VOL XXY1I LOUISBURG, It C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1808 NCHBER 47. I I Methodist Church Directory Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Geo. S. Baker. Snpt. Preaching at 11 A. MM and 7 P. M., every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. d. F. SmiIh. Pastor. A-ro toKNionu.1 cards jR. S. P. BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. Office in the Ford Building, corner Main and Naeh Btreets. Up stairs front. yyM. H. KUFF1N, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Louisburg, N. C. Will practice vn all courts Office in Ford CuildiuK, corner of Main and Nash streets. B. MA.SSENBUKQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. L0UISBUB6, N. C. Will practice in all the Courts of the State Office in Court House. pi M. COOKE & SON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LOUISBUB6, K. C. Will attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Mupreine Court of North Carolinp, and the 0. S circuit and District Courts. R. J. E. MALONE. Oilice two doors below Aycocke & Co.'s drug store, adjoining Dr. o. L,. .bins. D R. W. II. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Li S. BPRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, r.nvill. Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections, u. T HQS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBDB6, N. C. Office on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's store. T. W. BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOU1SBUBQ N. C. Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter intrusted to his hands. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John . . ... ..7i t r . . T i ' M.auumg, uoa. tooi. w. vvmsiuu,auii.. -HiiYton. Prus. First National Bank of Win stou, tileuu & jdanly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. E. Taylor, rrea. wants ror est College, Hon. E. W. Ximberlake. Office in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. vv. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, LOUISBUBe, HI. o. Practices In all courts. Office ii Neal Building. w. H YARBORODGH, JB. ATTORNEY AT LA W , LOUISBURG, N. C. ulfice on second floor of Neal building Main street. All L-gal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and carelul attention. JR. D. T. SMITHWICK, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in Ford Building, 2nd floor. Gas administered and teeth extracted without pain. J-R. E. P. EARLY, t DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in New Hotel building, 2nd floor. Gas administered and teeth ex tracted without pain. JjR. R. E. KING, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in Opera Hocse Building Second Floob. With an experience of twtnty -five years ts a sufficient guarantee of my work in all the up-to-date lines of the profession. HOTELS. HOTEL WOODAR, W. C. Woodaed, .Prop., Hooky Mount, N. C. Free Bus meets all trains, fU $2 per day. FHA.MKL1NT0S HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C. SAWL MERRILL, Prtfr. Good accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. MASSENBURG HOTEL J I? iMawHCu burg Propr HENDERSON, N. C Good aooommodations. Good fare. Bo lite and attentive servant Farm and Garden Notes. Eleven dozen eggs a year is the average estimate given as the pro duction of the hen. Ducklins are marketed at five pounds weight, which they sboald attain in ten weeks. The secret of large honey crops is, strong colonies and plenty of room for the bees to store honey. Each frame of comb in a hive should occupy one and a half inches of space, and in spacing the frames it should be done with exactness. In 100 parts of the yolk, fifty two per cent, is water, forty-five per cent, is oil and fat, and ons per cent, each ol albumiuoids, col oring and mineral matter. Peach trees may be examined for borers as late as the weather holds good, and if not yet attend ed to should not be neglected long er. Do not permit these grubs to winter in the trees, If two or more swarms cluster together, do not hive them thus, but hunt out the queeus and di vide them, especially if they are first swarms and large ones. Val uable queens are thus saved by so doing. If properly kept and judiciously applied to land, poultry manure is worth one-half tbe cost of the food the fowl gets, and yet little account is taken of the droppings when an estimate is made of the profits. A very profitable field of inves gation for farmers the present win ter will be to learn all they can about tbe insect and other enemies of the various plants which they cultivate and the remedies there for. Robbing frequently occurs at the end of the honey season, as in swarming colonies frequently be come queenless, and sooner or later they will fall a prey to robbers. If colonies are iu proper condition in every respect robbing seldom occurs. Beeswax is a valuable product, and every particle of comb should be saved and rendered into wax. The price of beeswax has not fallen below twenty-five cents per pound for the last twenty years. What to Read. If you are down with the blues read the twenty-seventh Psalm. If you feel lonesome and unpro tected, read tbe Ninety-first Psalm. If you are out of sorts, read tbe twelth chapter of Hebrews. If people pelt you with hard words, read the fifteenth chapter of John. If you are losing confidence in men, read the thirteenth chapter of 1 Coriuthains. If there is a silly sensation about the heart, read the third chapter of Revelations. If you don't know where to look for the month's rent, read tbe thirty-seventh Psalm. If the stove pipe has fallen de?n and tbe cook gone off in a pet , put the stove pipe up, wash your bands and read the third chapter of John.- Household Accounts. Keeping household accounts is an affair,if not of necessity .still of the greatest wisdom. In compari son with the small amount of time and labor which the doing so em ploys tbe satisfaction of knowing at the end of each year how the family funds have gone is the am plest compensation. One especia satisfaction gained from the keep ing of household accounts is the ability when, or if, necessity arises, to reduce expenditures on the outlay for luxuries aud necessaries. Tbe money spent for food, for medicines or for fuel is capable of far less reduction than that for amusements, for wages or for clothing, and a system of ac counts which will Bhow at once where expenses can be lessened is entitled to respectful consideration Lookout for Home Affairs. Winston Journal. National politics should not override other matters in our fight one year hence to elect a Legisla ture, for when the people are made familiar with the condition of things brought ab Jut by the late incompetent and reckless Legisla ture and the State officials, they are going to rise in the majesty of their power and srush the serpent's poisouous fangs. It will not be necessary to discuss national poli tics to them for the State will fur nish all that they will care to di gest. Repudiates The Third Party. Crowells, N. C, Dec. 20, 1897. As some of my friends wish to know my position in regard to the Third party, I will take this method of informing them, if you will be so kind as to give it space in your paper. I was a little surprised when one of my friends asked me if I had left the Third party, as I sup posed every white man who was not looking for pie would vote as white men in the future. I heart ily wish that I could blot out what little I did for the Third party the past five years. As for the future if every other white man will try as hard as I expect to clean them out you will not bear of any Third party in 1898. Yours truly, W. E. Barki.ey. Correspondence to The Common wealth. Strange Law to Induce Marriage. The Argentine Republic has passed a remarkable law to en courage marriage. It inflicts a fine upon any person of marrige able age who rejects a proposal. Here is tbe statute: "People of marriageable age of either sex who refuse an offer to wed without reasons which are considered valid in law shall not be permitted to marry thereafter without the permission of the Gov ernment They shall, moreover, pay an indemnity , sum of not more thai $500 to tbe person whose offer they have refused." Young meu and women under wenty years old are exempt from the law and can marry as they please. After they are twenty- eight the men are obliged to pay a heavy tax if they remain single. In Argentine women propose as well as meu, so an unmarried young man between twenty and wenty-eight years old in that courtry has a troublesome time. Not only is he made to pay a tax for being a batchelor, but if he refuses a proposal he has to pay the proposer a fine. Some New Year Resolutions. Resolve to relieve yourself of be dead body of cherished sorrow. God wishes his children to be hap- py- Resolve to let all your unreason ing prejudices and, unkind feeling die with old year. Do not draw those horrible hatreds of yours in to the unblemished new year. Resolve that you will this year be scrupulously careful of other people's feelings and interests. Half of humanity's heartaches come from the inconsiderateness of other people. Resolve to re-enthrone your will and permit it to wield tbe scepter overall your passions and appetites. The mind must control, or a man is the miserable slave of the beast of masters. Resolve to resign your job as a faultfinder, complainer and croak er. The business does not pay, and the end of the year is the best time to wind up the affairs of an unprofitable enterprise. Resolve to etody the art of keep ing yonr mouth shut. It is a fine art, a very fine art and few there be learn it, as many a slandered soul has sorrowfully learned. Cumberland Presbyterian. The So-called "Dlgsol red Bone." It is the common opinion of many, who are in the habit of us ing dissolved bone as & fertilizing application, that it is made from animal bone dissolved with acid. Such, however, is not the case. Most of these so-called "dissolved bones" are merely acid phosphates made by treating phosphate rock with sulphuric acid. It is true that there are some dissolved bones made from animal bones sold iu North Carolina, bat there are not many. The true dissolved bone can always be told by tbe fact that it contains" ammonia in addition to available phosphoric acid. Tbe ammonia is derived from the ni trogenous material of the bone, which is also present after treat ment with sulphuric acid. Tbe true dissolved bone ia more effic ientthan the so-called animal bone only from tbe fact that it contains nitrogen (orammonia) in addition to phosphoric acid. It is pretty well settled that the greater value possessed by the former material is due mainly to tbe nitrogenous material present. H. B. Battle, Director North Caroliua Experi ment Station. Trouble in Halifax. Halifax county had a stock law, and the last legislature passed an act allowing stock to run at larxe from December 25th to March 25th. The crops are not all out of the fields, and the stock is loose, and tbe people are mad, and re ports say that some of them are going to adopt tbe shot gun policy as to tbe stock, and once adopted it may go further. Tbe act was passed before the good people of Halifax knew it was thought of, and when they found it out they came to Raleigh by representa tives, but could get nothing done. They were mad then and are mad yet, and may shoot stock. Ex. This is but another eample of the many reforms (?) inaugurated by the last Legislature. Returning to the Fold. A gentleman who has been a Populist, was in this office th other day and declared that he would never vote that ticket again. He is disgusted with tbe crowd that is now running the State government. There are plenty of good men all over North Carolina who have left the Popu list party for tbe same reason that this man did. They have been deceived by their leaders who were out tor the spoils. A hearty welcome awaits them in the Dem ocratic party. Sanford Express. It is this way in every county we hear from. There is a general disposition on tbe part of tbe white men to get together agaio. The Chicago platform affords a good meetiug grooud in national politics and the necessity for good home government in State poli tics. Though "reformers" are in power, yet there was uever a time but once in North Carolina when there was more need for reform. Tbe last legislature was such a farce that even the populists in certain counties are holding meet ings to denounce it in resolutions as stinging as can well be put to gether. If tbe populists again fnse with the republicans they can only suffer like poor dog Tray, for the company tbey keep. Only the men who got office are benefitted by the late fusion ar rangement. The people have suf fered from iniquitous and burden some laws. The invitation given out by the Democratic State Exe cutive Committee inviting all who will support democratic nominees toc'omeinto tbe primaries is there fore timely. Clintou Democrat. There a large number of good men in Frankliu wbo tell us that they will take no more fusion" in theirs. During the past two yar, Mra. J . W. Aleiander, wife of tbe editor of tbe Wit nesboro, (Miss.) Tim, ban. to a great many instanc, relieved ber DaDy wbeo ia tbe first stages of croup, by giving, it Chamberlain s Coaga Ktmedr obe looks upon this remedy a household necessity and believes that no better medicine has ever bwea pat is bottle. There are ma o r thousands of mothers lo this broad land, who are of the same opinion. It is tbe only remedy that can ai wars be depended upon as a preve tive and core for croup. The 29 and 50 cent bottles are for sale by W. Q Thomas, druggist, Louisburg, N. C Greensboro has r a&ced an ordi. naDce requiring ' every dog to be kept up for a certain period of time under penalty of a fine of $10. - - j To b bvaatlfol. ytxj maa. pr I bd the rbeamatUm o badly tbat I ' blood acd gvutl bllb. To do u, partly eoold Dot grt my bnd to air b-td. I I tb bloud sod tlid gp h IvaJU) vrt tried th doctor' medicine without tb j tba bt tool ad blol pMfir of lb least br-nflU At lst I tboabt or BoUk Bloud Rain. ("B. R. B.") Chamberlain's Pmio HaIto ; th first txt- I It U tb old Udrd ad rlibl ra tl relieved all the pain, tod oo half j dy. It Dtrr fails to tar ill cuDr of tbr -etnd rfT'ct-d (roaipitr car. ' of blod and alia ditriwt, a hra tnV W. J. Holland. Holland. Va. Cho- cot pbyKiaoa. aoi ail cxboy kaova bcrlaio'a Pain Halm U rqually gnl for rodra ba failed. Srad scamp for -prains, Bwlliasa aod latn-oM. at well ! txx k r,f partKolara. to lb Blood Kaiaa a born, cots and braises. F..r male at , Co.. Atlanta. a. W. G. Thomas' dro sur. For sal by drcfU. The gooe lays a score or two of 8S9 ic a yeai ; i O. W. (). Hardinae. bo ..h-rifT of I Tylr Co., W. Vs.. aas at n in ,. most pro.trat.-d witb a cold, li- od ' Cbamberlain a louirt; Rrmdy and . ! so ranch pl-a-d itb the nsick r-h( and con t affurdd him. that h-; the folloiof an-jl iciird t gti iud i 1 "To all who may intrrrtd. I ih t.i say, that I hae Qf-d ('haaiterl.in' Cough Remedy at.d find it imaluat le f r coughs and colds " Fur f-ale by W t Thomas, druggist, Iiait urK-. N C. Tbe J aoosry S ITHLA ; lil -.B bi:ic the pablicsti n f ih- lr.i'.-ry .f thr North Carolina Uepiiaen!. ar i lf."l-!. The history of cue ( r r.i'r- nl a;(-ar each month. S ;-rm.Ajti will au . - n tain much other alutle his:, ricsl nut ter. SiTHLSD ih a nioc'.biy mi;t,', lerotrd to history. udtii.'i .a T-1 .-" a year. Agents antd AJ.lr- i reen T llle. N t". WANTED AGENTS. "The Conf-tVTSt X Hern In lh- w.i V r. Jat paMUtet. ro"tln U I'V" lSlln-h' and orer 1.110 Isr" 1UUI" wn.-. jVrJr.:: M(x, rl Th" grtt m I lirt'i: 'A r h k eer pu?.h--J. n 1 ih- only .ie tht t.- lullo- to th 1 onf-Wte .ii u -r n 1 !h hffouirht f..r Compl.-t-- l&'ur p T.lua- Afr,u want-MeTrrjrvrherr to II tM t.v.fc a . ur new n.l es7 jln Mnj . f th Is.! ji I i. tl-men tili woo r-- t w- ir inklr t ICO to $iX) per mi Dlh V.-t- rm. St.na . ! Isachten of trr.. ml . !h n IrUro: are reqti-te I.ihdI (ir !-u! ; f il I : t ut r ewrrtpl Ire rlrrulsr f r . n 1 t- r:r. l. AJdrraa. I'oart-r Jouruti. Jo; JTintlo i o . Louisville. Kj JONES & COOPER: TRY THEM. To Ol R FlUKMM AM PaIR-iN: Onlv a call and look, w.il in town, will convincft vou. are up to date with a fuil In.- of goods in every d-j artniPt. ? . LADIES DRESS GOODS, from 4 cents to 75 ccuts p-r ar1. BROWN SHEETING a:.d DRILLS at price- lL; ii'. s-u;.-isb you. Good, 4-4 RLE.Vt '1IING .at 5 cents per yard A. C. A. TICKING at lij cents per yard. DICKEY'S KKRSKVS.;: to 45 cents per yard . LADY HOSE. fr. m : 50 cents per pair. . en t tu SHIRTS : SHIRTS We can "show th b-t line en this market. Don't fail to ee hem before you buy. MEN'S HATS, from 23 ce.i'. to $3 00 each. Also tbe lart and prettiest line of GENTS it HoYS CAPS on this mark-t. Odr stock of ill Impress vou that we bavr them, aud at prices that will as tonish you. (e bought before the rise.) We cannot enumerate our Stock and Prices. We from bailing Needles to Three Horpe u iot. So give us a look while in town. It will Kirn us pleasure to thorn you onr arfKd9, if vu do not buy We ask yon to make our your headquarters while , 1 l",lc Qtfi Ou- boys, BILLIE WILLIAMS. BRU :K ALLEN aud NICK PER- , RY', will give you a wrlcotne aud ' make you feel at borne. Thanking yon for past patron- l age, and asking a coutinuance of! same, V e are Y'ours to serve, JON KS k COOPl-R I .' AJTTEIV-TRCST woeth t SD ACT1VK ' ' armtn or laav to lrav4 for tp riUa, awtaMtafcai aotaao- Is Korlh CVrcKUva. Mosthlj SOS OS and rspw. possOoe atatad. Kafamao. Bartow aWf aAlnai a atajcfd Ieawop. 41M aoibloko W)Blif, atv-Cbleac From tbitty-five to forty docks! and drake are allowed to a pn Row to be tVaalifal NOTICE. Haila qahfi4 as iar ol Elixa- ' twth Ayscv, dvoras-d, all prsoos ovtsf ' b'r r noUfUi to py tb sam at I ""-.- r' pras eiai&s f,lt, d tt (rmti lbaa oi "r tfor J anoary 7Lb. lf). of tba oU P"1 b' "t ibir rrootsry imiJanoary b. lf77. B F AiHt t Ki - NOTICE. Hjr ilrt-j' f powT cf rtt:s-4 is s v,f Juuar t j J Mam; u! w.fm ..ar Ira:) r. &-rri5 -.. tv&4 Js'y r -.r-J.! Iu !h rlrj of FruaiiA roott la rury it i It.: tb rc art li m .im It i n or u.uui.an xvl a: U o -ija. v.-u tc t; t.'.ih.-mt ' i Wr f .r t& f xiIm V-t1'.1 :r t of prfl c( Libl tituinj Id frut.lDCc n : l-.n wl h f .i. w B--c'ntlt at a ac 1 p..r.trr trfor.,sjt t rrT. lAyta.- a I f ' K r- ra to a m it rs t. Kn K.li.ln ti..ir!i ::t-, ti'C a b 5rea p- - to r-k. :k.-.- w B p. t:j a a;. ! p-.ii.-r 2 fcr. X tr'.m ragi. -vrt tVan '.lh I'..r,ati iro ur j m-m: . to Un'r. r..t.tIt:i g f.r-.f tr . . u. '. j i-uK :c ail a.:rv ff. Jar. aTj i: t. 1 2 H ar-. J o A a im 1: r i f a 5 si a a. T W 11,11- A ". '. J .TIi V.. V-T i ;r. 4" of a ; r"ur: f T r ia ::a -V '. . a-ttr. '. n'.itri!- r . I -art ' t la hat :r. ' ". iff. f f I. W larl i a.-v- itt - f "W f TZ&T f Wtry A h-M 1 '..!. !. uir air ."31-rt r - an. :. fr- c". f . . n Hvaa- r ir. U - i. r. f L. o.t' ara; r?r f .- to :h- ?;. - iiVf tfcai prt f ti :rs: . f .r. ! f w h: -h lira Mary A ciarS j- a. ' . :;.' r.--l '. r. o r. m 1 ax. 1 a.-y; r 1 : g : th-aart'j an(ai V-frv f r tsa. an ! -i. f l- '. n Ih .-rk L to S : r :a b m .a.- f t. Mr V rj a H ..'.ar 1. ar. ! i.n:iria a.-r L. r, 1 '.ncn. '.... j r. r.ii of t 5 an! '.f.aiia &r a r TL.a ar. '. 1 a't-iai.'. '.r. frtt w-.aji j ar. 5 a.'. it.a ". r. ' . f .,rf- H a.. llaxn urwi, ar. I . ra Th- ? w.n I - 3rri f r aa- a."ir-a- it! 'mi1. .t:h! .. t vr- : r. I.i.f 'aid 'axai. e ". ' ' r i-i-. at. ! lfrri'. 17 't . arrj lr.!r.t frir. lav f ' L l: . r ar. '. A r N TI K 1 r .-. r f 'rr : 1 t'TT 1 It a w: :f t r . : t t 1 7 '-i' I- l-.T.i T- tr.. r. : 1 rtri: 7 t. ..VJ Jial . r r-. : r. Frank :n . sr.:, '. - H - k : ; -Kg 3 " k - ar. : ' 7 an r U t .a i -g fr -xx. ".V r . sir", f fml.lt -i.jf.; z I r "'.:l '.t-fir. t! Ral M A 1 rc r.aw c a: 11 Ti. i. a.a -arj Bj.-.':tf as! '-;r t-n-.'C'. ' T.4rj : r. Ii'tU; '.i,. '.-th lay . f 2r,ikrj a! f jfii-aa-fi t -.'.- t.fh; .wt f r -ai a! . mr". H t.- '. r '.r. I . .a" ,r 5 . f v. t.t r: lit-:.' w.: -.ruin r r. ;f .ac: 1 it-. f F-ratk.'.r. t.-t '. I . j Va jr( r. 1 Tsar t t'.r : ax. i . an.V; a I -ti H ( t 1: It "K h r rnciwi ;c n: t :r. ;:..r.' ifu; :t It r fjf 1 -.n' ft to a r --k. :i6- c a -jii,-r ! -"" li j r.ra... w.'.b i"t;r-S r". r'. a (- Ir.t In a .:n -m .'.h a. a-.Jrrts v.. f ts r 'r'.t Ho. f .rr I. a:irf B a .Tig as; -r ixt" 1 . tr: t-.r 7 ,r.'i-J- ru4. r 7 a. eg i ! a-. . f ',t t f v.? itar-t a'.rw. 't't-r li rj 1 tar-Is alrr. .. ti g:?.t'..g It '-itg tN' f .an! c vt'.-ls -a 'fw'.; it I ' " l f aa; 1 " -a;4 Tr.'.a la f r c-r ."AVtF.-M Ml L Tri-. A . iu rri. :'.r'j SALE E .IJ A HI. K LAMi 1 1 . 1 i i -. r '. a - ' i - t M 4 '. ' F -a; 4 '. " : i ia : ' i ' -a '. r J : . .ji'i.i w i : i . . ' I ' ! a , ( !a' t .sr. -t I ,, J a r. sin '. . t. r t ,-... .' ; n t. . -'. . a v. 1 4 -- I W t : it . f M r l "iit; : a . :i S'1 a '. ii.it-- i r i - ft.Tf. L ' t- ' : ! -. a' 1 i-r . . , r - r L i'. a.. a.- '. . -. '. , . '. t - - r !. ' i r. ; .a . - : - g . -f.r.- ' i a I r ; . " W W ft 1. Si '31'. 1 L AND SALE. i ii i r t ". r f a jf-.f s w :r' : r t r ? r" VI . , - t f V H 1 U . . a.- a. . '. Vn i.rt : "sr. Iti . i MT" "i .. r. a r . u: n. i t -. r. r w . . , t t . S .' ' w ; z g .ar J t : r 1 : k -r 4: rfi, iV ; .n..r :.'.r . i r. ! ' I'r ,H-i "n f r i i -J.'. 1. 1 Vi -j -. d. J t'f i;f'1 aa . 1;. c r 1 ji.irala&; .-s t r -'. r - ( r. . a r . r t a : ; .ii,- ir !i ' i" liip.:-, f. 1 a-r .i a 'i'i, it! r- ; - 4 .-. t j; ahr.r Vtr li.i.r -s h b .;ki. as I i, c r a. ihr t, . cr r Sra.'t 7 &. . ' aA ! :. J Jis.if 1 .4-.r. '). a! :rs I i ... k S -r . u t '. c of lu.afr ar T r " ; .' r a 1 ri lit :''. I: Ii tv-IMl! i:, . a SALE E I.AM P in a- f ar -f r f tk f- rV; u- -a c Frauki.t ' or.(; naa.i In lir tt- c L i fcr-o. Iitr,-u' if liarr A r rr- -m M Krrwr. ai. . aia-!. c 4caa IU A 0jr , ( lar-tn-r . l4V. ia tlw T c- FraaA ilnu ai a p! aa;(k eio tl AW-M sai T a rrrSala I- 'T Irvl cf .axki lavtt a !1h a , Barry iarriT ti n,a rar. niaiao otmm kaiurM k-a? ar- t& t t ka Ttrmt r u of lilrl 't. laaii-. la alaa aatla Titua of aaka IJ o rkja M oi la4. lAC i T va U ritwi TtVa u p. u Jtaaar UAk. NtiTir 1: 1 Hi lrt cf tJk tw aJ a:Wc-r-.tr r a rwrtaio aoli-ait. tixiM ty L. a Ia , raaA-r an J w Lf to r A era'l. T'laVa. a Aa A I r-r4-J la IW oa J tgt ol XWAa fo lt mam of rraataa. la ku M. r . Uaa fo4aoia f rotrl IU ha aa4 at a-aMka atVaai. rta. T kal nrtala llvl o4 tt4 la ai 4 tapt coatl a4o4'.a Uaa taaaa cm u. , KJaaAa. Hrmrf Vcm.g ajal MAva a4 a taiali lac HlWt, a-rv faca otf tmMm OcxafA BWaaM UlkArt. Ji C T aa c aaA U I Ta-la. a KXk. LMA T 1 1 1 at aaJa caaai IWNaWr U(. Uaff f a snrru, TrtA a. - - - ft liMlTBP 4 i 41 Trt ia,Ti t S 11 'j aa fa. kUi,-A. : J ; H a 3j IS fcaiiaj-v a 4 40 P-io-i V, f a .-.-5 r i a 4 1 J 1 a J SrO J : j i i ii aa J 1 l tm Ha--it-. s 1 T 4l 1 rg i- I 3 m -5 g hs i g -ar' -i'- tT1 I ' Haa.M'. a Ja'. - U ZT . " '-1 1 10 " f 1 0 : a. aa . J 1' a-a '1 ? a . j ; ; , t - '- 1 1 '41 i M .- :m i " v 4 T f -a ' 4 ax j ; a a V . : : '- : 4 : ii'.'Tsa J 4 ; : : ' i 4 1 : - u : J , 4 Oi S '. J a 3 7 1. - a J 4-: ;a 4 J ' : c 1; 4 : : j u aj ' 1 ' -.4 .. 4 : 3 . 4 - ' 4 ii : -1 " ' y 4 . . 0.1 ; -1 - is j .. 7 t. ' ' 4 i-:. a-r-N w : 1 : s ' : j '4 t c '.'.- a n : iv f a : 4' ; 4 ' : a a J .: f a : 4 ' 2 '. ; a '. : : j ' ' : J 4 1 n. ' 14? ta '2 l 1 a K - ! T : . a. ar . 1 1 ..,. 1. s K .: - K ' ' 1 . Mt ' ' 9 - -1 z.:.? - x 1 W -. - -" 'r.zm K a 1 r H.- f - e r I . XMz-.-g a 1 t 4 F a :.tz ,t I i a W s 1 1 ..- ! -z'.i 4 1 S- ' - a - f 01 111 "..rA-t 1 . ' . M -V i-r9- n.w -m. H J tr iir t 1 mx f' aM 4 g ---a. i .r-aa:t".i la 1 a , .' 1144 r NUTHKKN railway. riEoner AIM t NIKNSEI) SCHEDULE. 1 KFKKh JAJtfjlRT l. thiv iuti aAiJi. a. c 1 r: A M. f-. ! aa4 illaUaiar Ualtctt-j .a latjri (.kMhaa. Aftm. ' m. Taam. . uitii. aaj f1 4 tlinmi Urwati " .T Al. U ajS al .La' (a'wA. CKsta a4 trAaa vtfrl '-a-"k- aja4 A rsa aM94 a-a.4;a. iUmaccw axalaa i i r m !-- 1 'A a a. 4 Fsa Am tAa imi mm iv a yccaa cnk 1-1. .'. ms Aa-a Lr-a. a . M ; 1 u r S. a-a.;a4 a. t -" rm 1 ri a.a'w. a a aa k. kmck a . w 'n-n r-i ra iiim . t ;-Vk aa-a trtta M aa.t 1.0 C Wv4m. taauj a '.. a. a, hus 'm aa.1 a Maia ta a4 ai (Vanai aA 1 14 ' - A a-aca a.4 aMAav. v S .a aa lew hrfUftta ajfci IiUi i ma a-airi m lk u v r m Si -i a-i VjaM a4 hfttima aaaaat Oa4 Aai. .:ai-e I a-law a4 a. a. Cave Cwaantj 4 Ataa f WT4l a7 Twkcn AA4 ktaaa ' ! A M tm2 j Aa x a Aa rrcA a4 fwC ama aa (t, ari. 1 MrA a4 IrVai f OtliH. T axii t aA trgm F 9 t aa rf aa w u ' arwaMtai Uua aaT inka t4w laj a CW Ua aa4 AaaiA. WaA- a if a. aaa,aa a. C - Tiaa a W. : a. ' I. aa4 4 Mttaas i aa A tin rwa a4 a M. 1 Titwi aaaivi at aatxraa. s c ; 14 r a. rr Ataaata ClaMHU. fjriaal I"aT Ian a4 aa a.faata o-sa I a A M fcta Qn iaaai a aa4 aJ a ara taai-f Sa-rLA aa4 aV.A anaiftia aa ttfi 111 if 1 r i ftaoaaA 4 r FM 4 aaaaaa, -"Tialajl 1 raa w v-a aa4 mmi 1 1 la 4a ta - r Vara i. j !! A. M Trm S-rtt Taa. nit-i j- , i, LfaAvA. TAatTa Ti taaa ma a. I cvaa r a r- oi aim aj ad i in Aa a M I tvaUf Ea taaa. j Iotai f4k4 aja frry 1 1 iai j 1 1 raiaaa ran om 1 Mima im - - a A t Sanaa, T 1lwaii'1MtAM an. War I ',' V-.- ,.l