.". ; . ' i --.. .--.'-.. "':-" - - ------ - .-v -- x , X ' .KLI K yoL. xxvi. LOUISBURG, N.C., FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1897. MM HER 47 FRAN N TIMES. Methodist Church Directory. Sunday SchW at 9:30 A. M. Geo. S. Baker. Supt. Preaching at llA.. M., and 7 P. M. every Sunday. " Prayer meeting Wednesday night. G. F. Smith, Pastor. A-rot3ssioiiu.l cards JU. S. V. lU'KT, pit act icing physician, SHORT NEWS STORIES. Louisburg", N. I1. Office in' tlic Ford Building, autl Ntisli Mtreets. L'p stairs corner front. Main M- H. KUFF1N, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Louisburg, N. C. ill u. din ii. till courts. Office in Ford Building, corner, of Main and Nash streets. B. MASKKBURG, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOCISBUKe, N. c. Will practice iu all the Courts of the State Oitlce in Court House. c. M. O'XJKE & BON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C. Will attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Caroliup, and the U. S Circuit ana District Courts. 1) R. J. E. M. ALONE. ttrtv.e. t wo doors below Aycocke St Co. s drug store, adjoining Dr. O. L. Ellis. Living Beneath a Lake Vith Him Ev ery Time Not Williams' Way. The Threat of a Convict. FACTS IN A FEW LINES. I)R W. Ii. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUISBUBfl, N. C. 8. SPRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOU1SBUKU, U. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, nr.uivill" Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to conecuouj . 8tc. T tHOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUKB, N. C. Oitlce on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's Btore. An Ei)f;ihujii who has a kike upon his estate recently car.sed it to be drained, and in the deepest part "he had a house built, which contains smoking, dining and servants' rooms. The frame work of the house is iron. The floor is of stone, resting upon a foundation of concrete. The sides and roof are com posed of thick plate glass. There is a passage under the water from the boat house to the glass house, and air is ob tained through large clumps of artificial water lilies, which rest upon the surface of the lake. It is indescribably pleasant to sit in one of the rooms upon a warn; day. The air is cool. There is no sound to be heard, and it is interesting to watch the fish swimming around, attracted by the glare of the electric lights. The house cost comparatively little tc build. The owner contemplates a more ambitious scheme. He has two square miles of forest, which he intends to in close by a wide, deep trench, a strong iron railing and high stone wall. He will then turn loose into the inclosure every sort of wild animal that ho can procure lions, tigers, elephants, etc. in order to ascertain if they can live at large in this climate and without un duly interfering with each other. There is to be a net work of underground pas sages, leading to numerous stone towers in different places iu the forest, and froiu these he intends to watch the ani mals and study their habits when in a comparatively wild state. London Truth. No bird of prey has the gift of song. The sea of Galilee i9 653 feet below the Mediierrauean. Georgians are "Buzzards," from a state law protecting these birds. Nevada has two nicknames the "Sil ver State" and the "Sagebrush State." French farmers are said to make from 200 to 400 a year out of snail farm ing. It is stated that the working life of a London cab horse averages about five years. Keats, the "poet's poet, " made him self immortal in English literature be fore his death, at 24. Sterne was widely known in the lit erary circles of London and England before he attained o"0. It js stated that seven members of parliament hold between them no fewer than 130 directorships. Hamilton, at the age of 16, wrote political essays that were credited by the general public to Jay. Shakespeare's first play, if he ever wrote any, was said to have been writ ten at about the age of 27. Betting and gambling have of late years become rather more general at they were 13 or 20 years FROM JUDGE TIMBERLAKE. hp: criticises governor cark for pardon ink pratt. than T. W. BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBURG S. C. Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter intrusted to his hands. Refers to Chief J ustice Shepherd, Hon. J ohn MaimiiiK, Hon. Rolit. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. -r-. . . ii ;-... V,itmnul W',Titr rif Win. DLL&IOIJ, rr3. niat .,nuuuni . ..... stou. Glenn & Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank f of Monroe, Chas. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake for est College, Hon. E. W. Timterlake. office iu Court House, opposite Sheriff's. AV M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, K. 0. Office in the Court Practices in all courts. House. II. Y ARBOROUGH, Jr. ATI ( 1 1 Y Al LA, LOUISBCRG, N. C. office on s-econd floor of Neal building Main Street. All lefrnl business intrusted to him will receive prompt and carelul attention With Him Every Time. Bishop Dudley was hunting and fish ing in the wilds of Kentucky, where he made the acquaintance c f a genuine son of the Blue Grass, an honest old soul, who took a great fancy to him without dreaming that he was the bishop. The latter always had his little flask along, and wee nipples were the frequent order of the day. The fun being over, th bishop invited the countryman to come to Louisville t-o hear him preach. "Preach? Whut, you preach? Kit: you preach ez well ez vou kin shoot an fish?" "Better. No joke. Come Sunday with your best clothes, and I'll give- you r front pew. " The old chap was there, right up in front, and remained till the bitter end, after which die hurried forward to shake the bishop's hand. "Parson," he cried warmly, "I don't know a great deal about your creeds an dogmatics, but I r-, and sot with you every time." New York Press. Oxford ago. An English morphine by growing evil. writer says the use of doctors is a constantly In their case the tempta tion is enormous. A mysterious ringing of electrical bells in a house in Switzerland was traced to a spider whoso web had con nected two wires. Since the establishment in Paris of the pari mutual betting system on June 2, 1 89 1, tiie enormous sum of 505,000, 000 francs has been wagered by the public. The veddahs, or wild hunters of Cey lon, mingle the pounded fibers of soft and decayed wood with the honey on which they feed when meat is not to Lie obtained. Light acts upon the brain, and those Juifife Timberlake Makes Out Ilia SU'e With Some Tart Strictures Ou the Executive! From News & Observer. To the Editor : Your uniform fairness heretofore toward me warrants the b lief that the injustice, which wan done by your account of tbe trial, conviction, mn eiceand pardon f tj. J. Pratt and otters wax unintentional aod that yu take pleasure in giving plac to thin statement. The account, a published, is so improbable that I would hardly deem it worth while to reply, bat f.r the t'fict that the official position ul the Gov ernor may eiv force airittfeti, eeo to so improbable a story. It is admitted that the record showed a tria 1, con urt ton, -sentence and an appeal to the Supreme court therefrom. It in further admitted that, p-nding tbe appeal, reasonable bail was allowed only $500 in case f Prt and 250 in case of others and that neither one of the defendants was im prisoned at the time the Governor granted the pardon or had ever been, under the sentence, 1 have never examined the records of the executive department, but I venture to assert that never before in the history of this State, when defendants are out on bail. Iim n pardon been granted, jjendiug an appeal, and before, even, as in this case, ih-- cane on appeal baa been settled by ih- preidm jiidge, 1 base this assertion .n common sense and reason. No one h und-r.ro-ing pu ishmeut. Heoce no n-i-esHiiy f..i i m media i v. action. If the Supreme court -rants & new trial, the necessity fur t li interference of the Governor ihes uot exist. 1 go further and venture the assertion tbat never before, in the history of tbe t-tate, when the application f. r pardon, as iu this case, is based on err r commit ted by and misconduct on tbe pjirt of the trial jury, has a Governor grauted a pardon without advising wiih t be Solici tor who prosecuted, or the judge who tried the case. I base the awrinD on j my belief that never before b.a North ! Carolina had a Governor who- partisai. bias had become so intense as to te ter was given him by Pr Hawkins. Mr Robinson and Mr. J. (i Wood, three imputable n.en as live in ("h. wan nn'v. but I assumed at the tr.al that resistance was made and do k.i no. 1 : ,i mo ted that Dr llaskuis t.d i th- 'ruth i t i wnen ue sA'd : (1 (i i..te .-in! A detective ancv hi been tablish at t barlotte. with Wm. M. Hollin. t erintendent. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. i i. . (ftngi';. l am a. pti vxina n Skinner the next dny aftr He was very much eiri'.-d. had fever, and his or j Also a bruise neur hi-i eve He had conv . 1 1 i n tint d to get along wll till Thursday again bad convulsions. Hi- -c paralyied, which wx from s. tn injury. 1 attended him t br and he coal 1 e;(t no -..li t f..,i heard anyt'ii:) aciir.s 1 urn ! think his gen-ral i'"!idr i oi r---;l muscular exertion " No one at the tri.il d,ir- ' to r Dr. Haskins and I h- Mus to spes k as t o t he injuries ,1, eoininent. excer.r to nv that in- sa W N e 1 1 1 f s hurt. -vl'en ni cr.lrl.- l lie ti -r-. a -l 1 s--,-in-"i V V. S KIKN 'JN'i, t--r Oie lo n a I in . n t b 1 1,-ver f r For . o-M'.Kin.' ; n ih. N, si ...V 1 i iijui.- n ,- i . t n f I rim, , I I' d t l r im r r- u ! t r n m in, : . . ; a !": 1 W' v I ! TV .t ih. ' 1 1 r -. i f, r u.Ti-r jf.. ' : m i r . H .- i IMC I - T.-.I t.M. u.us! Roses. Cut-flowers. Bulbs &c. i i I i.-t whole trial it was r ri ' ry t est lllli i 1 v n- v r h u r during the ol 'ed that ."e U p. . af:.- 1 1 i . tit t. '!.. n i i-lisr,-' r w a r Is , b i s r.t 1 who sleep with their blinds up will find ! ing to make and have a record in his of- . D.T. Smith wick, DENTISTS. LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in Ford Building, 2nd floor. Gas administered and teeth extracted without pain. , ID IR,. IE. IE EZROirZ" DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office ia New Hotel building, 2nd floor. Gas administered and teeth ex tracted without pain. A Transparent Skin. ' 'The worst aftiiction I ever knew any one to have," said C. R. Annoro ci Duluth, "is that of a young man in my city. His skin has become dead in some way, and all the coloring matter is gone, leaving the cuticle perfectly transparent. The result is that all of the veins and arteries are plainly visi ble, and he looks like an animated an atomical chart. The case baffles all phy sicians, and the only remedy would eeem to be to graft new skin over the boy's entire body, which, of course, would be impracticable, if not impossi ble. His skin was unusually clear aud transparent when he was a baby, and instead of growing thicker and having more color as he grew older what color it possessed left it, and by the time he was 12 years old he appeared at a dis tance as though all of the skin had been removed." Washington Star. HOTEL'S. HOTEL WOODARD, VV. C. WOODARD, Proi-;., Rocky Mount N. C. Free Bus meets all trains. lt"s $2 per day. NORWOOD HOUSE Warrenton, North Carolina. W. J. NORWOOD, Proprietor. P.itronaee of Commercial Tourists ana r.iv :ling P uhlic Solicited. Good Sample Room. Nearest Hotel to Stores and Court House. Not Williams' Way. A slender, pale faced woman in mourning attended a spiritualistic se ance at the rooms of a Market street medium the other evening. Materializations had been advertised, and the little woman confidingly whis pered to the medium tbat she would like to see the departed William. She was overjoyed to learn that William was on hand when wanted the first time since she had known him and when, a few .minutes later, a shadowy form appeared in the cabinet she trem bled with mingled fear and joy. "Ia that you, William?" she asked in faltering voice. "Yes, dear," was the hollow response. "That's a fraud. I don't believe it!" she exclaimed. " William would have said, 'Who the dickens did you think it was?' " San Francisco Post. FUANKLINTON' HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C. C. M. HOBBS, Frpr. Good accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, G. D. OSBORN. Proprietor, 9 Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. MASSENBURG HOTEL J I? Iassonbnrgf Propr HENDERSON, N. C. Good accommodations. Good fare; Po lite aud attentive servant The Threat of a Convict. "I've cracked more than 70 safes in my time, " said a Chicago burglar to Sheriff Pease the other day while await ing transfer to the Joliet penitentiary to serve a 17 year sentence, "but I've never used anything except powder, dy namite and nitroglycerin. If I live to finish this bit at Joliet, I'll do a little work afterward that will astonish the boys. I can cut through almost any safe in Chicago inside of two hours with electricity and without making enough noise to waken a cat. I got that pointer from the electrical display at' the World's fair, and I've been working at it ever since. It is entirely feasible. I'll prove it to you by and by." Chicago Times-Herald. Talking Shop. It's strange how actresses will persist in talking shop. A young soubrette whose dazzling teeth are one of her greatest attractions rushed to her den tist the other day in agony. One of her wisdom teeth was ulcerated. The den tist, who, by the way, was the same man who had supplied her with the most dazzling of her front teeth, told her that there was nothing for it but to pull the tooth. "Very well, doctor," remarked the actress with a sigh as she removed the plate, "I suppose I'd bet ter take cut my orchestra chairs bo that you can get at my back rows." New York Sun. mar, m summer time, wnen so lew hours are really dark, their sleep is not refreshing. Napoleon's lucky day was the 2d of the month. He was made a consul on Aug. 2, was crowned Dec. 2, lsoo, and married tho archduchess of Austria April 2, 1810. It is understood that the government of New Zi aland will introduce a meas ure for tho exclusion of consumptive persons on the same lines as that deal ing with smallpox, making masters of ships liable. The ground under the city of Salvator is full of caverns of unknown depths. A i man was once digging a well there. The ' last stroke he gave with his pick the bottom fell out, and he and his pick fell J through, nobody knows where, ! James Maeline, M ho lived in the mid dle of the eighteenth century, was known as the gentleman highwayman. It was his affectation of manner and his ex travagance in dress as well as his mode of living which earned him the nick name. Tbe lines of no human hands are ex actly like. When a traveler in China desires a passport, the palm of the hand is covered with fine oil paint and an impression is taken on thin, damp pa per. This paper, officially signed, is his passport. "The Great Unknown" in literature was the title giveu to the author of the Waverly novels while as yet only sus picion pointed to Walter Scott as the new literary genius whose works had so suddenly acquired such an extraordinary degree of popularity. There is no difficulty about teaching a goat to climb stairs. It will walk up a perpendicular ladder and is quite at home on the roof, especially where the tiles are loose. A goat will follow its master, like a dog, and respond at once when its name is called. The parish of St. Olave, Hart street, in London, has au endowment of 600 per annum for the poor, aud, having none, a pauper trom without was at ono time engaged to live constantly in the parish and receive the money. Ttris farce, however, has now ceased. Sweden, says a native of that coun try, who has just been visiting it, is building railroads and telegraph and tel ephone lines everywhere. Every farmer who has 1 00 acres or moro of land has a long distance telephone. It is the most magnificent telephone system I ever saw and is very cheap. A German naval captain has invent ed a new life buoy. It consists of a large cork ring, capable of floating three per sons and provided with a kind of net, which affords a support to the feet. Its principal feature, however, is that it is fitted with an electric light and a small supply of provisions. A combination of cat and kangaroo made its apppearance a few days ago in Dunkirk, N. Y. A cat owned by Frank Sweet had four kittens, one of which possessed only hind legs. Although pos sessed of only half the locomotive ap paratus of the ordinary cat, it manages to move about quite handily. If you want something pretty for the children to look at, buy a cheap sponge, dampen it and sprinkle flax or grasa seed on it and hang by a long string in a .sunny window. In a few days you will have a beautiful greengrass ball. Keep the sponge very wet, and when the grass begins to die pull it all off and try again. Somebody who has tried recommends putting pulverized potash, which soon becomes sticky when exposed to the air, in all the ratholes about the bouse. Tho special detestation of a rat is any thing which will etipk to his silky coat. Some persons find a mixture of equal parts of cayenne pepper and Scotch snuff sprinkled well into the holes still more efficacious. tice, reflecting on an officer of a co-nrdi nate branch of the government without first giving such oflicer an opportunity to defend himself. It will not do to aoer that the pardon was granted, not on ac count of any tindiug of misconduct, but that it was on account of error committed, for in so doing, he would be constituting himself the appellate court and usurping its a ut bority. 1 go further Htill, and as sert, that never before in the history f the State, whatever the grounds upon which pardon is asked might hae been, unless the application was signed by one or the other, has a Governor granted a pardon without first advising with either tbe judge or solicitor, unless in case of .sickoess, the case was an urgent one and there is no such claim in the case under consideration. I basetbis assertion on information received by roe from the present private secretary of the present Governor. Some time this year, I received a letter from him aaking uic to call at tbe executive office the ueit time 1 passed through Raleigh. 1 did so. lie wanted information concerning an application from a citizen of Yancey county to be re lieved of a fine imposed by Judge Hryan for tbe violation of a restraining order granted by me, and during tbe interview, be yave as a reason for troubling me tDat it was an invariable rule of the executive department to advise with the trial jud:e and the judge who had any connection with the case in any way befoie granting a pardon. The humblest citiren of Nort b Carolina has a right to confront his ac cusers and to be present in person and by counsel, if be should so deairje. In all civil actions before any orders or judge ments can be taken against any citiren. service of summons must be shown. Yet j we see the-Governor of North Carolina. not only disregarding all precedents- i pardoning men out on bail, pending au appeal to Supreme court disregarding 1 the rule hitherto universally'followed by I himself; but we see him. when a charge ( of mis;ouduct is made against one of the j judges of the State, proceeding to deter mine the truth of the charge, on evident j furnished by and on behalf of tbe crimi nals themselves, finding on such evidenc the charge to be true and leaving ouch o record in his office, without in ny way. giving notice to such judge of what is going on, the first notice to him being a newspaper criticism, oased on such ae tion. And I ask the fair, juat men of 1 North Carolina, of all shades of political i belief, their opinion of such conduct on I the part of the highest officer of the) State. Is there one who will not con- ! demn it? If so, let him speak out. It will not do for the Governor to answer that the proof offered was of such a char acter as that the necessity of advising with the judge and solicitor did not arise The proof, whatever its character, was furnished by and on behalf of the crimi nals themselves and, if of such high character, it certainly would have with stood the light of honest investigation. 1 demand of the Governor of North Caro lina to tell the people of the State wheth er or not, if a Democratic judge and so licitor had tried thecase under considera tion, he would have granted this pardon without first advising with them. He will not dare say, yes, for he well knew. if he did, nobody would believe it. When I began this article, it was ray intention to give a full history of th arrest, of prosecution and trial, conviction and par don of defendants, but I find it will make tne statement too long, i win, tuereron. give only a few admitted fact and clowe It was admitted that no warrant was in tbe hands of the officer Pratt at the time of the arrest and that the alleged offense. was not committed in his presence. It was admitted that no warrant waa ever at any time afterwards issued for Neil Skinner and tbat he was rer brought to trial on the charge against him. It was admitted on the trial by defendant Pratt the officer that five able bodied men, in addition to nimaeli, aasmtea tn the arrest and he admitted farther that while on their way to the jail, the prose cutor, begged him (Prntt) not to let the man kill him. It was admitted that Mr. Robinson, a man in no way connected with tbe case, told tbe truth, when be id, he was alarmed in bis bouse by th i ry of murder, and running out foa'd the prosecotor on tbe ground, who ri I to him, don't let these men kill me? It was admitted that the proeecator had no weapon of any sort. The prosecutor de nied resisting arrest and a good charac n t (I lsini SKinnerwas seriously unJ prrmvyirl injured, and ind-e. n r it c mid !.m been. Tbe p.r fell . s there on I. crutches, paraly.e-l lek' and p-nnan-nM injured snine, ! ,,f which, with Lis w-.-r eral shattered frame, wre i',.r, iuoiuus mier tn- injury - if. will ever jV a living m'-mum brutality of the men wt).. h s d arrest wituout a warrant for which none was ever tained It was soegeHted tint bis.wn in resisting arr-st i r -d h. a suggestion t-. ab-url tI-.i ' t ion. The mr! -u -d f r m ' h.it t he cis. i n vol v d m .r.- 1 ru ' t ny ca se he h a d e e r s-e :j r ; - ' rep.-a'sit her-), find '.v-! '. rvasonaoie cm pens t punishment woull t t ..v.-r a not made . wnd-r ' '; their Governor- Th- puu;-':u-.-months in jail for l'rntt. :. 1 . each for the .t her d-f-ti lii. Is there a tnin iu N rth dr ill sa v this pu ti i-b ui.-n ' w a : -d 5 Is th-r- a man in N r'; ho will say that a p '. m i u f 1 1 ke u p a c i n with . i up. n sugcs'ioij tl.a he I. i 1 '. An ordinance. i l-c.ai.- 1, iMMnif n o w -s p . :i . i a b!e I), h) i,-d m- n t pp -duce fits for f. ; r . fract ure bis jaw i : nd permanent! mj- ia w ui t n is t a : - is . duty Ami po w-r . f , : rests. It will be a " lens of our State w h- relaxed as to excuse ni-u duct as this. There m ton a seufiment uni'.n.' a .r,.i of course, n t the be:, ;a:nt '1 ishment of white m-n At. u". ' tveforv t h is a whit- man was s-1, . jail by J ui j" Hoke, a ii I it i m 1 threatened with ri t1 1 1 '-(.c- f r inir Tb.it this H.am- (.im; - the time . f trial, I kn.-. an I . probable 1 would t- ussaulel knew. 1 bad a duty to p-rf..rm. 1, and it was done in the face f sj t h i ; 1 1 - A SI'IIS. 1 1 1: int. I leltit li. Sid n-1 ; t ii Tl l.llll.-s. f k nnl i .f ! i iu ' ii t 1 1 .i rn.i 1 1 l;..n.ji: 1 '. 1 1 1 1 1 -, III" 1 1 I 1 1 4 ' Tulip, i to I K.i-T. 1 Ml. .-!. .Hi !! n .lis f'h 1 1 1 1 1 rv win 1 tb.riil nnl iitlor it 1 1 iri i . N. Mild mit-dii' si and pink ll-t of tw.i.iitiir; v att. -n, I. i r. i.n- 1 ,f ... ( 'lit. Absolutely pure. r. i i 1 1 1 - : i r " i ii 1 1 u rv. ( ii ilden HI ' white .1(1 poll II. I 1 1 p 11 1 i j- nil lutif . Mail . .rd.-r 1 tn H STKtNMKTZ l: il.-i-l- . S i .r-,ke- l'- r. "-urk ! 'ha -i tv t retr. vi MV t- a I t tbat pa. : .13- RIVERSIDE SALOON, LOUISBURG. N. C. ii i: ym:i: k t: i a n p., .LIMITED TRAINS' DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE COOPER CORN WHISKEY, M RYE WHISKEYS. BRANDIES RUM. GIN. EEER. WINES a 1 I a v a r I a : hi. r y e rs day 1 1 . 1 .1 n a f V.is f r t! a a r . : ! i: ; n e I ','!' iN i I. I'D I M UI!! T 'l he 1 a a Mr II . M " ii a w- liment and in d-tlnan'e ,.f H, -lenient. When I fail f.. have a-todothi. my r-.i: t. v : a the hands of the d ..vem. r K. W Tl M HP. ,: Ixu isbu Tk". N. I).-ce;i,' er 1 t . V v. !"-.-. r..i :r fear I'-.-' MOO The rvi.rs lie war 1 SI id tin to learn tint th. rv "llHeilMe that let..-.- nil 1 1 k t uin in ! t ("it t ii r r h l c r. i t !.. . . to the m e1 icul i r n t . 1 const it tit , on il .i-.-i 1 1 ' . n ii I t rvn t in .-i 1 1 taken interim . ." 1 . lo. i.l an 1 til u-io : t hermit v i !- t ro , i itlK.'ll' a n i Kll m t.ii ih hmr u ! tn- nat u ! in .oi ii k' ' ' q ve so tnin ti t.n i that they offer in imy ciue t hat it (.ol of lfliniiii.i.i!i. A. hire. r I' Gannaway Hardware Company. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE, - if HI'.NK oM liv P ru tc j it We have id -utrj ,e'. lid N Lai si I OFFIdK FOR The otfice no ""i ia f. r rent It has sieian-t office f..r m. years aud is well k n 'P 1 hv 1 county. Applj to Before "n i r 1 1 Mi-- or K i i !i Ii tt.r M m-.i K K: IT I I 1- v i t v -i." y Hardware, HKl; liIl.WAV. at. ii Li a', a. f ai t i rn " K 1 i d to carr v I'l l II 1l T VIM LI ai y ; n K for S. M l g ;i 11 I e Agricultural . SEE THE BEST. DEMO u i;s r S AN rNl'AKKl.LF.l.KH l l '!'.!: IViiion-st Cut l'n'T. rr are 't.- ::. " ; - . rl mi l lie m.-irk. t Th j '. ; ; any m. mt-r . f n huseii .i t i I r- -j . . r- etu-h rap7 of t tc- M n i m.- : i . i '. , a . i eiitltlliiif the aul s rlls-r. t ur Ii .-r ; i t -rn iworth nu I r Kuir jr . .! f r 4 . r nurntT of patterns f. r f ur h p.v Kajf SU l lot VA !,. n s u . f pwtt. rn Is cor.slJ-re 1 th- su! ri'- r . tu. Demorest's Magazine Frea An.l what Malue It ) Y r "-w; it wr more t.rtllLant lii ui r l f- r N w man .k-nj- tit, new m th Ik nw I T- Ki- !i ; tatna an eiqulstte r- pr " ' i . ! r ome rlel r.it.-'i pi tur- ' j .a fim u ir'o worthy to i-loru th.- w.vll the tn..t r.-an home. It Is afTlrm-.! thvt 0mo r -1 ' ' ' mil r oom Dl.-t- Kjinliv Mai. -i.e putsihe ! i Implements, f r twl - r "v . a ; t H'.d ' tl.er F H r m . 1 - - ; r e ) ' '. e I - be or ail a t o tn a k i . x a : V ' t, e o-ir i ne . - 3". i -".- : .-. i : tr .n w -w r-. lr-f ..tm.. 5 f t. is.l '..r a f:r : : 1 1 rnisv NEW FEED AND LIVERY STABLE. )lt V i-no r t ; 1 1 m firt mt - J 1 1 ri 1 riir s.11 of th most s lU-n ct-)nteinp"iririeji. t si !es h t ursi of Its own. Demo'et Dozen Magazine s " . ' p..l! l ..f It. Iiiliuita' I- f 0 : s ... u i i ' j i l Mil It U a Pirnt f i 'urr-nt I en' jr I I ! f the I ilsj- ni in or oinvn. n H l -w ;. 1 t..r huuv of If.t.-rest for nil tt iv molt.r. Istrrs S.n-1 ilnUKtit rn ryu P.n l a vet I jr v. h t ! r. jr nest to imua n I ItmTU' t th-iu. s pr.arti twlps In ererjr fVparttii- ' t .l."n ti' -n I rial life. ln-ullnK the fnniinlnnii uJ rn mentlna of th hoin. 'biLmi I- rv . in i-l-nf artistic anil fan y work of ill Kin '.. .-t- eir an I Hunti-tt ion an.l .1tI- r- k r Si'u? ' he - be I in an 1 itr ss'ni; of t h-tr n n irvii The B-ote of the artlcl.-s for ! an 1 w covfr th whole ronot ry stvl its vsrie.i ii.trr wta. anl the arll.-les will ( profusely illnstrr te1 with th flnst ei)irvlnrs. an I. In s.l-!lt .n . It will paMtoh th t-t an I pur 1st tVtl It treat at ln(rth out-..f Iv r i- rt.s. Home AiDDtcmenla an. I Kntertalmuerts . it gives s (Treat deal of attention to the rtili.lr.-n Pe part meet, an 1 Our Girls." an.! ha ( Monthly lrrjipOloni J OIt' rated Peopl". n whirr; sr dlafusned Importatit qu.-tlins of th-- hour ..f IntATrat to Ueoll-r r a.lers Let ua have yoar autsv-rlptlon nt on.-.-. Yoa et tnorf Tala for your in .ney thoi it s isesi ble to aerure tn any other rnasime. The Magailno one year for $2.00. Or six months for - - - 1.00 (Over ISO rarronta. ire shown evrh year, pattern of all of which are ot.tsrtnaMe Ny au acrt bera at 4r- esvrh ) (wmplo copy (Wtth pat (era eoapoti) srat for 10c DEMOREST PUBLISHING CO.. 1 1 0 Fifth Aenue, New York. OLD STAND fiirti'-rly M-iMipw '. i I l re all !ic (Miin.i ej.it o:i letl luitll ill stvll',11.' 'i:i.i f-s- liiLrtit. and d.u n . '.itii it" A M fi;y TKA M FII'.lHKl VI. I. J I I " Ii MdHT (K DAY a U so t V U Isa. ; T K A t s Mir- M I.!'y -r A M h i.- s j . r . r ' r k !-.r. e- A '.-Ai r r. iii -.a asfe r. . a. i- tta it rvva 'J r f r A'.-AOta ia.. t r f r A aj: . . so res f f 7 - !-. ' r. : T j 1 w t . ; ra c st vi r re-'. . u: y i 'a b -' ; ' r va . . ic : r f in tr. ; :r. s.' c. t '. !w WV ft VA' H A It., j a : re. ! v c ' -r i . c '. T s . v n-' in t'.: - - rr A sj. itrc:u k. . ' at i 's t i 4 . : H -it rc-vB '. 'if ri. R'7: '..K't:i r- i urwt.i. t T t.:"r. mr 1 s.s 1- r ' r r- r Yr r ahr:vk rrc At c-1 at kai r:jH '.a. lrVo-!t. i. f lz. 1 sJ : l--ta .1 V HKiHT. l.tusl.urv. N d ia r ' PB .att.rn... ia NTH'K 1 1 A U r- - s . r - ' .: . Ha m : g f r tb - ' r- VA : r; tt-i.ie ii.! u t-TSa". tm lar.-..r. Tt -ai w T r uhiirtdt. erg- tuoti.e Urtti'tr' IK J' -rj si. ' ;; psa; lining this .'st rjuxlifle. olSi.tnev H J..r ci in.1lt-il tn sni-l rwtnte piv merit ant tlne bar the estate will pn ot th ly- b' r i-.-c .lm;r,.trt.ir ! A'l r-rsvnr. II ianeii f.g rbiicDS H'aiiiat sen t.j rn1 on rr hetor the I 1 th .lay ! Ikpr-ernr r sy, or this notvrw wilj li lewl to bar o t beir r-a-rry thva IW .9 1 Jobs W. Kimo. aH mimsfrator o( StniET Ii Jose C VLt'ooa 4 rvow Attjr . dc-4L ant .T A ai rxiiy Hi Sjc I . tr'ifl t 'r;s als- -arry ps foUann rr -n frr.i T-la fr ILa ecb to iiiTint., aiKi oc 2 -rT. irala fn QfMMtt.r' IkU AsJ'y trsiris 'lw wc ftAkrsca. CYMr IcKis aa1 AtUnta, sva tim. aAB(wsnl sc. coca mtm C L. Horsxirs. T. T K . Cfearkoat. C, O H Oai. W a. Trui, (HmalMiAAfn 0a raa Aa. WasvaIrtov TC

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