- 1. TTIHIE VOL. XXYIII Methodist Church Directory Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Geo. S. Bakee. Sopt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 7 P. M., every Sunday. , Prayer meeting Wednesday night. Gk F. Smith, "Pastor. lJro to wHionul cards, JE. S. P. BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, -Louisburg, N. C. Office tn the Ford Building, corner! Main and Nnsli street. Up stairs front. B. MA.8SKNBURO, ATTORNEY AT LAW. IiOCISBCBS, h. a Will practice in all the Courts of the State Office in Court House. Q L OOOKB & SON, ATTORJfBTS-AT-LAW, LOUISBUE8, IT. 0. Wul attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme court oXJNortn (jarounp, ana tne U 8. circuit and District Courts. De. E. 8. Poster. Dr. J. E. Malosk. JD RS. FOSTER & MALONK. PRACTICING PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Louisburg, N. C. Office in Building opposite Emory Hotel' Mala Street D R. W. II. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LeuisBuse, . a. gPKUILL & RUFFIN. ATTORNEY S-AT-LAW, LOCISBCRS, N. 0. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, aranvllle. Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections, sc. fJIHOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L0UI8B0B6, N. 0. Office on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's store. T. W. BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. L0UISBUB8 IT. C. Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter intrusted to his hands. Refers to Chief J ustice Shepherd, Hon. J ohn Man nine-. Hon. Robt. W. Winston, fcLon. j. i;. Buxton. Pres. First National Bank of Win ton. Glenn St Manly. Winston. Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est college, lion. is. w. TimoeriaKe. Office in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. yy M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, L0UISBCB8, IT. a Practices in all courtB. Office ii Neal Building. w. H YARBOROUGH, JB. ATI ORNEY AT LA W , LOUISBURG, N. C. Ulfice on second floor of .Neal building Main Street. All leeral business intrusted to Mm will receive prompt and careful attention D R. D. T. 8M1THWICK, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in Meadows' Hotel, Room Gas administered and teeth extracted without paia. D R. R. E. KING, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in Opera House Building Second Flooh. :o;- With an experience of twtnty-flve years is a sufficient guarantee of my work in all the up-to-date lines of the profession. HOTELS. HOTEL WOODARD, t W. C. WOODAKD, Frop., Rocky Mount, N. C. Free Bus meets all trains, 8 $2 per day. FRANKLINTON HOTEL FEANKLINTON, N. C. SAM'LhMEEBILL, Good accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. MASSENBURG HOTEL J I? Massenbnrg Propr HENDERSON, N. C Good accommodations. Good fare: Fo Hit nl attentive nmk NORWOOD HOUSE Warrenton, Mortli Carolifl W. J. laRwoon, Proprietor. ; Ptronacre ot Commercial Tourists and raveling Public Solicited. Good Sample Boom. THEY TOIL NOT, NEITHER DO THEY SPIN. But tie Choir Did Both In their Ar rangement ot the Beautiful Anthem. Tne choir was singing a new arrangement of tbe beautiful an- them, "Consider tbe Lillies." The pure, sweet voice of the soprano rose clearly and distinctly, in the solo: They toi-toi-oil not, They toil not, Ny-y-y-ther do tbey spin. She paused and tbe tenor took np the strain : Nee-ee-ee-tber do tbey spin. They toi-oi-oi-oil not, Tbey toil not, Tbey toil not, Nee-ee-ee-ther do they spin. The tenor ceased, and the basso, a solemn, red-haired yonng man, with a somewhat worldly-looking eye and a voice like a fog-horn, broke in: Nay-ay-ther do tbey spin. They toi-oi-oi-oil not, They toil not, Tbey toil not, Nay-ay -ay-ther do they spin. Then tbe voices if the three were lifted up in semi-chorus: Ny-y-ther Neee-ee-ee-tber Nay-ay-ay-tber do tbey spin. They toi-oi-oi-oi-oil, They toil not, Tbey toil not, Ny-y-ther Nee-ee-ee-tber Nay-ay-ay-tber do they spin. 'Brethren," said tbe gray- haired, old-fashioned pastor, when tbe choir had finished, "we will begin the morning service by singing tbe familiar by mn, "And Am I Yet Alive?" Ex. Brutal Conduct of a Colored Policeman From the Wilmington Messenger. Monday afternoon about 5 o'clock Policeman W. P. Toomer colored, arrested and brought to the station house Leslie Godwin, ayoung white man, who was partly under the influence of liquor. Drunk and disordly was the charge entered on the record, after the prisoner had been locked up. Policeo&an Toomer stated that he made the arrest in Brooklyn, ana mm someume previous iu iue 1 Al A i! ; A- XI 1 arrest a fight bad taken place be- tween Godwin and George Silvey, wnue. ui tnis iracas, nowever, the policeman said he saw nothing, dui wneu db armeu vxuuwiu wBB acting disorderly, while bis sister and mother were pleading with . . i bim to go home, but in vain. When Policeman Toomer made bis exit from tbe station, Mrs. Sallie Godwin and Mrs. Katie Memory, mother and sister, re spectively, of the young man ar rested, entered. Thev both recited a tale of brutal conduct on the part of Po liceman Toomer. and tbe latter lady was somewhat excited, and daring her recital burst into tears tu i-j; tv.0t Policeman Toomer arrived that tbe son ad brother was in their care, them. Policeman Toomer savagely - . . 1 m t J J grabtoea noia oi young troawin auu told bim to consiaernimseu unaer lx HC KTahi a wot (tian enirl arresi,. ou.i:b. "Toomer.help me carry him home.' To this the officer made an imperti nent and gruff reply, and jerked MrsMemory away from the side of her brother and threw her balf-J way across the sidewalk. How does this sound to self-re specting white men ? Editor. Beats the Klondike. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville, Tex., has found a more valuable discovery than has yet been made in the Klondike, For years he sunerea anioia agony irom P,.S- ..a XlX.o3 y , j i , Dr. King's New Discovery for coasump- tion, coughs and colds. He declares tnat gold is of mue vaiue m sompanwu wiui ?hU mMlonH enre: would have it, even tr it . hnnrlrfld dollars a bottle. i.v. n.Antiitia nrl 11 throat and laag affectioas are positively cured by t ir.'nn'a Wav riioinTirvxfnT codsdhid- tion. Trial bottles free at Aycocke & v. a rfmtr BfnrA. Resrnlar size 50 cents and f 1.00. Guaranteed to care or price Build Up By a Pull Together. It is only by keeping your pur chases at home that a business can be built up successfully to meet all your demands and give vou tbe advantages as to prices Doubt less by judicious ordering you can save vour money, but you are in juring home business and cutting off prosperity all about you. If everybody should do as many do order whatever yon need from aliens, and sometimes even ene mies, the grass would grow in tbe stieets of all Southern cities, business would completely stag nate, stores would be closed, peo ple would have to flee to escape starvation. Do unto others as you would be done by under like circumstances. That is a golden rule and follow it. How much cash goes out from North Carolina in a year to sop port and enrich strangers and to the injury of borne people seeking to make a living, we do dot know, but doubtless some millions of dol lars. We suppose Wilmington does an active business in ordering from Northern dealers instead of buying from friends and neigh bors and from them you know. Turn over a new leaf and quit this way of unfriendly and unjust dis crimination. Give dealers at your door a living chance and demand in turn fair dealing and a living chance for yourself. Not only buy your goods at home, but buy whatever is manufactured in your town where the products are satis factory as to quality. The Augusta Chronicle discusses intelligently tbe benefits of patron izing home industries maufac tures. Thi?, too, like purchases from home dealers, is important. Tbe Chronicle gives tb is to show what benefits would accrue: "Let us glance at some of tbe effects of such a policy? First, it would stimulate local pride. Se cond, it would insure tbe success of a home industry, eivine em ployment to skilled . workmeu. Third, the wages paid these la borers and the profits made by the manufactures will be expended for living expenses in this com munity or invested in local prop erty, and last but not least, tbe object lesson of this industry's success will induce similar invest ments in other lines. Just let it become established that Augusta is a community that patronizes home indurtries and there will be m new and diversified manu factories springing up in the city. A poll together would greatly improve the business outlook in community. It should be worked well. Wilmington Mes- senger. Tbe Times publishes the above with tbe hope that it may do good among Franklin county's inhabi tants. Editor.1 Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, aDd get a free sample box of Dr. King 8 .New Life fills. A trial will convince yon of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particu larly effective in the cure of constipation and sick headachs. For malaria and liver troubles they have been proved in- valuable They are guaranteed to be Derfectlv free from deleterious substance and tn b nnrelv vpcetable. lnev do not weaken by tbeir action, bat by giving tJ.!tnaJ cents per box. Sold by Aycocke & Co.. druggists I Th man,8 dream of bUs8 reaches pa value when bis Bweet - .... heart's father tells him he can faave her From all over the country, come words of praise for cnariaio , . . cooj a . c gnep Gf Little Rock, Ark.: "I was suffering from a very Bevere coia, wnen I read of the enres that oaa Deen eneciea by Chamberlain's cough-remedy. , I con cluded to give it a trial and accordingly procured a bottle. It gave me prompt relief, and I have the best reason for rec ommending it very highly, which I do with pleasure." For Bale by W. G. Thomas, druggist. Louisburg, N. C. Oyster dealers deny that there : r. .n.it a 3boqsa na crrepn trill jn buisu a v..wi.ww - r o m-S the oy?te,.-nothig but consumption at preseui. KnpTrlen's Arnica Salve BucKlen S AITUC oan e n Vwat ra lve in the world for cute. I k.niiua arrci nlfwrs. salt rheum, fever -ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains. nma and nil skin eruntioos. and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It trnaranteed to give perfect satisfaction Ur money refunded. Price 25 oents per LOUISBURG. N. C," FRIDAY, MARCU The Population of Spain. M. A. Lane, writing in tbe Chi cago Times-Herald, gives some in teresting facts concerning Spain. For example, he says it is interest ing to know that tbe total popula tion of Spain is 17,565,632. Many people, without looking up tbe matters, would say at a go ess that Spain's population was 35,000,000 or 40,000,000. But it is, in reality, not 18,000,000. Spain has an area of 197,670 square miles The area of France is only a few thousand square miles greater, and yet France has a population of very nearly 4U,1XAJ.UUU. leias has an . . lies, Spain area of 274,856 square m could be laid out on Texas and Texas would have 76,086 square miles left over. Tbe States of Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois and Alabama bave more popula tion together than has Spain, and are immensely more wealthy. These States could borrow enough money, with their whole field of commodities, men and capital be hind tbe loan, to pay off at one coup tbe whole national debt of Spain. They could raise, pay and maintain abiggerarmy than Spain could. Their natural resources could outlast Spain's ten to one. Their steam power is infinitely greater, and as man power can al- ways be guaged by steam power you can imagine the difference, These States could iit if pnno- tered from tbe rest of tbe world. Spain could hardly live a day. Mr. Lane eays that of all (De population of Spain only 2S per cent, can read and write. Four per cent, can read only, and 68 per cent, can neither read nor write. Of tbe whole, population of tbe United States only 6 per cent, cannot read and write. This i? the difference from an educational point of view between the two countries. Instructing: I'onjjressnieu. There is a story going around, about a constituent of Congress man Terry, of Arkansas, to whom some one sent a blank petition to Congress iu favor of tbe Torrey bankruptcy bill, and who enclosed it to his Representative with a note reading: "Dear Bill Do I want this passed or don't I?" There is more suggestion in this story than appears at first glance, and the first idea that occurs in connection with it is that it would be well for tbe people to send more men like "Bill" to Congres; men whom tbev can trust : and then give them fewer instructions. A , Congressman is supposed to know j what his people need in the way of legislation; that is why he is ; sent to Washington, and if he J doesn't he Bhonld be replaced by : some one who does. Resolutions i of instructions to Senators and re- ; quests to Representatives, by i every State Legislature, accompa nied by an occasional modest re- i i quest that a Senator resign, are j equivalent to a charge that tbe men in Washington do not know their business, and a concession tbat a mistake was made in elud ing them there. If Senators and Representatives fall so far short of knowing their doty tbat tbey need to be instructed from borne about what todoaboot every meas ure of any eonsequence, then on man will do for these places as well as another. Landmark. For some time. I hae saffered with rbeamatism and tried e?ery imaginable remedy, without effect. Mr. F. O. S. Wells adied me to try Cbamberlain'n pain balm, telling m that it bad curvd many cases of long standing like mine. I hare used four bottles and fed snre tbat one more bottle will make my cure complete. A. P. Konti, Clarvmore, Ark. Sold by W. G. Thomas, druggists, Lou isburg, ". C. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN -:o:- Who may wish nice shampoo ing or hair dressing doue, will do well to call on W. M. ALSTON & I. E. THOMAS. Ladies bate your bang cat right. We have Dr. Wbit new hair grower, Van's Mexican Hair Restorative. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Tric.opberons for thelAlr and skin, nothing to beat it to keep the bail from fall ing out S, 1898 A BARD OF THE DESERT. Am English Artlrt Wrlu tirmUiij of IVulooU raL Mr. R. Talbot Kelly, tho Knglih artist, writes of "Mv iVxlmiin Friends" in The Century. Mr. Ktdly eaya cf tbo tribal bard: t lie was an old man, pray beardM and pun drieil, nnl tho look of mi portanre upon hi brow wan re jat el in the expre?si n of rrfietl glory which animated tho counte nance of hi fori. Each rarneil an in etrument called el kerneugeh. a kind of two stringed hddle. Shutting bis eyes and comfortn ly nibbing his hand- together, the old man began, in a harsh, utrnb-nt voice, to deliver a jwtnegyne uj-.n the aoug ho wad going to sing, mil . ng forth repeatedly ejacuUtiont f rAiwa:" "Yew!" and other t proving signs from the asemb'.-d crowd. After ten minutes of thi I became impatient and fi'-humol, I drub el kemengeh ya usta" lM.iv your fiddle, t) my master'), wh.r. upon, with ympathetir grunts fr ni all, he began the overture, a w. ir I, wailing melody, to wh:di the n played n kind of ho-nii'l m a nr. u r key which it is imis-ihle to tr.m scribe correctly in our annotati. r. Beginning like thenghmg of u,e wind among the palm tree, it grad ually gathered pow.-r and volume in a crescendo, then died a way again r a breath, playing infinite rhnn. ujon the opening them,.. The ,rfe t wan distinctly nrtistie and .piaint and I was gradually drifting into a state of dreamy imagining- when suddenly tin" liard broke silen.-e. and in a voice of amazing nower nn 1 it. cisiyeness U-gan to intone the of the Nej haata " oing i.ac for KeneratioH". I!i legend desrilil the grr-wir. ,f parent trib' niton jniwer n, !-. ., tamia. and h w, when men an'l were in jdenty. cided iim:i the Admirably ai r, u strurnent-. 'i.e bnrned ridmg m i'oiir-ei,f i .ine i- and 1, r- -the hen 1 : COll. j';, , ,f i' ;.; j nj an -1 . :i t in-, r : :i s r.K-.i to l, .' r of I :,--.!. : d , patched to biiiuni n distant f.i .. , their lore' ho.e' stroke- jrad:;..;. . dying in the distance until n,r; . was beard hut ti..- Mghmg of night wind aero-- th.e d.--, rr. Vr- -ently from far away wa- c.io-i.t th distant thundering of the gath. hordes, gradually aj nro.e hir.g !.e.,r er and nearer until tlie volur.... of sound culminated in a gein-ral -.i'r: tation to the sheik w h fun.r;:;. . 1 them. Then rani" the sh ex hortation, and the desrrij Von of their desert journey, which v.. into occupy many months. Incidents bv the wav -heat. th:r-t noise and dut by day ati 1 tl.-- nal silence of the desert by v.. me nrigiums oi in:.ir-. ing und waning f 1 1. ni 'len A t re icd :i . t !. e :y and ' tl IT. to the hardships, cxrit.-nn'i.t-, poverty of (onliti,,n turn grajdii'-ally !-, : same weird areninji.in-.ii). nt Hour after beur th:- went r.. th bard' eye gleaming ami h: . ; ,. growing tr..ng r i.n 1 .:r i.r, .:i til I was alnnipt -1 u n i. -1 by ; tlr..n dering mniiti)i.e. M. .m h;'..- the i tribesmen, shifting excitedly n t he.r K'Uts and uttering ".n--k ;.e-n:. which kent me sj -l i i- ;jnd. Kv. n tually, iu tho narrative. Tui. w a reached and the horde f Arab- . :. cawnpttl tneath lti wall-. It was in.w midr.ig t . !ind r f . r long liuur? I had li-t-n-d to th. wonderful ejur, but rli.;ng that 1 was to tie .ro-.ii;hl y x :ia;;-t-l f r further iinii;..'iii('iit, I !.-; to "turn iu" and, getting v,y, I left th" anHtinbly in the rem; Li of their ex citeuient mid gratification. Tho GirJTr Irltk. "If I were going to give .- wi,rd '. advico to ft young man j.i-t einUirk ing in the nlmw ln-:i,i." haid the old circus man, "I should say n.-vt r let a girnfle drink out i a :. d jT a stream, Ix-caupe lie s nliiM-t o r tain to drink u) muHi. Vou m-, the gira ft c doesn't really realize th:t he'sdricking until he Ugm to take the water into his stomach, nud he doesn't Htop drinking until be .,t enough there. The rult cf thu i that his nis;k iu Mill full, n Wing cj1 urns of water that he doe.-n't ih-s1, but that ho takes in ju.-t the ki inl and often with disastrous results. I have known many a giratTe to kill bimkilf bv dririlriti;. t.-i t 01. i n, - - -v ---o - ....v.., .... . I feel that I cannot do my your.g ami ambitious friends a greater f-rvice than by warning them i f" this characteristrr. The girafTe should bo wattrol mvnriably frui: a bucket." New y. rk Sun. Ai Otkwj l"rfr. Tho brevity of t!u rkney r.ui mer precluding the mining of hardly anything eicfpt oatM ('ait") and bailey, the elder 1ia1 roiu'v.tl th minister to pray for gwl harvest weather. He cumplicl as turvn; "Lord, cie ns braw weather and a wee hit Much of a breo that will Araia .Irur .n,l r,ll nn Knrm v . 1 ... ; .i ... bletherin. rivin, toann t last as we bao been ba'in, ye'll r lay tho vera mischief wi' tbe aits and fairly ipoil a' 1" Arena. Never judge people religion by th gilt on tbe edjet of their gray er book. NOTll'K. Th- OB-H.r.., --! ti.f ! fcj tr.it. tf- Or- f- "' rlt ,J Ul I r -. r--'f. r ---,!. Ii. 'n 1. fc...iri rlaim m -i Vt i I !-. I lo m o o- l.,r ti Mk l.i li iu I-r or ikir ri, .l t r',r 1 . 1 N H ICK f'r;-.nrf I . n r a o . J -1 - -1 i . . .. -a 1 y a a .f ' :t- 5-1 t Uir1-, I -f - i r. i t .. '- tll -. '. ti-ir i r.irn rw - ,i-lHi J Mil ftUU till '.'. ( 3i--'l. ;. m n thi. Wir - ir-J ;.. T i i W : i : tt. - N 'Tl' K vJ i i H' a X 1 V V 1 MiiT(..M,K SA1.K F I AND. - "A n. 1 1. r : v; -. M . i! t ii h - M. i. , '.!. . ; 'I.i ?i r - r , .- 1. ' ' r i r : ' . : i I.. V i;TII m; 'Lis 1 1 I k Nku s t I HTM 11 M l'o THK1.M ( v John !'.. l'iTUtiH j vy mi l RT AiTl '1 r h 1 n ii j . Tb te r. in .-.i ::.m m i.-d in.-.! m; r ml d our 'ip- r:or hHd ( 't t he t ' e; t'- .it 1 .'.: rt .. tr -f Krnr.khr. .1! th I'oiir! lliiuw in l.mit?tjrv. N on tl..- ,th M nd.v n't'T th- !rt Mor,.:.iv in Mnrrh. nn-l r n.-r t.e - .n-.i'Lunt amut hirn .r dironi fr'in U.n.! of ruAtnmofcv Wr f the .KpTi..r I ..urt ,th,n th- f.r-t tbrv. d ij of ,d urmv Ifc- f.-ndent i!l tnl- ctnr tb-t if H '.ai t anT or d-tnur t nd r.en id.iint during tid trru rdainti?will ' wpplr to th I'ourt fer PrM rr;iTl ! 'of in M'd rorfTnl xlnt Wtn'll It 1 1 um "lrk Scrrir tViart ,f f ranVJ.in' ouJ?.lT ,rfir m l,UfV. iiiHi-tin oaioi ru., kt-3 Wp rwU&l vk4y 1 II. II. llitiu. 1 Clerk Sopcnor Court o( Kra-nklia Go. TIMBER f.. M PQ'DER Ae4vta rVr Just Received. H 'I K. ri:i-H ASl) 1TKK a; p I'-: SEED POTATOES - . i rAN l l .:.-. 1 k . . r m f t Pi : . i r -.11 : BARGAINS T. SI.K t Feed Sale : Livery STABLE HAYES i PULLER, Prerii:cri - 1 LOUISBURG N. C. P'l.ITl. I'KIYKKS LI y. t ": r 4 T : 1 tCT r.t. r rr, run. E. F. YARBOROUGH. Insurance. Noal Bdnding, Lounbuff, N . C. fir Compamt : MPIBL.of London. PALATINI, of Mrchn', Willimbu'4jh City.of V. Bfititn mnei, Toronto. , Atlanta Horn. Atlanta. I ' - . - 1 - - . 1 - ... . t rrfi t r it! ir . t t l7 iC. tl . r. tut. Acme Wine Co., X-, F RALEIGH. N. C. ?tikr. Tr H. i-r fn --a r fx: n k.f -if r.T 'ki. rr ij fi ."'. f f rtM 1 ic x iltrrt " si rr f a!k raw 1 d 3i-r.J C k ft X. rm J i.fer qx.tr M w t.rTT .t,n k leF.f4 W im, AU, -i Tni. !ri)i i niik.;. kcn.'ila as4 F r- - Vrtlf f-rr tt rtj Jmjr. rt- ' S0 f r.-Wl tl tw . . ' to T tmri ' lf r o ajir tuci- 1 ACMX Wlg CO, 1 refandedt pox. 4ror vj afw w w. p r