"vol. xxvii. ndav S-hool at 9:30 A.M. ' Preacbin?atll A. M., and7P. M., LOUISBURG. N;c; FRIDAY, JpE25 1897. " t aWataM - .jrol'cssioaal cams b.s. r-1,1 Kl- PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. II) ! lit' i "... I P 1 1 i 1 .1 i n rr pnraor Afnln j.Sush fH"Hs. L'P siairo irouK. FF1N, y 1 ()K.tI-Al-iaAW, Louisburg, N. C. . tt-,11 urart iiv ui nil courts Office in Pord Boildi' idi ntT of Main and Nash Btreete. B. B. MASJiKNBURO, ATTORNEY AT LAW. L0UISBUH9, H. 0. urn: nractice iu all the Courts of the State uiHce in Court House. c. v O0KE & SON, SOUTHERN AYOMEN? WHAT THEY FOUND TO BO IN THE GREAT CIVlIi WAR. STOEY OF THEIE TRIALS. A Clark University Man Speaks to the First Unitarian Sunday School from the Stand point of a Southerner, NUMBER 19. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, L0U1SBUE6, K. 0. . t?il atteml the courts of Nash, Franklin, n.nvlllH warren auu vv o&e cuuuuen, wnj ui SSe Court of North Carollnp, and the D. g Clrcun E. MALONK TR.J. ! store, adjoining Dr. Offlce two doors Deiow a.jauve & CO. '8 D 8. W. U. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LouisBURe, v. a. it' SFRL'ILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L0UISBUKO, H. 0. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance dmiville, Warren ana waae counties, aiao the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt ittentiuu given to collections. &C I HOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L0CISBUE9, H. C. Office on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's itore. T. W. B1CKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. L0UISBUB6 N. C. Prompt and painstaking attention given to lerery matter intrusted to MS nanas. Refers to cruel J nsuce snepnera, aou, oilu Muinimr. Hun. Robt. W. Winston. Hon. J. C Barton, Pres. First National Bank of Wln I (toD. Glenn & Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank I of Monroe, Chas. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For- leitCollejre, Hon. K. w. TlmDeriaae. Office in Court House, opposite Hnenn'B. ny M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, L0UI9BUBG, H. a Practices In all courts. Office li Jones & hooper Buil'iing. Worcester (Mass.,) Daily Spy. Prof. A. Caswell Ellis, of Clark University, son of Dr. O. L. 'Ellis, who was a member of the Jeff Davis Legion of the Confederate, army in the war of the rebellion", delivered "a n i n teresti ng ad d ress before the Sunday Schopl, of the First Unitarian Church, Suuday, giving another view of the war than Worcester people are accus tomed to. He talked of the strife from a Southerner's point of view and described in ,a graphic man ner the work that was done by the women of the South while the men were at the front. AmoDg other things he said: TW Southern women are said to have been more enthusiastic for the war than the men. I believe tbe crusty old bachelors say it is the women and preachers who stir up wars anyway. At any rate, at tbe outburst of the civil war none were more enthusiastic than the women. Mothers, wives and maidens encouraged their sons, husbands and lovers to go to the front. As the companies anil reg iments were organized, the women met together to .sew for tbe sol diers. Clothing was made ; little comforts for camp life were added; a. flag was oade, embroidered, and at a big pnblic reception, was presented by some woman with brave words of confidence and pa triotism. Pressing back tbeir eal sorrow and fear, hiding their 'pangs of parting, they cheered on their loved ones as good byes were' said, to so many, alas, never to re turn again. The first year or so moved on qnite comfortably in most ways, save for the loss of dear ones from home. Not so great sacrifices were demanded then and spirits were the tfoldierV wounds. Their sheets and counterpanes and finest dresses wer.e -soon -to' go the same way." Curtains were torn down for hos pital spreads. All the richest brnssels and velvet caFpeta were ripped from tbe floors and split into blankets for the soldiers: Homes were 'stripped of every luxury and comfort. In place of their fine silks, the women proudly wore their rough cotton home spun from their own hand-looms. These were dyed with home-made dyes of berries, or roots, or berbs, or barks of trees. So expert did these delicate hands become that it is said they learned before the war was over to manufacture al most any color desired. In place of tea and coffee they used parched rye and potatoes. For sugar they planted cane and made sorghum. The very dirt trom, under the of sorghum and dates out of per simmons, and hold fairs and tab leaux and theatricals to raise money for the army. But a more serious look grad ually came as their fathers and brothers would come home bleed ing and maimed for life, or as they heard reports of tbe 20,000 Southern soldiers lying dead with upturned faces in tbe broiling July sun on Gettysburg bills men who had that morning so fearleecly stepped up the blazing Ometery ridge more like biidegrooms to a wedding feast than men plunging through rain, of leaden bail, tbe smoke of the battle, tbe bursting. of murderous shells and into tbe very mouths of cannon belching forth a"seething bell of fire ami shot a lid death. We all, as English-speaking people, are proud of the graud The Ideal Skirt. bouses iu which salted meat had charge of the Light Brigade at been kept was dug up and boiled Balaklava, but we have more rea to get salt, bo scarce bad it be- son, as Americans, to sing of the i come. At last there is a skirt that may be woro with a shift waist, with out' opening down tbe back at in opportune moments, or slipping below the belt. This new idea is worthy of special consideration and is becoming most deservedly popular. It is Intended for wear with the bolero now to much worn, and opens at one side of tbe front, tbos obviating any possible sepa ration at tie plarket bole. Tbe shape is excellent. Cut without anv fulness at tha hark, it tt aota admirably. Jt is finished at tbe) ' YARBOROUCH, vait, vrbicb is absolutely tiKLt. j insurance. with a neat Petersham band. Neal Building. Louisburg. N. C. I liu skirt would -be particularly! Did yon ever read a sentence containing more sound troth than tbe followlogf It is very Im portant for the comfort of a borne that barrasalog and depreaaiog subjects of cooversatiou should be excluded, except when it is abso lutely necessary to talk about tbem; and that a babit ebonld be formed of talking cheerfully and good buoaoredly acd of refraining from what Jars on other people. 6'icb as rudeness, impatience an! fauURnding." Absolutely Puro. rVMet4 for H tmI tmitiK rlmflV M k;thfK IbT f is J tllt Jaw x4 fl ()' a 4itrilr ro3Bi fcOTAl likllO MWhU CO . siw lots. account of its peculiar make, it would look ejnlly well forcycling or tennis use. STANDS AT THK HEAD. it never fnils, and a siirv cure for cnKiimption. couh .ind coldt. 1 (-an j not nay enough for it merit." Dr 1 Kind's New Dbu-ivery for i onaumpUon. coughs and colds is ool an ex jeriment. It hiis been triel for a quarter of a on- tury. and to-day stands at the head. Tt j never disappoints. Fre trial bottles nl 1 Aycocke A. Co.'b Dru Store. ! nf II YARBOROUGH, JB. ATTORNEY AT LA W, ,LOUISBURa, N. C. Ullire o second floor of Neal bnUdine high for McDowell,' McClellan I . 111 IMani Street. All lepal business intrusted tov bim (ill receive prompt and careful attention. IjJR. I). T. SMITHWICK, DENTIST, LOVISBUK6, N. C. and Pope had done little besides frequently changing their base oi supplies, as McClellan called it, and the women were still pursua ded that the Southern boy could whip a dozeu Yankees, though how the number of dozens -was Office in Ford Building, 2nd floor, getting exceedingly uncomfort- Au. J. Bopel. the leading dnicirit of charge of Pettigrew's Brigade at Shreveport, I-i.. Rays; "Dr. KinK' These same delicate and refined Gettysburg. At Balaklava. the crea women, who had been accustomed 600 lost only 222 men, 37 per cent 1 have." J. r Camwbeii, mervhant of n i: 4 . i . .. . t , , . , ... XT Sutrortl. Ariz., writes: '-Dr. Kind's New u",u"'0" uici i vvvoi, "t' wu, u i u uiMcoverv )! all that s claiiut-d for t and every comfort, the idols and Carolina regiment of 672 men loot goddesses of the gallant men, 588, or 86 per cent of ber total. In whose will was very law, who bad one company of 84 men, every servants to minister to their every man aud officer was hit and no want, who hardly even dressed body blundered, either. Xver themselves, now did not stop at was such desperate bravery shown any labor. They dried fruit while unless ii was perhaps when the the old men managed the slaves in brave Union soldiers charged in the field. No sacrifice was too the same way against the trenches great, no labor too hard, no dan- at Cold Harbor, leaving 10,000 ger too grave or hazardous. Many dead in 20 minutes, times did fearless women pass in But I am wandering from my great danger between the oppos- subject. Soon to the fears of tbe ing armies, or even go into the women for their loved ones in bat Union ranks Jo bring important tie and their own great sacrifices, news to their Confederate leaders, was to be added the fear for tbeir Not satisfied with labor, self de- own personal safety from borrors nial and almost superhuman sac unmentionable that followed in ritice at home, they even went into the wake of Sbermau's invading the tented field or on the battle's army on his terrible march to tbe perilous edge to nurse and care sea through Georgia and the Caro- for tbe wounded. The work done linas, 6imply to destroy property, by these ministeriugangels can If to tbe horrors of the destruction never be estimated, and it is to I of homes and property, ach as their eternal glory that as they Sheridan described in tbe valley passed over tbe field after tbe bat- of Virginia by saying that a crow- tie, they cared as tenderly for the flying down tbe valley would have Union soldier as they did for tbe to carry his own provisions, you Confederate. will add those of unprotected v iris Every private home was open and women in tbe line of march to the crippled soldier regardless of of an overwhelming, conquering previous condition, and the fair- army followed by the numerous est and gentlest hands did all that kinds of knaves and cutthroats could be done for bis comfort, that ever followed such an army, A f t ma i nAnf n m kn 4 ( 1a r A7 5 n Vvao w mi w-i - U i a tit B m nl Vn r r r f t rt A j j a. M Urdrm left at oar store or nt ter, from which you have perhaps mental anguish of those suffering by Phone No. 3o will receive prompt Fire Companies : 'MPERIAL.of London. PALATINE, of Manchester. WIIHamaburgh City, of H. Y. British America, Toronto. Atlanta Homo, Atlanta. Property inorl on favorable trmti. Dwelling fpfcinlly aolkntd. B-od arrQKl ft officer aai Hhr holding position of trut at small et- i!on:ij:iiiiiii, mm LIMITED GRAMS' DOUBLE DAI LIT SERVICE lTHBmM. AM 41 N lrk tia I"CO l: K 11 X ! VMuk l'b.U.JJr.hi llia laoi.m Nor1..U i . I. l"cirtttJOJ I b S lit 4 40 4 SO OS 4i 9 9) LOUISBURG, N.C.. LADIES AND GENTLE MEN :o: Who may wish nice shampoo- ' ing or hair dressing done, will do , well to call on W. M. ALSTON i & I. E. THOMAS. Lad ies have ' your bang cut riebt. We have Dr. Wbite new bair grower Van's Mexican Hair Restorative, Ayer's Uair Vigor, Tricopberou? for tbnbair and skin, nothing to beat it to keep the hair from fall ing out. I TO ALL PEOPLE WHO WANT ICE. j :0: ' I We desire to again remind yon that r j arselling the ! PUREST AND BEST ICE i an1 at pricrs to inet all competition. J While we aell tbe bent ire only, we i want you to remember that we do ' not intend lo be. nmlerHl 1 ' by anyboiy. Our place of buHinetut, New Brick Store on Nash Street, , will b open every week day and on I Sundays from 7 o'clock to 10 o'Hock ; W. K. MARTIN, PROPRIETOR. NKWLY KIMSJIKD AN MKl IiMSH KD o Tick Hfjt Fahf., ( "o M YA u T A II t . r P. I o v . PoI.iTE SKK ANT4. hias administered and teeth extracted pithout pain. jrjs. e. f. early, DENTIST, LOriSBUHG, N. C. able. Bat soon all this was changed. The Union army was victorious in the West, and while Lee was hold ing his own in Virginia, every Southern port was blockaded by the Union navy. That meant that heard that Phil Sheridan was for- women. The negro slaves were tunately not more than twenty the sole protection to the homes, miles away, a delicate Virginia and it is to their eternal credit girl was on the field holding the that they did all in their power to head of a wounded soldier in ber I protect and aid the women iu this lap while the surgeon was giving hour of distress. him restoratives and bandaging And when tbe war was over, bis painful wounds. When he had when tbe Southern armies bad attention. We guarantee: HONEST WEIGHTS. PROMPT DELIVERY. i BEST QUALITY ICK. j Prices as low aa anybody can Hell any ; kind of ice. Your patronage will be appreciated 1 Yoars respectfully, D. H. TAYLOR & CO. ! Eiery Coai efiiesce of i Uiden Hotel. Gannaway Hardware Company, WH0LBSA1E 1KD RETAIL HARDWARE, LOU I SBC HO, N. C. lier.drrtoo J Kr I .n.S.if ' I- I J . u -tf I Si...r.l ""o Vri i'.L ' " r I lir t t i 1 i rti Athna I 'it 1f I !U t ( ) 'KT1 H M Mi 'ljc' i. U. i L a. ti me ..! I ilCt'lll C MutuLi C S k i lUstUi. I "tj T fiT"T. P.M j KwKsdoc 1. V ( I. j V, Tork. I'of.roonlt . I. 1 Norf.ilk. 1. 1 1 1 39 pm "if 'II to mm 1 lu (. a. 1 ii a a 3 4 pm X i 1 5 03 4 ii ss; 5 4 1 t '4.1 V 1 J Vi io as 20 a as lu i! ( oo 45 mb li IO am 1 ii 1 OT 1 1 "; 1 40 liutfa J 4 1 i i: a 4 i.ij in i I J ix mm 7 jo f-o J 40 pa 10 43 3 M 11 3 4 1 UUia s n i o "41 1 0 ' 34 1 i h . T j 1 1 5 Xi lO 2i " h y & 4 0 6 Oi 11.3 I & :. .O act 1 J aer" lilt J M 1 1 as 3 2- 'I (mj , jo paa n lo a I lu t j 4S t. a. 4 S" asn" ioo Yi " 1 i SO V.R 12 Mpm 11 JO Ml 12 4 n 3 jo 3 45 a J3 K ' ?lo mm b Si pea i iO ui We have just opened and complete Stock of Large Hardware, No -xlra -harjr no lay lr;B Yor trtt ."wrr ai.1 lufrtaatioa. aprJj to H . lr.ri ?Ung i'a At, KaWcV N C. K ?? J. hn, VW Prfiftt a;-1 fclj-f. V. i. VI. tw (in-ri jniUuitl H W II ii.ref Tra Mictpf. T J An V-oii I r,.. 4rV it,rml iSr I'orlamuaia. Vs.. Wraa.i f'oiat F-ao F at I'ortaaaoota V I floor, Itracted without pain in the field were shut off from all supplies. Not only could no sugar, tea, nor coffee, nor any of the lux uries of life be brought into the South, but no salt, no medicines, no food stuffs, no. cloth ing. It was in this, last two years of dire dis tress and want that the Southern " i't guarantee of my work in all w0men rose to their true great- "'late lines of the profession. j . - ness. They said to the soldiers, 'Never surrender, iight on and we will supply your wants." There were no factories to make cloth in the South, and so the cotton cards stimulated the courage of their and old spinning wheels and hand soldiers in the field, while they so looms were brought down frOm scorned the men who remained at the garrets. Societies were formed, home while their brothers bled in the women of all classes and con- battle, that they were ashamed to UAi KLIN TON IIOTRIi ditions of life uniting and patient- show their faces. They had to go lv cardine -and spinning and to war to get ria oi tne . women s. weaving, and sewing" day and frowns. night, they. made clothes for lh This is a sombre picture, you naked soldiers. Their riogs, ear- say. True, indeed, for these were rings, bracelets, pins and precious serious times, and yet yon must jewels were-sold to the, few selfish hot think that all life was sad men of wealth to get raopey to bny ( even in those perilous hours..' It jR. R. E. KING, DENTIST, I-OLISBURG, N. C IFFU F. I (h.i.-., . Wo Building Second Flo&b. With n ri cxnerienofi nf tin ntv.flvo vpurs 111 undi . " - - o'llll lieup-t HOTELS. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. WOODAED, tl0.t Kocky Mount, N. C. Free p,,ls meets all trains, "s ttj.erday. FRANKL1NTON, N. C. ' C ?l fiOBBS, 2t$t. Public iui un iiiiig Good Livery Attached. ' ; ' ; :' finished, the surireou said: "That man might live if he could stay in that position all night and get some rest without moving bis wounds." "Then he shall," said the girl, aud there on that field of carnage sat that girl upon the ground through the lonely night without changing . her position Such sacrifices did the women make in those terrible days, never complaining, but glorying in their work. Tbus it -was that the women of the South nerved the arm and MSBORM i lAiifAr yarn with which .to knit socks for ia ft strange fact of human nature v-r.lM HvJUOEZj rbe soldiers. Hats were plaited of that it is only a' step 'rom a- tear c- D. 0SB0RN. ProDrietor; I co shucks and ryVstraW; Shoes to a laugh. The young folks en ' - were cobbledT together by the ne- joy ed . the meetings and new ex- Oxford, N. G. t .? i?ro slaves and. soiiietimes by the periences. It got ,to be fashiori- Grio,i i . roftfn0r trtftrriafilveal " ' ; -1 able to wear homesnun,. and ' of " aicuuimnniinii( inn cnA i --r -- - : ... . . - . - deling public. j lut'mattersgrewworse. Food course the women said it. was; the - M 1 u;v- 'i An AlHn.lA.llr l.lir T r r ma M A fT PTT D n TTATW n scarcer: .When no more cloth was once tbatihe -would actually "get XT 1 II WCl BV- - I . - 4 . XI - ; J- V m - a- a , a B . - M n n f rw WVIB - W 1 W TKf VI fT B n rv m WW rm a ar- - ' mTM m ww i , m m mm . avv n v An t t ww aanva nar r l v Lim aw a.iin wiiiiaiv AfBJici..- aua ua-i i iix nufa HENDERSON N O : - I women." Tbey tore up tbeir finest and b a p py : a n d : la n g h i n g so m uch h accomn.od.taon GoooWar;: W MIl?Q8 ' da?8 - bicb attbe rcr nd attentive ervant been crushed and the weary and broken-hearted soldiers returned to what had been home, tbe houses aud fences burned, all tbe horses and cattle and fowls stolen or ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. j and propne at all tiroes to carry I a Full Line of all Kinds of m. ' f Having qaalifld ns Administrator of Hal- ! ly IVarre, deci-need, mona airing bin e j tate will make uvment at one, and nil per t Hons boldinir clutma akrainst hi ntnti will' killed, the Once fair fields grown prewnit them for payment on or brfore the . , , , 19th dny of May 1HJH. or thiw notir will h up in ousnes, no oome, no money, plead in lar ol their recvery 18th. 1H'J7 S. Kl.MO PKARf'K. Adni'r Th May Agricultural no servauts to till their fields, then did these same brave women cheer and support tbeir discouraged loved ones, aud jo'u hands to make tbeir husbands and brothers as loyal again as tney naa Oeen 1 03 g person holding claims against same a-ill preaen Tinem 10 me lor payment. tn or te fore the 11th dwv ol Jnne. ledH, or this note? wijl be plenjed In bar ol their recovery. This Jane 11th. IXT7. J.lt. WKLCsa. Administrntor. NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator of Joe. Alston, deceased, ufl iiononi ow n Ma t-m tate roast make immediat-e payment, an all Implements, ago, to tbe flag of a reunited coun. try. ELECTRIC BITTERS. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more gen erally needed when the languid, ex hausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonio ar.d alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and freeing the svstoin from the malarial poison. Headache, indigestion, - constipation, dizziness yield to Electric Bitters. 50 and $1.00 per bottle at Aycocke & Co.'s Drug Store, NOTICE. Having dnly rjnslifled os administrator of J. B. Benton, deceased, all persona nre here by notified to preeeot any rloiros they may bold against the eefate ! the said J. 11. Denton oo or before 4 one th. or this notice will he plead ' din bar of their. -ecovevy All persons owing said estate will coroe for ward and make payment at once. Jnnefth, 1897, J. 8. lloas. Administrator. T. W. Br-kett, Attorney. and other supplies nee led on Farm. the tST Please call and examine our Stock before making your pur chase. THE UNIVERSITY .c: ','Pa, what does fee simple Lmean?" Pa It's the fee a man gives to the Minister when he gets mar ried. Boston Tr a n scr i pi. HOVr TxTEWoYWDnHEALTII," " If you are suffering with any skin or blood diseaae, rheumatism, catarrfi, ul cera, old sores-, general debility, etc.i send stamp to tne lilood lialm uo.. At., lanta, Ga.. for book of wonderful cures, free. "This book will-point the war to Bpeedy recovery. Botanic RIood Balm, (B. B. B.) is majiufacturd alter a long tested precriptinn of ad 'eminent phr 8ician, and Id the test buijdinjf up and blood purifyine medicine lo the world. Beware af substitutes. ' Price -fl 00 lor - were eeu to the hospitals tp dress I it Bach ft"ff olio to s mkQ vipfy gut large hotUes.. For sale by.Druggtata, NOTICE. Io aceordnni-e with an order of the Snperior Co art of Frnnklin county, made at April term 1897. 1 shall oo Monday Jtriy 5, 187. offer for sale to tbe bighsat bidder, at the Conrt UoDse door in LonUKn rg, an undi vided ooe-l all interest in the (tin honse ' and lot un WarrentoB road adjoining tbe lands ol J. K. Spencer and othera. Terras one fonrtb etMh. balance with interest in t waive months. TbiaJnn4. IhOT. Taoe. B. VTiuoca, Con 'r . NO MCE. . By virtue of power contained In special order of Sap-rior Court pi Franklin evtnaty of Janwary Una 1897, 1 will oi Mundnv July 5th. 1897. veil at pnhlie auction to Ue bi(h sat bidder for rash, the tract of land known astbwll. A fllnestmet. on which be o r ides, adjoiuisc lands of ft'iWy Hin. Uol lings woith and other, eootataing 135 acre more or lee. t . p, u. COOKE. Coca. Jape j, . , . . 47Teachcrs. 4l3Students, (uru-m-r School l.VS)Toal, 540. Board $8 a month. 3 Brief Coure, 3 Full Conms, Law and Medical School and School of Pharmacy. GRADUATE COURSES OPEMTO WOUEL Summer School for Teachers. Scholarships and Loans for the Needy. Address, President Alpermax, Chapel Uiil, N. C NORWOOD HOUSE Wtmatn, Iirtl CiNliii. Xt.J. siC nx (KD, fTrltr. Patroosre ol Comtaerrlal Townats im ravsllaf PMle Solicit!. GesaSsBirl XSwa. SEAKawt Borax Toirroaas in Owva-r Bovwa. -1- . . , VanterJAn Idea Sr Ti iiisui Twr tfier war Vm r wrwuta. Wnaa JOH WKiDvjtataji a CX. rSaaH iw swrw. WwaHrM. D C,( tr La wna 4eAQM twe aaa4ff taveauoae MU SolTIIKRN RAILWAY. iPIKDWOVT AIM CONDENSED SCHEDULE. IN KPFKCT J ANTARY 1. l. TRaIX LEAVE " T It-iH. X. C toe A SL reowu at " s il ii j, lot ail f-ni tor Sorvfe as4 MMLa. aa4 rUkwetrw 5 on a - p lia i ra.1 At HaUtat4iry.'foe aal c4BU in ttrtra ou caroiiaA. ko vi;ie. Tna. rt-liiiin aji tern pc4au. ml Ckwtallt I wSoajw . taat-urg. Orwwrliw. Al. tacLa mo4 mil poiata ot. lOSP M. Cvooku at Itarhins tjr Ottori iHily. CUr.sttU a4 Keyrvlito tunit sanlarw. at brvuiun, wltfe tXa Waaaio-U) mtti MUtMWn VlbkJ 'LinktMi. as ta Sew York sal Ftorwua aost lAa mt t.t; tratn for ail Mti a on avd wiia bmu uim I Mi a Jio. U gam. 4Uie luraa aaiVo. aao mm iHtioa lor v 1qv jwi with mla tto IrmXm k. m lmm main tor CaarVX4, ffavrtaafcrw Ufm'JV. Atteata an4 all ncsata rkqtk. aao Oo4ta. A fharv i-m, awvaanaa. iacaaoav viike. ma-l mil poiata la rtorksa. trfti4 car tor fl"aata faraaraa vtftoajaj a CaarVxta wltm ar a ' w a(w SWkl 4t V u. Omn-rf a ai SAm tor rarvCtevnia o 1 tatnaedlat aCalic m om 1m WUaoo J4 raretWU SkortCat . uMWfa for aaart MA.1L DmUf II 10 r. U. Ial!r St oi r oar ; toe w, uauacto sal taw sMtei ststlraM om La W m, W R- R. Dail. Coanaav-U ml Mat tor Wmtorx. Roraj- atowal, Tatoro tad W stsUooa om KortoiM mmA faswtta Rallrcavl. arrtvaa at OiaiTtaw 13 iA r. at. wcxzrw ijtanrun Iwrtkai foe Oxforw, u ammvmj non, for poiata i 1 14 ajk4 Foe m r. W. Dsitr. TUAt.f A R KIT B AT aUUTJOB. 5. C. r. m. rom anania, lartMW, Oi imuj. ?oeo aa4 azi a4ata omt os a M. Trom Or raw torn ajva ail pota-ts Daily. Xarta aa4 Itowta. nsiHu mm Ore wbcro loKaam. r. M. rroaa Oo4Saor, Uata-loax. rrt--rin aJ an tmtmta ta b. teva casouata A. U. Pxwi Srw Tor. WaeaJaarte. I racatwrr. naavlUa QwwmW T. M. Tram Oujator aa4 all Mai. a kta-tow. a4 aJia r oJaioro. Moi.IL Dallj Ka. Saa. LatwJ rr4mt trstaM alaa earrw rmnmmmm rr em . rienaopw lr-la Tr aw JLa U to OesemwUieo. mm mm aworaiaj trmurjow Tatawan tralsw w. JLatrtcV C.U Borm,t.r. A rv. ask. H.C. -0". vr. a Trwaa .- '