0) (I- 'vl -L THE IN TIM VOL. XXVIII LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 20, m M'MUKR 11. FRANKL Methodist Church Directory Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Geo. S. Baker. Sopt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 7 P. M., every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. Gr. F. Smith. Pastor. SALIFICATION OR HOLINESS. rrot'essional cards, jR. S. P. BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. Office in the Ford Building, corner Main ami Nash streets. Up stairs front. What Kingsbury, ot the Wilmington Messenger, says. God does network that TWENTY .YEARS HENCE I SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION A man thoB regenerated THE MAN OF THE WHITE HO I" SR. B. B. MAS8ENBURCJ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. L0UISB0B8, N. C. Will practice in all the Courts of the State Office In Court House. C. L UX)KE & SON, A TTORNE YS-AT-LA.W, L0UISBUR6, V. C. Will attend the courts of Nash, FTanklln, Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolinp, and the U. ti. circuit anu uiairici uouris. Dr. E. 8. Foster. Dr. J. E. Maloke. ,B8. FOSTER & MALONE. PRACTICING PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Louisburg, N. C. Oillce in Building opposite Emorj Hotel Main Street H- LIPP1TT, M. D , PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, FRANKLINTON, N. V. D R. W. II. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUISBURS, K. 0, gl'liUILL & RUFFIN. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LOUISBDRe, K. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, Oranville. Warren and Wake counties, also tbe Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections, sc. rnHOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUB8, N. C. offlcpi nn Miin street, over Jones & Cooper's tore. m W. BICKETT, T. Within the last three years a great deal has appeared iu the re ligious papers on the question of eanctification or holiness: It has been frequently discussed in the Southern pulpit, and it has not been confirmed to one denomina tion. Earnest ministers seekiner after truth have long taught this Biblical doctrine. Sometime ago we copied in these' columns a pre cious extract from a book by the late Biehop Thorald of the Estab lished church of England. Evan gelical teachers in all the churches recognize the doctrine variously called as strictly a New Testament doctrine. The fact is it is full of it, and ramifies the grand scheme of human redemption. There is a difference of view as to when a man becomes holy and how to be come holy. But there is no dis pute as to the fact of the doctrine and the absolute necessity of holi ness in order to be numbered at last among the sacrimental host of God's elect. "Without holiness no man shall see the Lord." That is God's own statement. It is the truth of God and no true Christian may dare to deny it or reject it. A great deal of error has gathered about this great truth of God. Men make mistakes by confound ing words, and misapplying Di vine truth. There are clouds and darkness hanging over a plain ness. way. will and must "grow in grace" if he follows the Divine teaching, We quote ow: "The Divine Life realized at the new birth is not two, but one. This life, like all life, is a growth; and this growth, has its different stages.'' Let us quote Irom the learned Rev. Dr. i points worthy of the careful con. T.O.Summers: "Regeneration is ! eideration of every young man : NORFOLK. VA . MAY f.th 12th Spain will need tbe ric of a Salvation Army before I nele Sam gets through with ber. Read This. Young Man. The following from the N. Y. Evening Journal contains many an instantaneous work it admits of no progression. We caunot be a m t i t i partially regenerated we aro, or we are not born aga;n.' One more brief quotation from Dr. Boland : "As justification cancels the guilt of sin, so regeneration removes the corruption of sin. God can no more purify us in part." A man born again by the Holy Ghost is made indeed "a now creature in Christ" that is a new "creation" for such as the meaning of tbe Creed- Dear young men, you are all A Curfew Law. ions in a vague sort ot way. You would' all like to bo recognized as great and you would really do a good deal in the way of self sacrifice to achieve fame. But do you know what the situation i.' In twenty years from now, or in thirty years, some man will be the big boss of this countr;.. He will be in the white house, after a hard tight, and all tbe country v;li be looking at him in admiration and envy. The individual is a vnun; msii The Southern Ilantist Coin .Mitin. Thf American baptut Educational So riety ami Th Women lUntut Ki monary i ninn Meet in e'irf-rk. Mav f.Ui 12th. Th Sabr 1 Air La.- ... -'. . : -k-' to N. rf' Ik n i ' '. :)--;:-..- St th- r f ii::- i'r-f r 'h-ll . r. 1 Trip Th- rlimrr r v.r. rvt - is mi n i He n ' . h t--n s .:--. I lr ninDink'. ii V4 v .'"!.. ' !. ' l'-v -'. Sp-risl.' n.i tram -, !.. at l'J-i i u - - n. hai tik' art r h1 i r i !:- . OAflTOniA. rw m. If tt m V "TICK. . :r e ' - z. . 1 .1 Car. in li:rh .-rt:ci'i i . i t- i n t li t r i ( i ! . a. wiati ; . I lr. K'T h a ij . i t Hand I i- k ant ' i i-a I i 'n r r r - t a n v r-; t Lf S--.b. ar t : r I .' ti . r ' 1.! - - v . h . 1 V. K t 1 - 1 1 S i i 1 1 n if -' r 't r i i . t- i w t PQYDER w -- -, :i- r . MIRTGAGE SAL" jF REAL FilATL N.. ur now. Do vou know wbor" Le i-, One of the mostporplexingprob-j what he i doing? He i- nn' vu n lems that confront the authorities farm somewhere fe-dii:g pik's or in cities and towns, as well as the building fires at four in 'he morn Judges of our courts, is t hat of the ing, or h- is selling tra-h on a youthful criminal what punish- train, or working in a in iirL i i; ment shall be meted out to tbe boy -diop. or trying to leirn aw m of 12 or 15 years who has violated som-' litt'o- one-hor.-- town. Wie the laws of the land. In New York over h- is, he is living a lif--tli.it and other States, the solution has prevents hi- wa.-ting Lis vi'aiitv been found in the establishment of on nons- use. H. ;s savin r up Reformatories for the youthful his sTrtigth and Mowing a'.i it. criminal, but our legislature, in its wisdom, has not seen fit to pro vide a similar inst i tut ion. The alternative is pr.-sent'd .f turning bim loos" free, upon the A I. 1 1 r a V .:riM.- ;:. At i ii.,- ' ;. ; .ut ) --t A 1 S mat. x ; ' i I 1. 1 nt. fJ !T-r- - JEWELRY, JEWELRY. JEWELRY Watches. Clocks and Jewelry '-"L.'oJ CASH f r f -:. r trnth revealed from Heaven. As ! community, or els" s.-nd;ng him to preached sometimes the doctrine ; tne common jail of the cotin'y. or of holiness is dishonoring to God : to lbe state prison, wher- by a- ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, L0UISBUR6 N. C. Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter intrusted to his hands. Refers to cniel J ustice snepneru, nun. o um Manning, Hou. KoUt. W. Winstou, liou. J. C. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of WiD ston, Gl-nn & Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Unas. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est Coll.-gi-, Hon. E. W. Timberlake. office in court House, opposite Sheriff's. w. M. fERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, Tf. C. Practices in all courts. Office li. Neal BuiMing. H TARBOROUGH, JR. ATTORNEY AT LA W, LOUISBURG, N. C. itiice n second floor of .Neal building M.un Street. Ali Lizal biisine.-s intrusted to him vili receive j . r i ii j t and careful attention. and debases the great doctrines of regeneration and justification bv faith. It makes the work of tbe Holy Spirit in the salvation of a believer incomplete, insufficient, a practical failure. Tbe early Methodist writes, including Mr. Wesley, are somewhat responsible for the haziness of the thinking perpetration of ciation with th.' hardened crimi nal of mature year-, he beroru steeped in crime, and puni-hm :,t. which was intended to dt-tfr him from the com mi --ion of lik of fenses in the futur-. his i;'id th--effoct of hard"':.ig his i-enr-ibi'i : -and increasing hi pr-m f- r t: i-r rr:m-'-. one dir- ct:on not ilividin ' en-Tgies between cloth-, r ot'es. necktie-, phcto-rapd,-giri- and look ;::g 'i.t---'-. II" is a the 1 (" li'iii "f th d -r. II" h i-:: t i i,e-h;t.f chance it a-lvan'ikT-- H" erhaps a very i ro : "rf- uc .it . "ii . and y "ii w : 1 -h ;tt hi- cli'th--1 and :.i- . ... r---i y o'i c . 'M . 1 -"' ii . m : . i - t r -crud- C"tid .t i, .n . Hit h w . I , e " i a . I , a n ' l ' n i r - ear- t r i . - n i . REPAIRING ELECTION NOTICE, D. P. LYNCH b-.-i i.- and confusion of the doctrine of , bat w'' i"?t3i is a s-!ut salvation by faith. Instead of wiH go to the root of th" recognizing that the new birth, y preventing, if p .--i born of the Spirit, regeneration, is a very sure, complete, trans forming, saving work it is taught . T. SM1THWICK, DENTIST, l.nrisnriM , X. c. oiiic- in Meadows' Hotel, Room 9. !i;is i lminitei-fd and teeth extracted without pain. commission of '1 can bo acconipii measii: e bv the et requiring a.i c'ni.di stated age to i e in bv a stated hour, u : c r . n: d i ! . tm"-. 1) R. K. E. KING. DKNTIST. I.Ol iSiM lMi, N. C, H I'll i; i I l I ' . i; A 1 1 ol - K i .1 I 1 1 1 1 Nil SKC N I Fl.OOP. now, and it was taught by Wesley and others, that there was not only "siu in believers." but a "resolute theory of regeneration." Out of pany with par this have come much nebu'eus the ology and no little perversion of the Scriptures of Inspirations. As that clear headed thinker and writer, Rev. Dr. J. M. Boland. of Kentucky we think, wrote in Rev. Dr. Sledd's "Theological and Homilctical Review" in 1SS4. "the doctrine of sin iti believ-rs ha? been magnified is every possible way in order to make an occasion for sanctificatiou to come in as a 'second change' to remove tbe cor ruption"' that is taught as remain- l ,. a 1 irg" of a a I ! . d t r a w t ! w i . a-.-d U 1 tv a r- K i I , i o i a . ' t y " '1. v a I, n i . .1 a . rn r A i. I'll r f d i - th i i : 1 i' i -ir.u'' v i r - if. r . ! i ' 1 ! m - in r- m ;!i it. 1 'hi ad . f ' i . k-. e n ' Y.- Linr ha- .'b .d. is a sufflcaent gnarantee of my work .in all ing in the troly converted and. re- the np-to-aate lines ol the proiession. HOTELS. HOTEL WOODARD. W. C. Woodabd, lrop., Rocky Mount, N. C. Free Bui meets all traini. Efs $2 per dy. generated. We are persuaded that thousands of people profess instan taneous holiness who mistake if for repentance, faith and regener ation. They are in a state of open sin, living afar off from God, dead in trespasses and sins," having in the language of tbe Book of Revelations, "left the first FHANKL1KT03 HOTEL L?5" VlVL JSB iwa' I? IDBCKiuueu iou luat. iu ic rela tion ii. the commandment is given SAM'L MERRILL, Prp'f. to this class to "repent and do Oood teeomodatkm for the traveling tbelr first works." One more quo- pobllo. tatioo from Dr. Boland, ai be Qood tlvry AttaeW. I writes wiaelj of the difference be- I A .41 A 4 ! - J nL.UII.. OSBORN HOUSE. ITIu "", 0. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Inetndti sanctlfleatlon and tbt w n Bcriptartt to teaeh. In regener . . 4 i w.. uooa actommouawons ior u mi . ... D . u n1tla)kt. ... .. i - iraveuugpabne. and moral fiaritr.' ( the it ftWrtMtmtrt tmrrt Orttti if Kpbei, If, SI.) "and all UiUWsMVM uui .k. toaditloat aad tiriaelblta of a J 1 lnmnuura rropr W; XU art glvtat la perftctiea ncnDcncon n.o. ha? ait tbt.e riir'" I t .l.lt.a II. TV 1, ttftai ritlftt litf t ! iiian. of New eui.net.'t ion: 1 haidiy m 1 1 r e th about two y e a r was adept' d by the movement about t h r--e h i n 1 : .1 n . y f them i ! mi :."!.' -. - -. i to have i t . r " 1 u 1 1 i ' . i .. much n ' i' i : . in t r- : '. ' . e e : . r ai ;. d ; ' n ! .i ' . :' . r- -p::ring - '' 1 ' t -e n to i i r : ' o'clock i n - a m m v a ; . ; i v in the winter, unless they are ac companied by their parents or have leave of absence. Tbe advo cates of the plan call it the most important step for municipal re- orm since tbe discovery of Amer- ica. TDe iainug on in ine numoer of arrests of the young under this system has, in some cases, been as mucb as 75 per cent. There has been a great decrease th tbe uum- ber sent to reform schools. Teach ers testify to improvement in punctuality and scholarship. Home life has been made better." up w ui : i in i rn . r i . .... . t, enneD,rrr?tt 1 UtiU4iiTttif4rrttt la dibp. I in! 4 rttttraua oat ! rem iAtlitiaadlttltlaM If m 4itt Err?- m u m u nut. tu u t Utftsattttf J, at itttUtlf Ura CASTORIA For TnfanU and Cbildrt a. tbey fail to keep tbe start with which they begin life. It is time or tbem to realize that the country boy tortoise is racing against tbem wbile they sleep. ELECTION NOTICE. "I fel it my dotv to yoa a truth- f al sU tm?nt of what Chmberlin Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy did." writes J.S. Collina. of Moor. o. C.. I had a child about two years old, that had the diarrhoea for two month, I tried all the beet known remedies, bat none gave the least relief. When this remedy came to band, I save it as directed, and in two days tbe ebild was eompleUly eared." Sold by W. Q. Thomas, dro gist, Louisburg. N. C When tbe war is over, will be tbe date tome people set now. Tbt fltlng fqtiad'ron to ge out of lbe way of tbt war. Tat are L flrtppe Care. Tbere to mm tffria frta tiU 4rve4fl taataJr, If r mili Ml " tbe ffWtlt rested y. 1 sre fttlir fia all lneytb Tt brly. tr Ut N ei rf tMhlr, a a-s errh Hf Hum, tne a b4 H, la f set are f Uttly ae4 wp, Kleeiile lutleve la IW tf timlf IUIUlUe ft- fop asl fe rV.Uf. TV at sltmUf litev. taa ! lHeye i lie wkoU itur sai bms feel l.&eaaew tsT. Ibef ar ertsWi it er rrw rf i4. t' si el A r 4 r u tte, eat U teau l swtUat Tbe two-resr-old sob of W. B. Far gasoa, of Uottoa. Him., bad wbooptag eoagb. "Afur eeveral pbyskUss bad prescribed for bim, witboet glfiajr re lief write Mr. ranresoa.! pereadd say wife to try a ti seal bottle of Cbaav berlaia'a Comatb Reatedr. Tbe Irst doe bad lbe desired effeet, aad la fortf-ebjbt boart be was eatlrelr free froai all toagb. I eoaslier veer reosedy tbe best la tbe sjurkes. swpeeunr roe eaiiarea aad reosaaeed It at all Usaee. TW aad to alsea fee sU by W. U Taeeaaa, drmggtat, LoeWberg. X. C. mittrr Z: aiast tt abort powder at tbtrt btt aot btti a re port frem tbt "llautrd Ileoet qtirUr la test nlgbtt. K - k T- " f r r . : i r : c t - : the !:-.' e ' l H T . ' t,. V.iwaWf 1.'. 1S" a u-J till Fjrri aw I Wll-l. F.1.L T'i Till Ui'.lUT BIM'KR JOE CA.M t It 'out . by W tilS r llr pfrvif . ti im gnri r4.iK3 NORTH CAROLINA. ) Franku.n Ci l'STV. J We th? Hoard of Khtionof Frnnk- in Countv have constitute! nnd .; pointed fc. W. Morris for Itesint n r and G. N. Ianglv nnd W. H. Htr. Judg ol Election lor tne municipal : ro.,k A in sr i r v.. --.. .. Election to lx hld in and for the ' RaJEn FmJ. bi . so ttr o m.i Town of Frankliuton, iwiicl County ''r- 1 7- . hoi.-om and State, on the 1st Tuonday in' ii,,iie.r.rih jc w-t iw ti: i. Mav, 18U8, for the eKvtion of Mmvot i tth Hoihro" o m-n d five Commuwionern for --wid i oe . tm,.i . bo-i tgy. poit on i r jorj.a t j .a f . 1 anc Town. R. R. Harrm, i J. T. Cufton. Hoard of Klectioc. NOTICE CP REGISTRATION. Tbe Kegistrntion Hook tor the resiatering of voters for tbe Moni- dpil Election to be held in tbe Town of Franklinton. on Tueeidaj, May 3d, 1808, will w opened at tbe votlnjr plure in Franklintou, !. C, from 0 o'clock A. XL, to 8 o'clork P. on April 0th, nnd April lCth, tbe an nie bring tbe third and loortb Hsttordny nett ImmeilUtWy prerexling ani eWtion. and oo April S.td from 0 or lock, A. U., aatU It U , It beinr tb s-oo I Hatarday neit Immediately pmediog tbe s4ee Una. danrfie most le tn.U alter ihm tUmm of tb tot on an 1.1 aerowd'rUt artUr.altbMMembsbird m the Ural Hatardav wpxX wvellfig tbe4er1loa bertaakg at u'rlork. A. II- lnlT ihnm Wn bare mm brHotre rrmtij mftetervd as voter la asvklTnwa areaosr reqaueu in rryUtft. rw- - Feed Sale i Livery STABLE 3AYES FULLER. P,-.vii!i:s LOUISOURQ N. C. GOOD TKAMS AM PnLITK VWSfW pnf tri ot Jtn ". kit 1 1 4'1 U, o nt Urk i'tm. a laf I. i. ITS .. nolm o W T HrW d Not 71. f ifl OO t (oJlo l ( o( fvo( E U Mmoi. fw14ft.c till o. orftt. d Aprfl I. IntM. SO W. kot. . am orwmm ai 4 Hot IS. V S4. Vj. sot oa Jtrom fVo. rM4 tiia o orm m4 4 Frb J. 4. SO CO. A fc3 W always kep gO bortee f Trti Io)aKr Mftl Wm; I IS I . , to a T. . 4 n, I. "T. i Tr7 reasonaoi 174. o4im Artaar TiOlaA. 4m ir ST. aaU.. Ill OO, or 4a UU c4 BeBort. TI. 1 Ala Ike faBae-ls: awMelat Oa E. T TarWewat. a4). loo-. i. f. fW. with eteal ariyaa m aafUlaraA. fl.OOt riaa iseea rwtetb isaiai iteAii a. a. u a aw) VaOl M MBava 4CaV. ft.Uie W. H. aaVaWaa4. I T4 ) J. f. TfW. a, 4. a. CaAe (jtH.I) ripKClAl. ATTENTION 7o TRA Hl.IMi VIUN. A Krr Uit o' itu-iiu iLiT OV AD. prle. II tt A.C Uevaax t&an M UJ Oeaav 114 - U Tmm M-av ItssiMrww X.t&CH M De E.T. WaaaV M M Hrax B J lafi. lessre I aH ta. I'seeaa eM. Utpwi i rtiaaLH k lttUM He r, (4t-W) Itawi a at. J, iaWa, A7i ) W Q lUrtiey aWi.ill ft T4 mm W. a a r. i a w. r. aAv t. t tM.r. wask. a . ajkn r K K. aUa. ft f Stat ,1a, Vam. . te -wee. .r. E. F. YARBOROUCH. Insurance. rie C)msiseAa t atrtaiAU Lwae rAJJkTiai. Saf BtecHtr. WWiamaaawegn Cny. a. T. aUttlsh Hmeelea, Te-en. Atsaena . Atuma. loferty tsifi I tm tavwala DweXays ewpHriay i J