1 r VOL XXVIII Hethodist Church Directory Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Geo. S. Baker. Sapt. Preach iag at 11 A. M., and 7 P. M., every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. G. F. Smith. Pastor. LOUISBURG, N. C; FRIDAY, MARCH 11,1893 NUMBER 4. lJrot'es8ional cards, JJR.S. P. BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Lotiisburg, N. C. Office in the Ford Building, corner Main and Nach streets. Up at airs front. f ATTORNEY AT LAW. L0UISBUR6, H. a Will practice In all the Courts of the State Oiflce in Court House. C. 0X)KH & SON, ATTORNEYS-A.T-LAW, LOUISBUBO, IT. C. Win attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warren ana W ate counties, also the Supreme Court of Worth Carolmp, ana the u. ei . circuit ana District Courts. Dr. E8. Foster Dr. J. E. Malonb. .RS. FOSTER & M ALONE. PRACTICING PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Loulsburg, N C. Office in Builaiug opposite Emory Hotel filaia Street D R. W. H. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN , JbOUl&BURe, N. o. yPKUlLL & KUFFIN. ATTORN El 8-AT-LAW , . LOU1SB0R6, N. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, Oranvilla, Warren ana Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of liorth Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections, &c. JAHQS. B. WILDER, ATTORN E Y-AT-LAW , L0UISBUR8, s. c. Otllce on Main street, over Jones & Coopers 4tore. r. W. HICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. L0UISBUR6 B. 0. Prompt and painstaking attention given tc every matter intrusted to his hands. Refers to Chief J ustice shepherd, Hon. J ohu Manuiug, dou. Root. W. Winston, Hon. J. t. Buitou, Pres. First National Bank of Win ton, Uleun & Jlauly, Winston, Peoples BanK of Monroe, Chas. E. Taylor, Pres. W ake For 9nt College, Hon. E. W. i'imberlake. Office in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. Practices BuUding. ATTORNEY AT-LAW, touisBuae, h. o. tn all courts. Omce n JNeai H Y .RBOROUGH, JR. ATTORNEY AT LA V , LOUISBURG, N. C. Ulfice on second floor of Neal building Main street. Ah lrgal business intrusted to him 7ill receive prompt and caretul attention JQR. D. T. 8MITHWICK, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in Ford Building, 2nd floor. Uas administered and teeth extracted without pain. THE COMING OF THE MUSE. The shy muse, rarely seen, at time Floats down, but will not stay, But hides her unembodied rhymes Far, far away. From out the blank unpeopled page There shines no vision fair, And on the poet's noble rage Broods cold despair. In vain to toil, in vain to strive. Efforts and vows are naught. No favoring Impulse comes to drive The lagging thought. Then sudden." mid the darkling chilL Dead hope and strivings vain, A ghostly radiance seems to fill His heart and brain. Far off and thin, translucent, white. His straining eyeballs trace, Half hidden, a phantom of delight, A sweet veiled face. And straight, 'tis life, 'tis youth, 'tiaspring That comes his toil to cheer. Blithe fancy spreads a joyous wing, "The muse is here!" O'er foam flowered wave, o'er enow clad u She floats, or vernal grove. His happy eyes warm teardrops flll Of faith and love. Now from the sunset beckons she. Now from the dawn's clear rose. And sadly now, now joyously, Sings as she goes. Now through the thick life laden sir Along the city street Fleeting she draws divinely fair His faithful feet. Now by the palace, now the jail; Lives gilded, lives undone, Lives laughter lit or those that wail, She hovers on, And with her takes the poet's mind And heart and soul and wilL Where'er she leads a wandering wind, He follows, follows etill 1 Sir Lewis Morris in Harper's Mag amine. graceful of the orgies into which he was wont to plunge. Lodore castle - was one of thoee rambling old border mansions that still retain in their massive towers I will enter those rooms tonight. I am determined t o discover why half my house is wninbatrf table.' - Now, that is what In a sensi- ble msn,M cried Jasper, showing his and battlemented walls the mem- wolflike white teeth In a ghastly ruthless reiver and the stark moss trooper y were making the history that has descended in ballad and ro mance. Standing at the head of one of the gloomiest glens in the Lam mermoor hills and perched on the summit of a precipitous crag whose smile. ,rYe deevil, gin onythlng comes owre him, the young laird's deeth will be at your door,' muttered the old butler. Supper was nearly ended at Lo- . . OHM . oore-casiie. ine company was a base was washed by the burn that j merry one, but Jean and her mother LUCK OF LODOEE. J-jR. R, E. KING, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. Office in Opera House Buildiko Second Flooi With an experience of twmty-flve years is a sufficient guarantee of my work in all the up-to-date tines of the profession. HOTELS. HOTEL WOODARD. W. C. Woodabd, Prop., Rocky Mount, N. C. Free Bus meets all trains. & $2 per day. "What is the 'Luck of Lodore, Watty?" A look of terror overspread Tthe face of old Watty Gibson, the bntler at Lodore castle, when he heard the question which his young master put to him just as dinner was ended. Bending over the laird's chair, he replied in a low tone so that none of the numerous guests should hear: "Wheesht, laird, dinna speir, and for the sake o' a' that's gude dinna ask to see it." But his words had been overheard by the next neighbor to Laird Henry at the dinner table, and he said: "Family freits again, Watty ; good heavens, what a lot of rubbish our forefathers did believe! What with family ghosts in one gallery and family skeletons in another and 'Lucks of Lodore' hidden in places you wot not of you have a lively prospect before you, Henry, my boy. Why, your house is searcely habit able. I know I wouldn't stand it." "What would you do, Jasper Keith " "I would let in the light of com mon gense on the whole bag and baggage of them, and I think in the end you will find your worthy fore fathers have been kept out of the best part of their mansion by a few enterprising rats and mice." "Jasper Keith, you know you are talking nonsense. You are merely egging my cousin on to attempt the solution of the Lodore mysteries to gratify your own curiosity. Henry, do not be influenced by him," re torted beautiful Jean Arniston, who sat near. "My fair cousin, whatever you say must, of course, be right. A pretty woman is always right. But nevertheless I will stick to. the rats and mice theory until I am convert ed to a better," was Jasper Keith s supercilious reply as the company eft the dinnertable with the ladies. 'Come, Henry, let's take our wine in the smoking room, and Clifford and I will give you your revenge for thr' 200 we won from you last night." "I dinna like young Laird Henry's look," said the old butler when he imagined he was alone with the oth er servants clearing away the dinner things. "He's like ane that's fey, and I'm sure I saw his wraith stand- FRANKLLNTOS HOTEL FRaNKLINTON, n. c. SAM' L.MERRILL, Prfr. Good accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. jMlSSENBURG HOTEL JT E Massenburg Propr HENDERSON, N- C . - j ....mmniliHAiia. (nod fare: P HfgUU VJ - NORWOOD HOUSE ftarreatoD. North Carolina W. J. NOR WOOD, Proprietor. TiiMnun of Commercial Tourists ana raveling Public Solicited. . Good Sample. Boom. ETiassat Hoth, to Btobis ajtd Coubt Hovbb i brawled and fret ted down the ravine below the castle, the building was a landmark in the district for miles round. The scenery in the neighbor hood was stern and forbidding.. Bock and moor, heath and wood, ecaur and cliff were in evidence every where. Yet escape from the glen and immediately one was amid idyl lic pictures of pastoral peace and agricultural fertility. x For centuries the Arnistons of Lo dore had been the hereditary lords of the district on all sides of the castle. About the middle of last cen tury the bead uf the family had been one Stephen Arniston, who lived to a patriarchal old age, both loved and respected and at length died, leav ing one child, the beautiful Jean. The estate, being entailed, passed to the nephew of good old Stephen, a young man of considerable promise, but whose estimable traits of ami ability and generosity were sadly discounted by a certain headstrong- ness and obstinacy of temperament which, united to an extravagant love of flattery, rendered him an easy prey to any adventurer. To the gen tle Jean he bad been betrothed at an early age. Though during a lengthy residence with his regiment in the low countries he was reported to have contracted vices of the most degrading type, it was hoped that the infiunoe of his gracious and no ble minded fiancee would wean him from such habits. Great had been the rejoicings at the castle over the arrival of Laird Henry to enter into his new posses sions. Attended by several friends. among others Jasper Keith, be had reached Lodore and had been warm ly welcomed by Dame Helen Arnis ton and her beautiful daughter Jean But more than one sharp eye noted that Jean's welcome was rather from the lip than the heart Hand some and debonair tbtmgh Henry was, there was an undercurrent of insincerity in his manner that caused her to recoil from him and in secret to weep bitterly that he to whom her heart was already given, her other kinsman, Archie Rubislaw, the only hope of a poor but noble family in the district, had not been chosen as her husband. The short afternoon of a Novem ber day was drawing to its close. The weather was dall, lowering and stormy. Heavy clouds were banking themselves up on the southwestern horizon, while the wind, with an angry, sibilant shriek, was causing the boughs of the fir and pine trees that clothed the sides of the ravine to toss their long, gaunt arms to the sky as though in piteous protest. A tempest of no ordinary magnitude seemed brewing. Apparently Jasper Keith's pro posal to spend the afternoon at the gambling table had not been re ceived with favor. The party bad gone outside, but teemingly the bleak prospect without was driving them homeward. As tbey came along the approach leading to the main entrance Henry was asked somo question regarding certain rooms in the castle. He bad been unable to give a satisfactory answer, so when they met the old butler at the dqor the laird eaid, "Watty, didn't you tell me I had seen all the rooms in the castle t ' Deed, aye, laird, and so y e ha ve. " "Not every room, I think," re in aside him in the ha' last nicht. Hefc far owre chief wi' that Jasper plied Keith dogmatically. Keith that was fain to marry Miss "What have 1 not seen, Keith!" Jean. That man's here for nae gude. "You have never entered those He's gotten a face like the very deil rooms on the second floor of the himsel'." west wing whose window blinds are Tn mlanpi nf tVi mnrmnrs nf anafrnt alwavskent drawn, retorted Keith. to his sentiments from his fellow with his grewsome, Mephistophelean servants which he was always wont laugh to hear a bitter, sardonic laugh fell on his ear. He started, to see the man of whom he had been speaking standing beside him, having re turned to the dining room to recover a paper he had left behind. "Don't like me, eh, Watty t Look too much like his satanic majesty to please -your fastidious taste, eh! Sorry I cannot change my features to oblige you An exclamation of horror buret from the old butler. He could scarce ly find words to dissuade Henry from ever thinking of entering the rooms. "Ye maunna gang in there, Lo dore. It's as, muckle as yer life's worth. The rooms hae been sealed up for mair than a hunner years. I had noticed with pain that Henry drank far more wine than was good for him. Jasper Keith sat by him and took care that his cup should never remain long empty. The fun waxed fast and furious, and the toasts followed rapidly one after an. other, as though by their merrimeot the company would drown the sound of the thunder, tb wind and the rain that raged without At last Jasper Keith rose. Heihed his baleful smile over tho whole cir cle of guests, snd as be raised the wine cup over his head he cried : "I bavri one more toast tpopoee. 'We have drunk the health of the Laird of Lodore. Let us drink drink 'prosperity to the Lock of Lodore,' and let the laird honor the toaBt by drinking to it from the ' Luck of Lo dore itself." From the lips of am Helen, her daughter and old Watty expressions of horror felt "Stop, Henry I Do not agrew to it the honor of the bouse may pay for it!" cried the beautiful Jean pleadingly. "ImuatseeitI Watty, brinK the Luck of Lodore.' " For an instant the old butler hesi tated; then, seeing hit master wta in earnest, he slowly left the room. After some delay he returned, bear ing with him a curiously shaped box. This he unlocked, and then, after stripping off several coverings, he exhibited to the gaxe of the com pany sn antique crystal goblet, curi ously out and with certain strange hieroglyphics inscribed around it. "That is the 'Luck o' Lodore,' Maister Henry, said to have been gien to ane o' your ancestors by the great wizard, Michael Scott Bo bang as it is keepit safe, so lang sail there be ane o' the name o' Arniston alive-to heir the estates. For five hunner years it has been preserved. " "Indeed!" sneered Keith. "And the stability of the great bouse of Lodore rests on so feebla a founda tion as a pfeceof brittle glass ! Stuff and nonsense I" "Fill it with wine, Watty, and then pass it round, that each gueet may say he or Bhe has taken a draft from the 'Luck of Lodore.' " The old butler did so with- trem bling hands and then returned the goblet to Henry, who drained the contents that remained. "What a piece of degrading auper- stitionl Can it be possible that any one believes that the present family would be either the better or the worse of that goblet being broken!" was Jasper Keith's remark as Henry stood holding it in bis hands. The fumes of the wine were mounting into the young man a head, and the spirit of bravado got the better of him. "You are right Keith!" he cried "We'll see whether th 'Luck of Lodore' is a true or false prophet." With these words he dashed the crystal goblet on to too floor. A shriek broke from all present. Dame Helen covered bar f face with ber hands. Jean darted forward toward Henry, while poor old Watty, with a cry of anguish, rushed to the spot where the goblet bad fallen. At that moment a tremendous peal of thun der literally enooit toe castle, as though in horror of the laird's ac tion. A mighty rushing wind also seemed to pass through its galleries and corridors, and borne on its wings like the wail of a lost spirit came the words," Doomed, doomed, doomed I" Yet through it all, with his cold, supercilious smile on his lipa. eat Jasper Keith. "One superstition thel less," was his sole remark. All was confusion now Watty had found the goblet, and, singularly enough,' almost intact The slender stem alone was broken, but so that it admitted of repair. Yet no sooner had Jean perceived this "than she said in a low voice to her mother: "It is the stem that has enspped. Henry is doomed. But the old butler, without farther remark, replaced the "Luck of Lo dore" in its casket and bore it away. you all and to recover the part of my house that has been lost to os so long. Get the keys." Old Watty was perfectly stupefied with terror, but oevertbele he had to obey. Jean, seeing her betrothed wss So immovable in his resolution, determined .to go with him, snd sev eral of the other ladits volunteered to accompany her. The gentlemen drew their iworda, and, lighting a couple of flambeaux, Henry motioned the boiler to lead the wv. Through many an ancient gallery and corridor tbey pawwd. At length the long deserted suit of apartments was reached. The storm without bad now reached its height, and the thunder crashed and re echoed through the long gallery with awfnl diarinctneM. But not b ing intimidated tbe young laird "8ol?e this mystery I will f be cried; Watty with great difficulty insert ed the ancient key into the lock, aod after several ineffectual attempts at last succeeded in getting the runfy mechanism to set. But he positive ly refused to enter the room him self. Thereupon Henry and Jstrper Keith strode into the apartment Id an instant tbey reamed to t in the world oC another epoch. The furniture w rich pt description, but was thrown and tnesl about as though tome deadly struggle had taken plar. Tbe room appeared to j have been closed tip in great hatr. j On tbe table stood an old fashioned ' china tea service, with cups t!ll ! containing tbe stain of the lung : dried residuum thst had beu left ' after drinking. Nwr it rtooi an open epinet, with the rnumc still standing before it. Tbe piece wa one of Quilio Barwano's long forgot- , ten pastorals. Yonder liy a faded 1 glove, blood stained, in another corner a lady's slipper, beautifully ornamented. In the middle of the room stood an immense bedted c f very coetly workmarmhip, but the curtains were closely drawn all round. In front of tbe bed lay two sword a, thrown down an if in com bat, and by them the bnr.r of a moldering human hand cut oft by the wrist. "If any solution eiiata. it lie within thoae bed curiam. ' ' a1 Henry in a low Toice. 'Draw them aside and see what is there." "I will." These were the last words he ' poke. As be advanced to the bi! ; aide there came sweeping along the ; corridor the same rushing, mighty wind they had beard before. In an instant all the flambeaux were ex tinguished. But scarcely had dark ness, fallen upon f hem when a fright ful crash was heard in the lower end of the room, accompauied by a wail ingcry. Thecurtaine enveloping the bed were violently drawn sside, and it teemed as though a fiery han! currounded with blue sulphurous flame waa thrust forth from the aperture and crushed both Henry Arnieton and Jasper Keith to the floor, while overhead there broke tbe moat terrible xmI of thunder ever heard by any of thce groups! at the doorway, and under which the old castle trembled to its foun dationa. Then over all there fell a silence even more awful than the roar of the elements, amidst which the same wailing aa had been heard foxe seemed to utter the wonln, though at a vast distance, " The doom has fallen haa fallen." Tux Atlanta CooititQllo U1U a good story of horn a llUrary gsotas wss discoarsgsd. "A forth (ieorgia farmar, who was poateaaed of soma ssaans, in- trd tba offic of bit coanly f r r and aiktd for th editor. 'Th farmer was arcoatpanld by bis son a youth of Blt 7ar sod si toon as tb sditor. wbo wsi io bit tcrl tsBttots. a informed that hi iitor not a bill collator, b rtm fo : ward and ihook hsnJt J "I cam tr jftt tome inferu j tioo," aiplsioed tb farcctr. I Certainly, " ttid lb tditor. , "and yoq camt to lh nlr plc B- seated ! ' "Tba farmer tt on -t tnd of ami FDYDER A4afjr rwv rbile Lit ton ttl tb- Uble floor "Tbit Nov o'mioe."' tt "wsnTa Ur go :nt tbe butuie. atj' I ttoobl know eftbtr wuianv oor. r or not' lit a oo-i b ain't ilV "W!)T Tt," tll lb fl-r tome little h '.t'.ioc 1. r t r ? j , d r- a I . iT r II i i r bo in it oaytelf for flf'ec y and yoj ee bere ! " The far air eyed bead to fo!, g'.atced poorly furnitbed cf the editor o;ice tu r. iQf lo hi ion, wbo t the floor, tai 1 "f S ' Up. J h n , r. ' : do bark tr plow ir : b 1 OS f f - (25 a r o i r, d b t i r t y 1 b : , , lift i pfiiw ( ,r t tratr'. o?'ric fr cb t, oi-r' v : ; I r"l ( it' e .r- :t j CtiraNri;V f. iJfi, rr rz.fi r ' i a o .;. : r . . i '. t - - f"r5f-l S !'. I", o" rrirf. ml I tt r e tr 1 a it rr tfc-h.r V e 1 1 h r. - 3r ' Kr tr rtj-tnt. d r i g : : , I, u " N AT "I U HrT kr. i M ! - k r KMiW.S W i h . n k " '. ood , unui'.i y r our t 1 1 -r :d without a:;y p id of u w h;c! not b to "j r -: would t g.a.i ' ln.sf . K-w ..f ; k now n at ou r ra! ly : . A clergyman !: lit" fx r if it 'y ii to wr.t . a .' "My ! a;d " made up ti.y v.. ::. '. 1. : the Lord wo:j' -i". w alout me, I wo:.'t t-li alou t niTf!'." Th ought to ii.ak-- a Ispeakiugof th:tisnii ' would b I ly to opinion of u w a r i K a :. k :. I k 4 ! F!lKi: Andl.gai.hecld. ,blng happen 'the. M ''".t? . . - J I v -m mm . W A. I rasping laugn rang out rxom me i Lairu vrouirey gorrea seat mem up. pale, bloodless lips of Jasper Keith, "Rats and mice again, I suppose. whose pallid face, jet black hair and These rodents have much to answer beard and glittering eyes Justified for, Henry," sneered Keitn. old Watty's description. I "I shall enter these rooms tonight The old butler vouchsafed no re- or die," cried the young laird, thor ply. He made all the haste he could oughly piqued by Keith'a animad- to get away from close proximity to versions. "tbe double of the devil," as Keith was called. The latter was a distant relative of the family and had been a rejected suitor for Jean Arnistonjs handr But his failure to secure the nrize did not discompose him. He ' 11 M "Lord sake, Lodore, dinna dae ony do thing. I tell ye the defl himsel's in there. I've heard tbe mam awru' cries an the olankin oV chains ilka Hallowmass nibht" 41 Hallo wmass why. that's to- succeeded in establishing friendly I night I Will we hear it t" cried one i-eintinns with Henrv. and it wasTof the vouneer members of the whispered was the companion of the . party. and as he tottered rather than walked to the plate chest in the strongroom adjoining his pantry be muttered, "It's a' up. wi' the young laird noo." a " 4 When old.Watty returned to the dining room, ha found that, despite Dame Helen a remonstrances and Jean's entreaties and tears, Henry was determined to penetrate into the long closed suit of apartments in the we tawing. In vain the butler used all his powers of persuasion, in vain he asked the young laird to wait un til morning light No; I wish to go now, to see ypung laird in some of the mostOii- rBT Q more, Watty. I tell you; what there U that haa frightened Lights were not long in being pro cured, and the inmate of tbe castle pressed forward into the fated chum ber to see what remained. Tbe cur tains, still fell with their dark in scrutably folds about the bed, veil ing as before tbe eecrets that lay bid there, but no man dared to with draw them. Before the bed, pros trate and motionleea, lay two corpses, blackened and disfigured. They were thoee of Jasper Keith and the Laird of Lodore. Trace. 1 upon the breast of the latter as by some diabolic engraver waa the exact re production of the ' ' Luck of Lodore. ' ' Lodore castle still stands in the Lammermoors, bnt Jean Arniston and the husband of her choice, Ar chie Rubislaw, never sought to ex amine farther into the mysteries of the sealed suit and were con tent to take things as they found them. "The Luck of Lodore" still sleeps undisturbed in the plate cbeet of the present representative of the family. Black and White. Ery man ba h;s Is tbe j,rciou9 blood f J. KAII.W A. l ll.DIOM UN LML. Kr r h- 7 .AM s. ;. ;h Fur fcitn tiro. I hi uJr! t" rbomatita aol in i rrr iiaw.air rr CBJr , withoa! '2-e lr -"1U ad iwd ru to irr btrat:r a paio tlm. trliioir ro tbt it ti 1 ---i miQJ Cv of l-Ot- UodiO,' c. zr I ba od f'ar t ttl- cl f t bat oee uKr b-i ! ill ru k a (;r eotnplete A i' K c't. I'.irra r. ,rt n I Sild br W ii ibari(. N . C E. T h " rs . J r -. t F. YARBOROUCH. Insurance. Neal Building, Loulsburg. N. C. c -.X. ' - - I' -fx. t , - ; t ; "'" - -;.. ;!. - t- i . . J 1 - - f. ' b mr I. tt-- 12. . i . f---M ---' -. ft tJJ 'vi ft : i-.. . akM3z ,f. s f r l t 'v. f f 'j f c A ' .fc '.a ii.. s... : B TeafM. "No, Mr. Smith," she said gently but firmly, "I can never be your wife." Then he struggled to hia feet and said, in broken tone. "Are all my hopes to be thus dashed to pieces! Am I never to be known aa the husband of the beautiful Mrs. Bmitbf" This was too much, and aba succumbed. New Orleans Times-Democrat. X JhI m Ha MmL ' Johnson wants to borrow some money of me. Do yoo know sDy thing about himt" "I know him as well as I do you. I wouldn't let him have a cent." Indianapolis Journal. , '. . m 11'.: Y M i . ctr 'tr'at t Ttj : - 7 '. ;Urs...aj eiiA . K t J c i-j fir'.'.', r Ju rt . J '.. v: f c t m t iA . for i-r; -xf-.o o .: a a Ia- 7 l 0tK S Ait W a-:-4f M A V. Tulctv Ai aJ K-a:--!. att-, msi -a U'-a r m A. M (KCbwliU C'vrVAJB tc-r C-f:-i. 1"au-7 S7,V. l ia. 4 v,rf. a Iaj r4v. f.-r uill(1 c a( ce,t Fire Companies : MPCRIAL. of London. PALATINE, of Manchester. Wllllamsburgh City, of . Y. British Amorlca. Toronto. Atlanta Homo. Atlanta rroperty inurl on InvoraMe terms. Dwellinfrri eerriAllT solicited Hod3 arrnca lr cDn and otar tia: r u. holding poaita tf t t waall e--i k7!!!? arjt at RAiiuan. .i j U Y M Tromn AlktA. xr.ir. brtti LADIES AND GENTLEMEN VZTZZl V" i Ofww'eri to JCAjwfc u , T M. Trvm - -xk uajilc. Ft? I ftJk4 Al fK.lM Ut ' - Who may with nice shampoo- nam rxm Tca. wjo lni.or hair drewmg done, will do i . , M tl'lff? orAura. wen vo ran oa . ju . s lt l va i Jt I. E. THOMAS. Ladies ba Dr. White new bar grower, t . ruA) .nno iru in Van's Mexican Usir Restorative Aysr's Ualr Vigor, Tricopbereoi for tbebalr and akin, nothing to beat it to keep th hair from fall ing oat. ! U A'r iMU i u. aa4 cm Axniu Iru. tr wi mm" -w MA AA4 AUaMa. W Uaav. kaa. cat a I Boeuri. T T. CVuMu. C a. a. a bus. w rmi Onillly4w. i "i""r11' " 1 "" " t tiih","' r" '"' "rrr"" " " ' ' ' ;r i

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