TiK'FKiKlJK TIMES ' -- VOL. XXVI. Mt-t lit xlist Church Directory. School at 9:30 A. M. (eo. S. Bakek. Supt. Piviiching at 11 A. M., and 7 P. M. ery Sunday. Pnivt-r meeting Wednesday night. G. F. Smith, Pastor. LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1896. NUMBER 45 CURRENTMISCELLANY. I J0KES OF THE JESTERS. l'ro it?sioual cards 1)' ; S 1'. Iil RT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. II ,, the Ford Building, corner Main streets. Upstairs front. w M. II. KUFFIN, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, Louisburg, N. C. " " l I i n in. ir, iilloourts. Office -in Ford. ,NI--. mi ncr of Main and Nash streets. B MASSENBURO, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOUISBUK&, N. c. Will practice iu all the Courts of the State oitice in Court House. c. M. COKE & SON, A TTORNBYS- AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, If. C. Will iittend the courts ol Nash, Franklin, Oriaviil' . Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Caroliup, and the D. s circuit ana Liistri'Jt Courts. " J. E. MALON'K urtic two doors below Aycocke & Co.'s iruK stop-, adjoining Dr. O. L. Ellis. I) R. W. U. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUISBURG, N. C. SPRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C. Will sit tend the courts of Franklin, Vance, Gniiivi;i- Warren and Wake counties, also the Supr.'ine Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. &c. T iHoS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C. or'.ice on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's 8tur W. BICKETT, T. ATluRNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBURG N. C. Prompt and painstaking attention given to "very uiatt-T intrusted to his hands. Ri t-ix to Chief J ustice Shepherd, Hon. John M.niiiin. tiu. Kobt. W. WinBton, Hon. J. C. Bui.iii. Pres. First National Bank of Win ston. uI mui & Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank uf M pi. roe, chaa. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est C n K''. Hon. E. W. Timberlake. uffice in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. nffl1 CD0118 facfc' and one that has often been alluded to by the naturalists. faculty falls into disuse it dnr,,00 LnfZe.ur nessand is finally lost altogether." Certain parasitic insects xur instance, have so completely degen ra, we a to believe the won derful stories told by the entomologists, that they have neither eyes, legs, heads, mouths, stomachs nor intestines. Yet these creatures live, it is said, and "en joy themselve-after a fashion." A pe culiar -fashion, indeedl Along this same line we may note the fact that animals and reptiles which spend the ercater portion -or all of their lives in caverns or in burrows in the earth lose the power of sight or have eyes that are only rudimentary. Slave ants and work ing ants have lost their wings on ac count of being kept on the ground. The masters in some ant colonies where slaves are kept have become so hopeless ly dependent on their bondsmen that they will not only not seek food, but are utterly incapable of feeding them selves and will actually starve with food before them unless a slave is present to place it between their jaws. St. Louis Republic. Photographic Snaps. Amateur photographers of the woods or wild scenes sometimes have extraor dinary luck. For instance, there was a Tfc i - nnssian wno took a picture of a party of friends near a big patch of forest. When he came to develop it, he found that there had been a bear beyond the group making for the woods at full speed when the bulb was pressed. Will (Jonway, an amateur photog rapher living up in Oneida county, N. Y., got a curious result from a snap shot at a clump of woods. When he de veloped his film, he found that three partridges had been sitting on the ground eight or ten feet from him, deeply interested in his actions, as the position of their heads plainly showed. Another of his shots also developed curi ously. It showed a fox trotting across a picturesque opening on a swamp woods road. Apparently the beast had not no ticed the photographer, because it was looking awry, giving a side view of his body and a rear view of its head. The ears were sticking up and spooned for ward, as if it had heard a mouse squeak in the direction in which it was look ing. New York Sun. Archibald Forbes, the famous war correspondent, once told an amusing story connected with a lecture which he delivered at West Chester, Pa. On ar riving at the station in that place a negro hackman pressed forward and offered his services to take the lecturer to the hotel. On arriving at his destina tion Mr. Forbes asked the hackman what his fare was. "Well, sab," replied the negro with a comprehensive grin, "if you'd jess gib me a ticket to de lecture, sah, daCs all I ask, and I'd be right glad to get it." "Why, certainly, "replied Mr. Forbes, feeling that here, indeed, was an unex pected tribute. "I'll give you oua And haven't you a missis?" "Yes, sah," was the prompt reply. "I'ze got a missis. " "Well, you shall have one for her, too," said the lecturer, who forthwith requested his agent to hand the man the tickets. That eveninsr hp lnt-pd .hnr the hall for his colored admirer, but Paw nothing of him. The next morning, on ordering a hack to go to the station, he discovered that the vehicle was driven by the same man. "I didn't see you at the lecture last night," said Mr. Forbes. "No, sah," replied the darky frank ly. "I was not dar. " "But I gave you tickets for yourself Rnd your wife, ' ' said Mr. Forbes in natural astonishment. "Yes, sah," returned the hackman, with one of his broadest smiles; "but. you see, me and my missis don't know much about lectures, sah, and we thought we'd rather hab de cash, so I done sold dem tickets for a dollar, sah." Youth's Companion. THE HOUSEHOLD. EtiqTietta Klatintf f- J At Hamm Days. A ITic Ctreea Tcmaio Plckla. -Appl Jelly fiut Caka. M Prictic PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, N. 0. 3 in all courts. Office in the Court 11 YARBOROUQH, Jr. AVIORM.Y AT LA, LOUISBURG, N. C. second floor ot JNeal building ottl ' .1111 All mi -treet. 1 l.-a! ferei vt business intrusted to hini prompt and careful attention. J). T. Smithwick, DENTISTS. f LOUISBURG, N. C. Work in every department ol Denistry rated with skill and accuracy. The Spirit of Modern Athens. Modern Athens, which recalls in so many ways the Athens of ancient days, has inherited from her the privilege of being beautified and enriched by her children. The public treasury was not always very well filled in those times any more than in the present, but wealthy citizens who had made fortunes at a distance liked to crown their com mercial career by some act of liberality to the mother country. They endowed the land with superb edifices of general utility theaters, gymnasiums, temples. The modern city is likewise full of monuments which she owes to such generosity. It was easy to obtain from private individuals what the state could not give. The Olympic games had burn ed with so bright a luster in the past of the Greeks that they could not but have their revival at heart. Baron Pierre de Caubertin in Century. An Old Experience. "Will you run for office again?" asked the politician's acquaintance. "My friend, " was the earnest and de liberate reply, "I wasn't running for office. " "Why er everybody thought you were. " "I thought so too. But I have discov ered that I took the wrong rout, and the harder I ran the farther I got from the place I wanted to reach." Wash ington Star. Her Tart Retort. . The Marquis del Carpio, viceroy of Naples, was once going into a church at Madrid and saw a lady entering at the same moment who wore an extremely beautiful diamond on a very ugly hand, "I should prefer the ring to the hand," said he, with no expectation of being heard, but she immediately touched the collar of his order, which he was wear iug, and said, "I should prefer the hal ter to the donkey." Argonaut re The Man For the Place. Lord Bareacres You have called gardiug the situation of footman? Applicant Yes, my lord. Lord Baroaeres Was there not some one in the anteroom as you came in? Applicant There was, my lord. There was a man with a writ for your lordship, but I threw him out. Applicant engaged on the spot Tit-Bits. DR. IB. HP. ZEJZEXY" DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. office in New Hotel building, 2nd floor. Gas administered and teeth ex tracted without pain. HOTEL'S. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. WOODAKD, Pro., Rocky Mount, N. C. , Free T?us meets all trains. $2 per day. NORWOOD HOUSE Warrenton, North Carolina- XV. j. NORWOOD, Proprietor. Pitromire of Commercial Tourists ana luv -iiiig p ublic Solicited. Good Sample Boom. Nf.akbst Hotel to Storej and Court House. FHANKLINTON HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C. G. M. EOBBS, Prtfr.. Good accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, C D. OSBORN, Proprietor, . American Whist Leads. Attention is called to the fact that, as American leads, when first promulgat ed, were assailed on the ground of com plexity, that there are only two rules of any importance in connection with them, and that both are easy of assim ilation. They are : 1. Low card, lead fourth best hand. 2. High card after high card, lead (a) highest in hand if the lead was from four originally; (b) with high, indifferent cards, not the highest, it the lead was from more than four. Any card player who is incapable of following these two plain rules would be well advised to confine his attention to such games as old maid or Deggar my neighbor. Cavendish in Scribner's. The John Brown Medal. The gold medal given by Victor Hugo and other Frenchmen to the widow of John Brown is in the museum of the Kansas State Historical society. With it is the original letter of transmission in Hugo's handwriting. Just before the Franco-German war a subscription com mittee was organized of French Repub licans for the purpose of presenting to Mrs. Brown such a medal commemora tive of her husband, of his sons and of his companions. The sending of the medal was delayed by political events rmtil Oct. 21. 1874. John Brown, Jr., sent the medal, with Hugo's letter, to Judge F. H. Adams Nov. 18, 1887, to be deposited in the Historical society s museum. Feminine Vanity. Feminine vanity is not the product of our enete civinzauuu, uuu io aa the history f the world. The Jewish and .Egyptian women i l-i-rt norQfiH were arrant coquet ica ncu i, fhQ orfifioialities oi the toilet. Wnen 1U Mt Jezebel learned of the approach of Jehu, she sought to enhance her charms by painting her face and blacking her eyes with antimony. Judith, before she prooeeded on her murderous mission to the tent of Holo fernes, bathed and perfumed herself with infinite care and wrapped herself in a splendid veil, in whose voluminous folds she concealed her cruel weapon. Philadelphia Ledger. Kn6w His Business. "Worn aa come in and asked for con summated lye," said the grocer's new boy with a grin. "You didn't try to correct her, did you?" aked the grocer. "Me? Naw. I'm on to my job better than that. I jnst handed her a can of consecrated lyo and didn't say a word." Indianapolis Journal. To haTe en "at homeviay has been found a great ccnYt-pfence by those ladies who live at a long distance from their friend, or whose-time is so ranch occupied that th?y cannot allow them selves more tbaq aa occasional after noon leisure to see their friends and ac quaintances. It is pleasant also for aH visitor who really wants to see' the per son called upon to kxtcrw that if - she pays her visit npona certain dar sDe is sure of finding her at tome. AltBotrg to these persons th fashion of having an "at home" day is a great boon, there arc others who find il a rreat restraint I having to remain at home on certain days on the chance of visitors calling, for to have an "at home" day and not be "at home" is considered to be and is a decided breach of politeness. Of course there are occasions when the absence of the hostess is, from one cause or another, unavoidable, and when this is the case her nlaoe'may be taken by her daughter, sister or any other near relation. There are "many persons, again, who, though they like to be sure of seeing their friends when they call, yet feel it a tre to be obliged to stay in on a particular day in each week. These find it a better plan to have their "at home" davs alternate. instead of every week, so have the first and third Mondays in the month or the Becond and fourth Tmdays, which leaves them free to go out on the inter mediate ones if tbev choose to do so. When a lady has settled upon the day or days that she means to be "nt home," she does not send out invitations, as she would to an afternoon "at home," but intimates the fact to her friends and ac quaintances by printingupou her visit ing cards the days on which she is to be "at home" as, for example, if she has decided upon having every Wednesday, the word "Wednesday" should be put If only two Wednesdays in each month, it would be "First and Third Wednes day," or "Second and Fourth Wednes day," as the case may be, or, if only the Wednesdays in certain months, it should be "Wednesdays in October and November" or whatever the months decided upon might be. The "at home " days should not be printed on the gentleman's cards, but only upon those of the lady. When call ing upon an "at homo" day, the vis itor asks at the door if Mrs. A. is at home, and js shown into the drawing room by the servant, where she is re ceived by her hostess, who rises from her seat, comes forward and shake hands with her. A call made upon an "at home" day is returned in1 exactly the same manner as ether visits, and a lady calling without her husband would leave his card, or cards, in the hall at the conclusion of her visit, in the same manner and number as on another day. Afternoon tea is served in the drawing room on an "at home" day. The tea table is brought in by the servant, and placed wherever it is the custom of the house to have it, and the tea is poured out either by the hostess, her daughter or other lady of the hoasehold and handed to the guests. As each visitor takes her departure, the hostess rises to shake hands with her and rings the bell for the servant to open the door. I RIVERSIDE SALOON, LOUISBURG. N. C II. E. JOYNKU, Proprietor. am making a special drive on thnt well known and -popular COOPER CORN WHISKEY, i which is undoubtedly the lt Corn I Whiskey on th mnrket. j My stock of fiY:Wffl3KETS, BRANDIES WINES RDM, GIN, BEER, and every t hinfr els4 usually kept in n first-clana Bar-Uoom constantly on hand. A sirtogr approaebvd i-Govrrao Taylor, uf TBOMe. recatly Uh ei-trod-d hand, sod uid: "Yoar fae l familiar; wbrv in a 1 did I inert yoo?" "I don't know." ivplid tb ei-Uotvrnnr; "whit part of h 1 are joa from?" Ki. LEXINGTON" ( LI B WHISK K SPECIALTY. V A The gTHntst enre ext-rriseil preperution of all Wind u drinks. Come to kh me Everything clean and n strictest privacy obs-rvtti, disorder or noin allowed. ill the fun. v at. The .wi'l no Respectfully . H. E. .inYNEII. r ropt P. S Mr. Mack Dixon, of Ihirhnm, Children Cry for Pitcher's Cutoria. LAND SALE. " lirirM. VV. nd OU ftobb.U li I un the l.'lh dat f Juoe 1P93, rte-eai tod it liver to Abrt K. Hhltuck. TruU. tru.t tie-d on retain iaada in Frank Ha ounir, SIjI of North Ctr.liDi thrr ib ilrcrib-rd. U irrurt the aaa of H.I'JOUj Jut by aid f . C. aa-d K1U Bbbm la ibe Uriliih A A iirriria Jl rtjc f oopuT, (jtoitrd, shich aaid traM dred i. rtrordrd in Franklin 4ont. in lWJ (look W ftf .J lo whirh rrferrnc i hrrrbr maJe: ai.d ulirrras drfaall hai brn madr in ike fay n.rr.l uf the la.jnrr. eurrd by uij tru.t ilcvti auil whrrrai Ih u n r i a r hat l.rvii 1uIt pmirl 1 u bti '.n iit ral- id t,r y larr ol t-aid A!btl K rSaU-rk. a pr.,ijid in lAid trutt dfrd, an1 hat bff D t j I r rrqnrtleJ l-j t irculc thr trul l.Tt.n -'li lai f i l . N.iw Thri('irf notice it hrrrbT fie thl 'TvUr ami hx irtu i-f Ihc x.f r r.-.n-tjiiiit-tl in anl trul ilrd. I. Itir uo lrf k.'t:r.l u tt : to trd trutt'. on U"I.J If-' .'I ilm ! I ). nO-T 1", brl'f O tf.r i ..uf. i" a w. ai..i J r u .. v. th ' cr: ilomr J .vr id ihr lin ui I.uiL ur iu hrti kliii "UMv .'.! hy pohi.- aid. on I: i thi r. ,fi.-; ('i.Ucr U r .-!. uK. c jl . vi i p ilrtrri j. il p r . r r . ,r K.tfiniiii.tf at i. ifff ii.itr .jit .' . i J :! i i.furr K.r liltini rrrei lli'tft Absolutely Pure. A rreaiQ rj !rar Kak.cx nair Hi(k X rJ all IW Wlltl( rrtt. I.4TT I r-a STiTr Ikiiiihiiit .t P.irrttT IUTl Bunt T nil r'i a Toik If tbr ia a j i licb . n a r ect it off. a it rear t d raa-l If a dd limb la n -! 'Swr4ii.- c-f tb tra h'.old b ratie r " di-rr ihr rtnw an expiert mix of fasliionati! prape-t, i.- now with ni" ami wi to have voti rail to lnm II b Fne k nip l"'rida v from 1 1 very 'dock 1 Uf to a nd k. 1 1. t&T Frth ( iysttTH very day Gannaway Hardware Company. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE, Loi:im'K(;. n. r. 1 fh it il r J 1 il r. 1 t lu I 11 k. I . ' Ul 'r :icr ' . j o . I t t in 1 1 . r l r n. 1 ..Lit nwr, t hr ii ! n 4'. . a 1 1 i ! . - . t... n . 1 r r i I t, - Ul J. 1 ' a 4 i p--"a '' ' "r'ifr, Cirrf J.olft, . . :n .- .. ; r. r a k mm .LIMITED RAI MS- DOUBLE DAIIY SERVICE 1" S J r , J M r. 1 - - s n- : ; - I. i : d . ; . .i. t in ;;l ra' l n W li r '.: 1 ' . ,r. k ; in I" Ihr l era. t h- z i k t . . .. llT 1 ..li 1 1 ' : 1", , a. 1 1 ' .r I. llr i, i -. r r. r r. r n . t .f, i r f'. . '1 ' 4 1 7 ii We have just opened and corrplete Stock of Hardware nd propose at all tim- s ii. Full Line of all Kinds Agricultural . i ; ill p. ... to f rarrv n : r. il i ! r -:ll. Ii r ' .1.1'. U ) 'Ml l.ac r a r r- m ! Ur-1 4 1 rm m n: ! t 1 A Phenomenal Combination. De Witte How in the-world did you happen to get married? Mrs. Black-Jones By a phenomenal combination cf circumstances. He and and his family and my family were willing. Truth. Postponed. "Then they didn't start on the hon eymoon that night?" "No. It was after 3 o'clock, and they had to wait until the next day to get her father's check cashed. " Brooklyn Life. Nightmare. "My dear," expostulated his wife, "why will you eat such a hearty break fast on Sundav morning? You know you are almost sure to have a night mare in church." Detroit Tribune. Oxford, N. C. Good nenmmodations for the traveling public. MASSENBUIIG HOTEL. T r Mattcnbnrs Propr HENDERSON, N- C Good aeenmmoHn: Good fare: Pof inBtwtinople How It Works. "Pop. what is promptness?" "Promptness? Well, it is a bad habit of always being on time and getting tired to death waiting for people who are not." Chicago Record. A Change Comes. l,Tire Is the problem of a woman a life to set a husband? Miss Passe After 35. Before that it is merely her pastime. Truth. The Woman at Whist. She I've bought a new whist table, dear. He Well, now you've got something to talk about. Yonkers Statesman. Constantinople's Great Fire. In 1816 a large part of Constantinople was destroyed by fire, 12,000 dwellings, hesides warehouses and other structures, going down before the flames. The value nf nronertv destroyed on this occasion could not -be estimated, but was not so great as would have been occasioned by a fira of like proportions in other cities. fho oTfiAter mart of the dwellings and wuw e- . . . ii r Implements, i t. and other ph Parm. 1"? lire led on t h e 1 1 1 (.1 -,' ,irr- in C.t.t.t.i lr-1 un i .it : m . ..,nl I. ,11. 1 i : k . tl 1. t - 7 1 i i' .1 til. . r, . n r-:m t.. n: i. 1 A' .1. s V. fill ti. 1 K T I i . 1 '. 1 J tur' r. ! I ' ni : The Stakes. She My face is my fortune. He TTheu I can't be accused of play i ig for very high stakes. Town Topica Our Baby. , We have a baby and be looks like me Somebody said 60 one day But that 1 have never been able to Bee. Though somebody said so one day. His beautiful eyes have the hue of the skies And mine of a ship tossed sea. Neither blue, ?ray, nor green, Just betwixt and between. Still, our baby looks like me. A 17 ice Green Tomato Plckl. A recipe for a green tomato pickle that is delicious with cold meat Is given by an exchange: Slice a peck of green tomatoes without paring and cover them with salt and water. Let stand for 24 hours; then drain off the brine and put the fruit in a kettle, together with a quart of sliced onions. Cover with vinegar and stir in 2 pounds of sugar, one-quarter pound mustard seed, the tame of celery eecd and a tabfespoon- ful each of mace, cloves, allspice and black pepper. Boil all together until the tomatoes are tender and look clear. Put up in small self sealing jars, as it does not keep long after being opened. White and Qold. Although white and gold is and must remain a peculiarly effective decorative scheme, it has been so much used that its last claim to novelty or originality has long since departed. It is reported in the New York Times that some host esses have been experimenting with white and silver, and find the combina tion excellent. One hostess used silver candlesticks, with white candles and shades of silver paper; a large bowl of repousse silver stood in tbe middle of the table, filled with lilies of the valley and ferns; the china was plain white, and many silver dishes were used. Apple Jelly. Pare, core and quarter a peck of pip pin apples and cock thoroughly in enough water to prevent burning, but not to make the juice thin about a quart. Let them strain through a flan nel bag without squeezing, and then to each pint of juice allow three-quarters of a pound of sugar. Boil the juice 10 minutes, add the sugar and boil 20 minutes longer. Tbe juice and thin yellow rind of 2 lemons are sometimes added, and a little sprig of rose gera nium leaves boiled in the jelly a minute or two gives a delicate flavor. Earn Cakes. A capital way of disposing of the re mains of a ham and making an excel lent dish for breakfast is: Take 1 pounds of bam, fat and lean together. Put it into a mortar and pound it, or soak a large slice of bread in half a pint of milk and beat it .and the ham to gether. Add an egg beaten up. Put tbe whole into a mold and bake a rich brown. Stock chase Please call and exm: before making you NOTICE mi k y '.U!i T r T'T 1.1 I ' ' ne our r pur- S..iTHi!.-f J"'h 1 '.'. Roses. Cut-flowers. Bulbs &c. By virtue f i juJtrm--Court ol Friinklin r.ni,i 7th, 1H;, in Sial I'r .ntit)-d N Y. (iullrv A ot J . 1). JoTDer d-.iii-.) ail. A. K."lrr. W li it-'a. uppointinn tin miiuiionrr fur thr i.uri.m - in .. m .i.l i n -,-. tin. I in i h it r.i t ( . r . v. J Li Hrv J i i v 1 1 r ! ii i u u ! r-1 kT ri I I Will wll P for in! r.i': I. r -r a" H.w- Cni in t1-, mum A -tiin I'liUI iirllitl:-, T Sil'Ted ll Il'l lot and i art.iit i. ti -4 . Poii'pietf nn l'!.. I'ern- i r -.i f.'.ra , t I. il I. VI t. Mr- loan ol Fru uk linton . N r lunnary th. 1'J7. at 1.' . I 'owinn valntibW' r?ui -t.iT,-fli Btt h intrrr t in t li (. ill . ; i?autl in Frunkliii munij town of Frsnklmton. limii.i by Yinotrwt, on thn F.iit l.v 1. H Henly ami T -I H.uUi. hv Mnson trt. nn l oi. t ti - V.- (. tnirn Strwt. One lot boon.!. ..i. t!, t) lot of N. Y (illilev. i.Il F.Jiht tv H .in at..:r.)nr H'k M the '.. On- nti.i:vi !.-! nc ni l i .) ' Mi.- l..t in I In nn r'i. Nor'!, i li.- Mr .m I i- S .i t , H,i! Ni.rth II. 1.1 kind- pn mii th.- H 1 1 . F I i. xtrvf, on tfi Smith by lot, nnil on th- Y,t Dnf trart oi lan.l nur the 1 n li.l it of V. (' IVrnon ill i'earrv oml otlipr nmliiiinii liooirl ticrtn. anil Ikii.mu n Joviwr lain). Terras of mil- ne tlnr.l rn a rretlit ol taelve month, a.rii I. .11.' i T I I'Uri 1 1 1 k i i n r r-- All u.l j i n i n Jf - ..I lipiiri li i iiw . i--i ra t to ,1 1 p . N . r ivfu . t !. ; Easter Lilli- Pull- for Ut-door rllltur-. 'ioj.len ti'l.-o hi.'I pink and white .lap.ir. 1 1 finest of all. In pr;nc a'. -idinir plant-. Mail order at t.-n.).-! o H STEIN mi:tz Hal-i-h. N ' NOTICE H.iTiff )uaat"i-d a Aim:citr'. r f Jrk.n Krmir. d d. n ic- itu-c !" ail tr nt om h ia at at t.1 ra v (h Ham- at iOfv, and a . 1 r-r- nt h li;r. NMTilKKN li.VlI.WAV. pir.unoM tiM lih t' NIKX.-KI n 1IK1U I.E. IN K F F K " r JAM'AKi 1. H. TRAI- LKJO . KiLkvikL. S. C cinn against h' la'" tb ame cd . r t- f .r. " lv'.'74 "T I hit D.-tlCi- will t- : the r rrt irrv Thi N tn uf, j p-r." - r . r r J n b . ta 1 a r . Jit h. 1 t. li ;1 n. -' ; T r-t i (r J P ;PH'. Ii Ha&eis, U At:y Adminitf rat- r. t vft I ' 1 . t- J rillltl rnjllt ion -if ;ile ha money i iuu.1 N Y il I.I K Dec . 7th. lH.,i fill' rvt ni til ur iimmiirfiDnrr N nT I (' K . W JTll 1 F. Ll.1t. In Mfri. r .n r. NOTICE. u n ' th. i ; 1. . ,i I , ... ' I" Mr., h . N flt'l'..! 1.T -!' ill 111 I I I ' I . . -i n t 1 J . . . 1 1 1 ; I I -i I (lie T.. A t.T r. k ni.uut 1 1, ,- I Sut Ul n ..j ani half His bright tresses hold the luster of gold Somebody said bo one day And mine are as straight as the red man's of old Soaaoobdy said so one day. His mouth's like a sweet little bursting pink rose. There's a dimple In each round knee. He's aa fair as the day, the neighbor all say, Still, our baby looks like me. -Cy Warm an In New York Boo. Grape Preaarreau Having squeezed the pulp from each grape, boil the puipa until they are ten der; then presa-them through a colan der to remove the seeds. Add the skins again to tbe pulp, with a oapful of 'rag ar for each pound cf fruit, and boil till the ckins are tender and the whole ot a thick consistency. Rv virtti" of a j u i k "i i Coart of Frnnkln r,unr trm 1 S'J'i in tlie ruw uf J Kir'n of Henry Var. Adm'r.of J S Jovnrret underniriiel rum miwi.iii.-r fm rill aell in the tuli of Frm.k. UrddT the 9th ilnv of J n i n.ir; M t tiubl- iiurtmn the ..lr, t)nlot on Mom .t r-t , i Frauklinton l-'tween A. 11 kl iiwen ( okT" - lot . (wnlii.i an arrt. Tbr utore h.'il 1111 oi. nr.l ioiii nn injt nt the cortier .( Minn nn.l M.in M"t One tilth un!ivi.e1 n t-rv-t in the lan l lODgilltf t o t he heir il t lu r ( W 11 Jujtie, tlecesiel, roiiBjat ion of one '"' nn Hiilbrii treet betaerit the lliv(.tit rhnr. ii Lit nn.l N Y. Uullev a home plnie. Dm. Int I. twn Via oo, Mlllaooro nn line tre..t n 1) amnir loU nf Ural A Heoler iili.f T J Hijttlt nr..) a tract of land on Billiea m k rootaicmtr 1 bO i)rre" more or lew. Otw lot on the Louiahurz mai known aa the I'eraon lot . a.ljoinm; (i H II jwkim mnl Other rontxiniDBT V . re. more or lea Terma ot anle: t ne fourt h ranh . I.nlmioe on credit ot 'J montha, with inUreat from day of a!. Title retained till purrhaae mont t piiid. N. '. r t.t.r.T. CmmiMiooer. TVcember, 7th. lMyr. NOTICE ! fl nvinfT tbia day qnnlifle.1 ita n.iminmt rator Of Sidney R. Junea, drreor-J. All ieroi.a mdrited to aid eat ate will make immediate pajrment. and tluiae havinjr rlaana aaraiaat tbetate will prewnt the aame torn on or helora the llth day ol Denerober IHV7. or thia notice will L plead in bar of their recov ery, this Dee ,9 1M9C. Joss W. Kixo, admiouitrator of 8idket R. Jo"ca C. W. Cooki A Son Atty'a. dec9 4t. Fraxi'a '. in ( Th JJ. Wai i t.i no II in. 1 Tt.., 1 m . r 1 1 n! r h A ft U r . 1) . i 1 rk V. 1 i m Th- 1-f.D.'r.! a ! hat an .-tUm eot 1 - nm- 1 mil! Lik- 1 Hoi., h !--ti rn in tb- HaprU'T roflrt it rrttki'n Tba r-ary-- of . il 1 ion l. I . r Wr f..r'llrl .Hi in I ill - tmor. t.l:r. : 1 5 . id ! fnlar.tln a .Ttln trwt ef .ao l pn ii- 1 im'w T wiiblp k Town aa lh J.-th U!i p'-a.-w an 1 ..Dtl t.y tbe plaintiff, ml .Vfn'ar.t !r 11 ti Id MOti.ifl An-lth- ul I Vfenur.t w.l fnrth.-r tika nuilv tht .tv 1. r juir-! t. j ) ar l-fr" t h" t rt .-.f T h utrl r 1. ort .f FruikliD fOJ' lj C . at b!a o3ne In tNe t -wn of L " uiafnrif lo i l nrvanty on MonUr ' SI at .lay of lretnt--r 4M. ml anw-r r V mur U the -jtlon of th- t ill f. tiff, h rn . r th- plain tiff, wl'l apply to tSei'.art f r tt ltef .Wm in e.J n aaU p.-ltU.i. Thia Nor T. IJMS R H HARRL C -T W Ba k ITT. att j NEW FED AND LIYERY STABLE. 11 i- r at t-: t B -an j re- ta..y K I MibilJ ! aa 1 p at D1!T THA159 ARRIVE f. 'if., lja tcr a., J- r M ra aarJ &om:i, tt. 1 tc:. r..-.'t rl peasta it tia r". w . i rr, t r. i o rual&a ILjl: i A: -::.',rj. f rajo. c:. T:-t- twartu. arv! w n. ; .u'j a. ' -y -wr i fr . W . , Al .j. i ... (.net. t-w', ; i earl. tt f. i it.fi '.i.'lii. ax,i k'7i:, .trrtt f-t i At 1 .rv. wv.k iw u- i x. J Si'.lnrri Hi J I ' rs. . ! , t r. 3 yr w ratal F r. fsi-r". L:r 1 : s : : , :.f a.i f. t' .Sir-, b ar.J ' a.'.n : r : r. S U ' ;r l'i ' a. fc t: at. : :ttm. . . '. - . a. -r- a . - - .. i '. r - Ir rt -t m ii n aJ -' a.t r. tr. i. ; S taal .. J. r ilr.. t;nu.lrf. " Ibl ... .!.! 1 a. . u iw'ii A U4 aata . 1- 11 ilhi ; tk-c , . e-. ir.: a.. ,r. ii. rv-rV4a -Iir ' r i r Atsta Jwtac at. : ; irarvo w.t Ir 'ar f r A ji'j ac4 J '... . .t vfu ti r.ylt-, t!u .-" 1 1 j ". Trr . i lv .'.IV.. o tike ' c fcCJ Yhj w 1 . . tm e rt t at '- J r-- f rr ift aa4 Vli fs b-fci 1 ity lil ; ,irji fsa it. Icr l.i.'.Um .l ttt B.-!Ut. a(k i Uke a a w K K Iaaj.y i iactu at Visa tar VI lc, K- tf Mc ont. Tt. ro .r4 kvl ; 1 V. -a .Scrrf .na a& CrofliA Rvlif. a r. t tw at O td?oe 13-1 r at 1 il Ia ri.as fxti. fc'7- Of. Kko 1 it uiwt), for aaxILV.-ii rl 1 puta Ckirta Fi-r to I have t Liver' f'nei a fir-nt-clan Kil V Ptiitile in t he and 1 u r at. tail iC A af lalty r at AT aALEJGH. X r Pta OLD STAND formerly txx-upiel lr O W. where all rtrrotnmolation Kiven loth in itallin"; and night and dnv. Kurd. ill filing 11 A M 5 P at b- i t a aC iMUf Xi. aaav. rn AtlacitA. .li4rk7tae. totu in-1 1 i--lBt rwaia rton liKeMldfo ftx4 ail ort a mai eo1k rrcca Oikaatr.. w llaajnt yayet-'.iw atkj if- pHta la -t' tarn Carutlba. rc-a 5w TW. Mklafioa Lyewhr. Tkaavie OruMUnu' P rm (K4alro a&4 aj iot au TEAMS FLKNISJIEI) ALL Hol RS NIGHT OR DAY. J. W. IlIGIiT, LouUburg, N. C, Lxw-aJ fev-il:t train alao rarry ra usaa rara .iirrtkooti tr,ls f rr ia a umaaioeo, um oa aa jmla rraii IBaiT7 traicw Ma Kaca1t CW lotia aa4 AUaata. W-aWA Ua. VatixmJWl aa. A.. CVarWXt. 5 c. W. A Tru a a U Hoe I r. T. O. H. Ottti. wooden structures. lite and attentive servant . a n -