:TAUiVI nZTDuTT- J H I 'JL'JI I" I1. " J1 " .' . 1. I ' I ' 7 ' I ii I i w p ii . I VOL. XX.VIL w ,-G.?FIffl)AT,';llAY-2n.l89L-s,. , :. '4 KUHBER t4;:- - M etlioaist unurcu uu w j g Sunday School BtiWBftrAr- ws Geo. S. Baker. Snpt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 7 P. M., Praver meeting Wednesday nighty f VI. r. DJUTtl, f B9turj 5 f.1 Professions cards, 4 s 1 Ml. S. P. BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, -office in the Ford Buildinsr, -comer-Mai mikI NuhIi utreets. Dp stairs front. "Byvtrta& of a1u&Ketnfelit2oi STtefipTfHol Court of Franklin county in the cae of O. It. Kilts Adra'r. of Mary A. Woodard vs Fleteher Carson and others, I will, on Mon day the TtQ.dav.of JnnlA07r1n th trttrtt. of burfe Franklin eoimt tt .$ iatterU tor ale wiijeaiznefii maoer xne KrtIowMg'aeBCrIBea, land, in FrteniahB tdwhshlpTFrankHif cOVh ty, bouuded as follows, viz: On the North. East and South Georee Wall, nnd nn th rWwtby WinbeOreeiVi aad Dr Hal Harris. containing : one hundred and fifty-five acres. lennsoisaieone-ionrtOLcasn ana the hal ahce onthe firet'day'of January 1898 when possession will be given. April 30th 1897. O. L,. Ellis Adm'r pf Mary A.. Woodard, and Com. 34 ticatedavai2e irets, abeadrofr.tbe AKE-FOREST-KOTES;- GHAKGE&cIN: -Til R : 5CH00L -r.i tj'i-sv A 7M. II. UUFFlN,r ATtORNET-AMOT; Louisburg, N. -C. - Will practice n all courts Office in Ford n,,ii.iiii(T corner of Main and. N ash streets. B. MASSENBHRO, ATTO&NBT-AT :: L0UISBUB8, K. C. W ill practice Ui the? Court Ol he-State Office in: Court Houser. - c. LOUISBUK6, IT. 0. Wni attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, anuiville, Warrenand Wake counties, also the wiii.rftc Court 01 noun uaronup, auu mo u. 8. circuit and District Courts. - I) r. J. E. MALONlS. . a M. i Mitten two doors Deiow a-ycocso b " . 4ruK store, aajoiniiiK jr. v-- KUiS. . I) r. W. U. NICHOLSON,- PRACTICING FHYBICIAN, L0UI3BUBS, V. O. s. bpruiUm,,. ....... : .- ATTOKNET-AT-tAW LOUISBURS, H. 0. u.'in ntt.nd the courts of Franklin, Vance, nrxnviiiA. Warren and Wake counties, also the supreme Court of North Carolina. .Prompt attention given to coubcuoub, ao. ; riiHOS. B. WILDER, ' ATTORNET-AT-LAW, I)UISBCB8, H. 0. Office on Main street, over Jones h Cooper's store. T. W. BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, LOUISBURfl N. a Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter intrusted to his hands. Refers to Chief Justice8hepherd, Hon. John Mmmmir Hon. Robt. W. Winston, tion, J. t..t.., p Vir-at. National Bank of Win stun. Ol'enn & Manly, Winston:, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Cbas. K. xayior, rre. nsao rar est College, Hon. B. W. TimDeriaae. Office in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. J if - A xsv j. Arj. By virtue of the power contained in a Mortgage deed execated to mfrby Lu -Phillips and wife, Agg e Ann Phillips, on the 13th day of" Febwiay H9wntf-Tegtstered in r ran Kim county on wie it L7th df; ApHl 1894. 9. 1-hall sell at In t)o0kTibr2-pfis:ei" the Court House door in the town of Lionis- burg, said county, on Monday .the 24th day ot May 1897 at 11 o ciocfc a m at public auction to the highest bidder -'for cash, a certain tract or parcel .ot. lana sttuateo. inTulldren 18 Dunns' tmsnship- fiald eontVj andbeuned-fi on the iiffrth bv eland's oTV. Q. DoClruTehM f urn i shftil -1 on the east by the lapds of" O. Bunn, on the south by the lands of Mrs. B. Strick land and on-t he wef.by theJaodw-.. of "Berry Pearce, coatainlng tttlrty-flyej acres. Ajni no iea . - J. J. PEABCE. islaudej-wbo ;VC?9ill?A: and. ate Tcon of-E nglish ? trader got i n t&eir, rork too tb jradera I in: - c i i. The q I U ser v ice w b tcb . ' op d'f'jt;' bieveiana s role wajs a ,jDenn;eu iDBtitutioh in'fcKinly1 d'ayis Xfcations, and preparations for Cam' rencetteaf."Tbtf Sreek eudsv tbe S08t.pro8perou8,8eMioD.in Vbe els- wye liava. the L joyous uestivltieei of cconsiqerea oy tDe Kepaoijeans, a ueiusion ana a snare. . is iua iuc results of a crjauge of 'bieart .pr change bf'adrninVstrat ion? " " ' " One fact wbich :bbuld ertbe kept before the mind&of our school traTNprlbt3aroli na I5,000 't)f th& 600,000 men wbo" were mustered into tbe Confederate erfice - during tbe latei ciTil. warTrtbat ebe was "first at Betbelnd last at AppomaU tox." . : W Bv virtue of the tiower bodied., in me bv a certain- ueeq -01 trust -ejpecurea oy J . w . gtricUanijiiui.liao.Bjthe4thilay of Janu ary 1 895, and dulv recorded in. tne registry. of Franklin in book 99, at page 1G2 et sen. I will on Wednesday the 26th day t)f May 1897. at 12 o'clock m at the Court House door in the town of touisburg sell- to the-highst bidder lor -cash the following described tract 01 lana conveyed in saia deed of trust, to-wit: All this tract or par cel of land lying and being In Frankliu county adiotaine the lands of W. TV Strick land and others; j beginning at a mulberry stumn and pointers, W.T. Strickland's .corueVthence 1?w.14J poles 1 links to stakes. W T. Strickland's corner, thence e 126 poles to stakes, dead pointer, thence n. 48 Doles to a stake and maple poin ers, near a spring, thenee w 32, poles to J. W. Strick-1 land's corner.-tnenee n. 1 poes. xo siaes-j j. 'W. StrkJlaa3U8' cornerjthence' w4&: pojes to stakes and pointers, Chvis' CQrner, thence 20, jjoles to staks, Strickland's corners thence s 87 1-2? w 44 poles 6 links to' begihnirig ctfntaifltrij 88cres:' Sold to satisly deot seeurea m saia aeea 01 trust. This April 14th-1897. - T. W. Bickett. Trustee. W. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, '. ? , LOUISBURS. w. a Practices in all courts. OtBce In Jonr s & Cooper BuiMing. U. YARBO ROUGH, JR. -ATI ORNEY AT LAW, SALE OF.YALCABLE REAL ESTATE. By virtue" of a'decree Of tre Superior coort of Wake cownty in the special proceeding en titled Louisa. L. Cosby, -et als. deisees of the' estate of Marv Ann feinith Morehead. dec d ex parte, we will offer for sale, to the highest bidder at public out cry at the Court House door in Louisburg, N. U.. on the 17th day of June 1897 at iz o ciock m., the toiiowing de scribed tract of land situatP oit the waters, of big and little Shooco creek in Franklin coun ty joining the lands of J. Buxton Williams. S. P. Arlington. P. A. Davis and John A. Burt, containing 448. acrs more or less. Terras of sale on-hird of the purchsse moDey in cash, the residue in two equal installments pay able is one and two years with interest from date at the rate of six per cent. John X. Pulls n, Ed Cbambekz Smjvh, ConimiBsioners. Foodfor (be Htthirryl w 2 :iti2erre bf Lohisbtirg desiring cocrnf ry produce such as chiekejis. eggs, hams, &c, can get the :.sa.tne, delivered in town, by telephoning 0.8. Macon, atlngleside. Goods f '.delivered- promptiy on short notice. Phone 61, three rings, a pll 6-1 mi Hon. i Hary Skinner asenres tbe public that io, supporting Pritcbard for tbe Senate he. was Actuated by principle! but tbe sua picipn lingers that in reality he was actuated by interest.' Iu either event it was "only a llttt matter of arithmetic; Governor Russell should be kept in everlasting" remembrance by tbe cities of "Wilmington and Newberne." Hefeaftefj instead of announcing tbeir- municipal elec tion, it wjlLba sufficient ta adver tise that the annual row will . take place on, schedule, time. The last" Legisiaf ure c ouTd"b a rd ly ffame a bill . WitbOut 'I sollid ing with some provision. of the Constitution. It is even hinted that their resolution to adjourn w as n o t co o s ti tuti a n al f bu t "nobod y will j,ake advantage of. that tech Dicality to bring them into sea siou again. 8DPEUlSTKMKTMtUlANFrSaP. JCT.I.li-J LOUISBURG, n. C. Office on second floor of Neal bpilding Dming and LuUCtt PaTlor. Main Ktreet. All leiral business intrusted will receiv e prompt and careful attention Harry Dunston Jr., has opened a First to, himr ClasaDining and Lunch Parlor in the new D. T. Smithwiek, DENTISTS. ; LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in Ford Building, 2nd -floor, (ias administered and teeth extracted without pain. -O I '. :- - DIR, IB. IF. EWE6Xj"3i7. DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in New Hotel rwldrogv 2n'd floor. Gas administered and teeth ex- Brick - building- in -rear of Opt. Waitt's and adjoining the Saloon of JR. C. Batchelor, where ,yu ;ean always get the best the market afloTrds afPopular prices-good cook and clean dishes as' well as a aew clean room E. F. YARBOROUCH, 1- 1 Inisxiance - Neal Buildings T Louisburg, N. C. s ,i r r: Fire.Companies : . MPERl AL1, "of London, PALATINE, o.rManchester, lvWilfiamsburgh City, of . Y. British America, Toronto, f rrrrr - Atlanta- Homo; Atlantay The Tar Heel Republicans pro Jess to believe -in 'home rule.' They certainly believe in family oflSce-holding, for Governor Rus sell's brother is to be given a good "sit," Claude Dockery's brother, Victor, has a good place at tbe State prison, Senator Pritcbard's brother-in-law is To be a deputy in Marshal Milliken's office' ' and Marsh Mott's brother is given , a place at the penitentiary.' There are others.' - - - - -our? ti e 5 v. 1 1. -. .,; ;: n Tbe.Toxvnshjp la Sow tbQ Uoit lu. Ibe 11 ;S(aU;Fiiblic"h661 Ky8tem-It Commencement. :Mondar aigbt,: binealnto-OwBtrotuj chol--Tb 2cltb, Hqq. alUrCIark heof!" Ureal Importance of the Anjrnt.El3- HmteTaaHT. popular man in pnblic j i;on ror Local Tatauoa jo - appie life, ili Kortb'Cdrollrl i"ir a'ddresi : t Reboot VnnO., : or y.v. :i lbeVlAw:-0epatmexitj .Vfsltorl To the teIksbs or rrfauc KBCra. Bbould.,m'ake a,Bo't of IbU'aod', Be !' Tlo, 1 -' 1 ' iiereat that time. Uo luesdav tbel , r I nub to explain one or t wo jm jrusteeB nieer, . aod,. on. .Tuesday J porUnchaagei in tbe j?cbooU,Ur juS'gtl prti'iQ,Q.- 'Broiightoiiy'' of ' at enacted by tbe laat Gen era I A Roanoej.Va.,, young 4o-. of the sembly''-ofNeftb Carolina. Ofd. LNpttb .SLatei-.w bazaar : made -. Fireti .the lawnbiplfCto e. the moebi-repntation- and - is doing rnnU efopp public school jtam. mucb good wlU address tUAiym:. 1001,. lhe t0wmbii ni. Weduesday morning tbe ad- are nnder tbe control and- man; drees before the Societie - "be t .o..rriont oMfrn flv urnool rm:mtt; aef iTereq ty lion. m..w. usom, uemen.. These men have Urga whose jrepntatiop is not confined to discretion to eetablisbinir tcbools " 1 -1 r tir J I . . . luiscouniry nipue,. yn .m canes- tn their townships. As a matter day. nigbt, J)r- i McCounell, : tbat 0f faet, on jer the old law in many princeof palpitratorsi will preach HBstances there are three huts, not to the class. Tbufsdar. the" larg..cbool bouses, eatb receiving est class that ever went out from 175 per year. Under tbe new law here will-graduate, fortj-five' In it is posaibU to have, iustesd of number. ' . the three cabins, one good school Tho,Summer school wok is s- bouse near the center of tbe terri- ready creating considerable inter- tory covered by the 4hree cabins est. Letters are coming daily and have $223 for Uii school. Id- making' arfangementtl for board steMi of bavins three $15 teb.r .&c The' PasLbr's Institute ; will we mhJ bae one 50 man or wo- meet Jupe 23rd. and continue, four man that may do more for tbe weeks,; : , The fiumnier gchool and school children in four months L,aw.8cbool hava postponed tbelr tbah under tbe old eyetem was opening. to June 28tb, toavoid con- done In two or three yeare. Who flict-with.Teacbera Aasamby at w0uld not rather send his children Morehead, as several of the teaeh- tWo or even three miles to a school ers in these schools re engaged that is a school than to have a poor far work in the Assembly.' school on the corner of his farm ? .Sucb an. opportunity for summer 1 am aware that sotu are vrv ' work has nerer before hean ofTared nn.i Ar.t,x.( u tU imMr. n I in this 8tate, Twenty courses of tern On accouut of school houses j study with fifty lectures, embrac- being near them, and on account, ing many of the very beat in tbe Qf work or moocy spent on some j United btates, . will combine to of these bouses. I bop? tboee per-1 make thi$ the best opportunity ev eons will take a liberal view of I er offered to our people. . A large this matUr, liy.. aaida peraonal I number will take advantage of it, preference and join in hearty co-! Bihce the entire cost will not operation for lh greatest good to j amount to . more than .12.00 or tbe greatest number. When we $15.00 fortha four weeks, includ- unite the small school into onej woodcbopper the ditcher and tba ordinary laborer. I bare naogbt fo "41, against y man wbo does this kind of work.. It ia honorable and rigbt,Tot what I want to call yourattention tola that a' man's educaVion Is bla inveatmsat. Let os see what ap ordinary edncatioo coata.'. I timav it coata aix yaara: two year preparatory' and focr yeara in eb!igeY Tre will kay the cost'of. the preparatory education ia $300; or college four years, at 250. fb, saakiag a cost of fl.SOa Tbaajytars Umeapsntln school WQtjld be worth atleajt f60Q.; Tbaa we fie that tb total cost of aq or. dinary docatiQa in time and snon- (ey ia about 1 1,900. Tbase fiorea mean strict economy on tbe patcf tbe student, The ialareat on this education is three cents payday at 6 per cent, late rest. .New what farmer or what busioeaa man would in teat 1 1, 900 and compare hi in come with the 25-cent wood chop-j per or tbe ordinary laborer, who i mm Absotutcly.purc. 'f . f tVUbtloirttafWatlNirMaff atrt tMlUlklMM, AtriWWact kit ! iortat of alwcmUo nmmom to t rWp tx 1 uwy n1 tiMnm DOUBLE DAI LY 5ERYICE haa invested neither time nor oiooey f C. IT. MKBANE. Raleigh, May 13, 1S97. SOUTMHOUXO. 4tn t N York t r R K I 1 ) ami Y OU Ma i PU.Wpk: ttr im tTUi mm . fWtiaior 3 IS 3 SO Tf. - j fatisciU - hotel mm- LOUISBURC, N.C., t, ing board, lodging, tuition, rail road fare &c. Surety your readers cannot afford" to miss it. G. :o: SOMETHING TO KNOW. good, strong school, with one en ergetic, live teacher, then and not until then may we expect to be j One 2Ihoe power engine and public schools of -ob force and I boiler and saw mill with a 32. inch character that will be felt FWra - - : Haaaa W. K. MARTIN, ;Er " PROPRIETOR. ':Sl - XRWLY FISISHKD AND rfiiSISHRD 6hYiCii' ', AUu'u ' i Vt. ' f KJNrt oe. A tiki. f ix.tV." V 1 friaB3. r lsia'-srjf. liMl Uaja ti mUU mm J l-m l $pm ij TCy" I J k f. m 1 0 . m. i ii a os 4 ra s-s 5 4 1 1 R l J 3 0 aaa I v 4 T t-m W The I'.KfT Fare, ( iiUEOR TAHLr. IUkiU. TotiTE SEHVAVT4. Ef err Csaretlesxt ef i U.-fen Hitil. 41 Ul 14 lO mm loll 1 Ci7 IKjC 1 in MS 1 : Saw U av 1 j -k T Vj j. m 1 W KM 4 i 6 )t FOR SALE ! ! 1 1 2 J xM mm 1 40 S 11 "i - 11-1 J 14, 1 i -W 3 1 X Mjm 1 J i 4 f? j 1 1 n . ! ... in otr State. Second The election to be held It may-be worth something to' know that thd vrv beat medicine for resfor- S Ka i wrl All T n A m I nil in Attn D I l.r T n A aAA l . T VI n . , .. traded withoat pafn. Thb Grand Army of the Repub. licof ew York: State In a special resolution declares that it wants a school history of tbe United States written in whieb every movement of the Confederates shall be called "treason," : every man wbo wore the gray, dubbd.a a "traitor" and a "rebel". This geems strange, coming so soon af- Pronertv insured on favorable ter tbe soiaiars wuo rougni unaer ;termsjDwellj5gS especially solicited. Qrant and the soldiers who fought againBt him united to pay a trib ute to his memory. healnty vigor is Electric Bitters. THts medicine is purely vegetable, act by giving . tone to the oerve centres in fhes tomach, gently stimulates the Livr and kidneys, and aids these organs in throwing off impurities la th blood. Electric " Bitters improves the appetite, aids digestion, and i prdnounced by those whohave tried it as the very bee blood purifier and nerve tonic Trvtt Sold for 50c or $1,00 fer bottle' at Aj-cocke & CSo-'s Prug 8tor you a -'. , v . l tit inserted tooth saw, complete wilb ) 6.ttv: i, r belts, puUie Ac. 'T. n i. . ' wnc -'u-nopje power 011100 fof tait . with haw mill, -" ' J j& ; Ml . ... i ; w . n. : 41 p m. 'i'ti'mm 'JW ) l o hi: 1: 10 14 II i tn S 1 IS a 1 4 4U) TE in ew tiotei larag y u Bondg &n d for officer9 and other8 Gas administered and teett ex- M position s.qfjtrnst at small cost- day in August" ie worthy of carefnt considfratlon. This elec: Hon is to be held in every town-, " Four lotr cartn nnl a Dtim ship. Tbe co 00 ty coaimieeioners of ptpors at thai .Inn mfltinir arA In oit I notice of this election in every county in North Carolina. Any township that votes to tax iUtjf $500 for puhlic school will, re i Co?TE88Ma Lioney has se- ce;e 4500 from tba rotate Heard cf cured' tbe appointment of Jo. Cald vanraiiom or if this "amonnt 1- 1 r 1 a rl a g t nalr a am aal - a..i a i n0i,, v.Y.ro, .,Vu.wuu.;r raised ny private 60Dcrit.ion lor Al of tbe above DronertT willi a coal heaver in tbe Treasury De . township the same amount mav be sold to suit the time? un rM- ONE UNO INK WAGON. TW0 2-I10R8K WAOONS. SIX MULF-S. TflREH HORKH.. 15OAO0 of Hojrhead atava tian her dry, and a lot of hoops. ri. )---n.v ( . jijt . Km aA. r. i V E Mrlw. ttTmi ni -w(.Jrt U 1 11. n 1... r-? W ..-. T J Ari r. lrr taa 1 - , Apartment at Vaahlngtoo, in place! oe received from the State Bard HOTELS. STORAGE. HOTEL WOODARD" VV. C. WOODABD, Prop., ' 1 v ; r Kocky Mount, N. C. I am now prepared to store almost - any article Free Bus meets all trains. $2 per day: : The .... WJJjBiogton .Messenger m m a says: Turpercuiosis.is iQuna pyi an, expert tb'be'a.na'bug'"' tbfi' cattle' of the State Experiment; farm similar careful examiuatipn ?.uW reveal the same condition among MY :;FIEEPilOOF WABEHODSE. caltie tdroV farm ' i- x'p Y: "5 -. x". tit .1 .ri: K..-:n"ll.AtiKiU('i NORWOOD HOUSE Warrenton, : Hortli Carolina. . . . 1 . s ; . 1 1 j J. isCRWOVPPropr-tor. " TOBACCO, COTTONjf COTTON SED. . 1 i i.I.r.C-... U In Maasacbusetta. faitbfil,..8earcb brought to light that tuberculosis ronsutfptiODy 1 4bou'iided! 'tnng1 PatroiiBfirp ot OommeTclal 1 ioaristsOana raveling PuMic SolicUed. , . , flood SimDl Rbomi : ' ' ' '- ' Nkarkst Hotel to Stobis 4iu Covb Horsa.. i - F U TOlS JH0TiS WiSM ,xyiTtbtKg)stot6d f6iiub8equent ship FRANKLINTON, N. Csj . r r f rewill'be tiorayage on any- C. Jf. EOBBS, Pry'r. ment, as the cars will come direct- Wo fteddWfffJTw aT5n ouse . thus endangering i thai. b'ealtK vdf milk ; df jnkj8,;.flongbl toj induce. the late ,blunderin g aud lgporant legislature to ma"ke pi'dvisibn'fOY cattle exauiiiatiqa-in. North Card li na by .a veterinary, gxDert, iloBn those Good accomodation fie trlveu oliciOTas 8toae. ;tW, :lncap bodyr did; lic: . .1 w Jt -JtL&& M.&& many tblngs It onbtrref ttf ni Good Livery Attached v& L i. " ' r . ,fi VJOBUHiNTljUUOC because- so .very much n t rvoTrwT-vr ..t ,.... : ? . v . ; r ' . . r. . . 1 neeueu. v tnincrs ll o iDimmw uavc j D - dnnft ; whilS leia5nir i nhd'bnea J. S. BARROW, , I ,s Wafuii!IdeaI r js ivt c .it iityf Protect your ideMJ'tner tmr nrii Oxford, N. C. ' I WrtOHN WEDDERBtJKN ft CO Good accommodations -for tbe iJrW Von Ideas j' they irm'brlngyoii wealtl.j Aeyfc WMhligton. D. C, for their i.800 prie .2; " tn h Jndred luTenUon waafod. t ww in' 01 wnw Buupw thing to patent? : yon weaiin. Patent Attor- oner !1o si of a North Carolina Democrat.- Statesville Landmark. THE GRANDEST REMEDY. of Education. Prienda, -de nol become alarmed when yen1 heat .a m . .a tbe wora tax. 1 am sure irai our country people do have a hard lime to pay tbeir taxes, bat consider bow little would be the tax of each ouable terms. So 1' T 1 1 K II T H .TTWT riKim'rT xiu Lr-tj CONDHNSHP CHRDn.R. IN KFKRCT J AM'Airr 1. TK.ir Ltir kiuua.x.c ! A n. Ra'pectfally, HILL A CO. ; Mr. R.B.' Greece, merchant, of Cbltho wie, Vawoertiflea that be had consuonp- tinn. was eiven uo to die. soucht all medical treatment that money could one in a towtrsblp'irr order to raise SSSTpit: W"1 b.v. tiu- ,oprI.. many nihtssittioe upla a. chair: . waa mented by the State wilb $500. induced t try Dr. King few Diaoov. c. Atruv.'''s.-'AAi. bry, and "ca red by use 6ft wo bottles, making $2,000. iu addition to tor pasttnree years na oeeu attenaiog 1 what school tuna yen now bare. a J W as .mm r aa . m n maaV . I IK ' K lftiVa TSI aaBF V V.rV bare 12 ,v .FARMER ?UPLIES, -the fine-battle "imparts oflbeSta.tej, cn"p "hhTO cunjt "'"J, t aVwh "fiWTWOT T?a -nMBER The Messenger.,, bavipg vtsome -KlDg'8 Nw DUaxverj isfguaranteed ,07 eight "troog schoolf. eacb one LATHSt; SHINGLES, LDMBERr knowl;dge preale would;: receive , from,: the $2,000 ii'iirtim riouiseksemnilcbowsV MS1 6 $20; add this $250 to your wbool , BB-atateMMaaaMataaW'1 , . Points for Merchants. TH a n niiM t- f ? n 4 tri nrpt n r 3 j w H.o'f.."'0'' -w r the . wide-awake 'boy er ' and 1 the wide-awaae nrercnau. fniid. If we tati jjn't three 'fif tbe $75 Bcnqdla together, then We would have $250 plus $225, wbicb.U$47& for each school. Nowmy- friends, do not say that -il-tb-hr-1ookt rsry well on paper, but, tt.'. cannot be It AVi zr.y. done n our 8lale, 1 tell ; yoo an. fintrodoction. i iSoonia. gui - . '-.-. ! . . ". it,;i!"u';'r?; v " ir.-' p- can be.doneand, when wa bate blie eeboots will bave . a iadranugerto -.nAd?er MlV'. .:'i.'iu:-ArA-:'-AAi'tlaa., hstz ttrbare;; iwrne. nne .Bpecialty our pubUo T.cbooW. ;Vbai Gannaway Hardware Company. . ; WHClESMi AID RETAIL HARDWARE, LOU IS B ORG, N C. jifflr t taar CXmm mi On ill ! tJt 0 f-i. to 5 cru aaJ aa rraiavJaai a4 rAU o U 5enarr ar,k (.Vaac aU. m i iai mi f . ia mi ta w ara rv tjraat. kka. 1 Tmjb. . C linn Ha. aa . tra fiCafc. at (Jaan(A ' t . tAtaiY WKMia. - AH- Co"t at I -- tm Ot fc. ' klrVr I;rn twfl 'ir AtOrvaatwM.'MJlla ultMt att StlkavatAm TatllM.1 UtOk.UtwK. mtri tAw a-v Ia4 trasa Wftil f-emmi aorV rtta attf ft. IrM a Ii far ivy 1 ! a, at4aai -..--r-,rr .-r , ; . . ct.n be-doneiand, wben straUbt4o tbe point.withont. any. -. lf ' 7 j,'? if ui3 .ai .i W:.-.v .t-.;t $475 for each of oof. pit equivation. :L ,;J. , t ,lj( ln 00r Stfttef";tbeQe w Ttlsofadranugerto -.an-Adveiv UVt . .j. . be"connected lnrtbepnblrc-rmiod. traveling public. r MAsaMiRGmriai "I would npt . be .siqtout Chamber lain's cough remedy'f or it weight 41n cold,'! writes D. J. Jones, of - Uollaad, Vn .vMv wifa was troubled 'Vitnt"H : I tried w ' Wij. j ? J f-rr. various patent remeaies, ofsjues numer JjLptCcin get &JVF4SflWens prescxiptionsrpmphysicjans, all of beads,: Bill .? beads JNOie neaue, which did nd good.' 'iwaa at last per- 8uaaea xory-a oottro-ut -Ajmnuwrmm b rla'yViaitinir Hr.TmTr.PROTI. TI. O. hinfl. done ftt abort notice and on . w-'. .': I t -1 t.t.1 . f 4 Via TTvivalnn vphkh ieindy w.Wchpromp 3; Via nnir?h:m Tha Second ibcttJalleffsctt aoomnTittl1ittse.tihW'WW pro Printer adtfBV2:J: it Mu 10 h j. f ; ; ; CHiBix)7jBi,JBoard:.ofrAlJerPe. Id . , fessional teachers in our public scnoois wxio 091J-:- rr?iw year to pay Third Ah awfu5tt. 7. ir'possible, tb. idea that some ofl ings opened witb; prayer. balerd io telcrAj j; a 1 an aaiaries. 1 " . - srmi I bate bard Kbool IcoanUletiatn xotapiratbt tlai We bavs jut opened a Large and com d) ate Stock of , - Hardvare, and propoeo at all -tlmre to carry a Full Liae of all Kinds of i a ua m. -Jv. a taUl caav4ota. (artuirf. OrTUkN AUU aa tA -vai .. wa4A. - ai aa4 aJJ aoacji ti 'T4 XaA X.t il Iftftatw . t.1 vkirMu na ama trf Va aS4T, a atA ta- triA. 11. r. tt. cx.tti 1 rUaLv 9rr IH! a4 ttstr9tk4i atAtkoa t St Pirnrng HUtMniUitu(ltr1lt &ry; Oi.ato f :r -vtr a4 HtfAH CUy. a ft . Uf : toe a i.'al Il-w a a- tawr A.im.iotKA,,w u. a. a. nairy. CtiaTiir ai 4Vtw tar Wnaaa. ttoray H-aV. Tart aa4 koaal Kajmtkl Arrllaa M 4VoA4t Aa r. at. - - -, koaA. M." 1 oat a TrlUh fo DiTort. Ui; aWfu. AUAwoa4. aA wim. j La iakf rr aaiVta H ft o ocAatx 14 - fSr' t: Agricultural 1 ' a 'implements; lata r. f. I r t ..''.' t M . ....! I and other aoppUee neejed do" the Faro. . . ;J ; . .1 '. . S CT Pleats U aod.t unlet ocr Blwkkifort - RikUg-yow fax AJ4 ll!t TMAUi Ajutrri ar a-n-aion. x fi. . til P. ac rruam AtAaaia. itaanoiw. Omn iaulr. krv aa. aia m 1A ; . r A- tt. Tram. OrMMwm aa4 afl tkatala paHr. : jn aa awata. mm i a Uri iiiW U thaaHctk. 4a r. ta. rraa irMtaw, , Kjaarwa YmrAUrt iSmmmmmu La Aaa- ua a- kt rt m T-rt VttaiJtWte. tywailwrav tt Ma.QlWia.ali, fri (pwajAtajra aa4 aj tait BaH . !.. . . SAB A M. iwr .-.-. a. . Umbj Ijtett trat aiaA tarry . ri". m aafao arwraaca) ( y iUWMtara, aava am winia 4 ttmim traaa tJotUAaaai! av. x. otur. ' - w. a. rrxra A . - r j iff bottles are for tale Dy WtiyrMxm lit diUBUia iwt&T? i-"irr: .-j-jiii'irr. X'-'i iiuLBr": . , c..'