VOL. XXVJ1 I ' A "Fin de Seiele" Ceremony ' b . : .. .....utist cnureu im H PI 1AV l" School at 9:30 A. Ht? . bing at 11 A. M., and7 P.:M., Preac .. ,tinff Wednesday nignv Yvjv Xi. F. Smith, Pastor. X UMBER 27.- THE POPULIST COMMITTEE xoooao, A liKMiTHY ADDRESS ; CLAIMING GKEAT ACCOM.- PLISHMESTS. . : D au1 jroivsional cardan , s. I'. 1U HT, . ,.KA(TICING PHYSICIAN, " houisburg, N.C. :,, ,i. Ford Building, corner Main i Mt nt'ts. Upstairs-front." . - Outline, the Plan of Campaign JJext , xear-io Fight the Lease, Banks, Trusts and. Gold Buggery, and for Free Silver and Government Ownership-Sim Wanted, the Committee to. Declare for White Ownerhir, Rnt It Wouldn't. - Tbe PoDOHft RtAfA nnmiH.. which ;.M 11LTF1N, . " ' ,rTTiV ifP T TIT Louisburg, N. C. ... ,, . ..,,.t i,t in till courts OfQce in Ford " ' 1 ' nl Moin And Nnnh Rt.npntn ISUII'Hi'r- - - . was. in session at Raleigh C. B. MASSBNBUBO, ATTORNEY AT LAW. locisbcrs, ir. a u h n( ti. e in all the Courts ol he State Oitice in Court Honse. w. c OKK & SON, t.Vl1 tBAalr J4. T' . vuii, puueu ils . j3UBine8s on the morning- of the 12th. It ap pointed as a committee to draft a sort of 'declaration of principles A. b. Peace, Hal. Ayer,vCy. xnompsou, James H. Sherill and V. J. Mc Arthur. Senator Butler. just as might have been ftxpected, absolutely dominated."- His views were-the.-ojjes Adopted. They are embraced in" the following address, which the above named committee prepared at 1 o'clock this after , TTURNBYS-AT-LAW, LOUISBUHU, a. u. I A i. of Nash, Franklin, ! """" uBftT me press : i the coarts anH WnkAmnntieg. also the ura" ' .. , ..ri f North CaroUnp, ana tie U, 'rta-na DlstrictCotU-ta. I) R j. E. MA.LONK turn iioors o.jwvw . ..i..iF nr O l Rllia. drutf swre, aa,)"""" PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUISBURO, H. 0. & Co.'s riFRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L0UISBUK6, H. Oi Win attend the coarts of Franklin, Vance, fimnville warren auu yy iuvc wiuiuoi mow thuKr'uie Court of North Carolina. lrompt ttieutiou given to couecuona. C pHOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBOBe, W. C office on Main street, over Jones ft Cooper's itore. m W. BICKETT, T. "lour committee into whose hands the direction of the People's party has been placed, now that the storm and strife of the politi cal battles of last fall are past and the result is seen, desire to con gratulate the party on its wonder ful success at th polls, and its mar vellous achievements for good in the Legislature, executive and judicial departments of county and State. ".We have secured to the citizen the right to cast one vote at all public elections, and to have that vote counted as cast. "We have taken the public schools out of the hands of partisan politicians and restored them to the people. "We have given the right of local self-government to each county in the Sate. 'We have reduced the State's educational, charitable aud penal institutions from the thraldom of political bias. "We have removed the judici ary of the State to a safe distance from the arena of partisan poli tics. "We have lifted the State gov ernment out of the old ruts of Bourbonism and placed it in the Mfipe on second floor of Neal building I bands of the neonle. Main strtft. . ' I , - , J5y our endeavor tnese funda mental principles and primary rights of - American citizenship have been re-established in our State, with many others of kin dred nature which flow there 'rom. "But your committee would be ttny . united action and persistent ;effort.-?t"y4 i ''Those who are-not for 4 us" are against us, aud fall v those who Stand UDOnthe Peonl'nartr nkt. . ;.-.'-. r - , - r t J C . form are Populists. ' No petty difference on local or , personal , piqner should be allowed to mar the harmony in our ranks. . - ' ' -; VLet us be united and stand as one man for good government and the best interests of all the people. -"The people's party is a young giant scarcely five years old. "Its achievements in this State in-establishing the- rights of the people, are equaTto those of the barons of England at Runny mede in extorting from King John-the Magna Cbarta. . v "That we should have made mis takes is but human. No conquer ing army ever came out of the bat tle without something to regret; and no victory was ever won without incurring nnjust criticism from the vanqueshed. With this showing of the work done and the work to be done, and onr will ingness and ability to do it, and in consequence of the fact that the principles and measures embodied in the People's party platform, State and national, are finding lodgment in the minds of tbe great mass of people, we earnestly Quarrelsome People. Charlotte -pWrTerv ' ' '' One of the most interesting, mar riage ceremonies in the history of the "Terople of Justice, came off a short time ago in the office of D. r G. Maxwell, Esq: . Early in the morning John Smith and Mary Jones, colored carce in from the country to be Joined in holy bonds. In tbe -presence of tbe happy pair and many dusky and a few white witnesses, the following unique ceremony was performed : "My friends, we are' now -with in the shadow of the walls of the blind goddess of justice to wituess the nuptial ties of tbe couple now present; and as they launch their boat off into the ocean of connubi al bliss, may they have e moot bsati ing and fair winds o'er this sea, and may their hull be free from tbe barnacles ot lite, and never subjected to squalls nor cries of .ship ahoy 1'" After the usual questions and answers, the "marrifyer" contin ued : Some people are born with quar releoroe tendencies, but by far tbe greater number of those who spend their time, in jxjtty contentions have a qiirrelsome disposition thrust upon them, la childhood. Take, for example,, a family in hich there is a habit of bickering overirifha.-.Ooe person annonnees at breakfast that ancle Robert and aunt Amanda are coming to call to-dar after their drive from the farm and their.visit at cousin S:e. Another instantly declares that tbe two relatives have no inten tion whatever of calling at cousin Srie's. nd a third sajs they are coming to morrow and not to-day. The matter in dispute could be easily settled by a reference to the letter which gave the information, hut nobody thinks of this, and tbe .household is agitated and upset by an undignified and absurd Fquabble, to no purpose whatever. Worse still, the home atmos pbere is distnrbed, and the child ren learn to be cro?s aud contra dictory, bnman nature bing prone to learn tbe worst rather "By the authority vested in me thftn lbe belter tb OD every by the county of Mecklenburg, Df).,:ble occasion. r - We wondr If Secretary Jobu Sherman chews gnraf- At any rate, he -it -young and festive enough to nee slang, and thai was not a bad play he made whn be told an ArsocUted Preas reporter tbat all th'.a talk about h'ica re signing coake him tired. Of course it does dead tired. There will be ice on the Potomac la An gusl when Secretary Sherman tends in his resignation. Charlotte Observer. E. F. YARBOROUCH, Insurance. Neal Buildlns. louteburs, N. C Fire CompanU t MPEKUUof London, PALATINE, of Mnchittr, WIUIamatMjrghClty.of . Y. Crltl h Amrjc, Toronto. Atlanta Mom Atlanta. Property insoml on favorable term. lwetlnfp fwpcinny eolintfl. Bonds arrDgd for oScr ao4 otbr h Vdiofr position of trt at isall 5 Absolutely Pure. CWttJ r M Kfat Umtmm'.ug wXrmJk 4 WmJlM. , kmmrt iWioa4 acavt imm M il tot-m t 4altraUc rcsot rotai Bakia ruwpxacu.xxw toax. aJJMITED SRA1H5- DOUBLE DAI Df SERVICE HOTEL EMORY M It is a good rule in borne life to j avoid all arguments which tend to irritate or wound. Blessing? on tbe memory of a paint of ninety years who nce eaid to mo, I be- i inc a girl of fifteen at tbe tim: j "Dear child, never insist on tbe ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. L0UISBUR6 H. O. Prompt ami painstaking attention gWen to every matter mtrasteato nis aaaaa. . U. f.. T i i I H 1 e T .1 lis lilCK niltS UilCIw HvU. Miuiuiutf, Hon. Robt. W. wmsLOii, nou. -B,,w,, ht-s Kirst National Bank of Win ston. Glenn & Manly, WinBlJon, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Uhaa. K Taylor, Pres. Wake For est College, Hon. K. W. Iimoeriaae. office in court House, opposite Bherurs. M. FERBON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, L0UISBCB8, V. 0. Office lr Jonfs a known as the cradle of liberty, and the Commonwealth of North Caro lina, called the 4Tr Heel State of this confederation of fusion; bv believe that if every true Populist the 8moking tar kilns and the in the State will actively push the bleeding sentinels of our tnrpen work of organization, our party tine fields; by the recollection of ivo lauao kuuuoouuo toe Xa1 Dasea o possum wito siaes nagt wor( about anything. It oi owners woo aro aisgusiea ana lined with sop, sweet potatoes and snx KOrtb mhlf) You can keep dissatisfied with the conduct of hoe cake, to say nothing of tbe fonr own opiri5orjt bnt it your the two old parties. We believe 8Weet and luscious 'watermitlion;' friend express bis if be wants to, the sentiment of the people of the Dy the free silver blasts from tbe and refuse for your part to quarrel State to be in favor of a reduction horde of the Iodc eared tradition, abont a trifle. Baltimore Advo- u noiguio auu aonoug ui mica i" an a u i u3 a i wDico is oiieu nearu alow figure, corresponding with throughout the land; by tbe Ding prices prevailing under tbe single iey tariff bill which is to produce gold standard, which was foisted the long wished for aud promised upon the people of the country by wave of prosperity; by the song of means of fraud and bribery. the gold bug, which some say is "We re-affirm the condemnation the dirce of the neonle. and tbe 0 , , , glorification of trusts aud monopo lies; by tbe old tlea bitten coon dog whose 'basso profundo' is heard LOUISBURC, N.C. York .iV it K 11 u m m fm TtuWMr lliSdaiaSaw Wl1o - 4 4' 4 SO Rm-io1 " 3 ti h4o ' i I pm 11 ii W. K. MARTIN, Er: 1 : it v i 101 PBOPRIETOR. ; VI o r i ' l.a I of the '99-year lease' of the North Carolina Railroad, and we shall use our best efforts to have said Dr. J. I. Terry, of TrimhU. Tnn . in : SEWLY KIMSII KP.AMfr I WlMltW penkinc of Chamberlain) Colic, Chrl em and DirriKea Remedy, mv : 'It ha almost Iwcome a necejrlty in tlm vicinity." ThH U tl l-t rmly ir. the world for colic, cholr rnorbiMly-entan- and diarrhoe, aod l icocnlt a a ueceity wterever It grat worth and merit become known. No other remedy Is so prompt or effectual, or " lleavnt to take, Sld by . (. .homas, Drti ifpist, Ixiu bburj;, N . C Tiu: MrjT Kark, Polite Servant. Or MtiU. p t t t r tn ' RTi rVrfi t:it . h f. ( tin )i(K) ,a ! Vj i .b'Ur 3 i ja J 4 J j I 1 1 1 J-, , Uwt..t. t 12 si , tbNr, :Tm SIS tO - '41 3 fjf 3 u p. m. to un . m, iim M 44 pm A v S OJ 4 ti S 1 l'i 4 VX 5 W S It 4 Xi .j l o r 10 a ! 4T tm 4S jm 1j 10 mm lo x i or 1 t u 1 40 UOTf-w X 41 I i: its I V? 4 0 aw i ro 4 ''J K "k ri-.-t. s 4 I. k 10 2i iL 0 I Practices In all courts, looker Buililiug. lease annulled, utitil its validity in the gloaming; by the clear aud shall have been passed upon by loud notes of tbe old Shanghai w. II YARBOROUQH, JB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, jLOCISBURQ, N. C All lal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. JR. 1. T. SM1THWICK, DENTIST, L0UI8BUBG, N. C. our State courts. "For a more effective and equit able controfand reduction of tbe encroachments of railroad corpora tions, we suggest that railroad commissioners should be elected by a direct vote of the people. "In national matters, we shall constitute to labor zealously, for the complete remonetilation of sil ver at the legal ratio of 16 to 1, chanticleer in the early morn call ing upon his comrades to shake off their lethargy, and by the memory of tbe Mecklenburg Dec lapendeuce of Induration, and in the presence of these wituesse?, I pronounce you husband and wife. "Salute your bride !" A Message to Younjr Men. umcc in iora uaiiamg, .ana noor. ji:. :n :ts Aniv it a-.a notj mistered and teeth extracted J (ias adin without pain. JR. E. V. EARLY, DENTIST, I.OUISBL'RG, N. C. . Office in New Hotel, building, 2nd floor, (ias administered and teeth ex tracted without pain. ' JjR. R. E. KINO, DENTIST, LOTJISBURG, N. C. Offick in Opera House Building Second Floob. Willi ;m experience of twtnty-nTe years is ii siirricient guarantee of my work in all ' In- un-to-iiate lines of the-prlofession. : 11. warayou that if these blessings are to be preserved. to us and trans mitted to posterity, it must be done by and through the organi zation of the People's party. "The policy of the general g6v ernment, established alike by both tbe old parties, has built up monopolies, and these monopolies have in torn preyed upon the ma terial interest of the country untir there is great destitution, oppres- sion and want in mis iana 01 plenty. "And the cry of distress has for the destruction of monster I vr tt i . u i I y i.i trusts tbat are to-day sapping and undermining the life of the repub- The nobility of life is work. We lie; for government ownership of lWe in a working world. Toe idl- tbe railroads under a rigid civil anu fcue U,BU uu" UVk wuul r 1,. toth tKt lhA Mn the rlan of campaign ?ome nnnecessarf concern has ! been shown in certain qnartrs regard in the original Declaration I nf Independence. It has beeu state- I ed that tbe venerable docunment was well nigb obliterateil by ex posure at the World's Fair and that on its rtirn to the State I) iartment it was foin 1 nefMarr to hide it from th public eye The orij?tial Delaration haa not been away from Wa'ingtow for twonty yeats. Its last trip was in a ber j metically scaled ca?e with gla j front on the occasion of the Phil 'leirh'a Centennial New York World people's rights and liberties shall not be trampled npon as under present management, by said cor porations, for the abolition of na tional banks and the issuance of all money by the national government. "M father worked hitherto, aod 1 work." Let that text be enough. Let your daily wisdom of life be in making good use of the oppor tunities given you. We live in a real and solid aud truthful world CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. tisn C".iU!it::e cl I U'.itn Bill'. Gannaway Hardware Company. WHOLESALE iXD: RETAIL HARDWARE, LOUIPBL'UG. N. C. . K1tf,, I HojX Vx.,kf '.-vrm ruv, ik ? HrWfM 1 ' C.i 1 .-x i I. V 40 l i s a i i : ?t "im "IMlkym 5 i 1 4 " " M J M M X l O : SJ r '- V ' 1 10 p 'm. : 4S p m. 'i tu J . ta 15 V : . ! kL 12 llyi Tort. i t V. 4 vo 11 1 a i 1 lr! ('a If',. aJUk. S f. . . Joit. tw Pri .,, Hgr II B T Mc. T i I- l.m. i. f'wa Ifl NOTICE OK LUSyOLLTIOX. Tl co-pnrttirriip siatlur hrtofor- 1- "To make good the foregoing declaration of principles, we shall Therefore avoid lies, merebow in the next campaign use every and sham and hollow superficiality lawful means to aid us in accom- Pf all kinds, which is at best a reached the ear and heart of the luhino- th rfnrmB. .nA to that piinted lie. Let whatever you -. I f o ' . ... . American people. ftn(i we invite the co-oneratlon of are, and woaievor you do, gro Tn cnoh a vbit nnl d tm th in th t W.T. iioban. A. I HogKrt on.Ur AU w-., , therni -of A.C. HorK- A . .M long run, can nope to prosper j u,nn aw. rrhou mh Ktv-ri toi-- T. tluntx rtire Irom uid firm . A. r. Krcnra. W. T. llrotiwi HOTELS- HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. WOODAKD, lTOf Aa iH b me a Iron tb iW I b r timl frnm th arbornw boww on -ronnt of Ih Urge lorr- in m ofUf bn "In 1892 a long-suffering peo- aii parties tbat we may be success- o"1 of. a firm root of truth and bturinw iU w rostiooed by Mr. x. c. ixever lor- :' r.. :iz a tMatoaM npon th ot4 8rw. Tbankiox taj trends for ptwt fitTor t aa Vrry tralr. W. t. Itroat. Rocky Mount, N. C. Free I'us meets all trains. &"us $2 per day. .. pie rejected at the ballot box the f i in the Drosecution of this work." strong soil of reality. Republican party which had m- .. get Paul s sentence: "JL.ove is toe angurated a revenue and financial , j fulfilling of-the law." That i system fostering trusts and com- -igareuea is a run oi PP"t the steam of the social maehlDe. bines. ' But the Democratic party tooacco. ana arugs wnu Bma Dq one thiog well, "be a whole We have jnst op-ned a Large i and complete Stork of j Hardware, and propose at all times to carry a Pull Line of all Kinds of Agricultural Implements SDl'TIIKKS HALLWAY. rir.onon aiss lik.j j CO.NDKXSKD SCHEDULE. j IN KKKEC7 JAXAilY 1. UH. THAI IHTX UUmX. a. c 3 a a4ar Sk CX la -.- - ii t- im I ttft. T-a .CVtllwU, 4 WLt 4 M awLav Crt 1 lrl.JB torn Ot f tor v. being again in power, fed the peo ple in broken promises while they carried out the policy of the Re- niAKKLllSTOlS HOTEL publican party,. "And now that tbe Republican FRANKLINTOW, Nl C. fttrA:n inP0ntrol of nation- y:. fire at one end and a large fool at . as chancellor Thurlow said, the other. Some of its chief en- .(i0 one thing at a time." "Make joyments are condensed night- ciean work and leave no tags- . C. M. EOBBS, Prp'r. fiood aeeomodation for the traveling public. " Good Livery Attached. " , - . OSBORN HOUSE. C D. OSBORN, Proprietor, m . mm mare, cancer or tne lips ana stomach, spiuaL..meningitis, soft ening of the brain, funeral proces sion and families shrouded in gloom. " There are. plenty of sub- Allow no delays while you are at a thing. Do it and be" done with it. Avoid miscellaneous reading. Read nothing that yon do not care to remember, and remember noth- I dmir to ttnte that 1-UI roiDO th , name aad r-ri1ttl? aolim th iwra ut tbe poblwr. Am in the nt rty pW of ! bacro oil on my n.Kr &u 'ru & i Nt inarkt pmt. Rmpectiaiiy. A. C. llroata. Aog.lSth. lm nd other supplied nee led on tbe Farm. 7 m AA weiaw'inoi.. vtUU W nHi(V mt tmUmt m Term rrw. sotn Ltw Csmv W trmtm tow m fmm't BMvt f W Mm f" Plea call and examine em Stock before making jopr pu "i r u urmtc luuu u4 aa fv&ta A-'.a. aj Cta4, A l j H, , i i i SjavaavftiaAw atfaaMiav mm4 m3 rwTM aa.4 m 0V4A tca m$ p f l A a a al , affairs, there - is - but , little for better times. - "It is growing more, apparent jeets left, however, who are will- inR tb&l yon do nol mean to nse. g each -year, that if relieMs ever ing to undergo the . same trial: of Neyer deai.e io a ear cle?er and a NOTICK. riy Tirtn of th po""- ST1" morteRit drm lxcOrf a U 31 Amj Rnn If aakina bi to H. C VaBB afxj dot rcor.lel In Uook 4 la the offlr ot the Kffmir of amm Pranklm cavu jr, - " . i . , . rr - - hv national ' legislation it auch. a inviai nature ior tue saso ke .-.q. of TO jr ulenla be- rooaty. and d-fa.it krfa t nad- i. tb ' - . - , - . ,Jf .An mhlinr."-Rich4nffe. L - . . I Mmt o ai4 mwrtraaw I must come-tnrougn tue reopie b v o -1 t0re . men. ue noncov, loving, party,,. In view "of. these -facts .and1 the logical nonclusions to he drawn SOMETHING TO KNOW. T.ilir tbe Tth dv of 8ptnUf. 1HTJ7. mHl kindly, and sympathetic in .11 you air" fti'K In FraakUa eonaty. Htate tor'id. aa4 la FraoMMoa toohip ana iwrntu aaa o- say 'or. do. Clevernes will flow Oxford, N.C- .... Good accommodations for' the ele!ly """i' traveling public. ' K l ;; I from fln naturally If VOU have it:"l nt tntlowa. to-tt: Bxieniaa: at a Ti ... ntn.fl! BAmctiiinirt.n tnnw I ... . ' . ' I ,1 .. 1 - , . - n - I Ato uir w TTvii v.-w.w . . it .. - I roc n. mnniuiirni..ii. . thererromi ine auiy 01 ibb uuur tnat the verv best medicinw ior reswr- ana appiauso wmcuiu ju u - n oot 31 Unkato a ln? the Ured out- nervoui syuwm w soueht from those who koow what healthy- vieor is Electric - Bitters. 1 & ...... . THE UNIVERSITY. ar. 11 tKla 31 uoia io a rora " n,,,i w Uawkina' rrr, tboea alaaa; mid kia MASSENBHRGKHOTEL J I MaHcnbnrg 3?ropr HENDERSON, N. C-i pood accommodatioai, fiood faiti Po Ut tad itttatiTt icnrw The: battles 'which we have so. Thi. m-LdiCiDe is Durelv veettabie, acts to. applaud,' but the applause of rftllantl7foaeht for the last few by giving i tone to ithe '-nerve centresin f00i8 jg t0 ; be: 'ehunned Joh gaiiamiy iuugu tbe stomach, gently sUmulMesthe Uver V " f- . , - . years most; be -continued until v all ani Sidneys, aod aids these organs Jn Sttjakt Blackib. , - .'; I ' . A f thrn wins' off Ifflnurmes tn tne -Diooa. 1- - i r - - - . - organised opponuwu 6 6 - Electrio Bitters; improves the appetite. ernment thrown. shall have' been .over- aiHa die-eation. and t is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best thrown. r , - , 1 blood pvirifler and nerve tonloVTry it. ? To accomplish this much aesirea I SoW for 60c, or 11.00 per bottle ;.at eoa, tIJMempst U U utmoattar.Aycocke 5 BV-- 'fifW. zrt ' ' M114 VZT " hoeo.Tr. 21 iwW I9kaka, tb alo. D.T. Ward"" haH, 12 17 pola II haka, the ne S. KV poW S liaka. tb H. t w. 13 pola II llaka to rock o wHuwinr ! rowd. thence alona aaU road m. 46 tet. thnc 84"w. i po" fork, W. H. MiJflHJ iwMf.tBfaw . IV potea24 links to tl boW eootaioUg two and thrwfftb4 acrra mora or I-m a ad known as tbe MlJaa Mayoij wt, lata u 1 4to day of At. IW. . ru ila(iHn,t- B.B,WTT,iV'Qnie.- 47 Teachers. 413 Students. (Sum mer School lS) Total. 5t9. Pward fS a roooth.3 Brief Coar-,3 lnll ronr, Iawand Medical School and School of Pharmacy. 63 ACUATE COURSES CPUTuWCUU. Summer School for Teachers SchoUrthipe and Loans for the Needy. Address, Prwidest Aldkriia. Chapel Hill. N.C. - NORWOOD HOUSE WirrcbL ' I:rt-dn!la. W. J. KORH OaI, rrrrter. riuosm of 0o4vttAt tamAMi ttTtOif rattt4 loartkad. CWajale Baa. , utxn ptto t tTcan in 0cf S9t smi.fl as ji. af a4 Mux! in I Oif. J-f vm.vf iy . ta yifv ia-t ai HTK- aa Up W. 4 T. a. a tau-y. raaMMl at Ptm lot TX)em 4 lmmX. Tana . W Mka c cvta 4 OJMia lu-.r-t. arrtaa a ttiaii uaar M. eCa M. ooaait aa Nrtaa aa Oay-w Ii-f ayaajM. aUraaoak4. 4 TT ri m i. Ka amaaay tu tow aauauai a4 aiM 4 II aavl r Uu3aawa. ja r. L riTannp abjuv at tAtma. 9. c 414 r. M. rrvaw a t teat, iimmk Ormm Umttt. 4a ad wat koU 4 A. M Omaili i a4 aJi atsl Vmmlf. MM atwta Wia4 aw 44 f. H. fi"ja VmtHhcm. ITCmi-lfUm. U A. M. r. m. rtfm'a) aa mm pmrnt tm rwa aWV. WaaAtrrak. I rmxmrg. Tmm .;m Oi i ia i mi m. Vml't tnairrrtftttreartalawcatTy 4 11 m a fai'aaaa ma aRira aj trtla rra Ra ao oraiawtaa. aa4 M ati Iraa lua ai AU4U, vuca ttih. C 4. Hartora, t.l. ACWlcOav K. C. tt. WL Oaaxs. W. a. Ttxxk iww,,h v .