroad, about j one hundred ard, three minute? walk from the station, and in a park of three acren. It commands I a picturesque viw of the surround-i ink tuiiuvry , niiu is uro iiuui iu i - ( rial and pnlmouary diseases. The buildings are epaciou.", well ventilated, and suitably adapted to the comfort of the students. Scholarship, $43 0 for a term of 8 months, including' board and washing. Tuition, Free. NOTICK linking n,aali fl-d kk mlm,nit'rtir oc 1b iMI il Mm. HatiM 11 i'krbaa thta t.. hit notir to an jtoi oieh (aid nt to mair innnnlut artlWrnnt an i all prr noi holding rlajcn atfaitat u.I tot to prrwtit t h-m for (ityiMiit nnr fc r (tfU, tr 1st. 1 'J or tai ootirv ill b (0aijd id hnr of t heir rrcTTT Thia October 1 V S . M I KI. J P P.H Vkf A.lur Th.i 1 ili.c AUi IV1Ut ADMINISTRATOR S MiTU'K .f War dating nmhtiol u Qilxmntrtitir ftut urr nol;rii tn tank I Oi (D h J i a. l mrnt and thw boMicg Haini agamat aaid -tat atli jrwrit TbHa fur I'.ijmTil on or Iwlorc tha 'in.) Jit ofk-t.irr -'J7 or tnia police aiU tw nWuid lo toir of lb-ir ra, i,t i fry. I Tun ix-ToUrr J , l-rj i Unmt-m IVarra. A im r P0WBER Absolutely Pure - l iji , .Pi tr a 1 c I'..Jl ll ftlluij I ' r - i, I T l. r & t : 4. SAUK OK VAU ABLK BR M'KJn V For furth i"r paritcuiar? aniire?? REV. JHO. A. SAVAGE. A. W., President. Franklinton. N. C Cedar Rock A(VDKMV FOIl BOS AND UIRI.. B j t1 rt n-- . .f th.- it ff g 1 ten In a taur'gf l-vi. ut.-j i n ilv n 1 ..f Arrll lv. I j I H K.-rn.-y ta 1 O I) Krrr.- j. V.iw1f i fv Willuma. in t iul rtor 1 In Book ln. i'i( C In th e.f th H wUftrr of , I -.- of Kran kit n f.untr. aril .Waul" halr ; l-nma.- lo th' iiru--rit if l 1 m . - rt g (p- 1 0-t t. I 111 n MturU lh I4!h Ur i f .H..irm ' t-r l-l a'ii f r rih. at pa' il- u tl ! In tb lnwii .f Krnklinln. c h- f il.iwir.jt ! rvl i. lin-l 'Tln- an l llng . n Knnalln r. aery ,-lAt.' aJor.t. 1 In Kri,allDtiio Tvwrmhit' an 1 J-. rl i"l m l V f nl a .-.!- t . :t II giiir.iri(j i n t 'f..rl Rot 1 t a iiar 1m lr U ' Kf irr.1-; l-.. tfv-m-. : i.r .i i H i K.rn v Itup w.t SX ;ir i t. a ' ran. b ttiiii- al..iia th- 1 : I r 1 1 h t a It .: anirra ,, tb.- -U.l H.-a- t f an k t r th.-i, Kt Vi riri I. . CUf .rl R. ; : ii)Caa) i R .J 3 jrar la t. . th- fm:t.g '.r, Ulnlrit S a.'ia rr.' r r ! A. a.. f , w "If I- nal l-rtr. T -m:T T B.a--k li-ira- M . T.. s rH H r Mu'.fa T hkj Mul.-a hi,.- ruarv tnul.- an-1 ..r)- h..r u.u.- jU 7S 1 ' 125 trail. m Mr la 1 tin th-- l.tth Uy .(iHo'.r jr ' .1 Willukv VI r-gir- K i ' LLi-i Att.-rr.'-y The readie'.r.d eoret wy to get rid of cet.'ir" ! . c rrect our selve?. SnlTHKIlN KAII.WAV. pimmiiM tin lim. t (N1KKI) n HK.bn.K. IN KKKE'T J A N I . k V l. TR.UN" LKWK KALUull. a. ( 1 'J A M r. r. t a '. r a.1 : : r .v r'.i icJ X r. .. l. ai. . ijarfa i S rti r- v - r.u.t Ka.l r l A '. - i- -ri t -M Ji - . r a : r. A ' - a r. -.r,a, at, i 'f x r m t T c a-r. - h - r r l! r. ) ' I ; t i . r- . '.y t . t . rri a :. : '. a f. L't ..13.. N r! a- 1 i- S li 1 T ix. .r.'.t r&. a a- ? aa r. Thn School will ojumi on day, Sej)ternber 1-t, 1M'. T n e r- Not Worth Considering. "No, sah, " said the colonel, "I never go hunting, sah. It is cruelty." "But you fish, colonel. Isn't that cruelty too?" "What is a fish?" asked the colonel, in scornful tones. "A creature that has its existence entiahly in watah, sah. " Indianapolis Journal. HOTEL'S. An Unexpected Call. "I haven't the face to go intotthe parlor with all those men there!' she exclaimed. However, as her maid was rapidly supplying the deficiency, it .was not likely the men in question would be -obliged to wait more than half anthour. New York Press. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. WOODAfcD, Prop., Rocky Mount, N. C. I'ree P.us meets all trains, Cx'-e $2 per day. NORWOOD HOUSE Warrenton, North Carolina- W. j. NORWOOD, Proprietor. Patronage of Commercial Tourists- ana Trailing Public Solicited. " Good Sample Room. ft rarest Hotel to Stoees and Court House. - ; FKANKL1KT0S HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C. G. If. EOBBS, Prp'r. (Jood accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, C D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. Untamed. "Marriage, " said the unsophisticated youth, "marnage has a civilizing eneot on a man. If not why is it that an old bachelor is so apt to be cross and crusty? "Because," said the Cumminsville ... U 1 Utn it, nsxt sage, Decause an uju uooiiciui u afraid to say what he thinks." Cincin nati Enquirer. ' v Ends and Mean. "A literarv education J' eaidih lec turer, "is not of itself a finality. It ia but a means to an end." "Yes," spoke up a man in the audi ence who had a son at Yale, "and it generally puts an end to one's means." Buffalo Exprees. He Tumbled. As he crawled from beneath the bay window, where his second wife had un ceremoniously dropped him, he re marked. "I never before realized how much force there was in the saying, 'In union there is strength." Boston Courier. Satisfactorily Explained. Geo rye Dn Uaurler Double. Mr. Du Maurier had a double, and his double was, as many people are aware, Mr. Alma Tadema. So remark able was the resemblance that even their most intimate friends were fre quently mistaking them. A e'er tain young lady, however, prided herself that she had no difficulty in de termining which was which. On one occasion, finding herself seated next to Du Maurier at dinner, she remarked: ' 'I cannot understand how any one can mistake von for Mr. Tadema. To me the likeness is very slight." Pres ently she added: "By the way, I have a photograph of you. Do be so good as to put your autograph to it " Mr. Du Maurier, assenting graciously, the photograph was afterward produced. He looked at it for a moment, sighed, and then very gently laidit on the table. "That," he remarked, "is Mr. Alma Tadema's portrait" Pearson's Week ly. Sweet Bevenre. Mrs. Henry Clay Barnabee and Aunt Ixmisa Eldridge were conspicuous in a Rial to milliner's a few afternoons ago, Mrs. Barnabee - left first, and Aunt Louisa lost no time in buttonholing the modiste. "Why did you charge her $20 for that hat when you let me have a pret tier and more stylish one for $10?" she demanded. "Hnshl" cautioned the milliner, put ting her long forefinger to her lips. "Her husband is one of those alleged funny men who are always getting off jokes about the expensiveness or ladies bonnets. ' Sweet revenge 1 New York Recorder. His Grip on Fame. The Chap Book tells a story of a well known lion huntress in London who in her own drawing room introduced John Drew to a gentleman named Monteflore. She eulogized Mr, Drew's abilities and Style In Wall Covering-. Somo cf the handsomet-t papeTings which have ever been shown arc of imi tation leather embossc-d in heraldic do signs. The Standard Designer tells that these are made with such skill that it is almost impossible to believe that they are the work of machinery and not hand carving. This material is most artistic for dining rooms and libraries and as sociates very effectively with leather furniture When heraldio designs are not usod, conventional floml patterns or Persian figures are employed. Some times the leather is colored in ric h, deep contrasting hues, and sometimes it is left in the natural tint and shaded in darker brown or tan to resemble the burnt leather which is one of the pop ular fancies of the present day. Tapestry is also cloaely imitated for drawing rooms and dining rooms. In this even the stitches are copied with the closest fidelity, and the patterns re reproduced from the old tapestries. Sometimes panels of these are set in oak framing for dining rooms with excellent effect Uncrusta walton is more in de mand than ever for panels, dados and ceilings. In cream and gold it is much used in drawing rooms, where the pan els are set in between real 6ilk or satin drapery, or when made In imitation of leather it is framed in wood in a man ner similar to the tapestries mentioned above. In metallic colors lincrost a wal ton is also largely used in vestibules and corridors. When one does not wish to go to the expense of having a ceiling frescoed, he can obtain beautiful papenug for this purpose in Louis XIV and Marie Antoi nette designs, with tenters, wreathes and festoons in soft coloring, delicately touched here and there with gold. Tuition and Board vrv mod ate. Thorou'herner1 and progr- shall be our aim. Tin; very te.Kt advantages in evory Department. The music department wiil le in charge of a thoroughly competent teacher. For full particulars a.ldre-?, Sl'KNCKU CUAI'LIN. A H Principal, I'tvhr U k. N. t' Or J. A. OMTKIXJK. IF !'..!. . r- a i -1 N-it t'urfc-. N v 1 p.- Gannaway Hardware Company. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE, LOUISBFIKt, n. t -v r r t nN m : . - 1 t . M ; if ti m' . O : n' -th- J-Jt'.i a t K'r -rv . v M T"Ur Wn', h-. i '1 -ka ng ach'.rja lU'i J"a-lrT. i: Lrrt ri .'lr-. 'it th'tn L A. FA I" I.K N K !'.. J-r K rii W r"L' ":. n .a Mar-.'' if V n ( ' K ! '1 u 1 1 f.i iiin-r.i' if Jar...- A K-arc-; u 'if in a . . r". ! ;r. lr t A '..ai A - at. faat ' a A -a' -a -.a. . a k -w-y r: .a a a i . i- . a.- a - K. i - - 7 Vl - : t. . i. . r. i : a: y i t ". s -.. r. a . . r. -.i' r a a K 1 1 ' n ri ; 1 t-ntat-V nik- i::irr.--'i nn n 1 1 -r r. h a i r.r -i 1-1 rt.v.- ; r"-:-.t th-: iiy f S-t '.rr.i-r 1 v7. li tr l :n bar f th- A ', '. r! m- J t--f !-" r 1 1. , t r- i - r j f. t i A V! 7 K y. 7 I'F. -p'.-i:it-r H c. i; Arty. 1 a.i : hi:: : .( if. t i r , M T H i I N ri V R K I BAYLOR'S PARLOR i '. i VI i. j ' K A A ' :: i VI SAIM t A V! )arir'iins! larains! i We have just opened and complete Stock of Large A Si y Ei fa r. 1 - a. fr I'ai.ra: a -a ' vb 'i r--r. a ' . i j r-r a r 1 - a' . -a. 'y ' U '. - ar. '. A ..-. j S'T t H.a r i Hardware, and propose at all tirnrp to A Full Line of all Kinds of carrv Agricultural Implements, VhTar D. H. Taylor A Co. for chap Vhikv, Brandie?, Winea it Beers. Whre can vnti gt old borne mailt corn whik?y.' at I). 11. TavlorA' Co. I'rt.m one wek !n three yearstdd.ch'-aper thdti ever before. I. H ' . ra H M a ) " A i Who kee; 1 R. A STUART'S ROCK aVESTTBULlD .LIMITED DOUBLE DAIIY SERVICE and other supplies ie led on Farm. the BRIDGE RII tS" Please call and examine our Stock before making your purchase. Corn Soup. A pint of corn (about six ears), a pint of milk, a tcaspoonful each of sugar, salt and floor, a half saltspoon ful of white pepper and a tableepoonful of butter. Cut the corn from. the cobs. Break the cobs in pieces and put them on to boil, with cold water to cover. Cook 80 inmates and 'strain. There should be about one pint of water. Put the corn water on to boil again, and, when boiling, add the pulp and cook 15 minutes. Add salt, pepper, suaar and the milk, which should bo boiling hot. Blend the flour and butter, add to the soup and ccok five minutes. Serve at once. MASSENBURG HOTEL. J 1? Masscnburer Propr HENDERSON, N- C Good accommodations. Good fare; T tt a wr ia it. that we never see the treniua of his aenng, tne urew iam- Busticus Vfith that pretty young woman fly's talent, and after she had said all that was posaiDie aoout nixu buo uiuugm it was necessary to say something nice any more? She Why, tney. nave Deen mam for more than a year, Detroit Free Press. about - Mr. . Monteflore. She hesitated a moment, and then, taming to Mr. Drew, remarked. "You may Temember that his favorite uncle was frightfully man- Inconsistent. First Tramp Dey say dat- health is J gled the underground last year. " wealth. Second Tramp If dat's so, here s two wealthy men widout de price of a beer between 'em. Town Topics. Why He "Was Reported. v Conductor (to passengers inside) Can you squeeze another lady in there? Elderly Lady Sir! New York Her- aid. Vegetation. " Widow, eh? 4 Weeds?' ; . ' ' No. Grajjs. "Detroit Trttjn On the Bishop. A good cricket story is told of the lade bishop of Rochester, ne was Dai tinir in a local cricket match when the triov wnt a. hall verr wide of the winlret. I "Keep the ball fa the parish," cried the irascible bishop. ' The next ball Imooked his lordship's middle atoms out The yokel shouted : "I think that's somewhere aboot the diooese, my iudl" TH-Blts, Sweet Tomato Pickle. A peck of green tomatoes and 6 large onions sliced. SpriniJe with a cupful of salt and let tbem stand over night. In the morning drain. Add to the tomatoes 2 quarts of water and a quart of vinegar. Boil li- minute. Then dram again and throw away tne vinegar and water. Add, to the pickle 2 pounds of sugar, 2 quarts of vine gar, tablespooufuls of cloves, 2 of all rpice, 2 of .ginger. 2 of mustard. 2 of tinuamon and a teaspoonfnl of cayenne tnd boil 15 minutes. This is a very de licious pickle and keeps welL XTovelties In Baaeoelcs. Hassocks this summer are out in a new dress. The old fashioned .hassock was a carpet affair of miserable oolora without generally a ray cf beauty. But now this choice little footstool is im ported. It ia made of soft yellow" leather, with a pattern in the center -of oriental design. For children this season . the New York Journal notes a small straw stool cushioned or decorated as taste prefers and et in a brilliant red frame. Bamboo footstools or basaocks in Jap. anew styles still hold their own. New Saloon. I have opened a FIRST-CLASS SALOON In the New Brick Building on RIVER STREET, (in rear of Court Street) and will carry a full line of FINE WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, FRESH BEER ETC. Give roe a call and I will use my best efforts please- you. (iT E?peciallv do I invite yon to try a MIXED DRINK, at mv Bar, as I am eati!fied- can give yon genuine delight. Youtp respectfully , R. C. BATCIIELOR. W. RR ANTE U 4 YEARS I.I.' I). II . Taylor A- Co. Who keeps old VirginaCIub. I. H. Taylor Co., and he also keeps the finest and cheap'-st bome-made Brandy in town, other 1 i quors of a! 1 kinds that areood, and cheaper tbau ever before. Special price- to all my customers, come one, come all. I)lit- ai.d r. m pt at tentiou and pkillful bar-tenders. OLD ROCK HKIPCiK RYE . iv , : it-- 1 -rr llaiita rw Orlrana Norlolk lllrti tnopd 1 athlnglun, Ita I ll me rr , Philadelphia. Boa'.ou. rv lora. T K A I lkavk k a i y ; 1 A M . H ' A 1 A'.lar, 'a ; -- n H'rvirrw n. n iMi . . Ka ra ui : a;', r- : :. i K- - .so .;r ax. 1 1 u .. ex. a ri . t. a ai. 1 r.t t . 1 a r r ra r a. im r- 1 .' .a. b t a r V -a . . ' ra -rjf Kt'i.3. -rdi i t : . S'. I'ra'. r. t J t A ' -a r t a lat.r.,-- : '.. . -w l rh . 1 u..min '-'-t ' a r k r r l r' rtaro utb Ami a: aa .r ir"..-1 K a! a at . B:'- ca .r 11 r. - -r. . 1 : a.l-. j 1 1 a J ?. r Vi-ra 4 -j I M a .r r Kn;,. uVi.. rf .k i '1 J :.' atl I a. a: ; t -a : . M axi 3 Rnax Ka; r- -a-i II - A M I'AILT Fi r H'ri ra. o. a KorT lk f rt t. a Lb .rf .k axvl 1 c trao JlaV atatv-r.a. r i--ta al rVrtaravxatb l'.a Bay L'.ar '. r .l l'1ntan3 8tUD"t w.th Jcrfk ax-1 ai; lt'. Ti .'.-tmi.l .-ctatj fir aut:c('.. Ilh! T k fUt r-a.l f rniAV,:j an i t -'.r.t l. rt fc a. ao at t m't A i- 1. 1 1 -a (F THE id is phys.- country. f- 1 IS THE STANHAKD W( iRI.l'. f iaran J. p'jr'1 pr'pcribed by ?h- liid: cians throughout tb.- and the resid-nt tih siciarm of Louifliurg. ILad the following tept iiiion ial : We present Stnarts R.ck bridp Whiskey wh-nev-r a ptimulant is needed, knowing it to le absolut'ly pure and fre from all adulteration. : i ! tr. a L r r Si gnHl ( J. K. ' E.S. F M ALONE, OSTKR, ( J. B CLIFTON. NOTICE. By vlrtar of the pow-r eotifrrre.1 nj on m by the trrroa of a deed of mortma execute (3 t'y B. F. Smith on ffoemlr 2Sth 16 axiJ rwconla In tha R"ratry cf TtiIiHd coanty In Book W. pavs 43S-S. I will ad I at LoolsNurg to tho hrh est bldiler for caah at the Court Uduk kor oo Monday the flrat day of Tonnrier at 11 o'clock M., tlae following tract of Und ly tng In HayeaTllle Wwnahlr. Franklin roanty. and bonndel a foUowa: By the lamia of C VF. eooahaofa.8. H. Ktrorj and Joan Hofood. pxeppt for the two acre compriaed la the bury Ids sToand. A. W. ALSTOIf , Mortfmr. J . & epmiU, AU7. 1 The above liquor is sold only ; by D. H. Taylor & Co., exclusive I agents, at their saloons on Nash 8L, wbo also carry a full line of everything usually kept in a first-class saloon. Fresh beer a specialty. Your rtronage solicited. Your friends, D. H.TA.YLOB& OQ. i .-aa; Ltu' f r Hl-r.Tr.oti! ith:r.f re r. I'M a'.' ib.i ir.! 5 T. rl. ir. . i t.au 1 .k Em h I t u-r '; lri'..n ir. t 1' jnv. - :t u..niai . - ; AUarjta Iv r"m. a'.h : -J A U I1 A 1 1 T A UaJ-.ta '.a. y n . , i. V ! s u'rj-ru Uarc. t. : rr. c. V OiarWtiy.Lln'. u' t. y'r.-a". t. r (i r-ti w . - - ' A'.'i! AC it At.att. A aat. iVl-itnt t. la'..- r r.a g tr ry M Mrmpt: la an 1 aa! p -in U: t.-- - g : a -.t k -at LT.roajr'. I'-i'.aia-rj Hat a x.Li ai.'r ani '.ay riiab'a h'.r(rt"BSl '.r"Jt. 1trrt:y at I cUr. Iw- tt. A'.Iuu, witi l.urg lnx Itii'a ajao f'at:t;. At.anLa ( ar r"c-rt B'.utt "j1 Motr t i:sir. itr.g i r" M . I ' A 1 1 V f.-r l'.nitrV i.. ("t.arW tu. ( ttifrT ..,rrT.. w r1. A tlv--r-.. Atlanta an j aL trrtartjt atAflooa I'i'tw. ta at l"iiJf-c atatioa AtLirt. wl'b iJlTTBlrir ltrx-a Poilisu (ir r F.-rtaoK a'.h to AUatta. TRA1! RtACH RALrJi.U Ji4 M I'AII T. Fri-a Norfilk. r'or'juico'Jl. ar. J ik'rth ill Bit I Iw idIJI T k JV Ral.rvJ rlrrlOTS Ri hm til in! aahlnrtr BaJ: Umorf. UaJHrhla. -w Trrl ia 1 B-V; il frcn Grnll. lljnKic'b. aulliifloa, c. ial faafm laroilm jolr.tj i La a ri. 4 51 A M IAILT "Atliutt ri-t1. 1'aUnLan Voart'.ril. fr .a Atlanta ail HH ac ath. Atbra At-tv-rtla. Ownwol ani rler. 11 A fcf.. DAILT From ihirVl. A '.bra. AUtLta and lcUr mvilat U!:oa. IJ0 A. af . DAII.T. atlacta aj-Ul.-' frenj Norf.k.IVr'wataoailb HrtiiSraoo. wrkiots. RJrhnvoJ. Waaiavrt'' BaJtltnor. rklia. Wii hla, .Vw Tork u' ta "M4rriV!Wtt r-al tn n VrUt-Vxl TnlM. oeitrafax. rtl,i Ur kr amt. or to U. K Laaas. Sot nai inrr RaMitH. . a X. Sr Jomv. H W. B. Outrraa. Vbw-Frr. aatfT.Bde Maa. TraCe Kan T. . afcBw Bt. J Apaacr. HXT IM, JIM. AftH, lite and attentive servant

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