VOL. XXVII. letliorfist Church Directory. j,v School at y:JUA. w. Sane Geo. S. Baker. Stmt. at 11 A. M., and 7 P. M. Preactnn ...... I.,,. D' 1 ! S 1'. IH'HT, cards, I'liACTlCING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. nffi, ! 111 in" ruru uunuiun, iui uci nam j m reels, up BtairB iruui. REV. -UR. AVIRETT'S ADDRESS. W5 M. II. HUFF1N, A T T O RNEY-AT-LAW, Louisburg, N. C. Will m i' ' 11 ''' U1 u" ourw wince in r ora ' 1 ' If.:. I M u i a Dn.Mur' 1 oi lier ui main uuu hush biiwui. I'u B. MAS.SENBURG, Tribute to the Women of North Caro - lina and the Shenandoah Valley Kind Words for Mr. Rousi. Rev. James B. Avirett, Louisburg, N. C, the orator of the day, began hia address with a tribute to the women of North Carolina for their heroism and de votion from the earlv settle m Ant. of Roanoke Island down to the present, including the darkest hours of the late civ'l war. Some North Carolinians were willing to sell their birthright for a miser able mess of nottase. bnt from Cherokee to Currituck from the Virginia line to the waters of the Peedee, no woman was ever found this valley with its refreshment for the sick and the dying. Yoti have fortified the inhabitants of this old town of Winchester againtt the fire fiend by day and by Bight, and in your annual gifts to the Shenaudoah Vallev Arrl- of cultural Pair you have taugbt the farmers of this beautiful section to so w iu hope that they might reap in joy. Nay, more, sir; tou have not forgotteu Virginia's great shrine of learning, for in the dark hour of her university's loss from fire with a son's hih pride and joy you have poured your treasures in her lap. You have gone still farther in your far-reaching tenderness toward the South. You have expreeed yodr willingness, nay, your fond desire, to meet the whole South land more than halt way in build- LOUISBORG, N. C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1897 IF YOU VALUE MONEY NUMBER 31. ATTORNEY AT LAW. L0UISBUE8, V. C. vi 'ill I'M' tu e in an uie uuurw 01 me crate within the borders of that old Commonwealth to desert the right. l0 nPon a magnificent plan and gioan USHIO OUUBV, 1U office in Coart House. a M. COKE & SON, A TTORNEYS- AT-LAW, L0UISBUH8, N. o. Wui Htteml the courts of Nash, Franklin, nnnville, warrenana w ajse counuea, &ibo me i ircuit ana msirici uoaris. B KT .- II n.,J X. TT I)RJ E. MA.LONK THE WOMEN OF THF VALLEY. "Right here," said Mr. Avirett. "I pause sufficiently long to barely intimate to the women of the Southland the debt of gratitude which they owe to the fair women of the Shenandoah Vallev. and notably so to the dwellers of this old war-worn town of Winchester, V a., changing hands 87 times dur ing the war, as, from the spring days of 1S61 throughout the entire aflce two drug store, adjoiuinjr W. II. NICHOLSON, scale a which iniirbt be Dreserved the relics, the trophies, the insignia of her splendid heroism on the battle field in tattered flags,bullet-pierced and shredded, but ever glorious; upon whose walls might hang the portraiture of distinguished hero ism, and along whose aisles in chiseled stone might stand sculp tured statues of Albert Sidney Johnson, Ashby, Stonewall Jack son and our peerless Lee. and in SlSoKSL co.b struggle, they did their full duty whose safe depositories might be PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, L0U1SBURB, H. C. F. ri. PRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBOKe, H. C. Will attend the courts 01 JfranKiin, Vance, (lriiiviii'i. Warren and wake counties, also the Supreme uoun 01 jNormuaronna, rrompi utenUoii given to collections, 4tc. iHUri. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. LOUISBUBS, N. C. Ofiiee on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's itore. rp W. B1CKETT, 4T1URNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOULSBUEfl N. C. Prom nt and Dainstakinir attention riven to pverv matter intrusted to MB nanaa. K. fer.i tu cniel J usticesnennera. uon. ionn Maiimiitr. Hon. Robt. w. Winston, tion. w. c. Bust m. t res. First National Bank of Win it on. uit iin & Manly. Winston. Peoples Bank of Monroe. Ohaa. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est C iil. tre. Hon. E. W. Timberlake. utriee m uourt tLouse, opposite isnerua u. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Practices in all courts, ( oo.er Building. JLOUISBUKS, if. a r Office li .four s & Vy U YARBOROUQH, JK. ATTORNEY AT LA W, LODISBDRQ, N. C. oifir-e on secoud floor of Neal building Mam Street. All Ufral busiue&s intrusted to him rill receive prompt and careful attention. JjR. I). T. 8M1THWICK, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in Ford Building. 2nd floor. Mas administered and teeth extracted without pain. jjR. E. F. EARLY, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in New Hotel building, 2nd floor. Gas administered and teeth ei- traHed without Dain. JjK. K. E. KING, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. '"'i 'ii i: i.n Oi-era House Building Second Floor. :o'. Wiihan experience of twtnty-flve years ii" a su tticient guarantee of my work in all 'I"- up-to-date lines of the profession. HOTELS. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. WOODABD, Frop ., Rocky Mount, N. C. free RUs meets aU trains, '"i $2 per day. FUANKLlISTOJi HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C. SilM'L MERRILL, Prfr. ftood accomodation for the traveling Public. Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, C D. OSBORN, Proprietor, fOxford,N, C. ood accommodations for the Raveling public. MASSENBUR6 HOTEL J P Mai-tNonburg Propr. HENDERSON, N. C . Qood Aocommodation -J66d fare-. Po lite aud attutiT servant in nerving the arm and -strength ening toe nearts of that noble band of men arrayed ib gray who followed the lead of Joseph E. Johnston, Ashby, Stonewall Jack son and Robert E. Lee. It may not be known to the world, nor can it be known, the one tithe of all these blessed women did in the hospital, in the closet on bended knee, on the battle field, ontwatch ing the silent stars in ministering to the Confederate wounded; but this consolation rpmains, as. long as tne .Blue Kidge, wnose peats now are enveloped with the morn ing mists, as many a time they have been wrapped np in the smoke of battle, occupies the place assigned it by Almighty God, the names of Mrs. Philip Williams, Mrs. Andrew Hunter Boyd, Mrs. Robert Y. Conrad, Miss Kurtz, the Ricbardsons, the Russells, the Jen kins, the Glaizes, the Mesmers and many others who were associated with those already'mentioned will never be forgotten by the citizen soldiery of the South. They nobly planned and faithfully executed the high commission from God which led them in their labor of love to devolop this beautiful biv ouac of the dead, this blessed mother of all the Southern ceme teries fitly named, and worthily wearing that name, Stonewall Cemetery. "The noble women of my native State wish to say to you, fair wo men of the Shenadoah Valley, that you have been true to the high commission of the three Marys at the sepulchered garden, when (though it be reverently said on a lower plane) you have strengthened the living by fidelity to the dead you have discharged one of the noblest duties of life in giving tender assurance to the dwellers in all the fair valleys of North Carolina that the women of Virginia were keeping their holy vigil - over the ashes of our dead. We know, fair country wo men, that our dead are safe in your hands, and one of my high duties to-day, perhaps the sweetest and the tenderest, is formally to trans fer to your gnardianship the 497 silent forms of North Carolina's citizen soldiery which sleep in this lot. I am charged by the women of North Carolina to say to you that they are grateful to you for that t weet courtesy of yours which accorded to North Carolina the lot of honor, the plot of sacred ground which lies to your right as you en ter under the archway of Stone wall Cemetery- It is simply a pre-eminence which your courtesy has accorded " us, not because of any difference in the value of the sacred dust which lies in each of these State lots, but simply be cause of the greater number of our dead. placed toe records of tne land you loved and fought for, struggling to be free. Nor have you stopped here, but to show how deeply you love the Southern soil you have brought the remains of your noble boy from the great emporium of the continent and given him burial iu the soil of old Virginia. Nay, more; with monumental stone you have marked the spot, gathering around it the ashes of your dead, where, after life's fitful fever is over and yonr roll of splendid benefactions shall have ceased, you yourself, Bir, a Confederate vete ran, waiting for the reveille of the resurrection morn, hope to lie. The women of North Carolina have sent by me, sir, a few flow ers to lay upon tbe grave of your crushed hopes where sleeps .your son, and if only among tbe nerbs which spring inta life among the valleys of North Carolina they might find one whose medicinal properties would restore Bight to your eyes they would be grate fully happy. Cherishing your benefactions in the depths of their grateful hearts, they bid me Bay to yon, sir, that your mother's God has taught them that there are no blind in Heaven." Mr. Avirett then at some length rehearsed the causes in part which led to the civil war and sketched tbe various campaigns of the Army of Northern Virginia, paying tribute to some of tbe prominent North Carolinians who fell iu battle. general industry and thrift of our people and by tbe use of a number of blockade rnnning steamers car rying out cotton and bringing in supplies from Europe, tbe follow ing stores had been collected from abroad: Large quantities of ma chinery supplies, 60,000 pairs of band cars, 10,000 grain scythe. 200 barrels of bluestone for the wheat-growers, shoes and leather for 250,000 pairs, 50,000 blankets, grey woolen clotb for kt least 250, 000 suits of uniforms, 12,000 over coats ready made, 2.000 best En field rifles, with 100 rounds ot fixed ammunition for each ritle, 100,000 poundsof bacon, 500 sacks of coffee for hospital use, $50,000 worth of medicines at gold prices, large quautites of lubricating oil and minor supplies of various kinds. In the winter succeeding the battle of Chickamauga I sot to General Longstreet's corps 14,000 suits of clothing, complete. At the surrender of General Johnsou at Greensboro' the State had on band, ready made and in c)otb. 92,000 suits of uniform, with great stores of blankets, leather, &c, I was told by Gen. Joseph E Johnson that when his army way surrendered be bad on hand in tbe various depots of North Carolina supplies for 60,000 men for five months, and tbat for many, many months previous Gen. Lee's army had been almost entirely fed from North Carolina. In relation to tbe number of troops furnished to the Confederate government, 1 have more than once made the boast that North Carolina fur nished not relatively, but ab?o lntely, more troops than any other State. This assertion has not yet oeen denied to my kuowledge NORTH CAROLINA S TROoI'S. ! "Thus we see how this remark able man planned and cared for the following troops which North Carolina eeut to the field. I gather this information from the adjutant-general's office, and to all North Carolinians, indeed, toevery true Southerner, it is a record of which we may all be justly proud. "As volunteers at outset, 64,636; recruited by volunteers from time to time, 21,608; recruited by con scripts, 18,585; regular troops iu tbe State service, 3.203; militia on home duty, 2,362; junior reserves, Confederate service, 4,217; senior reserves, Confederate service, 5T 686; troops from North Carolina in regiments in other States, 3,- 103; making in all 124,000 troops as North Carolina's part of the 600,000 all told furnished by tbp Confederate States iu this fearful struggle. These troops from North Carolina were organized in to 71 regiments, 20 battalions and 24 unattached companies. All those were raised of a white population in 1860 of 629,- 942, or one soldier to every six souls. At Appomattox and Greensboro', North Carolina sur rendered twice as many musketB as any other State. Her dead on the battle field of Virginia in tbe majority of cases was twice as great as those from any other State, and in more than one of General Lee's great battles they exceeded the dead from all other States put. together. These facts and figures THE GREAT TRIBUNE OP THE PEOPLE. "And now there are some things in conclusion," said Mr. Avirett, "which belong especially to North Carolina. Among all the States of the confederacy North Carolina was especially blessed in that great tribune of the people, Zebu Ion B. Vance, perhaps of all tbe war Governors, if not the most devoted, certainly among the most my dear friends, are not brought useful. Fortunately for him and forward to-day to derogate from for the great State which he repre- the Droud record of V irtnnia. Tbi THEN GO TO THE CASH BARGAIN HOUSE. (Rodgereou's building, front of Hart's Warehouse.) At less than Cost of Manufacture. ITS CASH WE WANT AND CASH WE MUST HAVE Then We mu?t Slaughter prices at shown below . Mn' all wool p.Tnto n low n '.. Mpn'n frotxl wool uitw a low im J Meo'i tin iuitn. !oth ouM ott tub roor, 7.-, Sd'n'a Imports ("iu v orMei unit worth 10.KM. tor TT, Men's ffoo'J Over coutn. 11 hhnnu-ful prire. onlr ' uo Mfn" Cape, every her fit 'Jc . tor i;-. Men'a I'mter ulnrtSr rnular rrror-l brnketi, 1 -j'-jc Men'e Hrk. tfuoil weight , 4. . Lmlie SUx-kind l-j, encli or .1 p:iir for 3c. Note above prices, weijfh in your mind all tbat ia stated here, don't spend a cent until you have 1 tried The Cash Bargain House. j Your good old friend, i JOHN DE1TZ. Prop. J All animals have a natural leinlen cy to cleanliness. The hog. the com- j mou tyje of filth, is not liy any means as dirty as we would supps j if given an opportunity to bo clean, and in this lie netils only as much assistance from man as a horsfl d- . mands. The result will prove his natural tendency to clennliuesH. The j hen has aversion to bathing in wa- j ter. Her substitute is the dust bath, j which answers the same purj.' I for cleaning her feathers. A du-t ! bath is very essential to the he-alt h of all fowls. In winter, when the outside ground is frown hard, a 1 substitute should c provide! in the hape of a box tilled with dry sand mixed with coal ashe or road dust. Watch your hens on a bright, sunny day in winter and see how they tn- loy this bath, lhey nick the oust into their feathers, roll first on on side, then on the other and s?m sift the drv dirt into every nart of their feathered coat- It cleanses them and freea them from their mortal enemy, the lice. Om would suppose that lien lice were very clean themselves, since they have such dreud of dirt, arnl it is title they cannot exit where dirt or dut abounds. The dust Uath is therefore very necessary for the health and happiness of your fowls. It should bo placed where the sun can shine into it. This makes it attractive, and your hens will soon avail them eelves of it. Country Gentleman. The Barber (cbucklin-) My wife complained that I talked in cewantly io my sleep, last night. BriokerbofT (wearily) I aap poee yoa dreampt you were tav ibg aomebody. Brooklyn KagU. THERE IS NOTHING SO GOOD. Tber Is oolhing just as good Dr. Kiofc' Nw Discovery for cooumptloo. coU5 and coughs, so demand It mod do not pcrtull the daler to ll you some butMlitue He will not c Uiau there iiaor lnjf better, but n order to make nor proQt he may claim nomelhiQg to 1 ju.t a kckhI. You vrant Dr. King's N w Discovery bcunt you know ii to bw safe and reliable and iruimntoed 10 00 Kood or money refunded. For ooojehs, cold, consumption and for ail affec tions of throat, chest an 1 lunjrw. there K nothing so good as ts Dr. King's New bi.very. Trial bottle fre al Aycxke St Co. 'a drujf store. "Your little boy's illneas waa quite expensive, Mrs. Yellowbyf "Indeed, it wap; every time we nave him a dose of medicine, he flung the bottle at mirror or through a window." Detroit Frve Preps. K7! 1 4 4WSIa POWDER At ola tar fur Strickland Talks. 1 want boust-.t ti.iuV evrUxjT L 1 'LOTH I N 1 1 H VTS. VTINS. A c. "Many have id lhir ihiMrn would have died of croup, if Charnrlain Cough Remedy hd not ben gtTen,' write Kellam i Ourren, druv't- S view, Va. "Peopl- com from far ami near to ;et it snl rtli uf it in the highest terms." This is equally true of this remedy in ererv community whr it is known, liny a bottle at 'VhoiuJ' l)ruf SUre and tent it for curseif. f m- tfjrou:. t?.- ; pricjf Summer. 1 a: i.-r:. !.-f.if and ?h rnl.l; trti---r!l n Oil J Toy w. !1 1 tit-i and well v.z'.A t'.l ,f CLOTHING, HATS, TR UN U Jsw wA LOOK OCT! All p-r8otis that are lial.U-, have fniled to prH-ur- a i.v as required by law, w;ll b cecdd Hpainet a. provided ;:. Revenu Laws of Nr?h ar ! II. (V Kfakvkv, August 'lh, 1M7. : 1 1 a . Vr V A !.!!. NT1mSs. . . 1 WIDE AWAKE 1 1 I -l . i: H , in . ; 1 . .- . !" of . rt (. f.'l .h. rth I J. wn t. m 1 ! ti 1 : . 1 e " a H eT ..r . I uni 1 Hi e th !mmeJ Ha'. f - . rvni ho' ! and ... 1 ' - A N I - I' I .. KI on : he t--sl 1 fe w .u it J.'. rr '1 k Ti W I'-e o ;pe '. . rv : y - M 1 V N . NOTICE OF REMOVAL .:: UP TO DATE. i r ;i r. . i'.i. r. V .-r. H t. V. n irU-r SI.. . r. it.ts 1-ir.W. ?. r. nur. t r-- . ; I '. 1 ' I .-tr:. i...w r . fm r v :.. j..it: .1 : If von are w id e a w 1 n want 1 '.1.1 : .'i i it 1 . to economize by getting the f worth of your mon-y, come at once to Li l i. l 1T1 VO'l W I . C ASTORIA For Infants and Children. seated as its chief executive the great duties which devolved upon him found him at the very men dian of a splendid manhood. Boru in the county of Buncombe, cannot be done, for from tbe Kana wha to Norfolk, from Romney to tbe North Carolina line, tbe bosom of this dear old State is set tbich with the scars of battle Nor are among the fastnesses of bis native they brought forward invidiously monntains, it was the most natu- to any Slate in the. late Confeder ral thing in tbe world tbat in his acy, for be knows but little of tbe Switzer borne be should be taught mettle of Southern patriotism who by a devoted mother to love liber- dares o say that where the obliga ty from bis very cradle. As a tion to duty was so high, any State lawyer, perhaps both Judge lias- failed of achieving tbe highest ton and Judge Ruffiu were bis su- record possible neriors: as a United States Senator perhaps both Judge" Badger and WORK QF 0RTH Carolina, women William H. Haywood were equal "Ot tbe fair women of mv old ly as well, if not better, furoished. State, membersof the State Moo SimDlv as a Governor we greatly umeutal Association, and their tail ' U m vrma, HEADQUARTERS le tbar, "You know," she paid, with a I ittle asperity , "tbat wooi-n have the reputation of bintf ab make money no further men." "That's true," replied tb man of small economies, "and its just what I object to. What I wan' them to do is to let it kep Mill where it is and rest a little now and then." Wasineton Star. Harrv Waitt'p old star.1, wher. you ran 6nd the t'heapest for the n'jOtiev in i.ouisburg. gDCxl, Gannaway Hardware Company. Wauliiiii ASD EEIAJL HARDWARE, ! I.' t" i SBI'Kfi. jN. c. w mean busiueas. You will find We L a e v and cocap.p'. DID YOU KVKIt TRIBUTE TO MB. ROTJSS. "And now to you, sir said donbt whether he was superior to ex-Gov. Thomas Bragg; aa an ora tor with eloquence divine we doubt very much whether be could move men as did Dr. Francis L. Hawke or Henry Watkins Mil ler. But take bim all in all, meas- Mr. Avirett, turning to Mr. Charles ured in all directions, head and Broadway Rouss. wbo occupied a seat on tbe platform, "cradled in Maryland, developed in Virginia, and now a successful merchant id New York, the fair women of my old State bid me .say that with grateful hearts our portion of the Southland, and, we believe, the whole from the Susquehanna, to tb Rio Grande, will cherisn heart, he was tbe best all-round representative of the genius, tern fair compatriots, it will be par doned me if I say with gratitude and admiration, both in what they have done in that beautiful aud commanding monument at tbe western gate of tbe State capitol grounds in Raleigh and in these beautiful bead and foot stones here in this lot of pre-eminent honor in 8tonewall Cemetery, they Try Electric Tlittrs as nrinly for your troudles? If not ?t a ttU now nr tfet relief. This inedcine has l-n fouu! to b peculiarly adapted to th reiiel and cure of all femalw compl.ai n ts. ifr;. njr a wonderful dlrct influence in pi ujr strength and tone to the Organs. II vou have loss of appetite, constipation, headache, fairttlnKapells, or are nervous sleeplesM, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dirzy plls, Klectric Hit ter is the medicine vou n?d. health and strength uaranerd bv iu Fiftv cts J m 1 - . t I, - - T -.. .. c. - per, patriotism and common sense richly deserve and receive what that the State has ever produced. As one who knew him. and loved him. T bee todav to lay this y O modest tribute on bis grave, be nmiRA I believe in mv heart of hearts tbat never did man on tbe threshold of his vouu? life love they modestly wear tbe grati tode of tbeir native State and tbat we have full assurance tbat they will go on iu the blessed labor of love until we shall le called upon on some other red- letter dav in North Carolina's eal- the memory of your noble bene ! gentle, beautiful North Carolina endar to unveil and consecrate a factions with which yon have-ten- maiden with love purer or more derly sought to drive way the devoted than that which Governor wolf of want from tbe doorway 01 Yance bore bis native otaie. a thousand Southern homes. You, air, have given bread to the living and have fitly eepulcbered our dead J Yon have surrounded- this God's acre in your magnificence with a beautiful iron fence which will dafv the tooth of time. You have caused water to spring up in OOVBNOR VANCB'S WOKS. draw largely now from Sen ator Vance'B lecture, 'Last Days of the War in North Carolina,'- de livered in Baltimore, Febnary 23, lOOR V.r iVim faTr1an1 T.I TI A of that city. He says : By the I central monument with pride and pleasure, the corner stone of wbicb we lay to-day in North Carolina's lot of honor in Stonewall Ceme tery." OASTOH X , tea ttwy tll? nice fresh (iraeeries of al! kin !, Dry (Joods, Notions. Ac. Ac Hardware, (lieusa call and voa sure to call again. ill re ti I rop Ktjl'. L t.' s ' o Kr. it of rarry Renpectfullv, Agricultural Implements Clara Mf. and Mrs. Brown- Smith enjoy life immensely. May Indeedl Why? Clara Both married for money. neither of them bad any, aud now they have lots of fun laugbiug at each other. Philadelphia Press. COOKE A CASH. NOTH'H. THOMAS' CII ILL, VILLA Are "Join np" tS (.'bills hrerer trird. Farornble reports are romiuir io lro eTrry direction Read what Jndic Tltnbriake baa to say : Iyoalsborg- N. C. Mr. W G . Tbomti. Job Jtb. 1(7. Loaiaban. N.C. Pcak Sia: I ebeetfnn. bear testimony to the merit ot yoor "faill" PUU." Ooa ol my children had chill aud levee lor avTsral weeks, which the nana! remesliea tailed to rare. I tried thae pilla with rood fleet Tbey not otilj eflertesi a core, bflt im proved ber general heJth. . W. TufBtaufcU. By lrn ! (be powrr 1t-w la a mortCMjrr nrrwlrd oa W it day r rrabT. 1 K.HS hy Jim M !Vak a4 mtAbeih WrCiSutck. aU V l M C Vaaa. aa4 dalv rorM la BMk. 6T. I'ajt Tij. la IW nfflre ol t U-rtotr ot cl Fraaklla colT. and Waatt aastac made la the par aw-aC ot aaM aorl t s obt. I will oa Hatardae. ta th df n krtotws 1M97. aril lor rah at paMar aarttoa at Kraakllatna. 51 . tkf Mlowlat trart J taad. Ttc aaJ bug FraakMa roaatr State alnmkM. aa4 la KmakRilot Iowa ht a ad drarrttwd aa4 itrae4 MWa. tn-wtt: rw-artaalac al a ataae aa J. t Mltra rt'a Ha, raaatna ikrwea w sat MO enaia to atake a a 4 potater. laran aorU bO Ba-a to a etake llwara eaat Ml poles to a stake ta J L. Mltc4aeU'a Ba.taw aoatk aVr . 50 pole to tfe bvclaaUaT. rnatalalaa' 3 j boi or Im. Tbaa ta ?Lk dar of 8teoibee 197. K. C. r. alort4Taaw. R. C. OctxtT. kxuynrr. and other supplier ne led Farm. oo the your pur- W Pljae call and eiamioaoar !"tok b7or mftkir.a LAND JvLK. 9y slrTa of iw ws vtal ta Ulaa4v( t'Ut H'SM m ij im r. a(klir V IM Mf cf SnSfathT. tws aat iwtnitl :a ti.. k 12V. tX rl a ot Ik kv kori vt (t rrsmftua fVarf j ataajt. ittl 5 taC tat. t JJ at . at tW CMftBosw&Tla Uwts-. eawat psitaw na irart e-r rrs-ri ef aa wtimwtm la reaaa. uarvss'r.aiUfUk.tM Ual Uw-w. lf t(aje It a tutioa law Uasaats aat Vimtka n4 ar a tup Wwst t. C e a rca-aa-r. lanra S f tr os.a aoa( asaj fwiil V a lOkta mV eoa4. tjaaaai a ane are taaaxw Kt Ia mem a Ba. to a acajia ta Eatai a law m raeviat s--3T to Rat p vTt srk tV tewl Ha a ataaa ta kia, tlatafw faroa W'wa ar!Vt w !ta la axual aToas. to 0 tav ftsaaaar iJ vmm ae mow oe aaa. TWa ftrs. fata, tm M. I -."aa, ia. ImaCa. OKi L7C