VOL. XXVII. )eta goDdav Hlist Church Directory. bool at y:3UA. hi. Geo. S. Baker. Snpt pp-acbint: at 11 A. M.f and 7 P. every Sa"''e';inf? Wednesday night. Frar11". f.smith. Pastor. . BILL AHP AT THE CENTENNIAL. LOUISBURG, N.-JRIDAY. JUNE 18, 1897. NUMBER 18. lJl0H.ssional cards v ,KACTI('LNG THYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. -.. I'onl Building, corner Main . limn- ' 1) an i j i h , i ra ruuu. j Sa.-H "r W "M. II. 1UTF1N, T T )KNEY-AT-LAW, I,,uisburg, N. C. ' ..,, ,,rirtirf vn nil court? -Office In Ford , i' ,r coi ner of Main and Nash streets. g MASKXBCRa, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LouisBURe, h. c. n-ni ,,ri'tice in all the Courts of the State T! Mi 1 entire in Court House. C. y (ji H)KE & SON, ATTURNEYS-AT-LAW, LOl'ISBURS, N. C. s-,,1 atteii-i the courts of Nash, Franklin, . uiii.- Wanvuaud Wakecounttea,alBOtn flrTme c. ur; of North Carollnp, and the D. pCrcuit and District Courts. 1) r, J. E. MALONK tiro doors oeiow acoom uujvc .. f uru. Hv- - . Ellis. fe Co.'s D r. W. U. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUISBURB, K. C. F. jj. SFRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L0UISBCR8, N. C. arm Rtt,eml the courts of Franklin, Vance, QmivUle, v arrevi ana yva&e counue, &ibo the suireuie Court of North Carolina. Prompt UkntUm given to collections, &c. mHOS. B. WILDER, All ViVl El JL -a. AA4XX , LOUISBCRG, S. C. Office on Main street, over J ones uooper 8 ItOM. T. W. B1CKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBORS K. C. Proumt and iiiiinstaKinjr attention given to every matt r intrusted to his hands. Rrfers to Linei J usiice anepneru, nuu. oiuj Mmuiiitr. Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J. t. Buitou, Pres. First National Bank of Wln- itou. oleiin & Mauly, Winston, Peoples Jttana of Monroe, chiis. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For- et Collet'1, Hon. K. w. ximDenaae. uffice in Court House, opposite HneiHTB. y M. PERSON, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, Pr&cticea in all courts, Coi'itr Buil. ling. LOUISBURB, H. a Office in Jonrs & y U. Y A RBOROUGH, Jb, ATTORNEY AT LAW, iLOUISBURQ, N. C. Office on second floor of Neal building Ham Street. All lcr;il business intrusted to him will receive uroniDt and caret ul attention. D. T. Smithwick, DENTISTS. LOUISBURG, N. C. ' Office in Ford Building, 2nd floor. !ias administered and teeth extracted without pain. uR. E. IF1. EAE,LY DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Man never gets too did to learn, and if he.is a good learner he IV a good teacher.' Shakespeare says, "knowledge is the wing with which we fly to heaven," and as heaven is where we all wish to go, it becomes us to acqnire . knowl edge. Lord Bacon said 'knowl edge is power' and so it was a day , well spent, for I learned much in-one day at the Tennessee Cen tennial so much that I am going to return very soon and take more time and acquire more knowledge. i sometimes think it a great pity that by the time a man becomes fit to live his time is out and be has to die. If the old men who hvo made good use of their time and talents were given a new lease another threescore years and ten. and had the vigor of their youth restored what a world of wisdom would they accumulate. We would all be Solomons and write proverbs What farmers we would make; what inventors; what teachers; what scientists. Mavb nrnvi j t - - dence cut us down to seventy years for fear we would learn too much of His mysteries and once again eat the fruit from the tree of knowl. edge. I was ruminating about this while listening to the earnest dis course of Colonel KUlebrew, who has charge of the Nashville, Chat tanooga and St. Louis and the Western and Atlantic railroad ex hibits at the exposition.- Now there is a man who as Paul said to Timothy magnifies his office. It is like going to school to hear him explain and expatiate and philos ophize upon things that ordinarily would attract no special attention. If every man in charge of a special exhibit had his enthusiasm the ex position would not only be a grand success, but would diffuse more knowledge among men than any similar display has ever done. Now, for instance, when we paused to look at some tobacco that was hanging from the rods he said : "That tobacco grew on very poor land. The best tobacco al ways grows on poor land." In deed it seems providential that poor land is good for something. The sandy, gravelly land of Granberry county; in north Geor gia, grows the finest tobacco in the world, and it commands the high est price. The soil is not rich enough to give it a dark color, and hence it is pale and sickly, and has the consumption, so to speak. This tobacco grew upon land that is 80 per cent, silica sandy land poor, white land, as your Bar tow county farmers call it you have lots of it down there. I have manganese, banxite, gold, silver, ocme, corundum, etc., much of which was from our county : of Bartow, we were shown the great-r est variety of useful and orna mental wood that has ever been exhibited in this countrv. And also the variety of farm and gar den products is admirable. Just think of one tarmer, on a .little plat of twenty-five acres exhibit ing se'venty-eight specimens that were grown upon his farm. Sev enty. eight different products, use ful for man or beast. And another man sends specimens of sixty dif ferent products, useful for man or beast. Then there are several hundred botanical pictures of the flora of Tennessee that were gathered and painted and framed by General Kirby Smith. But it would take too much space to de scribe or even to catalogue the hundreds of interesting things in this magnificent railroad show. It would make a good exposition of itself. Of course it has cost money much money to get up such an extensive collection, but it indi cates the far-seeing policy of Mr. Thomas, the best railroad magnate of the South. For two years past he has bad in his employ Colonel Killebrew, who is without doubt the most efficient and best educat ed teacher and promoter of agri- l culture and mineralogy in the. State, a man of large and liberal enterprise, a cultured scholar who can talk science with the scientist and practical farming with the humblest farmer. He had charge of both these departments in the first Atlanta exposition. He has traveled mule back over Mexico, inspecting the silver mines for their owners. He has more re cently invaded the homes of the settlers in Colorada and Kansas and other Northwestern states and communed with them about our climate and lands and laws, and they listened to him gladly, and the result has been the location of 1,500 families along the line of this railroad from Nashville to At lanta. Fifteen hundred families within the past two years, and the cry is, 'Still they come." He is ed. There, too, is the'pl aster bust of Mr. Thomas and his hand some portrait on the wall, that were presented to him by bis em ployees as a graceful tribute and j evidence of their devotion to him. j What a blessed thing it is in these days of strikes, and wrecks, and receivers and of war to the knife between capita and laborer, to find a man ft magnate who con trols thousands of men, doiug it so peacefully and considerately, aud at all times sharing their respect and devotion. I shall retort) again next week and take. in the exposition. I wish to spend one day in tbat Partbeon, the most exquisitely beautiful gem of architecture I evereaw, and its walls are adorned with paint ings great works of art by the modern masters, and that many of them that colt thousands of dol lars, have been loaned by their owners to encourage tbe exposi tion and implant a love of art among our people. Let everyone who can go visit this admirable exhibition. Letevery family man i take his wife, or his eon, or bis daughter, for it will pay in tbe long run. Sidney Smith ?aid tbat tbe companiou6hip of a beautiful and virtuous woman was a classic educatian. Just so it is an educa tion to visit the .exposition and study these object esaovaa.ac Usletk to the sweet and soothing music and rest under the shade of the trees. Bill Arp. .Ei-Govarnor Hogg, - Texat wriUs to Tbe Houston Post rela tive to lyucbiog. It is that it shall be pot down at toy price. Ue suggests a way to do it by law and then agitate for its en forcement, lie is against "an archy and mob murder." Bo ought all good citizens to b. But with more tbao 11,000 murders a year and lew than 1W) hangings by court; with endless rape Dd other crime- and few couvtctiont, with Governors to pardon tbe scoundrels convicted, how ii go ciety to be protected. Wilmiog ton Mewenger. Insurance. Neal Building, Loulaburg, N. C. PALATINE, of Manchester. Wmiamtburgh City, of N. Y. Qrltlah America, Toronto. Atlanta Home, Atlanta. Prorw-rty insurM on favoruM? t'rm. Dwelling!. -.w:i;IU- Mjluitl. Ilondt f r offWr an! othr boMia; petition f irtui ( tnall inn 1 1 motif Dr. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY DONSUMPTION. FOR This is the best medicine in the world for all forms of coughs and cold and for consumption. Every bottle is guaranteed. It will cure and not di appoint. It has no epual for whooping cough, asthma, hay fever, pneumonia. broDChitis. lagripe, cold in the head and for consumption. It is safe for all apes, p'easant to take, and, ubove all, a cub. It is always well to take Dr. King.s New Discovery, as they repulate ana tone the stomach and bowels. We guaran tee perfect satisfaction or return money Free trial bottles at Aycrxke & Co's. drug store. Regular size 50 ceTTts and one dollar. seeft.it; and itcan be bought for I . . a ii - -ST Office in New Hotel bnildine. 2nd a 80I,S l" lDere ,g more money in noor. bas administered and teeth ex-l it than in vour vallevs and river ....j -.1 i j ' "tieu wiinout pain. . i.. rri a UvliltUUlB. X uc uauu vuav xo j.u Florida1 soil will make tobacco a success there. .1- have been ex perimenting in tobacco growing and curing for years and know whereof I speak. There are thou sands of acres in north Georgia 'vHli an experience of tw ntv-frve wars I that ftTft suited to it. and all those -i ouuii n ut guarantee of my work in all Grimes The bride was quite a popular girl, wasn't she? Gobang Yes, indeed. The Daily Whoop sent their sporting editor to re- the most ardent and the most buc- port it. He priuted a list of re- cessful colonizer in all the South, iected lovers half a column "one - He is tbe best talker I ever list- under the heading, "Among Those ened to, the most earnest convinc- Who Also Ran." Truth. ing and entertaining; and yet he has no land for sale or any inter est in thfl sales. His work ia for . If you arcsuflering with any skin or blood disease, rheumatism, catarrh, ul tne railroad and for numanity. cers, old sores, general debility, etc The Condition of thousands of fend stamp to the Blood Balm Co.. At- iiania, ua., lur uoun ui wuuuenui cures, free. This book'will point the wav to TV,inV f mn nraaa oolllnr, speedy recovery. Botanic K I ood Balm, at auction for $87, less than $1 a tested prescription of an eminent phy I . . 1 . I A. t f 1 aoA Uink nf 1 Hon collino- for sician, ana is tne nest ouuuing-up anu " -" blood HOW TO ENJOY GOOD HEALTH. A Little Girlg Self-Sacrifidn Deed. She li?e In Placer county, not far from where tbe pretty town of J Auburn now stands, tor it hap., penedxnaoy years ago, in the earlv '600, and I expect that but few now residing there have any reeol. lection of the afTair. The family, consisting of father, a miner, her mother and little brother. dw!t in a small shanty erected under cover of a convenient ledge. The shanty was a miserable structure of two rooms, but it held what many a grander dwelling fail to contain, a loving household. Tbe mother lav sick with the fever, and Carmen, then a tf'irl of twelve, performed the drudgery of the bouse. Her little brother, a curl y hea.Ied romp, of five, was Car men's great responsibility . The ..w c.nj uiur... Fire Companies: ing nntil late at rngbt at his work, IMPERIAL, of London. and so the little hands of twelr found plenty to do. In common with the custom of miners, the father kept a store of jfiant pow der in th" bouse, which in the j i present case wa contained in a , sack placed in an old wooden box ! tbat stood at the foot of tbo bed j where lay tbe sick mother. Tbo upper part of tbe shanty, undr tbe eloping board roof, wa util ized as a storage place for old dun-age. One nigut the father was absent in the mine. By some means the sbanty took fire, p.robably from the cracked and defective adobe chimney. Carmen awoke to find tbat the roof was anr and sparks dropping down. Springing up she loudly cried to awaken her mother aud Tommy, but the little boy became frightened and bid his bead beueath the covers of hi? bed Carmen sprang to lift him , from the bed, when she saw ebow ers of eparks falling on the pow der box. Recognizing tbe awful danger, she attempted to loave th" ; child for the moment and carry ! out tbe powder, but iu her excite ment she caught her foot in tbe overhanging bodclotbes and fell to the tioor, freaking her thigh bone. J Unable to rise, the bravo pirl ; crawled to tbe box of powder and, drawing herself up, covered tbe box with-her body. Tbe mother had by this time succeeding in getting out of bed and getting i outside the now furiously burning shanty, and managed to tuke with i her her little boy- ! Tbe cries of Carmen: "Oh, take Tommy out, won't you!" turned for a time the mother's thoucbt i from her daughter' danger. Tbe j Absolutely Pure. CUknMVflU UrrMit trvejrta aot Vt!tlurM. AfVa tW looJ fxiM tin .11 forma ai at-i. - 1 in iWtSMp Kmc U P C VADDnonunu butj BAUisorowmon XBW TOftX. I - mm .LIMITED DOUBLE DAILY SERYICE Ml"TMiai:.M. 41 N- lol in I'wrm K K 11 4 t . . L Si fa 1 4 LOUISBURC, N.C., W. K. MARTIN, PROPRIETOR. - :o: NEWI.Y FIMSHK.l) AND Kl'KMSHKD Tiif. Hi.it V nr. Cni KoltTA 1U.V. 1'.' o!. I'oi.iTK S:hvaT4. Eftnr Co:tcsIc:c ot i U:itra Hsttl. ; ST,? ,r! t T it l'ir-r- llaniirt "i .i.J'- .ru , M..r.s- I i'h irlof 'r ; f ,i -j m b.a , I .'.n i ' 1 irwji . -1 . ! Atfcr.. ! V :n .r. It ;;m: r. fti i 10 . Ju p.. m. ?; j ia Vm s"a4 f n 5 03 4 ii i V. : in .. :. '.4 1 : r 41 v X 10 n lu 47 fu 4" m li 10 n IO 1 07 n or. 1 U: pa 21 11S S 4i . 1 :, j 4 30 - 2 z r, jo !1 1 N'iKTH r.' m- r, " 4 ,Vj in i 4o pm 10 43 I ul a ta ! I. 1. H DR. R, E. KING, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, - - N. C. "'f'FIrK l (Ii.i-th TTnTTor. Boildikq Second Floob. Hip uP-to date lines of the profession. HOTELS. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. WOODABD, Prof less than isd.uuu. Ana so people are closing out and coming to Tennessee and Georgia aud buying small tracts of land with in easy reach of the railroad, and in five years time these 1,500 fam ilies will probably snip their pro- nurifvine medicine in the world these Beware af substitutes. Price 1100 for large bottles. For sale by Druggists. Hoc ky Mount, N. C. neet8 al er day. r-e r.iis nieffo oil FHAxNKLlISTON HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C. C M. EOBBS, :Prfr. aceomodation for the traveling G0(xl Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, c- D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. .. Good accommodations for the raveling public. - ' MASSENBTIRG H0TEL: - JIB Good e n burg v Propr HENDERSON W 6? accommodstionii. Good We. Po ut aad attsstire poor white lands in Cobb county are just waiting for it. Some of that land along our railroad that will not grow corn high enough to shoot an ear or make a tassel, would grow the most aristocratic tobacco. We pansed .again "to look -at some little pyramids of broken rock, and I ; learned that it was phosphate a recent discovery in counties contiguous to the railroad, "There are millions in it," said the colonel- "As is usual, these discoveries were accidental. Some mineral .experts were prospecting for zinc, and Were at a loss to ac count for these singular deposits. They have had them analysed, and they"areprononneed ly reliable chemists to be thevery finest grade of phosphate rock running from fU to 85 ner cent, and some of the strata' are twelve feet thick, and underlie thousands of acres.' There are no phosphates in Florida that will compare with them, and most of it can be mined with a pick a single band taking out six tons a ?A.ftex inspecting many kinds of vSuow in Mid Summer. The Seaboard Air Line and Merchants' & Miners' Transporta tion Co., are arranging for the 1 . m . ducts of grain and bay and meat operation oi a special personally and mules to an amount that will conducted tour from Atlanta, Ua, give for each family an average of and intermediate points ou the inn in 'fr-iorit t.n tv. mud. S. A. L. to Providence, R. I., and " " " ... This alone will make $150,000 per ietnrn early in August, at an 5x annum to be added to the freight ceedingly low rate. Tickets wil hnsiness of the road. This is Mr. he limited to about days from Thomas' far-seeing policy. With- aate ot saie, tnus giving me pas in five years time it is expected sengera an opportunity or making that 10.000 families will be locat- siae-trips to uosion ana tne Due edtransferred from the cyclones Mountain ana otner ttesorts in ine and droughts and blizzards of east, lhe Excursion win be un- the West to the genial climate of der the supervision of an expen- the South. enced tourist agent, ana a laay We see that the Seaboard line is cbaperone. A first class steamer will be placed in service for this occasion and as the number of per sons for which accommodations Gannaway Hardware Company. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE, LOUISBURG, N. c. W .rf., 1 i & . t :i - - s' r 13 r s a m Irt. I.i licji-irj M i- K..'hcii.c I i' i;r (-.i . P. J M m . i - York " 1'. 4 1. r. i 41 A 4 - 1A i" i lu 1 i .. 1 1 31 1 J X3 at 1 4 0 i ov 3 -, 4 3 - Ii 1-14 kA'in, J J 1 ! l : 4 ' ren 11 Jo mm 4 " j aaj J :j ; ia 11 ly 1 i 4- io v L 1 4) 3 . i3 T 3 " ft i rt I Wo ham iiiL nnnii fire bad aroused some of the neigh- j &nj eotn.l!eVe of bors who speeauy ran to tbe burn- j ing shanty and lent what aid tbev j could. Carmen was discovere 1 and removed. Her rescuers found her almost buried beneath a ma - , . . , , and propre at all tiro- to of burningcinders.ber back fright. ; , Large Hardware, carry i'lAgriculturl fully burned. Teuder hauds bore her to a neighbors shanty, where all that cou4d be done to a her sufferings was eage stowed. But human aid came too late. Tbe brave little spirit lin- ' gered nntil .the following day and ; then departed for a hrighter land. ! It was -ot known until after she i bad recovered consciousness, a i and other supplis nee led on short time before sbe died, that! Karm. she had broken her leg. Her lat words were". "Kiss me, Tommy, dear: I've saved von. and I'm so ' r 0 r happy v ..l 1 -'"rt ) .fsoft'.,t. pfj -o Ji j. K J h . Uw Yr .U iM imi M(t. ' M'iW l,LTftJ fTI- i-. 1 I! " H )4 T'?H- lll!l(.f T J n.!ro- e-a I'ftjM I ft lct-i Cl. I V Kt. rrs Film t MH TIIKKX HAILWAV. riKDIOT AIM Lllk, C O N I K N S E I ) SC H K I ) L L K . IN KFKKCT JAM'ARY 1. XsM. TKA1 LRATK RlLbuU. M. C Implements- pursuing the same policy. The Georgia Southern and Florida railroad began it years ago, and improved Dyclonetla as an object! can be provided on the steamer is . . i; :n 1 lesson toremigrants to show them necessarily umueu, n wm uB pru what could be done. It was a sue- dent for those who desire to join cessful experiment, and Mr. Sparks the party to make early applica- sbowed his wisdom and sagacity, on to tbeir ticRet agents ana but the road's creditors forced it pave their names registered for tv&An.ta or,A r'aA u. r. tickets and state-room oertb on a ai vj 4u v -w it a vw . waaaaw w w i nnripg. tLne atati made, war nron I the steamer. Mr. Sparks for his so-called ex travagance. niU.4 ..L .o ! Editor Morrison.of Worthington, Ind ux U u.jr " -'" h'Sun" writes: "You have a valuable at the centennial, and all of that prescription in Elettric Bitters, and 1 A VALUABLE PRESCRIPTION was spent in one- building, for I could not get a wav from it. It is a thing of beauty, as well as of in teres t and instruction, for tbe or - -. . . . . - -namental' work, that graces the archeaaud pillars and icornices is most lovely and elaborate a mas- 9 rrtftf - ? 4 ores ao . pa ineralj ; soch a5 vrpn. t can cheerfullr recommend it for con sumption and aick headache, and as a treneral system tonic it has no equal." Mrs. Annie Stehle, 2625 Ck)ttage Grove Ave.. Chicaeo. was all ran down, could not eat nor digest food, had a backache which never left her and felt weary and tired, but six bottles of Electric Bitter restored her health ao.d renewed her Prices 50 cents and f 1.00. strentrth. flt a bottle at A rwvVn &. Co., dru? L I.) V a ' wnI anti avj3 m 9 aani I . NOTICE. Having duly oanlinl o alroinitrntor o J. 15. RNiton, ci,-r-MiMMi . all (rmin ur hi! bv notifiwl tn prrwnt anj rUimii thM m) bold ncjiiput the rwtat ol muI J. ii. Benton on or h for J one Sth. liaM. or tin not ire will Up plead' din harof t heir .vcovery All pernona on Ing aid eetftt ki.1 rem for ward and mnke par ment itt once. Jnne gth. 1897. J. K. UnM. Adnjinitrntor. T. W. BriurrT, Attorney. NOTICK. In afVfrilini-e with an order of tbi-Snperior Court of Krnnktin county, maite at April term 1807. I i'h all ou Mondar Jolj 5, 1hu7. offer (or vule to the hllient ladder, at the Court Honae door in Lonttu rjr. an ooJi vided one-lolf interrvt io tbejpn honae aud lot- on '.Varrenton rood adjoining the ania ol J. K. Bpeocrr and oJhem. Terina one fonrth faah. balance with interest ia twelve months. TbiJoo4. Jh9T. Taoe. D. WiLAta. Cona'r . the tr?" Please call and examine oar Stock before making your pnr-rha. NOTICE. By Tlrtn,ol power . confaioed in "perial order of i'i(wTior fmrt o Frnnklia moult of January tern 1897. 1 will oa Uid Joljr 6th. 187r4dl at rablin aortioa V tbe bi&b et bidder foreab. tbe tract of Innd kaowa tha H. K Rinea tmci. on which beiiov rw aidee, a.IJoiointr laada of w'Uay Hi, Uol tinfr worth and otbftrt, cootaloln tSS acree nore or U-a. T, B. COOKE. Com. .wrijmi THE UXIVJ5KS1TY. IT TacliTS 41 Stulnif, (Sum mer School 1 "?) To?al, -I0. Itoard $8 a month.3 Brief Cours, Full Courses, Law and Medical Schools and School of Pharmacy. GRADUATE COURSES OPEITO WOUEI- Summer School for Tachers. Scholarships and Loans fur the Needy. Addre, President Aukrva5. Chapel Hul, N. C. K0BW00D HOUSE Wirrestsi, I.rla Canllii. VI. J, AcnnooD, Frprietr. PmtrcMre ,t Ccmeretal Totlait im raveUc Pat lie gcUctted. CaaalUaipU Bhw aaaaaT Bam, to rtraaa as Oora-r Horn. Vanted-ftnldea.-Sr; I fimil ynwr M'x; t mm Wf T "ft V wriM 6h a w ki r rju.tr aa a c . tn ftyWiimn.1, t CfatMtULanaCa a4bl af we baaanl rmitm . r"" .'oft fta4 aa'-a. ta W lr i. o .fti.. im ft) ini o ia ?t -rim rum Jioni "ir iMawf n rl llii.fv.hiiwtot. Io W"-tu !HrU Kaot. l.. Teca . CMbftMU, ! w. trra f-An-.A. ml CVftrfeXA v. UAi-wrw Urn.j., L" , t- x UcU ftivj ft-. pcau ia. I Coowrfi ai lirvi o Otfr. tUrarrta mi4 aTrtt xrT WftA;ft' ft3 St?w4awtra V rti I mii UaiMi, a4 iw )r ti TrZm tS2r U.n Um.l . t- trftia I mM potat Xcxik. mt it Bkftla Bw trftia tx if w IwlM, Ikiarftj ft4 mIIM, Jtt' kraa ,fin mm. aj im mm tk- fov WlMbaMlM. witfe cavia N, irala fto m 'tmmt UiwftillK 1UMU ial a-1 pcfti CMati A-i4mjm, ilurWUm, Saviaaaa. Jwaaoo vufr. aa-S mXI potata la rvrV4a N-T'Of oar Io Atlasta. imeki '1!aJ 4 WwVKU wUa irg car for Aafmat aa4 Jt U T at. Corta at S!ava fov rtrKletCi Ii'r aa4 tatewtriufc tcaUoa m E fo-lft W ikaoa aavj tmrltutm tmttn Cat daJ.'r ; ioitro tar Heatari mM-i Uorttmm Oty. aauy ai,4 0n. 4ft. to KUaUftMlM law mOUI iIiUtm a Um W. a W. a a tair. OwntkMta al M tvrar akxaat. Tmruoro a4 at U . i m oa aorfotk mm-4 OmroiimA RAi:roai. uttim at Oouton ua r. n. 0 A. X i-neaen, al IHrWa torn Ovoaa. Daii Errwuv. aWftwoa4s mi 1 i. Xa a4ar le. trr aaAtaVai a4 alia ti aaJ lov Owi.iaiovtt. m r. at. Dai! traisp aaaxra at AiriaH. s c tt T. M. Trtmm AUftCU. CaarVH. TJi ii Dally. tro a4 ai4 potata aowta IM A. at. rra aratnni m4 mU fcaf t 1 txiir . n ura aja fxymi m. Dfwoitee) Io aVAM&fa. ti r. al. fro MSOcn, wnmtcrm. riMlnUWftfti mj fma tm tmm- lrm CaeaaLBA, llfl A- at- rm rw toe. WaatarVa. Lralrw. rkaartaa T r T i j . v40 P. M Tmm Uoajava-a mm4 aa MtaLa aavl Iwt aA a. x. Dally It. Loral Trtgmt triMf aiv srry ia. PwiMaaa ar . fUraj m lrw fe as Km to WOaoav. a4 kni DaaUaau.'y rraAaa atw m KaMV Caa MaaaM aiaaaa, vaaca wan. C. I Horuvrn. T- T. A Cuatm. 9 rr OLCOaan. W. A. Trawa, , i

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