VOL. XXYIL" , ... I.QUISBTTRf?. -K. f!. ffRlDAY- appit ic wn ' ' !'5- ---i i nun A - . - 31 etliodi8t Church Directory. Sunday School at 9:30 M. A. Geo. 8. Baker. Sapt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 7 P. M. every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. G. F. Smith, Pastor. XJi-o t'eissioual cards, jyi. S. P. BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. Office in the Ford Building, corner Main and Nufh Mtreets. Upstairs front. iM. H.RCFFIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Louisburg, N. C. Will practice n all courte Office in Ford Uniliiiug, corner of Main and Nash streets. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of Mrs. noHflifV18' PersoD8 1 tate are notified to make payment at once to me, and all persons holding claims against said estate will present them to me tor payment l re :20th day of March, 1898. or Ui. ni e pjeaaed in bar of their covery. t O. L. ELtiH, Adm'r., r of Mrs. E. F. Lone MarclM8th, 1897. 8-19-97 6t. re- THE FUNDING BILL; Xo Woad.tr She Missed it. B. M ASS RN BURG, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOCISBUR6, jr. c Will practice la-all the Courts o the State Office In Court House. NOTICE. nsriiuJaifled as administrator of S N i '"V??,1 immediate settlement? and all persons holding cla, TXiZZ T'. ' i7n7'" thJ?1"lce TTUJ be plead in bar of recovery. This March 5. 1897. R. H. Strickland, Adm'r, NOTICE. I have this day qualified on the estate nf Davis decjd. All. persons holding claims against the said estate will take m.tiMat UDle88 8uch cla,ms nTed with tW th n. i?ne, ySar from tni dte this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov- AN ACT TO ALLOW FRANKLIN C0UN- ! TY TO ISSUE BONDS TO PAY OUT STANDING INDEBTEDNESS. -1. uuici jiissemoiy or ionn Caro lina do enact : ' March, 5th, 1897. VV F. Davis. Adm'r. of Newton Davis 3-12-97-Gw Q M. COKE & SON, A TTORNEYS- AT-LAW, LOUISBUE8, If. 0. Wni attend -the courts oi Nash. Franklin Granville, Warrenand Wake counties, also the Nijireine uoun oi iiorm uaroiinp, and tne U. s. Circuit and District Courts. NOTICE. -By virtue of a power contained in a deed of trust executed by Willis Young and wife Y at the Court House door, in the fown of hio-ho t i?, ,at pnblic auction to the 51fe.Kt51dder'I0J ca8b' the tract of land described in said deed of trust, situated in a,T Twnship containing one hundred .uuu riRuiceu o) acres. April 3rd, 1897. R. J. E. MALONK. offlce two doors below Aycocke drug store, adjoining Dr. 0. L. Ellis. R. W. U. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUISBUBS, N. 0. CO.B S. 8PRDILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L0UISBUB8, K. C. Will attend the courts of PrankllnJ Vance, Qrauville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt nueiuitui giveu lo couecuons, SC. rjHOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBe, N. C. Office on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's store. T. W. BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBUBO N. c. Prompt and painstaking attention given to evnry matter intrusted to nis hands. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Miiiiiiitig, Hon. Root W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win ston, Glenn & Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chaa. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake Por BHt Coll- ge, Hon. E. W. Tlmberl&ke. umoe in uoun tiouae, opposite Isnerlff's. W. M. Person, Trustee NOTICE. By virtue of an order of resale made on March 19th 1897, by the Superior tfourt, in the special proceedings entitled O L. Ellis Administrator elc. of Maggie Brown and others, following upon a former sale, report an upset bid. I will sell at the Court House xi00ri-,noui8bnr?-N-C 'on the 3d day of May 1897, at l5 o'clock M.. that lot or parcel of land situated in the said Town of Louisburg, on the East side or Main Street and bounded on the North, East and South' by the lands of Mrs. F. M. Hawkins, and known as the P. J. Brown Homestead "l0. H,ale' one Quarter cash, residue on a. credit-of eight months, with interest from day. of sale. March 19th. 1897. O. L. Ellis. Adm'r of P. J. Brown. W. M. PERSON, ATTORNRY-AT-LAW, LouisBUBe, n. c. Office In the Court Practices in all courts, House. y u- YARBOROUGH, Jb. ATI ORNEY AT LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office on second floor of Neal building All l.jral business intrusted to him f in receive prompt and careful attention D. T. Smithwick, DENTISTS. LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in Ford Building. 2nd floor. das administered and teeth extracted without pam. "DR. IE. IF. ZEIR-Jlir DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in New Hotel building, 2nd floor. Gas administered and teetfi ex tracted withont pain. HOTELS. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. WOODAfcD, Prop., Rocky Mount, N. C. Free Bus meets all trains. 1-"" $2 per day. NORWOOD HOUSE Warrenton, North Carolina. H j. n crwooO, Proprietor. r'i""af,' ot Commercial TourlBta and rdvpii,lrf p-it iie solicited. Good. Sample Room. Nkakbst Hotbl to Stobbs asd Coubt House. NOTICE. By virtue of power given in a certain mortgage deed executed on the 25th day of April, 1H95, by VV. T. Outlaw and Louella Outlaw, his wife, an J G. L. P. Toliaferro and Josie Toliaferro, his wife, to I. G. Staunton and duly recorded in Book 99. Page 380-3 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin county, and default having been made in the payment of said mortgage debt I will on Saturday . the 1st day of May. 1897 sell for cash, at publie auction nt. VnHm! ton, N. U., the following tracts of land lyinir -uuu,s 1U , lulnllm county. tate afore said, and in Iranklinton townsh in mi H An scribed and defined as follows, to-wit- two tracts adjoining the lands of A. B. Wester Marcellus Joyner and others, and fniiir Ho" Bcribed in said martgage, reference to which is uereDy maae. This the 30th day of March, 1897. x n n, 1G- Stac ton, Mortgagee R. C. Gulley, Attorney. NOTICE. By virtue of judgment of the Superior Court of Jranklin county made in the proceedings entitled O. L. EUis, Administrator of Mrs. K A-,Bp?gg..et al., agaipsi ""uo nun n . jja. rerson. nis guardian ad. litem, the undersigned will, on Monday, the Third day of May, 1897, offer for sale at the front of Joy ner's Drug Store, in the town of Franklinton. Franklin county, North oxunuo., lu iuc uigutBi Diaaer, tne lollowine desr.ririii lnnrin ui'nutn 4 n m.Awun . to-wit: A tract of land in T?rat.triin Stte of North Carolina, adjoining the Innds of Mrs. M, R. Smiley, Press White and William Green, situated in the Town of Franklinton bounded as follows, viz: Beginning on Green nuu uiiimui ureeu corner, turning thence along said line1 South 25 degrees, West 190 feet, to Press White's li said White's line, South 44 degrees. East 53& feet to Mrs. M. R. Smfley's corner; thence along said Smiley 's line North 25 degrees, East 208 iCTji, luurzuui sireei; mence along said street urm o ucgrea. w est du reel, to tne begininir containing 9950 feet, or thereabouts Terms of sale one-half cash and the balance w ub lain uu me nrsi a ay oi December, 1897 April 5th, 1897. ' O.L. Ellis, Commissioner. P. S. Spbuill, Attorney. - SALE OF LAND. By virtue of a mortgage deed made to me by Hattie Spencer, alias Hattie Mix. in tne omce oi tne Kegister of Deeds of Frank Un county, in Book 106, page 116, 1 shall on Monday, the 10th day of May 1897. sell at the uoufi Hon Re nonr in tup Tnwn nf T n ahu N. C, the land described in said mortgage deedj being the tract of land known an t.h Vtr Thomas Davis Old Homestead and adjoining the lands of N. P. Gupton, Rufus Kearney and omers ana containing 198 acres more or less. xerms oi saie casn. B. B. MAssniVBUBe, Mortgagee. This 6th day of AprU, 1897. NOTICE OF SALE ! NORTH CAROLINA, Franklin County. ) Superior Court, FRANKLINTON, N. C. G. M. HOBBS, Prp'r. poblkf accomodatlon for the traveling (iood Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, -D. 0SB0RN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for the Raveling public. " MASSENBURG HOTEL J I MaKMouburg propr HENDEHSON. N. 0 "Good acoommodations. Good fare. o Utt Wd attentive nlt Catherine CogginB, Mary Jnne Uoggins, vs. Martha Coggins. By virtue of an order of the Superior court of Franklin county in the above cause I shall on Saturday the the first dav of Mav 1897 in the town of Franklinton sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash a bouse and lot situated in the town of Frank linton and bounded as follows : On the north by the lot occupied by W. H. Joyner, on the west by Main street, on the south bv A. B. Wester and on the east by the R. & G. R. R, Co., containing one-half acre more or less. Sale will take place at 12 o'clock m. This April 1st, 1897. E. W. Mobris, Commissioner. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION, The partnership heretofore subsisting un der the firm name of Lancaster & Co., be tween M. V. Lancaster and J S Lancaster, has this day by mutual-consent been dis solved. The stock of goods, wares and mer chandise, store fixtures, accounts,-evidences of debt and the good will of the firm of Lan caster & Co., has been sold to Mrs. Mary A. Lancaster, who will, under the same firm name.conticue to conduct a heavy and fancy grocery business at the same stand. We thank our many patrons for their past liberal patronage; and bespeak for our suc cessor a continuance of the same. This March 26th, 1897. M. V. Lancaster, J. S. Lancaster. Having bought ont the stock of goods, warea and merchandise, store fixtures ac counts, &c, of the former firm of Lancaster & Co., as well as the good will, I beg to an nounce, to the pnblic that I will, under the same firm name and at the same stand, con tinue to do a heavy and fancy grocery busi ness, keeping in stock' a complete line of choicest and freshest goods, and selling them for cash at the closest prices. I ask for a continuance of the- patronage so liberally given my predecessors : Mbb. Mabv A. Larcasteb, Trading 4 a Lakoabtkr 4 Co. March aetb, 1897. Section 1. That in order to as certain the outstanding indebted- ness of the county of Franklin, and to provide for the payment of the same, the Board of Commis sioners of eaid county shall have authority and power to give pub lic notice for six 6) weeks in one (1) or more newspapers published in said county and by notices posted at one (1) or more public places in each township in said county, requiring all persons holding orders or county script against said county to present them to the Clerk, ex-Officio of said Board on or before tha fW Monday in June one thousand eight hundred and ninety seven (1897). And the Board of Com missioners of said county shall not be compelled to pay any order or script which is uot presented within said time, but may plead this notice in bar of payment of j same. Sec. 2. For the purpose of pay ing me just indebtedness of said county ascertained either by the method set forth in section one hereof or by a computation of th Audit Book of said county as to the said Commissioners may seem most advisable, the said Commis sioners shall have power and au thority to issue Bonds in snms not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00) and not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) with coupons attached for the payment of interest semi-annually; which said interest shall not exceed six (6) per centum per annum. Said bonds shall run fornot to exceed ten (10) years, and shall not be issued for less than their face val ue. The said Commissioners are au thorized to pay off one-tenth (1-10) of said bonds each year be ginning one year after they shall have been issued, aud retiring them in the order in which they are issued, that is to say; the one-tenth (4--10) thereof bearing! t.HAlrfcWaot da.i'.I 1 , ,, ."v,codcuiii uumoer snau be first redeemed; the one-tenth (1-10) bearing the next lowest serial number shall be redeemed the next year and so on till all are re deemed. Said bonds and coupons shall be signed by the chairman of the Board of Commissioners for said county, and countersigned by trie Uerk of said Board and the Seal of said Commissioners affixed thereto, aud the said Clerk shall keep in a suitable kook, an ac count of the Bonds issued, their number, amount, date of issue, and to whom issued; also the number and amounts of all bonds, cou pons received and cancelled, so that an inspection of said book will at all times show the true state of the couuty indebtedness. For these services the Clerk shall receive a reasonable compen sation, to be fixed by the Board of Commissoners. Sec. 3. For the purpose of pay ing said Bonds as they mature the said Board of Commissioners shall have authority to assess and levy a special tax, not to exceed the amount that may annually become due. Said special tax shall not exceed fifteen cents (15c.) on each oue hundred dollars ($100.00) worth of property, and forty-five cents (45c.) on each Poll, aud shall be evied and collected as other taxes are levied and collected. Sec. 4. The official Bond of the Sheriff of Franklin county shall be liable for the faithful collec- ion and' payment of any taxes authorized to be collected by this act, and the official bond of the Treasurer of said county Bhall be labie for the faithful custody and application of any sums that may be paid into the Treasury of said county; whether from the proceeds of bonds authorized by this act, or from special taxes. - Sec. 5. This Act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Ratified this the ! 10th -day of February 1897, I'm too posy. A merchant eat et his office desk. TT . .. - . . film. M mlmU Mn ' .... O J " : ,UJ5 w" . gnaraian of the rail way atu and sorbed in the intrieaciea of his business. A zealous friend of re ligion entered the office. "I want to interest you a little in a new effort for the canse of Christ," said the good man. "Sir, yon must excuse me," replied the. mer-. chaut. "I'm too busy to attend to' that subject, now." Bnt, sir, inquiry is on the increase anion ns. I'm sir; morning." said the friend. It is? I'm sorry, but I'm too bua at present to do anything." , . '."When shall I call again, sir?" 1 cannot tell. I'm very busy, busy every day. Excuse me. i wish yon a good Then, bowing the intruder out of his office, he resumed the study of papers. The merchant had re peatedly repulsed the friends of humanity in th 1 A minr-to VA matter what the object, he was al ways too busy to listen to their claims. He bad even told his min ister that he was too busy for auv v: . J iuiuK except to make money. But one morning a disagreeable stran ger stepped very softly to his side. laying a cold, moist hand upon Hlfl Km VMJ a n A on..!. - S1 , -v,.., caving, "Uto Dome with me!" The merchant laid down his pen; his head grew dizzy, his stomach felt faint and sick. He left the counting-room, went home, and retired to his bed chamber. His unwelcome visitor had followed him, aud now took his place by the bedside, whis pering, ever and anon, "You must go with me " A cold chill settled on the merchant's heart; -spectres of ships, notes, houses and lands flitted before bis excited mind. Still bis pulse beat slower; his heart heaved 'heavily; thick firms gathered over his eyes; his tongue refused to speak. Then the mer chant knew that the name of his visitor was death! Humanity mercy, and religion had alike be- gea nis influence, means and at tention in vain; but when death t ' a TTl i V, . 1 , -vuv, uc n ao puweriess ne was compelled to have leisure . to die! Let us beware how we make our selves too busy to secure life s great end. When the ecuse rises to our lips, and we are about to say we are too busy to do good, let us remember we cannot be too busy to die. Christian at Work. The crosier Montgoosry arriv-1 ei at Tampa Saturday nlirbt. , There has been talk of a filibos- ' tering expedition leaving Tampa J and the Montgomery probably j will he kept there as a sotioel. ! i TURNKK & COLLIE UNDERTAKERS,' LOUISBURG. N. C. thrre were two ladies who disliksd to be separated very mncb. "Good-bye," said the one witb the haBdbag and the red paste board box tied up with white string. Good bye," replied Ibe one who had noluggage. "Be sure and tell mother good bye for me, won't you?" "Yes,, and you must be jure to give ray love to all your people." "I will. They will be sorry you can Id - wiuv w u m 9 . "I kuaw it; but you eipUin just bow it was. I certainlv wanted to come." "You won't forget to o, k the ! piano so that babv won t put but-! ,v i . p arr at thn tons and scraps into tie gtrin" : .L M ---e.- .i..u:- wnor w- will 8rv. i es. i ,UAi,ii,. i, i , . j I'x'unt uV (lav or nignt. "And shut the windows when I ARut for Gran it an l Marbl ; Monuments, Tomb and Grav.. j Stones of evry description. (I) k"p the Largest, Finest and Best S.-lecttd Stock of CUTFTNS & CASKTSr"2Siir ITUCKS TO S1IT THK TIMIX Absolutely puro. 4 r .4'7vrr! (4bi Fliversid1 War:-- yHi it rains?" "Of course." "Well, I must bnrrv. Good-bye " "Good-bye." Then they kisse.l and parted, and the traveller witb eorne diffi culty extricated her ticket from the bag. Just as she got to the gate-keeper she gave a little scream. "Ob!" she said, "there is pome.; thing I want to say to her. Will 1 I have time?" j "How lontf will you n-fd?" be asked, as be looked at her ticket. "Just half a minute." i "Oh, then, you have plenty of ! time. It'll be just five hours and! tbirty-five minutes before your1 train starts." "But the time-table says that it ' goes at nine o'clock." i es m. Anl it is now just minute past nine.' , LIMITED RAWS- DOUBLE DAI IY SERVICE 401 41 SPOT CASH. ' Tl - ' :nf. - ' rn . t ! 1 1 p 1 J u: ta ' I . j ',0 " 4 V We want to I of i n : xebar, g- fur Cah I ,r. H-r !.--. r. 1 a i - i : i j i j a 1 r 4 o FURHUDRE, C0aSIHGST073,5::. ONE HUNDRED HEAD OF POOR COWS and YEARLINGS. HILL &c CO. l.t rf r 11,: I . lottl' i lini ..n I'.-. one FOR SALE I ! r '.:-.fr ' -a i. ( betting Kid of the Chinese. -:o: A school teacher tells the fol lowing tale with mncb gusto; "I was giving a geography Ips son on 'China' the other day, and uioui.uneu us vast population ! and boiler with saw r m a s A fJ ! 11 ' m unions. io preseut complete, some idea of what such a stupeud- j ous nnmPer implied, I explained Foilr Iolt cart.S and a IlUlil that if we calculated what must her of stoTs the corresponding number of! leep What Housekeepers Should Know. That salt should be kept in a dry place. That melted butter will not make good cake. That veal should be white, dry and close-grained. That the colder eggs are thf quicker they will froth. That muttou should he a d red and clos-grained. That nutmegs should be grated at the blossom end first. That to make good pastry the in gredients must be very cold. , That the best poultry has firm flesh, yellow skin and legs. mi i ... mat lemons will keep for weeks if covered with cold water. That the best of beef is moder ately fat aud the flesh of a b-ight red color. i That pork should be fine, close. grained and the red smooth and thin. That soap and chalk mixed and rubbed on mildewed spotB will re move spots. That a spoonful of vinegar ad ded to the water in which meat or fowls are hoiled makes them ten der. That good macaroni is of a yel lowish tint, does not break readily in cooking, and swells to thiee or four times its bulk. That a little vinegar kept boil ing on the stove while onion or cabbage are cooking will prevent the "disagreeable odor going through the house. Ladiei Home Companion. One 23-horse power engine and boiler and saw mill with a 52. inch inserted tooth saw, complete with belts, pullies, ice. One U0-horse power enirin' mill. deatbs among the Chinese, there must be at least two persons who die every time w e take a breal b. The illustration somewhat startled the boys, and an involuntary geiv showed that it had been app e ciated. Dunne the mnrtiin r, T O --- A noticed a little fellow who in- peared very uncomfortable. I i3 face was flushed with exerti n and he was puffing and wheezing like an asthmatic steam-engine. " 'What is the matter I om m c ' , . I inquired, with alarm; 'what are you doing.' " '"Killing Chinamen,' he an swered, laconically. 'I dou't like them foreigners at all, at all, and I'm a-getting rid of just a many as I can.' " The Grandest Remedy. Mr. R. B. Grveve, merchant, of Chill howie, Va.. rr'ifien that he had con aomption. was given op to dif. "ought all medical treatment that monv could procure, tried all caagb remedies-be could hear of. bat got no relief; pat many night ittiog op in a chair; wa induced to try Dr. King'n New DitcT. ery, and was cored by ae of two bottl- For past t brew yea ra has beo attending to business, and sav Dr. Kind's Nw Dis covery is the grandest remedy ever mad-, as it has done ao much for him and alsi' for others in his community. I)r. King's New Discovery h ?aaranted f,r .nk. colds and consumption. It don' fil Trial bottles free at Aycocke & Co .'s irutf oiore. ONE ENGINE WAGON' TWO 2-HOrLSE WAGONS SIX Ml'LKS. THREE HORSES. 150.IOQ of Hogshead stave tim ber dry, and a lot of hoops. All of the above property will be sold to suit the times un' reas onable terms. Respectfully, HILL & CO. G ANNAWAY Hardware Company. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE, LOUISBURG, N. C. ' !--i .! A ' h: A ' it r n t i. t'-.t-T- ,n. i-t-r . ' ' l 1. -v, ht.;,r. C i. u ai bt- ' ri,,r:.,-f, -i".-rr. f Kiir: Kr H,- ... -r: i t. r I., .r,. H i . rt, - - .., If j. V.,r P., 1 .'' eg 'J !S MB W rm - 1 1 f 41 ; j - I- " x 1 u 4 7 y a 1 " ' m j '''Jiliinja 1 .,: 1 1 Un . . ' J "" ; ffi J 4 1 1 J A 4 1 ' 4 u '. r:.- j Vi ji, J 40 rc lo 4i i 1 11 v., 1 ' 1 J X3 .a . 1 140 '41 2 V 4 A - n ' 4 .11 ' '-It J I: "1 ' J 4 n, 1 1 .V, r 4 r,. 4 " -" Ml !-, ' ' 5 f a. -' i r a: 11 Id : !-( 4- na A I I t oiil i ,n W.-r. V V W,n . .. -- ' -r-r.-TJ 0!f .1.- . I J Ai..r,..n ,;,a K VlrK. i jSnr, Trz at l''rtaj.,cth V, nii:i:. i;.ui.w.; ,p,K,"IOT MM Ll: . CONDENSED SCHEDULE I KFFKr.T JAM-ARY 1. 1 TRA1. LEAVE 1 A U. ii io r m RALiuaii. . c f"" Nor; rvJa, Vao. Irra r- lut, k; C1lws t t t-i , fv,r1 rt Wlc .ri. '.tA mia lln irla ;,0 u l rU,4.. Ri,tD ul x.rlZl 11 li' Kj--i muutoaa. nyo. Ui t r (h.rt.., -jrtt" Or-ovtU.. itau .ftTiiTiS. Coioair. Aoiau! JVOJ HU la rvrt "Tt'?B4r rr f.r ituoU.JwUae T feel it my doty to gi you a truth ful statement of what 'Chamtxrlafo'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedr did," writes J. 8. Collins, of Moor. 8. C. "I had a child about two years old, that had the diarrhoea for two months. I tried all the best known remedies, but none gave the least relief. When this remedy came to hand, I gave it as di rected, and in two da va tha child completely cured," Sold by W, Q. An old lady being late at church, entered as the cengreation was rising to sing. "La!" said she, curtsying, "don't get up on ray account." Somethim? to Know. It may be worth something to know that the very tvst medicine for restoring the tired out nervous sysu-m r0 a health r vigor Is Electric Bitten,. The medicio la purely vege-able, acU by giving ton to the nerve centre- to the stomach aTntly stimulate the liver tnd kidneys' and aids tbeee organs in throwing im purltiea io the blood. Bleetrlc Bitters improves the aop-tlte. aid. digmtioo. and Is pronounced by. those who bate tried U as the very beet blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 60 LpO per bottle at Acocks & We have just opened a Large aud complete Stock of Hardware, and propose at all tims to carry a Fell Liue of all Kinds of Agricultural Implements, and other supplies neeied oo the Farm. "'"'4MB Ul K R ruiy Meant. Trto M uu r. m totr A W . ir01 " rrfni. for Ox fori. ;'Z' It-o mmTSZ Tot (iOiLota Please call and examine oar Stock before raakiog yoar par- K 0aaly V4 uvl , ,TpKI-X T RALEIGH. X. a i smii w i m ,, w la A M Dll 11 OJ A. M i-1 ail ro4ota (towta' In t. Wuttti varuiiaa a a ic tmir S tan. Lorj IrrU t rsios iIm Or-D.boV orTU ri. fui C f Ban m v m w- A. Trui '-'-.'I i i I .i i Omliuaafvt. If.

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