-1 JHlJK TTTFiN A T TTT y-rr K h a m b 1 -XL -LLAXX La.X Y 11 i "vol.. XXVII. LOUISBURG. N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBKR SI iWi pre.n every lit Church Directory. 1 at 9:30 A.M. Geo. S. Baker. Sapt. at 11 A. M., and 7 P. M. ,,- School at 9:30 A. M linn inMay . TTT . J J T . (x. F. Smith, Pastor. !,,) ixs"aoiml cards S. 1'. lU'KT, l-K VCTICLNG PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. ; i'ord Building, corner Main NTMBER.-tt. TOWN ORDINANCES. At a Meeting of the Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg, N. C, Held October 11th, 1897, the Following Ordinances were Adopted for the Government of Said Town: aii'i Up stairs front. il. Kl'FFIN, , TT ) K XEY-AT-LAW, Louisburg, N. C. ,---ir ui nil ourtp Office in Ford . miier of Main and Nasli streets. 15. MASSllNBURQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOUISBURG, N. C.J ii t ice iii all the Courts of the State o;:'.ce in Court House. c. Qr.i :r.-u; OKK & SON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C. w tli'1 courts of Nash, Franklin, V;irivii and Wake counties, also the , 1 1 1-1 of North Carolinp, and the D. 1 District Courts. Ordinance 1. It shall not be lawful for any live stock to run at large within the corporate limits of the town, to be ridden, driven or fed npon the sidewalks, nor bitched to the trees, palings or fences on the sidewalks under penalty of two dollars for each offences. K. MALONK ovo iloors below Aycocke Ir u it. r . .vljoimiiK Dr. O. L. Ellis. 1) & Co.'s ,V. U. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUISBURG, N. C, -1'ii.l'ILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOC1SBURG, N. C. vv : : i 'tt'ii'i the courts of Franklin, Vance, Qr.ii.viiK Warren and Wake counties, also ih-; NU'ivme Court of North Carolina. Prompt ait ii'i "ii K;v'-n to collections, &c. rpa :-. C. WILDER, T ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUE8, N. C. :!.- on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's st'.r- T. W. BICKETT, iTi 'K-VEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBURG IT. C. l'r Mpt in.i iainstaking attention given to "..r'- :ui.t; "i- mrrudted to His nanus: K f to Chief J ustice Shepherd, Hon. John M u.: . lit:, tlon. Ro!;t. W. Winston, aon. .J. c. no !.. Pre-t. First National Bank of Win si -;i. oi i.n & Manly. Winston. Peoples Bank . ;' i .nroH, ch'is. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For- t t !:, Hon. E. w. TimDenaKe. If:. - in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. M. PERSON,- ATTORNEY AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, 5. C. t'ra ti-:es in all courts. OlHce f'l-'i- BuiMing. lr Jones & U YAREOROUQH, JR. ATI ORNEY AT LA W , LOUISBURG, N. C. 1 j mi second floor of Neal building M;i:i Mi't. A'! Itui'l 1 nslnes intrusted to him receive prompt and careful attention. JK. I). T. SMITHWICK, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. ifiie in Ford Building, 2nd floor. !m- til ministered and teeth extracted v--i:h.'nt pain. j K. K. F. EARLY, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. jf "fi icf in New Hotel building, 2nd ''' 1 Gas administered and teeth ex- tiMc'-d without paiu. j yl. R. K. KING, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. in Oi'kra House Building Second Flooi? !- h'i experience of tw nty-five years Miiti. -lent gutirantee of my work in all ' i'-t o-.hue lines of the profession. HOTELS. HOTEL WOODARD, W. 0. WOODAED, rro., llocky Mount, N. C. - i'.ns meets all trains, 2 per dayl i UA.NKLlKTOX HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C. M'L MERRILL, Prp'r. U - I . y "d accomodation for the traveling piloii,-. 'i Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. 'ood accommodations for the traveling public. MASSENBURG HOTEL I p xHKi!oiixrgr' Propr HENDERSON, N. C ''Jji accommodations. Good fare. Fo Ute and atteatiye ierrant Ordinance 2. Any person who shall drive or ride a horse or a mule at an unusual speed through the streets of Louisburg (unless in case of necessity) shall be fined five dollars. Ordinance 3. Any person who shall leave any horse, mule or ox harnessed to any vehicle on the streets of the town of Louisburg or on the depot yard for the period of five minutes unattended, ex cept when necessary to load or un load carts or wagons shall be fiued one dollar for each offense. Ordinance 4. No person shall exhibit or show any stud horse or jackass, or put a stud horse or jack ass to any mare, or a bull to a cow wiinin me iiruus oi ine town un der a penalty of teu dollars for each offense. Ordinance 5. Anv person who shall leave any cart, wagon or ve hicle of any kind upon the streets or sidewalks of the town during the night shall be fined two dol lars f t each offense. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for anj' person to tie and feed any horse, mule or ox on Main street in the town of Louisburg under a penalty of two dollars for each of fense. Ordinance C. If any hog, shoat or pig shall die within the corpo rate limits ot the town with chol era or any other disease, the owner thereof shall burn the carcass or bury the same at least three feet in the ground within six hours after the notice of the death of said animal and on failure to do so shall be fined five dollars. Ordinance 7 Tne owner of any dead carcass or carrion who shall permit the same to remain within the limits of the town for one day after he has notice of its existence shall be fined five dollars, and two dollars additional for every day the same shall remain. If not re moved by the owner, the same shall be removed by the town Con stable at the expense of the owner, or at the expense of the town if the owner cannot be found. Ordinance 8. The Commissioners of the town shall have authority to direct the removal of any pig pen, or any other nuisance within the corporate limits of the town, when in their judgment it shall be ne cessary for the health or comfort of any portion of the inhabitants of the town and if the owner or occupant of the premises shall fail to remove said pig pen or other nuisance within three days, after having proper written notice, then he or she shall be fined ten dollars and the Commissioners may have the same removed. Ordinance 9. Every owner of a house within the limits of the town shall continually have on the premises one ladder of sufficient length to reach the eaves of such house. Any one failing to comply with this ordinance shall be fined ten dollars. Ordinance 10. Sec. 1. Whenever the shingles of any house within the corporate limits of the town shall become so decayed as to be dangerous on account of fire the Building Committee may- eo de clare, ad the owner or owners of such bouse shall be required -to re cover the same within evict time as the Committee may think reas onable, under penalty otVtbe sum of ten dollars for neglect to do so. Sec. 2. Whenever any chimney, stove or stovepipe shall be deemed unsafe or to endanger the safety of any portion of the tovwh it may be so declared by the Building Committee and they may condemn and order the removal or abandon ment of the use of the Fame until it shall be so repaired or recon structed as to make it safe; and any person who shall uso auy such chimney, stove ot stovepipe after it has been so condemned, shall be subject to a fine of tea. dollars. Ordinance 11. No person shall pile or have piled any manure, timber, wood or other obstruction whatever (except temporarily for hfiildina nurnoses. and then 20 feet passage shall be unobstructed) upon the streets, public crossings or sidewalks of the town under penalty of five dollars for eacb of fense. Ordinance 12. Any person who may have a private crossing or bridge over any ditch or sewer in the streets of the town ancl shall fail to keep the same open foi the j their number to be k passage of water shall be subj jet to a penalty of five dollars. . Ordinance 13. Any person hav ing firewood cut on the streets of the town will be required to have the chips aud trash removed im mediately, under a penalty of two dollars. Ordinance 14. Sec. 1. Any per son who shall throw or cause to be thrown any trash, wood or other obstruction into the gutters of the streets of the town shall be liable to a fine of five dollars for eacb of fense. Sec. 2. No person shall sweep, throw or deposit any garbage or burn, except with the permission of the Mayor, any trash in the streets of the town, under a penal ty of five dollars for each offonr?. no-ii xpTMn to make intor;n-:iU thn-in. hall apply to ti.. Ci-rk and havf small lot. ..f pround marked oil and a r-r-.r-l tbTPof m id tli bHk. n Building Committee, and no per son, firm or corporation e ball er. rt, alter or add to any building or begin the erection, alteration or adding to. of any bnildinir within the Fire District until tb're eball first have been filed with aid Committee a plan of the proposed building alteration .or addition with a description of its location, nature and character and of the materials to be used. Upon the niuig ot such plan it sball be tby ; rUu- by wnrrai.t it duty of the Building Committer 1 ly paid. Anvi - r to make careful investigation and termer; t - m 's-.i-l unless the plan submitted sball b i t:arv to th- itov: iu violation or law or tbe onli d: .lanre : "r.ii ! V nance of the Town or shall provide o ! e applt. d t lor a building, alteration or addi tion which on account of location, names of structure or njiteriaU romp' iipition to th" Clrk f r hi il l''I.l .'Ml I O T I . I 11 1 1 ' i I I'' ill !-izn"d, lie shall char fifty o u 11" f ha 1 1 !t! so char. ti ft v c-nt s ! lo-.vn and pay th-- r-:in- to ' town t p M.-i u r r, tor ach pot ground a$eigr.d larz iiouh Ll - a grav-, und !i" m:.v !irt id f.r n-.t v.! : . 5 1 1 . : - ; ;r.i v a r I :i- of . i : i n : l rdisa.c -i'3. Any pfrson or persons who thall dintarb any church during rh:oin wornfasp l.bli be fined tn dollars for aeh ofjpnf e . Ordinance 47. Any peron bo b.i tieoretak a ro, oi, or lift fctr.ck of any kind, fr tb pirp f grazing up-n th" trtj or eid .k of th lorn of L-oiib'ir bal! I- fiiied '.wo d il ara for earb i ffM.(e. That a'! patr of tb ftreeu cr !n;i ba! 1 l. p j rd ; i. i ii ( M'l r.ze 4. on a t. j of tl. oec. 6. ine occupant ot anv lot I ." i: u . !. ; n , p r v- ot fnul c:avyard. ' )r i i ai.o' rt-t. N p-ron Pf-il within t he xr(ontt :irar- a DtlhllC ftniiCTAr nr i , . i a ,1 , , . or storehouse in town who ehall i tbe said Comraittee ha'.l ,uf a allow any garbage or trash to be perujit for the erei.tioil alt-ratio. swept, thrown or deposited on the j or addition proposed streets or in the ditches shall be Any per?on wbo sha!1 b,liii5( al. subject to a fine of five dollars for ; ter or add to or be?in t0 bllil(1 a. each offense. . ter or adJ to al b.liMil wlthout i a m a 1 oec. 4. ine owners or occnnan ; irst comn vim? with th rcnuir. r . r " - 1 ' '. tow., ir . ,- t a ; r I perf-oii t u l;it .;i K' t'; phal! for each and fViTi a peiialty ot ton d '. i a r rd i tiati: "5. At. v ball ue an v vide:;!, insulting i a n g i a g o , o r et'ire toward the ( vl. A ' : d 1 1 . a t . p r i ! i w i, , a Imi - i v . r th re-tte :i iti g ' m i -1 a I d e , or of every store, bar-room, restau rant, office or other business house within the town of sball be and are hereby required to have continually on the premis es a box, barrel or other receptacle into which sball be swept, thrown or deposited all of the trash or garbage accumulating within their respective places of business; and said boxes, barrels or receptacles shall at least as often as once a week be emptied and hauled off at the expense of the town. All persons failiug to comply with this ordinance shall be fined two dollars for each offense. Ordinance 15. Sec. 1. Any per- ments of this ordinance ;cid ob taining the permit of th Co mm it - Louisburg j tee shall tie eubj.'ct to a : i ty uf fi ty dollar?. Ordinance 20. It i-ball be unlaw -f 1 for any person to ride a !'ir :'.- the sidewalks uf the a ii n;' Louisburg, under the pM.a tv of two dollars for each ofTens.-. Ordinauce 21 . It sball be unlaw ful for persons to assemblo togeth er at any time on any of the street e' the town, so as to obstrit the same, under a penalty of jive dol lars. Ordinance 22. No person shall shoot a gun, pistol or any oth r any olh.'r of the d i c t. h r j of hi- d u t t ti j ' to a v tldil p-r"ons r-f ii t a t ' 1 o or a n y 'i ; tine .ft 11. o hth M.g A t. 'A . l r. 4 r W h e !i called al -art' pt s": a 1 1 t ' i 'rd it. anc' an y h .'ii'1 I r ho i 1 ." U i r- ! ili rg , V ho sa ilo as bawdy h ! I . fati.e ( r u :t h. a k to a t 1. e y ;ir- be; i.g ; i u t .1 ' ,. ijoft or 1... i-e- of i.l f.ta: . :. ho Mjl.jf.-t t a tine of fif; , v o i r t ' to nr.-d A I. y - - ii. h . i . i O'l-. 4 C w :i , u !n, f h f 1 1 t v : o . 1 . r i - a- T-o-, t : h - i ' . -ii i R .(-, r -A 'il. a to cji'ti toward tb ;o--:d-. T'r.M urdir.ar.rw to applv n:y to a!-" 'wrfaflr rninct'-l or repaired Anv pe'i,n"r lo'atmg tin ordinance r,:l b to a ; . t a ' ly i f t- ii i u . i ar rd i n an ce 4i The re - i . r ru -'t .,f b Hoard -f Tow i. I'.jO u. - lone r pha.. be held n lb hr.dav niht io-xt proceed)- g '.'. hr: Mondav in each month. !i .. th I'. ad to ay hs failed together in jpi lal ion a, at.y t.n. by the Mayer. 1 if'linsnc lr The May r 1 ti.rii'd And e t-i po er- i to ; . n ; i :i p i.icem- u t r a r m . " '. i. . k' r than ii. :it h r r. ii ; ; 1 '::. 1. 1 '.'. fa may b-'-nrv : r '.(. -d ord-r a. J e r :!:. n ' f '. h t t, . ai.d when il'l"!!, "1 at 1 i. . e r . x k : t. PQVDER Ao1itr pur I.' ' :M;!T.i. N. a o 1 1. r, r ath r ( An d l , .. 1 :: e : i ti a t e . a i ' ii r i '. v n; a cr-. stabl". -d . ai.ee 1 1 . i f i t ' r a : . v i- i d . v, ir or to r j . a r e . ' 1: r A Mr-n n r n u n r t- n o -l- o f i 1 r n t K i. ! .i con tar r r a r a I 1 nn nca r r r m r i t o - , , , J ! limits of the town. fire off any squ'b, crack- rs, rockete, bean or grit shooters any other fire works in town, dpr th penalty of ten dollars eacb offens -. Ordinauce 23. Any person who shall, in the corporate liinits if the town, publicly use any otiscene cir profane language, or be guilty of any disorderly conduct, tending to violate the peace, qui- t and good order of the town, h. be subject to a penalty of twenty dollars. o w n r or house in town shall be responsible for any disorderly conduct upon bis rem ises cr in his bouse, and every owner or les-ee of any business bouse in town who shall nuisance arouna any dwelling or other house within the -corporate limits of the town shall forfeit and pay tbe 6um of ten dollars for each offense. Sec. 2. No person living in tbe town shall allow any nuisance to j exist on his or her premises, and j any person failing to abate any ! nuisance on his -or her i premises when ordered to do so by the Mayor or town policeman sball be subject to a fine of ten dollars. Sec. 3. No person shall make any civicujcmiiiuuo ucuusho oi " at i , J ... ,. . . . Ordinance 24. Every slaughter any live stock on any of I , , , - , ,. , , J i lessee of any business 1 1 j puunii giuiHius u iui un der a penalty of five dollars for each offense. Ordinance 16. Every occupant of a lot in the corporate limits of the town, shall at all times keep his or her lot in a cleanly condi tion qnder a penalty of ten dollars for failure to do-so. Ordinance 17. Sec. 1. No per son sball indecently expose or ex hibit his or her person within tbe limits of the town under a penalty of five dollars for the first, and for each subsequent offense teu dol lars. Sec. 2. No lewd woman or wo man of suspicious character shall be on the streets of Louisburg at night after 8 o'clock under a pen alty of five dollars for each of fense. Ordinauce 18. Sec. 1. Throwing missiles, rolling hoops, playing at ball, wrestling or boxing or any other game on the streets, or any of tbe public squares of the town sball Se prohibited under a pen alty of one dollar for each and every offense. Sec. 2. All games of whatever kind on auy of tbe streets or pub lic squares of the town on the Sab bath day shall be prohibited un der a penalty of five dollars for each and every offense. Sec. 3. No person shall play cards or any other game of chance on the-streets or public squares of the town under a penalty of ten dojlajsior each offense. OOrditt&t-ce 19. Tbe following is hereby-constituted, And shall be known' as the -'Fire District" of the town of Louisburg : All tbe territory lying within 200 feet of Main street Between the Southern boundary of R..D- Pinnell's lot ou the.We8t side, and. tbe Southern boundary of Dr. O. L. Ellis' office lot on tbe East side, and Taj River within 200 feet of Nash street between Spring street and the ditch near Thomas' warehouse within 200 feet of Court street and within 200 ffet of Market street. Withrn said territory no wooden building shall be built, placed, or removed from one place to another nor auy material used in tbe con struction of outside walls except stone or brick, nor shall any wooden addition, or addition with other than stone or brick walls, be made to any building, nor shall any building be covered or recov ered with any wooden material. Any person violating this ordi nance shall be subject to a penalty of fifty dollars. There shall be' elected by the Mayor and Town Commissioners a Committee of Three from among or p.xpi'u' t )rd i nance .".v A cc i pii ' , t n u t any t . on - of 1 j., in.-. : y .: 'A co u p.ir. t o r ii re or u n for inue t s:i'io , r I. t r or u i h w pr o-. . it ..-i, t :. : fur two day nft r ben j J . '. d , s h -.1 . he 1 h f t y , -1 . Ordina: ce That it sha.i uii.aw ful for any person to th anv m.citvin water from '.he v r or ojf 11. ad w -. - r -r ' , 1 1 at v d fr t. . e n 1 at ( t ' ' A ! . t -y of :Tene f 1. " I " e . i " o . t h . i ' i i r t 11 H i" '. " ' 1 1 1 . . a r r :.h N i'.ai.d. r I - a r r w . r. r I a r. v u : I any h j : i - 1 w fi Iks i t ' h nnder a p-o.a ll'JW s or -. btlTg iir- irdina ci-.'iisiy ; nj'.iru'fc; with any of th" e r t y or property Liijht ('. in pan y i. 1 r t f-.r i 'W Ii o f tl v 1. c 4-. "y i r.f i n th r ; tn :.a d t i ) W ; f' V 1 1 permit any disorderly conduct in his bouse or upon his premises with out reporting the same on affida vit to the M ay or of the town, shall be subject to a fine of ten dollars. Ordinance 25. No privy sin. 11 be built or pUced or allowed to remaiu within IS feet of any of the streets of the town under pen alty of ten dollars. Ordinance 20. It shall . r.ot be lawful for an j. bitch to run at lar'e while in heat, within the corpo rate limits of tbe town, under a penalty of live dollars, to be paid by the owner. If the owiit can not be found it shall be th" dnt of the constable to kill the bitch. Ordinance 27. Ail barber shof in town sball be closed from Sat urday night at 12 o'clock, untn Sunday night at 12 o'clock and no barber shall carry on bis busn.es during that time under a penalty of five dollars. Ordinance 2S. It shall be nnluw ul for any person w hatever, to sel 1 or offer for sale any article what ever on tbe Sabbatj day, except to and milk, and articles necessa r . for burial purposes, and drugs : id medicines m case of necessity, w.thin the corporate limits of the .own, under a penalty of ten dol tars for each offense. Ordinance 29. Any person who interferes in any way with any of il-e street lamps or lamp posts in town except tbose employed for the purpose, upon conviction shall pay a fine of ten dollars for each and every offense. Ordinance 30. Any person who shall place any combustible mate rial in a position where it could eudauger the safety of the town from liability to fire shall be ub- jecttoatine of tweuty-tivo dollars. Ordinance 31. Any person who shall be found drunk and down, or in a disorderly condition with in the town of Louisburg, shall be fined five dollars. Ordinauce 32. It shall be un lawful for any person to jump on or off tbe train in the corporate limits, while in motion, under a penalty of five dollars. Ordinance 33. The town clerk shall be px-ofiicio stxton to the public graveyard in the town, and all interments therein shall be made by and under the supervis ion of the commissioners of tho town. Order and regularity shall be observed in digging graves and 1 making iutermeuts. AH peron hi U .rh 1 : ars . i r i i i n a to e 4 i . Anv siring to j r a c 1 1 c e any p r o : e business or trad-- taxed by r 1 : ; ai.ee of h b-w :, h.: f.To C i.tilf.ei.ri . s ;ch ; r I iu r ; r e- . ,r tr;i pa v '.!- - i, i r ed and o i tain a 1 ' e i h the I on r-'.a b ' and M .1 y o w n ; o r;.(. ; l - - sic h : : u -: i . e - or t r i d An-, j i-.,-' .l in r prae' !-.!. f ' s -v- i n , t 1 1 s : 1 1 e - or ' r i t -. i. y ord i r ;ici-i- of this ' i. -.v i i a v i n X li r -1 j i 1 : li ' .. x l ained the . ice !,, -h.-. ; v ic 1 1 on 1 e lined to ' V c a r '. , w a k r. winch 'i :. p i f -1 f r a , r v - : . i t a'o--'A e i up - r id" w a i k of ; t -ir t. ::. fa i. e and v . with '. ii i. .if''!, b 1 1 . 1 . r. g o . i. v ' " i r t and Main '. : - . - o : . vi . :- t -. : - k' t h " " r i i ' . r - jto-o-t . a ti:.- f '. .-. f r a i h o tT i . Ordinance '.' A fvr r a t . i j i i m e r, '. for " : - a u : . r r " -1 : - '. v i r a t ' i f r t '.re'.' L ii- : . 1 1 . v ' XL , ,! .or-.-- .. r G ANN AW AY Hardware ompany. HARDWARE, i r f the h- Mayor l so n.u:h" of th a'. Hardware a X i l."i.' v, a r r a r. h ai rr, a v LICENSES. Agricultural Implements a i ' a x , v. i an d t- 1 h u e '. ' ) r ac n f r '. ih- r f . ; i r ; ar Ordin - 1 ti a . i - e .or -oxen or pa . i s.d w i' h i : he t .-.vn :i. i lie icens.- wi'.. d y e a r n t th A i f-.r III e . r,r: t ..a'.' r a ' war-:. i v ti : : tiv. entitle (. d..t-. i , fll.lt I'.l o; t ' tit -x--, ir.DM-i t I -haritah.e r edr.ea'.n t"r e a j e r I r IO( r r"U f f day $1IH '. ( i : . j ' f , - r 'Mi a '. . ':... nired f r :.'. : r ear. 1 n e v r T i" o m : : f 1 f x T -i L n i P T7 U 11 1 K U U 1 ' t from :ot apply to the re- . aero ha nt of the twi. !. 1- f -r . a . s Mo n.r of li I- I. I. a i tin Ordir.an-e t.v Anv ; r-i vie ted of v;o'al in a-.v ne nces oi tuo to a n w : . . bo? to pav I ii-" :.!:' os' imposed up. n 1 in;, i: a -entitled at bird labor o;. -tr-e!s of th.- town 'in'i'. ti..- ind cost- are paid. .Ordinance-4 1. Kv.-ry ;' n r quired ti) li-l property or oil n ho town of Loiii-toirv. shal j out and (1- liver tu tho .l-t-tnak- r a I statement on oath of a l real and personal roper ly , tuon-y , cre.i it-, investments m bonds, stocks, joint .-" tcck com pan ies , an n u i t ie nr o' be r -ite, and ad other property ar.d bings taxed ty the present Ree u u e Act of t ti .- State and not s p e c i ri -:ally exempted from municipal tax ation and the v al ir- of i m pro vernent n real est.ate since the same was as sess"d, in his possession or under uis control on lb firs', day of June, . either aj ov nir or -ho'der thereof, or as pare:;?. hihand, guardian,' trustor, executor, udmi n i-l rator. ' rec- iver, areo-i'.tiig '?. 'r, purt uer, Bk'ni', f-.c'T, or otherwise.! Anv per-on failing to lis' his tax-j ibles dur.ng tho month of June, ipon the same days the township ; list is taken shall be liable to a i double tax. j Ordinance lo. All taxes for tbe ; town of Lou iburg texcept licensee t j ihali be duo and collectible on the I first day of Oo.oter in each year ' and every psrs n failing to pay : bis taxes by ibo ;Ust of December iu every cr, sLail bo guilty of a .u isdeuieanor, and phall be, upon 'onv.ctiou befuro tbe Mayor, fined loubie tho amount of said taxes, provided, however, tbat eaid fine shall in no cas exceed fifty dol Urs. i 1 1 :h r vir fa. f rtu; , itinerant p tnmg r- 1- 1 u itinerant a n e , and clock i n auc' loners r year. (in a '. '. horse drover--. hcre-. $2-1 pr an i i n each I i . 1 1 h r d r .pt f-.r public us-' . e i r . 111. i I' .l lo f Iu- kind -'and or pia- cr " r Ho - r iat HATS CAPS a v , n i- "s for x - r o . s e a 1 ' 1 1 i . q u . I r. ' a - h I fc" A t f i. r a :. j ot h ' : : w ith or h ith. 'jt a i - r i v a . e a tii u m e u t i f ' i h 1 p - r year. 1 e a . e r r r (i i : 1 1 . e ra i ; ' 1- ner, id 1 1. i.tl'ir- art i in er o al prac '.rait or .oierp-s .. a k i n C c the h i man fa"', ( n ret aura l.o ; ?e or tables . I d -1. 1 1 t , ra - d o, tu 'an. p r pa : ter, d a t and e ry per a r ; . n i : k r. ee -, o . and tiling i per year. CLQTHifce fir WEV YOUTHS nJ SOYS. prop.r - oi c-.rv w. h. YAi:r. iiot ;n, Ja , Mar- n l K kR, ( :.. M i V. i"HIS( T DKi'KNl) N. ,I..ll- " ir Kin'- j.'.-r to . r:j i- . ii -. M-rincJ i:nptl-n. nni-rv ir. t. J. ns. of o .!fu-,- m ' o, i '.-.-!.- n . 11. '. r. (-i-jV'.n : ,.: S . . I n.-o '. r-.at . a. a t'.Ui ir l -with la I -. .-. .r u ' . , r" 'vj. ..'at t f. an M-Tl ' ork S- f I .'M.1 t o N i (-.. i; a a ; ; r l J. :. 1 ita orr. lrop in" ". ion- j vifii." Ir K n Nc I j i1 -.iir ' ts it, li I k lui'iln iKimr, arvt t-- t e irrri Aii ulif l-.jao to gt ;--ll-r frJKj firal ! and half Jor. Oo.lar t''.ii ci nrd n-r imuud ard al. lr. Kir.-' ,,i.l, is ,ciurriii--l to ci lii &ooi J crk. Try it. Yr tna.1 tlli-i al Avcocke 4 Cv. .. Dnig X3: ;op--. ' -1 - uani - : n ' fi: ant . ::.-p- ' 1 fit-o- e i tr-et w b'-Tv- tug . f-i mnofacturx- i i Wnrl . or Jit .i f .a .-.o t. ." to f 1 .'.it .". t.. i .-,. ;i '.' in N,iaill. Spring i n t i . bmrule. W .it. ut.ia. n i J A.j roj-trj. : n tb turn i a d e-rx mn fan! 1ot t. t ttir pirt, of th Ichenp grx.J-. No Loaiaburg, N. C. 2 Sjutti Na4li Stmt, t - . rfn . - -