- ? ., . .- -'--' . - , . " . - - . , i . . ... . : ' . . VOI, XXVII. Metlio(list Church Directory. anndav School at 9:30 A. M. fcQD V Gbo. S. Baser. Snpt. Preacbing at 11 A. M., and 7 P. M., eTpriv5rnmteting Wednesday nigh.t. vr y G. F. Smith, Pastor. ' LOUISBURG, N. C.t FRIDAY; AUGUST 6; -1807. D X'l'ot'essionai caras TT'IT I'HACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisborg, N. C. THE SEABOARD AIR LINE. A Sketch of This Progressive System, Its Resources and Methods of Operation. p Ford Building, corner Main ami . Niieh stnte. Up stairs front. M. II. IIUFF1N, ATTORN E Y-AT-LA W, Loiiisburg, N. C.., Will i'n Builtli"- ct ii e in nil court? OflBoc in Ffr3 ruruer of Main and Nash streets. The development work and train service, now in effect by the Man agement of the Seaboard Air Line has never "been exceeded by any railroad in the Southern States, and in some respects it is without parallel in any other section nf be TTni v,v.F..V,UOIU fn 4i a Q- 4 ... service and passenger and fre ght . . . . . . 4l , . . 6 the cool braciue air of the cloud- srms tne roaa nas rdowd an uu- Q j . . . m. 0 - . ceasine-intere8titu and consider- r. -r?T-- ii. if - i Air uiie sy6iem -uow comprises lT.inn fnr. ihA nalfova nf irvf ir-r-r r .aiw J. Cfc AID Ja- 4 Q B. MA.S8ENBURCJ, 15. ATTORNEY AT LAW. louisbubs, h. aj u-jii i,r;ictioe in all the Courts of the State oilice in Court House. c. M. C'lOKE & SON, . TTORNEY8-AT-LAW, L0UISBUK8, N. O. "TTkuend the courts of Nash, Franklin, nranvillf, Warren and Wake counties, also the tjui'reuie Court of North Carolinp, and the U. S tire ait aud District Courts. j. E. MALONK. img store, adjoining? irti,e two doors below Aycocke it Co.'s ruff atore. adloininK Dr. O. L. Ellis. D r. W. U. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUI-SBUES, If . 0. F. 8. SFKUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBURe, N. C. Will iittend the courts of Franklin, Vance, nrn vine. Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt tteutnm given to collections. Sc. mHurf. B. WILDER, , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBO, N. O. office on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's itore. m W. BICKETT, T. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBUBG N. C. Prorajit and painstaking attention given to every matter intruslea 10 ms aanas. Refers to chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Maiming, lion. Robt. W. Winston, tion. J. f. Buxton. Pres. First National Bank of Witt ston. Uleim & Manly. Winston. Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chaa. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est College, hou. ifi. w. TimrjertaKe. office in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. i M. PERSON, ATTORNEY" AT-LAW, manufacturing of the world," it has been pronounced; hera are wa ter powers aggregating more than ,1,000,000 of horse power, awaiting development and practical and profitable use; here are enormous timber supplies and practically unlimited quantities of euperior building stone; in addition, -many minerals are fonnd and are 'profit ably mined, ranging from coal to gold; here is every variety of cli mate, from the soft drowsy sunf- Before and After. e system - now QR7 Pilaff if?te.1r ukh q; tronsvand at the same timo has.L , , . , i vi nuitu are uwueu ov toe VjOuj- pany. Within this scope of terri- by every means at its command some of them new and exceeding ly novel in their application sought to bring about a betterment in the condition of those living along its line. It is aiding in the development of the resources in its territory, and is striving to bring to the favorable considera tion of the people abroad the ex ceptionally numerous- opportuni ties presented by this section of country the attractions and in ducements it offers for the pleas ant and profitable operations of the industrial worker, the capital ist, the agriculturist, the stock raiser, the fruit-grower, truck gardener, etc. ADVERTISING ITS ADVANTAGES. By extensive advertising, by the wide distribution of its owu tory a wide variety of indnstries may be engaged in. Along the coast- the fishermen and oystermen find abundant opportunities for operation on a commercial basie; next in order comes Ihe truck gardener, with fortunes made and to be made, which has beeu exem plified by those who are now en gaged in this business; next the tobacco grower, the frait raiser, the vinter, and further aloug the line the 6tock raiser, and general agriculturalist, all of whom are surrounded by the most favorable conditions for the highest kind of success. FREIGHT AND PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE. Having "provided superior facil ities for handling business, both PittBbofo Record. An increase in the salaries of onr State officers is rather a peculiar kind of ' "reform" to be suggest ed just at this time, and the most peculiar and the strangest part of it is the fact that it is sugge&1 and advocated by the editor of the leading reform" paper in the State, who as tbe late chairmau of tbe Populist State Execnti Committee Mr. Hal. W. Aver ! At tbe couuty officers' conten tion held this wek at Morehead City Mr. Ayer delivered a care fully written address in which be called special at'ention to the small salaries paid our State cfii cers as compared with the larger salaries paid by corporation? to A Pertinent Inquiry I believa that tte cigarette Is a itreater evil than tie whitiey habit. We believe ciKrttea are blasting tbe hope of more of our youus cd ii than the drink habit. Smoking cigaretta ii look upon a being more repectablet and the vonng men will sai"ke even in the" presence of ladien when they would not think of dritiUog or being onder the influenc of liquor in their presence. It is a growing evil. We recently saw a professor of a lead ing medical college smoking cigar ettes with seeming iudiflVre nee. Who wonld think for a moment of finding ji son to a medical col lege whoso instructors smoke cigarettes ! PaWnti and Gleaner- Many Christiana tevr get tx youd the third chapter ef John ; other live and die oo lb fourth chapter: a few get as far aa tbe seventh XOilBER 2; Doa throw atr co.i bt fd4 rr mt. natntr boar' wtra 4 oo nix, If yo Putaata Fs4Um Of. yo cb ibta ((. Sold bf A. C Prirvtt Co.. pllx, 5. C. E. F. YAR BOROUGH, J Insurance. ?al Building, Louiaburg. N. C. rirflh rAfnnaitUa I MPCBlAUof London. .ZZZSZZ JS PALATINE, of Mancheatwr, J tvm of r mm wi.ti.m,bU,lhCi(f,p .t. 'jV'tXkiirrwT.aeo.iTomf. urium Amvrtca, i or onto, j c Atlanta Morn. Atlanta, j Absolutory Pure. P. Ii r i a t i rt mKh js t Kalf Aa 1 thai strriAra Aa ti i 1 I natsa t i ah . i uoraer literature throughout the entire freight and passenger, aud having country, by object lessons in the secured a remarkably unanimous way of interesting exhibits at "and outspoken sentiment of friend fairs and expositions, by the ope- liness by their treatment of the pa rations of a thoroughly organized trons of the road, the S. A. L., is immigration and industrial de- now even more strongly establish partment, by the thorough atten- ing its claim to the esteem of the tention of all employees to both passenger and freight service, there is a constant effort to secure and hold the patronage and good people of the South, since its train service is operated with so -much comfort and convenience to tbe public. The "S. A. L. Steamer LOOISBUBSS. C. Office Practices In all courts. , oojier DiiiiiiiLig, it .fours & will of its patrons, and to draw Express" leaving Portsmouth dai men and money to this territory, ly, including Sunday, at 9:20 a.m. The establishment of experimental and arriving at 5:50 p. m., is farms, with thoroughbred stock, equipped in first class passenger NOTRK. Pv nrliivcl lhf DOrf ri)ntainr. 1:1 d- ! all modern labor-saving machines style, all conveniences for passen- form" candidate pledged himself j -I he cited the salary of $3,000 paid to tbe Governor and $2,500 paid to tbe Chief Justice and then said 'a railroad compauy pays its Stato counsel $5,000 a year without any hesitation and perhaps wouldn't employ a man in" that capacity who wonld work for letss.' And, after calling attentiop to this, Mr. Ayer asked this question, "Why cannot and why do not tbey (ihe people) have tbe courage and sense to make sucn regulations as wm enable tbe State to offer aud pay as much for intellect and brain in the service of tbe State and people as corporations pa)' for intellect and brain in their service ?" Now, did you ever ? Why haven't the people "the courage and sense" to pay their offier? higher salaries ? Who would have thought that such a question could or would have been publicly asked by the late official bead of the People's party in this State? In it because he is himself an office bolder State Auditor ? And in this connection we would like to inquire what fees and sala ries have been reduced as prom ised by tbe "reform" leaders? In tbe campaign of lSP4ev.-v "re- get it from both sides; tbe church ciobs them on one side and the world throws bricks at them on tbe other. Property tnurl oo tAvornl'. ' trm. I)Uin ewf-iAlly )l?riul. j IV.ol rr n-d fur o5wn aod -hr I boUtoff ri!ion of truM at tiat!) tm Dr. .. I. Terry, of TritnbU. Tnn In pfakinj uf C'h.i ntxrUirr C !.-, L'h ! era and bi.irrlni RomerJy, : It ha umiOHt U-omr a n.-ity in lhi vicinity." 1 hi it the Ut r.!.-iy in the world for cold-, cliem mortut Jy entary aoJ diarr.'io. and t r-or.if 1 as r nereitv whrevr i tcr'-l irih and merit bvcomi known. No ot!.r remedy U vo yrompt or !' tu.il. or - i'Knntnt to UU ?vIJ bv W i. Lhotnas, DriiiftciHt, Iiu!vbu r, N. A B HOTEL EMORY. UMiTPn D0UBLEDA1LY SERVICE 41 LOUISBURG, N.C., its. -. i aj 7. r- LI . ( ' 1 i great many t bri.tiaus keep W. K. MARTIN. men out of tbe church by t L j r M5 : o ifloom and solemnity ; t,bey hang tbsir heads dorn perpetually like bulrushes. PROPRIETOR. mi; 1)K. KIN( NKW D!SVKUY CONSL'MITION. Tlii i the bv! mt-iicin In tlu W'r'ni for all forms of t ouli nnd l.l am! for ron sumption. Kry iH.ttl i uanintetHl. It will euro .n,i n di iiI)int. It has no cpu il (r whooping ronh. a.itfims. hav f-v. r. pnu:nonia. bronchitis. Iarip,t-i Id in th hrad and fr consumption. It is safe f,r all a. . p erwwit to take, and. :iiv all. n rnr It is always well to take I)r. King s N - I")sojvery, ;ts they rrulat nr..i t. r. the stomach and lrli. W jjiarsn te perfect sat-sfactioti or return mr.v Free trial bottle at Ay:. k A (.''. drujr tor. R;gulAr iz '.a) crot ano one dollar. and appliances, together with the inauguration of an industrial Training School on wheels, ope rated over the entire line exibit- Vy II YARBOROUGH, JB. ATI ORNEY AT LA W, LOUISBURG, N. C. nifi,-e on second floor of Neal building J ng tbe improved methods and im- ah l.Kai'busine. intrusted to him plements of farming, show a most will receive prompt and careful attention. I raMifni Rnd bftlnful intprfist in Mountain and MisBionarv Ridi?e. i r i - those who are located along the The Famous "Atlanta Special" line. gers being provided This train carries Pullman Buffet Drawing Room Sleepers through to Nash ville, Tenn., via Atlanta, Ga., and the "old battlefield route" through Chattanooga, Lookout Md'.ii il'-ir th Tin D ol txTj ib'i ti . N 1 ' . -il at imVhf mirtion t' th hlh-t tnj Ii r f"r rli. the rmrk ' I itid !"cri(-l in x S ru't i I- f.,!!.. JJR. D. T. SMITHWICK, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in Ford Building, 2nd floor. as aaminis without pain JJR. E. F. EARLY, RESOURCES OF THE TERRITORY. The Seaboard Air Line now has the geographical advantage of be- administered and teeth extracted ing the shortest line from the South Atlantic ports and interior points in Georgia, South Carolina and Norfolk, Va. The company's immense wharves and warehouses at Portsmouth have been improved leaving Portsmouth at 8:45 p. m Daily, including Sunday, and ar riving at 7:25 a. m. carries Pull mau Sleepers Portsmouth to Ches ter, S. C, (Breakfast station) and at this point regular Pullman most solemnly to reduce all fee? j rnr ,,( nntr of and salaries "so as to correspond i 1 " "'- with the low price of farm pro ducts." And yet, although they had a large majority in tbe Legis lature then elected, no officers's fees or salaries were reduced one cent ! Again in 1896 every "reform" candidate repeated the same pledge and proudly pointed to the plank in the Populist State plat form, which demanded "a reduc- f.ir frank! tl, ..n I h .rtS hi the I icl f Joh WyrirW. i th Ki'. .t (, of I. Ii Ai'in. i n tl.r South , liol of J J Hn no t on lh t .v 1 r.iln of John May. t rvl . r,n!.i;nin f rt i t in firn- mor or S-inj thr irv ! ..' ! i ml rrn vt"1 to - il J u o Tlx m t J : K Thomn. Ttm if il- 1 J riik l Jnl.v l'.lh. NOTICE OF ELECTION tion of ealaries until such time as DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Sleepers can be taken through to rougo an increase oi toe cur Air,to rtiU r .o;.,D rencv the price of property an-1 i I UPON THE QIF.rT10 (V TATI" for rrm.ic Hiiunm i tiiv mi t OK KHA N K l.I.N" NKW l.Y KIMSHKU AM (PTUMSM KI TlIK Ht Kaki. , l'i'Mt'iilTUlI.1. I'.ixiU. 11 iTt M.UV 1M tienr C;:u:i!i:i c! i UJtn H:!i'. Gannaway Hardware Company, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE, i.orisuuuc;, N. c. ' jc- m i 1 4 m i ' Si i ( i- i- I" ;J i T.i ii j..Ti.'. S . s vs - s : i ' S ' t I . """o il ' : . s iJ : t i A j oT '-- 1 : -, I J5 1 J ' TO. 14) ; 1 1 s : ; t j "- '.a " : " i S J-J V k X ii r- n: i J is ' '.. .. ; j a1s 7 T. JZ " ' J : ;-m t- 42 v : s n i ; j i - S J --iEi. i " . - . ... ' '''- " . I. ' 4 ' "- " : ' w 4 --' : : . i : i "''" : "n i'-'i ' i ' s : i ' i f. m v r M- z ( j ;" r-- i ." '' f t : j j... . ... . -r-w ;.:. 4 jtx. 5 S I i t. ii A "t ( ! I ! O A !j I'm " '- : , oi. Boor. Gas adminiBterfd and tth ex tracted without pain. J)R. R. E. KING, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Ofkk k in Hpera House buiLDiKG Second Floor. . Gillian f-xperience of twi nty-flve years ' a Miflic it-ut guarantee of my work in all 1 " "K-to date lines of the profession. Office in New Hotel building, 2nd and enlarged for the convenience and dispatch in handling the large freight shipments through this port. In addition to the main lines from Portsmouth to Atlanta, Ga., 599 miles, and Wilmington to Rutherfordton, N. C, 310 miles, there are numerous branch roads, consisting mostly of short mileage which afford communication with inferior points and act as feeders of business f or the main line. Tbe branch reads consist of the. Roa noke & Tar River R.- R., from Boy kins, Va., to Lewiston, N C, 36 miles! the Durham & ' Northern rait way from Henderson to Dur ham, N. C, 41' miles, traversing the bright leaf tobacco belt; tbe Louisburg B? K, from Franklin ton to Louisbnrg, N. C , 10 :miles; the Pittsboro R. R., from Moncnre make connection at Portsmouth with steamer lines to and from the North and East. Tbe Fast Freight Schedules to, the South and South west are unsurpassed. Shipments leaving Portsmouth 9:15 p. m. ar rive at Durham, N. C. 7:32 next morning, Raleigh, 5:30a m Atlanta, 5:00 a. m. second morning, Au gusta 9.00 a. m. The largest of produce will justify the present rates." And yet, aUhouch tbey had again an overwhelming ma jority in the Legislature, what fees or salaries were reduced ? How long, Oh 1 how lon will honest taxpayers allow themsel ve to be deceived by tbe false prom ises of a set of pretended "reform ers," whose only object is their We bar just opened a Larje Pursuant to tho provision ' ("h-ipter -421 of th' Act id tin (!! rul rt.nihlv nf North I'lirulmu ScHftion ol ls7,tho Board f County , l1 complete Stocl of ( 'omniifjiioneni of the County of r rnnkhn hereby ordi-i- nn r.ii ti n , to tn lu'ld in evtry Township m Franklin County, on Tulay iiftr the utiiind Monday in August, that ia : O.N At til ST lorn, 1sm7, upon the ryietion of Uvvinr a SH-cial Tonhip Tux for tho PuMi.- A f K J,1 ft,. . l .-mji'A A . r H J i p .. . , , - ' Jl,' r M4- i . c I i: t l Hardware, ltnl propose at U tim', to carrj Full Line of ail Kind f increased shipments and kitndly own personal aggrandizement expressions from shippers from all over the country is an evidence of HOTELS. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. WOODABD, lroy., ' Rocky Mount, N7 CC' 'ce Bus meets all trains. "'"s $2 per day. - I ?UAS IKLLNTON HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C. G, M. EOBBS, Prp'r. ' 9d accomodation forth traveling Public. ioud Livery Attached. 1 OSBORN HOUSE! c- D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. : -: Raveling public. ls hoolr ot iaul ioiiihii The Board hervby detrmin the amount d tax to U? ot-d ti(Mn y ah Township to 1 ten 1( itnt upon ovitv one hundre.1 loO n:i dollar worth of property, aud thirty . (30lcent-H upon every poll. 1 Thom? in pnch Township in furor of the Spwinl School Tax for ijid . Township ahull vot. a written or j printed ballot with the words "Fori I Agricultural Implements CATARRH CURED. the very satisfactory service given cJQg m all business. tj.W . R n It nnrifl-n nd nrirhea th Such energy and enterprise blood, eliminates microbes, bacteria, etc. should be, upheld and encouraged and baUds up ib system from the first kv tbe neonle of the South, esneci- dose. Thoasanas or cases oi caiarrn nare K' " "7. ,1 VI. " " .... and otber sunr,!. ne led on tbe - - . j zim mu v !) .vnonia on u. ami eer milt : . . . . -mm m . ft I II W. II rTt 1 U V US 1X1 XJft. IV lV WXTB.iVBWI . ' I aliv bv those livine on toe imme- ,. hohmI to the JSoecial Nrhool lax'rarm -i ,n nni unci hiliu uisrarri. i u 10 vruufai diate line of the road, since the B the 0id liable and lon,r tested rem. success of these enterprises will re- edy, and don't throw your mony awty suit to the good of all located with- on substitutes, palmed off "jast a in its reach. good." Bay the old reliable isotanic Blood Balm, l'rice per large doi- Kbate half-heartedness of any tie- or saie oy uruKgisio. to Jfitt8Doro, J. u., la mue, twu i kind ; if a man is going to come branches from Hamlet, N. C, one ony half way into the church he to Cheraw, 8 C, 18 mites and the ba(j better stay entirely in the other to Gibson, N. C, 10 miles; I WOrld. and the Ellenboro-Henriettabranch There are too many congrega tions that throw the sermons of You never saw a shadow in the the pastor" back into bis face like 6 miles, in Western North -Caroli- dark. There must be light near "na which connects the .extensive by or there is no shadow. Get out Cotton Mills of Henrietta with the j of the- shadow ; move over into the Wilmington-Rutberfordton,or Car-1 light. olina Central Line." " F. mbraced i n tbe section covered . "V. ..v. k Editor Morrison. of Wortbinetoo , Ind Dy iDese maiu u U'Sun" writes : "You have a valuable A VALUABLE PRESCRIPTION Good accommnrlfl.t.inn0 fni tbA will be found almost every variety prescription In Eiettric Bitters; and, I ifsltowitWhe kd Anted to almost any aud ; every J general system tonic it baa no equal ii . ' v fi ,.'.!!, na' anrt r-nnmc i .1 """" v - ;t JIIASSh NRTTHii TTfiTlfT r r -,:T,Tr -, Ave.. Chicago, was all run down, could wiAJM DUltlr llUl ' f tnre known to the tiller of the soil.- not eat nor digest food, bad backache J 1? tvt. ':": rLil : ...s .ts i .ft,tT which never left her and felt weary and -. i, urts -x-yr Arocaieu iu vuio BBuviuu o i tiredibut six bottles of Electric Bitters 'Cood accommodations hendeeson, k. o.-" iear' of the wjKf9.twWM a rubber ball returning from a brick wall. A man might as well try to eat enough at breakfast to last him all his life aa to try to get grace enough at once to last him until be dies. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. liu ftn.f- - : Rnnth. 'the fature situs! oil cotton- atorei ( Halls STY Aey TiSUS ' pr: hoola on it, o . . . v. . , . - ! ii -.U. ' snail vote a wnuen or pruuni imuoi with the words "Apainst School." The Sheriff i ordertl to pout copies of this notice on all th Public School Iloum-s in the County of Franklin, nud the nme U to t? publwhed in the County napr. By order ol the Board of County Commiaaionera of FranVUn County J. T.Cuitos, flerk. Till: STATK NOHMAL A50 INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. ORF.KWSBOBO, - - - N. C. , Often the younjr women of the Sobe through profcional literary, classical, scientific, and industrial education. Annual expenae $90 to $130. Faculty of memberi Mon than 400 regular studenU Practice.. school of 120 pupiU lor teachere. tMorthan 1,200 matricn latw repreeentioff every county In the Stnt- except three. &rrwpond enU invited from thoae desirim? com petent trained teacher To aecure board in dormitorv all fre-tuitlon opplicatlona must ' be made before August 1st. For catalogue and in formation, addre9 . '" . v PBE805TP CaiBLE D. Mclvja C5" Plea call and eiamme our Slock before making jour pur dkiu. suiniKKN i:ailva. ri UtOHT aim fLIr-. C o N I K :C ? K I rs.-1 i K 1 1 C L K . IN BlTKi.T JA.NCAI.V 1. IM. TlAtS HITS aALJU-14. . O At lms,'j, ftj f -. ma, e -f"- I-' cn ftftU SwwLft. ftj. w (ftiMt i it 0 A -tA-fft Aer.A lkfMft ItM Al ftkt,. t- ft ftftft (ft w f n -irv, tviA. h.M '-. I . Ctalftite. a4 -.ftv f.4i. CVwv. r r " A(. t Mi f-'.it MJk r AA. C.Mt Ar.jft t litest CaftMki. 4 lTttt. 'W4 r AlbrwifticrUlA SwAmVft ft HftLA, ! Aw.S:i .ti: fta.4 IAm T - ! fViVftvAft rAtffl Lltta CmA. A- tift tj ftJS pftte A1A, ;.a cbftia M ir A, jj tHstLM. UAaJ 4 In ii a i li.ty ftjMftJ Ctift. A.M Kftb. I ftmtkow f-- Ii a r,, , m . - it ftvf a trUi fTiri 'A" ' tifcrwj-. )iU4tf, O I trt A'ftfttft a.J ftft (cfta-ft S:A. ftalU Mlftl 4a ft ft, ft1 (. AvftTVu. htiuo. iftji-wj. ! fti m la rwk&ft. Hf awt j & i ; II H f . H- ? tajr: Frltft-rTAft ( l:-7 44 t ,ur 1 1 riw mjuom em IX xi .jf w imow v4 rrAu Ae-ri Cfti ' 7 . jw (d Xm im ft4 I THE UNIVEltSlTY 47 Teachers. 4 13 Students, (.ura- j mer .vnooi i.v?; io?ii, ow. noira a mooth.3 Brief Courset, 3 Full Courses, Law a,nd Medical Schoolt and School of Pbarmacv- GRADUATE COURSES 0FE1T0 WOUEI. Slimmer School for Teachers. Scholarships and Loans for the Needy. Address, President Alderxai. Chapel Uiil, N. C. : NORYOOD HOUSE Wint:!:i, I.ttk Cir:!lu- xrm J. F)OBvoso.rrrri4r. rito CoarcUl Trlt am rTa& rmttc aoQctfA. Cmm4 mfl Bif, Vixxary Bora to Vroaxi u Oerar Baviy U W. W. - r Aoftl. Tr- ,ra ftft.4 kaU i1- c of-A ft4 (AMM H.i.rvML. tmn u Oo4dt i. H iMftUil Drai OmfoHL X Mxl7 tra. f A LrnXi 4 ja ru octav 1 aal rov Oot9ftv, p r . M- Thvatxf a a lira at aitruao. . c. t tt r. M. ral Atlftau. OiiMl. Qriift tMly. k ft t4at (iMtA f A. M. rrosftj UrwwtwM ft I M $ itilj wf' ov-kB ibj ftiA nuiuj oft r. a. rit !-, rvutA M4ftJ trra ("iMa. 11 A- M. fx Jhrv Tok. I ;aiAls r. tAftrAw Or r. . rrosa tgjvtfta aS aftXa IMA. At fAmAJr Lani rrrlftrU inlM AM cftrry s w ur i:.io. im n iftj trtxa roift iniM t c. I- urutjn, t, 1 ,rajiocs.x.c. O. A. Oaara. W. a. Ttu. 4

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