f -A VOL XXYL LODISBUEK N; C, FRIDAY; FEBRUARY- 1897; : SUHBER 31 Methodist Church Directory. - Sanday School at 9i30M. A. V" , Geo. Si Bakee. Sapt. -Preaching at 11 A. M.,' and 7 P. M.y every Sunday. - , i - . Prayer meeting Wednesday o!got. G. P. Smith, Pastor. DECREASE IN TOBACCO RECEIPTS. "J The Chfi8tiari And ' Hi Money ir; ' The -money test has this advan tage : it testsr ;Tbe almighty dol laris about the "last of the f deities lrot'essional carda, D R. S. P. BURT, - PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N.C OflBce in the Ford Building, corner Main i and Nooh Btreete. Upstairs Tront. M. H. RCFF1N, ; A TT ORNE Y-AT-LAW, Louisburg, N. C. Internal' Beremie. Reports , Show a Logs of $1,089,075 for Six Months -.r. on the Manufactured Article. ' and Cigars- Washinqton, Jan nary 25. The to cire place to' Almiehty "God. monthly report of the Internal Rev- Oar nation is called Christian, enae Borean shows that daring Its money is in large part unchris December the collections t amonnt- tian;"Sn part antUCbristian, and ed to $13,266,162 and for the six io lesser part devilish. , We Chris month of the present -fiscal year to ianize men, we Christianize . in $77,037,624. -This is an increase gtitotionsi before we Christianize for the month of $882,059 and .for money.- The pocket book is left the six months of $230,102. at home with the other suii of The collections 'from various clothes, and so does not get into sources and the increase - or de- the" baptistry. Unless' the money' crease as, compared- wilhJDficjam I power of this nation is consecrated are doomed. Iu BAD TRADI3T0. . . .. ' i W J XT U I 1 J " W " I V VM wmv liu.liliug, corner oi main ttuu uou . . - , .... V .. 7,auo,w,- lucreoso ,w ,j- rj? rouae 8 usesar, inere is . a-pic B. MA8SENBURO, ATTORNEY AT LAW. L0UI8BUB8, K. C Will iiractice in all the Courts oi the State Office in Court House. 1 M. CX)KB & SON, A TTORNE Y8-AT-LAW, : LOUISB0Ee,lf. 0. v'i i attend the courts of Nash. I'ranklln, Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolinp, and the U. 8 Circuit and District Courts. e pi r its is $1,924,682. - Butler Dissected by the Republican Party. rR. J. B. MALONK drug store, adjoining Dr. otflce two doors below Aycocke s CO.-8 j Ellis. W. H. NICHOLSON, PRACT1CINO PHYSICIAN, L0UISBUK6, V. O. F. 8. 8PRUILL, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, T. W. BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. bacco, $2,421,864, increase $109,- tare of the condition of Rome jnst 967; oleomargarine, $101,679, de- prior to the fall of the Republic, rease $6,874. For the sixSnonths which mutatis mutandis, would the decrease in receipts from ci- serve as a picture of the JJnited gars and' manufactured tobacco is States to-day. And the irrespon- 1,089,075, while the increase from j Bible power of tnouey was one of the darkest signs of the time. About the hardest task before us is the conversion of Mammou to God. Covetousaess is idolatry ; The 'Tribune,' the new Re- and the most persistent, refractory publican paper published at Ral- idolatry of these times. How eigb, as a party organ, pays its re- much do we want ? A. little more, spects to Senator Butler in strong Dr. Whitsitt used to say : "The terms. Speaking for the Republi- man who has forty million, and can party it says editorially, iu a wants forty millions more, is poor- recent issue : v er than I am." The golden calf and 3.568 were foreign born. Of The election of Jeter C. Pritcb- is set up and worshipped in every the 1,614,245 native born 1,561, ard to succeed himself as United town itf the nation. We worship 469 were born in North Carolina States Senator from North Uaroli- the sold. The curse of the gold and 52.776 were born in other le- States. Of the 52.760 nersons born in other States 17,578 came Butler. - tre: the tragic fate which haunts from Virginia; 16,072 from South De mortuis nil bonnm est.'f the entire soga literature is the Carolina; 4,816 from Tennessee. In this hour of his bitter defeat curse of the dwarf Andvare who 3,307 from Georgia; 1,090 from and humiliation he doubtless feels was compelled by the gods to give New York; 990 from Pennsylva- tbiB Vslings aud arrows of outra- up bis gold. The curse is coutin- nia; 581 from Alabama; and 2,. geous fortune." Like the proud uously fulfilled. 990 from places in the United .. i ...... i This leaves North Carolina Loses 663L Katf ves for ' 'Every One Hundred 5awComer : 'A: rtatement was ' made "some time since by the NeV: York!Suna I think, that in North Carolina, In 1890, there were only3.563 foreign born persons. v Tb i s .j ta te m e n t i t correct; but qpme o( theooewspapers of the State have cdisconstrned it, and have stated ;tbat( tbero v were only 3,563 who were born outside the State. Thinking ," that ""ybur readers might be!, interested .to know where all the' North' Caroliu lansgo when'they "leave us, and bow many;. persons from -other States have made our State their adopted home, and where' they came from, I have gathered the figures from the Census Reports and give them as follows: In order that it miht not be misunderstood, I wish to say that when I speak of foreign born per sons, I refer to tbose born outside the United States ami that tn speaking of native torn persons, I refer to those born in the United States, but not necessarily in North Carolina.- In 1890, there were 1,617 813 persons iu the State. Of this num ber 1,614,245 were native born LonisBuae, h. 0. , Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, .... . it Ant UT.tra itnnntiM sloTl the supreme court of North Carolina. Prompt nnt rounded to a period the politi- the great Germanic cycle of attention cal career of bis colleague, Marion gends revolves around this cen ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. LOUISBUKe, 3f. C. Office on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's tore. : attention given to 1 Uardinai vvooi8ey, ue may weirex in neaven me goia win oe un- mates noi specinea. Prompt and painstaking attentioi eReLto1hTei justicXpheTd: Hon. John claim in the bitterness of his heart . der feet ; its only use to pave the 5,344, from all the other 6tates BMtonpreaFirioalankof win- ""Vain pomp and glory of this streets. We grow heavenly in and Territories, and their number ofMo aBfTvior. pwi ake world, I hate ye I Like little wan- proportion as we get the gold un- from each States varies from 400 ton boys I have ventured these der our feet. And yet there ae from Mississippi to oue each from many summers upon a sea of glory, men and women in our churches Wyoming, Idaho and Washington, but far beyond my depths. My who cringe at the mention of a. There were none from Arizona and high blown pride at length broke collection. Alaska. under-me, and now has left me I In such a time it needs to be Of the 1,614,245 native boru for 100 negroes we give id Veturn 682.. i - v-:v-: ' The facts above furnished, food for deep reflectionf .The awrtlon often beard that North' Carolina is a good Statelo get away f rem' is partially confirmed by .these fig ures. At some other time I hope to. draw aome concttisiona from these frgures, and to offer some suggestions as to the best means f stopping this sort of mfnous trad ing. T. M7 Robertson in News Observer. " She Gourd Sot Speak. ' Marie,-' said the foung man in pleading tones; I love you.' She conld not speak. Marie," be continued, -'you know I am one of the Sty-paters. I have standing, wealth, every thing to make yon happy. Will you be mine ?" She con VI not speak, but looked at him with a frightened fawn lock. , "Marie, why tbis strange si lence ? Yon hav led me to hope. Has your loe grown cold ?" She could not apeak. "Once more 1 ask yon, will you be mine T Give me one little ray of hope anything but -this heart breaking silence." She could uotspeak. AndClar- ance-, with a "farewell forever' on bis lips, dashed madly from the room. The trouble with Mrie wa this: She liked Clarance all right in fact, had been trying to cap ture him all the eeason, but just before be called she bad been takiug her afternoon nap and bad fallen asleep with ber lips partly open. As a result of this the spruce gum she bad in ber mouth bad hardened and held her teeth to gether with a vise-like grip. She could not speak. ATexah earned Thomas Lowe bat pleaded guilty to tbe charge of . bavlng'sixteen wives. How's that for bighf - ilENr JT RSI 8 ill Nl3. " a For verrtfciaf U th abv tic r to W. P. Neal AC.V .Ta air hakt a lot fcf DrMr'a KaatJr. kkk add to UVr miUr lis, air4 rr of prtaltv s Kf Umt to rt a 3T QUALITY at Ox m ric MJlr rkarr4 tor iafvrior fxla. Rqsss; Cat-floisrs. Belts - Rosea. - rroationA, Cliryantbe mums Ac. liouqort and floral Miffne. Pa! ma, Fema and other plnnta for houae deoorationa. JIj ncinths, Tnlipa,. Nardaaua. Chinese Sacred and Caster UUie Pulba for pot ond-out-doortMilrare:Go?dn bonded and pink and white Japan UUipM, flnet of all. In apring all kinds of boddioz plants. Mail orders promptly ottended to. II. 8TEIXMETZ. ItaWffb, N. C. - '-S3) Absolutely purca , - tVWrt4 tor U frmt UtftU trrt mnm as a kmM or rtrii to Ikt rWp traao. est College, Hon. E. W. Timberlake. . Office in Court House, opposite Sheriffs. W. M. PERSON, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUEG, 5. O. Office in the Court The Twenty Judase. RIVERSIDE SALOON. LOUISBURQ. N. C. H. H JOYS' Kit, Proprietor. I am making e special drive on that ' well known and popular COOPER CORN WHISKEY, which i undoubtedly the bt Corn Whiskey on the mnrket. My stock of RYE WHISKEYS, BUSBIES WBES RDM, GIK, BER, anff verything else usually kept in a ttrst-clAfW Itar-Uoom constanUy on hand. LEXINGTON CLl'H WHISKEY A SPECIALTY. The prvatt care exercised in th preparation of ull kinds of fancy drinks. Come to t me. FrerTthin clean and neat. Th atrirteMt privacy observed, nnd no disorder or noi allowed. Ropectfally, H. K. JOYNEIl, Propt. P. S Mr. Mack Dixon, of Purbam, an expert mixer of fAahionable bev ernpu, i now with me and will be glad to have you rail to soe him. mm .LIMITED DOUBLE DAILY SERYICE HOLTHBOrXU. 401 41 1 N York Tt mm f O pm Pa.UMi Sli lJOSal a2Uasor - 7 31 J AS W too a 40 4 50 E-aJ lisii yj o4ok IS U 1 1 SO f-m OS Portaimtl 12 ol at 9 li H Wrn - 4 3-j i lnria T 32 4 f lT " Z X'i pm'l 1 DO ai SB 1.x1 -J4 4M' fiaaW m So S ?.S J.jrr 'j .2 ft oi Monro 10 40 m ss ChaHotu - lix: 10 SO Practices in all courts. House. II. YARBOROUGH, JB. ATTORNEY AT L.W, LOUI8BURO, N. C. office on second floor of Neal building Main Street. All legal business eceive prompt 2 D. T. Smithwick, DENTISTS. Gannaway Hardware Company. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE, LOUISB17KG, N. 0. NoBT'ir')"frNO" " FJbtoa. AbtrnH. . 'JreooJ. lltaiua. fhrio(t. I J OS ym 10 83 p m 1 o pm U sn 3 1 UO aai cj i as 4 OO 2 X & - io j . sa 4 31 ' S S to 4 0J h 2 5 f It 40 4 UM tS4San 5 OO I 47 ' 3o J IS 4 7 .T iu JO We bave just opened a Large and complete Stock of Tbe Raleigb Tribune is patting tbe twenty populist bolters wbo elected Pritcbard on their beads 4 A A ? . . I . . . 4vM--vl - ..... weary. . " said witn all ooiauess, tne siingy persons in tne state J.uoi.ru and publishing obituary notices This" man, wbo but yesterday soul cannot inberit tbe kingdom were wbite, and 562,525 were col- of them in tbe nature of cotupli- was so powerful. in North Carolina ofbeaven. And, for tbe best of ored. Of the whites 35,891 were meutary sketches. Judging from that his word with his plastic fol- reasons, it does not desire Co. Such born in other States, of tbe colored the boosts" which the Tribune lowers was absolute law, now finds a soul desires money and what 17,065. The whites came princi- h8 giving them, they are all great himself "so poor as there are none J money will buy ; has no aspira- pally from our neighboring States, and good men. It is to be assumed intrusted to bim to do him reverence. His weak I tion after the kind of character From Virginia, 10.645 from South that tbev are food noon the nrin- will receive prompt and careful attenuoiL . , . ... w;. . - . - amann-t n iha llnir. p..nlin. on7 fnm Tanna..A. A . ,v. -u - a sou,-Ayer, 8huford, Lloyd and dom of heaven. God is no fool, 523 and from Georgia 2.'845. New Dpon what principle tbey are Peele, are . dropping away from to be deceived by a churchmember York gives us 1,069 and .the bal- great i not revealed. him like autumnal forest leaves, who nnctiously professes Lord, ance from all over tbe Union, ex- This sluab of republican praise He will occupy a a seat in the Sen- Lord," while his heart is reeking Cept Arizona and Alaska. and flattery is laid as a bouquet of LOUISBURQ, N. C. ate, a seat which he occupies by with selfishness, bucn a cnurcb- r Of the 17,055 co.ored persons roses npon the graves of tbe twen Office in Ford Bailding, 2nd floor, the grace of God and the blun- member decends,-by natural gravi- who were born in other States 6,- ty Judases. It looks bad there. Gas administered and teeth extracted ders of the republican party, tation, to the company of devils 985 came from South Carolina, 6,- But Tbe Tribune can the quicker !gut PaiD- till the expiration of his term. and he hasn't far to go. 933 from Virginia, 1,358 from damn the traitora with praise than TJH. B. IF1. EZRHLfST I But how unenviable his position H is required in stewards that places not specified and the other the Caucasian can with abuse, will be! thpv be found faithful. A stew- 1.789 from the other States. There and it mav be aa well for them to From henceforth he is a politi- ard is a' trustee. If hevappropri- were 2 from icy Maine, 1 from be disposed of iu this effective cal Ishmaelite, his hand against ate8 to his own use trust funds, he lovely California and 1 from tbe way as In any other. Tbere can every man, and every man's hand is a thief. To one he gave five wilds of Montana. be no doubt as to where tbe Jndaa- against him." talents : to another, two ; to anoth- While other States furnished us es will go after death. Casting He will be pointed out as Butler er, one. And he said : "Trade ye 52,776 persons, we gave them 293,- off tbe populists skius iu which the vtra'itor, Butler thr ingrate, herewith till I come." The money 404 of our own people in return, they have been masquerading they Butler the faithless 1 to e invested belonged to the Of those we furnished other States will rise again iu their true light, Scorned and despised by the Magter, not to the servants Chris- 178,004 were white and 116,400 as Republicans. By their fruit brave, and trutf Democrats of the tians are stewards. Every Cbris were colored.' We gave Tennes- their constituents know them, and ani 0ther supplies nee led on tbe otaie, ue is mo uujovn ui iijr uu tian i is a siewara. xoe money 8ee zo,ui: lexas ii,aio; vteorgia will see tbat they tignre no more Karm contempt to his former allies, the I in his hands is not his. It is the 15,895; Virginia 15,057; Arkansas hn official life. Clintou Democrat Lord' 8. He holds it not in bisown 12,900; Missouri 11,954; Iudiana name, bnt by virtue of his relation 11,558; South Carolina 10,869; to his Lord. . '"ie are bought with Kentucky 6,006, and -Kansas 5,- a Driee." even. the precious blood. 065. The others were scattered in - s is Uotrof, UattW. "V I hrrn Pin torbtB. W'ioa, P.vllBOO'l. VIS CIS Iu as is 1 1 iJ is 4 2 '1131 J XI pw 'l t 3i 4"ov S iu pM 1 Oil 4 OS mm i OO pm 40 AO W (toa Pa hR 10 45 11 10 BftJtimor. l3jOaal2 4 at PbiUW4pM. J TO a aiSta Jcrk. 4 SJ S S3 PorTitaotfc. 7 .oaa 5 SOra NoHwtk. T V S lo No lra rkarf oo mf tr: ForuirtA, 4 ia!orAtioa. afpiy la H. . Lr4. rtoiirtUo P.. Aft., lUWnCh. N. C. j K ?t Joba. tk PrW t4 (. Ugr j V. K. MfW. Grwr ffwnnwt. ii. " n. KK.tft, i rSr T. J. AJro, Ov Paj. Ajt. larl Gi&rv . l ortaaioath. V DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in New Hotel baildingr2nd floor. Gas administered and teeth ex tracted without pain. HOTEL'S. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. Woodabd, Prop., Rocky Mount, N. C. Free Bus meets all trains. Rj" $2 per day. Hardware, and propose at all times to earry a Full Line of all Kinds of Agricultural Implements, FOR SALE ! ! NORWOOD HOUSE Wirceotao. Morta carousa W J. KCIVWOOD, Proprietor. Patratnf .t Commercial , TourlBta ' ana ravelin,; e utli? SoUcited. . . Good Sample Boom. ; Y " - NSABKST HOTKL TO 8TOBB3 AND COUKT HOITSB. FRANKLllSTOS HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. p. -:o:- posses- every State and Territory or tbe nb in Gi Republicans of North Carolina. This man once had a brilliant 1 future before him Had be real ized that the old axiom, "Hones ty is the best policy," is true In you &re God:s purchased politics as in business, his would J 8ion. A thing possessed cannot Union. - Tbe smallest number of have been high aud honorable pog8ess a things All we are, all 1 white North Carolinians career. ' ' I we have, are God'a capital, "to be 8tkte is 20 in Vermont.' But he stooped to trickery and invested by us according to the in-1 v The negroes who left us went knavery, to soandalous intrigne ; J tentions and instruction of -Jesus principally to the pine forests and yea even to .treachery and gross cbrist. : The money we selfishly cotton fields of the Southern 8tatea. and shameless betrayal of friends, j hoard is cursed. Embezzlement is I Our Jagest contribution was to For monthshe has leen" the ob-1 the technical name for the crime Mississippi, which State got 16,- ject of suspicion,- of almost- cold involved.. jCaat ye the unprofita-1585; Georgia got jl5,300;' Vfrgiuia er Qf steers. ONE ENGINE WAGON. ST Pleas call and eiamioe our S toe 1c 1 before making jour pur ebase. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. riKDnorr aim CONDENSED SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT JA.NTARY 1. TRAI5A X.CATB UlUttg, X. C 1O0 A M. ('.- o-t at Tn nun tor aa -Aiia lot fon a-4 ap-cta. mtmi lutoo-taim -mS $cmm tm Ik XoHmrm ora t,M-aaa Uau AI SCIMNrf, Ij UI -wtttU la Wxra -jtiA caf-diK-a. mo. T-nav. i-ammn. laatUtt-lf. UN-ttUif. r At UaU aa4 aU Miu ScUa. 4 P M. Cvwmtxm at Ia-Vm to Ortort. Umi.?. CU?mBr a Ktv1im Al Oltt, WUA u atttf1o mmt BotrtA 1 1 1 a V-MitMt iUmJtf4 aa4 tW i-r Tor. rvattm Btor Llmm CT.mV UA, trtJa foraa awtau Aort A. a4 itA tsaia an lria Jio. tt for I L. avfaAaao-i 1 aa4 tat TUt ivcmi Mlrmmr mia mm av-rttoai to m imms -m mi One 25 horse power engine and boiler and saw mill with a 52-iucb any I inserted tooth saw, complete with belts, pulHes, &c. One 20-horse power engine and boiler with su.w mill, complete. Four log. carts and a nnm- HnWRQ P ' ' and studied neglect, upon the part blrVant.intboaterdarkneBB.,, 14,185; ' Arkansas 11 ,741; Louiai M. tLvBBOi JrTJ) T -' of his distinguished tolleaRues in Verily, Hhire istbat that withhold ana 944; Tennessee 7.614;'' Ala-j -n-.rt twivriinir tTa Senate. - eth more i.tban is need, and It tend- bama 7,520; Texas '7,812; 6outh Good accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N.C:, - brave man will wear. It is the passing of Butler. He has ceased to be a factor in Good accommodations for the North Carolina politics. traveling publis. But now the cold and -pitiless eth to poverty '? : and, It is more I Carolina 5,455, and Florida 3,511. finger of scorn will be. pointed at blessed to give than to receive.- The balance like tbe whites, were him, and again and again he will New Haven- Conn., Jany.j 1897. Scattered throughout the; Union be forced to listen to woras tnax j Baptist Courier. no true man . deserves, and rib TW02-IIORSB WAGONS. SIX MULES. at TOREE HORSES. NEW FEED AND LIYERY STABLE. I have opnel a flrst-clatM Feed and Liverv stable in tbe OLD STAND formerly occupied by G. W. Ford, where all arcotnniodation will b given both in.etnlling and fing ntgnt ana day. TEAMS FURNISHED ALL HOURS NIGHT OR DAY. J. W. HIOHT. LonUbtmr. N. C 150.000 of Hoes head stave tim- Tbe smallest number -was in snowy ber dry, and a lot of hoops. North Dak ota, where there were 4, and there were.5 . each -1'Ih South MASSENBURG HOTEL V J 1? ManwCiiburg- Propr ! HENDEESON. N. O. -" Qood accommodations. Good fare., Fo Utt aa I jtt-u-tvnaarvant M i - Took Him Up. 1 Cobwigger I told jrou to -keep Dakota and Vermont. out of that storeroom, ' Freddie. If J It willl)e observed v from these ma .polities. : : I x '..wjviri ii torJTVrc''lii"i'xi'6ro "oo I figures that for every 100 'persons : Hi descent has been asrapid. . Freddie net trr me oaa.i ; ooa oi.pur peopio in ium.- 'So may it always be with? in- A 11 Jtf 1a H i.ama iraal m mm til - '.r "V . . th aotk U1 U rW4 la be sold to suit the times oo reaa- try. Uiaiw,9 NOTICE 1 narinft this day qali&i aa adayiaiatralor iHijruaC ai lA'M feaviaa: eta tm at 1H pri at tt m to a or bHoralA uta amf v liwaH (T97. or this aottca U1 m xmA ta bar of Mr mo ooable terms. Respectfully, HILL A CO. 4l Jom V. Km. odaOairtrator - ol tharrv R. Josas CM CooctASov Attj'a. , doQ4t. Urates, .and false ; and -faithless Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. men' I "- j- . -: '"" - - - r,' : - '". f Botler and Butlerism are dead CT Now is the time to subscribe in North Carolina 1 to the iiires, If! we make the computation for each Clearing OaC Sale. OYSTER SALOON. .' . - - I' bare opard ad oyatrr aatrma jaat klnw n II Tar W A(VinB Kuh race separately we find llX) white j if j friroda aad tb poblia cvorrally ar I DU etar barraia tooroMU accession from 505 of our own W mfS forth ait SO dara placr oo omr coBtr.b4a:lotol8boan4 Pvta, aaota of Calico. I'aat CInta. ad t-004 VitV.!. RfatAa cohI naleordially lovitcdtoeallodarom. Oalf Uoa. vbirk wo arm aWl lor Um ami rtsard. omerOiaiescos QS I thm frbt orier MTTrd. - loo-t. Cl art aaJ r Ufaia i people, and that HUBERT B. ALSTON. I r-.. : ' . ataTS. 1IA mi. Rat trato m CUM. miiii tat ClhatfcX. tgUMtmrt. urnrartiM, AUaata a4 aU at fwotA: mimo lettaMi. Inn. Qrti1iiav. dAvaaaaA. tmaia tu a4 as apt is HV for iUuti. JmtM4 vo im at llwVu mttM lA ear for AtfMU a4 inttna- U M r. at. CMawttilMaifw rrfa Miir. aa4 tatian uw flknmm mm (Ao Ka mmimj HUM mm TfUrrMm mlor Cat aai!?; OofeaMoeo low wmrm aa4 . Oar; for M Ual-vaa) av aA MalAM um Vmm W. A W Davoawru "at tm tern VCAwav. aar auwat. Tartoro ui koj yorfoUt a4 (VHm HMitrtmm. arrtvaa at OoMboro is r. u. H A. at. oatawrla al Partes for Omfor, PaMr rTliAv trtaml. a Omaa. aU Saalar Uwo. toe aaUfiw mm aUa Miu auna. Alaa4 rr OoAJaoro. ko r. ml. TAAa xaarrm at ealcor. x. c tJI r. M. rroca Atlaota. Caartcxi. flrml IkaUr. - ro w4 mm aolata BoatA a A. M. Tram Own.in aal aJS ott Xaur. Hont im aovta. to a OrnMtcn lo aUtvUA. (jOS r. M. rroaa (KrfAahoro. t CmlKa. rrrtb-rtaa4ail anasu ha Aa. lra) Oarraa, UCS X. X. rroaa ILrv Tor, aaVtarl, ; LfajrAbnr. Iiaarvtiia Omatin " 9f$ T. M. , Vroas Oooatittro aa1 aa rota I o4 aUMs , M A. K. , " dry . , - Kl. AaA. - Loral f ratat trata iIm tmrry taa. aii la. - rallaut vara cm arvrraooo tnta froaa Ha rift Uii waotoo. a4 oo aaqraJaw trata faoaa Q 1 1 iaiTi i n n. - IxtAa aif tralao tor BaMV CVar. MMUki 4uoa, voca nana, j C U AUf-aia, X. T.U narlou. . C. O. H- . r. A Traaa. lllLMaafV. Ow.Nm Art. . WaUrioa,a