I - r VOL XXVII. LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, 9, 1897. NUMBER 8. THE FKANKEIN Mctnotlist Church Directory. jiundav School at 9:30 M. A. Geo. S. Baker. Snpt. 1'reachin at 11 A. M., and 7 P. M., vry iSunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. G. F. Smith, Pastor. )' v Urn L-r t'ewfiional cards, S. 1'. ISL'KT, "KACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. Hi, in t he Ford Building, comer Main i Na-h streets. Upstairs front. M.H.RUFF1N, A r T 0 R N EY-AT-LAW, Louisburg, N. C. . ,11 practice In all courtp OfBcein Ford ,lIUfr, coi tier of Main and Nash streets. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of Mrs. K. F. Long, all persons owing her estate are notified to make payment at once to me. and all per8ons4ioldine claims against said estate will present them to me tor payment on or t.efore the 20th day of March, 1898, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. O. L. Ell,is, Adm'r.. of Mrs. E. F. Long. March 18th, 1897. 3-19-97 6t. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of S. N. Strickland, deceased, all persons owinjr his estate must make immediate settlement, ana all persons holding claims against deceased, will' present them on or before March 5. 1897. or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. This March 5. 1897. K. ti. STRICKLAND, Adm r, Breakers Ahead. Turn Aboat. B. M ASS EN BURG, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOUISBURG, N. C. , .ractice in all the Courts of he State Office in Court House. , v On Mil' M. COKE & SON, A TTORNEYS-AT-LA W, L0UISBUR8, N. C. , i -it lend the courts of Nash, Franklin, nv'll'' Warren and Wake counties, also the n aif Court of North Carohup, ana tne U. iri-uit and District Courts. 1) dm K. J. E. MALONK two QOOre ueiow avwcuc a. NOTICE. I have this day qualified on the estate of Newton Davis, decd. All persons holding claim against the. said estate will take notice tnat unless sucn claims are nied witn me within one year from this date this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery, W"F. Dwih, Adm'r. of Newton Davis. March, nth, 1897. " ." 3-12-97-0w. NOTICE. Py virtue of two entions in my hands in fa vor of G. W. Ford, plaintiffs, against Mrs.V.H. Cooke, issued from tne Superior Court of Franklin county, I will Rell to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in Louisburg. on Monday, the 12th day of April, 1897 (it being Monday of Franklin Superior Court) alfcthe interest that Mrs. V. H.Cooke, basin 144 acres of land situated in Sandy Creek Township, Fianklin county, adjoining the lands of Dr. P. S. Foster, John Williams and others (being the excess of the homestead exemptions of Mrs. V.H.Cooke) to satisfy said executions and costs. H. C. Kearney. Sheriff. Louisburg, N C, March 11th, 1897. Aye O. L. Co.'s Ellis. I) K store, adjoining Dr. r. W. U. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUISBURS, N. o. I i S. SPRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, nvill" Warren ana waH.e couuuea, oinu .-uprrme Court of North Carolina. Prompt nti"ii given 10 cuiieuuuuo, on,. Or Hit at I' T 1UUS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C. O tUe on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's stor-. 1Y W. blLh.JB.ll, 1. A. T10RNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, L0CISBUK8 N. c. Prompt and painstaking attention given to every uiatt-r intrusted to his hands. R. fer to chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John M ,,,,,,,,,r n,,n Roi.t. W. Winston, ion. j. Ti,',vti, i',;- First National Bank of Win ston, tii'.-nii & Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of .M .nroe, chas. E. Taylor, rres. vvuss ror est Coil. fre. Hon. E. W. Timberlake. uffiee hi Court House, opposite Sheriff's. NOTICE. By virtue of two executions, in my hands, issued from the Superior Court of Franklin county, in favor of G. W. Ford, and the Carleigh Phosphate Works, against E. T. Cooke, I shall sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in Louisburg on Monuay the 12th day of April, 1897, (it Detng Monday oi Frantuin superior Lourt) all the interest that E, T. Cooke has in 319 acres of land situated in Sandy 'reek Town shin, adioinins the lands of Dr. 'P. S. Foster, John Williams, Franklin county lands, and others, being the land on which Mrs. v . ti. Cooke resides and listed by her for taxes to satisfy said execution and costs. H. C. Kearney, Sheriff. Lauisburg, March 11th. 1897. NOTICE OF SALE ! NORTH CAROLINA, Franklin Co LISA, ) unty. ) Superior Court, W. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L0UISBUR6, K. C. Practices in all courts. Office In the Court House. II. YARBOROUGH, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C. office on second floor of Neal building M ii mi .t n et. All 1. gal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. Catherine Coggins. Mary Jane Coggins, . vs. Martha Coggins. By virtue of an order of the Superior court of Franklin county in the above cause 1 shall on Saturday the the first day of May 1897 iu the town of Franklinton ell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash a house and lot situated in the town of Frank linton and" bounded as follows: On the north by the lot occupied by W. H." Joyner, on the west by Main street, on the south by A. B. Wester and on the east by the K. & G. R. R, Co., containing one-half acre more or less. Sale will take place at 12 o'clock m. This April 1st, 1897. E. W. Morris, Commissioner. NOTICE. D. T. Smithwick, DENTISTS. LOUISBURG, N. C. office in Ford Building, 2nd floor, (ias administered and teeth extracted without pain. "DIR,. IE. IF. ZELAIRLlrX- DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in New Hotel building, 2nd floor. Gas administered and teeth ex tracted without pain. By virtue" of power given in a certain mortgage deed executed on the 2'ith day of Aprtl, 1895, bv W T. Outlaw and Louella Outlaw, his wife, an i G. L. P. Toliaferro and Josie Toliaferro, his wife, to I. G. Staunton and duly recorded in Book 99. Page 380-3 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin county, and default having been made in the payment of said mortgage debt, I will on Saturday . the 1st day of May. 1897. sell for cash, at public auction t. Franklin ton," N. C, the following tracts of land tying and being in Franklin county. State afore said, and in Franklinton township and de scribed and denned as follows, to-wit: two tracts adjoining the lands of A. B. Wester. Maieellus Joyner ana otners. ano iuny de scribed in said martgage, reference to which is hereby made. This the 30th day of March, 1897. I. G. Stauton, Mortgagee. R. C. Gclley, Attorney. The arbitrary action of State Treasurer Worth in refusing to obey the law and to pay ont money appropriated by the legislature is creating a public sentiment against him tbat may wiod up in the election of a legislature tbat will impeach bin and other State officers, who think tbey are above the law. Gov. Russell does not hesitate to pay out money to lawyers to fight the lease, in the face of the refusal of the legislature to pass a bill to allow him to make war in the courts against the Southern Rail way. The latest is a payment to W. H. Day, a paid attorney of the Seaboard Air Line, of $350 to ap pear in the lease matter this is too thin. Governor Russell is daft. The people will not stand idiosyn cratic disregard of their rights. There has been too much of this foolishness already. The few knee crooking Republicans who hang around him aud the few populist pie hunters be has attracted to b'.m will not save bim from the bands of an outraged people. They will send a Democratic legis'ature to Raleigh next time tbat will re deem the State from the disgrace ful condition in which it now is, and put in some State officers wb will obey the laws. Gov. Holden's experience in suspending the laws ought to be lesson enough for any set of State officers. What do tbey elect an attorney general for? The State auditor cannot refuse to issue a warrant upon the State Treasurer for the payment of money if the legislature has or dered it to be paid. Under the 9th subdivision of Sec. 3350 of the Code he may do certain thiugs be fore be issues it. Under the 12th subdivision of the same section be can get from the books of the banks where the State Treasurer keeps his funds, monthly statements. Maybe this ! would be interesting information or the public. This monkeying with the State money and trying to keep it from State institutions may have some nuts in-' it which the Democrats ought to crack. The people are not interested in run ning bauks. i- 31. Today. While McKinley is pledged to civil service, be expresses the idea that "torn about is fajr play" iu reference to the distribution of pie not on the civil serfice menu. This is brought out in bis refusal to appoint Bruce, of Mississippi, Register of the Treasury, a posi tion which be held under a former administration. The president is quoted as having said to Brnce: "Yon bave bad your snare. I realize the strength of the-colored Republican votes in this :eountry, and I recognize yon as a leader of your race, bot I have adopted a line of policy -wb4tlt5iaU pnrsne to the end. The men who bave held office must wait for tbe men who bave never been favored, but who deserve Federal recognition." Commenting npon this, tbe Char lotte Observer remarks "tbat this will be a particularly bard blow to North Carolina Republicans, for there is hardlv one in tbe State who has not heretofore teen 'fa vored.' McKinley e idently meaus what be says, and there are squalls ahead." It is a Mistake S. S. Time.. No loving word was ever spoken no good deed eer done, "tomor row." We cannot act iu the un born future, nor in tbe dead past only 1n tbe living present. Tbat is why "every dcy is a dooms day," for today holds life and death, character and destiny, in its hands. Opportunity says with Jean's: "Me ye have not always." We say: "I wilt take my chaoces. There is plenty of time." Ah, how often do we say : "Some other time," to find tbat there is no otber time! Some things we can do "not always." How shall we find out what things can be done any time and wbat things now or neverf Ouly by living in tbe ftitb tbat today is tbe only dy we bave, and challenging every opportunity fo" its meaning. Lean filled his life with regret for tri fling one day; Esther's was full of glory for one day's courage. Pe ter 6lept one day, ana lost a matchless opportunity. Mary's name is fragrant forever for tbe loving deed of a day. Do your best now. For t he com tnon d-el ol th rmm,n 1t Art- ringing belU lw the lar 1 Ah,' asked the lady "this roo will not r rub off?" MOb,dear no, mem," said the clerk ; "it it especially warranted to stand all the kisses of investigation one's V feminine friends may choose to try on it. Indianapolis Journal. EXKCLTOR'S NOTICE. Marin qaali&rd MfiMtor o h "M! of C. K. t)W:ntt. d i rmi i. mU praoa omimg aid tat art noli tl to aak iaitaliat ptyot. and all paraoea hoWiea; riaiasa M-ioat Mid mUU mum pr at lana kr pjaattt na or hrlorr tM 2'Jad daj of Tt- roary lnOH, or thia ot-a tH b pWJd la Un r of tbir rrrorerT. Thia Fabraary 2i4 197. D. C. 8tbh. F.irator Rosas. Cut-flowers, Bafts &c P0U0EB Absolutely Pure. , aw1 b-Hetalm asrv V t-aod atkiaat ! aram ani ail l-rcaa o' tilUftUua roaaaoa ! tj tba rbap bra-ada 3os-, tarnation, Cbrynanthtv ( mums 4c Bouqoeta nnd floral d- j bIcti. Talnis, Fern, nnd othr ' plnnta for hooa dVcoratioo. Hy acinth. Tulip. Narrinau. ("hinewe Kacml nod Knater Lillie Boll for pot and out-door culture, (rohkn bonded and pink and wbite Japan Lillie, flrwt of all. In prin all kinds of bodding plant. Mailorder promptly attended to. II STKINMKTZ Halei-h, N. C SPOT CASH. ..LIMITED Drains- DOUBLEbAIIY SERVICE SOlTHRrit 4 1 York i ':5 K P. i 1 ' ;a v l'hil-W;.6 11.' j a IJ 'Xi a HaJl.ro. .r 1 '. J '" V aab:nCtr.n 4 4,, 4 AO N'orrw.k t a I ' o rt acs V 2- j HOTEL'S. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. WOODAKD, Prop., Rocky Mount, N. C. Free Bus rueets all trains. $2 per day. NORWOOD HOUSE Warrenton, North Carolina- w.J. iVRoD, Proprietor. Pitr.nnif ut Commercial Tourists and r.iv.-lin f iMic Solicited. - tiood Sample Room. N rarest Hotel to Storks and Court House. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Tho nnrtriprshin heretofore subsisting on der the firm name of Lancaster & Co., be tween M. V. Lancaster and J Lancaster has this day by mutual consent been dis anlved. The stock of goods, wares and mer chandise, store fixtures, accounts, evidences ,,f rinht nnd the Mod will of the firm of Lan caster & Co., has been sold to Mrs. Mary a T.anpnster. who will, under the same firm name,conticue to conduct a heavy and fancy grocery business at the same stand. We thank our many patrons for their past liberal patronage, and bespeaK tor our sue cessor a continuance 01 tne same. This March 26th, 1897. M. V. Lancaster, J. I. Lancaster. Having bought out the stock of goods, wares and merchandise, store fixtures ac counts, &c, of the former firm of Lancaster & Co , as well as the good will, I beg to an nounce to the public that I will, under the same ftrm name and at the same stand, con tinue to do a heavy and fancy grocery busi ness, keeping in stock a complete line of f.v.niooat, nnd freshest aroods. and selling them for cash at the closest prices. I ask for a continuance of the patronage so liberally given mv predecessors. Mrs. Mary A. Lancaster, Trading as Lancaster & Co. March 26th, 1897. To work when you are not in a fit condition to do so. To sleep exposed to a direct draught at auy season. To conclude tbat the -mallest room in the house is large enough to sleep in. To think tbat the more a person eats the healthier and stronger he will become. To imagine that if a little work of exercise is good violent or pro longed exercise is better. To take off heavy undercloth ing out of season simply because you have become overheated. To believe that childreu can do as much work as grown people. and the more they study the more they learn. It may fo sound and be some j what far fetched, but it perms! plainly to us that sectional legi"- 1 lation is being enacted bv Con gress. It may not be just conven ient to enumerate such acts now, but we point to the Dingloy tariff- i bill as conclusive. In it all iodus 1 tries and products of tbe Northern States are protected. Hut cotton, tho great staple of the South, g'-t not a penny's worth of protection, too right in the face of the fait that imported cotton militates against the home product of the South. Is the South to bo thus treated ? Wf want to buy for Spot rah or in excbaDge for ONE HUNDRED HLAO OF POOR COWS and YEARLINGS. HILL &c CO. FOR SALE I ! H. 1 . T A l.i ra- f .rJ St "3t Sr I". -r lltx . - , "' cs ti a n. - .c -:o: Where the Burden Will Fall. t ti 1 A t r . . ir.V- ' ias "a '. ' v k r ti li-ii At. at '.a i : K ' ' ;c 1- K.r-...r. M, y i . ' W 1 j r n w - J I i'C'.i.f! Cioab.a S A ' : i : :i a 1 J ' ' as 1 SV pa " J ' " - ;-ai 1 1 zs 1 .Vi ta 1 : a m . : ' a " S ra : !, (;j ; . . : ' 1 1 i v : i - . i i ' M ; i . 4 ; 4 ", 4 SO il 7 "." ;.ra '. ' ' 4 i 1 1 3. 1 J as 1 4 2 '. '. j " 1 5 '. ' j J ' 4 J -J i- f 4 Stands at the Head. Aug J. Rogel, the loading drug gist of Shrevenort, La., says :" Dr. One 2i-bors power engine and boiler and aaw mill with a 32-incb nu inserted tooth paw, complete with aMUf. belts, pullie, Ac. 4 1 4 4 .l - 3- Do You Know A Good Thine When You See It ? THE RALEIGH DAILY TRIBUNE is a thorough Newspaper in every particular. It takes and prints the full SontHern Associated Press Disnatclies. Has regular correspondents in all Darts of North Carolina, and osborn house, pits News C. D. 0SB0RN, Proprietor, FHANKLINTO HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C. G. M. EOBBS, Prfr. : Good accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached. From the Atlanta Journal. It is interesting to note where the increased tariff taxation pro posed by Mr. Dingley and his com mittee will fall and in what pro portions. The bill adds: Fifty per cent, to tbe tariff paid by earthenware and glassware, 40 per cent, to that paid by chemicals oils, etc., 300 per cent, to that paid by wood aud its manufactures, 100 per cent, to tbat paid by woolem, It takes wool off the free list and puts npon it a tariff that will cost the people of this country many million dollars every year. Contrast this treatment of neces saries with tbat which some luxu ries will receive. The tax on silk goods is to be increased only 15 per cent., and spirits, wines and liquors will be required to pay only 25 per cent, more than they do.now. Mr. Dingley, in undertaking to make this sort of tariff revision a measare of popular relief, cuts a figure that would be ludicrous but for tbe fact that the results of his machinations will be so serious . imr a row rlisrovf-rv in tho on v t , , L . , L , I thing that cures mv cough, and and boiHT with saw mill. To go to bed late at night and i . . . ?eU j h j F ; rise at daybreak and imagine that j Campbell, merchant of Stafford.! ' every hour taken from sleep is an i Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's Now ; p()nr 0,r nnrts 'ind a nuill- hour gained. Discovery is all that is cla'med o r- i - . i turn nt tuttMr-u torn; n never iai is, ana is a sure : vv . .-. cure for consumption, coughs and colds. I cannot say enough for i its merits." Dr. King's New Di covery for consumption, coughs and colds is not ati experiment It has been tried for a quarter of ; a centurv, and to-day stands af 1 the nead. It never disappoints. Kpr Arv .nfl lo. Qt boOD. Free trial lxttles at Aycocke A i Co 's Drug Store. All of the above property will ! be sold to suit the times on re. To give unnecessary time to a certain established routine of house-keeping when it could be much more profitably spent in rest or recreation. To imagine that whatevA rem edy causes one to feel immediately better as alcoholic stimulants is good for the system, without re. gard to the after effects. To ?at as if you had only a min ute in which to finish the meal, or to eat without an appetite, or to continue after it has been satis fied merely to gratify the taste. ONE ENGINE WAGON. TWO 2-HORSE WAGONS. SIX MULES. THREE HORSES. 150,i O0 of Hogshead stave tim- , Y. St J W c r- ' ( . ',.' ii at : i . : i Wil3irtf-..c :' v -a ' : J 3jia "Vi'i Wr '.: f '. J ) I " aa Ka Wi ( '. '. ' 1 A'. Ar Mi!--t ' J- i.. ;e ' : i J.. ta r!-c';s- 1 i.i r . . l.cn'fi W'HIoi, ''. a a 'in. (B HhtB. r-J V I : . f, V abit!'...t t . -- 't.V. i i '. ; B3 11 3 u Ra.ttc jr 1 (t J 4 a l'hiia.1f fc'.a 3 ' J i; k1 York J. ".1 "" 'k T t. (', N . i'ra -jf 1:1 ..-.-. K.-rttr'.a Household Hints. From Roan to Roanoke. Oxford, N.' C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. MA.SSENBBR6 HOTEL- HENDERSON. N-C. Good fare. Fe It is a clean Republican paper and ably edited. Subscription price, per year. - $6.00 ' ' ".six months, 3.00 " three " ; 150 Weekly, $1.00 per year. Subscribe without delay ana gei all the news. Address all letters to THE DAILY TRIBUNE, i xt rt The grand jury in Surry county last week found bills of indict ment against thirty-three mer chants for failiug to return their purchases. The penalty for each offense is a fine of $50. Tbe North -Carolina Building and Loan Association of Char lotte, with branches in many .other towns, has gone into the hands o a receiver. . J. M. Millikiu, of Randolph county, is appointed United State Marshal for the Western 'District of Nqi-Ui Carolina, "They must have had a cyclone , onable terms over at Newriches' last week." I What makes you think so?" "Mr Nwriches said they had their j monogram blown into every pi'ce of glass in the house." Detroit j Free Press. ..tir!.. Ag' Ka -. V r it. at H 11 '. ir. Tr- Ut-.tp: jt-ai f ..-"a.''i a 1 r nil 1 '.MS.'. Respectfolly , HILL A CO. Electric Bitters. When meats are being roasted and there is danger of their bo oming too brown, place a basin of water in the oven. The steam will prevent scorching and the meat will cook better. An old cook noted for making he most delicious of loaf cakes was asked her secret for never having a failure and replied: "It's all in the baking; tbe richer the cake the slower must be tbe oven." When purchasing sheer linen handkerchiefs, those that are pure linen may be readily recognized by moistening tbe tip of the finger and scratching the fabric over it. Linen will sb5w the moisture through immediately; but cotton threads take more time to absorb the moisture. When woolen dresses or any woolen garments have become badly creased and wrinkled, do not attempt to nee a bot iron npon them, for it is likely to leave the mark of the iron and give tbe ma terial a shiny look withont pro ducitig any good results. If tbe crashed and "marred places are wiped with a woolen cloth wet in bot water and the clothing is then hnnir ont in tbe air or in a cold place, tot marks wiU all (Usappw Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for auv season, Init perhaps more generally needed wheu the languid, exhausted feeling pre vails, whn the liver is torpid and sluggish and the r.eed of a tonic and alterative is felt .i prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and freeing tho system from the malarial poison. Headache, m digestion, constipation, duzinese yield to Electric Bitters. ."X) cents and $1.00 per bottle at Aycocke & Co.'s Drug Store. Gannaway Hardware Company. WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL HARDWARE, LOUISBURG, N. C. Grand Secretary B. II. Wodell, of the grand lodge of Odd Fellows, says there are now 115 lodges in tbe State. The membership is nearly 5,000. Tbe grand lodge meets at Charlotte in May. We have just opened and complete Stock of a Large E. F. YARBOROUGH, Insurance. Neal Building, Louisburg, N. C. Fire Companies : MPERIAL, of London, PALATINE, of Manchester, Wllllamsburgh City, of . Y. British America, Toronto. Atlanta Home, Atlanta. Property insured on favorable terms. Dwellings especially, solicited. Boada arranged for oOocra aod oUisr boldly potiuo&a. of trut ai imau coat Hardware, and propose at all ti m to carry a Pull Line of all Rinds of Agricultural Implements, and other supplies nee led on tbe Farm. Pleaaa call and eiamine oor Stock before. Diking your pur SnlTHKUN RAILWAY. ril.DnoT A I at LIK . C o N I ) . N S K I C H K I U I . K . IN K F F K t T JAM" A - V 1. U5. TRil5 LEAVE HALEiiH, aV. C. 1 A, aL i.wrti at QrHaataaa i t aj f- Ic'j for Softi aa4 Ikaajvt kx,1 JCMt.-o rtn &j aaata c&lfea 5orti;rti 5 r.l taruaa.a Rail r-a.1 At -iiLrr. ( aat c.4ala ti.. Ttcs .Caa&MtU. fsd Vra p--t a t a. Caanoaaa f t (aatttrf UftsTl.. " a I Ucla ul aii pr'.tta tso '.A 1 P M Cooowti at Iartat t:t Otter. I"ai'r l TraTl. K-j v. xcmA PuciMj. Al lifnt.. wit t Vti'-J UblIUkJ.. ax3 IU 5w T 'rt is! rwiaUrtortUa, UaL I I train lor al potat ortk. a4 w'.'.i ma: a I!m lra-n .Xo IS lo Ijti:w. BU'kcaocl aa.1 laf iiai a'.a MtAlMQd. ajo t-MM cvav trUo tow A 1 au -r. tm . a4 wtlb mala lib trala So M faa . taU for CUfWu. afnactmr. ! UirTUk. lUatu aavl ali t4ata -a la mhm- C-iasil4a. r.rv-ti-o. MriBDai. it ao J a.'l point La rtorfcaa. rM' tor IUilU. JarAav iiiB) at lTtrwcir tta ihq ir.f CMt fjr Aafuaca aa-1 JartKia- UUP U IMKrHMWatfci rjta-rna I ail y arv.) lalrcanfLat aOXfca oa Um : Bl ."aolaf Wltwt and rrrU-TUta KJkcrt Cat lal'y . OoilaWpo tor twra aa4 Morrb-rad Ct7- 4ailf trmy eaa daj. for wt;air.(Via wJ tatav. tallMlM ataUoca cm ta W. a W K R. Daily. i nttniwru ai -43s.a for WIl. fLM-hj UnU Tartore a4 kwaj latU-ca oa 5 ortoi-X aa4 OaroUaa Ral)rrvl. arrlTaa at (Kadtoro U, f aC HM3 A. at. CoeaOTrtaat trkaaB tor Oxford. TaiJX KayvrLlX. aWAm-akd. at Qrmi Ex (taakiay tvro. tot aaalDk af4 alLa ro4nl aoria. 14 aavl For UoalatotMX ) i r. H- Dallr. TRAI5S Aaaiva at rauioh. 5. c 14 r. M. rroca Atlaata. CairtcO. On anal' Pall. low aal ail pot o la ioata MX A- at Trom (Iiwa,(otii aM afl tctmM Dallj. 5ort aa.1 aoata. Wan, 11,4 oar O r aatoro to ILarLci 4 T. at. Trom CKit3o. WUaiUaa-laat. raKtrvtOa aa4 aJU antata La Saav tro Oaroalaa. 11 CS A. at. From Xrm Tor. aa.iaroa) . LfiriMrf. iaetu UfMiatot q rroca oji.a Baa4 I - A- aL Daitj Sc. Sam. Loraa frrixbl train aiav rarrr rpw caraaaj triM rnocm traia froaa Ka rtg to Qnaamutt, aa4 oa aaomtaa; trala fwcaai Or a toco. rioaXaa oally traiM ba twa j Ratai. Ckar. oua aoa auaata. Var ua. aati iJaforo aaj a3 lm a L. Horczn. T. T. A CliarVaCVa. v. C, O. . Ouu. W. A. Trui. 1H tadattentiTt wnwt . ; ... ' V 1