VOL XXVII. M ctiHMlist Church Directory. Mimlay School at 9:30 M. A. Geo. S. BAKfclL Sb'pt. l,varljin at 11 A. M., and? P. M.j eVt.ry Sunday . . "' meeting Wednesday night. G. F. Smith1, Pastor. l'rol'essional cards. D" U s. P. HURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. -office in the Ford Building, corner Main and NiiJ-i' streetB. Up stairs front. M. 11 HUFF1N, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Louisburg, N. C. Will i nictiee n all court Office In Ford i... .u, ,,o- cumer of Main and Nash, streets. ivi:e. ATTORNEY AT LAW. LouisBuae, h. c. Win practice in all the Courts of the State Otiice In Court House. c , M. C'OKE & SON, A TTORNEYS-AT-LaW, LOUISBCEe, v. c. Wi.i attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, npreme court of North Caroliup, and the D. S. circuit mid District Courts. I) K. J. K. MALOHK. ... . ,lAnr Vxalnw AvdOCkfi fie CO.'B drug aton adjoining Dr. O. L. Ellis. I) K. W. II. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN. L0UISBUB8, N. 0. S. S PRC ILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW LouisBuaa, jr. o. ... .. .....,.,,1 ihui.nm.ti nf VrAntlin. Vance. Will illLCHV - - . ;n,. u'lpnin unit w&ti comities, also H.. .... v.iirt. of North Carolina. Promnt uio "i"- - r - 7. itteiitiuD K'veu to collections. &c mHOri. B. WILDJSli, . mmy-v T .ttv 4 T A TIT LOUISBDBe, N. 0. Office on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's itOfti- 11 W. BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. L0UISBDB8 H. C. fittAntlnn (riven tV every matter intrusted to nia hands. Refers toCMlel J usiice cspepneru, duu. wuuu MaimiiiK. Kobt- w- Winston, Hon. J. C. d. ....... i.,u Vii-Lit Muf innal Bank of Win- ....... nr..,,,, x, Mai.iv Winston. Peonies Bank of Monroe, chas. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est Coll'K'', HOD. 15. W. llUlUerMAR UIIlcc 1 II cuuri auum, ut'iwiuv "" w. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBCBG, K. C. Practices in all courts. Office In the Court House. U. V A RBOROUQH, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C. , office (in second floor of Neal building Main Street. All liiral business intrusted to him will receive prompt And careful attention. D. T. Smithwick, DENTISTS. LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in Ford Building, 2nd floor. was administered and teeth extracted without rain. "DR. E. IP. ZE-IEXjY DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in New Hotel building. 2nd floor. Gas administered and teeth ex tracted without pain. HOTELS. HOTELWOODARD, W. C. WOODAfcD, Pro Rocky Mount, N. C. Free Bus meets all trains. I'-h $2 per day. NORWOOD HOUSE Warrenton, North Carolina- w.j. NORWOOD, Proprietor. Patri,!i;.tre ., fnmmprMnl Tmi-riatn ana aveiiug pui solicited. ood Sample Room. Nkarsst Hotbl to Stobks akd Coubt Housb. FRANKLLNTON, N. C. G. M. EOBBS, Prp'r. r''d a (ortr rJl a f i-vT tm 4 valine- Pabhc. (iorjd Livery Attached. 0SBORN HOUSE, C D. 0SB0RN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good arcnm-morinna fViA I, vivue v vuw irave ino- nuKi;. . MASSENBDRG HOTEL HENDEHSON, C. lit audatteaUr lerrut , NOTICE. r-Lvl?e ol .JwaKni'ent .f th Superior vik rn r" of MarV A. Woodard v t letcher Carson and otiters I wili er. rI the Court Housedoor to the town of IZlul REkUn nty, Ji; C.. otter for sate ei f best blWer tne lollowinl described land, in FreeuMmB township, Vranfc lin conn JS0?S Ilow8, viz: On the North v eax py w in. Green and Dr Hal Vlnrria contalnins one hundred and fifty are' Terms of sale one-fourth cash and the hli' ance on the first day of January 1898 1 when possession will be iyen. Aprtl30th 1897 O. IEllis Adm'r of AIabt A Woodahd, and Com. NOTICE. , M vIrtu5 of, the power contained in a Mortgage deed executed to me by L. PhillioB and wife AkK eAnn . PhUlips. on the 13th V&Sknebm1Tr- 1H?4 roistered in In book no. 26 page 419 I shalh .Jii theurt Housdoor in the iowf touia fVFi?tt?m&?n Monday the 24thday. SiJlf7189!.11 "dock am at public auction to the highest, bidder for cah, rfal 5ract parcel of land situated in t0Knp.V8R,1d county, and bounded on the north by the lands of W. G. Upchurch on the east by the lands of J. C. Bnln on the south, by the lands of Mrs. B. T. St'rick land, and on the west by the lands of Berry 227 R thlrt-v-five acB- April I. J. 1'EARCE. LAND SALE. By virtue of the power bodied in me nv certain deed of trust executed by J. w Strickland and wife on the 4th dav of .Tanu 3 89a. and duly recorded in th registry of Franklin in book 99, at page 1&3 et seq. L Wednesday the 26th day of May 1897. at 12 o'clock m at the Court House door in the town of Louisburg sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described tract of land conveyed in said deed of trust, te-wiU All this tract or par cel of land lying and being in Franklin county adjoining the lands of W. T Strick land and others, beginning at a mulberry stump and pointers. W. T. Strickland's corner, thence s 1 w 143 poles 14 links to W T. Strick land 'sP cornerT thence e ib poles to Btakes, dead pointer, thence n. 48 poles to a stake and maple poin ere. near a, spring, thence w 32 poles to J. W. Strick. wo foer-thence n 77 poles to stakes. J vv. Strickland s corner, thence w 46 poles to stakes and pointers, Chavls' corner, thence, n 20 poles to stakes, Strickland's corner thence s 87 1-2 w 44 poles 6 links to beginning containing 88 acre. Sold to satisfy debt secured in said deed of trust. This April 14th 1897. . T. W. Bickett. Trustee. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION, The partnership heretofore subsisting un der the firm .name of Lancaster & Co be tween M. V. Lancaster and J S Lancaster has this day by mutual consent been dis solved. The stoek , ""'in UUU Uil - cdandise, store fixtures, accounts, evidences of debt and the good will of the firm of Lan caster & Co , has been sold to Mrs. Mary n. uauuaswr. wno win, under the same firm name.continne to eftndnrf a hon ar.i t grocery business at the same 6taud. U7 -l 1. . . ... "c uaiiii uur many patrons lor their past liberal patronaere. and hpanpnt (. ., cessor a continuance of.the same. This March 26th, 1897. M. V. Lancaster, J. S, Lancaster. Having bought out the stock of goods, wares and mcroh -v. , 1 1 ". i ui cp txxr- counts, &c of the former firm o Lancaster & Co., as well as the good will, I beg to an nounce to the public that I will, under the same firm name and at the same stand, con tinue to do a heavy and fancy grocery busi ness, kpenino- in atriot a rmTr.nlt- i: -j a r- -v . vfujiicLC IIIIC UI choicest and freshest goods, and selling them ,ul .- u lit Liie closest prices, i ask for a continuance of the patronage eo liberally given my predecessors - Mrs. Mabt A. Lancaster, Trading as -Lancaster & Co. March 26th. 1897. Dining and Lnneb Parlor. Harry Dunston Jr.. has Class Dining and Lunch Parlor in the new Brick building in rear of Capt. Waitt's and adjoining the Saloon of R. C. Batchelor, where yu can always get the best the market affords at Popular prices-good CDok uu cicau uisnes as weu as a aew clean room E. F. YARBOROUGH, Insurance. Neal Building, Louisburg, N. C. Fire Companies : MPERIAL, of London, PALATINE, of Manchester, Williamsburgh City, of . Y. British America, Toronto. Atlanta Home, Atlanta, Property insured on favorable terras. Dwellings especially solicited. Bonds arranged for officers and others holding positions of trust at small cost- STORAGE. l am tiow prepared to store almost any article LH MY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. TOBACCO, COTTON, COTTON SEED, FARMERS SUPPLIES, LATHS, SHINGLES, LUMBER, AND BUILDERS SUPPLIES GENERALLY. There will be no drayage on any thing stored for subsequent ship ment, as the cars will come direct ly to the doors of Warehouse. I solicit applications for storage. Terms moderate. J. SV BARROW, Louisburg, N. C July 8, 1896 Wanted-An Idea Who can think of some simple Protect yur Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEitBUBN ft CO- Patent Attor neys, Washington, D. C, for their i.80O prime oiler and list of two hundred Inventions wanted. nwg to paiensr ; JOB WORK ! . Yon can get afl kinds of Letter heads, Bill .heads, Note heads, Envelops, Business cards, Visiting cards, Po8ters,"or anything in that line, done at short notice and ' on the best material at tbe TE3 "Job Office,' - . l c . : - A CAUCASIAN LADY DRAGGED BEFORE AN -AFRICAN MAGISTRATE. By an African Constable and Prose- cnted by an African Attorney in an African ,BarberSbop, NewberneChronicle. Negro constable, negro lawyer, negro magistrate, negro loafers. The odors that are peculiar to the race thick and dense, and all this in a negro barber shop away up in Five Points. Over thefloor in knotted heaps were countless strands of wool. The room was -small and stuffy one's flesh would J creep with strange sensations. Erery thing essentially "niffeery." Courts may have a dignity that must be maintained, but the dig nity of this court could not be ad mitted except the mind struggled bard to . realize that the white blooded old Tar Heel State spoke through the dark-skinned barber magistrate, the negro lawyer and the negro constable. A pure-minded Caucasian lady of refinement and delicacy, charged by the negro lawyer and his negro clients wjth abducting aud harboring a little negro girl, and only so charged because she had so resented tbe officious im pertinence in her own home of the negro lawyer and negro clients this frail lady of refinement was summoned to appear before that negro court in Five Points yester day afternoon at 4 o'clock. The husband of the lady was also war ranted. He appeared but his wife did not. Thank God for thatl 'Law and order," and "respect for the court" could not, under tbo peculiar conditions and circum stances drag this white woman of refined sensibilites iqto this negro barber Bbop before the crowd of negro loafers aud negro magis trate. "YY e could bring her if we chose to," flippantly observed the negro lawyer. "Suppose you "make the effort," significantly remarked one of the four white men in the barber shop. Blood was pumping fast and hot through the veins of the four Cau casians. The negro lawyer made no reply. There is no need to enter into the grimmy details of the case, or to elaborate the proposition that defendants were entirely guiltless of the brazen, brutal charge. As a matter of spite the case was born of the spite aud maliciousness of the African attorney a mark to the memory of Carolina's Supreme Court Bench! He had not received the obeisance in a white man's home due a man "of the cloth" so he took his revenge. The african dispenser of im maculate justice could not read fhe warrant, so this was done by the black attorney. Still, one must respect "the court" even if it cannot read its own decree! The defendants, through coun sel, waived examination, and were each placed by the intelligent court under a one hundred dollar justified bond. Tbe crowd of ne groes lookedon in awe and silence. What dreams of splendid powers reposed in their race must have swept through their mindel What victories yet to be won! A white man and his wife! bending low to a frizzle-headed magistrate! forced to hear the lashing froth of a frizzle-headed lawyer! dragged into a frizzleheaded court by a frizzle:headed constable! what splendid victories were theirs! But there is retribution every where. Its in heaven in the skies in earth in ALL things. The white men of North Caro lina must stop these things! Cite South Carolina! and follow suit! ; I would not be without Chamber Iain's cough remedy for it weight in gold," writes D. J. Jones, of Holland, Va, - "My wife Was troubled, with "i a cough for nearly two .years. - I tried various patent remedies, besides numer ous prescriptions from physicians," all of which did no good. I was at last per suaded to try a bottle of Chamberlain's cough remedy.-which promptly relieved the cough. The second bottle effected a complete oure." The 25 and 50 -cent bottles are for sale by W." Gr-Tbpmai druggist, Loukburff. N, C, - ,.. LOmSBuRG,-N. 0, PRUAY, MAT H, Jlortli Carolina's rrt In i ihi ? Tf r. talrigb. Press-ViVur. " Kefereuce baa toon made to the work which Superintendent How ell is doing in having tbt children of tbe public schools of tbe city taught the history of tbe North Carolina soldiers in the Confeder ate war. At this season It Is of interest to give a summary from Mr. Howeirs compendium which he has prepared for the use of teachers and which: is as follows: "North Carolina did ''not leave the Union until ifter thi Confed eral government bad been organ ized. In February, 1861, , the 8tate voted against secession by a majority df 30,000. Bnt in Mareh Mr. Lincoln became president, apd called for volunteers to subdue tbe Southern states that had seceded. He asked North Carolina for 1,500 men. And theu onr State, on May 29, 1861, decided by a big vote, to cast its lot with the Con federate States. "North Carolina was next to the last State to secede, but it was tbe first to suffer. The first man killed in tbe war was Henry Law- son Wyatt, of Edgecombe county, who fell in a skirmieh at Big Bethel, Va "Twenty-eix engagements were lougbt in North Carolina, fhe most notable events beiag: The recapture of Plymouth by Gen. R. F.Hoke and Gen. M. W. Ransom in 1864; the defeat of the Fednral ueewn noanofce river by tbe ram zv.oemarie, nnaer Commander A I l - . 1 m 1 oook, tne neroic defence of Fort CiVa. J T ITT a.. Fisher, under Lamb and Whiting; and Johnston's last stand at Ben- tonyille, In Johnston county. Sol diers of North Carolina went far thest up the slopes of Gettysburg under Pettigrew, and made tbe last charge at Appomattox under Gen. W. R. Cox. North Carolina furnished one-fifth of the entire Confederate Army, from first to last. At Appomattox one half the moskets surrendered were from North Carolina troops. Military population of North Carolina in 1860 115,369 Number troops furnished tbe C. S. A. by N. C, about 125,000 German loss in Franco- Prussian war 3 1-10 per ct. Loss of Allied Armies in tbe Crimean war 3 2-10 per ct. Loss of Union Army in the Civil war 8 6-10 per ct. North Carolina's loss in the Civil war 35 per ct. "The greatest loss suffered by any regiment on either side in any one battle, was tbat of tbe 26th North Carolina at Gettysburg, commanded by Col. Harry Burg wyn, of Pettigrew's brigade, Hetb's division. It lost 588 men. In one company of 84 men, every mart and officer was hit. Tbe light brigade, in the celebrated charge of the 600 at Bahklava, lost 37"per cent, of its men, bnt the 26th North Carolina regiment, charging up the heights of Gettys burg, lost 86 per cent, of ijs num bers, and -eobody blundered, either. "The following list erJbraces the heaviest losses in single battle, both sides: 26th N. C, at Gettys burg, 583. 4th N. C, at Fair Oaks, 369. 9th III., atSbilob, 366 44th Ga., at Mechanicsville, 335. 14th Ala., at Seven days, 324. 8th Tenn., at Stone's River, 306. 121st N. Y., at Salem Heights276. 49th Peun., at Spotsylvania, 274. 15tb N. J., at Spotsylvania, 272. 40th N. C.t at GalneV Mill, 272. Shot Her Lover in Court. Raleigh News and Observer. A young white man named Moore was on trial before a mag istrate at Anreliau Springs, on a warrant sworn out bv Miss. Craw ley. - While the trial was progress . - . r - o mfl jruau woman urew a pis- f ol f rm V, .t-4 - I C J : . I blank at Moore's bead. . Tbe ball took effect in the scalp, passed vwuu uuv ,uv rkiu . suu ' vsuio - uv.ci tB.iv, uu w m rnwrw curs lor out abont three inches from where consumption, coughs and cold. 1 can it entered Mt PmwUt w- n Hot noun fur ll mtrita." Dr. ill fr rwley was in Nw ViMXvery for cop the act. of shooting again when cough and cold to not an experiment! some one wrested, the pistol ' from It has been tried for a quarter of a ceo ber bauds. : i The "young woman tu,7' f.d to7 Uod at the hd. it bad nerve and had -him arrested, and, then losingr control of her feelings daring the trial atteopt. 4 to Uko Ml flfe, . r 1891 STATE NEWS. - V:L fcAD'eiut Fife is holding meeting at Gaiueaville, Ga. A heavy bail storm passed over the vicinity of Maxtou last Satur day. 5ome damage to crops is re ported? Durham Sun: V. Duke, Sons & Co., made a shipment of three hundred . thousand cigarettes Thursday morning by express to Memphis, Tenn. Hon. J. H. Blount, for 12 years solicitor of the first district, and who ranked with the ablest law yers of tbe State, died st his home in Greeuville, N. C.,last Saturday. Tbe State Press Convention will meet at Morebead City June 0-10 Tbe secretary expects abont 100 memborg to be present. The meet lug place will be at tbe Atlantic Hotel. A Lynchburg drummer nearly caused a serious conflagration at ASIA nf U . I If i kuo leaaing notels at Greensboro the oiher niKht. The' weather was cold, and he took an ' incandescent light, wbicb bad a I long connection to it, iu his room, wrapped a bed sheet around it and placed it in the foot of the bed to keep bis feet warm, ne was awakened some hours after ward by smoke and roasted feet Tbe light bad set fire to b lis bed, which was in full blaie, and w extinguished after much difficulty Thlniiniv.i:v. i.j . as soft and plastic from the intern, heat, and assumed an almost flat shape; it is now exhibited bv the 1 uoiei man, wbo was much excited by tbe almost serious accident. The drummer said be bad often done so before, but had never bad a like experience. The South to be Supreme. Ne Tork Financier. i I There are tbe strongest reason? in the world for making the asser tion tbat the South will at no dis- ! .tant day wrestl.e supremacy from long-established Northern centres as an iron and steel producing section. Those who recall tbe early daysof Birmingham will re member tbat Northern iron man ufacturers were wont to make light of tbe claims that tbe new as pirant for this branch of trade was able to manufacture iron cheaper than the North could produce it. buttbisdelusion has been dispelled t long since. Today Southern iron ; is a potent factor in tbe markets ! of the world, and its increased consumption has been brought! about not alone from the fact tbat ! It can be sold more cheaply, "bnt; because instrinsirnllu it i. . i ; j .o t luriai suited to tbe diversified uses to which it has been put. Things Boys Ought to Know. 1. Tbat a quiet voice, courtesy i and kind acts are as essential to tbe part in tbe world of a gentle man as of gentlewoman. 2. That roughness, blustering and evsn foolbardiness are not manliness. The most firm and courageous men have usually been the most gentle. 3. Tbat muscular strength is not health. 4. Tbat brain crammed only with facts is not necessarily a wise one. 5. Tbat the labor impossible to the boy of fourteen will be easy to tbe mao of twenty. 6. Tbat the best .capital for boy is not money, but the love a of work, simple tastes, and a heart loyal to bis friends and bis God. Stand at the flead. Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of I , says, ur. xvmirit Lnscoyery m me only thing that cures m V rnui mm it. la tk. -.11.. curea my cousrh. and it it the hcAt wlUr I bavei'r J. F. CamDMl. m rr-K int r I Safford. Aria., writes: Dr.KJng'a New . . ...... " Diaooverv t .11 uvat u ruimi rA, . never disappoints. . Free trial bottlet tt Aycocke Co.s Drag 8ura BUqks'for sale st tbh ofije'e.' It was at a country h6oe. Seve ral preachers were tberl for dinner, snd tbey and tbe landlord wer sitting ont in the yard in the shade of the tree. The coaveraa tion drifted upon tbeevlli of strong drink, when tbe landlord, endoav. oriog tonse tbe very best lan guage in the 'presence of the preachers, remarked: "It is so expressing that some young men will drink to inch a recess as to break down their Institotiona." Ex. - TURNER & COLLIE UNDERTAKERS LOUISBURQ. N. C. We kwp th Largest, Finest and Best Selected Stock of COFFINS & CASKETS "".r.Tlr- I'KirKS TO SLIT THK TIMKS. We are at the Riverside Ware house wher w will serve you politely by day or night. Agents for Granite aud Marble Monuments, Tomb and (rrave Stolid of every df script ion. LOUISBURC, N.C.. W. K. MARTIN, PROPRIETOR. XEWLY KIMSHKD AND FTRNISMED The Hkjt Kark,' ' VI K KT A HI y. liiHiWk. PlM.iTK SKR AMI Eierr CooveBieice of i Uodin Hotel FOR SALE ! ! :o:- One 25-borse power engine and boiler and saw milf with a 52-incb inserted tooth saw, complete with belts, pullies, Ac. One '20-hors? jiowor enino and boiler with saw mill, complete. Four k carts and a num ber of steers. ONE ENGINE WAGON. TWO 2-HORSE WAGONS. SIX MULES. THREE HORSES. 150, (00 of Hogshead stave tim ber dry, and a lot of hoops. All of the above property will be sold to suit tbe times un reas onable terms. Respectfully, HILL A CO. Gannaway Hardware Company. WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL HARDWARE, LOUISBURG, N. C. We have jnat opened a Large and complete Stock ofj Hardware, and propoae at all times to carry a Full Line of all Kinds of Agricultural Implements, nd other supplies needed on the Farm. O" Please call and examine oar Stock before talking joor'pax ffa&ie. Illl 1 1 1 i Ulilll NDHBER 13. Absolutely Pur,. alam, s-f .Horn, of d.'wt,o. . LIMITED DOUBLE DA1DT SERVICE 41 I'h W. i,J f -. tn ur. Port icpo!h 1 1 i pa li o 4 A l ' I. 4 I WJ.io j H r. 1 o I fartia 1 V r I ; . l- l.v:. ft : . g n . I Vt a as 1 fl .D I .D Atiant - 4 . ft j 1 I i pia TTTTTS 1 3f rm 4 u 11 l 'J a A '3 S4 ',-m 4 ii ' ' 4 '. 4.1 A.J " : -I s it W . l'J 1 1 12 ?S 47 - 4 . 10 i', 11 Ml 1 j or 1 1 1 wj .j as U I 1 0T 4u 41 4 "ffrH t'.'M VO VtUt.U Til n V ! 10 .-rr AbVli. ! J .o 1 4 ' 1'. 1 1 - 4 1 l'l(j : 1 ja i l .t.l 1 4u 2 os y 4 .VI .V- I I; ot..c L ll k 1 1 M .T1 ,f iiir,f,o' m - a i j .-r- 'J 11 A. ' (.. M r. ' n i.i a 1 10 p t. 4 '3Oo7 - 1 IO 1 45 BaJtirsor. ! Vert, t nritaicii; ;t J Nor..;. V V. MrlW l -'. :.t( r, 1 ,.t. m.t H W ii , T, T J Anki - TrV Mt:.f i 'rc.-.-'.i v Mr., , V ' r r. r w tgt snrriiKi:x k.vii.C.v. ft EDIOHT OU LI1HK, CONDKXSEn SCHEDULE. IN KKFKOT JAM-ARY 1. lW. TRAlS lrave RALkiwU. X. 1T' A M. x l:VnJT'na c u. - f-i .t.rn 5 on tiii t6 r m DlLii - - - - " - rMMro. vita - - Tor u rtottaAanUM ,ni w, f., " tiu ujm tru So. ti torn t-rtKo fo WiaMntAtka . t4 r tor 4Uuu..'iau. Til X1 t CWW JrZ ITS.' Mkl lkmZ Si tair W lima rmruuLYZ!l rt? Usrrkhl CU7. 4ar aM aiT . to WumiMMVom i4 iti "-4U Mio Ifc. W . a W a R- Vmxtj. Ccmnmru u for Vju Kocky Maui. Ttro i, bJ CA M. CvmaM u. rXMLMi f - OlfcW 117 Xeyrr. akMoj. u Uf YTZ Jr tro. tor ukiui Patau ftona. W a4 Tor Ooilur. T. C niir rt -1! L 11 a. M. rrtM Tor. Watwl- u A. it. ax. si. Lotm cr4al lri errr mA ii.i.k wm. or. C L. Uanm . rrarfi - f .- t. . 1 - i- .sr.-.--

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