mm,.- - 1 i m OS. 5 '.I i I YOL. xxvii Methodist Church Directory. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Geo. S. Baker. Supt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 7 P. M., every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. G. F. Smith. Pastor. Prot'eissioual cards jJR. S. P. BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. Office in the Ford Building, corner 'Main and Nash streets. Up etairs front., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Louisburg, N. C. Will practice n all courte Office in Ford Buildium, corner of Main and Nask street. B. MA.HHENBURQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LocisBuae, . o. Will practice in all the Courts of the State Office in Court Honse. C. L. COOKE & BON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LOUISBUKe, N. 0. Win attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warreuand Wake coanties, also the Supi-euie Court of IS'orth Carolinp, and the U. ti circuit and District Courts. I) R. J. E. MALONE. Oilioe two doors below Aycocfee & drug store, adjoiniuK -Dr. O. 1. Ellis. Co.'s D R. W. II. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING. PHYSICIAN, LOCISBUR&, K. O. 8. 8PR01LL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOOISBCfiO, N. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections, &c. rpHOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUKU, N. C. Office on Main street, over Jones & Cooper'B store. W. B1CKETT, 1 . ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBCRB N. C. Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter intrusted to his hands. Refers to Chief J ustice Shepherd, Hon. John Mannini?. Hon. llobt. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win ston, Glenn & Jdanly, Winston, Peoples Ban& of Monroe, Chas. E. Taylor, rres. w ane lur est College, Hon. E. W. Timberlake. Office in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. VY. jj.. PERSON, Attorney at-law, LOU13BUB8.N. 0. Practices in all courts. Office Ji Building. Neal w. H YARBORODGH, JB. ATTORNEY AT LA W , LOUISBURG, N. C. Utfice on second floor of Neal building Main Street. . All liral business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. R. D. T. 8MITHWICK, DENTIST, LOUIS3URG, N. C. Office in Ford Boildinff. 2nd floor. Gas administered and teeth extracted without pain. DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in New Hotel building, 2nd floor. Gas administered and teeth ex tracted without pain. JjR. R. E. KING, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in Opera House Building Second Floor. With an experience of twenty-five years is a sufficient guarantee of my work in all the up-to-date lines of the profession. HOTELS. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. WOODAKD, Prop., Rocky Mount, N. C. Free Bus meets all trains. Rsi $2 per day. FRANKLLNTO.N HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C. SAWL MERRILL, Prfr. Good accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, FOxford, N. C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. M'ASSENBURG HOTEL J I SlaMenburg1 Propr HENDERSON, N. C Good accommodations. Good fare; Po lite and attentive servant Congressman Kitchen Heard From. Mr. Kitchen introduced the. fol lowing bill to-day, (Dec. 16) which was referred to the Committee on Ways and means and ordered to be printed: A bill to amend sections thirty- two hundred and forty-two, and tbirty-two hundred and eighty one of the Revised Statutes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Americartn Con gress assembled, that section thirty-two hundred and forty-two of the Revised Statutes of the United States be, aud the same is hcrsby, amended by adding at the end thereof the following, to wit: "Provided, That in cases where the sales of a retail liquor dealer or wholesale liquor dealer, or wholesale or retail dealer in malt liquor, carrying on his business without having paid the special tax required by law, shall, have amounted to less than ten gallons, the punishment for the first con viction thereof shall not exceed a fine of one hundred dollars or imprisonment for sixty days or both; and the United States com missioners shall have jurisdiction to hear aud determine the cases falling under this proviso, and for such purpose shall, unless defend ant waives a trial by jury, cause to be summoned and empanel a jury of twelve men to try the cause; but the defendant shall have the right of appeal to the dis trict court." Sec. 2. That section tbirty-two hundred and eighty-one of the Revised Statutes of the Uuited States be, and the same is hereby, ameuded by adding at the end thereof the following, to wit: . "Provided, That in cases of un lawfully operating a distillery whose capacity is less than ten gallons per day, whether without having given the bond required by law or with the intent to de fraud the United States of the tax on the spirits distilled, the pun ishment for the first conviction thereof shall not exceed a fine of two hundred dollars or imprison ment, or both; and the United States commissioners shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine the cases falling under this pro viso, and for such purpose shall, unless defendant waives a trial by jury, cause to be summoned and impanel a jury of twelve men to try the cause; but the defendant shall have the right of appeal to the district court." A Lawyer Who Insulted a Witness Got His Deserts. Washington Post. In many of the State courts throughout the country, both civil and criminal, it is the habit of "smart" counsel to grossly insult witnesses by asking impertinent questions, and by intolerable in solence in manner and bearing. Questions that have no possible relation to or connection with the case on trial and which are art fully devised to exasperate the witness and cause him or her to make an unfavorable impression on the jury, are the regular order in cross-examinations iu scores of the "temples of justice." Ques tions are put to the honest men and good women intended to con vey to the jury the impression that bad reports concerning the char acter of the witness are to have m been ic circulation. In the course of a trial in a Northwestern State a witness named Brown, a farm laborer of good reputation, was asked on cross-examination if he was the same Brown who had been indicted for stealing hogs This was followed by other equally insulting questions until Brovn became so angry that he got confused, and it was.' not diffi cult to make him contradict him self, It is some satisfaction, how ever, to record that when the in suiter of Brown left the'sbelter o the court boose be found bis victim outside, and. got his deserts from a pair of stout fists. "A man in getting ich is like a man getting drank. The more he gets the more he wants: and the less capable he is of knowing when he baa enough. " A man by the name of Damm. somewhere in the state of Wash ington, got married lately to a young lady in Portland named Smith. The two families sent ti conjoint telegram of congratula tions as follows: "Accept con gratulations of the whole Damm Smith family." Mt. Vernon (Washington) Argus. Young man, do you see that old lady bent with age trudging along that muddy street? Stop and think; did you eyer utter an insulting or nnkipd remark about her? That old lady, gray and wrinkled with age, is some ones darling old mother. Perhaps time is telling on your kind aud affectionate old ujotber in the same way and while she has a home devoid of adversity and sorrow awaiting her in heaven, her days here below are numbered and fleeting away on the wings of time. Would it not 6ting your heart to hear an unkind word spok en of your aged mother? Of course t would. Young man. have re- pect for yourself and refrain from making unkind utterances auent old ladies Ex. The Texas Stock and Farm ourual says : Farming will not pay if time is wasted and economies are ignored t will frequently not pay if all he energies of the farm are de voted to a single crop year after year. It will not pay if the farm er buys all he consumes. It will not pay if the dairy and fruit and poultry departments of the farm are neglected. It will not pay if the live stock of the tarm consists of a few shabby work animals. It will not pay if the productive ele ments taken from the soil are never restored. It will not pay if he farmer does not give intelli gent direction to the work of the farm. It will not pay if be would rather manage political conven tions than the farm. It will not pay if be does not keep abreast with the advauced agricultural methods and thought of the day by reading, or discussion with his fellow farmers. Sam Jones on North Carolina. "Aint old North Carolina in a fix? If all the politicians were to die at once, it wouldn't do for the devil to let 'em all in hell at the same time. If be did, they would soon get together in a caucus, hold an election, elect a new devil, knock the old one in the head and set up a hell of their own." v "The last legislature in North Carolina was a lousy set. I'll bet there wasn't a man in your legislature who could go home and borrow $10.00, without security. Think of such little devils as that making laws for decent people !" Sam Jones, in bis lecture in Laur- inburg. Do We Need Christ? In this bright, beautiful world of sunshine and flowers, of youth and joy, do we need Jesus, the Christ, or his religion? Is there not enough of good things, and is there a remedy for every ill outside of the Son of God? Some times in the hopefulness and bouyancy of youth we are wout to decido this question in tbe affir mative, but as the years come and go, and tbe shadows of time lengthen, when disasters sickness and disappointment come to ns, when we bave looked npon tbe pale face of those we love cold in death, and touch lips turned to clay, then we feel tbat all the beauty, and the grandeur and riches of this world is not enough, tbat in our lives has come a time when the things of this world will not suffice. Christ alone is suffi cient then. Greenville Messeuger. LOUISBURG, H. C," FRIDAY, 'JANUARY State Press. We haye frequent occasion to quote from the -Hickory Times. Its editor, Mr. TbiSs." M. Hufbam, is a son o( Rev. J L) Hafbam, D D., of Henderson. He inherits his pore and undefiled Memocracy and English from hr scholarly father. News and Observer. Judge Linney, who T represents this congressional distriet, has been telling the newspapers of Washington thai his state is feel ing the effects of tbe revival of in dustry following tbe passage of tbe Dingley bill. Eminently cor rect. One of tbe result was tbe failure of tbe Piedmont bank at Morganton. May we be spared further evidence! Marion Mes senger. The majority of mankind abhors a traitor. The Judas Iscariots and tbe Benedict Arnolds bave justly bad tbe anathemas of tbe genera tions heaped upon them and in all age! and among all people the traitor has been held iu execration. But Senator Pritcbard seems to have regard for those men of tbe south who deserted their country's flag and went to tbe enemy dur ing the civil war. Monroe Eu quirer. The voters of North Carolina may differ as to whether we should have high tariff, low tariff, or free trade; they may differ as to whether the currency should be based upon a single gold standard or upon a double standard of both gold and silver, or fiat money; they may differ as to the "initia tive," aud tbe ''referendum," and the "imperative mandate," and a hundred or more other things, but every patriotic son of tbe state should be agreed that North Caro lina should bave fair, honest and upright administration of affairs, and there should be a mighty get- tiug together to kick out tbe seal- lawagg that ara bringing discredit upon us by base and incompetent and trading tactics. Past expe rience amply demonstrates tbat the desired results can be accomplished only through the great democratic party, whose doors are wide open to all who would take part in tbe grand work of saving the honor of state and giving all her people safe and good government Win stou Sentinel. An Awakening. The New York Mail and Express says that "the present conditions in the New England mills are un satisfactory enough, but these con ditions are not likely to be bettered permanently, so long as Southern competition is not recognized as a controlling force in tbe calcula tions of tbe future. Those mills which disarm such competion by eutering the Southern field them selves, and-using its cheaper water power, lower taxation and negro labor, will survive and prosper. Others will decay and die. New Eugland pride is slow to acknowl edge this, buttimewill vindicate the prediction, which rests above the reach of remedial legislation by Congress." There is mnch truth in this. Wage teductions and reductions in the hours of labor are but tem porary expedients which at best fo no more than postpone the evil day. Tbe Mail and Express needs to be reminded, however, tbat ne gro labor in Southern cotton mills has not thus far proved a bloom ing success. Still the foregoing quotation is interesting as evidence of an awakening, and the most in. teresting part of it all is tbe con fession tbat tbe New England mill situation is beyond tbe reach of ''remedial legislation by Con gress." A little while back the Mail and Express, along with our New England friends, thought that McKinleyism and Dingley ism were panaceas for all tbe ills of life, including appendicitis, par isis and ingrowing nails. As we grow older we grow wiser Char lotte Observer. lata wf ynpm 7, 1893 Rbrbt You Art-. WUmlnftoa Star. Senator "Rocky Mount" Butler declines saying mucb on tbe ques tion of a future Rp.-Rep. combine which be calls "co-operation" and perhaps be shows sagacity hi do iog so; but be also show amaiiog cheek when be says that if there is to be any co-operation it will be oo the Hue of "principle" Jeffer sonian Democracy as exemplified iu tbe scramble for office tbat wan j witnessed after tbe combine gut j control of matters at Raleigh. If! 8enator Butler can point out one , instance in which JefTronian j Democracy has bee u advanced by I the combine with tbe other ft..i',p ! ... . , grabbers we will dofl o ir hat to , him and acknowledge that be n a ; ... 4. .... great deal cuter than we tbmk he is. Marion and Governor Rua-ell : . are sleeping under tb-? earae blanket now, but the Governor is a much larger man than Marion and takes most of the blanket. The "co-operation" that is to he will depend altogether on the abilitv of this pair to manage their respectire sides and the question of "principle," especially of "'Jeffersonian Democracy," will bave as little to do with it a thi Winter's crop of ice will. The Surprise of All Mr. Jame Jodh, of the dru firm of J ones Son, Cowdm. Ill . in i-akm,f of Dr. Kind's New Di-v-orry, tj h'. last winter bia wife wait attacked wi'h La Grippe, and ber ca- tiv , -t tbat pbjMJians at Cowdeu atii lans coald do nothing for bi-r. It n-riiirl t. deTelop into bBty consumption. Hat. ia L)r. King'a New Iiwxerr in stre. and selling lof of it, he to.,k a b--tt-bome, and to the nurpriv of all nh- le gtn to gtt better from first d,, an J half doten dollar bottles cured hr s-j jo-I and well. Dr. Kind's N Ditcoter jr f -r consumption, cooifhs and cold n ar antted to do thin Rood work. Try it Free trial bcttle at Ay.-cke & Co.'s drug store. JONES & COOPER: TRY THEM. To Oi'R Fkiknhs am Tatkon-: Onlv a call and look, while in town, will convince you e are up to date with a full litio of goods in every department. LADIES DRESS GOODS, from 4 cents to 75 cents per yard . DRILLS at prices thai will a?ton- . , ' isb vou. Good, 4-4 BLEACHING 5 cents per yard at A. C. A. TICKING at 12 cents per yard. DICKEY'S KERSEYS, 35 to 45 cents per yard. LADY IIOSK, from 50 cents per pair. SHIRTS . SHIRTS t-TT . . 1 ... we can goow idp oest line on this market. Don t fail to '-ee them before jou buy f DV'C UiT r. or, , MKrs b HATS, frooj 2o cents to $3 00 each. Also tbe larert and nrAttlAnt litiArtf ( P T.s A HOY CAPS on this market. Our stock of will impress you tbat we bavo : them, and at Drices tbat will a - rrri iir tOnien ?0U. (We bOUL'bt belore tbe rise.) We cannot enumerate our Stock and Prices. We jjo from bailing Needles to Three Hori-e W sgons. So give us a look while in town. It will give us pleasure to sbow you our goods, if vou do not buy. We ask you to make our place your headquarters while here. Ou- boys, BILLIE WILLIAMS. BRU3R ALLEN aod NICK PER RY, will give yon a we'eotne and make yon feel at borne. Thanking you for pat patron age, and asking a continuance of same, We are Tooxs to tm, JONES & COOPER. i ktk&xal indigestion is tbe price J of Cbrittmae pie. How to be BtaallfEl. To b beaotifol. yo n4 bar prt blood and goad bllh. To do so, prLf r i lb blood a4 bo I Id 9p Ik WtlU ili i lh tx tocfeaM blond portbr c tfe : KoOftle Word TUla. ("K. R. R "l It U lb old ataBdard ad rlUbW ro-"dr- It ar fail to rtrtillBiiur of blood and ( is di wiher at otal phyateUB. tod all olby komu rmdi bar ftiUd. Fod lUcp tot Uk of partwnltr. lo tb Wood Htla Co.. AtUoia. G. For ule bjdrojrxl. Two letter tll tbe downfall of many a young man X S. Ym Till. S-nd roar adlr to H K. IlorkU. r?.- Cbieaao. ibJki a fr amfO boi - l" Ktac-a LU PCI. Atrial ' will nloc yoa of tblr oriia Tb ! iU r",J " anJ ar rwrUea- larlr Tcti in tb cart of ccaaonp- : ti..D aod ck badcb. For malaria ,o1 !,,''r troabl W b-o rrod , malaabl. Tby do not w-aia br tb-ir a-tioo. bat by jruloff o0 to .too- ch "nl bowu KrUy iotlxcrau ib. Sc. Id br Ajck St Co., drotj ' -r Tbe old mau's foot fnrniabes tbe moil effective misle toe. I'urrn tL pt to yetr. Mr J W. AUundrr, ifr f tb editor of tb Wj. D-b-ro, (Mi ) Tiart, ba la a rat may intanr.. rti-j br baby vbo in iDf tiM! tajj-s of croop. by itibit ti Cbarnb rUln'i Cowh Irair- She look nf--n tbi remedy aj a boahoid o-ritjr aai tlie tbat bo bvtter mdicin ba rr to pat in bttl Yi.-r are rr.anr thousand f tn -lbera lo ttiis brad lanl. who re of tb ata pini on It n tb ooly rrae-lj that eaa l aj dfodt-d Qr-o at pro tite ind cir- f r cr op Th nd W --ni!., r- f r wie br W. i. I'd mH. lro:'., I, .a .si) a rg , S . . i . ' t - - r - CEDAR ROCK. N. C. :Oi-kn Ai i-t 16th. lhP7: A Hiph (irade I)y and Boarding School fur Youn Men and o:i n g Lad ie. VI : - ! r.t -r. mri t I nr. 1 r: !' '.g u-:'T.' an 1 U.vrn I . xn r-.'.t:.. Sv)0l;r,iit. 4 .su l,r: mrr.' t: '.rr n n,l.rgr itra.ia,' - j a I i a i '. t ir, it-f.sJrtl'tl. STKSf Kit I'll A P I.I N J . I r.c. r NuTirK. Vj v irtU' of n--w..r ror.f-rr 1 It 4sJ rrt trut i"-uirl t.jr tf Loatn Bj!1tn rl Impr ' -ni'-tit O'ltno; nn tw i;t U of, laar. 143. hli-h I rerrr-J.l to FruikUii ooctj. In Rv.h ,ri jXjfJk' ui) hf-in orW lMiln irom ' n iui-rvor i. url or rrtntus 'oantj- in . i.rv--"-ll!.r thrvtn ctlt)M K Mr A Oo 1 !iw ."t. J t Th Uai,Mir Balktlnff &q ; linpruTrm'Ol Cnmpuir. I ttiMtl oo Tu-mi- tfc. LjeJa .Uj- of Juur; . l-V. U t pit4U- ttlV !.. lh hljtbit M J'W for .iik it tin tv.rl ll 'iw fV..r. In I.ou Ltirir . S ' . th f HvwIdj r fmlMr.i w;t a t-rtin U. or of Um ', itut-l In th- ('..antj of KnaliUD. town of ' I.oaUt.anr on Cbarh '.r-t la i t. in Wl i. follow fV-rtcui ( pr K .K. r. wlrr rorn-r oc ul l trt. Ihn wr-rlr wliB Dr. TxxU-r ! sJt i,'"; ! hJix , M JmHa ,h Ul of 00 whi'b u th- ' I irtx kua. of nil CntnpBy Thlft lh dr Of iKrrtalrf. 1WT JAM KH M LI L5.Tt A. C. &t.unrtrraa, Atlcmy. SALE (F V ALT ABLE LAND. Pftirtur r.' ihr Hiwrr rocUinrJ m i !! t.( Truil rirrtitrl to rnr bt J. " Hili an.j Jnlv rr.-.r.jrl in Rook t'tff IS"' 10 Ihf i.fij'-r ,.f Ursri.trr Irrd for Frck,ia ri.unTT. I t!i;i i.n Vfa-rlftT th lTth ,ir c ; January, !-;, at the ( curt llnj., J.-r i c ( the t'.ftn of Lioiihurt, .ri! t j.ublir ao' centfj'to ' ",,n to h.irhrtt bi'Mr f. r -, ij,,. tr-. "f lan.i .irvnhd ta aaiJ d'r i . f trait ani i fio: on the i.. rth ! thr ! of Mr. I-ir Fiallar'l, on thr rt b l ex imp, on thr -ath i.y thr !:.! o; ' 'Ajiin J.nn. m Hit nl h, if,, I c J o' ; . . ::!, rv,rjUitlirif tw han Jrr 1 rrr tn..r or ! Time of aalr cio. k U Ir- i :h ; W M. VV.V..O N, Tm.'.rr LAND SALK. I'.;, tirtvi . f .l--rrr cf ; h u--r,or I "art in th' - of K. VI. iar,.tn rtrrator of W H a;ainl Mr H'li inl -.hrr i ut un.lrrtnr'l pp.!utJ t y :t c-orl a i ooinmiMi.inrr n,i til th fol.omni lanl li-tit' K.rt tr."t "inH;oio; 4 a-r-. ad- tuimos thr Un-1 of pr. fJoi trrrt. 1' S ; ;.Uil..n. K. i.-uplc.u. j r.ct, .., ithrri in j J 1 T I rr r ft t-' W !. h I r " - r ..r i ; tric: f'f-U nu , a. .-rn m. r- ..r ai joiuir.K thr inj of P. liuptotj. 1'. I. j t rrll anJ othrr. and bim th j ! ; whcip VIr Khaabrth no li.ra, tod - knovin thr bntnr tr.-t. T.rc of aalr , SfonJit Jftnuart .4th, 1 -. at t.. oon 1Iiup door in the town cf L':i:-ur( j Trrru of a!r, rah. ; Pec. iMh. 1 -cr I IV U. MASKNHfKi. Ccm SALK OK LAND. Br yirta of an orw of thprwr ooort a ! 1 rranklln ( n. In th ra of L C Kwnrr, Kiwilor of llirrr Ktnvr ti H Arirwr.rt ai.. HcoCir tf eta rtar of lwwmlrr, 1V7. In tb Town of Fraefe. ! Union aril t poMte aorllonto hm klrbrwt taA. I ffr acrttn lot or trt of uad ktowB a ta amrrj iinrw; aom ruor. rrauiaitvT oow hanJr 1 ilJjj nr-i nor- or 1 TrtB ot yk, ootblrl rh. tAinw In clow awata Tn of aaro 11 o r)or M. for 11. lrv: T w. Bkt rr W . M. p-BJLftOS Coniwlwi .! i a Tbia aal waa jxwt poowd to Jaattarr Uvh, ISM. NOTICE. Bj Ttrto. of th power aoj aotborlt flrwa by a rwrVftin notrftjr. 'ifrfttrd tf l aV t raaW an4 wlfa to K. epftralt. T'OwtM. wtUrA la rr-onid la lb offl of &a;tw of tftwuVi for tha ronntr uf KraaAlln. la Book H. rr W. tb fottoaTTtVity vitl b ad at aMte a art too. rli: That ewrtala trart of W&4 tm aaJ4 fprf rniTrd ao4atn law aaa4a of a 1 KJ warvta. Hmry Loo; and Man aj4 tataw log MJlti tvrrra. flam f aaiw Oomn Hom wf, LftMilatv. It. C T saw of aat 13 M. Tu-w4aj. Jaa. lta. UHa. Tmat of law OMa. DworiaNr Ut. imT. T. a artcixu Trawtoa, MJHBER4G. H ; FQ7BZR I I L . 1 SA.LU ' Limits L. I aril 41 " loft Tr,mB h 1 1 ia l'.i.P4. llif n v, ftJu !- SIS i Vj '.co io 4 c A I. sl pm it W l!Vnoi 1 j i f-m ' : s 1 7 rT ? rOf'i 1 10 a j , m 10 .: . m J . ftja ' X S f . OS JJ 5 i" ! S.S U " Vj 1 o Jj" " f.mj rM"l;K' an : : or : : ' 1 -.. : j : ; j 41 ; : s 4 , : ' S" j w :, f. MJ A, '. J vo ftza T J-j j as J 4 0 f-a 10 4 3 AM 11 H 4 : ' 1 1 aj ' 1 1 40 '41 3 u A4 a oi T Cj S 4 AA 1 ' J 5 "30 4o CC 1 : ; 3 1 j 1 : : - AtV.r.. ' :V Uc!t (' T vkTH fr t; ' t ft ! A. 1 r-rto. l 1 1 : m i--c -!. 1 ..t;..e. 1 wcsaSift . S A '.. 1 ttr n J ' ft r'.i H areUt, AT Mr- jr-. s r-irt:ftaa. I-r t . K-la..:J 1 I WftbiDtt. 6 t .ft IVc BftJtiar. T h.! ft irt f, t ift V.- V.,n K k 1 J 1 4 Jv., 'j i n : aj 4 iv 1" V ta 'JL ' p "4 ; .I 3 -'. -.j , U 11 10 1 J 4 i cs - kR 12 Mt 1 41 3 S' i i I- . V3 t OMtrrE-r. oi ti; U.t fotUtrti JlkB W lw.i., ul.,n Ugr. T J r-ft i'ftM 4 t"ii TowtJt. Trt nao-sta T ft SOUTHERN RAILWAY. TIKDIOflT AIM L.J IL i CONDENSED SCHEDULE. 1 .V K F V E CT J A N VARY l . lae . TRAIKft LEiTI 1 a, A M tor aj "- w u riorLfe i aroaft r-J. Alauiar7, slMtotj la ra SorVA uv4i Aca. "w T it ntniatin. tr pu4au. m (Aanaua.fvfttft,. tA&lrg urvve-niatv TA UaLa a4 wj roiau ftov-a. CccDfta at lruj tar Oitorl. c"WaraTta. aavl Krr.u, WT4 iw4i At UrnfiuiLt. wtia tL WUlafcft ftJVl -- Tl-MT lt a Ttltwil lUMHolt. "it LW rm Tor ftl Dotaot atwn LAm ami. imi, miM to va yatsi kovra. wtA Mala Ha vmm Xa. tl few ir m. 4lax ki tUUoat. fto MTtioa for "rnn raiw. ' ft CfcArtC. MftUt.l AUaat a4 axi c4ata i l . ftjwo Ootaaitaa. i g aali. lUrtwtoa, a-aaaaa. Jaacak. ' I ' ! H M r M. Ial;y fJa7 ; ! "- aa uj MAatj ta V "I'"4T AT for iUuU. Jl uxf ear for tftfvu aa ;a.oi- tVuft Ooa-rta at Mat for !.7wnwCte aivi latwrrawluu msiiomm cm Law Wliao- a4 rrrt-trUM Kaom Cwt 4aUj . caiU.-o for ilmart atM ator.aJ CU. 01:7 ar4 ta day: for Wuai barrio a4 taaaw lawllali attttcw ow Law W aw a. a. Vmuj. Coaaaaru at trtuk for VUoj. Vwaj atoat. Tartw aa4 tuwaj tuiw a4 at Cmarkot w tia tmaoMaai oai sorfota aa KMXitnmA. tmtai at lit. r M. a-acA M. Dui &a rawU kit aavt Nsr . a roaawtt DarWai for 0tior a7u. ixaiofti; M rr, Bi rcivo. tor tw frail TaAtXf A1AIT1 IT LtLCai r H4 r. m. rVota Attaata. UkarMtA. UftU. aa aa anaata Mowta frowa Uf.wMUu ataA. aJ) aotaU Data. 4w r M. 11 A. M. m T M OMMfttWD to i o-w wn wau. Fr rrvl-rtUa aaw) aii aotaAa ta rw Tor. Waaltta-Vo. LrBWTArwjrw. tkaartaa O raw 1UK A. aL lo ai frvlt trlaw ao aarrr tvaawlaltf Lraiaa t. V?4 Attaata. gtcA Itaa. UMii CkaV C u iaorvnrv T r A CWVotAa, . C w. A, rraaa. WnaMtaa.H, q, X'.'is;.! lWift ' "" " 'r?'"'-'-- - - -

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