VOL. XXYII. LOUISBURG, N. CERIDAYi. APRIL 23, 1897. XUilBER io. Methodist Church Directory. . Snndav School at 9:30 M. A. Gbo. S. Baksb. Sapt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and T P. M every Sunday. - - . f Prayer meeting Wednesday night; Gt. F. Smith, Pastor. professional cards, D R. S. P. BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisbarg, N. C. Office in the Ford Building, corner Main and Naph streets. Op stairs front. M. H. RUFF1N, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Louisburg, N. C. Will practice n all court Office in Ford ltuililiug, corner of Main and Nash streets. B. MAS8ENBUR3, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOUISBtTEfl, H. 0. Will practice in all the Courts of the State Office In Court House. 1. 0XK.B & SON, A TTORNBTS-AT-LAW, louisbubo, v. 0. Wni attend the courts of Nash, Franklin. Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court ol JNonn uaroiinp, ana me u, tj. circuit and District Courts. I) R. J. TB. MALONK ottioe two doors below Arcocke fc Co.'s druf? store, adjoining Dr, Bills. I) ,R. W. II. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUISBUEB, N. a V. H. BFRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBO, H. O. Will attead the courts of Franklin, Vance, Oranville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt atteution given 10 collections, so. 1AH0S. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. LOUISBUBO, N. O. Offlce on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's gtore. rn W. BICKETT, T. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBUBO V. C Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter intrusted to his nanaa. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Manning, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J. c Rnvton Pres. First National Bank of Win Mt,, ui.-nii & Manlv. Winston. Peonies Bank of Monroe, Chas. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est. Col l.-ge, Hon. IS. W. Timrjeruuse. office in Court House, opposite Sheriffs. W. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBO, H. C. Practices in all courts. Office In the Court House. II. YARBOROTJQH, JB. ATTORNEY AT LAW, LOUISBURO, N. C Office on second floor of Neal building Maui Street. Al Uirul business intrusted to him 'vill receive prompt and careful attention. D. T. Smithwiek, DENTISTS. LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in Ford Building; 2nd floor, iias administered and teeth extracted without pain. "DR. IE. IF. EJEXjTT DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in New Hotel building, 2nd a s-- i i a it i oor. Gas admiDiatc ' - - ' - K I noor. as administered ana leem ei-1 tracted without pain. HOTELS. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. WOODABD, Prop., Rocky Mount, N. C. ree Bus meets-all trains. I!s"" $2 per day. NORWOOD HOUSE Warrenton, , North Carolina. w. j. ORlOf)D, Proprietor. Pa!rr,mi(fP ut Commercial Tourists and rav.-iing Purilc Solicited. Good Sample Room. ' Nearbst Hotbl to Storks Aim Cotjbt Hotrss. FKANKL1JST0N HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C. : G. M. EOBBS,Frfrf' ftood accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, C D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. ' v MASSENBURG HOTEL ( ,T I MaMticnburg Propr HENDERSON, N. C?. - : wood -accommodationa. Good fare.' Fo - NOTICE. " V Having qualified as administrator of Mrs. E P. Long, all persons owing her estate are notified to make payment at once to me, and all persons holding claims against said estate will present then to me lor pavment onor tttfore the 20th day of Mareh, 1898, or this notice will lie pleaded In bar of their recovery. O. L. Ellis, Adm r., of Mrs. E. F. lAng. March 18th, 1897. '8-19-97 6t. r NOTICE. Havinir Qualified as n,dmlnlKtrnt.nr nf S. N. Strickland, deceased, all persons owing his estate must make immediate settlement, and ail persons holding claims airainst deceased. will present them on- or before March 5, 1897, or this notice will be plead In bar of recovery. This March 5. 1897 R. H. Strickland, Adm'r, NOTICE. I have this dav Qualified on the estate of Newton Davis, dec'd. All nersons holding claims against the said estate will take notice That unless such claims are filed with me within one year from this date this notice will be pleaded in Ijar of their recov ery. W F. Davis, Adm'r, of. Newton Davis. March, 5th, 1897. , 3-12-97-6w, NOTICE. By virtue of a power contained in a deed of trust executed by Willis Tonne and wife, t shall on Monday, the 3rd day of May, 1897. at tne court House aoor, m the Town or Louisburg. sell at public auction to the mgnet o uaer, lor casu, tne tract ol land described in said deed of trust, situated in aarris Township, containing one hundred Hnd eighteen (118) acres. April ara, 1897. W. M. Person, Trustee - NOTICE. By virtue of an order of resale made on March 19th 1897, by the Superior Court, in the special proceedings -entitled O L, Ellis. Administrator elc. of Maggie Brown and others, following upon a former sale, report an upset bid. I will sell at the Court House door In Louisburg, N . C, on the 3d day of May 1897, at 12 o'clock M.. that lot or parcel of land situated in the said Town of Louisburg, on the East side of Main Street, and bounded on the North, East and South by the lands of Mrs. F. M. Hawkins, and known as the P. J, Brown Homestead. Terms of sale, one quarter cash, residue on a credit of eight months, with interest from day of sale. March 19th, 1897. O. L. Ellis. Adm'i of P. J. Brown. NOTICE. By virtue of power given in a certain mortgage deed executed on the 2ith day of April, 1895, by V. T. Outlaw and Louella Outlaw, his wife, an J G. L. P. Toliaferro and Josie Toliaferro, his wife, to I. G. Staunton and duly recorded in Book 99. Page 380-3 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin county, and default having been made in the payment of said mortgage debt. I will on Saturday . tbelst day of May. 1897. sell for cash, at public auction at Franklin- ton, ,N. C, the fallowing tracts of land lying aud being in Franklin county, btate afore said, and in Franklinton township and de scribed and defined as follows, to-wit: two tracts adjoining the lands of A. B. Wester. Matcellus Joyner and others, and fully de scribed in said martgage, reference to which is hereby made. This the 30th day of March, 1897. I. G. Stau.nton, Mortgagee. R. C. Gulley Attorney. NOTICE. By virtue of judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin county made in the proceedings entitled O. L. Ellis, Administrator of Mrs. E. F. Long, Mrs. V. A. Bragg, et al., against Emmett Edwards and W. M. Person, his guardian ad litem, the undersigned will, on Monday, the Third day of May, 1897, offer for sale at the front of Joyner's Drug Store, In the town of Franklinton. Franklin county, North Carolina, to the highest bidder, the following described lands, situate in Franklin county. to-wit: A tract of land in rranKun county. State of North Carolina, adjoining the hinds of Mrs. M. R. -Smiley, Press White and William Green, situated in the Town of Franklinton, bounded as followB, viz: Beginning on Green street, and William Oreen's corner, turning thence along said line South 25 degrees, West an ieet, to tress w nice b nue; lueiice aiung said White's line, South 44 degrees. East feet to Mrs. M. R. Smiley's corner; thence along Bald Smiley's line North 25 degrees, East 208 feet, to Graan street; thence along said street North 65 degrees. West 50 feet, to the beginin, containing 950 feet, or thereabouts. Terms of sale one-half cash and the balance to be paid on the first day of December, 1897. April 5th, 1897. O. L. Ellis, Commissioner. F. S. Spbuill, Attorney. SALE OF LAND. By virtue of a mortgage deed made to me by Hattie Spencer, alias Hattie Mix, and recorded in the offlcef the Register of Deeds of Frank lin county, in Book 108. page 116, 1 shall on Monday, the 10th day of May 1897. sell at the Court ttouse door In the Town of Louisburg, N. C, the land described in said mortgage deed, being the tract of land known as the Dr. ea, - . twin sr r- noct n arHntninir the lands of N. Gupton, Ruf us Kearney and others and containing law acres more or less. Terms of sale cash. B. B. Massbttbubg, Mortgagee, This 6th day of April, 1897. NOTICE OF SALE ! NORTH CAROLINA, Franklin County. Superior Court, Catherine Coggins, Mary Jane Coggins, vs. Martha Coggins. By virtue of an order of the Superior court of Franklin county in tneaoove cause x buiui the the first dav of May 1897 iu the town of Franklinton sell at, public auction to the highest bidder lor casn a hf-inoA find lot situated in tbe town of Frank linton and bounded as follows : On the north by the lot occupied by W, i. J oyner, on the -west by' Main street, on the south by A. B. Wester and on thceast by the K. & G. B. R, Co., containing one-half acre more or less. Bale wiiixase pmu-e an -This April 1st, 1897. . H. Yi . MOtUUfi, tiOIUiiiieoiuiici. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. rrt.o.fiKiitiniuKitnnn RnVifliHt.incr un der the firm name of Lancaster & Co., be- . r t J T a T nnrtoaAi. has this day by mutual consent been dis- solved. The stoek of goods, wares and mer- rM feeennnts. evidences of debt and the good will of tbe firm of Lan- CaSLCr. Qb U., IIOO BW.U v . w. A T,anoaatpr. who will, under the same firm name.continue to conduct a heavy and fancy grocery business at the same stand. if. w thank our manr natrons for their past liberal patronage, and bespeak for our buc- cessor a continuance 01 tne same, j This March 26th, 1897. ea.. rLiAHUABiiK, J. S. Lancasteb. Having bought out tbe stock of goods, ..N .t.H merchandise, store fixtures ac counts, &c, of the former firm of Lancaster &. o4 as well as the good will I beg to an nounce to the-public that I will, under the same firm name and at the same stand,. con ih'.m A An a. bonvi and fancv crocery bnsi- bess, keeping- in stock Ik complete line of hnixit. unit frofthent ffoads. and selling them W t-ash at the c osestv prices, a ub ior vuun . . - , ' m - .. 1 continuance of the patronage Bu. uuerii wo . . . - - - . i; i ll i given mv predecessors t . . alBS.-aiABT A. UAfluaBiiifi, lit1 -aaliAKCASTKB&CO. ", . . . - March 26th, 1897. ; ' . ' " ONLY A BOY." Christian Messenger. - More than'a half centary ago a faithful minister, coming early to the kirkymet one of . his deacons, whose face wore a very resolute, but distressing expression. . ; "I came early to meet you," be said. :I have something ou my conscience to eay to you. : Pastor, there m-ust be something radically wrong in yonr . preaching and work; there has been only one person added to the cbnrcb in a whole year, and he is only a boy.", "I feel it all," he said. "I feel it, but God knows that I have tried to do my duty, and I can trust Him for the results." 'Yea, yes," said the deacon, "but, by their fruits ye shall know them,' and one new member, and he too, only a boy, seems to me rather a slight evidence of true faith and zeal. I don't want to be hard, but I have this matter on my conscience, and I have done Lbut my duty in speaking plain ly." "True," said the old man; but 'charity suffereth long and is kind; beareth all things, honetb ail tbings.' Aye, there you have it; hopeth all things I have great hope of that one boy Robert. Some seed that we sow bears fruit late, but that fruit is generally the most precious of all." The old minister went to the pulpit that day with a grieved and heavy heart. He closed his discourse with dim aud tearful eyes. He wished that his work was done forever, and that he was at rest among the graves under the bloomiog trees in the old kirk yard. He lingered in the dear old kirk after the rest were gone. He wished to be alone. The place was sacred and inexpressibly dear to him. It had been his spiritual home from his youth. Before this altar he had prayed over the dead forms of a by-gone generation, and had welcomed the children of a new generation; and here, yes; here, he had been told at last that his work was no longer owned and blessed. No one remained. No one? "On ly, a boy." The boy was Robert Moffat. He watched the trembling old man. His soul was filled with loving sympathy. He went to him and laid bis hand on his black gown. "Well Robert?" said the minis ter. 'Do you think if I were willing to work hard for an education, I could ever become a preacher?" "A preacher?" "Perhaps a missionary." X- There was a long pause. Tears filled the eyes cf the minister. At lenght he said: "This heals the ache in my heart, Robert. I see the divine hand now. May God bless you, my boyl Yes I think ... , V you win Decome a preacoer. ra, nc.n rn tiora (nmAil J.I JTao O .s-waw vwmuw i to London, from Africa, an aeed missionary. Jtiis name was spoaen t -r . , with reverence. When he went into an assembly the people rose; when he spoke in public there was a deep silence. Princes stood uncovered before him; nobles in vited him to their homes. He had added a province to the church of Chrict on earth, had brought under the Gospel influ ence the most savage of African chiefs, had given the translated Bible to strange tribes, had en riched with valuable knowledge the Royal Geographical Society, 1 and honored the bumble place Of . v:.t, 4V,A Crnttisb kirk tbe &J8 birtb, tne &coiusn KirK, me TJuited Kinizdom, and the Univer sal missionary cause. It is hard to trust when no evi dence -of fruit appears. " But the harvests of right inteutions axe sure. The old minister sleeps be neath the trees in the humble place J pf his labors, but men remember his work because of what he was to that one boy and what that one boy wasto the world. y 'Only a boyl'; ' . WantedrrAn Idea Protect your Ideas? " they way bi Wrltji JOHN WEnDK&Btr&M O Who earn think of some slmDle thins: to patent? Another Piece of Carelessness. : Another example of-legislative carelessness is discovered in the office of the Secretary of State. It is an act of the Legislature to ."re peal chapter 238, acta of 1889 ' It" does not say whether the chapter , . - - - i. - - in question is in the public or pri vate laws of 1889. That chapter in the public acta "prohibits the sale of liquor by drnggiets at Pineville, while in the private acts it amends the charter of the town of Hickory. Question the Seformers Canoct Answer. Chatham Record No answer has yet been given to the three questions which the Record has asked in every issue since the Legislature adjourned. We now repeat those questions and again ask: How much have taxes been re duced? How much have expenses been reduced? How much have fees and salaries been reduced? Will somebody please answer? Education in the Home. The Gospel Messenger. The place above all others where an educated Christian woman is needed is in the home, especially in tbe home of those iu moderate circumstances where the mother, with little outside help does her own work and superintends her family. It may look to others as if her time and money bad been wasted, and education were use less, but she herself feels the ad vantage. It is probable that she did not have a special training for these duties, but ber interest in the advancement of the race, and their desire to do whatever she does with an enligntened con science, led her to adopt the best methods in her housekeeping. When we think that perhaps nine twentieths of the happiness we shall ever know we get at home, the ioflnence of an educated Christian woman in tbe home can hardly be estimated. He Was Not Walking. Jabe Muthis, of the Thirteenth Georgia, was a good soldier, but one day when the Confederates were retreating from the gory field of Gettysburg Jabe threw his musket on the ground, seated himself by the roadside, and ex claimed with much vehemence: I'll be dashed if I walk another step. I'm broke up! I can't do it. And Jabe was the picture of despair. Get up man, exclaimed his cap tain; Don't you know tbe Yan kees are following us? They'll get you sure! Can't help it, said Jabe; I am done for, I'll notwalk another step. The. Confederates passed along over the crest of the hill and lost sight of poor, dejected Jabe., In a moment there was a fresh rattle of musketry and a renewed crash of shells. Suddenly Jabe anneared on the crest of. the hill -rr - moving like a hurricane and fol lowed by a cloud of dust. As he dashed by hit captain, that officer yelled: Hello, Jabel thought you wasn't going to walk anymore? Thunderl reDlied Jabe. as he hit the dust with renewed vigor, you don't call this walking do you? Tbe above story brings to mind one that is told of a Confederate guard who was once on duty io Rontb Carolina. An omcer was discussingwar matters, and re marked: . Too know your duty, do yon sentinel? Yes, sir. Well, now suppose they should fire on yod with shells and tnosket ry, what would you dof '"- Form aline, sir. . i What, one mn form a Hoe? i s Yea. air: form a bee line for There is nothing like tbe word of God for changing a dark pros pect into a bright one. If we do not make a good nse cf what we have, it is a proof that w have been giteu too mucb. . v u i uv H v. it w tm m m Pain Balm is the fiartt on earth." write Edwards fc Parker, ol Plains, Oi. Thi U the verdict of all who oe it. For rheoun tism, lame back, sprains, swelling and the numerous klight ailments aud aeeklenU eomnton to everr hashoM, this liaiment has equal. (Tih it in the houw, great deal of pais and suffering may be aroidrd y.orale by W. O. Thomaa, lrogg1t. Loul.' ourg, N. t . Jack Maud wants to know wby you shan her company now. Tom Well, the fact is, I am broke. Jack I'll tell her, and you need not shun her any more. Tom (brightening) By jove ! Do you think so. Jack Yes. She'll ebtin you. Tid Bit. There Is Nothing so licod. Tber i nothing jast as gol a Dr. King's New Discovery for coaaamptioo, cooghs and colds, a) demand it and do not permit the dealer to sell yon some substitute. He will out claim thrr M anything Better, bat io order b make more profit be may claim something els to be lust as good. Yoa want Dr. King's Now Discerery becau von knuw it t be safe and reliable, and guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For Coughs, colds, consumption and for all effections of throat, chst and lung, there la nothing so good a is Dr. King's New Discovery. Trial boti l f r at Avcoeke & Co.'s Drug Store. lingular size 50 cents and $1 .00. Willinffto Oblltre. Conductor Can you squeeze a lady in there? Chorus of Delighted Males Certainly! New York World. Did You Ever. Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. Thi medicine has b.-n found to be peculiarly adapted to th relief and cu rw of all female complaints, exerting a wonderf ol direct influence io giving strength and tone to tbe organs. If yon bafw loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spell, or are Nervous, alvepleaa, excitable, melancholy or troubled with diuy spells. Electric Bitters is the medicine you netfd. Health and strenght are guars nttd by its oae. Fifty enty and ?1 00 at Aycocke & Co.'s Drag Store. STORAGE. lam now prepared to store almost , any article IK IT FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. ! TOBACCO, COTTON, i COTTON SEED. ; ... 1 All of tbe above property will FARMERS SUPPLIES, j be sold to euit tbe times on" reas EATHS, SHINGLES, LUMBER, 0DaD8 trma- AND BUILDERS SUPPLIES GENERALLY. There will be no drayage on any thing stored for subsequent ship ment, as the cars will come direct- y to tbe doors of Warehouse. I solicit applications for storage. Terms moderate. J. S. BARROW, Louif.bnrr. N. C, July 8, 1896. YOU ZtsTZEETD IT. AND I HAVE IT. And all you have to do is call at my Saloon and be supplied with the bebt on tbe market, it is rec- commended by ail Physicians. Don't fail to ask ror it. R. C BATCHELOR, Saloooist". TAKE NOTICE! Our hack is run to the depot for tbebeuefit of passengers who pay, and while we do not wish to be discourteous to anyone we respectfully ask that all dead heads" will either walk oi - . . - . VWYV T T4f, liAx riO PULbbti. Roses. Cot-flowers. Bulbs &c. Roses, Carnations, Chrysanthe mums Ac Bouquets and floral de eiffna. Palms, Ferna and other plnnte for bouse decorations. Hy acinths, Tulips, Narcisutw, Chinese Sacred and Easter Lillie Bulbs for pot and out-door culture. Golden bonded and pink and white Japan Lillies, finest ol all. In spring all kinds of nodding plants. Mail orders promptly attended to. V H, STEIN UETZ, i RaJeih.N.C, Ilia only by giving with the heart that any man ran know what it means to be rich. Strength is cot a blessing when it is used to take advantage of a brother's weakness. TURNFll k COLLIE UNDERTAKERS, LOUISBURG. N. C. W kep the Iargst, Finest-and Best Selected Stock of COFFINS & CASKETS '-rr4 TRICKS TO Sl'IT THK T1MKS. Wp are at the Kiversid Ware house when w will prv? you politely bv day or night. Agents for Granite and Marti Monuments, Tomb and Grave Stones of every description. SPOT CASH want to bav for Srot or i n ex char. g for Ca.h illMai Villi 9 f ItHM I IHVlMlii ONE HUNDRED HEAD OF POOR COWS as r 1 w HILL Sc CO. FOR SALE ! ! .0. One 25-horse power engine and boiler and saw mill with a 32-ineb inserted tooth saw, complete with belts, pullies, fcc. One 120-horse power engine and boiler with saw mill, complete. Four log enrtw nnd a nuin ber of steers. ONE ENGINE WAGON. TW0 2-UORSK WAGONS. SIX Ml'LES. THREE HORSES. 150,( KX) of Hogshead sUve ber dry, and a lot of hoops. Respectfully, HILL dc CO. Gannaway Hardware Company. WHOLESALE AND RE! AIL HARDWARE, LOUISBURG, N. C. We have jnst opened a Large and complete Stock of Hardware, and propose at all times to carry a Full Line of all Kinds of Agricultural Implements, and other supplies needed on the Farm. Q" Please call and examine our Stock before .miking joar pur Waie. "V ' - lar Vii iii r La Absolutely Pure t-Wbrali lor n rt hTTit VrrU 4 bMllkNkMta, JlaarrM Uta.l ) a-l aU bra o' aatwlxa to ta rba Uraada ' LIMITED DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE HtrTHROtWl 40, 41 S.. Vork ... mm K H I I f OO f.m 2 SO 4 SO oi i'BMa.Wh. 1 li pm 3 15 4 40 riaitifnor W'llblDf'.Ot Vorfotk Tia t I, l0atXJOT3"h " 3j pm it Oia 4i ft JO .Jot crtiam i ll ii 1 J i'a M ifm mm i K f'U 10 mm ' 1 JU jl. a. low, m. 4 n 3 : in .j ' 4 s 1 1 .V "l i' : a 1 u 4 7 ym i "J 4 -' an 1 i 10 sa i .'. 1 o: 1 1 0 j 1 !. I J .: pa J 4 1 11 a 4 . I 4 SO i -'. S Ju 4 oj yn Uuu ra 7 So pm J4"f,aa 0 4'J 111 1 1 21 4 1 I J A3 ta 1 i t 0 ' 4 1 3 (r? 1 S4 .1 CS i ? Ou f IA 4 J.1 f 4 0 Oj I I : . is l.r : Sat-f .r j ' HamW-t ! a laUjr.i M or rr ' 'ttr. i 1 '.,1am hia ! t t.tioo 1 ir- a -y. J . .1 in-1r. Atlanta t' At!ttA . A t. l I AthU 4' . ' i t t-ij- , lO.ot-.a Columbia I S A 1. I rtvur 1. R k Charlott. HamUf Hoawm li:. Ar f!rn-lran Ujrtiasa, 1 : j J'1 im Mi sop f 114 io ar-, 1 1 a. 4 vr " 111" IB ! IO n. 4i p ta. 3 pta ; Ar IxQiL.:r , L I.oia-.r I .n... " . . . Ki'tn..B 1. ATI. 1,; 6 bO Ba.tittor ; 43 )i 4" aa I V Y or k . J A fc . - ata A 5' p-ra SO I OS No itra ct a'jr oa pj ta.a tvart j fa i'l .'ortnali.jE . apJj !j It I If B t.,. rr, Traft Uttirr T J Ar. )rr Cn 'u KfV t.ra.' H-mt I or ; tata. Ta. Wiaa.i f nit Fran T 4-1 PfvrtasB-x!: a SnlTIiEI.N RA1LYA. TIKOIOT AIM CON I) KXSE D SC II KDU L E. I.N KFFRCT JAM'ARV 1. IS. ' T&Aiy LE1TB RjkH-iaa. . c lOi Jk. U. (VtrrU at O r m wi for ai'. (-tata for Soru aa4 RowUk. a&4 i&tot .--t aal f uaaiaa cat lata Nona ur-rn Sons, - g n r-f-l At rilBtar. for mM tat.rm la v ; rn SoA -r -ilaa. ikjMa vt.ta. Tac . (.'uiMH. ad av lr-a t.iav. ai CaangWa. ar. iAjttmrg Ur ai... rr j . i-kaL uj tit (otata o-a '.X OciKta a! laraaa f T CM I err 4 (Ut tiki Hrfmtm trtuwyi N AtOfw4xiro.uUM Vm::. lUaiMi. ai Ux rm T - rfc ao rv4r4a 4un Lloa (llav i 1 traia tar an pocata Sonb. ai4 vlia caala utm irhUt A a U taw 1accUm. LKttsohj a4 lu rm nilf WtmU lUUota. aJK auaa ixav r t V'-n l. r , ,1 TrT' rta iara. a4 with aaaln !Us fraXa ka al' , ra4 mui tot Ct-arVKi, mJtjtmtmr . OrwafUt. AUavau aa4 au a4a4a fraLa. aaa Ccrfaailaa. A m aali. i.nmmUm. raLaaa, Jauav Ur. ajkj ail rtkiu us rtorivia Svx4a oar tern AUaata. iaraoa ia a4 at iWuK :-.a to Aaaca a4 Jaaaoav Cfcaawrfa at Mwlaa for ryt-Tna ai-wl qtiia, :iaw rUUoaa oat taa Wllaeo S4 FayrtWllM sJaort Cau Uiiy; UoAtMo for JywUmrm a4 Ui't'l Clt . tali a-vf ran day; tor ualtf.oii aa4 it4 eailat atatkoca wo La W. A W. R. R. auiy. CVwaiMK-ta a Mm ior Vloa, away Monti. Tatww a4 kaal KjUioo om yrtc4. m4 (aroCS&a HAliruakl. arrtvaa at Q-fH-ltfn It r. at iooMta at Dvrkaas far Oxttri, X.rjvru. KAas-a4. at Ttri n. 1A r at lai:j. 11 W V at. Uaiiy St BMiay A- at. tail K-I 8avlay U a4 rfio r. at. of. Tor aaAlrVaa poxta orLa ro Ooaioro ally. TaUIAf ASJUrS AT aVALXZOH. 3L C. t It r. at. Trrm Alaaaa. (aitwk, Or CaUIy. ioTM aa4 ait gomtM ta A- at rroaa urrutar aM aJD lauiy. awrt ao4 loiik. Gnwottvro to KjOrUk. i P. at. Troaw (auaAataaro. M - raytrtUaaaxlaJ aotaU ft 04iaa aa4 a-i aetata Davuy f . av Uwaa rrKflt tralaa atka nrrr acwr. ra llimaa ranaa atW-amaa tr.ta gh to Uramca. ait om aaormta trum tm Qrnaibora LVUaaUTy traJa liwvm laMl CaaV loxtm aaj AUaaMa. wit U&M, AaaaO4 i ft. -o". w. a. rrxxs QmrUAAfxt, Oaax Vsaav AfV nra I ii ft.. lli A. at. rwai rm Taark. Waaltxfi Lyawl saw r. M. rB Uts aud attentive servant ??r "W-r