''''i''.r :-y--v.. psfe: . err--"' ... . - . ' v .. J-L Jl. M J V: vw- A - W , I - -y .- " i ' .' A Jn ; VOL XXVLL LOUISBURG, a, FEIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1S07 K0HBER45.. Metuodist Church Directory. ' Sunday School at .9:30 A. M; ,ZZ Geo. S. Barer. Supt. -Preaching at 11 A. M.-, and 7 P. M., every Sunday. " -t Prayer meeting Wednesday night. . " -GF.SmitHc. Pastor. V ANNIE' AND WlLUE'S PfiAYER.;: Pro t'esmonal cri.r3ba, jU. S. P. BDRT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, ' Louisburg, N. C. Ofilce in the Ford Building, corner Main and Ntieh streets. Dp stairs fronts , - yM.H. RUFF1N, 4 ATTORNfeY-AT-LAW, Louisburg, N. C. Will practice n all courts Office in Ford BuildiuK, corner of Mainnd Nash streets. 13. B. M ASS EN BURG, ATTORHBY AT LAW. ' IiOVISBUBS, V. 0.) Will practice in all the Coorta of the State Office In Court House. C. L COOKE ft SON, ATTOBNBYS-AT-LAW, LOUISBUB6, v.o. vVni attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, aranviLle, Warren and Wake counties, also the Hupreme Court oi mortn uarounp, auu u u. ti circuit and District Courts. pjfcL J. E. MALONK omce two doors below Aycocke ft Co.'s drag store, adJoinlnK VI. U. i JSins. D R. W. II. NICHOLSON, PBACTICINa PHYSICIAN, LO018BDE8, 5. O. 8. 8PBDILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, iOUISBUBe, m. o. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, n-.nvilln Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections, an. IHOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOU1SBOB0, K. 0. Offlce on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's atore. T. W. BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOCISBUBS H1. C Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter Intrusted to his hands. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John u,n,,inn Unn itnht. W. Winston. Hon. J. C Baxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win Bton, Olenn & Manly, WinBton, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Unas. js. xayioc rren. n est College, Hon. E. W. inuBeruuio. Office in Court House, opposite Shertfrs. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, LOUISBUKS. H. C. Twas the eve before Christmas; 'Good. night had been said, " ,f ' I And Annie and Willie had crept into "bed; j x uere were iea?s on their pillows and bears iu tueir eyes 9 - ' .i. ., And each .little bosom was' heavy with signs-, v.- . ; r--' 1 . For to-night their stern father's' com mand bad been criven That they: most retire precisely at seven' insceaa oi eignt; tot tney troubled him uiura , . . . . . , ; . With q actions . unheard of than ever before." -1 He told them he thought this delusion " sin, - - ' . : r : ' - :; No such thing as "Santa Clans' ever bad been . And he hoped.after this, he should never more hear ' - How he scrambled down chimneys with presents each year, And this is the reason ; why- two little heads ' - ' ; So restlessly fossad oa their sft, do wny Eight, nine; and the clock oa the steeple v - tolled ten ' Not a word had been spoken by either till then: When Willie's sad face from the blanket did peep, And he whispered, "Dear Annie, is you ias asleep?" "Why, no; brother Willie," a sweet voice - replies. "I've tried in vain, but I can't shut my - eyes; - For Bomehow it makes me so sorry be- , cause Dear papa had said there is no Santa - UJaas; Now we know there is, and it can't be denied, For he came every year before mamma died; But then I've been thinking that she used to pray. And God would hear everything mamma would say, And perhaps she asked him to send Santa Olaus here With the sacks full of presents he brought every year. "Well, whytan'twe p'ay dest as mamma did then. And ask Him to send him with presents adien?" "I've been thinking so, too," and with out a word more Four bare little feet bounded out on the floor, And four little knees the soft carpet presse'd. And two tiny hands were clapped close to each breast "Now, Willie, you know we must firmly believe That the presents we ask for we're sure to receive, You must wait just as still till I say amen And -by that you will know that your torn has come then Dear Jesus, look down on my brother and me. Ani grant us the favor we're asking of Thee; That the various presents outnumbered a. Then home ward he turned with his holi day loadv : v t And with Aunt Mary's i afi in the nursery Miss ; Dolly was seated beneath ' pine .tree,;;:-:;': - i.-.-j By the side of a . table spread bnt" for a A writing desk In the centre was laid. ' And on it a rin for: which Annie had . A . prayed j - - -. ;.. Fonr acrobats painted in vellow and red Stood with a block house on a beautiful sled: - . : ,. - -: t - ,-:.v : There were balls, dogs and horses; books . - pleasing to see . And birds of al colors were perched 1a me tree;-- - . - While Santa Clans, laagbing," stood op 'in the. top, '..'.'.l.r.-'--" As if getting ready for more presents to arop; - - . And as the fond father the picture sar- veyed'v.---" He thought for his trouble he had. amply been paid: . . - c. And he said to himself as he brushed- off a tear. - - I'm happier to-night than I have been for a year.. I've enjoyed more true pleasure than ever oeiore. I - - What care I if bank stock falls ten per cent, more? - Hereafter I'll make it a rule. I believe. To have Santa Clans visit ns each Christ mas Eve. So thinking he gently extinguished the light. And tripped downstairs to retire for the night. As soon as the beams of the bright morn ing sun Put the darkness to flight and the stars one by one. Four little blue eyes out of sleep opened wide, And at the same moment the presents espied. Then out of their beds they sprang with a bound. The very gifts prayed for were all of them ioubd; They laughed and they cried in their Innocent glee, And shouted for papa to come quick and see What presents Santa Claus had bnnght in the. night (Just the things they had wanted) and left before light. "And now," said Annie, in a voice soft and low, "You'll believe there's a Santa Claus, papa, I know;" While dear little Willie climbed up on his knee. Determined no secret between them should be; And told in soft whispersrhow Annie bad said. That their dear, blessed mamma, so long ago dead; Used to kneel down and pray by the side of her chair, And that God, up in heaven; had answered her prayer! "Then, we dot up and prayed dust as -well as we tould. I want a nice book full of pictures, a 1 And Dod answered our prayers; now Tins. I wasn. t ne aooar Just For Fan. .'Fashion Notes. ' The camel carve is ' the. name given to the new blees." ; ; Yellow and violet are the lead ing shades in stationery. - ' A gold cnatelaine, etodded with amethysU is an op to date affair. Very beaut i f ul f all-d ress toilets are of black ; ehantilly- net, with jet or steel motifs and bright satin accessories, made ovr a . founda tion of pore white glace silk.- ': A bat of embroidered felt is one of the choicest-samples of .the mil linery a? U v The" . wede wcrkl i s mostelaborate 1 and. beautiful. The trimming is of velvet ribbon loops, velvet' roses and ostrich tips. There is a certain charm and elegance about the color black which gives it a firm bold apon the affections. Other colors are all the go to-day and tabooed to-morrow, but black remains always in fashion. Black satin, silk and velvet are as popular at the present moment as when they were lnznries worn only by royalty and nobility. Among the new designs this fall are many fashionable waists of black 8attn or silk. The Russian blouse of plain or faDcy velvet worn with a belt of gay Rnasian enameled metal will carry out the fad that has arisen in Paris for all things Russian. Young ladies will find such waists especially stylish and becoming with a cloth or cashmere skirt. A stylish toque is of ruby velvet The edge is in a large thick roll and the crown is very fall and soft, and is caught down at ir regular intervals. The trimming is a jabot of embroidered lace and a standing cluster of very rich, golden yellow ostrich plumes. Accordion plaiting is still afav. orite decoration or stylish eoa- tumes. A Paris costume is of black Financial news note Stock-logs .will go up pretty soon. ; '. Even a poor ' ball player ran catch a cold this kind of weather -.Two don't? for fair sboppfrs Neckties and cigars for" your husbands..'- . - CO 6 tO Here, waiter, bring me some tnilk., - Walter Con densed?" Customer No; the udder kind.M - No.'Maode.dear, weneverhesrd that whiskey was gooJ for the yoice, but V it certainly de strengthen the breath. t .. , Hobaon He's so eccentrio 1 don't like t walk by him on the street." Jobsoo Wbyr" ilob. son Afraid of being arrested for passing the queer." When a woman finds an old feather, says the Manaynok Philosopher, "her economic soal prompts her to buy 610 worth of other trimmings to build a hat around it.' Nell "Miss Kostiqoe recom mended Mr. Strait as a good por trait painter for me." Belle The epiteful thing!" "Why, isn't be really good." "0! ye; but he's altrlct follower of real ism." "They say," remarked the ex tremely strong one, "that he jael married you for spite." uVell,' replied the thin one, "if he had married vou for that be would have gotten about 200 pounds of it." - Nature is - God's; botany and geology are man's so religion is divine, theology is human.V l From the Lose Bur Stats er& tl folkio Mtr, vrittea bv W. F. Gsm, dli.r of Om MuTrnot, (tt ) Ilanlit '1 hate elUtiobrlsl,spQ!k.eo!T ad diarrhoea roJy is my family for the r jrr, ana fl4 Itibe c-triOr for eholi a4 dUrrboa Ui&l 1 hat vr trkd. ltavSc'. arv fastsauarcos a4 MlWietory. sad 1 chwrfalty Hea ii.priny lor crsfap eclte ae iiarrbora. Is JrJ,. w try kerp a botlie of It o our o2Wi b:f nlo(ti krp kot." ForaWtf W.. O. Thocaajs Drafirt. LoWtrr, 5. C. :. - . - - If vorj want to know the spring, open your heart, so, also, if you would know Christ. Knowledge bloats, love develops. . , . 7 - U m JONES & COOPER: Practices in all courts. Office li Neal K writing' desk, too, that shuts with a "I should say that He was if He sent you Latin with accord lon-Dlaited ruf- ..u j: I : I all ttisoA I fles of silk and lace, almost cover ing the skirt. There is a deep Cllrlfmr I anmnrr I All nMR. uu,""u6' H"UB' . . . . . . .... i a . ji i Bless papa, dear Jesus, and cause him And anew just what presents my child- ucb oi biik anu itco, aimoai cover- VV. H YARBOROCOH, JB. AT1 ORNEY AT LA W , LOUISBURG, N. C. t.n me I ren wouia piease TV.C!nn4.n rle, lnug no asm nVi avon I fWfll wall lt him think T th T as he- - little elf; cape made of the plated silk, edged Don't let him get fretful and angry 'T would be cruel to tell him I did it my- wtfa the finest French ebantilly orroir. Self.") I . utfice on second floor of .Neal building At (jear and Anuie amen!" Blind father! who caused your stern 1 lace. . Main Street. "Pleas, Desus, 'et Santa Tans tome down heart to relent? All legal business intrusted to him to-night, And the hasty word spoken so soon to A pattern bat is made of plaited will receive prompt aridcarefnl attention. And bring us some presents before it is repent? ribbonl the lae fram baa a brim 'isht. a was me xemg wno oaae you sieai i ' I want he should dive me a brieht little softly up stairs, covered above and below With kR. D. T. fiMlTHYTICK, . box. And made you His agent to answer their v j tv" tv. i. And a bag full of tandy, a book and a toy D1 DENTIST, LOUISBUBG, N. C. Amen, and . then, Desus, I'll be a dood Both Partners Had Faults to Burn Office in Ford Buttding, 2nd floor. q,-'52heini. andad rteTrsisadnn Gas administered and teeth extracted Their PJJ ended.they raised up without pain. i iAnd withi hearts liffht and cheerful again senghfe their beds; or to Rub In. made of soft silk and thickly set with clusters of fine flowers. A large butterfly bow at the back of the hat completes the trimming. R. E. P. EARLY, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Six yards of velvet are sufficient Toajming in sleep. very with yon. Do you realize that floor. Gas administered and-teetn ex tracted without pain. TR. R. E. KING, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. 'Trthr. Bnt Mm Winnlr tn i TCbey wf soon Jost in slumber both ... , , , . for the Russian blouse, having the ; peaceful and deep,. her leige lord, the other evening, ' , And with fairies in - dreamland were 'I want to have a very frank talk tlDy frU1 b6loW lhe bell worn witn ine nana belt. l be same quantity answers for a full round to fofm blouse without the frill, but with I m tntt ho I r nm rt mm w o m wh.n K. 1 1 1 heir rharRfiters ? I ' He seems now to hear Annie's half T . . j or collar ae of passementerie. smothered sighs, V4 1 And to see the big tears standing in Wil- ,Yes, and we want them to be lie's nine eyes Office in New Hotel building, -'tod clock the boys are old enough now to E re the father bad thought of his child- observe and are beginning : ren ag"am; Office in Opera House " v Buildikg Secokb Ixoor. S TRY' THEM. A Trosrr UJr. lira, J. W. TawU. of Pbliadetpblr, Taa., baa b-w Jiff ChaaberUla's Cocb lUoiy for br baby, who t ab)-t la croop, j m y of ill 1 find it j est a rood yo mimXm it to b. Eie I've had yor Oafb lt-ndy. baby bstbta lbrrUd wtib eroopeverso loaav Ucvea. hot I wold gin biaor a duM ot the Erody a4H rretrsted hU-blof it evrr Obm. I!a4rd of CQotbra ay tbe mb. o!4 by W. G. ThocuLt. drocjUt. LoqW borg. N. C. The Creator expends to much force in sunsets and apple blos soms that there must be some great use in mere beauty. An Old Doctor's rarorite. Dr. L U GUIs o. who rflWrd rad icitr otr forty yvarv, orlriaatcd. sad c 11 card that Botoele Blood Bain. (H U H) which hi. bow ba la o aboot Bity five yrr. was lb bt Tolc tod Blood Pori3r nt rtwa lo IW world. It Qtr fail to cart the nemx mallDt alcvr, aorve, rbvmatiKa. cturrh ad all io aad blood Gt Bar of aobvtitatre. Vm tbU ! ard rrcnoy. Prlct rr Urf boitl. t CO. r or mi by lrogtt. P"i rf r 71 : U7SAJJ SOCTHSOC3D. 404 at to VMcrM a a 1 1 mm wm rI4WAi - Illy U03m iUltimo SIS SM VwUtt " iO 4 SO fcifw 4 SM US SorVJfc vms A L tilra wZZZm id ro ilr-ilU.s tS&4jISSa fort Ok - Lmt HI 4i0 t as lOOOav m. Cedar Rock Academy, T6rn Skr4 Ouifo. AVbrvirw. UWto 1) 07 MM 41 wiwv. - id ao AIU C. Ufa( C t.a J KJ a TO 11- a sa i ca in a a s 10 . a u s a4 sit a 44 air tao ion tiOMlVll mi . s oo 4lwUI4t 10 ICT 11 OS 1 40 CEDAR ROCK. N. O. :Ors5 Acorrr lCm. 1F97: A High Grade Day and Boarding School for Young Men and Young Lad it. IA rul CtTujM 11 oo mm tMt J 10 fm 9 41 in ii r 4 IS UUu & IS 140 s 41 oe S4 1(4 f w AlUa WiW At cww. a a L ii" lU 14 14 fHlt ! tal dfMrt4v. t'ovt TMff STEXCCa CHifUV J, TfMwllNftl. rrv. - I- Jill i .v 1 J "I was harsh with my darlings," he men- S""" u. xuoy umrnj to cbamberlaia'a Co ugh Remedy tally said. un to vnii John, more than to anv-1 for the cure of throat and Innr diseasra. And should not have sent them so early . , , xfm - Dv This is a fact that haa been proven la to bed: V body else. For their sakes yon numberleea cases. Hsre U a iaopU of -:o; But when I was troubled my feelings must be careful in what yon say J thousands of letters received I ha v ..!SeKrG3 Forbkl.darb.rWdow.ten do. Yoa fellorer chair th. h llX' per CKUb. I OlQor vio Y SOU uBBU CUUIV very I LU" 1 iuu tvuuu iiuuiruio iuu runux ro- Butof course they'd forgot their troubles i-a t ioa,j w;n,oIltef- I en unhesitatingly recommend . ere this.- - " lPr0Per language. I beard Willie u.BMi, w. WRrrrsjcoaa. Editor But then I denied them the thrice asked repeat li when he stubbed his toe Grand Rivers (Ky.) Herald. For ale at But just make sure FU steal up to tne' " "a J . door. - v v t . .. The littlo rascal! He didn't?" before."- - v ' - : chuckled the father. . . ONE OF TWO WAYS. So saying heeoftly ascended the sUirs, k "les, John, and they pretend t The bladder was ereated for one pur- And arriving at their door beard Dotn or i tosmofce cigars and pour ; drintcs P08 "' P.1"" lor - -their prayers. v;;. - t - - . . nd aa such it Is not liable to any fonaof HisUnnie'a blesa papa" -draws forth "om su aiugiuuy ucvuir. disease eicept by one or two waye. xns Uan t you set tnem a Dener exam v' less local treatment of other diseaaea. . To Our Friend asd Patross: Only a call and look, while in town, will convince you. e are np to date with a full line of goods in every department. LADIES DRKS3 GOODS, from 4 cents to 75 cents per yard. BROWN 8HEEriN(iS and DRILLS at prices that will aston ish you. Good, 4-4 BLEACHING at & cents per yard A. C. A. TICKING at 12 cents per yard. DICKEY'S KBRSBYS, 35 UT45 cents per yard. LADY HOSE, from 5 cents to 50 cents per pair. SHIRTS ! SHIRTS I momrnm, tl G i w riiT- ItM jt. Ar. Cmmimrf. L. Xom tx . WIDE AWAKE 40 a &4 1 lss all li Omm ii jyr in rj a 'III 1114 t i i to iWr tl iOmm M 10 m. II (I k . .jthwm,i. ACL. a 11 La r fcjl If tifm 11 10 141 1141am AND t he up-to-date lines of the profession HOTELS. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. WOODAKD, fTOp., Bocky Mount, N. C. Free Bus meets all trains, c Es $2 per day. ' ' FRAN K iM 0Nj Jgi FRANKLINTON, N. C. . ; SAM'L MERRILL, - t the biff tears a Tn:n:j- .tn. (.11. M..f .imi: his el;i:?:4f s.;: . P,0 ? "Strange, strange, I've forgotten,", said ' Sav little one, ; II heard- Amy UB W I till B IMgll,. rHowI longedheni!ihild W have; paying keep house one afternoon rjnbeaithy f i ; Christmas drawnigh.; . lately. When callers': were an neys is the I'll atone for myv harshness," he in-1 ' . , . troubles. So wardly said52; cmav cavss.' urine from unhealthy kid chief cause of. bladder nounced she sent ' out -word . that was created for one purpose; and if not tAiinff I Bv answerinsr their prayer era 1 sleep lit, ot r.rmo wkin.' srm 1 doctored too muca is not liable lo weak puDiic. , .u ri&3j.5:i.; . - s,i;.jr .i' ill j -cniisflnt to reeeif e an vone she 1 1. t- r MriMtA'iKi vtoou ijiTcrj aiwiBuwi. ,r ,?i 3 ? pi,a lia thrnifl thft' st m nd snf t r t. . j !.. . K f , r Lbladder. therefore anr uain. OMeies . or . t j.v v --. -,. .- yU)UUm01U-Unu ,u oa. u - . v v . . T ' - v- - . r . . , r . A A . n. . . a . ...... tasaage -11 m. unntnir wien, j muukr, uruuiu w - in the street-. . ; -i- -V i i was an luiuiufauto uuio, buuu4u i Tbe error lseasuy maae ma may oeai xo nna oo eorrecuy. four id kites tA v ; h.-. . .... !, um '.v.,. -haval kldnev or bladder trouDie. .inemiia Good accommodations - for the f , He knew Ulfor he'd pawed it the day "Cir "! 7S,:Z'ZZZ:-:--. : snd extraordinary effect of Dr. KUmer-a t 1 aer rruwur wiooa iviiucu, 4 tu 1 a -medicine vou should hare the beat. A xrZin. nMT,oa nr tMsnwn tsil -With-- iriad 1 n.o L 'f mtihUor it inl But wait. I drnxirisU fifty cents and one dollar. Yon heart and free; r.? h';ft,:-i---?f- 1:'' t -1 - : hti y TBBF4W mTf -vjr .r rf-Vi -'rii f-si '-io;!! Threw ofE velvet slippers and silk, dress- band before they . were admitted. baek; bladder- or nriay pas OSBORN nOUO ti L - ng gown. 0 u f! Tl inaRORN. Pronrietorl ' - , - A millionaire , facingjthe coldiwinter tad a:crea deal better be at home easily ao K-.? - - . - . , gleettCfer r-lii-fe'" " v-. . - - . set .your urine aside for twenty fOxford, N. C. He first went to a wonderful "Santa cleaning the house or looking after hours; a'eedimnt or settling iod traveling c. MASSENBURG HOTELS. J RMaaenburgPropr sed? he until -hehad bought ear, -in asouer. :TJr,Jf both sent free by malL Mention. Ths - . ; .verVthinr?5 v.. both do - better. - It's for: their Faainxza Tmas snd send yoor sddrwa to HENDERSON, N C. : Froml bSfecandy to a rtinygold Ln"De"twiV- Free Dr.Kllmer CKagbam.Y.Tbe A. ?.-Zi:-- ueirois-.. Jjree pronrietoraof thla paper gnaxanUe the Good accommodations, uooa tare; ro,'. a C-nr. fuldina-so much tohis iP. C - " : .'- " . fgenulnenesa of tbJa offer uwuwhui ihimi -a s store We can show the best line on this msrket. Don't fall to see hem before yon buy. MEN'S HATS, from 23 cents to $3 00 each. Alio the largest and prettiest line of GENTS & BOYS CAPS on this market. Our stock of UP TO DATE. rwii mJUipm, - a vo XI tvrmmmm, K aSTT. f0l o4oi . - T SO I 4t mm 44 I Ctt o. in nw Jmt 4 im Krr. M . - " " I.J. airx. r4. Axl. - .S.UKW.lfUtMulM Mca,v raa. Ir. r& Va. If you are wide avake'laod, want to e-cooomiie by getting .tb full worth of your money, yoo will come at once to SOUTUERX RAILWAY. CT1KS1T AIM CONDENSED SCHEDULE. 15 BF 1ECT i AUi 74T 1. ms. ruinun IHIVH.S.C A. M. iMmmmmtm mi Of 4 r. 1 rKy. ill Impress yon that we have them, and at prices that will as tonlsb you. (We bought bslore the rise.) . - . ' We cannot enumerate our Slock and Prices. We go from bsiling Needles to Three Horse W agooa. So give ns a look while In town. It will give us pleasure to show you onr goods, if yon do not boy. We ask yon 10 make our place your 'headquarters while here. Ou boji, B1LLIE WILLIAMS, BED ;B ALLEN and NICK PEE- BY, will give yoo a welcome and make you feel at home. " Tbanklog yoo for past ' patron age, and asking a continuance of sameWe are - ... - ' 7." ' Yours lo serve,. , JONES & COOPER. MUARTERS, Harry Welti's old- stand, where yoo can Bod the Cheapest goods for the money in Loalaburg. We mean bnsiueas. Yoawlll find nice freth Groceries of all kinds, - . , Dry Goods, ,Notionsv tc, -.. : - - . ' Gltensa rail and joa will be sure to call again. ... " ' Ess pecifnlly, -.' . . . . "" ' ; ' . . . ,. .... COOKE & CASH. tmr Ibrth mm In mi. ti I w la ma kartaaa mt mmmmm m XXm t tmti"T' "trnl,lai- ll U mm I ! SMinl fc 0IMU 4 UwteM W Oitart. CteTU a4 Ijtmm Vau tt-fmrvrf,w talTaJw Tor a4 fWMt an 1 11 tlx- . l liA teAawl til" -mil , r In , 1 , aa am e rrfcT ' a"i' aa' tt MO tor IWmWi. ------- wwvfci. AIM ata mmm Co ai aa la ' tf car Sot Arac mim. 11 u r. il a ea m toyfiernt rtfKlOTUitaartOM . a. nT" 4 w. s w. Cuili f ml tie a. m. Ea iM&ay til Mkt rx r. ac. . . Al Jva it BALarair, jl a M A. la. r Cm if h a. uMif Awuy. . yavuM iKrnx t4 mmj mil. a-arlaLA 4 ua r. at. rwo;iitwa UCS A. K. rMS?irVev. ViaarH res r. is. vrMST. Vml'-T Ba. ML. Lena trHr InfM J 4WT tytMi 1via aaArtrlk. CU M autAi. VJAX I rai, y urTrrl s t U AtoLtm, T. r. Jm.OxtWCMs V. C. 9 i

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