' ; ' . , ' - .. - -- - ' ' ' ' , " - - - . ' - " " - - VOL XXVL lOHISBUBG." N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1897. - KGMBER52 Methodist Church Directory. --'"T Sunday School at 9:3XiLA. -Geo: S. Baksk. Sapt. : Preaching at 11 A. AL, and 7 P. M., everj Sunday. - " - Prayer meeting Wednesday night,. . G. F. Smith, Pastor.. lJro t'essional carda, JJE. S. P, BURT, : -.-i.; PRACTICING PHYSICIAN; x Louisburg, N. C. - si Offlce in the Ford Building corner Hajn aDd Nah streeta. Dp taire front. , v m. h. rtjffin, ' ' attorney-Ea1?FJ ; LoaiBburg, N. X5; vfl Win practice n all court Office In Ford Building, corner of Main and Nash streets. B. B. it A8SKN BURQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOCIHBUBe, H. C Will practice In all the Courts of the State Office In Co art Hoaae. SUCCESS AND ' FAILURE. 'Ufos braking on a railroad. B? -V " y land by to is president of tbe road. SAM JONES WRITES ABOUT iTHE Another fellow starts oat as rice , : ' GIFT OF GESIDS. r prudent and winds up without ttion of brakesmin. ' erted carries a : man the Other Fails The DistinirHiahmcr iupward. He who an- invert Features JBetween ' Them More in gravity doaH need wings -to fly. the Individual Than In the Opportn- A JoseSH Pnlitzer can take a dail v nity, Says the Georgia Evangelist. rwi'VAS r An.C BUTLER . AFTER ; RUSSELL ACCUSES .THE COVEnXOll OP Two Classes of Men and Their Place thP08Jion of in the World One Succeeds WhUe Gravity ,nve Humanity is many-sided'is Tof many " kindsaU castsr colors, cliques and kinds cla ail vpbasej of life we have diversity Ameri ca in its social ranges from tbe. dudes of the four hundred to the old red-nosed bums in the back al- givejt tbe largest circulation of any newspaper in tbe world. Others turn tbe newspaper-ovor iir-: to the bands ot the beriiror re ceiver There is more in the man than tberVis in the land. If k boy has got in him what we call metal in hm Kind a nf n. ktiifft h- wilf cnt ley,8aloons; from the society wo- hig wa If he ha8 Dot he migbt as well stay down and take; it I M.. (XX)KB & SON, - . ATTOBNBTS-AT-LAW, LOUISBUfefl, jr. c..-. Wni nttend the courts of Nash, Franklin, QranviUe, Warren and Wake connuea, also the gapreme Court of North Carolinp, and the IT. 8 Circuit and District Courts. D R. J. E. MALONK. nifliw two doors below drug store, adJoininK Or. O, Aycocke fc Co.'a . L. Ellis. D B. W. H. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHT8ICIAN, LOUI8BUK8, M. C. F. g. SFRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LouiSBuae, k. o. win .ttnrl thacoiirta of Franklin. Vance, ranvlllA. Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given u collections, sc. rpHOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, Office on Main street, over Jones a Cooper's tore. T. W. BICKBTT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. L0TjIBBUR9 H. C Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter intrusted to nis hands. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John M.nnn Unn Rnht W Wlniltmi. HOD. J. C. Buxton, Pres. Pirst National Bank ol Win ston, Glenn & Manly, winsion, rtsopiva otuia. of Monroe, Chas. K. Taylor, rres. hub est College, Hon. E. W. Timberlake. Office in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. man to the old darky hunting 'possums because bis borne is out of meat. In the business' world, from millionaires down to mendi cants," In the political world, tbey range from Gladstone to a :- tate legislator. There may be some thing below that, but be' is near ly out of sight. In the farmer life, from the big-planter downto tbe old darky with the stiff-eared easy. - A littte iellow was running along in front of a gentleman on the sidewalk once - and. couldn't keep out of tbe way well. .The gentleman said to bim: "Get out of my way, boy. What are you fit for auy way?" The little fellow replied: "I am the stuff they make -1 DOUBLE DEALING . . 4 . He Kept "the Word of Prymjae to the Populist Majority Ear and Broke It "rt6 the Hope -ts5ow Trying to Bay Majority Popallsta i With Offlce r "True" PopnlisU -Warned" Ijralnst i;:;Him.'r-rV:':r-r:5 ;.: Following U sTnitot BatlerVed ttoriai inlber Cam aara of Tjaef week,eferred to in tbe .IUleigb correspondence of the. Observer on last Friday V "When tbe ; BepHbl)ean - caucus was refusing,; or rather neglect- m ' . ing, trom aay. to nay, to answer tbe courteous, but plain and direct inquiry from the Populist party caucus as to whether or not tbey intended to keep and carry oui in good faith their co-operative con tract with our organization, Gov ernor Russell professed to be ex tremelf anxious that bis party should stand by its rootract. He men out of." There is the poiut assured every member of the Peo at last. If the fellow has got the stuff in him that can make a man mule. In tbe manufacturing, cir- ftlAH. from n&rnftaift. of Pittshnrff I . . . , . then he eetsthere to ine rea-neca oi aiisBisspi, eit- Tfa j diversity ling up wnn nis tar kuu. iu iue railroad world, from George B. pie's party caucus who went to see him that not only good faith on me pari oi me uepuDinan caucus give us an aniwer?;7 How' did tbe Governor bop to pass 'these bills, putting; into bis hands, socb a great araonct; of patronage and power unless thev contract of co operation between' the Republican organ i ration . wis kept in good faith, and the caucuses of tbe re spective parties should give their approval tortbe bills? . . . We bare, teen Informed tbat tbe Governor beld several " confer ences with .tbe bplters before thee bills were iotroJuced, -and be no doubt got .their approval of the same. . Then, is it not clearly tbe purpose of the Governor to eeeure tbe passage of these bills by tbe votes of tbe Republican members of tbe Legislature, aided and abet ted by tbe bolting Pepnlists? Is this tbe Governor'a purpose? Is it possible tbat when we thought be was appealing to bis party to stand by tbe contract, and appeal ing to the bolters to at least behave themselves, tbat be was in reality entering into a deal with this nn holy combination to rush throagh the General Assembly these and other similar measures, and take from our caucus auy voice as to tie seventeen Mark Ilaona boHert. Let every Populist member .of tbe Legislature stand on . tbe fleer of tbe House and Senate and denounce and brand tbesebllls by which the bolters hope to get tbelr booty, and by which tbe" Governor and tbe Republican machine tope to de moralise and destroy tb'e People party at borne. Be on "yoo'r guard and watch closelv end keenly the developmeutsat lUUigb for the t few weeks. . M. B. Children Cry fx Pitcher's Ctttorii. KtN8 FCRXlaiHXO. r or rverviniBK ta tae atKv tit u Wv P. Ntal Thry ksv xmtl tit kamtBM lt of Drwar taipl, aica in wives. Some wives are but wings to their hasbands by which they can fly demanded thai tbey should keep tne other State institutions, and at' m m . t toeir contract wiiq our orgamza tion, but be also said that be con Roberts, president of the Pennsyl- from bimop tQ mountain.top untu sidered it absolutely necessary for added to Ueir malar liof sJr4 b7rt s opportaaitt f a tif Um i frt ik QUALITY at tke same pri umail ebrt4 fr laferior f jda. Rosbs. Cot-flowers. Bulbs &c Ron, Carnations, Cbryaanthe moms 1c. Booqoete and floral de aixna. l'alms. Fern and other pUnte for houa decoration. II v- ndntha, Tulipa. NttrciMua. ChlnevM fciacred and Eaater iJIlie Bnlba for pot and out-door culture. Golden bonded and pink and white Japan lill'i, flnewt of all. In Kprinz aII ! kinds of bedding plants. M nil orders promptly attended to. II. STEIN METZ. Raleigh, ". C. 1 : IS Absolutely Pure C4Wtd tar Its fvml lMrtJg- itmrUi ai ar1 ag frM ot anvio to Im cWap ama4. tt J RAU15- DOUDLEDAlDf SERVICE vania. to tne Draseman on some jerk-water road out west. Ob, tbe millions of teeming, struggling humauity between these two ex tremities in all the classes I have mentioned. Energy and thrift and brains heads tbe procession in the commercial and professional they soar in tha altitudes of suc cess. Other wives are but mill stones about their husbands neck. So in every phase of life they come and go. They go up and they come dowu. Ambition, ef fort, economy. honesty these this to be done to insure tbe enact ment of such legislation aa would set aside tbe lease of tbe North Carolina Railroad and effect other remedial legislation. lie also as sured each member of our caucus who went to see him that be wonld Qualities carrv to hiffbest success. tbrow tbe wbole weight of his in- world, with now and then a genius Indole extravagance and shift- fluenc and administration to that w. M. PERSON, ATTOBNKY-AT-LAW, JiOUlSBUEe, V. o. Office in the Court Practices In all courts House. H. YARBOBOTJQH, Jb. AT10RNEY AT LAW, LOUISBUBQ, N. C. office on second floor of Neal bnUding Main Street. All legal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. D. T. Smithwick, DENTISTS. LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in Ford Bnildinerr 2nd floor. Gas administered atrd teeth extracted without pain. ' -- -. like Edisou in electricity; a Wan- amaker in merchandise; a Milton Smith in railroading; a Philip Armour in manipulating A man who does big things, great big things, and keeps on do ing them, is a genius. Just any ordinary common fellow could not doit tbe first time; aud he cannot keep on doing it. An old-fashioned cannon will shoot as loud as a Gatling gun, but it can't keep on shootiog a hundred times a min ute until it gets so hot you have to pour water on it. A little peg won't fill a big hole. You have got to brush tbe peg or loose it. A frog migbt be as big as an bx if bis bide would stand the stretch, but it bursts on tbe way. A mule might pull as much as an engine, and then again it mightn't. A lessness cut a man's legs or arms ena off and make bim crawl like a uui aay8 passea on ana sun me worm.. I don't know a man to- Republican caucus failed to give day who has succeeded in life but u8 an auswer, and by their con- who deserved to succeed. There aucl anowea mai mey TDIE6. E. IE1. ZEJJEWLi'Sr DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. may be some who have failed who didn't deserve to fail. A man who is aimless, purposely, ambi tionless, is a cipher. The world must carry him, must feed bim, m'ust clothe him. Tbe successful man is pre-eminently a busy man. If something is not ready for bim to do be hunts a job. The old kosely -delaying, and dodgiog. Wbeu tbe third official communi cation from ourcaucii8 was sent to the chairman of the Republican caucus, courteously asking a clear and decisive answer, yes or uo, by a certain time, as to whether or not they would keep their contiact with us in good faith, the Repub- to place ioto bis bands the entire management and control of tbe same? It is painful for ns to be forced to believe tbat tbe Governor has acted doable iu this matter, but tbe fact seems to warrant tbe sickeuing conclusion. We understand tbat other sim ilar bills have already been drawn apply ing to tbe other Stale insti tutions and besides, tbat other bills are already drawn, to be in troduced, which create new offices at big salaries to be paid by tbe tax-payers, and tbat tbe appoint ment to these new offices is to be ere pur- i .i . L i a.. r.u-n. or. We have always heard that tbe governor was a mai wbo love IEXlNGTON CLUB WHIS power, but it is shocking to think j isPKCILTY iL . i -1 1 .1 1,-J I mat a man cievaieu ic me exaiu-u ; RIVERSIDE SALOON. LOUISDURQ. N. C. H. rl JOYXKK, Proprietor. T am making n sprcinl drive on that 1 well known and popular COOPER CORN WHISKEY, which is undoubtedly the bt Corn Whiskey on the market. My stock of ETE WHISKEYS, BSASDIES WISES EDM, GUi, BEES, and everything ele usually kept in a fi rut-clan Ikir-Koom constantly on hand. KEY A fUHiator - 7 J I U WsUitfiot 40 4 SO KkaioJ " (C Xorfcdk rU S A L ll4palM PorToota - IJOlat li rr 7 a j oe l-T :T8ymH0OSB IUlt4h U 4a l 14 ra ViUro ia oi Moorx - 10 40 1$ Cbarlo't 11 A3 10 30 fliSIO. GimtnAl, 4tbr1lfe ClMrtoa, A t W WlJr. J3 OJ ta 10 13 i o r 1 1 i A3 1 OO a s oj i as 4 OO S M ijo saw 4J1 4S S JO AjUU V o C Urn !USTU WI'M) 4 iri In at-sitao "0 Jlm 5 wo 1 4T 1 7 IS 6ii S IS 7 3 4 4-S 41 JO s as adaeesays: "All things come to lican organization refused to even hold a caucus to consider and give UtaWt poamonoi uovernor .nuu.u w Pu proration of all kinds of fancv blinJed with the love of power as j drink. Come to w me. to drive him to methods so ques- j v.vthin.r u,n n. r,.t tk- - v. . , v. v. m v . aj. Aav 8trictt privary oberred, and no dieonltr or noie allowed. answer to the communication from the People's party caucus. And strange to say, uo protest was made by even a respectable minor ity of the Republican caucus to bim who waits." Whether all things come to -bim or not, death and the coffin come to him sooner or later. Many a man has pulled nearly to tbe top of the bill of success, lot m- orrAr, tnn kft,.fc such discourteous, notto say 111 few great men lead tbe procession L ... ... . . bottom of tbe hili suiting, conduct on tbe part of tbe in all lines. A Brooks, a Spurgeon, MayDe if he Kad pniled an hoar or Republican organization. a Beecher, will pitch tbe tone for a da j he wooId ha?e reached Now , where was Governor Rus- century higher than most men can the t nd re8ted Qn tbe hin of sell's powerful influence during -i i : t l J I 1 a w-v auccesa. More failures have been al1 lDia limer uia ne ever PPer sing in tne ineoiogicai woria. Here and there a farmer is get ting rich, broadening bis acres, shows the world what a farmer can do if be is a man as well as a farmer. A man who succeeds at so ques tionable, and, to an extent so shocking to tbe welfare and inter est of tbe Stats. We understand thai within tbe last week the1 Governor has sent for certain members of the People'a party caucus and tried to tempt them to break their loyalty to their party aud its principles by tender ing tbem some of the jobs tbat be expects-to be placed in bis bauds by the vote of this unholy and in famous combination. In fact, we have heard tbat it is the Govern or's purpose to have himself clothed Office in New Hotel building, 2nd j one-thing, may have succeeded at many others. A failure is a fail ure. It takes pluck and vim and brains to "get there." If a f el- floor. Gas administered and teeth ex tracted without pain HOTEL'S. HOTEL WOODARD, W. Ci WOODABD, Prop., Rocky Mount, N. C. Free Bus meets all trains. ' Rj $2 per day, NORWOOD HOUSE ; Warrenton. HwrtHCarollnt. i-a ti? j made near tbe bill lop than every- ueiore a puoucan caucus ana i i. i i t urire them to keen cood faith, not . . . . ls.Unlvinth interMU of rvolitieal wllh unlimited power iudenaure laaes a man to pun wnen nis r shoulders are sore, when he is out morals, but also in the interest of of breath and trembling in every important legislation wblcb ho is nerve, but 1- the fellow who starts recorded as favoring? If not, did to the top determined to get there he een 8end for aQy prominent or die, generally dies on top of members of tbe Republican caucus the mountain. Very few lie dead aQU urK upomuem ma views ..u II 80, ia i j t 3 3 1 A at low nas goi mem ana aon -ge between the base aud the top. I there" be ought to be left and left ld ridi l , t forever. There is a good deal of ral infirmitie8 if he has not bad independence and dogmatism the facilitv or onnortnnitv to rem- about a fellow who gets there. A - th.m but thonaands of the de- man who is always working, strug- fect8 ife are not u&tural. They gling and doing something loses come of tbe life we live. They .-"" -.1 1 2. J IJ1 - I sympamy wnu iramps anu miers. COme like a sober man becomes a A man who keeps and saves and drunard nke a good man be-1 wh,e tbe Governor was professing of the co-operative contract be tween his party aud ours, and then to use his patronage and power, thus secured by such un justifiable means, to bulla up s "Russell administration" party in the State. In fact, if tbe above is tbe true situation, as we are forced unwill accumulates loses sympathy with the prodigal and wasteful. -A man who studies and thinks and grows intellectually "soon parts am.mM m4W f aaa -Yinar. man. Sood Samnte Boom. cuiupnujr w -iwvw. Vu - nrarbst Horn, to stobis amd coubt HovsB, I will take a great railroad v system bankrupt it; trAhOther man W J. NORWOOD, Proprietor. . ' - Patroinff! ot Coinmercial TourlBta ana raveliu P uMlc Souclted. desires? If bo, what became of their efforts and influence? While the Republican caucus was playing for time and refusing ing to believe it is, then the to even communicate its intentions Governor has employed the help of and desires to our caucus in a the bolters who have betrayed courteous manner,., tboogb fre- their party, and of the Repnbli qnently requested to do so, and I C wD0 baTe broken their con tract to cioine mm who me pai to throw all bis weight and in- rouage ana power to be nsea in fiuence in favor of .keeping , the Fit ANKL1KT0S HOTEL will take bold of a bankrupt ' sys- ' tern, like Samuel Spencer and the FRANKUNTON,N.a ; ,; goo;ber SyBtem, and literally G. M. EOBBS) FTp r. , raise it from tbe dead- iOne pas tor can take a church- and -run 'it comes a rascal, like a rich man be comes a pauper. To stultifv and blunt tbe canabilities is as wicked -contract ana parrying u,oui in l -J-f'L a. . I 'II. !- I as arson or theft. To pervert the t? ,a,lu lwo 1Ma wero ,airw- f acuities which, if -rightly used, daced ln the House which may would bring success, is a Crime it- throw some light on the action of lf; It il mv-dutv to use all I the Governor and the. Republican Respectfully, II. K. JOVNEU, Propt. P. S Mr. Mack Ihxoo, of Durham, an expert mixer of fashionable beT- emgen, w now with me and will le gliul to have yon call to we him. Ar H r!fo rtim tu P KB lo 45 is six 1 0 n l & 1 1 al VIS 4 a i 1 si i iApt 'loo 4 Ov 5 2'J pm 1 1 On m.m Oi ft at i OO pm a to a 40 11 lo 114S at 'ip ' 45 aai 4 1 e 5s Gannaway Hardware Company. WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL ' HARDWARE, LOUISBURG, N. C. 0 lira thmrg oa aay traia. For lira rta. aJ loioraiaUoa. ffij 13 H . it Joii, W frwnt aa4 ikmi. V. fl WrfW. Grmrr2 McvntUML U. W B. Uk.rtf. Tr Waaarrr. T J lJv), Owa. Put, Af-t Ooal nsi . i-ortacaoal. V. SO aaa 1&4mi '50 10 We have jnst opened a Large j and complete Stock of SOUTHERN- RAILWAY. iriKDVtOT AIM LIKE.) CONDEXSED SCHEDCLB. IN KFTBCT JA.NCARY 1. l4. raaurs lkavb jluuim. a. c l cd a. at. Hardware have, .mind, heart ! and soul," re sources and all, as simply stepping stones to something higher and better. It , ie easy, to roll down ! Torla Vnt to ;inliri r.limVi -tin hv Good accomodation for the traveling t5VA trno- of lifft. - Another soon .j.-h j v . -nhliw v .'. -.,:m - - ;. -o . : . euon, auu me&sureuau ruuuu hue (iood Livery Attacnea. - , 1 g?'-8 " rottUJ' 1UA- D'11,',", "vv-ieffort in s Climbing is ' tar easier disrupting and destroying tbe Peo ple's party organization, if enough members of our caucus can be found to accept the ill-gotten gain which be has to distribute. - It is unnecessary to say tbat not a V a . . a V caucus. . i a single irna ropoiisi iu me ieg One of tbes6 bills is to repeal ielature or the State will . accept the charter of the Eastern Insane patronage or favors coming from Asylum at Goldsboro, abolish'' all socb a deal. When the Governor the offices thatnow exist, to ere- accepts this power and patronage ate a new charter. with new offices, at the bands of" thjs nnboly com- or -rather, with, same offices and biue be eudorses 'their . lofamous and propnae at all tim to carry a Full Line of all Rinds of Agricultural Implements, and other supplies nee led on tbe Farm. 4a r M. OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. 0SB0BiiP5iet Oxford, N. C. . ment One farmer converts- sun- tban tbe tangs " of rolling down- new uame8 and pot into tbe binds conduct and insnlu the People'a ah ine and showers mtolgrain and wheat and oats and corn and jeot- ton and . potatoes. . For -another man alt these things seem to make only weeds and grass. ; On" col- Good accommodationeF ' for.'the lege graduate has taken -tbe curi traveling vblicjX riculum of the school simply; as a Springing of the Governor the power to, die- J party organization. When be tate and fill all tbe offices of the I does this, then, in tbe" future, bis same. '-The other bill relates to the 1 course is In one direction and ours n other. ' '"And if any' Populist accepts anyTpatrousge or favors 'ward ' :f ,"' I -have " mixed with men who V aa w a' avrt jaaAA4a'rl TKaw moo nf ' frw - - v :t v- u - I penitentiary, aud as to the same I In a succeed or die.;.I have mixed. vitb I v, . . : , , I . . I 1 . i j euect ; iqbi is,- it piaceo mm oa i acct fail than die, hence tbey failed 1 ... - v " . -. '.5 .1.. '' . . ,., j --i-. - : , . . .. j eitions of trnst and profits in tbat these facts, be will be wilfully. and institution,, tobe used, no doubt, j kniwlngly- betraying his "party for , tbeL purpose - of rewarding I and bartering bis principles to get and have not 'died yet. V Traveling asId6,SalmostonstantIy,-;bere e, to! iversities man ii-1 ... . ...... AT. - --r , fold,' maniformed. Some of tbem J - friends and - punishing, enemies . Uhe Job, and will be repudiated by 3ood aooommodations.- Good fare; T I''.-- ii-;' -J. boarwithStbelrffdaddiesnntiU people, juji, as ineynare re Thus humanity; marches- on "every itr better,. n fi8 Ai 0 n e; ro s n be-1 manjtb bis liking. . Bam Joxes, - playing for time, and refusing toery and betrayal of Skinner and Please call and examine onr Stock before making your par-cbaao. HEW FEED AND UYEflY STABLE. I have opened a first -clam Feed and Livery stable in tbe OLD STAND formerly occupied by G. W. Ford, where al! ' accommodation will be given both In stalling and Ceding night and day.- TEAMS FCRNlsnED ALL IIODRS ' - " NIGHT ORO AT. 'I J. W. UIGnT, Lonlsburg. N. a OYSTER BALOOK. 'I have opd aa oyater aaln fast below D. II. Taylor it Co.'a oa Nimh ec Iy friend aad tha pbll ra rally ar rordiaDy tavlted toeall aad are oa. Only the f raabaat oyatera aarvad. r- - EuBBirr b; alsios, omawrt yuakiMoautaii roaa. At (4L'Wr;. to aaa tara antate. at Oi rai r aar' laawterr UMMntK -r. At Uata aa4 ay aouu Aoaix Coaaaraa a lmrtm f j Oafarl. Claraavwa aaa K7aruj aacwr aTa 4tiwn,lai.aujnat W atatoa) aaJ ,ij,im VatiuMt tUauudi. a4 taa rw To aa4 ffWaaa aaxti Um mamV t0 Mia to ait maws Mik, a4 mnm am bm uaxa Jta. LI Pruta. a.'aacaa4 aa4 tat ataar IomJ aOTtmaa. im a ai'a flaa traia o. M ai M Owtoua rMMMtarf, MraiwuNu aaa aa fata; ataa Ootaaikaa. tt Ctaiawoa. hmaata, 4i ua a4 aa aetata awaia U Afiaata. 1 ua a4 at CWrfcoOa atLk ac cm fov Aafaata a&4 J for aa4 u w r. M. Ka takiif bail Ex avad7 Coaarl at aaaa tern TTv&rttm al launaaiHau irvM a WOaM aa4 rtimim, after! Cm Aaun Ooatetwra fa Jtaa-twra a4 aloraa4 0ty. AaUraayi a. ar; or Wtuatav)aaa aar. rtMtmm mm Laa W. at W R. k. Paar. tmaaaaita at fvtaaa avocar ata-aat. Tara aatloaaioai tkortaiM. aa ai"a I. trrtta) at uaa r. at. t oaaarta a tkarlkaaa toe Otiar. Mntwa avaaaaaan: at Iwra. lo aakiactaai fotai aorUV rofUuwta Car tU aa4 r. at. PaUf- -TltancS ABJUTB AT lAl-COH. X. C 14 r. at. rroaa Attaata. UkarkKi Qi I r Dan. ro aa-t aa aotata loavh . 8 A. K. , rroca Qmtr a4 a9 aocati Dau. Konk aaa eoata, nwiiii f Orwailaw to r-VrY . . 4S r. ! raa O-atiKw, wrttamtartoax. rrwnyvaii y-wsta taaal Irra OtfMiat, X1S A. M. rraaa Kw Tar. aaktai labnr.XaaU) C, F. H. rroaa Oeitaoon aavl aa ftMA-X. . . Dai!r . - -V ; Xx. earn. Loral frrtflt trate alaa earrr railaaaa ear aw aivaraaoa) trata fiwaa ILa u orwartcfa, aa4 aaoraiawtiaia rtaai Q fWatf aaOVL Poataa aailr tratna Kalrtra. CW.' lotaaa4 ALtoata, Vatca. uaaa. C U Honm, T. F. ACUrtott,!. c. O. H. Oitu. , W. A Trmaa, " a , . rua ai. Waakiarua it U' ana iwnu nu .' r..... , .-c; f

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