A THE FRANK LIN VOL XXYIII 7 LOUISBURG, N. CT FRIDAY, 'APRIL 15, 1898 NUMBER 9. Methodist Church Directory Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Geo. S. Baker. Sapt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 7 P. M., every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. G F. Smith. Pastor. MUSIC IN THE FAMILY. By Mrs. Merrell E. Gates. rro teKKional cards, JJR. S. P. BUKT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. Office in the Ford Building, corner Main ari'l Nafh streets. Up stairs front. B. MA.SSEKBTJRO, ATTORNEY AT LAW. L0UISBUR8, K. 0. Will practice in all the Courts of the State Office In Court House. c. U. UiXtKE & SON, ATTORNET8-AT-LAW, LOU1SBUB8, N. C. wm attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court 01 worth uaroiuip, ana tne u 8. circuit and District Courts. DR. B. 8. Fostbe. Dr. J. E. Ma lone I) B.H. FOSTER & MLALONK fRACTICUfa PHY8ICIANS & SURGEONS, Loulsburtr. N. C. Oiflce in Building oppeeite Emory Hote1 Main Street yy H. LIPPITT, M. D , PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, FRANKLINTON, N. V. D R. W. II. NICHOLSON, PRACTlCINa PHYSICIAN, LOUISBUBS, If. C, gPKUILL & RUFFIN. ATTORNEY 8-AT-LAW, LOUISBURe, N. 0. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections, sc. rpHOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBS, N. c. Otnce on Mala street, over Jones & Cooper tore. . T. W. BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, LOUISBURB N. c. Prompt and painstaking attention given to nvAPir mttttpp inr.rtiHtotl t.o his hands. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Manning, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, uon. J. c Rnitin frf.a. PHrst National Bank of Win ston. Qlenn & Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. E. Taylor, ires. waa.e iur est College, Hon. K. w. ximDenaKe. Office in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. w. Practices Building. M. PiSKtSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, 10U1SBUR9, N. 0. in all courts. Office li Neal The bond of the family is love. The expression of 'lore may be practicaLor it may show itself in more spiritual way in affec tion. Music mat be taken as the symbol and expression which unites these two features. The tangible part of music is practical, addressing itself to the eye, the ear, the hand, the voice. Its etherial aspect takes ns at once out of the realm of the senses, and canies us into a tone-world of sur passing beauty. Music is a fitting symbol of that very inner spirit of love which is the characteristic of every true family. A single sound alone is but a noise. Yet each single sound can be fitted into the gamut, out of whose seven notes all music is constructed. Browning speaks in his "Abt Vogler" of the three sounds which create, not a fourth sound, but a star! It is those starry effects of harmony or asso ciated sounds which so fittingly represent the family. Each adds an essential note, which would be wanting without that particular member of the home circle. Union of different temperameuts forms the fascination of the family. And music in grouping and bind ing a diversified family into a uuity about so lovely a center shows one of its most charming powers. Music is so wide a realm that it takes into its magic enclosure the gifted and alsb -the undeveloped, the young but latent lover of song and sound, and the mature con noisseur and rnaBter of its science and art. The great palace of music opens wide doors to those who love ad long for tne divine in sound. Of all of our art-loves, this is the most etherial- It speaks indeed a mystic language and one ot otner spneres. tfut we comprehend it. If' jarring, discordant sounds sometimes fall into rythm, as we are told the incoherent noises of a great city are reduced to tranquil izing, lulling, musical effects, by distance, so may the sometimes unavoidably disturbing elements of family life glide softly into forgetfulness in the family music in which all join. "Given," says Sydner Lanier, "the raw material to wit, wife, children, a friend or two in a house two other things are ne- cessary. lrese are a good nre and music. And inasmuch as we can do without the fire for half the year, I may say that music is the one essential. After an even ing spent around the piano or the flute or the violin, how warm, and bow chastened is the kiss with which the family all say good night! Ah, the music has taken all the daycares and thrown them into its terrible alembic, and boiled them and rocked them and cooled them, till they are crystal- ized into one care, which is a most sweet and rare and desirable sor row the yearning for God. We. all, from little toddler to father, go to bed with so much of heaven in our hearts, at least, as that we long for it unutterably and believe it." Next in importance after the at titude of the family toward God is the keeping its spirit gentle and affectionate. Travelers tell ns that the atmosDhere in St Peter's Rome, is like a celestial climate, always equable, never too hot, never too cold. So the tem perature of our homes should be serene, self-giving, always charged with the tranquillizing, yet up lifting, ever-reigning spirit of love. Music will help to effect such a desirable state. Even with its most rudimentary beginnings, there steals into the borne a sense of something above and beyond the life of the souses, differing in its nature from the three meals a day, and the routine of economy or of pleasure. Intercourse with an etherial Good Sample Room. world 18 161 aowu upuu uo, ouyia- XUabbst Horn to btobm ahd doubt Hocsb I mortal language is spoken to us, a new and mystic world is revealed to us dimly, perhaps, at first, but gradually drawing us toward itself with more and more power ful charm. "A man. says Drummond, "cannot be a member cf a family and remain an utter egoist." And music in the family, by the family, draws each one out indi vidually, and yet each one must subdue himseltHo the harmony of the whole. One egotisjj can de stroy much familv music. And the willingness to fall into the secondary place, to accompany another who takes the first place, is one of the unselfish acts which music requires and. promotes. Into the family life is brought and should be brought, everything which concerns each member, be it sad, joyous or neutral. But, in fact, very little is of a nautral na ture in our American homes. Everything is vital, from the get ting off to school in the morning to the seeing of the last one in at night. We lead highly utilized lives, and for this reason, quite as much as to relieve tedium and monotony, we need the controling and adjusting, the tranquilliziug reffect of music. It is not possible, without a greater expense and trouble than our average families can afford, o call in musicians from the outside. For most of us, if we are to have music in the home, we must depend upon our selves for it. To forego such a ----- - him with it& penetrating sweet ness, it is no sign that be is riot receiving some magical potter and some soothing and controlling in fluence into his inner being which is to remain with him through life as a sweetner aud a comforter. The associations of the young should be with the bright and in nocent and joyous things of life. If these speaking impressions of something supersensuously beau tiful are not presented to the mind in childhood, they may never ex ist at all. And, mdeed, the lack of such early and delicious im pressions may account for the imperviousness of many in later life to the pore sense of beauty, and the witchery and mystery of the emotional world. Good Advice to Farmer. rUleigh News sod Otwrifr While all hope that war will be averted, every thoughtful man mnst appreciate that the conditions favor hostilities before the year is out. f there is war, the demand for wheat, corn, rice, meat, beef, pota toes and all other prodncts of the farm would be so great that the price for everything to et will go up, and if 'be war should last long toe price oi bread and meat will go up to very hijfb prices. In view of this possibility, it i the part of wisdom for farmers to curtail their crops of tobacco and cotton plant every acre of land they can cultivate in what The finer qualities of the spirit supports man and beast. If there need (in this hardening world) j should bo war their crops will Some military titles leeo. to I ran in the blood fait a their original owner ran io the war. Atlanta Cooitltatioo. OiLBTOIHA. 7 . NOTICE. Notice ia trrbj riTtt that I bT q3Iftn a 'lmisitrtor r.r J o( a Bmrfa. dr-m All fon oicg bi wtalr will be rjoirJ Jo ps; tb Mm it oec. ) Uia hoidiec rt&jma iiudi( tid tt mast prwn I h m OS or Mon April Ut. or t bia noli ill h r.1 in bar of tbir rrvrj Tfc April Ut. 19 K S Gamit Adm r '''Kill 4 So. Att. constant cultivation. We cannot begin too early with our children make them ricb; if peace remains unbroken, there will be an abun- to provide that which Bhall evoke j dance of food and the farmers will the diviner and more subtle part i live at home. of their nature. We must give W ith war, the price of cotton them a true sense of gentleness by ! and tobacco would mo?t surely that i down just as breadstuff and meat? would go up. "Music that gentlier on th npirit Than tired eyelids upou tirvd eye.'' The pervasive, all-enfolding re sonance of noble music may tfive a deeper conception of the ever present being of God than many words.- Iufinity itself may surge into a very young spirit on the Moral : Plenty of ho and hotn-inv. KXEnToHS NOTICE. Hsnpff qua!iftd aa Klwo'or of II. II Bow(in ciervA!. all prraotui nTfg tat r bTt nntifini to p tk Mist it iioi, ivnj nil rti hoMicj c.,ps )!aiuiit 1h U!, rout (.rmit i.r-r n or Mor llnnrh H ,,r th nu ill t in b r -J tfrjir r-TT Thm Marth 1 1 J B. VO" M' Fir-.' - DISS iLl TinN. Th- ' ip;irf nerhip h-rvtnfr - i-tinir 1 tw'n Jno. H. l'xz-U i ll'T rr M. SNxliOf. Inui Ln dil v.-.j by mutual rnw-nt. nd all arti- uwinir Mii t;.rrn ur r-'j'j.-tl t- miiio forward and wf.tl- amount a' nll'-t. .1 n H I'm: i i . Hr.Mn M Si i.i.c. MP. POWDER JEWELRY, JEWELRY. JEWELRY d Watches, Clocks Jewelry and CHEAP FOR CASH . If indemnity is accepted for the Maine it should go to the -inking fund. N TICK' "Tides of music's golden s-fi Setting toward eternity." Uucklen's Arnica Salve. 1 ' in o :r' H' : ',r,! - , M rv . ''ms.' . - ...u'Sor-. i..t. If - We know not which oue of our children or youth is to be "the reed through which all thirgB His director said of Lanier : CQt, ff rrr H YAEBOBODQH, JB. ATT OB.NEY AT LA W , LODISBURO, N. C. Olfice on second floor of Neal building Main Street. All legal business intrusted to him trill receive prompt and careful attention. R. D. T. SM1THWICK, DENTIST, LOUISBUKG, N. C. Office in Meadows' Hotel. Room 9. Gas administered and teeth extracted without pain. -J-R. R. E. KING, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in Opera House Building Second Floob. With an experience of twenty-five years is a sufficient guarantee of my work in all the up-to-date lines of the profession. boon is not to be thought of. It can always be obtained by effort ! blow into music.' aud determination. This latter is even more important than musical j "To him as a child, in his era ability. Every family should j die, music was given the heavenly have music in some form, even if I gift to feel and to express himself no other than singing together in tones. His humau nature was 'All . -.1... - - wiirout an instrument, among us ; like an enchanted instrument, Thf tx-st naive in the worl 1 f t bruLns, sorv, ulcr. -ilt rhciim, sorva, tetter, cha pjfd hand, chilblain", corns, andnll kiu rrui'tii'n', and rii tivfly cures Pil-s. r ni pay rv.iuirl. It musical is guarantied tigiTt prffct sAtisfacti 'D ; or money refunded. I'rio !.' rents j-r , Km. For h1 bv Avck & (.'.' I1 ""iC A !-i r ' r ti v -. .U 1 ' . I. - " T. H : I M : r v ' i K i k : i i T , ' r REPAIRING. ELECTION NOTICE. SALE OK LAND. HOTELS. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. Wood aud, I'rop., Rocky Mount, N. C. Free Bos meets all trains, J9 $2 per day. FKANKLlNTOfl HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C. SAWL MERRILL, Prp'r. Good accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, G. D. 08B0RN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. MASSENBURG HOTEL. J r MasHenburff Propr HENDERSON, N. C. Qood accommodations. Good fare: Po Ufa and attentive aervant NORWOOD HOUSE tVarrenton. North Carolina W. j. NORWOoDi Proprietor. Patronajre ol Commercial raveling Public Solicited. Tourists and purposes and its achievements. An instrument, presumably a piano, is much to be desired, but much can be effected without a piano, especially if the father or one of the sons has some knowl edge of the flute or violin. The rent of a piano may not be money thrown away. But taking the in strument for granted, that one in the family who has the most musi cal skill and ability Bbould take the lead, and gather the others around the piano as a center, and should try to bring- out, even if most teeble at first, whatever tal ent is dormant or cultivated in each One. The less musical should be most encouraged! And great gentleness should be used iu train- j iug and helping each. What is a false note now and then, or the failure to keep time, compared to the serenity and sweetness that is lost by friction and unpleasant, personal remarks? Music evapo rates and disappears as religion does, when the spirit is rulfled and hurt. In such music as we speak of, where no oue is a vir tuoso, there will be imperfection, and it is not a question of fanltless- ness, but of endeavor. The imper fection must be made good by the harmony of spirit felt and ex pressed by each attempting it. Certainly if the father or the mother can be the Cboraegus of this house-band, it will be most likely to succeed. But let the leader be a child, if he is more competently gifted. To begin with singing some song which is perhaps simply a popular air is as easy a way as any. Buying two or three copies will interest the children to follow the notes. If the means of the family allow in struction for one or two of the children, this wilr greatly serve to keep up the interest from week to week. The chief benefit, however, will arise not so much from absolute knowledge gained as from those flittinsr.! beautiful, elusive and mysteriins emotions which fill a child's soul when music is heard. These emotions from a soft mould which takes on and gives out again lovely impressions which never can be forgotten or erased from the soul. The world of the infinite rises upon us when we hear good music, and because a child says nothing about it, and cannot and does not give expressions to his needing but a breath or a touch to send its beauty out into the world. It was, indeed, irresisti ble that he should turn, with those poetical feelings which transcend language to the peuetrating gentlenessof the flute, or the infi nite passion of the violin." The dormant and the latent must be awakened by placing our children in the environment to educe that to which their higher and finer nature will respond. And the love of music is too heavenly a gift to lie in lasting sleep within our children for want of a home surcharged with the sweetness of loving and life-giving family music. NHKTH t'AlinLINA.l Fkaski.in I'oimv. I Vt th Hoard f El.-tion f Franklin County have r.M i t u t -i l nd appoint! i. S. ltakT for Registrar und K. A. Crudup and i'.. F. Hawkins, .Indf of Fic tion for thp Municipal KKvtion to t- h-ld in and for tin Town of Louisburg. aid County and Stntonth' 1 rt Tti" day in May. l.s'.ts, for tlu rl.i twn of Mayor and four ConmiiMon'r for said Town. U K llAHKIf, .1 . T. i j.ivriiv. Hoard i d Flt t ii n . Ht v r' . f rum .n I'.iaf y. -ii t Jtl.l !itT ..iMu. 1 -'- :r. 1 sr. Ton :! a; pc !. :--r. 1'i'l'lrr, n rT-.a.-. r '-v.- x t!:"" Unrrr K-rrfr 11 m it!i( fiur. 'nr.! i 1'"' .v ,r " ; - r - . t - ' ; K " - . i T :. i ' 'rwr ! tr.- D. P. LYNCH I. . 1 '"OH Tim. ;.n Just Received. l.t I-'.'- t. 1-1 .- T l r - - H I F. 1 KrH AM 1 1TKK. : . v u NOTICK ; o.i NOTICE (F KFdlTl'.ATH N Th n'iristrat ion Hook fur tlo- r-.r-ist'rin of votr? forth-- Muiiii-ipal Election to Ir1 li'ld in th" Town of Louilturir, on I'm-fday, May .'5d. l'.l, will be opened in tli Court House in 1 uisturyr, N C., from '. o'clock A. M . to o'clo.-k V. M.. on April .)th. and April l'.th. th. sau.c 1 i " ! Umiilt tb' third and fourth Satur- Example has done more to edu- , days next immediately preotlniir cate thau preaching, although i dw-tion. and on April -j:td from , , , .) o'clock. A. M.. until 12 M . it U-inir preaching formulates example. thp s.nnii Satur,i)iv n..xt ,,,..,!,. It is pretty hard to raise a child I l,t ' P-din- t hWx ion. . It tiallenircr mu-t t- made aftT th' witnout losiug your temper occa I t n m rtj;iisr n utl r.r Y. J "i'- .n I'., J.'.th !it fVhruift i-ir-).l in Kr.-ink! n n.'in't I'. .k -.'To. .hull ,.n M r. Uy Mut J 1 11 pi Mi.- auction 1 -Th fit tfi ('.. H : 1" r m I N i iini- -r'a;r. 'rl ; r 1 ii .4 o-l l :i V n n k i' r. t ' i : r. . r. M.t r. an-1 w.;ri ...u ! c. ; Iomrr l.-r.! ' ,h'i' T). 1"th !n 'Mir - 1"'.'-. I": P., n . At a; H SEED POTATOES -7 NOTICE. p. h.iri'1 iii.l 'run; Krnr.klit: r.mr'T ':it. ( A i . . h V m H . rr.r i r. t .m l -- , iraluj Bionally. The same applies car window. to a Streams run in different chan nels without quarreling or throw ing mud iuto each other. Why not men do likewise? clone of ttit' tiudk on H.'iid k-coiii) Saturday, and thenanie wilIU' heard on the hrft '-iturday next imnu'di ately prH-din; the eli-c tion l-etrin-niiur at o'clock, A. M. Only thoe who have not heretofore nroperlv reLTistered as voters m saiu nre now rejuired to rtrister. Cko. S. Hakmi, lieri-t rar l'.r.-h. Pan. M-l '-i'-' I I'l n dt n gn ; r. M II A v-.H-k. A " . Iw-f-r, un I ;: wi; hi Si t ht'i lr r r fM h in '. T 1 n ' ..I A;.nl 1 a ;..t !( U'nrhac ! . ;t.r.g I I ' m . I'atr.t M --! c n S . t I 'linr. Swira Urhir f'cjrir Pfl BARGAINS ii I r'i rr. r - l 'J OW II o 1 1 , h . w t rm S . . a ; H ' Kriiui I..)Uih"rjr. Aj r:i Tib 1-'.'- 1 'a H An Enterprising: Druggist. There are few men more wid? awake and enterprising than Aycocke & Co. who spare no pains to secure the best of everything in their line for their many customers. They now hae the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and cold9. This is the wonderful remedy that is producing such a furor all over the country by its many startling cures. It absolutely cures asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness and all af fections of the throat, chest and longs. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle free or a regular size for 50 cents and $1.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. ELECTiON NOTICE. NOTICE I tfrm, IV'., in t K - x : r , A Innu tr'.- r '. IUr. II a 1 . li. H S ; :n-.. n . :. a. . I M..iiJT. Ihf 4th .lav r A j r;! i rl tlw Joor.in thr To" , -'. .- k. II at j.uhhr auction I" tS h .' . r ra.fi n .- n r, x '. '. j i 1 . i ; J J . '.' rrn; trart r.r far--! : 1-1 .,tt 1 .n r rrf mr. t :. p 1 "untT ai.J l..un.l'.l a. : ' vi i it r the lU'.nh r. i i. . i ..'th .!. Y.cir.-r r. .l, -, -r n ai. 1 ei'.h ' t th !tv! ' .1 ll.A!lfii,ronU;niiii '. riy a-r- n- r or " and kr n a It fieij. !l i-i.-. H r. I'iarr. 7ir.ir l.'. txlr I'.' ' Vi,-rV Vf Th a H. V u i u, Am -W M. Pee ?, ui'c Th-alxiT "a r.ctinn1 natii M.tb Jt. VUt J. 1 .-nt Some children will be lucky to get stockings to put their feet io. For stockings and mittens for the chil dren, dye the wool with Putnam Fade less Dyes. Scarlet, Cardinal or Turkey Red. Each time you wash them makes them brighter. Sold by A. C. Privett & Co., Pilot. C. NORTH CAROLINA, F KAN KLIN ColNTV. j We the Hoard of Elect ion of Frank lin County have constituted and ap points! E. W. Morris for Registrar nnd (1. N. Iunley and W. II. lifter. Judges d Election for the municipal Election to be held in and for the Town of Frankliuton. said County nnd State, on the 1st Tuesday in Mav, for the ehn tion of Mayor ami tive Comtnisioners for said Town. It. R. Harris, J. T. Clikton, lioard of Electioo. in t: ' r j it C r a : V- . T. LKI" .K Feed Sale : Livery STABLE HYE5 & FJLLER. ?; v:ir i LOUISBURG N. C. ;HI) Th A MS AM) 1'oLITK DIIlVKRs "When the office seeks the man it has to use a searchlight to find him. NOTICE CF REGISTRATION. The Registration Hook tor the registering of voters for the Muni cipal Election to be held in the Town of Franklinton. on Tuesday, May ,'id, 1S08, will le opntl at the voting place in Eranklinton, '. C, from .) o'clock A. M.. to s o'cloc k I How to Look Good. Good looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely oo a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the liver is inactive, you have a billions look; if your stomach is disordered, yoo have a dyspeptic look; if yoor kidneys, are affected, yoo have a pinched look. Secure good health, and yoa will surely have good looks. "Electric Bitters" is a good Alterative and Tonic Aets directly on the stomach, liver and kidneys, pun flea the blood, cares pimples, blotches and boils, and gives a good complexion, i? wor tvnttlo ffninntiwl Sold &t A rancka feelings when music surrounds j& Co.'s drug iior bo woU per boul. NORTH CAROLINA In Srrr.RioR FUANKLIN Cot'NTV I ColRT SlIOtMAKKH A HtRMH. I T. Al. ,1 M. H. ActM-kE. I To now It May (ovibn: Notice in herehv jriven that I have M . on April 9th, nnd April lGth. ! tn nppointl bv mih Honor r.. . the same being the third nnd nmwinie, .iu.jk i wuiuk, fourth Sturdnv next immediately j reiver of all cho-s in action llonp preeeding said election, and on April ! in to M. II. Aycocke, the defendant 23d from 9 o'clock, A. M.. until 1 2 , nbove named, and of all alU Joe M it boinjr the com! Siiturday I to Aid M. H. Aycocke. with oniers next immediately precvOinc the elei- to collect all wid debt andrbo in tion ' action forthwith and hold the pro- CVillengee must Ie made after the j oeeds of am subject to fbe order of close of the book on said sveond Sat- the court. And I do require nil rr nrHnT nnd the Kiime willlw heard n ; mjD8 indebUnl to wild M. H. Aycocke STEriAL AT TENT 1 NT1 ll.O ELI NO MEN. I A Fltt I.IE ,' tU .-.ltJ at T OM HAtD. We always keep goo-i hcrtet fo ale, at very"reaor.ab prlc-. the first Saturdoy" next precHlin the election beginning at 9 o'clock, A. M. Onlv those who have not heretofore "properly register! ne voters in said Town are now required to register E. F. YARBOROUCH. Insurance. Heal Building, Louisburg. N. C Fir Companies : 'MPERIALof London. PALATINE, of Manchester. WiltlamstHirgh City, of . Y. British Amtrtca, Toronto. Atlanta Home. Atlanta. to render an account to mt at once at rov officp at iAjuinburc:. ' of Only thone who have not ' all debt and sutna of rnoney owing, Trvp-rtv iriund on favorable ly tbetn mpecUTy o sjhi m. ii. Urrn, Dwelling WaUt soUnti Avctcke and to pav the aame to me. " "Tbu 2)th March, 1H98. Ro4s arrsared for oiSorrs aed c4r. Jos. CBCDCP, Receiver, ttoUia vooza of at aaaU E. W. Morrm, Registrar, "I

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