-1 THE Tft AllIiN TIEES VOL. XXVII Methodist Church Directory. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Geo. S. Baker. Sopt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 7 P. M., eftjrj duDday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. (i. F. Smith. Pastor. l'rot'esNional cards jjR. S. P. BUKT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. Office in the Fvrd Building, corner Main and iNati street. Up stairs front. b. MAjsalSiSBUHa, ATTORNEY AT LAW. L0UISBUR8, H. C. vVin practice iu all tne Courts of the State Uilice in Court House. COKE & SON, ATTORNKYS-AT-LAW LOUISBUKO, N. 0. V'iii atleua tne courts of Nash, Franklin, arauviile, w arreuauu Wane counties, aiso the 8ui.re.Liie Court oi xNorth caroiuip, ana the U. o circuit uu xistri;i Courts. Da. E. S. Fostbr. Db. J. E. Maloxb. PiiACTICINli PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Louisburg, N. C. OiUce in Bu.ldiug opposite Emor7 Hotel' Mai a otreet C vV. II. NICHOLSON, f HACi'lCINa PHYSICIAN, LuUlsUUKtj, . S ATXOHN EY SAX-LAW , LUUlSBUHb, H. 0. vVUl attend tiie courts of Franklin, Vance, .irmivmn. Warren ana vV ake counties, aiso lilts supreme oootl oi jortu Carolina, prompt Atteutiou ifiven to coueouons, etc. rpHOS. B. WILDER, ATTURNEY-AT-LAW, LouisBune, j. o. Oitce on Main street, over Jones & Cooper s store. I. VV. B1CKEXT, Ai'l'iJRNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBUKtt N. C. Prompt and i-aiustaking attention given to ever matter lutrustea to nis bauds. Reiera toCuici J astice Sueplierd, Hon. John Maumug, xlou. Rout. V. Winston, Hon. J. C. Buxi-ju, Pres. rirst National Rank of Win ston, vileun is Jilauly, W mstou, Peoples Bank of Jdonroe, Chas. E. Taylor, Pres. W ake For est C jilege, tion. ij-W. i'miuerlake. Of tic: in Court liouse, opposite Bherilf'8. w. al. i tiXkOUiX , ATTORNEY AT-LAW, LOUISBURS, N. O. Practices In all courts. Office u Neal Building. H YARBOROUQH, Jb. ATI ORN'EY AT LA W , LGUISBURO, N. C. Ulfce on second floor of Neal building Main street. All Ugal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and carelul attention. D. T. KMITliWICK, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Z. Office in Ford Building, 2nd floor. lias administered and teeth extracted without pain. JjR. R. E. KING, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in Opera House buiLDiNG Second Floob. With an experience of twt ntj -five years is u sufficient guarantee of my work in all the ap-to-date lines of the profession. HOTELS. HOTEL WOODARD. " W. C. Woodaed, e rop., Rocky Mount, N. C. Free Bus meets all trains, R $2 per day. FKANKL13TU3 HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C. S AWL MERRILL, Prp'r. Good accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. MASSENBURG HOTEL J P SlaNMCnbnrg Propr HENDERSON, N. C load accommodations. Good fare. Po NORWOOD HOUSE Warrenton. North Carolina w j. NORWOOD, Proprietor. Ptrouase ot Commercial Tourists and raTellng PuoUo Solicited. Good Sample Boom. KlAKIST HOWL TO ST0BK3 AND COPET HOTTBB ITS HERE. The McKinley boom has struck as And knocked things quite around The things we bay got knocked up. The things we sell got knocked down. Tbey promised ten cent cotton And naif was ail we got. Their promie, I guess, was rotten And in the boom got broke. Yes, Billy's boom is a knocker And bard times got a lick And knocked them close and harder Than before this booming trick. And on still goes the knocking The poor man gets the blows, And Billy's crowd is reaping While the poor man plows and sows. Origin ot the Cotton Oin. Century Magazine. "The youngest daughter of Gen. Nathaniel Greene used to relate a story of her life at Dungeness, where a circumstance occurred of some historic and scientific inter est, and in regard to which mucb erroneous statement has been made. I refer to the invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney, and my mother's connection with it. The facts, briefly stated, were about as follows: While spend ing the previous summer at New port, R I., my mother became ac quainted with Mr. Whitney, and grew interested in the outcome of the experiments be was then making- in the interest of his pro jected gin. To assist in his en terprise, my mother invited him to speud the following winter at Dungeueas, where an abundance of cottou and quiet could" be as sured. Mr. Whitney accordingly name to Dungeue; s, and diligent ly pursued his experiments, a room in the fifth story having been spe cialiy titte 1 for his use as an in veutor. One morning he descend ed bpadlorii into the drawing room, where a number of guests were assembled, and excitedly ex- claimed: "Thi victory is mine!" In depp sympathy with him the guests and hostess weut with bim to his workshop. Whitney set his model in motion. For a few moments the minerature saws re volved without hindrance, and the Reparation of the 6eed from the cotton-wool was successfully ac complished; but after a little the saws clogged with lint, the wheel stopped and poor Whitney was in despair. " 'Here's what you need!" ex- claimed mv mother, in her clear decessive way. and she instantly Riezed a clothes brush lvin on the - o mantel and held it firmly to the teeth of the saws. Again the drum revolved, and instantly the saws were cleaned of the lint, and the last requirement of the great invention was satisfied. 'Madame', said Whitney, over- corae with emotion, and speaking witb the exaggeration of grati- tude, "you have perfected my in- vention.'" Shoe Donts. Don't' put away shoes in a dirty condition; wipe them, dress them and store them in an airy closet. Don't place shoes against a hea" er after coming in from a rain. Don't wear one pair of shoes steadily. Two pairs worn alter- natelywilldo the work of three pairs worn consecutively. Don t shut up an array oi shoes f 'r : ' Li i 1 Don't wear shoes tbat will not permit the great toe to lie in a straight line. Don't wear a shoe that is tight bolh churches for special contribu tions during tbe closing year of any wnere. t-v . i . .1. 1 Al. - k lOD ijyesr-n snoe bo large inai. Don't wear a shoe with a sole narrower than tbe outline of tbe foot traced with a pencil drawn close under tbe rounding edge Don't wear tbe top of a boot tight, as it interferes with the ac- tiou of the calf muscles, makes one a.k awkwardly and the on t fail to wipe shoes With soft dressing at least once a week, 0 Don't wear a shoe tbat bas com- heel Straightened at once and fin- Uhed nn the worn edM with a row ot tiny nails. Don't economize on footwear; good shoe is a cheap shoe. LOUISBURG, METHODIST HARMONY. A COMMISSION RECOMMENDS PLAN OP UNION WORK FOR THE CHURCH'S TWO LEADING DIVIS IONS. The following official report of the action of the joint "commis sion of federation" appointed by the general conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church and the Methodist Episcopal Church, tionth, which met in Washington, D. C, recently, has been made public : Atter an elaborate discussion covering several days' conference, the joint commission finally agreed on the following resolutions: First That the general confer ences of the two churches be rec ommended to order the prepara ration of a common catechism, hymn book and order of public worship for both. Second While recogoixing the value and growth of the Epworth Leagues of the respective churches and reioicing in the spirit of fra ternity manifested in their bien nial international 'conference, in tbe absence of any literal provis ion for it, it is suggested to tbe general conferences that they rec ognize and regulate it by legal provisions. Third That the general confer ences of the respective churches be commended to adopt measures for the joint administration of their publishing interests China and Japan. Fourth That while appreciat ing fully the Christian comity pre vailing among our missions in foreign lands and having given careful consideration to tbe prin ciple and desirability of co-opera tive administration as a-means for lessening tbe expenditure of funds in the prosecution of the work, the commission, without attempt ing to formulate any plan for such co-operation, commends to subject to tbe consideration of the two general conferences. Fifth It was further agreed for the prevention of hurtful competi tion that in places where either church is established and supply- in the needs of tbe Pple new work sba11 Dot be organized by tbe other church without tbe consent of the bishop having jurisdiction. Sixth The following with ref erence to christian education was adopted: Resolved, First That this ex- pression should take such practi- cal form as will increase the effi- ciencj of our higher institutions of learning. Second That the Tears 1900 and 1901 should be a period for the presentation of the subject of higher education to all our people and of their gifts to the cause, Third Tbat it is the impera- tive duty of tbe Protestant church to provide in the city of Washing ton a auiversity Christian, Cath 0,i5 toleraot and American ha? 1Dg or 8 80le alm P" g'ada" and professional study and origi- nal research and that tne American . ......... k. . .. , 0 Universitv is worthv of the conn I J I urjuv auu m a w a cv i a j u a v a vuu vw pie in all ourebnrcbes We there fore recommend that tbe claims of this institution be commended to thft nrfwont and tbe ODeninc vear i r r - nf the com in i? century te eneral conferences of the two I " m. . churches provision for the recep ti0D 0f ministers from one chnrch tn the other without loss of orders in ministerial standing It is not often that a physician recom jaada-dj '- J. P. Clereland. Glaajrow, Va., writes: "1 nd diarrhoea remedy in my praetioe and it baa proren to be an excellent remedy, where a thorough courw ot medicine had failed with me, I recom- gressire physicians recommend and nae this remedy, becaase it always cures and mil nnicklv. Get a bottle and you will have an excellent aoecor in me dobn. iur r. a .a r a .nA .AatA. For saleby W..G. Thomaa, 1 drnirjrist and pharmaeist.LoalsbQrg, ,u N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY A Great Opportunity Lost. Tbe Farmers Alliance, of this county, at its meeting last weak, adopted a resolution urging tbe managers and editors of tbeir State organ, th Progressiva Far mer, "to be less partisan in politi cal discussion and devote more Bpace to advacatjug Alliance prlo ciples;" commenting upon wbicb tbe Chatham Record ears: "It might not be improper for coanty Alliances to adopt this very timely and sensible resolution. . .While several newspapers in this State pretend to be organs of tbe Alli ance, yet in fact tbey are simply office holders, Ifearlj all tbe edi tors of these 'organs' are office holders themselves, and some of j need for me to work; the govern them are not content with one of meut'll take cars of tre.' fice but grab all they can get. Aod -Let there be compulsory edu all of them are intensely partisan I cation, too, and let every able in politics, more bitter, abusive ! bod ied man who doesn't Bend hi. and paatisan than any pnrely po- children to school be eeot to jail, litical papers heretofore published j and kept there until be promises in this State." to pay for that education. Tbat At a recent meeting, in Raleigh, will bring them to time, and shut of a company of Alliaucemen up the saloon?, too. The. monay the executive committee of tbe spent in tbe saloons is many times State Alliance, perhaps a reeo- more tbao enough to educate the lotion was adopted urging the Al- children of tbe country, liance hereafter to pay more atten- "As to free turnpike, toll onbt tion to strictly Alliance material to be charged on evry road In tbe and less to partisan politics. All country. of which suggests tbe idea that ' Tbe free pension list gives rise the farmers of the country lost tbe to much abus. There are 1,!, opportunity of tbeir lives to im- 000 disabled soldieron tbe United prove tbeir material condition ; States pension list now, and there when tbey allowed tbe office- were ouly 60,000 rebels, seekers to get into tbeir organi- "Don t misunderstand me on tbe zation and convert it into a politi- school question. I think there cal machine. If they had at tbe should be institutions for indigent outset taken these schemers by i children and children of widows, the nape of the neck and thrown "Iook at tbe history of free them out of the window aod then things in th. Bible. Our Lord confined the Alliance to tbe work never gave anything free bat which it was professedly organ- j once, and that wu when he rained ized to accomplish, it would be I manna down for tbe Israelites in alive to day instead of dead, and tbe wilderness, and tbre nover the farmers would have more was a more anarchistic and die money in their pockets instead of jointed crowd than tboee same fol- the office-seekers having it all, i wbilb the rank and file have ooth- ing to show for tbe fees tbey paid except discontented spirits, higher and worst government. In that eventthere woold be no need now for cotton growers' conventions which result in nothing, but tbe great organized armv. looking onl v after its own material welfare, would be regulating cotton pro duction aud realizing from the power of itsorganiration buudredH a x ' . of benenta which can never be ?e- cured through politics. Charlotte Observer. Think About IL We like tbe sentiment eipresged by the Greenfield Times when it says: "Don't laogb at a drunken man reeling throogh tbe street, bow. ever ludicrous the sight may be; just stop to think. He is going home to some tender heart that will throb with intense agouy; some doting mother will grieve over tbe downfall of ber once sin less boy, or it may be a fond wife, whose heart will almost break with grief as she views tbe de struction of her idol, or it may be a loving sister wbo will shed bit ter tears over the degradation of her brother, shorn of bis manlinesR and self-respect. Rather drop a tear in silent sympathy with tboee hearts so keenly sensitive and ten der, yet so proud ani loyal tbat they cannot accept sympathy ten dered to them either in word or look, although it may fall upon tbeir wounded hearts as refresh iugly as the summer dew on tbe withered' plants. No man suffers so mnch rascality as the rascal. from Cures to Stay Cared. Thousands of yolantarv certificates re eeired during the paat fifteen yesrs, cer tify with no uncertain wound that Botanic Blood Balm, (B. B. B.) will eore to stay cured, rheumatism, catarrh. okars, aorea. blotches, and tbe moet malignant blood aud akin diseases. Botanic Blood Balm is the result of forty years" experience of an eminent, scientific and eonacieatoaa Shysieian. Send stamp for book of won erfnl cares, and learn which la tbe beat remedy. Beware of substitutes said to be "joat aa (rood," "d buy tbe long teeted and old reliable. Botanic Blood Ealm, (B. B. B.) Prioe only fl.00 per larare bottle. For sale by druaf Uta. Ad- J dress Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ua. 11, 1898 AUA1NST FBEK TH1SUS. Reverend Sim Jones Wants People to Pay for What Tbey Uet. QodDDaU Tehran, to St- Low v QloU Democrat. "I am not in fsvor of free schools," said Evangelist 8m Jones to a Globe Democrat re porter, "no sir; no free school,, free turnpikes, free pensions, free silver, nor free anythiug else. I want evwry man to pay for ery thing he gets. "This sjstem of free things is leading straight to government pa ternalism. Pretty sood, if thing keep on tbe way tbey are going, thedaddieeof the government will lie down at tbeir ease, savloe: 'No lowers of Moses. Tbev behaved themselves so badly that tbe Lord had to folio up his rain of free manna with a rain of free snakes, '. Only one or two of tbat band, as (originally constituted, reached tb i promised land. Do you wonder that I think things can b too i free!'' Mr. Y. C. Helbif. a prrmineDt dro it of Lrncbbor. V , mt: "Oo of ! oar clt,,o ard ' f r ; ,wo yr UDdin. by i- Chmbrlaio's Pain IUlm bQoatltn d b-ittl erf ! root u f,1DOO,1 for CQr of J'omt with tbe prcmipt mlif wheh It JTori. Forle by W. O. Thotna, dragit ni pharmacist. IjooUbar. N. C. JeftVrnon's tn Kalf. Neer put off until to-morrow what you can do to-day. Never trouble another for what von can do yonrpelf. Never spend your money before you hae earned it. Neer buy what you don't want because it's cheap. Pride costs more than hunger, thirst and cold. W. . . t . e seldom ropent of hating eaten too little. Nothing is troahlesome that we How mncb pain the eilg hare r cost us tbat have never happened. rpl .L! - I a. .1.- laae komga iiwiji dt iut smooth handle. mi ,4 4. 1 When angry count ten before 2, . you speak; if very anry, count a . , . uuuureu. No Cure So Tay. Tbat is tbe wsy sil drafttu all Orofe's Tsatelaw Chill Toa ie for Chill aod Malaria. It is simply I mo and Quinine in a tatrla form. Chiidrro love it. Adults prefer It tJ bitter aaa aeatinat tonics, rrie 50 cants. The "Eastern hemisphere, on which dwell 92 per cent, of tbe population of tbe world, baa 170. 792 miles of railway, or 40 per cent, of all the railways. Boeklen's Arnica Saive. Tbe beat salre la the world for eU, bruise, sore, ulcer, salt rfemta, fer sorv, tett, chspprd ha ad, chilblains, corns, and all akla t-ropilooa, aad p-osi-tiaely eurea P1W, or o pay reqalrrd. It ta guaranteed to g We pert eat aatiaf actio a or mooey renodad. PrVaa 33 era is per box. For aaU by Ay cocks k Ox'a. LpUdtrs think nothing of covering 150 n lie it day on tbstr kates. E. F. YARDOROUCH, Insurance. Meal Building. Colebvrg, H. C. Plr Umpsnlsi : MPERIAUof London. PALATINE, of M.rvcrv..t.r. WllllamatHjrgh CKj, of . Y. British Amorlea. Tofonto. Atlanta Moms, Atlanta. Property insured on lavombi Wms). DweJling sp-nJI y slriuj. Boads arraafvd for oflon aa4 chrt bo Id i a pni lio&a ot troa at LADIES AND GENTLEMEN W ho may wish nice sham roo Ing or hairdresjlng doue. will do well to rail on W. M. ALSTON A I. K. THOMA8. Lad.es bavo your bang cat right. We hart Dr. Wbite new bair ;rovr, Van's Mexican Hair Restorative Ayer s Hair Vigor, Tricopberons for tbbair and skin, nothing to bat it to kp the hair from fall ing out. Acme Wine Co., 7 ft 'it : nn: RALEIGH. N. C. IWl'O tl Ky Whlik.j. :: rrtrt frra li -o 4 jr . i d a3r. 12 Ui. rho Hprit Ky Wt.,k.y, j.rt q a rt f 0 c'. Old K0to-ky I i r Wh:ky Id. pr l..a f j Frr.M l 1 art f3.i". Clart WM r jaii .a T: wsr. r-r Port. 8hrry. t'ub !'kt-rrT Mtb ad ScaFrrn ?B.r : ; r r. Lc 1 X. r 1 d,o qotri f-4 !: dtn 11 Cii. pr d f! 3'. rrrj at 1 i t: a t tjap i'. t of Iraportd Wib, AUi ni p rtr. Irith aodrv.h Vh.ky. Rsn.iia aa-i Froch H r a-i j No ehtrf fjr (li'sr Jim Tv.-. Jbn tad K f 3rnti-i tl c- v " bip fxli to ty f-r cf li Stau. J orolr or prio r lows soy wmmtmtn or o T'.!r wb;i ul wbukvy bos Hrbsalt B'-'fhsp rt;5i mt-kj Sad yoor ordr to A CM K WINK O . lUWifh. c NoTK K btb A;to, d-c-i, til pra. cwie ber mUI r d.'UM to pr ib s si w. si sil pr pr.lsiB rials li"t bmhj wmMi9 win prrwil ixca a or tor Jsaosry 7th. qt tb- a. will tw tUs,i la br of ibtr i ry Thu Jsaasry 7tb. H V Ats.-. a K t vrrir,; f T'.rtaw of prmt rtftr! y 4 c lPT- I CJX7 o IJk lM iMJ c ;M iikkiitrwf-M la rSi tm-.f u B--a 1 it Swr. 4 tl u orbi kMi.t from Uw ! p--T-tof loin of Wukns j (li I k trvrini4 Ure c:i:tl in u r x .. w . V ... TV Lorf jm km. i laKtttMl Ltoarar. 1 SaU ow Mit; IU 47 cf r(aTT. l4hV. Mi I ptiU ttfc: to la hla-aM Uiin ( cm i . Hoc, li LcW-ry. C . l t aWw 9a ri -rniMl to wtt A rr-ia i-yt a c m .. Uull to l ' ot Inaklt w?-wm cf fXiowa ylillr an r r 1 wfwt cc ail llo wwfT'f wHX rf rrwferr MMWfarttot rwl, li-1 - ! k tXr j Jlf-MrOoa prr.W wrta CTtr-h trA lo j- lnl la Ub alia IA Mtim ibJ ci rrlaa Hotw cf (a LNar( Balt;u a.: Im prvBat CoBpa. Um Kr- j 4 aXl wa!l of tlk i rl baa lo Cliri f rr: aio4- Ckr t trar to la t-faa't II tlft; '.! ko cf laAl cm fW) M rrmr'.mi ll. prla ixw of aa (Vataf ThU lCh Jaj of l.'.a-.! usr a. a Z:Ltacrraa, aitoa7 SAI.K UrLANl) Br vtrta cf a orUr of IX S -vts cxr. Cf raaaiia (watr. aa : t-. a. f i h n.rr. x. i . aa.i m m .-ar i. Tia ter f La. ta Um Toil of ru k ZLZ iVZZS iJtil aai. oaaUUrl raafe. iAfl la &l av Tim of a u o cmi m r 7 4. imm t w BK-aarr W M. r a. t-oo LAM' SAI.K. B7 rtrtaa of aowar c4 ai (oaitJoxJ la 4 mort-. a ow ix. m 4,. k aar7.l-aC.r7 a T ia1;W ut af. la -. ,017 ri i i kw.a7 rraak coaiaty. la IVacMk K. paa IM . a . roaatr. la Boo KW. mm IM at. aa . aafas.t Utlt taw m.a ta laa aarm-at cf l aaruvf taw b. la I aa j Lba n A7 of aUn, UaaVat t CVarl H xaa I door In Urakat-ara S c. w ItaJa Warai ar iaui aoryio aarara.1. i wui. am astjir ol. I aiU. ow ai: MltoUa blhrat ItUa for cakaa. ULat tra cf ) la aail amorVfaar ) mm-r.t4 m . M Ukarats aa follow a twrxtim Irart orUaf aval rwT Is I- Toa of Loaatarf la l aoaat f B , m...w rraAaUe aa-1 of Sort Ou-oaaa ea la- ' 7 4 V cf ktala tOawt a4e4ta; Ut kH e4 ktka Mary aaa ac.axaf .Laa a aaa aaa.aaj aiaoaAaa to r. J. Bnraa vi ia, ataaaa of aaAl :aaiaana4 to4 loaaVwJ M fo4Vra o IW wata ta aoaswtav4 of lava aaai P i. ars ) ') of aaAl SiLnaaOai tcTyaa ty & C. aara7. Bfcartg. Vo T. m anv at IW ota Kof Maa fctary Aaa Sc a a4 asla, awrUa t7 Pert a; acraaa. 01 Law aawlfe waat hy alaia aLraa aaal raw aa4 : n4 1 aJ of ta aa4 P J. Ixna. H a; laa4 awn af aaAi ko La raraaw of aaa - tamo. av. aforraail ttaa; wtlaXa Lkw foOoanaa WaaW. rW, Walt tl4k a a acaat vam taw aaU4 lot foiaw law o of Maaa alary aaa ok ow atals taS aa4 raaf tawaaia aiow awM htala cftwaa alat 7 two ) fawt to a potat wtv-r taw Haw of aail nil J tav I1111 it ataia Craw. tawaxw aaoaaa; aaaA Saw ot aa4 tuamlavl aa a Aat;l Baa awrafVal wtJS Koa tfwwt to SyrlaaT saa. ifcaami aaaavj sa4 ftprtat; aiiat aaity tww an fw to aatH aw taw aaJ4 S is 11 r tot Isli n iTa - ra strawC tSawrw aioava aaM taaw at aa4 laj um o to atata atrat laa aoiat of twrlaala. awl aocrtatataa aoaU k all aw ocra. aavat -- to satfcsf j aaa BaorTfwa mwtA. Taw ALh day of Kiwwwry. tsBt. ruiri sL hw-kix Morf (-. arantx a arms, ataorswya. .NUMBERS!. I PHI FDYDEH Aeeerety fx 1 i Til t h : t 4 : ! s'l in . jr. ; L n , ; r - . : t ; tn a. liB:f, . j aA.4-... i , a -t ''-" -:. - : ; t t.a.a j - Tt i'l t ; s JL . fc - 1 i - ; a . . . tu H .- i : it . n ;n I i-t V 1 ! . t a . i.in'i . k n ! m ! U ;n Vti.r f t i j t Htttat j - S - 4 . - 4 , . . ' If'.; ' " ' n . , :i - t a ' 4 , ' ' ' in . , 1 u t 1 ...f 1 ' 4 ' ' ' i ' ; it . 4 . 4 4 ! I '..4j -.a i.ff. : a-, . : A T i i ?- ' h ; 4 1 . Us . t a 1 ' :. a., . ti ' l 1 ' 4 : . ' ' a, I ' t Jl 4 ' - ' . . i I 1. 1 ! 4 'vas a . ?. - . ' - . t . , 1 a-'-:'.". ; . . 1 Mot , 4 t il a 1 , . " 5 f - , tl . ! 'm ' '". ' 4 f H t 1 ' , " . -4 , " - 4,. 4- I.:,-.,-, . . . .. -t 4- ; 4 IT M . ; u at 1 ' 1 1 ' aat a ? . : j i. j. : ) ; n ; : f"--'- - - 4 :i ' I 4 4 U n a 1 . 1 , 4u : ,., s a - , . . : tl'.f 'H-p s , . ""'."a i ! -1: 4-.. ; . t .',. f i ( M ( " J -i t . ; . at ' r . M . .. --al.- ' I I. - .'. 4 ( y af 4 1 : um if. IM ' 4a .' ilm -Xl -l NrTHKi:. iiailwa.. riEpST A I at Lmt C".MKN.-KI) HKI'i : K IN KFKE'T ; AN t i.1 i. ta;.i luti aju., a. i. ; a at f 4. X aa a. . 4 in r i r 4.4 4 4 U 'J L .X u""- a ;4v f. -:( --7 A I jrt:if: a ..A 1 .-4Ji I - 4-4.4 ruM aa I Vof . to.4 '0. a tlx : raw a - : t - 4a a ia aatauf 444 :a is 4.a. .l:aa 4c i, tMftica fo a laMWew. a44 .-I avai - la a a 1 Vavraa 1 at 4. .aa ; in iatia. A 14 uu. fiat :a ri4 ' f Al aafia. aa fWr.. A a " A v W- aa ;ki:a. 11 m r t L fiW h;)i3 a i atari law- jaf faf .- rn cv -7- v.aaia fca J4-. M.i Lts aa4.7anrva Hk kalava 44 t.w a ai ix a aa a7 fc a a law. 7 it:avaaaKa M aVtaawa la Wlaaav a.S7 aV;--ai. Twva ai aaiaJ Aoa-fcaA CtKCu -r r 1 aa 41 c-fc . t.. . ls r at leavawa4 tHrtaa f a Ct;. LrrtVa. aa-aa.akl ai '1 rim taa. r j KUU awi, , . f rL rf aaajvi at hiuji c iiH r m ray is a. at I T J lew aa aa a a.- ' Vorva aa .-a IX . M . M ! ' l;"i" "441l. J."J La AW. lava Uartxiaa, rwi -rai Tea. WaaairlM IffctAia. tavaa-ti. tr..aawTaw; i 1 1 a a. at aw r at aa aaica aa.f aj LW.-7 Il sww. Uwwi fratat Iraiaw aiww carrr "777, ,jlY bY3 r a r at A Wfl7 taawaw aa-w 1m4i Ca AXavaaa. VA " T 7r, aa V, KIUrK1 T V. CWIwaaa. C. ...