XXV " - TOTTTTiTTTir TT r r riniT hit inim jiPtiiodist Church Directory. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Geo. S. Bakbr. Snpt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 7 P. M., eVvry Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. G. F. Smith, Pastor. I'rotessional cards, jjii s. p. Kmvr, : " PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. ntti ' in thp Ford Building, corner Main ,i,l streets. Upstairs front.. " '.M. H.RUFF1N, A T T 0 R N E Y-3.T L AW, Louisburg, N. C. ;l! imict ice in ull court Office in Fowl Huil'lnifr. coruer of Main and Nash streets B. MASSENBURQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. L0DISBUE6, K. C. ' . Will iiractice in all the Courts of the State Office in Court House. c. 1 M. L'"OKE & SON, A TTORNET8-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBe, N. o. wm attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Oranvill", Warren and Wake counties, also the Milr'-ujf uoun oi norm jaroiuip, and the U. tj. Lin ull anu iJiHiri'Jl (JOaru. T.lt J. E. MALONK. If OI drui D Otflre two doors below Aycocke & Co 's druff store, adjoining Dr, u. u Kills. kR. W. II. NICHOLSON. practicing: physician, LOOlSBtJKe, H. 0. y S. SFRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOCISBUBe, h. c. Will attend the courts of FrankUn, Vance, Qranviii", Warren and Wake counties, also Uie supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt iu-iiu"ii givtru lu UUIICUUUB, SC. rjHu8. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOCISBOBe, N. C. office on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's tore. T. W. BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. L0UISBUB8 N. c. . Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter intrusted to his hands. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Mammitf, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J C Buxt.ui, Pres. First National Bank of wW stou. uienn & Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est College, Hon. E. W. Timberlake. unit in uourt House, opposite Sheriff's. -yy M. PERSON, ATTORNRY-AT-LAW, L0UI8BUBG, s. o. rrat tioes in all courts. Office In Jonfs & lot per liuililing. y II. YARBOROUQH, Ja. ATTORNEY AT LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C. "fin e on second floor of Neal building .Mam Street. AH legal business intrusted to him ni receive prompt and careful attention D. T. Smithwick, DENTISTS. LOUISBURG, N. C. Oihpcin Ford Building, 2nd floor. as administered and teeth extracted "o iiouc pain. "DR. IE. IE iJTtXSYT DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Ofhce in New Hotel building, 2nd ""'jr. Gas administered and tet.h t. iracted without pain. HOTELS. HOTEL WOODARD. W. C. WOODAED, Prop., Rocky Mount, N. C. Bus meets all trains, $2 per day. NORWOOD HOUSE Trenton, North Carolina. W.j. Norwood, Proprietor. rivlu.'.'ir .V.1 Commercial '-"lie Solicited. Tourists ana Good Sample Room. k)TEL TO STOBBS Ain COUBT HOOBB. FKAXKLWT0JS- HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C. 0' M. HOBBS, Prp'r. pubiud accomodaon for the traveUng Good L ivery Attached. SBORN HOUSE; '' 0SB0EN, Proprietor, ; Oxford, N. C. trlingaCpCubHrdat'0,,! f"-the MASSENBUR6 HOTEL - vj 1 A. . laisscuburff Propr HENDERSON. N. C. ; - accon.nod.twM. Good fare; Po and attentive vryaat . NOTICE. case of O. or Ftefcher Car8on and othS. oodard va Ia, the 7th da?5 j2?2s ,U.-. on on- daj the 7th dav Vf w i't .,u on Mon- tFAtatow?- of ii to the highest bfdd t.r'iV Fer for 8a' land. In Freemans townShir: VllaA fiartanrtV"0A'vlz:.On the North. --f. launuu coun- West by Wm Green TEE? on th contalningmone ndddandrfift?., Hurri8' Terms of sale one-fourth east Lnri t!, ance on the first day of January I80beh possession will be given Aprt7aoth 1897 Maby a. Woodari. Woodard, and Com. LAND SALE. By virtneof the power hnilioH . g rtain deed of KSb? Tv? Strickland and wife on th Lth ' V , stutap nd VolntS?" W T. $t&$ER Sis' w'TVtrV POles " link to 19R:iZ ftriekland8 corner, thence e ilSi to BfaHe8 dea1 Pointer, thence n 48 poles to a stake and maple no n era ni- thence-W 32 poles o J W "trick land and nthon k ; , V' -1 oltiik- r , t"" miiiiuk os acres Snii tn T- W. Bfckett. Trustee. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. " "T J. ";"npenor court inLrf i".6 social proceed ng en HLft 'JiBa LCos'.et devise of the estate of Marv Ann Smith Morebead. dee'd ex parte we will offer for sale to the highest bidder at pub lie out cry at tlie Court House Tr 111u,ur N- u the 1 7th day of June 3S97 at 12 ti.lock M u Vf scnlied tract of land situate on the watere of big and little Shocco creek in Franklin cun ty joining tho lands of . I. Buxton Williams S P. Arnngton. P. A. Davis nnd .inhn a d?- containing 448 acres more or less. Terms of sale one-third of the purchsse money in cash the residue m two equal installments pav: abte m one and two years with interest from date at the rate of six per cent. JOHN T. P0LLFN, Ed Chambehz Smith, Commiseioners. Dining: and Lunch Parlor. Barry Dunston Jr. hna no.i t.- Class Dining and Lunch Parlor in the new tsnek buildinsr in renr nf i ur and adjoining the Saloon of R. C. B'atcbelor where yju can always get the best tht market aflrrds atPonnlar nr;c v and clean dishes as well as a aew clean room E. F. YARBOROUQH, Insurance. Neal Building, Louisburg, N. C. Fir Companies : IMPERIAL, of London, PALATINE, of Manchester, Willlamsburgh City, of . Y. British America, Toronto. Atlanta Home, Atlanta. Property -insured on favnrhla irm8. dwellings especially solicited Ron rl a n fvn n rr A f i TV. ""5ti j.ur u uiuers ana otner.e uojuing positions of trast at small cost LOUISBURG, N.c:, W. K. MARTIN, PROPRIETOR. :o: NEWLY EIMSHED AND FURNISHED The Best Fare, comeor table b.oom8, " PoLiTE Servant s. Every Convenience of a Modern Hotel. Gannaway Hardware Company, WHOLESALE AID RETAIL HARDWARE, LOuW UEG, N. C. We have jilst-opened a Laree and complete Stock of and propose at all times to carry a Pull Line of all Kinds of Agricultural Implements Hardware and other supplies needed on the Farm, - " : -----y-i i--...-.' .Bt.r. 'f-. - - Please call and examine onr Stock before ' ma in?your ' pur 1 - , s . - . T vm ikuiiii iua J I Oil I - r Di8criniinatIoa In Freight Rates. ' Tfae Greensboro Record has quite a full report of the proceedings of the meeting of manufacturers beld in that place Wednesday and touched upon the paper Thursday. Some figures were printed at that time showing the discrimination in freight rates against North Carolina.and in the Record's report other Bgures of a yet more start ling, character are given. Thus it was shown that the rate on cotton goods from Danville. to New York is 29 cents, while from Greensboro it is 41, though the distance be tween these points is hardly more ifran 40 miles. Again, the rate on shoes from Boston to Lynchburg is 45 cents, while to Greensboro it is 89 cents just double, lacking one cent. We xhave no prejudice against railroads; tbej' are conservators of the civilization 'as well as the pros- r j h pcwic, we nave no" part in the clamor against them because it is popular to -denounce them. But railroads must be fair, and if the figures given are cor rect, North Carolina .is not being fairly treated by them and these manufacturers are doing the whole public a service when they cry out against this discrimination. A. part of their work was the form ulation of a plan for the emplov- -ment of an expert traffic matr to look after matters and see if some thing cannot be done to equalize rates. Manifestly they are sadly out of joint. Charlotte Observer. AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. Directors Elected-Balance of Surplus S5,88is5,o At the annual meeting of the A American Tobacco Co., beld in Newark, N. J., the follow ing directors were elected for a term of one year: Josiah Brown, James G. Butler, John Doerhoeffej-, and Ernest Schindier. I The annual report for the year ending December 31, 1896. shows a balance of surplus of $5,884, 548, against a ..surplus of $8,600, 372 for the previous year. The net earnings were $3,583,907, and the balance after dividends and charges, $864,176. This amount, added to last year's surplus, makes a total of $9,464,548, and deduct ing from this a 20 per cent, script dividend of $3,580,000 on the com mon stock, the $5,884,548 balance of surplus is left. Messrs Marburg and Ginter re signed from the board and were replaced by Herman'' Eilis and J. D. Cobb. Mr. Schmelser succeed ed Mr. Gasl, who retired. Round Bale Compresses to be Oner atedona Co-operative Basis. lhe fears of monopoly in the handling of cotton by the round bale process, which have existed in some quarters," may be set at rest by tbe statement in the Man ufacturers' Record that it is au tboritatively informed that the American Cotton Co.,-proposes to operate its cylindrical compresses in co-operation with .local plant ers ana ginners' throughout the bouth. Tbe plan of operation tbat has been decided upon will enable plauters and ginners to avail themselves of the 'benefits of the invention, on a liberal co operative basis, with a market for heir cotton assured. Tbe com pany will begin at once the intro duction of round-bale compresses. In an interview; in the Manu facturers' Record Mr. - Henry Hentz, president of the New York Cotton Exchange, calmly and ac curately gauges the opposition to the new process, and from an independent standpoint: snDDort- ed -by practical experience be says that "it is absointely certain that eotton packed in cylindrical bales under the system adopted by his, company will .bring higher prices aH.th'e world over than that packed in the prevailing style' stgwtut Hiaila - TV-l J7 I WW ' 6&n Southern Industries. The Exchange eayj Lanrin' b org Cotton Seed Oil and Manu. factnring Company has declared au annual dividend of 9 per cent". Tbe town of Mount Airy ban sold $25,000 worth of bond, for water works and electric light plant, and will immediately pQt in both. .; -i Marion Democrat: The new factory i8 going up at once. Tbe lumber is being placed upon the lot now. It ialo be a $40,000 pUot and the building will be three sto riea. Tbe concern wiir e"mi.lov a large number of bauds. Ex Senator Don , Cameron, of Pennsylvania, one of tbe largest stock holders, has instituted suit for foreclosure of the $100,000 mortgage on the Roanoke Naviga tion and Water Power Company. The Weldon News says that Sena tor Cameron will buy it, of course. Charlotte Observer: Captaiu Henry Grose and Mr. F. A. Keaves have leased tbe old Jag Knott gold mine, nine miles frou, Charlotte, from Messrs. Moore fc Addick.of Yorkviile, S. C. They will begin loe wore o' developing ih mine next week. Both are (Tactical gold miners and tbey are satisfied that they have eectired a paying property. , A special from Oxford, N. C , to the Charlotte Observer saye: At present the gold mining interests, near Oxford, are attracting capi talists with a view to investing in the farm lands on wbicb the indications of gold are very encouraging. A reliable Califor. nia miner who called here to ex amine the prospects, reports a rich vein of gold deposit running through the private grounds of East Oxford. The work of dig giug for gold in the Cheatham farm four miles from Oxford, goes steadily on, with tbe prospects growing better every dav. Several shafts have already been suuk and more will be suuk immediately, tnus verifying the report of an em inent geologist, who many years ago reported Granville county to I be remarkably rich in gold and valuable mineral deposits. A Kind of a Sauter in Kansas. Mr. B. P. Walker, Postmaster at the town of Logan, is authority for ttfe aiory that the farmers who live iu the valley of Crystal Creek, in Phillips county, are greatly ex cited there over the appearauce of an enormous reptile which re putable men, who declare tbat tbey have seen it, say is not less tbau fifty feet long. It bas the sinu ous body of a snake, but its tongue is not forked, and on its head are two short horns. Its color is green, with dirty white spots. It feeds upon small animals and fowis, and bas an enormous appetite. One morning a farmer lost sixty chickens, and be followed the trail of thereptile until itdisappeared iu the creek. Another farmer lost forty youug pigs in forty-eight hours, and a german testifies that the monster Li liar? V,? 1 i . - a mo jiiun uurse, wnicn was feeding near the creek, by a single blow of its euormous tail. It bas been shot at several times, bot its hide is proof against bul lets. When in anger it lifts it head ten feet ip the air, protrudus its tongue three feet or more, and utters a whine like a pupy crying for fts mother. The farmers are afraid of it, but will make a united effort to kill it. It hides in tbe swamp atxl wa$er, and, it is "sup posed", came from tbe deeper water of the Solomon river, some miles distant. Topeka, Kan., Dispatch. THERE IS NOTHING SO GOOD. Th era is nolhinp int n nvHl r King' New Discovery for consumption W1US uu cougDS, so demand it and do not permit the dealer to aell you some subsUtue He wiltnotdlioi there Uaov ing better, but in order to make more profit he may claim something ele to be just as eood. You nnt n-. Kino'. New Discovery because you know It to oe safe and reliable and purnntAd to tn good ox mpney refunded. For coughs, colds,. consumption and for all aifoo-- uons oi tnroat, cbest anj Innifa. there U "P1S,07e7; Trial free t Aycocke W clryg itort, - noining so good as Is Dr. King's New ' , When Lorlmr Mothers Grow Selfish. "It is mhen children reach ma. turity that the eonreme t,.i. , ptrental love cornea," writes Ed. rd W. liok, discnaaing tbe bomelea.ing of children at the lime of marriage, in tbe May Ladiea Home Journal. " "All through infancy and early year, he children are more or less rare. And then, just as the parent! feel relived from caret and anxieties, end are beginning to ei,joy the companiouship of their children in the serone and complacent wa Jicb 'grown ups' have, there comes a fluttering of the wings, a remote suggestion of flight. The son is no lee his mother boy than he baa been and eer will be. nit be U und 'who rvalues it bo quickly as a mother in a new .n ery natural sense,' another wo man's hero; and that woman a irirl. With her be discerns, away out on the horizon line, tbe nh.dovry lines of a house that is to become a home their very own. The irl, too. whose going in and out of tbej house has been a daily joy to the i parents she . too, has become a heroine to someone other than her father or ber mother. It is bar.l for the parents to realize that tbi mate of ber flight can care for her as tbey have; that in her young' eyes, in ber young heart, it is pos sible that be caa be altogether no ble and capable. And after the voung birds have taken flight .the parents wonder if some time thev do not grieve in their new life But some fine morning a clearer vision is given tbera, and thev .. realize mat, arter all, their chil dren are only playing the same role which they played a few yeu. before. It is a magnificent quali ty in parents wb(n they so pre pare tbemelves that thev can meet this inevitable time with tbe proper spirit when in other words, parental love can get the better of selfishness. THE NORTH CAROLINA Ii(X)M. In the Confederate Museoni Jpfftr m Davis' Former Residence. Describing tbe different roo ran in tbe Confederate Mu.eum at! Richmond, the Southern Progres !ay8:T "North Carolina occupies tbe room which was tbe nursery in the home of President Davip. It has a magnificent view of tbat part of Richmond known as Church Hill It was given to North Carolina as one of the choicest apartments in the mansion, because of North Carolina's brilliant record during Ua ... IT. .1 . .Uo ar. nere is me picture of Iienry Wyatt, tbe first martyr of the war, killed at Bethel Cburcb. I June 10, 18ftl, as well as tfood Die ! lures oi other prominent s6ldiers an(f generals. In an individual case afe tbe effects of tbe gaMant Major General '.Villiam Dorsey Pender; the suit of gray in which be was killed;hisTwocommissions one as lieutenant in tbe I'r.ited States army, given by President Davis, then Secretary of War in theCabipetof President Pierce; the other bis commission of major general inthe Confederate States army. ,fA beautiful flag adorns tbe wall, which was given by tbe Edgewotths (firls, of G.eensboro. N. C, to tbe Guilford Grays, com manded by Captain John Sloan, of tbe Tweoty-eeventh North Caroli na State Troops. Of tbe gallant L. O'B. Branch, tbey have his pis tols and bolster and bis glove. ft m. 'A large frame is filled with important dispatches from Presi dent Davis p Governor John W. Ellis, of North Carolina; ato one of condolence to his wife on bis hearing of the death of Governor Ellis. There is also tbe flag tbat was presented to tbe Governor by R. Mayo's girls, of Raleigh, tbe same flag which draped bis cofSo." L F. Farely conducts a. larg merao. t'le business at Liberty Hill. Oa. He says: Oot application of Chamber, laio-'a Pain Balm -relieved me of a severe fain in my back. I think tt" 0- K.' or lame back. rbeamaUsm. neuralgia, swellings, sprain,, bruiaes,- burns and bcauls uo other llnnent can approach Chamberlain's Pain Balmi It U lo teoded eepociallj for these disease and Is famou4 for It cures. For sale by W. Q, Thomas droggtgt. Carpet-Barcerv UetUnjr All te pje. Southern tUpoblicaoi are com plaining tLat all the Important appointments thus f.r siven Lolba Sooth have been tendered to ear-pot-baggers," and not one to a t. Ue born. Boek, of Georgia; Gray, of Maryland; Cleytoa. of Arkansas: Kvane. of TenM, md every other Southerner who ba received an office that far, ex cpt rotoEeei aed ether loal po Mtlone, were born in tbe North. Tbe matter hat been brought to tbe attention of President McKm ley. Tbe native Rennkl nat rresttetit MeKinley has pre tended to be iutereated in building up the partv in theSootb, yet in bis dUtributloo of patronage be recogniret only tbe old office hold ing "carpet-bag" element, to tbe exclusiou of yonng men, who ar oatives of tbe soil, and who have been trying to improve the condi tion of the South and tbe Repub lican party in that section Vab. Ington Diapatch to Chicago Rec ord. The Valne of Crtta Food "irdg are now running ont nd ' lh c,ose confinement of the long ' nnlr months is at an end. i 'e9 Wcautions re taken Up. !...t fall to now tbey will your yardi with rye. ook from morning until nigni ior what tbey mott need. I . - . ana toat is green food. Bi ure , ?r9arp nt inviting at any a- son, anrt more eppcially is tb: ! tru in thefe early spring dayt. To miic rain. too much meal a till uiii mi ii r n i r mil tmvva-k r . 1 '-ciiif ioog( have been given during tbe cold months. A little extra reen i what your layers need, aed also what your males need to make tbemjmore vigorona and pnt them in better general hWK Q...,v. your cellars for what vou may bave leftover potatoes, apples, turoipe . , , . ' ' cabbage, anything tbat i. green will be mot acceptable to yoor feathered pete Country Gentle- ' man Tun minister's ber playmate were serious tbinjrs. little girl and talking about "Do von Inn. K.t baek- " Yes; ! slider is?" fbe questioned. j t a per-on tbat nsed to be a j Christian and isn't, '" said the I playmate, promptly. "But what do s pose makes them call them lackslidersf '(), tbat'. eay ! You eee when rpeople are goo-l tbey go to church and sit up iu i front. When tbey get a little ! tired of being good tbey slip back a sat, and keepn till thev get i t clear back to, tbe door. Afte r Awhile they slip clear out nevr come to church again." and A Dollar Well Invested. One dollar at cotrponnd interest, well invested, at tbe end of a cen tury will be worth a thousand do lars; at tbe end of two centuries will be worth a million dollars; at tbe end of three centuries will be worth a billion dollar. If man can make so ranch out of invested funds, bow much can God make? How much do you euppc-e tbe dollar you give to Christ will be worth two or three centuries after this, when you behold it glorious froit in tbe millennial Christian Alliance. ageT Mr. Bankbead "One of tbe deacons of your ?barch called orr me to-day. He wanted a sub scriptioo in aid of your society r iu rciioi oi loe ceseeftni poor. How is the society coming onf" Mr. Sunbeam "Splendidly ! We've teeo organised only a year, and in tbat time our receipt have been nearly enough to pay the of ficer's salaries." '"- X . . .. . .j DID YOU EVER Try Qactric niter as a rvmrOv for jour troudlt? If not get a buttle now and get relief. This medcioa baa Wo foiod lobe peculiarly adapted to tbe rvlief aadrureoTaJI femaJcospLaiots.iar, log a wonderful direct foOuence la giv lug streogtb and tooe to th Organ.. If you have loss of appetite, cowtipalk. baadacbe, faiaiiagapaiU, or ar aervous, aleepleaw, axclUbl, tneJaacboly or troubled with dixxy apelia, Eictrio ftl Wrs is tbe oMdidno you swd, bAltbaod streogth guarantaed by lu usv Fifty cu ao4 tlftOQ aUjcxkt 6. Wi fiTf, .NUMBER 15. "wawAWaWjajsawaBaW 11 vusoiuicry pure. . JJMITED DOUBLEDAILV SERVICE 41 Vor ,.! "s It a 1 1 'j 1 1 (ta 1 3 O MM ' lAi - - rj ' W hi r o u KSiot. 1 ' Sort. J i ! fort. ,-h " ion 1 1 i i j i j i : 1 lu m I ' 1 J.' B. ' 10 (.. . a 'S M H Si 5 JJ i Si -s vi " 1 1 ' . ' '3 W l u j " J" f 4 : , m ft ...j ' S a 1 i 1 o 1 1 "'- . ' J fa 21 II- i 1-5 4 30 2 - Z. i'J . b 1 j ; , pm J '-'m lull lin'.l j M or n f .. .i. ... uUr' lit I oo ' J rwt j- , KiUn,,-. n Vr vp.rn Hoi A ,tt U K!brtco. At'btr.w 3 :c 4 IS 4 1 ' .14 1 1 ; 12 AJ a) 1 40 2 f T ' - i A 1 t. ' tV,1"l ? i t a4r H I j ciirw,, u.m. n'0Uv - IS !5 '"c'U.V ii I 1 J " 1 4 r n !- a io 1 1 lu !2la S 4 S c tr;a At Ijc tor.- I.' I 'TJ -C ' I K-ks,.e, 4 ( ! iltti. T . J', ', 1 or,. '4 i5 - 1 . 7 V' rW r-ft.- T J I r MftM SOfTIIERX lUlLW.U. riKDHOVT AIM Uinii, CO.NDKXSKI) K'HEDCLK. IN KFFKCT JA.NTAKY l. TRAl.V LEiTB RALfcHiH. . c 1 . tM ( t- .na IA. ftx.j -rvkv.ra xna ti At- 4 r m U, for Cot7i4wJawr Orw.Ui.. A lift La nStT. "7" WtU.JMA St eiu ; fc W utaiarua 4 a. a Dairy. w- rW- Coot al sWaa tor Vq. nTvm arrlvaa mj n. ji ,, -. 1 ail Dllf. an and aot - - wva,lm 44 r. M rrxMm iMaewo, to KftMfi - A. M t r. at. fom Jtrw Y. aattrm lymtktmty. rLa 'TlnTl f rwa OiftKor- aa4 aa Mais A. M. Daiir Es. Saav fH inlM ftteo mii. --- , kios-au-w, a4 a mJStZ tJZTl. mm rwaHtMsm. w T.r. A. Ttu r. Art. Lr XZJ i J VJJ L 1 J Pearcria WJT ?W 4 t 5 - V-