-- . - .. . s ... - .... . . V l ""-l - - .II-- ' s ' . v. - -, .t . KAKlSlN TIMES. 0 VOL. XXYIII LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1808 NUMBER : Mettioli8t Church Directory Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Geo. S. Baker. Snpt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and T P. M., every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. G. F. Smith. Pastor. Don't Reprove at Bedtime. To send the children happy to bed should be one of the mother's most ordinary tasks. No little one should dread the bedtime hour, nor fear the dark, nor be allowed to go to rest under a sense of dis grace or alienation from house hold love. Whatever the child's daytime naughtiness may have been, at night be should be for given and go to rest with his mother's kiss on his lips, and her tender voice in bis ears. Hardly anything can be worse win practice in au the Courts of the state! r punished at bedtime. The Office in Court House. I mother Anaa wall K CVL OK) KB ft SOW, ' -v.- ine that a firood deal of childish culpability is superficial only, and Prot'esmonal card, rR. S. P. BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. Office in the Ford Building, corner Main and Nanh utreete. . Dp stairs front. B. B. MAriSENBDHO, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ATTORNEYS-A.T-I.AW, LomsBUBe, ir. o. win attend the couru of Nash, Franklin, f washes off almost as easily as does the dirt which the evening bath removes from the skin. Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North C&roUnp, and the U. ti circuit and District Courts. DB. E. 8. FOSTHE. BS. FOSTER & MALONK de. J. e. malohx. ine main thine with children is to have them well started with The floor should be painted or oiled, a rug for the center and several small ones for necessary places being the most desirable covering. Curtains of a certainty should be washable, the dainty sash curtains against the glass being one of the prettiest as well as cleanest of arrangements, as they can be so easily removed and replaced. Table covers, cushion covers, bureau and toilet stand covers should be of washable material that can be lauudered and re placed, thereby keeping always an appearance of crisp daintiness. If portiers are a necessity, there are many washable goods that make up charmingly and have the added merits of cheapness and durability. B xchange. How Does this State ot Affairs Strike YouT Too Much Politics of its Kind. Warren ton Record. Last Saturday at the mass meet ing of the Republicans "3f this county, the crowd composed al most exclusively of colored people, Mrr C. A. Cook in making a red hot Republican speech made this remark: "My friends, when you go to make up your ticket to be voted for this year, be sore aud fill every place with a Republican. If yon find that you have any po sition that you haven't a Republi can competent'to fill it, then nom inate aPoplistfor that place, if he is all right, but under no circum stances nominate a Democrat for any position. Lewe the place open if you haven't a Republican of Populist to fill the place." Mr. Cook said this with great empha- ORIGINAL OBSERVATIONS. Taffy it tbtacxU waUr of ort- hip. Lazy men are too often held in the lapse of time. A soft (nap is the parting- of ironl sate soooners. , pirWRl to Ok ounuer, me a ifon. cannot n UnH timr lnnr go without a tongue. NOTICE. . b t.)ifcx 'I, I 7 He is green man who elope with a grars widow. o of im4-m .W 1 MA 4f t ill ' 1 Biiiot t far Gold does not alwavs Klm but brass never fils to show it self. People who owe debts of Kfati tode are constantly making a signments. Any man can torrow all tb trouble be wauta on bis own per sonal security. The ouly reason fome roii don i T!CK ;.-.! ..o .- L'' -r l- lri d i ' I' u ir r i U. . Mi i F0UDER tvB Ox x The Fayetteville North Carolina Baptist says: "We verily believe PRAUTICINQ PHY8ICIA-N8 & SURGEONS, Louiaburg, N. C Office in Building opposite Emory Hotel, Main Street D R. W. U. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUISBUR8, H. O, s PKU1LL & RUFFIN. good principles, which thev will that North Carolina has more poli carry through life. Obedience, tics and worse politics than any truth, unselfishness, purity, are State in the Union. And this essentials, and these can all be spending of so much time and lovingly cultivated, and will flour- money on politics rattier than on ish in the right home atmosphere, business, may have mncb to do When the nursery brood is un- with the condition of our State. dressed and in bed, the lights After all, most of the politics turned low, the room qoiej for the amongst us is the whippiug of ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, wm attend the courts of Franklin, v&nce, uight, the mother, or nurse, or voters into a ravine that the can- Qranville, Warren and Wake counties, also (,tj.. l i j . , , . A, . the supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt eioer sister, or tne Kind aunte, didatemay pass over on their ttention g-tven to collections, ate. Krt ;, otSM fnr,A a rjiHOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, bodies to enjoy the fruits bevond. nate houses, should have a little North Carolina cannot prosper so fund of stories on which to draw long as the chief concern of the LonisnnRB. ir. a. office on Main street, over Jones a Cooper's for the small listeners' pleasure people is politics. All our iudus- tore. u r j.i i , . . uciuro iubv emoars on me xrain tries suiter ana sister states reap tjy w.bicrett, for dreamland. the benefits of our folly." imagination is very active in To which tne Raleigh Post adds little children, and occasionally Our contemporary is correct. Not one meets a mother who does not since the dark days of Reconstruc understand.. the child's world, hav- tion has the politics of this State ofMoniXcan forgotten her own early days been on so low a plane as at pres , TT n AIT rr4 V, 1 a W I J Xl" 1 1 1 I , T- 1 . ana ineir illusions, or wno is eni. i5aa politics obtained power afraid that fancies and its image- in 1896, since which time strife, yy m. person, ries win lead her cbild into de- contention, scandal in high places, attornby AT-LAW, ceit. While the most exact and ignorance if not worse, directed i,ooi8BUBe, v. o. rigid truthfulness should be prac- by personal and partisan malice, practices in all courts. Office ii Neai ticed in our dealings with child- have been the rule. Interest and Building. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LouisBune N. c. Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter intrusted to his hands. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Manning, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Wln- est College. Hon. E. W. Timberlake. Office in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. r i .i . . . sis and enforced this idea with all 1 1I0W lDP plough i trcaue it the vehemence in him. We could but shudder as we thought what isn t a woman. The man who dt't" bae a uo :t. r - - 4 lifter ir. f t jow. unfamiliar witb tbe feoiiuiue cbk.. !- - .. r. mm thie white man's words meant to the white tnen, women and cb'ld ren of this county. Think a minute. What does this mean for Warren county and every other conntv in tbe black district? The picture is horrible to contemplate. It means no more white officers, from township con stable up to District Solicitorsbip, Superior Court Judge,, and Cou- greesman. It means for Warren 1 waking from m rn:i county, not a single white cou- lifts its little ieg. stable in the county: not a sintrle i a fv.- i I An Obio man ba ta " uim Luajcisijiafcu iu kuo tuuuiy . i 11 o a m a .nnv f In cards as in lif, it i the man wbo is ready to b- who i wai'. ing for sometbin totur:i up. Mau's nature mars him rrfr to be a successful fo. . ralbrr :haTi an utisuccessf ul genius. The downy chicki?'. now .loti. peep from out the 'ht'.j e-, m,1 tZ sieep. r. ren, and they themselves should rights, however sacred, have been be taught to shun eqnivocant and assaulted with a vehemence well every-form of lying still we need calculated to alarm good people, not fear to let imagination give and of course "all industries suffer them pleasure. and sister States reap the benefits They early learn to discrimi- of our folly." There is but one nate between the false aud tbe remedy, Bro. Baptist. Let all true or perhaps it would be bet- good citizens unite to redeem tbe ter to say they learn to find tbe State from the bad politics 'and truth wrapped in the husk of the worse politicians of the Russell-story- The same stories with va- Butler persuasion. Until that is riations, have in all ages and accomplished no change for the i : I x u. i v.:iJ. ...11 v, ; c u c .. i l Office in Meadows' Hotel. Room 9. uceu ujfut uuiiureu, w ulBl liecu u Gas administered and teeth extracted and they have their origin in the expected; low prices for products yjy H YARBO ROUGH, Jb. ATTORNEY AT LA W, LODI8BURO, N. C. Ulfice on second floor of .Neal building Main Street. All legal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention D R. D. T. 8MITHWICK, DENTIST, LOTJISBUBG, N. C. without pain. JR. R. E. KING, DENTIST, LOUI8BURG, N. C. Office in Opera House Building Second Floob. With an experience of twcnty-five.years is a sufficient guarantee of my work in all the up-to-date lines of the profession. HOTELS. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. "WOODAKD, Prop., Rocky Mount, N. C. Free Bus meets all trains, Rt9 $2 per day. needs and heart of the race, of the farm, or the factory, will Children thrive ou stories, and are coutinue and buaiuess generally the better able to grasp other liter ature if, early fed on these. The Ideal Sleeping Room. i i win simply riant: upon uncer tainty. Other matters may and should be considered, but the re demption of the State is of prime importance to the prosperity and A bedroom may be luxurious in contentment of the people. its appointments and furnishings' and not be the most insanitary From all over the country, come words . , , ... v of praise for Cbamberlam's coupb reme room in the dwelling. A heavy dy Here i3 a sample letter from Mrs carpet upon the floor, trailing por- o. bhep, oE Lattie Uock, Art.: 1 was tier8 ana UnWasnaDie CUriainS, t red 0f th cures that had been effected envAM rnhinnR arfl not tbfi by Chamberlain's cough remedy. Icon ., cluaea to give it a trial ana accoraingiy laeai 01 aainuneSS IOr a room BO nronnrwl a hotlle. It, ave me rjromDt imnntnt na a 1 a Aiino- rnnrn. relief, and I have the best reason for rec- f if v, T -, I UUJUtCUUlUK 11 "CIV UiaUM, A ViV And, needless to say, the bed with pleasure." For sale by W. G. should occupy the most prominent Thomas, druggist. Louisburg, N. C ti not a single white man on the Board of Commissioners. It means that our next Clerk of the Superior Court, Sheriff, Treasurer and Su pervisor of Schools will not be white men. What a terrible state of affairs this would be, if Mr. Cook's ad vice is followed! It would inevi tably lead to just such a state of affairs, because there are not a half dozen white men iu Warrencounty who are pronounced Republicans, so far as we know, aud we think we are posted along thin line. White men of Warren county and of the State, how does this strike you? Who is responsible for this state of affairi? Wbo made it possible for Warren county and tbe entire black district of the State to thus have tbe Anglo Saxon race ruled and humiliated? Let every white man't conscience answer. TIT 1 . 1 . . 1 we sincerely nope tbat tbe good ; e colored meu of -the county will not! follow Mr. Cook's advice entirely, and thus humiliate tbe Anglo Saxon race. May the spirit of 1 870 take hold of the white men of the State, and may tbe shades of tbe immortal Vance proteet us. i the small-pox Irom a tet ptk'. ;t 1 .ok- as though there a? nolhitjg :h' an Ohio man would i. .t tk Orange (Va ) berver l 8 ' . -- : : x . : ; s - ' ' -I '. ' iu ;u " Jf . . ; ii . . n. '-.,- i- - . i T ? - n i ' 1 .3r;iv ' -J " , , : ; 4 - tt , a H :, - . : - ' . ii i . i , , - i . -, ' ' ' M i ' i r - . i "- . " ; a . . . '. i ii ' '" . - n ' ' , ; u M KTi.' ,K -Al.K OK I M '.. .''. : . v . . k , r ' lxx - ' ; : - ' - . ,f., .-i ' : 4 : ' m , ' ' I. : . . : . r . - L .V. " ' t VI .- . . Ux- - - , , ' - f - t " ' "- ' -' ; - .- --v. - ta . . . u. I . ' ' .' i , V; - - :-- , V . - - :.- i ' ' '. t ' ' i - . . ' j - - CASTOR I A For Infant and Childrtjn. I i' ' k m na, Always put o;T till to-m rrow the revenue you could aocomplisb to day . Kffnei' that thr n'r 1i- . col.r your trinrni it fliiin :l.r, full of cipra, blu t r- 1 . : .n l'a'.mr.j Kdl.n l)y- H-mr.it--r li vitrei. C '-T iD'l ihr ra rlc r your (? '1 nod A h- :. . '. f rottlurf. I'utD::i K l'v - .'. by A l I'runt A . Y . . i FINE MULES. n r 1 1 k I I hae iust received a Load of Kiii Mules and Horses which are for ?.le ON T1MK. A I.I.K N A ( ar for '.H 'K RAM'S HORN BLASTS. HILL- LADIES AND GENTLEMEN N 'TI'K Warning Notes Calhnir the Mcked"to Repentance. position in the room, just where FRANKLIN TON HOTEL the air would seem to be the fresh est, not pushed into a corner to Inquiry unsettles error and tablisbes trutb. es- FRANKLINTON, N. C. SAM' L MERRILL, Prfr. Good accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached. better preserve the symmetry of appearance. To sleep with the bed in a cor ner or the - face against the wall OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. For some time, I have suffered with rheumatism and tried every imaginable remedy, without effect. Mr. F. G. 8. Wells advised me to try Chamberlain's pain balm, telling me that it had cured m o ti tt t a aao sf Inner atfl rf T C7 1 i V a m ino ueuiraiisoa auy utujoiiuiai cucvuo iu j nave a8eci foar bottles ana reel sure ha AarivaA frnm a nicrrit.' rftsfe. A that one more bottle will make my cure , , , , . complete. A. P. Kontz, Claremore, Ark- sound, refreshing sleep, perfect Dy w G Thomas, druggists, Lou- rest, bright eyes and an improved isburg, N. c complexion will accrue when the conditions are favorable, and, on the contrary, dall eyes, pale com plexion and great lassitude will be tbe natural outcome of repose in an overheated, ill ventilated room ox sleeping with the face close to A spiritual mind dwells much on spiritual things. MASSENBURG HOTEL T JE Massenbnrs: Propr a wall. HENDERSON, N- C Most bedrooms are overfurnished. They are crowded not alone with Good accommodation. Good fare: Po f4irTiitnre bric-a-brac and Ht md attentive aervast . NORWOOD HOUSE (VarrcDtan, North Carolina W. J. HOrfwooD, Proprietor. Patronage ot Commeroll Tourists and ravelins Public Solicited. Good Sample Boom. uasist hotw, to stobbs Aim covbj boxjsi 1 cleaned, fancy articles tbat catch and bold particles of dust, in which disease germs often lark. The walls of a sleeping room should be smooth and clean, un incumbered with many pictures,' for tbey-alse accumulate dust tin less constantly removed . and igsatsi ti 7 ll 01 The past is tbe schoolmaster of the future. "I can say one thinpr for Chamberlain's colic, cholera and diarrhoea remeayj ri that i that it excels anv proprietary I have seen on the market, and I bav befcn in the practice of mexiiclne and the drug business for the past forty vrs" writes J. M. Jackssn. M. D., Bronson, Fla. Physicians like Cham berlain's calic, cbelera and diarrhoea remedy because it is a scientific prepara- tion. ana Because u aiwaya give ukm. roller, iet a uowte as r . vjr. iuuium drug store, Louisburg, N. C, of as- Christ made service sacred. Imagination is the artist thought. Truth is the goal of human piration. It is better to insult a prejudice than to sacrifice a principle. A live mnstard seed is more po tent than a mountain of sand. Custom is the tailor of habit, and makes use of popularity for pattern. No good comes of blaming others for the misfortunes we bring on ourselves. A good guide will not be re jected because be is bowlegged. We should have a society for doing good among tbe neglected rich. Never to make a mistake is tbif biggest mistake any man can make. The world tbat the bird flies over is not tbe same tbat tbe snail crawls on. Every boy thinks his mother is the best woman on earth and tbey are all of them right, too. Many a man who finis bis cot tage large enough wonld find a palace too small, if suddenly made llich, Who may wih niro phatr. pon ing or hair d rei r. g d'ii. will do well to call on V. M. ALSTON A I. K. THOMAS. I..idien bar your batifcr cut ril.t. We have Dr. White new hair krrwT, Van's Mexican Hair Restorative Ayer's Hair Vior, Tricopherou for thehair and skin, nothing tc beat it to keep the hair from fall ing out. i i - ;' . . . . -t i. - , w - --. r. ; ' k.rj - c f AC. ' r..: g a-. r - i i- i - ... ; , fc k ' . .' iii. " i ; , M n . Nrnii.i;N kailw.u. rii uioM in l.i a i ' 'N I 'K.SKI - i Ki't"; k r v y. t ;am ai. i. 'KM --'j ' -- in. Just Received. II ' - U Mn '"..r tter - '.'v - V h r -- a t r. e ' ' . I h :b 1 r.i;-l ; I n r. . 1 Kt" u-- ' i- B 1 M CIIOH K, I- HKH AND 1'L ilK Evaporate, renchf ami Appl. Prunr, t'jiblMirre. Appl-. Oranjro Bananas, IWtins, IVar. (iritn, Hi:ni ny and SEED POTATOES ' T i 1 ' r ' : t K ,'. M' 1 k ' '., : t- ..;! ai-r r vl 1 ."w - ' sf r ". tf" : Nfrt:-MC '-It Tr.. '.he l--.it Ut i . A 1 Winn W (iff. !'. t 'ii I : rv I rrr--t .SOUTH l AlHU.INA ( Is M rto ":-.-- 5 - ' w-.lm.t "Vj" r -fc- Xl- .! U J-r. i " .. i -A r -. k r. T ... T L , A fc. lUtaatik. ki : f . ,;, ul:rV lm. Vr . . -.i rm ' ; ti rfu nU: ., ii J . . x ". e.t:a Is ir. i$ - fjv w If, t fHn u N lA 4jtk CJha. i - f ' kinxuj ;., : M ! CU'i tk it-uct k JkiK ,ai orr.i.u M l'tTHHil Aiti v ! roa John M. ruiTMHiaw. PivdHx;. Th dfeodnt loTc nm.l hor-liv notiril and nimmntiilxl t t nod appr t rr tho Judpv of our Superior (Vmrt at n ciqrt to m h-id tor tbe tonnty of Kmnklwo. at Quality and Quantity Guamntol i tjje conrt H,,uw m Uoibaiv. N. . and Uelivereo Fiike ok ( haboe, j on tbt- th Mon.lay ift-r tLc lat always on bund. All kind of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCKUIK And for the next lnyi we oftVr Momwv in Mnrcli, IW. anl an nwer Xhe complaint fvrnt him fr divom from lontl ol roatnmonv. everything in the Dry (ioodn line at grently reduced pnr,- to make room j wnic, ftWJ iD th offlcv of tfe ' t8 r u for Spring stock. i iVrk of th SurnoT f ourt within Spring BARGAINS H R. ti.y wuU I (krCBA fr- Iliac Ll-: r M. M , v:rt rrA L- Om .-. R tmlf t.. f in i j, r M Taai.v ami at ralxior. . c li-r A. tM.t4 c lm 't ri. in Dmw Goods, Notions, Hate and j Shoe at Carlyle's old Stam. Yours, 4c, Vi. T. SLEDGE. . v . u . . t r . lw. H A M. i lndn "ill tnke notine ttut d h f.iil m r. m . . . .. i . .. I ,m 4 ! plaint during ;iid tTTO pUintiS ill '; rr pplv to the tonrt lor n prarM " , "f.ir,. . IOr in fktiui n Fin j'iniiii . (k. iiubu rt inr Ami f It. Harris. (Vrk Scpt-r Toort o! , n,, . r Krnnklin Couotv nt o'lcr in IatA- bum. N.CV Ttiw Jlth day of Feb.. YrTTLn t Clerk Supejior Court of Frank La Co. 1 -'In I I! V II - TVMt,