'A r . . , V 15 ""1... VOL. XXYIL LOUISBURG,' N. a, FRIDAY, JLVRCH 12, 1897; NUMBER 4. ""PTR Ay MTCTtI . - . X . . , - - Methodist Church Directory. Sunday School at 9:30 M. A. Geo. S. Baker. Sapt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 7 P. M., every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. Q. F. Smith, Pastor. THE DISPENSARY. 8ba11 deem be8t an,i sba11 be. n' moved by them for sucn cause . a l'rot'essional cards, JJR. S. P. BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. shall be deemed by said Commis sioners sufficient. The said Man ager or Managers shall befofe en. tering upon the duties of said of fice state on oatb bis or tbeir name or names, place or places of resi dence, in what business engaged, and in what business be or they An Act to Provide A Dispensary for The Town and Township of Louis burg in Franklin County North Car olina. The General Assembly of North Caro olinado enact: Section 1. That tbe : man n fac tored sale, barter or exchange,- re- i i t I-.-! ceipi or accept., iur has or bave been eneaeed for two use, delivery, storing and keeping nra . . , fW Office in the Ford Building corner Main nossession within tbe town and , 4, j id Nasb Htreete. Dp stairs front. i.iu jjumwbiuu i.uIU iUQ u a he or they is or are a resident or township or louisDiirg in rans, nf . A nfnrA. WM-H- ' . lin county North Carolina, of any gaid tb t he Qr . ha8 Qr -bave ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, spirituous, malt, vinous, -ferment- never been adiudtred trniltv of Louisburg, N. C. . ed, brewed, or other liquors, any violuting the law in relation to in- Will nractiee n all court Offlcein ora culuuuuuu i ".M toxicatinp- irinors. and is or are Building, corner of Main and Nash streets. I -Weverriaine called of known, 1 ir . Va -r ' . which contains alconoi ana is usea taurant or place of public amU8e. asabeverageby any person, firm ment, and that he or tbey is or are or corporation, except as is herein- not addicted to tbe use of intoxl- after provided, is hereby prohibit- u ,j or8 ag a beverace. Said ed under a" penalty of not less than Mauaffer or Managers shall before selling, bartering or exchanging .barter, sell, assist or abet another paid liquors within the limits of in receiving, bartering cr selling said Township and tbe Manager ( any alcoholic liquors so received or -Managers of said dispensary or kept, shall be deemed guilty of au B. MASSENBUKQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOUISBURG, K. C. Will practice In all the Courts oi the State Office In Court House. knowingly violating tbe provisions of this section and any person pur chasing from him or theme for the purpose of re-selling, bartering or exchanging the same shall be guil ty of a misdemeanor and on con viction shall be punished by a fine of not less than $50 00 nor more than $200.00 or imprisonment in the county jail not lees than thirty days or by both fine and imprison ment in the discretion of the court. And if said Manager or Managers or Commissioners be tome satisfied that vny pron baa purchased or is purchasing for the purpose of re-selling the said Commissioners shall direct as to the quantity to be sold to such per son, or if tbey become satisfied a misdemeanor, aud upon convic tion thereoXshall he punished by a fine of not leu than $100 00 nor more than $500.00, or by imprison ment for not less than three months nor more than twelve months in the county jail. Sec. 12. Tbe Mavor and Hoard of Town Commissioners of paid town and the Board of County Commissioners of said connty shall appropriate from the respective public treamries a sufficient amount of money to establish said Dispensarv .aa provided for in this he may be elected to such office or position, and all persons chosen at Dispensary Commissioner or Mao ager of said Dispensary under this act, shall for tba time for which the? .are chosen be ineligi ble to election to any office or po sition underpaid charter or ordi nances or to any efljee in the said connty; provided, that tbe Dispen sary Com tui&aionera and Manager or Managers of said Dispensary ball always be-eligible to re-elee-tiou. Sec. 15. Tbe Dispeo&arj Commis sioners shall give bonds with good and sufficient sureties payable to the County treasurer in such sums as may be fixed by said Board of act, one half of which amount shall j('ottrol, eooditionod for the faltb- 11. CX) KB & SON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LOUISBtJBfl, IT. C. c. or to pay a fine of not less than atinrt the courts of Nash. Franklin. I $100.00 nor more than $500.00. or Supreme Court of North Caroliup, andtbe U. I both tine and imprisonment IB the H. Circuit ana .uisiri;i iuuxt. three nor more than twelve months entering npon tbe dutiea of said that any person is indirectly pur imprisonment in the county jallf office execnte to tbe County Treas- chasing repeatedly for the pur R. J. E. M ALONE. nttine two doors below Aycocke & Co.'b drug store, adjoining Dr. O. L. EUis. urer a bond or "bonds with good and sufficient sureties in sncb sum as may be fixed by said Commis sioners, not less than $500 00, con ditioned that he or they will well and truly obey the Dispensary D F. R. W. II. NICHOLSON, discretion of the court for each of fense. Provided it shall not be unlawful for the manufacturer of brandy from fruits and of domes- laWf tbe lawg of the gtate and tbe tic wines to sell and deliver, bim- rules and regulations established self brandy or domestic wines of by Commissioners; that he or his own manufacture, provided tbey will pay all fine8 penalties, sucii nranay or wine are noi soia damages and costs that mav be in quantities less than one quart assee8ed or recorded against him ... - I m t-t- I Bltli 17 All T ha r 1A V lBOCI . m M Will attend the courts of Franniin, vance, uu arts uui muun. or tnem tor violations Ot SUCD laws uranviue, warren ana yvius.o cuulucb, mbu i , , , the supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt wnere sota. during bis or tbeir term of office, Sec. 2. A Board, consisting of au(j wjn not sen intoxicating the Mayor of said town, the Chair- liqu0rs at a price other than that man of the Board of County Com- fixe(j by sajd Commissioners and missioners of said county and the that he or tbey shall faithfully ac- Clerk of tbe Superior court of said connt to said Commissioners for all county, is hereby constituted to be moneys eoming into bis or tbeir attorney and counsellor at law. known as the Township Board of hands by virtue of said office ATTTuTITTDfl mJ II 1 PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LouisBuae, n. c. 8. 8PRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L0UISBUB8, K. C. attention given to collections. c rpHOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. LOUISBUBS, N. C. Office on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's store. T. W. BICKETT, at. f!niipff Hon. E. W. Timberlake. Office In Court House, opposite Sheriff's. W. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LotnsBUBe, k. a Office in the Court Practices in all courts, House. Prompt and painstaking attention given to Control. Said Board of Control sajd bond or bonds shall be for tbe every matter intrusteaw ins nanas h 11 anno;nt from the citizens of aa t Va 0.l t- Keiers to Uuiel J ostice onepneru, nuu, uuu 1 r r - 1 now vunuvj ouu i w n anjio- na?tnlngp persons, be- 8aid. Said bond or bonds shall AffKMwT. Heved by said Board of Control be deposited with the County not to be addicted to the use of Treasurer and in case any condi- intoxicating liquors, who shall be tions of the same shall be broken, known as tbe Board of Dispensary tbe principal and sureties thereon Commissioners. Said Board of shall also be joiutly and severally Commissioners shall hold their of- liable for all damages that may be fice for the term of two years and obtained against tbe principal or until tbeir successors are appoint- principals in any action under the ed, and ehall be subject to removal provisions of this act. All moneys for cause by said Board of control, collected for tbe breaches of such Said Board of Control shall fill all bond or bonds shall be distributed office on second floor of Neal building TacarJcies insaid Board of Commis- as other funds arising from said Main Street. . . . . ' sioners caused Dy ueam, resigna- Dispensary, oaia bona or bonds tion or removal. shall be approved as are other of- Sec. 3. Said Dispensary Commis- ficial bonds for the county, sioners shall establish and main- ga Manager or Mauagers shall tain at some point on one of the receive a salary or salaries to be principal business streets in the fixed by said Commissioners, and H. YARBOROUGH, Jb. ATTORNEY AT LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C. All legal business intrusted to bim will receive prompt and careful attention D. T. Smithwick, DENTISTS. LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in Ford Building, 2nd floor. said town of Louisburg a Dispen sary for the sale of spirituous, vin- Gas administered and teeth extracted ous and malt liquors. Said Com withont pain. missioners shall purchase a stock "DH,. TTl TP. A T?,T W of spirituous, vinous and malt liquors and shall at all times his or their compensation shall in no wise be dependent upon the amount of sales. pose of re-selling, paid Commie sioners' are authorized to direct the Manager o Managers not to sell to such person pxcept upon the certificate of a respectable rhysician that surb liquors are needed for medical purposes. Sec. 7. The Manager or Mans gers of said dispensary ehall not allow any person or j-ersous to loiter in or about tbe dispensary or premises on which the pnrae i? situated and for failure to comply with this section he or tbey shall be removed by said Commissioners, and any person refusing to leav tbe dispensary when ordered to bv the Manager or Managers shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 8. The Mayor and Board of towu Commissioners of said town of Louisburg shall from time to time pass such ordinances as may.be necessary to carry out tbe provisions of this act and shall provide suitable penalties for thp violations of this act and the rules and regulations of the Dispensary Commissioners. Sec. 9 No Druggist, in said township shall sell any spirituous, ? 1.,. vidous or man liquors, even upon the prescription of a licensed pby sician. cut tbe said drntreist mav purchase from the said dispensary, spirituous and vinous ljqnors, but a. i m 1 noi man, ior me pnrpoee ot com pounding medicines, tinctures anH extracts, that cannot be used as a beverage, and for no other pur- nose whatever. Provided, that whenever the dispensary commis sioner shall be satisfied that anv druggist is selling, bartering, px be appropriated from the town treasury and one half from the ronnty treasury and said amounts shall be repaid into the said treas uries ont of the profits arising from said Dispensary and there after said Dispernarv shall be sup ported and maintained out of the profits arisinir from sales in said Dispensarv; provided that said Mavor and Board of Town Com missioners and Board of Connty Commissioner shall be authorized and are hereby required to appro priate at any time snch sums aa may be necessary to keep said Dispensarv in operation. If there should for any reason be no money i Absolutely Puns. m4 booltfcralMM, A IW t xd 4TaM torn n l U lorn o' ttUrVie roBko to l rlwap tr4 ful performance of tbe duties of tbeir office and shall be pa.d for their services such sums ai may be fiied by said Ikard of Control which shall not be less than $100.- 00 per annum. Skc. It5. That all laws and clauses of laws in coufiict 'tb , ibis act be and the e&nie are here- by repealed. j Sec 17. That this act shall be; in force from and after the first day of July 1897. Roses. Cut-flowers. Bulbs &c. Carnation, ChrvKnnth ' Houqut find flornl d 1'jilnis, rVrn nnd othr LIMITED DOUBLE DAJDT SERVICE SiifTHSOL.ND 4 OS 41 Ho.". ins. pl.'intj for lioun' i)iDrutin. Ily arintht. Tulips. Nnrritm, ( 'himm' Snrn-d tin Ktter I.illie I'.ult' for pot nnd out-door rulturv (ioldn t.. ndd und pink and white Jpnn Lilli-, fintt of nil. In prinir all kinU of liihn plnntw. Mail orders : promptly uttonded to. II. STKINMKTZ Hrtleih. N. f. FOR SALE I ! -:o: cotnpU'to. DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in New Hotel bnilditg, 2nd floor. Gas administered and teeth ex tracted without pain. HOTEL'S. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. Woodabd, Prop., Eocky Mount, N. C. Free Bus meets all trains. Bj $2 per day. NORWOOD HOUSE Warrenton, North Carolina. XV. j. NORWOOD, Proprietor. Patronajct ol Commercial Tourists and .raveling PuMic Solicited. Good Sample Room.' IJbabbst Hotel to Stobks and Coobt Hotrsx. 1 FRANKL1NT0S HOTEL FBANKLINTON, N. 0. G. M- HOBBS, Prp'r. Good accomodation for the traveling public. I Good Livery Attached. i l r OSBORN HOUSE, i C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, keey such a stock of such li quors in said Dispensary as chemist from time to time and shall offer for sale in said Dispen sary no liquors which are not pure, provided that malt liquors pur chased by said Commissioners shall be only of well established brands changing or in any manner dis- Sec. 4. Said Dispensary Com- p08ing of said lipuors for any pur missioners sball maKe sued rules p08e other than that authorized by and regulations for tbe operation this sectiou. tbey, the commission of said Dispensary as they deem ers shall ordertheManagerorMan- best. nrovided said rules and re?a- oa-a f tv, "n . -r.. may be necessary to supply the iation8areiu conformity to the sell said druggist any more liquors, demand therefor Said Commis- provisions of the act; but in n0 and 8nch druggigt ghall uponcon. nart. malt, linnnra nnrfhftsftfl hv I . . ... r n r J aeers ot said Dispensary sen in uinoinanr in anrr m.nn Aa T .T . ; ' any forp except in the packages p0.iUg 0f liquors, shall forfeit hi, eoasea to e ivu y a eal(jd M aforMaid ftnd it 8hlH be unlawful for said Manager or Man- penalties, prosecutions and pro- agers to break any of such pack- ceedings at law provided against ages, or open the same for any reas- persons selling without authority on whatsoever, ana no person sbaii That notbine herein, shall be open satd packages on tbe prem- construed to authorize tbe mann ises: nrovided this section shall fQt,,ra n Ba nt on,, .a-at; mith ranntatinn fnr nnritr. SRlfl I... .... i J ' ' " ' f j i not annlv to malt Honors sniDDea mr,.,..,i Commissioners shal cause all spir- in case8 or bottle5 tbereof 8hipped devic which J TTanavtn MnnAHO AtTAil1 1 uuuubouu uuuuo "t "U u I in barrels: and such ma t iauors 'or sale in said Dispensary to be . d b 8aid Manaeer or ... . r . 1 a , I - " put into packages oi noi less man Managers in 8acb quantities, of one-half pint nor more than .four not iesa than one bottle, as he or gallons, and cause the same to be tb see proper. pr0vided the securely sealed before the same lme gball not be drunk on 8aid w m T I are placea in saiaispensary. oremises. The Dispensary shall . If any spirituous or vinous liquors be open and 8aid 15quor8 sban be are after purchase by said Com- gold tberein only in tbe day time missioners condemned by tnecnem- Qnder Bucb ruie8 a8 8ajd Commis ist making the, anayeis, as impure gioner8 may adopt; provided the and unwholesome, all liquors of Dispensary shall be closed on Sun the 8ame kind and shipment as day8 election days and such other that so tested shall be condemned davB a8 said Commissioners shall and none of it shall be sold in said djrect. Dispensary and payment therefor ol. n 1 1 Ka vcftisAd t.r tbA npfann. firm ... t -a I spirituous, vinous' and malt liquors or corporation from whom said P liqnors were purchased. Said Com missioners shall elect from tbe cit Sec. 5. The prices at which shall be sold shall be fixed by said traveling public. Commissioners; provided all sales stall be for cash and at a profit not exceeding eighty per cent of the actual cost thereof. as a beverage, or is intoxicating in its character. Sec. 10. If any person shall make any false or fictitious state ment in order to obtain liquor at said Dispensary, tbe person so of fending shall be guilty of a inis- demeauor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $1 00 nor more n hand derived from the profit of tbe Dispensary, such amount heinjr alwavs repaid to aid respec tive treasuries out of the first prof its thereafter realized from the Dispensary, said Mayor and Board of Town Commissioner and Board of County Commissioners nre here by authorized and empowered to make the appropriations herein provided for out of any money in tbe respective treasuries and if necessary to levy and collect tarns j ()ne 25-horse power engine and for that purpose. ' boiler and saw mill with a 52-incb Skc. 13 The said Manager or ; inserted tooth saw, complete with r r . i T-w- n 1 helts, pullies., Ac. Managers of said Dispensary shall ' ' ' on Monday of each week pay over Qm. JO-l)orso power enpine to the said Dispensary Commis- , b j, wi , n sioners all moneys received ny i him of them during the preceding ! week, and shall keep a strict ac- j r)ur cart. an a mini count of all liquors received hy j Qj- j. him or them from said Dispensary ! Commissioners in books kept for j that purpose which shall at all ; times be suhject to tbe inspection j of said Commissioners, or any citi- i zen of paid township, and such i books shall show the amount and ! kind of liqnors procured, the dat of receipt and amcint sold and the amount on band, of each k ind for be sold to suit tbe times each month and tbe said Manager ' onble terms. or Managers shall make a report i on tbe first Monday in each month to said Commissioners, or oftener if required hy them, showing the amount and kind of liquors re ceived by bim or them and ihe amount of liquors sold by him or them during the preceding month and price received for same and the amount and kind of'liqmrs on hand on the last day of the pre ceding month. And said Dispen sarv Commi'sioners shall make quarterly reports to said Board of Control on the fourth Monday in March, June, September and De cember in each year, showing in detail the expenditures and re turns from gaid Dispensary amlT the net profits derived therefrom tVJtim)r Uio glen Sor'. ik Tsa H 1. Port tnovj t h iHsrbata lrr S.r.!,.r i a - - 1 1-' .1 XT, 4 4-1 . 1 1 o; a i v 4 m v Oi pea 05aa 9 iW 11 jspallUta 1 J 1 3d fa rl 1 lO 'J 10 a.s 4 JJ .'. i' i .'.4 4.1 A 4 r-a " 1 t W 13 ONE ENGINE WAGON. TWO 2-HORSE WAGONS. SIX Ml'LKS. . THREE HORSES. 15l,lHJ() of Hogshead stave tim ber dry, and a lot of hoops. ' ''. ! .a 10 4T f m I ... ra r.. a r, ipj -l io a:. i o i-:-ti j i ,.- j 4ll Ut-rton. i j ,j- ra j i i A hr.. 1 .14.", m.Vr I '") 4 J !!:; 1 !r . C :.r9 T, jtj N"ilTH i. Mi 4 j 3 : c-r -' 4 o r-a I O 4 2 A : z .1 l"i 1121 K;rrioo 4is Hum tt-M lit- 1 , 140 1-1. '. 4 1 2 0 hf...i r, .4 i,S t'..;oab:a N A t. U H 7 i0 L t-tf S V t 13 4 3.3 i.r.oV. ; c j so i.ij. V 4 Oi ; Hat ! 1 ;.3 -JS ' il.-nir -.., yrj . Wijr 1 i ! 4 V 2 ta 1U ;S "i !', 11 .v, rtirfcsi. 7 3j 4 Ov 1,a' .'u 11 Jo a r lfC-'-o:( 1 10 p n. i.i Ui-.--5f : s p. b. t,")o. 4 i' o 3 Rx-fena r. I. l I. H j 6 I i:n'.,D t . f'r-a H P. J M fte 11 lO El.Tl31o- 1 .l JJ 4H an Pt.U.Wi;.ti. zi S a v" Vort 5 , J'o.ca.. -.'a. ; 7 m i, , All of tbe 1oy property will on rervs- Respectf ully, HILL A CO. Gannaway Hardware Company, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE, LOUISBL'KG. N. C. Oxford, N. C. j- Good accommodations ( for the I jzens of said township one or more persons to be known as the Man ager or Managers of said Dispen sary, who shall bave charge , and control of said Dispensary under ("Managers of said dispensary shall the supervision of the said: Com-1 not sell liquor to any minor or in- V rr' j t.ii l .1 . .4 - J f. lAVinatail nannn noi to inv TtAV- i . . i missiouers anu dubii oo sibswu i f" j r Good aooominodatioi,-Qood fare; s Pol guch m a5 eaj ' Gommisioners I son purchasing for the porpoae of Uti ana Ktteaurt lervajn . MASSENBDRG HOTEL : J 3? MaHMenbursr iPropr HENDEESON, N. C Section 6. 8aid- Manager or and on tbe same day of said months said Cora missioners shall apportion said net profits and pay three-eights thereof to the Town treasurer and three-eights to the County treasurer and one-fourth to School Fund. That part of the said net profits awarded the town at any time may be appropriated bv tbe Mavor and Board of Town than $25.00, or imprisonment in Commie9loner8 to any purpose that tbe county jail not less than three 1 i. .r..n nor more than thirty days. mnn for and lhat part awarded Sec. 11. Every person who shall the county may be appropriated directly or indirectly keep or I by the Board of County Contmis- maintain by himself, or by asso- sioners to any purpose that tbey dating or combining with others, may lawfully appropriate mouey or who ehall in any manner aid, for. assist or abet in keeping or main- Sec. 14. Every person holding taining any clob room or other I anj office or position of any kind place in which intoxicating liqnors under tbe charter or ordinances of are received or kept for use, bar I the'said town of Louisburg and ter or sale as a beverage, or for the connty officers of Franklin distribution or division among I county shall be ineligible for ap the members of any clnb or asso-1 piontment as a Dispensary Com ciatioo by any means whatever, j missiooer or Manager of said Dis- tncj every person who shall recaUe, pensary doxio the tiua for which 1 We have just opened a Large and complete Stock of Hardware, and propose at all times to carry a Full Line of all Kinds of Agricultural Implements, and other supplies nee led on ths Farm. 3" Please call and examine onr Stock before making your purchase. o fr t'.;ff ob arr In a. Kor Xtrkf.m, 1 J i. o . : l0.;( at. 1 w Ugr V. M - IW af-J N ;n ml t. H VV ji u, ltr Tra., Mat.f,. T J U !-.. r. Ic I' u. Kg -a l Arraajoc'.k. V( N i . l nr.. Trmt rM l'ortK..ctt V SoriilKIlN" KAILWAY." riKUIOVT AIM LI!, CONDENSED SCHEDULE. IN KFFKCT JAM A tV 1. l-j-5. TRAI5 LKAVK KALUQU. M. C I'j: A ml i r-a. t at fna'jwt fsr all ( tu I t onA a4 toau. ajo ia luua tad pott c Ub orurn! JtopJh Ouvalaa Mall rj.l At .-ulluf;. fj mM pA if 'tTTj .S rtA jajxUtaw a&c. t .i. Tit, . c aoautb, wm tru t u La . ai Cauwna. ' fmr Lao I ar( rrrr. u f. ri Al Laata aJB4 ai antsta va '.A ;iP M. toc&wti at iura-i lb lr iritord. LJly lUrUflli abl Arja-rlj evrf4 NiHJt A4 UMtaicfo. 11A IA p taAis.o ao 1 IVjalia1i r i VraUtvtMl Lim'.lMj as4 Ua rw or as rrvia (i&ort LLm illav t i IrUsf ovail pntau .Honk, wil iia aalA Ur. train a IS 1o , I . i til, aVkrtuaoo4 aaj lelara. UV tvrmi lUOota. a.ao Am eoe j t- i loo for 1 fatw. ta4 mi.li for ctarvi. fjrax. !rj. lirnrQitiV. tuau atk4 mu avcsia ivhiu. itmo UHaaiu, A . I tWU'B. ha i as rA. iacAaoav aod ail pottita ta rVWU. B-ftri car S-jr iUaota. imem-mam. llJo il i at tavVXto )IA miin Icg tot Aaf-qplA a&4 4mkom. 11 10 r. U. Cunatm U S:tmA tar F"if-CX"ClIi UiSf aoJ latrrbAltaaa LalVoa cm LA Xi no a-i J WiaxMi i Tmriu-ru tAon Cmt dallr; liotWww f err Hmmum aa4 AtarrakJ Olf . dail rurmp mm. da, (or W UalBu mai uif. rntiat MaUMt om ihm W. h W H. R. taalt. ( ooutMru at Mai tor WLaoa. tbxky Mom. Tartwro A4 kwml mtAiUm am Sorfotk aja4 CbtoOa Kaltroaa. ArrtV ai OuaJtoro irm r. u. A. M- l oeiwrt al Darfcaa tor OtSorA. Paul krl:ar. aVtMk. mi m i ii . Ex iWoJax 1jv. tor mmltgum a4 aJka pKXOia BcrtA. 9 14 o4 ror uoioaMx f Y. XI. Daily TMA1X8 AXHJVE AT RALXTOB. 5. C 1 14 r. U. rroas AliaxLa. C AarVXU. Utim DU. low J AU pt4au tkotA A- M. Trorm Uruai boo mod ma pot la Iail. Sorla aa4 rotl r i4aj f UiwiaMTO to IUtiaA. i-Ot r. M. Froaa OmiaUrro,. M'UaiiLvtra rrrtt-rtiaa4i4 mU potal La r-a- OYSTER SALOON. I have oraed aa oyster aalnoa jaat below D. U. Taylor A Co.'a oo Sah Sa. My frWoda aod tb pobllo orally tr aordiallv iavltad to call and em. Oaly I the freaWt oystan mrtvi- BOBBRT 6. AlSTOrt, U A- M roai Jfcrw Tor A. 4Mtarlo. LrarAWar. TkaaTVOa Ornajt lii j tW P. M. Trot Ou4Jataro aavl aj mvtm mi I A. M. Dally Il a. Voemt trHtt Intel alao rarrr rauaaa carao mutraoom trala trxm tUm ri to Of r ter a. ao4 om anmtay trata Cawa Qrwt aUaro. DoaUAaaaJl tralea tra KaWAyV CW- mwin aiiaaia. vatoa. uai, C U Boftm, T. r. O. H. Oeaxs. i' miva-f-T. , CAartcCka, M. C. W. A. Tl WaAtrjiC L a 'J

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