t - . t . ' . - Ir- VOL. XXVII Methodist Church Directory. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Geo. S. Baker. Sapt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 7 P. M., every Sunday. Prayer meeting weanesaay mgm. (x. F. Smith, Pastor. lJrot'essional cards, JJR. S. P. BUIIT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. Office in the Ford Building, corner Main and Nash streets. Up stairs front. YM. H.HUFF1N, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Louisburg, N. C. Will practice An all courts Office in Ford BuildiuK, corner of Mam and Nash streets. B. MASSENEURG, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOUISBUBfl, N. C. Will practice In all the Courts of the State - Office in Co art House. C. L CXKE & SON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LOUI3BUB6, S. C. Wni attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, W arren and Wake counties, also the Hupreine Court oiJNortn uaroiiup, ana me u H. circuit and District Courts. R. J. E. MALONE. Office two doors below Aycocke & Co.'s drug store, adjoining Dr. u. L. .talis. D R. W. H. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUISBUBS, N. O, U 8. BPRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, I.OU1SBUBO, S. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections, etc. rpHO& B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBURe, N. 0. Office on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's tore. T. W. BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. L0OTSBCB8 N. C. Promp t and painstaking attention given to every matter intrusted to nis hands. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. J ohn Manning, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win ston, Glenn & Manly, Winston., Peoples Bank of Monroe, Ohas. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est College, Hon. E. W. Timberlake. Office in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, LOUISBURe, S. 0. Practices in all courts. Office li Neal Building. H YARBORODGH, JB. ATTORNEY AT LA W, LOUISBURG, N. C. Ulfice on second floor of .Neal building Main Street. All legal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. JR. D. T. SMITHWICK, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. ' Office in Ford Building, 2nd floor. Gas administered and teeth extracted without pain. JQR. R. E. KING, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in Opera House Building Second Floob. With an experience of twenty-five years is a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the up-to-cate lines of the profession. HOTELS. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. WOODABD, Prop., Rocky Mount, N. C. Free Bus meets all trains, Ra.s $2 per day. FRANKL1INT0IS HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C. SAU'LIMERBJLL, Prp'r. . Good accomodation for the traveling public - , OSBORN HOUSED a D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. MASSENBURG HOTEL. J E Mansenburg Propr HENDERSON, N. C. ood accommodations. Good fare. Pr NORWOOD HOUSE Warrenton, North Carolina W, j. NORWOOD, Proprietor. Patronage ol Commercial Tourists ana veUng Public Solicited. Good Sample Room. JIlABBST HOT it TO Stobbs and Coubt Housb THE GOBBLER AND THE ROOSTER, IN IMITATION OF LOUIS CARROLL. The gobbler and the rooster met; Each wore a troubled eye; With oDe accord they shook their heads, And pinned their gaze on high. In other words, they shook their heads, A nd gazed into the sky. Now this was manner strange enough, cut wnat was stranger yet, They drew their looks from down on high, And both their optics met. A mutual search revealed the fact. mat Dotn tneir eyes were wet. Another move not counted on. They blinked their eyes of woe And started from between their lids, A stream of tears to flow Upon the ground, because it had JNo other place to go. A kindred sorrow recognized, They broke the fearful pause, Proceeding to confide to each, their troubles and the cause. But jast before thev did proceed, They gravely shook their elaws. "Oh brother, Christmas times are near;" The turkey gobbler said "And Christmas fiends are armed with guns To kill up for the spread." The gobbler paused to heave a sigh, The rooster bowed his head. "I have an aged father here;" The gobbler thus resumed WI fear he'll die by hotel skill. And by the guests consumed." Again he sighed ('twas for the guests) The rooster so presumed. "I have an old consumptive aunt From hotel foes to shield. I feel should they discover her, Her doom is sadly sealed." The gobbler wept; the rooster left His feelings unconcealed. ' I have a mother lean with age;" The gobbler spoke his fears "But hotel men do not respect Accumulated years." A destiny so sad bedimmed The roosters eyes with tears. "My old decrepit uncle lies At home in high alarm; For hunters from the boarding house Are waxing mighty warm." The rooster drew his breath and hoped He'd hide him well from harm. "And so I wander throagh the fields From dawn to close of day, While apprehensions of this kind, Upon ray mind doth lay." The rooster asked him might he speak, The gobbler said "you may." 'Oh brother, I have heard your tale; I'm grievously distressed." Before the roaster could proceed, A sob welled from his breast. To not confuse, the sob was meant As from the booster's breast. "The fears that you enumerate " Again the rooster tried "Were quite domestic to my life. Before my kindred died. I mention this because you might Have thought I thought you lied. Last summer all my family went To settle in the town; That is, they went with that intent. But few have settled down." The gobbler coughed; the rooster too, A burst of grief to drown. "I followed in a month or so;" Again the rooster spoke "I made the trip because I was Compelled the trip to make." The painful thought revived the past, And made the rooster shake. "Now brother, what I've said before, Permit me to repeat; In reference to the load of grief, My burden was complete." The rooster made a gallant fight, His emotions to defeat. "I have a tough and bony aunt ' Some time ago I had To inquiries my sons replied. With countenance sad, That hotel men had picked her oat, And killed her, so they had. I found my grandma's death announced Upon a. bill of fare, For hotel 'cdpX8-B"o,rev'rence. have For wrinklfes and gray-hair." And this was odd because'yoa know A chicken has no hair. My grandpapa's last resting place Was on a boarder's plate; The poor old soul by being old, Invited such a fate. A quiver round the gobler's month Expressed the story s weight. "I missed my dear dyspeptic neice;" 1 he rooster, sobbing, spoke "The fragile creature's frame was placed In hotel hash to soak." A lamp crawled up the rootter's throat, And made the rooster choak. "Oh brother, you can thus perceive How I can sympathize; We both will wander through the fields And carry heavy eyes. I'm glad we have compared the grief That caused our heavy eyes." In manner thus they both reviewed The dangers of the day. The rooster only stopped because He had no more to say. Each shed a. tear and shook bis head, , -And, went his separate way.. iS William Davis. V'Loalsbdrg, N. C. . f: f I Be aoove was intended for the Christ mas issue, bat was misplaced. Editor. The Blackest Sheep in the Flock.. From the LexiDgton Dispatch, Kaisiug taxes was bad, squan dering public funds is bad, official negligence is bad, feeding huDgry partisans out of the people's earn ings is bad, misleading the peo ple arid getting them to vote against their own interest ia bad, making unholy deals and combi nations is bad. They have done many things that are bad,' and many rotten things have been ex posed, bat Hancock is certainly the blackest sheep in the fusion flock. GUARDS TURN CONVICTS LOOSK. Grave Charsrea Aealnst Officers in Charge. News-Observer. Recently four long-term convicts escaped from the Halifax farm. To be exact, they took their de parture on the night of January 12tb, and two of them vrere In for SO years each, and two for 15 years each. Their name are: Joe Martin, thirty years. Sam Daniels, thirty years. Tom Davie, fifteen years. Jesse Cox, fifteen years. They were allowed to escape, it is said, by one of the guards, named Cope or Coke. He told them to come to his post at a cer tain time and he would turn them out. They went and he did as be had promised. Martin is from this county New Light township. He came home, but remained only one night and went away. Officers have been searching for him since, but neither he nor any of the other three have been caught. Another report says that War den Tom Russell, in the peniten tiary here, has been several times reported, during Smith's superin tendency, for drinking whiskey. Corporal of the Guard Lowry, was asked about this yesterday, and said it was true; that he had often reported Russell himself; that he had drawn half a pint of whiskey every night for him, and that every time he (Russell) had gone away he had always taken a supply of the penitentiary whis key along with him. He says further that Russell is wearing a gold watch that belongs to one of the eonvicts; and that once he took a suit of clothes worn there by a convict, had it cleaned up and sent it to a friend in Robe son county. From these things it would seem j that Babb and Hughes are not the only incompetents serving the State in its penitentiary depart ment. A guard at the camp on Caledo nia farm, No. 2, writes as follows: "The prisoners here are almost starving and they are brutally and inhumanly whipped. Tbey are also suffering from exposure to the cold. "Then there are a number of life-men here, a place where such prisoners do not belong. "On Christmas day the supervi sor and one of the prisoners was on a drunk and the supervisor knocked the prisoner dead with a stick; then he sent for a doctor. The prisoner came near dying. "W. R. Dixon and D. S. Russell have put up a whipping post They have had the stock made to whip convicts on. Dixon also goes to the field and whips the men with a bugg trace, from 30 to 40 lashes. ' "Dixon is often half drnnk and the steward, D. S. Russell, is half drunk all the time. "We, the guards, are not treated properly and I never do intend to vote another Republican ticket as long as I live. We hope the hour wll come when the Democratic banner will wave over the land. "Some of the prisoners' fingers and feet are so frost-bitten that they can hardly get along picking cotton. "They have been feeding us on pease that are rotten. "I write this to benefit the poor prisoners and to show to you that I am done with the Republican party "I hope yon will please find space in your paper for this letter for I want everybody to know it." For obvious reasons the name of the writer of this letter is not here given, though he requested that it be done. The letter is on file in this office. How to be Beautiful. To be beautiful, von mast have pore blood and good health. To do so, purify the blood and build up the health with 4he best tonic and blood purifier of tbe acre. Botanic Blood Balm, ("B. B. is. ) It is the old standard and reliable rem edy. It never fails to care all manner of blood ana skid diseases, wnere emi nent Tjhveicians, and all other known remedies bave failed. Send stamp for book of particulars, to the Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, ta, - For sale by druggls. LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY; JANUARY Foar Dollars a Too for Cora Stalks. "Tbe despised corn stalk, which for all these years the farmers have burnt as of do accoant, just as the , . . ' cotton planters usou totorow away tbe seed of that plant as valueless, at last turns oat to be of such worth as to pay handsomely for the mar keting," said Mr. D. M. Frauk, of Kentucky, at tbe Rlgg. "Oor farmers are selling it readily for f 4 a ton, and on an acre producing forty bnsbels of corn tbsre will be at least two and a half tons of stalks. Tbe nee to. which the stslk is being put is one of the most ex traordioary agricultural dlseov. eries of this day. At present there are but two factories in the coun try that are equipped for making cellulose out of this material, one of which is located at Owemboro. Cellulose is tbe pith of the corn stalk, its uses are varied and won derful and it has a market vslu of $4.00 a ton. War vessels are lined with it, and whenever a ves sel so lined is punctured with shot the contact of the water with thn cellulose causes that to swell, clos ing tbe aperture aod preventing the water from entering betweeu tbe ships inner and outer walls. "Besides, tbe railroads bave found it to be far superior to cot ton waste for making journals, as it requires less oil and obviates hot boxes. As a covering for steam pipes it is tbe best known sub stance. For making paper it is found superior to wood pulp, and from it kodak films, frescoes, and all papier macbe articles can be made. This does uot begin to ex haust the list of its marvelous pos sibilities, and from wbat I bave seen and heard I believe that dozens of other useful articles as linoleum, water-proof garments, patent leather finish, and tbe like can be produced from this simple material of tbe fields." Washing ton Post. STATE NE'S. The North Carolina farmers are warned against tbe so-called "limbless" cotton as a fraud of tbe first water. Wilmington's new artesian well has reached a depth of ooo feet and there is now a flow of salt water throagh quick sand. Returns to tbe State auditor show that Mecklemburg county now leads all in the amount of State taxes. Wake has always led heretofore. Governor Ruisell is furiously anfrry about Otho Wilson's testi- mony Deiore tne railway commis- , 11 . ! : - sion and is denouncing Wilson as - & liar, Tbe monument over tbe grave of T. Pftll- Jr. rt.Vlan rmsbr . -d . aviav au vaiwii w " J at Raleigh has never been com- bases are in place. It seems that there are two rail- road romprs an oat one tnai tne Southern will get tbe Lape rear ci Yadkin Valley and tbe other that .1 o , v . v,r, Aff. iuo ouuiuuw loujaainK u v i .1 i.i . i xt .v. '' l lease tbe Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad. XT. PKilini V Avirtt OftfArnor " Russell's chief coahsel in tbe suit to annul tbe lease of the North Carolina Railway io tbe Southern, njtonly withdraws from tbe case and washes his hands of the whole business, but returns all fees, sg- gregating; $1,250, and says be viltnl.aai VioKknaA it b na ViAAn sain Viat Via antArnd thft CAflft a7ainit hlB 0 conscience and convictions and simply for money. TT w ioro are sum directors of the North Car olina road with whom he oranv other eentleman declines to come in contact. TinrlniT- thm nat two Tears. Mrs. J. W. Alexander, wife of the editor of the Wsj- nVsborn. fMiae.l Times, baa. in a crreat many instane-a, relieved her baby when in th first stasres or croup, dv (tivtnir u X a a TS CSX. 'TlS'lS' ".run., medicine has ever Wen put la not tie. Thm ant manw thnnaanda of mother in tfcu hmad land, who are of tbe same oninion. Ii is the onlv remedr that can alwavs be depended upon aaa prevea. tive and cure for erooo. The 25 aod SO cent bottles are for sale by W. I Thorn a, drtursrlst. Louiabunr. N. 0. ' 23, 1893 Vote fb Frtxett Yoar Hom. Fnm tW JrfcMvHW Tm. We dislike to publish .icb mat- . . i, ' I ... , I Jonr dotr to oar readers to bow them tbeclsaa of men now holding j public positions ia tbit 8tal and j trust they will rote ntsl fall to ct j ocb political lepers into the ouUr i aided in placing such men in power i no doubt yoar own conscience baa j poniabed you tudicientlj to make' you resolve to aid in cruvhintr the j scandalons administration tbstdi graces our State. Be a man of ; honor and voto for pun govern-1 TDSntaod to protect tbf purity of j your borne and of iociety. O. W. (). Hardciao. h-o h-n - Tjler Co., W. Va.. at on timr. al most protratd with cold. H- ui CbambVrlaio'a Coaicb Kmdr d1 t. moeb Trhd tth tb qsifk flwf and ear It afforded biro, that tb following anvoltrited ttttsrai.i "To all who may b Inttv.ti. 1 i.h t. My. that I ba a1 .'binbrlin' Coagb IlcDr and no 1 it ioluLU f.r eoucb aod eold." Fur el by W i Thomn, drogtfiwt. Iyrmbur-. N '. Eve did not Jo bad a thirty in bringing sin into the world Wpre it not for reflecting uo:. other people's trsunreseioiit. should iievrr be abl to sr.precit properly our own virtue!". Backlen'n Arnica Saltr. Th brt Mir In th world f r nt, broi, sot, alcrv m It rh-aro. f.i.f SOrr, tttrr, Chi ppd hsoj". rh .it corn, and all .kin rrapti n, anl r-i tirlj ear Pil. jr no py rjairr-V It ia goaraotT-d to gi prf-ct urti c or moDfj rfandd. Pne 11 ecu pr bot. For ) by A v --k ft d ' It is a mistake to say that a mat. is known by the company he keep. The company b refuses to kp apparently knows bim m t u.ti matel v . No Cure o I'ar That ia Ibr way ail dm'!'. Oroie'a Tatrlm Chill Tonic ( ' l'hi.. aod Malaria. It is i m ( I j lr n an 1 (JqIdIqw ia a UtrUDi form hiiirra Iot it. AdnlU ptrfrr it to til'rr du eatioK tonic. Prior 50 cuIa Tbe thread of tbe story it nr ally caught by th" eye of tbf reader. It is the man in the mud who sees something in the ram to a id mire. 'Tia the Orange lamp-iihter who has a bright propct before him Tbe secret of happiness i to make work the music of yon- lifV. Figares may not lie, Iml we saw many Iiguresi on .Monday thai couldn't etaod up. Iweimental Hixtorien. Tli linmrr HnlTIM t n s 1 I rw-. n f i n - j ' the pablication of th bi.--ry of th- i - North Cnlir Kimnts. war , f i- i :, I l u uisiui j ui uur i iii1 i" win m each month. StTHLA5: n11 c a fain nirVi nlKaP valriSiKt. Vi I . r r I rrt a f - Ur .Sot-niLon is a rrv mblv nuimr.., defotd tu history. Sub-niti"ti l c I . . . . . si rtsr A(7nt asnfd A di r-M S itht ap. WANTED AGENTS. jnit PaMuh4. conuin. so ir m'h.. x.p .Tt. itrmtmt ui itrr-t utr tv- a . tioet oth ronfeapr4t. ui-r nith -o- I aefooffht for Outnpl'-U In or . Totura A f i. U wutratTrrTwntr loi-ll inn ro-a n "Uf new aaa ear pian. am; ui in. 117 iU'H ,,.n ntVho ar- t .r- taair $100 to 1300 TMr tnonLh I pr mourn. f i.rtn. ..n i; L)wa4Tblr or nrrm. ana oin-r mniw aru rHjawt to mead f.r a lutlf at liltitrirf Dwafbtra of rtrrui. nj otnr. ini.ri3 I ettHle drralar ifrp an 1 u-rnii n ift4. AdiiTwa. Coorli-r Journal. Job Prlntlnit f o Loaum. k7 A PALM FOR EVERYBODY! 1 llnrinir a In ft. a f sir of fnlrrta .r It I . . . . nana, ana winning w make nwm i shall from now on gratly n-diice pricea oq them . well a on othor plants. FVrah Supply of Imorirl Httlrn Arrlrl. Hyancintbs. Tulip. Nnri-u. Frweitt, Chinese SirnxJ and Kaoter Lilliee for forcing andouUloor plant- DS Choice Cllt FlOWerS I tM?n. fnd Flor. for a.1 occa- I uuu I Everzreens and ShaJe Trw H. 8TB1NMKTZ. Fuoaiw. Q. North TJalifn Btr-et, nr Peso I oat! tut. Phone 113. -Thtrt's a txrioj Q woata't 'lifwho ah thinks of aothU kl dr " "What rrlo-i li that From lh cradU to Ik t OABTOIIXA E. F. YARDO ROUGH. Insurance. Noal Oulldinf. I04.iv.burg. H. C. Flro CompinUi : MPCUt A.L, of Lox3on. PALATIMX. of MtnerMitM. Wllllimibufgh City, of M. Y. British Amortca. Toronto. Atlanta Homo, Atlanta. V lnnrl trrn 'if. !k,t rrtd (r oSn.fi a.J hoi-l:af i.-h-.uom c Ira. l as-tll : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN V h o ra a t w i h c i c t a n ?- inf - r V. a i r d r a in g : t. . n'.! do wU to ra '; r n V M A IT N A 1. K THOM AS I.adia baa your t ar, fc c j'. ri;L. . W tan Pr. Whit new hair tfr-wer. Vn' M'ufi'i H ai f Ti't'orat i At r U a i r Ur. i ric- irrcat tx-at it to keep the h;r from fa!! inif out. N 1 U K oF I I L r T I N . Th r a r ! r . . r h i p h r . - f : t . . i i. i r. c tfl.c:. N. A N t :. ard K. 1. (':.' . t V. i dar . i d by CD'i' ja. c .:.'. . rrT it i ; r tn a r d m : ' h N. A N n a', r-r. c. and ;ai i N A N :. Mi.r a., '.he 1 : a b i . i : 1 1 of a i i ',fa, b.r.; p u r h a f d I a r y ' i r. '. r in l . true. ri.i Jat. larv '".h. N A Ni -v ii T ( u;i:r. I havp '.Lis day axr!a'.rd r'. V W'bel.'fcs with n.e u:.dr '.he ftrr.; name i f Ne'.sor. b-'.et. t:. aid V beles. havi:, boyh. '. h iiitrrest purchased by ite .'rota K. T. Carlyle. This January ' h , N . A . Ni: s lit'iaif "ii :fll a. 'it jVf t'. b Aysra.. i or a wi , ail r b.r fA'.'- r c tifil tar t ' K.u-4-t cw.u us. a. ac-t aad ail r z pr iic;a(r cia: 4iu: aaid (' at.i r rial ti.ca .4 a T t-ir Jis)ir; T'.h. I-.. . r '.i a' ii.i t r!ai .a tr t itir rw r t 'At. l-- H F A : - - a. K i N 'TICK r-rtAin Wl f a. ri((' i''a'."i c fV 4 jtj f Jr. ar j : KS .1; ; M irr il! f . lo c jr ti'' r mri.rr-IIf- u '. . j r-. r..r.! Ir. : h. r-'s.t'.r '. rnskSo -. e'. lr It xl r- '' ---ri7 tmjj Hi. hi it' 1 urt II . . r ".i. ! -mn of t.. org :. '. '. '.! . 4 . '.i titU''. mist : r 'u4 .." f , i "r-t l T i r I -; . 5 m.-.k - C. id! hcanW ii ( H f tl t .'.4' ! r.wr T wtf ' rT.T. I rr . "0 J . 0m I. ii'f O I fr-i. an K.'.iA'lh V:rta .'.t'. (-V.. l. . r x k thn w & f. t . .'.4. xi I itVf i hi. l.N-r- -4" Tr.tr ttt-- !'Js kr!ujrh . .it" or 7 wt l. ? ijti lot.fy ". mf": 'c fckl ; on II ..-.!.".- Ki: r . I viii ? "ti:- T. V BMirr. AM j MTIt K. Ky 'Irta nr. cf rnsii.n attr .d t i 0t--t Ki tulr. !n ai V- .:r.-- f. Mk. n M tity lvi.". 3j cf imri :s I Md Ui of it. trn i k cf frit:'.; i wt.rx) wan. Id frr! f th. fnr! H . ; ! f l:i tV.. c lnf.ri n , kki- to -.!- Mf.at f4Vr. !.'- p-rt ff '.h-. frw. I cf lar. 1 of whi-h Mr. Hu; A .lirl 4U4 ' ; w 1. "tr. T T-w"I lr. ; a . J u 1 J r 1 '.BIT l It" .Ufl Ul '. t .l tiTyi' f 0.Vr uJ'n ! 'n It ii'fk T'r l. : I r ifkvt rh bom- !- f :i i.t. Mr. try k i- larl. ki 1 r t-tA.n. fc-r a. L. 4 &- lia. Iibid;.7 b r-.h ( M to. I t 1 rccUlu 44 -r-a. ; o It on. hk-f rkah la;ki b ' J:" ua. ' t f 111. f kXll V-f.nol tF . I Jttrrr! frotn iU -f a- N TK"K. B iftO' of p)-r ntf-m-1 t a :1 ttc j rfta'-ot i V.eaixjsy tfcvr tlat 4a rf ia, wain .. i rw4 in r rata . in c oqMj . re Boa Yl V 4- I a ' kn I ty .a Vr loiiu from ifc rviproT Conn of rtulfli mmmtj (a a prijrUca' tb.r-tD rr.Htl Eal MtA Oaav haw. rial, ti Tb Ukarg awiaila al IU1 1 day of rbrkr. I. u at rwMWt ark W lb- bUrb-rt U1W f r cVal tb- fowrt f.-4kowa tVarto.. ilDf 1 A roaf tvrt cm , mm , w. -aal 1 mirmri. lLfo mUTtf wtt Pr. rVavtrr I 7T" , . Uo va fw tj a rv-a. itw la a aoajvbarty ' aiilijL wttnt In a How with IV ria-r wail c-t taw 1 ITL -T- "Ty Wtaw Kmm of iW UUrairg SUSb aaJ laa tt raw oi Ua4 oat vikk k cwwaaat Um 4taa kowaa of aall rta a y Tala laxa day of Tw.hw. tSKT JaMBM M ajxSJf . TrawaML A. C ZoUJOorrta, attorawy, NUMBER 49. T l iHVJ a M 1 '.. : ; . k i t j : o 14 il " u . M l j"..: s K. . . .. i M .1 -t . ; .;, ; m ' 'J . a ' M jn ' - 1 t 1 1 f" : . t ; It ii i . ( , . Je 4 ' : - ' ti p : i ' - :.('! 4 ..: 1-5 - fcJ '. J ; : i ra ' - ' '. '. 1 . ' . ' ' ' - - ; at- ;-" - i : -4)". , ; ? i 4 - : : 4i s k' ii ' ; ; j . l Kr. , . - . .. ; j ... f" . 1 - ; w : : 41 - ' 4:- :ii.iui ''" :' ; 4 : ' '. 1 1 " 4 . . ' ,.; ; . 4 lt : - i : -: . W -- 4w Ct ft i ". '.. ; a..i:. , :.. j y '-- . : a ' i : ' ; ; j (!! t . -'- ij , -x l "l g : 'If i . :: H j ' J 4 t XL 1 ! a t- at r. . n -. - 4 4 S i -1 ".x-f.i : m i . t j tu r..x I r - N4"i N'lTIIKIiN RAILWAY. riKOflOT AIM 4.1 B. ( M)KN.-KD H-JIKDfl.E. IN EK FKOT J AM'AkV 1. TAAI.ns LUTl ULil. l.C :m rt i.. ac. f mi T. "-J-41ll- - - . T T 4tra ur-wti A1 CVrt. i Iraj f . nt.-. l'-""1 arrr..-- raw4 ir- At uwa.i,,, v1lA Ua:w, li- m 4 -:n I m 1 i r-e.a twuc-n L4&. ,m a s lr. a M : i -k . aoaira kaw - r k rt. fo a , . .- ,, '-- "- tM f (VUV14. kMTVMktatr. Sa)ta. kjao Cniattt. Aaajawtav. i lirxatu ta.kavaava. --- ka-l i aa, ia rvtrvaav ' -.k3 44 Cavrkc4l iiu . rmj f ttf Ljti kU Jt 1 1 r at jr li Hk4i; utkiilk,, ryfcr-tj k&4 IllMWiU --n-a M Ua) w 'm k&4 rr.u aavon ct aai 7. VMKurg for J4 47 ro W UatsTVak ai 1 3k7 .a. . ' ' o-i ta. W a W a a ikaj. 1 4W -ava f ew WTa-f-k. Vara atoa-J. Tartvww aav4 aaaW AMljmm am arf oa --t 4 cwocsm aAjwai. art.aa m - - uaw r at - - A 1L i omU .4 raraajB) fr iaaw 41 rn 7 r -. few 14 aavS rt l rc r at Taal? 5t aaauri at ULEai w I 14 r kt. rroaa Alaata. 1 ktrMU. o all tci)lku(4tawU cw a. ai rrvaa Mwnu.u t4. ya aa4 aa-ia. ' o I " T rTTiT!; ,"-iaa, J cilZla j 0. j a mi. ... laaiWl 1 1 I mr.-m lw rraaa a Powtaw aW aoaaa aata a Li fcy 4atea Uaa, aaaaaaavaaat TlftiMliiTaTT i rawaTaJv V -j

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