S ? ' ' -- - VOL. XXpL Hetliodist Church Directory, Sunday School at 9:30 A. M, - ; " 'Geo. S. Baker. Sapt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 7, P. M., every Sunday. ' - ' - - -Prayer meeting Wednesday night. : G. F. Smith. Pastor. Pro fessional cards S. P. BURT,. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C.; Office in the Ford Building, corner Main and Nash streets. Dp etaira front. yM.H.RDFFlN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, - Louisburg, N. C. Will practice n all courts . Office in Ford Buildiu, corner of Main and Nash streets. B. B. MASSKRBURCt, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ? JLOCISBXTB8, H. a Will practice in aU the Courts of the State Office In Court House. ' c 1 U. COOKB & SON, A TTORNE YS-AT-LAW, LOUISBCBS.V. 0. Wui attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Oraaville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court ef North Caroliup, and the U. B circuit and District Courts. .; D R. J. E. MALONIi. Offlce two doors below Aycocke & Co.'b drag store, adJoiniUK Or. 0. L. BUis. D R. W. II. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUI3BU80, jr. c. S. SPRUILL, Al TO RNEY-AT-LAW, IAUISB0BS, sr. 0. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt nuiuuuu Kiveii 10 collections, sc. rjlHOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBS, H. 0. Office on Main street, over Jones s Cooper's rj W. BICKBTT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBUBS 0. Prompt and painstaking attention given to ever matter uitrunuiu w ms nanas. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Manainir, Hon. Robt W. Winston. Hon. J. C. Buxton, Pres. Kirst National Bank of Win ston, Glenn & 41anl7, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chis. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est uoiiege, non. is. w. ximDeriaKe. Office in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. yy HL PERSON, J ATTORNEY AT-LAW, . LOUISBUBe, H. o. Practices In all courts. Office In Jones & Cooper Building. Vy H YARBOROCQH, Jb. ATI OENEY AT LA W LOUISBURG, N. C. Office on second 'floor of .Neal building Main Street. T All legal business intrusted to him vill receive prompt and careful attention. JJR. D. T. 8M1THWICK, DENTIST, , LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in Ford Bnilding, 2nd floor. Gas administered and teeth extracted without pain. JJR. E. F. EARLY, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, " N. C. Office in New Hotel building, 2nd floor. Gas administered and teeth ex tracted without pain. JJR. R E.. KING, . louisbtjbg; nc; - Office in Oriiu-HOTSB:.-? i f BtJILDIKG SeD PLOOB. 7 with an experience d twcntjrflvesrears is a sufficient guarantee of my wOrk' in all the up-to-date lines of the profession. HOTELS. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. Woodabd, frop.f Bocky Mount, N. C. - F ree Bus meets all trains, fi'3 $2 per day. FK ANKLINTO HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. cj ' S AM' L MERRILL, Prfr. ': Good accomodation for the traveling public. : - . - Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE. C. D. 08B0EN; Proprietor '. LOxford, N. C. , Good accommodations for the traveling public-. MASSENBURG HOTEL J P MaiMo nburg Propr HENDERSON, N. b: ; Sood aooomniodationiJ Good fare; Po utt and attentive servant Sensationalism in Relicioni Newberne Journal. The sensationalism which goes o make op too much of the journ alism of to-day, and ; which has unfortunately entered into nearly ererything ot to-day, has even found its way into the pulpit. ..To every sincere thinker and h. liefer in the" teachings of the Bible, to those who can find in these teachings the" consolation wbichi their 1 i ves ieek, the thought of bringing sensationalism into the pulpit, cannot but be abhor rent. Recently a proacher at Marion, Ind., created a sensation in his congregation when, choosing for his text the words of the scrip ture, "Put a knife to thy throat if thou be a man given to appetite.' h$ surprisingly and unexpectedly illnstrated his theme by producing from his pulpit a mammoth cheese knife and drawing it across his throat. There is no telling where sen sational preachers will stop with their surprising illustration of texts from scripture. If this Marion preacher is to be let loose with imitators, as a charlatan of the kind always is, he will find in the text of Rachel weeping for ber children and refusing to be comforted opportunity for saying in an aside in his sermon, "Come in, Racbeli and weep." He will arrange tableaux if he thinks his text authorizes their introduction. "If tb-e blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch." He can have the blind leading the blind aud at the proper cue from the managing pulpit take a tumble into a stimulated ditch. If his text is that as "the boo gatbereth her chickons," etc., he may. send to the nearest poulterer's if it be the season of breeding for feath ered illustration of his text. ' Illustrations might be multi plied, but there can be no use or good in doing so. Turning from this pulpit sensa tionalism, it is most gratiying to know that it is not universal, that there is a preaching and teaching in pulpits to-day, which is not of this character, but which is stir ring in its interest, and noble in its intensity of picturing mankind in all his needs and follies, and showing where the redress and es cape from error can come from. The pulpit of to-day which de pends npon this kiud sensational ism or any kind for that matter for its support, is not what the rentals be affected. No work with an idle laboring class, means unprofitable ownership of prop erty. If the laborer, unprovided with work remains in the city he must have feed, shelter and raiment -Jt is more profitable to provide work for this laborer, and through his-labor secure a return npon the necessary investment which may be required to provide this work -or to support this laborer in idle 1ie88, with all the attendant risks which an enforced idleness may develop? The property owners of New Berne have this situation to face and to them mast be left the solu tion whether property ownership shall be profitable or not.. . An Old Doctor's Favorite ; Dr. L. M. Gillam, who practiced med icine over forty years, originated, used and claimed that Botonio Blood Balm. lis. a. a.) wnieh has now been in nse about ntty five years, was the best Tonic ana Blood Fanner ever given to the worm, it never fails to cure the most malignant ulcers, sores, rheumatism. catarrh and all skin and blood diseases. Beware' of substitutes. Use this stand. ard remeny.-.Price per large bottle, $1.00. .jBor saie Dy-israggists. r ? Its a wise man that' knows h is own business. ; There lis no jpedicjne in the world eqoal to Chamberlain s . Uough : Remedy for the cure of throat and lung diseases. This is a fact that has ..been proven in nnmbftrlesa c.afteft. ' TTsrft i a. . aamnlA mf thopsanda. of letters received; I have tried Uhamberlain'a (Joagn Kemedy while snffrin ar from tbpnut. trrnhla and found immediate and effective rs- lief. can nnhesitatmirlvv recommend it'--E dgae ; W.- Whittemorb, :; E ditor Grand Ki vers (Ky.) Herald, u For sale at Thomas'; Drug Store, Louisbarg, Ni-C, He Owed his Life to a Christian Sonr Brommond tells this beautiful story w b icb . is " now . go ing the" rounds of the religions press; - . Two Americans who 'were cross- ID g the Atlantic Ocean, met in the cabin on Sunday night to sing hymtis As they sung the last hymn, "Jesus, Lover of my Soul' one of them heard a rich and ex- edingly beautiful voice behind. He looked around, and although did- not know the face he thought that he knew the voice, when the music ceased, he turned and asked the man if he bad not been in the xivil war. The man replied that he had been a Confederate soldier. "Were yon at such a place on such a night?" asked the first. "Yes," hereplied, "and a curi ous thing happened that night which this hymn recalled to my mind. I was posted on sentry du ty near the edge of a wood. It was a dark night and very cold, and I was a little frightened be cause the enemy were supposed to be very near. . About m'dnigbt, when everything was very still and I was feeling homesick and miserable and weary, I thought I would comfort myself by praying andsioginga hjuin. I remem ber singing this hymn, "All my trust on Thee is stayed. All my help from Thee I bring, Cover my defenseless head With the shadow of Thy wing." After singing that, a strange force came, down upon me, and th rough the long night I felt no more fear." "Now," said the njher, "listen to my story. I was a Union sol dier and was in the wood that night with a party of scouts. saw you standing although I did not see your face. My men had their rifles focused upon you wait ing the word to fire, but when you sang out " 'Cover my defenseless head With the Bhadow of thy wing,' " I said, "Boys, lower your rifles, we will go home." Heaven. A place where all the scattered friendships, loves, joys and true delights of earth are purged, puri fied and intensified without one shadow of future diminution or dissolution hanging over it but with the same certainty of con tinual increase and duration constituting thus a habitation of perfect joy and-endless bliss, with greatly enlarged capacities and opportunities for progressive hap piness, and with new fountains of enjoyment ever opeuing amid elysian fields of progressive being and delight; where the rich har monies of music are ever welling up from the deep fountains of the redeemed and perfectly happy souls tuned in sweetest accord: where, in the limitless dome, tbe song of redemption mingles and commingles in one eternal hymn of joy and nraise to Him who. with his presence and love, per vades and crowns it all. Chris tian Commonwealth. The Chatham Record Asks: "How much 'relief has been given the taxpayers of North Car olina by the socalled 'reformers?' ; '.'How many useless offices have been abolished? "How manv fees and salftriea of officers. have been reduced? , "How much have they reduced the public axpenses? ."How much have they.: reduced taxes?1' - - Let every voter take these ques tions and answer them according to his own knowledge and belief. " The number of offices has not only been increased, but are large ly filled by men Who are not near ly so competent as those they dis placed. Taxes have been raised. and a law passed permitting- the imprisonment of ciizeus who can not pay their taxes. -There have been more scandals connected, with the management i of the,v penitent xi. ' v ' ;,' anyther institation in the SUte's W T - r--- "- ''"K; .1 history. rn, j . . V f' ; ; ' , v u-iu.uio.i.uu uvivuij cases, venal. Charlotte News, , , . - . -. ; , ; LOUISBURG, ;N. C.,' FHIDAY" DECEMBER 17, 1897 Onzlnal ObserYtUoniL The swindle factories are ways running on fool time. al. To be alone is a million-fold bet ter than to be in bad coajpanyr- ( Most men are bad because tbey have not been taught to 1 be good. The successful man is the one who is always pursued by a', pack of snapping dogs. , , Ten grains of common sense are worth more for practical purposes than ten bushels of book learning. Some men are born lucky, some work themselves Into fortune, and some3i ai they live no account to anybody. A woman baa more worry and trouble over getting one dress made to suit her than a man has over all his clothes in a lifetime. He who brings a feeling of joy to the heart of a sad being, per forms an act that will count much in his favor in the final Bumming up. No matter how good a thing ie now, there is always soma old pa triarch who has a recollection of something a great deal better. There would be a hot time io every old town if the newspapers would give all the facta tby know tell the troth and nothing but the truth. Nature is the only true and uni versal school for all bumauity Her curriculum is as broad as the earth, and her pupils graduate with broa gauge diploma. There may be a pleasure in showing up the faults of others, but we should remember that others are getting. even with ns by doing the same with our faults. IN OLD VIRGINIA. Cook dat possum sweet, And make dat simmon beer; Lord, I'se happy now, Fer Chrismos is moa' here. Wouldn't Spank" Him. Motor. Father, what does a printer live ou? Live on? The same as other folks of course why do you ask Johnny? Because you said you hadn't paid anything for your paper and the printer still sends it to you. Wife, spank that boy. I shan't do it Why not? Because there is no reason to. No reason? Yes there is. 8pank him I tell you and put bim to bed. I shan't do any such thing. What in the world io you want him spanked for? He is too smart. Well, that comes of your marry ing me, What do you mean? I mean Just this, that boy is smarter than his father, and you cannot deny it. He knows enough to see that no man. printer or no printer, can live on nothing; and I should think yon would be asham ed of yourself not to knowasmucb. A Tennessee lady, Mrs. J. W. Towle, of PhlladelnMr T an n n ISsaa w m art Chamberlain's Cocgh Remedy for her L - l 1 . I . . . uauy, wuo is suDjeci io croup and says of it: "I find it just as good ae yon claim it to be. 8inee I've had j oar Coagh Remedy, baby has been threatened with eronn ever flo mstiv times, hnt T wnn A give him a dose of the Remedy and it . . J m.i- m. , . . . preveuieu mm aaving it every 'time. Hundreds of mothers say the same. Sold by W. G. Thomas. drugglstLools bnrg. N. C. Senator Pritchard has recom mended Duncan, for collector of the eastern district an d Ch as. A. Cook for district attorney; This has caused a row between Congress man Skinner and the Senator, Skinner having recommended Mr. Cobb and Mr. Barnard, respective ly, for these positions. As Pritch ard's recommendation goes, bis men will be appointed. . ' . : Baeklen'8 Arnica b'alve.' 1 THwDestsaiye lathe. worw Tor eata, broises. sore, nicer, salt rhenm.-fever I uAw tAiuyw' V.el mnrad tuftsv oh art i1Maln corns, ana an aaia ernpuona, ana poat- corns, and all kU enxptlona, and posi- 1 . T"i 1 Vi i viveij cors rxies, or no pay reqnirea. u I or money refunded. Prioe 23 eenU per 1 box. For sale by Aycocke $ Co.'. bay Penitentiary Birds. ' The penitentiary rascals are hav ing a delectable time now. They come into towu and loange about, they have their wives to come and stay with them and they hunt the poesum and coVu," .and perhaps have fiddling and dancing to make life tweet "aud gracious to them. If this thing continues longer ne groes all' about will be breaking Into the penitentiary to te fed and to be gay. .What a time this is for the honest bnrdeo bearers of North Carolina. rut. Urn VMtHa, f ONE OF TWO WATS. The bladdr was created for one pur DOW. nimetr. a rventrl.i tnr th nrln. and as each it is not liable to any form of atersM exepi oy ooe or two ways. The first way is from imperfect action- ta kidneys. The eecood way is from car leea local treatment of otber dtwat. onrr cii-sr. Unhealthy oHne from unhealthy kid ney is the hUf csom of bUdder troubles. So the womb, like tbe bUdder. waa created fr one parpo. aod if not doctored too much is not liable to weak neaa or disease, except In rare mm. It la situated back of and very elm to the bladder, therefor any pain, diae or inconvenience maoifestml in ibe kidneys, back, bladder or uriny patina? in often, by mistake, attributed to feci It weak nes or womb trouble of some s-rt. Tbe error is easily made and may be as easily avoided. To find out eorrecflr. set your orioe aside for tweoty foor hours; a sediuitnt or settling; indicates kidney or "bladder trouble. Tbe mild and extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's dwamp Root, the grvat kidney aod bld der remedy is soon r4lisd. If you need a medicine yon should have the bt. Al druggists fifty cents and one dollar. Von ma v have a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by maiL Mention Tin FBUaxLix Ti and send your addre to Dr Kilmer & Co.. BiDhamion.N. Y.The proprietors of this puffer guarantee the genuineness of this otter JONES & COOPER: TRY THEM. To Oo'R Friends and Patroxs: Only a call and look, while in town, will convince you. t e are up to date with a full line of goods in every department. LADIES DRESS GOODS. 4 cents to 75 cepls per yard. from BROWN SHEETINGS and DRILLS at prices that will aston ish you. Good, 4-4 BLEACHING at 5 cents per yard A. C. A. TICKING at 12 cent per yard. DICKEY'S KERSEYS, 35 to45 cents per yard. LADY HOSE, from 3 cents to 50 cents per pair. -:o:- SHIRTS ! SHIRTS ! We can show tbe best line on this market. Don't fail to see them before you bay. MEN'S HATS, from 25 cents to $3 00 each. Also tbe largest and prettiest Hue of GENTS & BOYS CAPS on this market. Oor stock of will Impress yon that we havo them, aod at prices that will as tonish you. (We bought before the rise.) We cannot enumerate oar Stock and Prices. We go from bailing Needles to Three: Horse Wagooa. So give.ua a look wbtle In town. It will give ns pleasure to show you our goMs, if you do not buy. W ask you to make our place your headquarters - while here. Ou- boys, BILLIE WILLIAMS, BRU7K ALLEN aod NICK PER RY, will give ytfu a welcome aod make you fee) athome ' Thanking joa fof past patron age, and aaking a cootinuanee of same, We ara ; ; Tours to serve, ' " : v - JONES & COOPER. SHOES Time aod tide wait for man don't evea beiiUU. From the Lom 6tar 8iaU eye w follow I dc fetter, written by W. P. Gisa. editor of the Veraoa. rtrt ) II art I have saed ChaiaberUla'a eolic.tkoWa and diarrhoea remedy la toy family for tbe past year, aad fad It tfcs bt rvmedy for eholle and diarrhoea that I feat ever tried. It affects are lastaataaetma aad satisfactory, aad I ebrfaUy ro mead It. epeUlly for eraaip colfe aad diarrhoea. Indeed, we ska 11 try aa4 keep a bottle of it oa oar aaedklee abeif aa loag aawe keep aoaM. Foraaleby W O. Thomas, Drujiat. Lowbbarf. STRICKLAND, Young man I UU yo all that D. C. STRICKLAND & CO., Hats, Clothing, Over Coats and Mackintoshes o fUl kinds. 1 tell you the jrooda and pricce; uit roe nil O K. They have rtlso Notions, Oente' Farnuihlng Goods, Picturew, Tranki, Valisew Ac. It will pay you all to se thm be fore buying. Your old frieod with Beaver io hand. Cedar Rock Academy, CEDAR ROCK. N. C. :OrB.ir Arot-sT 16nt. 1S"97: A High Grade Day aod Boarding School for Youog Men aod Young Ladle. Motf ( IotPoutiUl m.ad TorJ) Art. triBK. Aarteal and MckWs Ucm. mnUtiK. StTpv. e teti LVparl. mol ta nj.r a roli CaSU aa-d a priaJit la that deprUattt. Four Tearbrra SPENCER CHAPLIN. J a . rnoraJ. WIDE AWAKE AND UP TO DATE, :0:- If you are wide aakend waot to ecooomlte by getting the full worth of your money, yoa will come'at once to HEAiaUARTERS, Harry Waitt's old stand, where you can fiod the Cheapest goods for the money in Louitburg. We mean business. You will find nice fresh Groceries of all klodj, Dry Goods, Notion, &c Give os a call and yoa will be sure to callgalo. Respectfallr, . - COOKE & CA8H.' XDHBER. fu lfil ((Hl1 9 ""a fJM(elHfc III 0 40S 41 e Yswft TiA.I a a aaruaaor Waaaissrto &faow4 Nortoik via 8 A L Po-TroJa - 11 ta in i a i 4 40 SM ao 4 0 OS tl pm tU 4S 9 to II rUUai ii Mi i a a U4rmom Dvrwa Lar 7 a j v 3 TOpll IOm Ar. ISMbrf . t a a t . . t lObOa. m. t isiaa4 bLaintk Katvfrl -" XotWa rsm Ha.irt a as a oa 4 11 & io 5 44 e 43 S 8-S esj s II 11 Caartotte a o io as CcMaUa Clisto. Athiba. Ubwrtoa. Ataa, l4e. tUat T. (VpwtCtii north botxd A lo Iv 47 4 OO 91 mm 10 s; 11 Oi 1 2 07 p 1 IS 1 & ' 1 SO lJ 10 ai i or 1 40 41 a as 4 SO 5 20 4 ca as AtUt ia HAL. (Turn 1 oo m 7 to m f ' w nopwtoti Ata, - SIS 11 Jw Atbeviu $ S 1 40 Uraeood. s4l S MuUm. 64 A Ui coi,buc yrTry:izz f t CIV A a. L. . li rii Caaiott. lOIS A 0 tlastU. ilaviagtoa. ll HJroi farkaaB r-" Ler. 40 u :a os e is tA SO tai Tj sxi Krja 13 14 1 14 3 J X ax ii as i vo 7i 4 0i S JOy-as Ml lQa -1 1 10 aw as. 4trvs. Ar L LoatrK. RJrhaioaJ. a.CL. a is eto aTaietoa ti Teas kKll tlpai U )o PaiU.4Wp.aia, SO A 1 a oca. - ra a as Port ass owt. Ta. L. 7AOM liota t &o e os Sa w ffj ow mm j temtav 'e Urkrf Sawpara mm4 taJovmio. mptit to H A r r- aaiim. Mgr. "T peestleai. If. W. B OJorae, TrS mmt. T. i. lajtrtoa. tir Tmsm. AU UTaJ Ofira . hortasU. Xm. Mraa.v Foiau. Trmm. Tmmm. PortMaoajtA. Vw SOUTHERS RAILWAY. (PIKDHOVT AIM UaL CONDENSED SCII'EDCLE. IS EF FKCT JAMJiET J. Ufa, ! A. M. IVonwrts al y Caarta mm BmsiKiTa XorUwasaaew rU lMUAwlav - C2raria mm4 fcrta runt t4i trai loeaa Muaea.aai CWrtotl. StrUUa7r lVarkaat. aBrmaaaA, Jaj viaa. mmm S3 swawtTlai n. " ALMS. Jai WOssa4 M UaarWiUa wtim 11 M r. M. OowawtsM Bs w4sy Wtoatai rwrtl0wtim mrz tor Uuruaaa4 ts SL SV Ui:. torn firmi. aa Was -aentosj foe -lanmai Iwliiiar 4 A"Cw as4 aasms. W rtawtris autw. a w.- away SLewav. Tartar, mm lia r. sC Ltaiiv tm -1 e OvToe-C. a aw4x tees foe yosaxsi A 14 a4 rvrUa t r. at. Z)jaTe honAv . tMUf. n mm savwtx - aaV5 wlS . Ormii uii UAmUK w U A. kC reZU2r?V Ww r. m. rrow Ot. istuae s4 sa swaw. Dairy Mjl, SjCbX. Vmrmi trf trmtm iW carry t M nriiawtiNiVs,TaTa7 .i 1 " Usaay. 1 a. rxavtAe aWT e trX UXmm W.w.a. . . louaaavl

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