Hi Vii t r- ;--.. P j 3 w "m ir I u U U JAS. A. THOMAS, EditDp PC VOL. XXVIII IUO THE COTJNTY, THE STATBTHB XJ3STI01T rJISMlMlDI: JI.C5 fit Tm. Strtr & ttnttt. - - -. - f NCMBER2.: " LOUISBURG, N. C, FRI0.VY,' JTIT II m. jlmiiItIL-IGi : , ' y ; u - n - ,,,, , .. j rvv A m rvr - - - -- -V k 1 r - t . 1 r - i j.i mTTT, iji j t r i . ,- - - . ... i fii i i ' w. ' i rv i ik a l t l - i war a r-m m T"r r r - i -w- - -. -., n n n ...... i " - r - - Juyrs i cy-i, irltrv-l r CHUKCH DIRECTORY. METHODIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. PreacbikCfil&W., every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. . G. F. Smith. Pastor. !'. 'BAPTIST. .' Sunday School art 9:8 A. M; - ' Thos. B. Wilder. Sunt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 tyyBA every ounuay. Prayer meeting Thursday night. ' ' FbkEEST SMITftV PadtOf i I Text "- Tir f TTIiign 1 tfl 'Martin, Dost Thou Know Me?" )RVS, P. bukt, PHACTICING PHYSICIAN, . , LouisboTg, Jv. C. Oflk in-the Ford Building, corner Main and Nash Streets. Up Btuire front. Memory Verses, 9-18 Golden Text, Ps. xxxtII,' 7 CoBQtneiitary by the Ber. D. SEVER MIKD WHERE YOU WORK- M. Stearns. A poor shoenrakei, Martin by rame, hada reat longing to behold the Lord ieu-: Tit, in a dream, he re ceived the promise that the Saviour . all Qf, prophets. ,iv6 thpWw6:,'-;,:Tl'at ould visit him on the moirow. Mar- I tyTtt. s..-y P'f&- trns. 1. 'And"Ahab told Jezebel alfthat E1JT- jlh bjfi dono ard .withal how he had 6lain B.'jiik.SSEJSBDRfi, iVTTOKNEY AT LAW. LOUISBUBB. N. C. Will practice in all tie Courts of thePtate Office iu Court House. c. m. choke & son, Attorneys-at-law , i . . i ... L0CISBCB8, N. C. Wni attend the courts ol Nash, Franklin, Qranvi le, Warrenuu owfr"'" :,Lm Court otNorUartflii audi Ifce ti. Litrciiit ana District Courts. l'KACTICING PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, ' LoulBbuig, N. C. - ' . I , Ottice in Building opposite Emory Hote1 Mum Street AV. H. LIP PUT, M. D , PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, . FRANKLIKTON, N. t'. SlfWl tin's dwelling, was in a cellar, and his woik-bench,stuodi6side.the.low wiodxjw from which, he saw nothing Lut the leet of those who passed by. As. was his custom,. he rose.'early, worked, at hfs trade, ate his onorning meal, and said to himself; "To-dav the Lord jesus wm, visit-met : Looking up h,e. saw a pair of shabby feet wearily drag ging themselves past his window. Full of pity, he went out and found a poor woman, hungry and homeless, .who had wandered about the streets all night lone carrvins' a sirk hahu in Kr in took her into his dwell ing, gave her the remnant oi his break fast and fed the child with milk. When she hajd.go.D-e, he again sat down to his work, believing that now the Lord Je sus would soon appear. About noon he saw another pair of tired feet shuffling past. Hurrying out, Martin found au ld m'aii. wh'o had not tasted food that day. He invited him in and shared his midday meal with the hungry guest. When he had gone, Martin thought sadl: "The day is half spent and the Lord Jesus has not yet come". Toward evening he saw more feet, jj R, W, , H, NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, JkOClSBUBS, N. c. jl'KLTLL & KLFFIN. ATTORNEY S-AT-LAW, LouisBuae, w. c. Will attend the courts oj, Franilm, Tance Oranviiie. Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court ol forth Carolina. Prompt atteuuuu jjiveu to collections, sc. 'a't a.s in her.' j 'But she wag fast filling up tW 'measure of oct ' lniquitk : and her time would soon ' be over ; then the outer darkness. It is good when husbands and Wivest'eli each other 'everything. Let us as believers be eiire that we tell JesUs ev erything, both what we do and what we teach ("Mark vi, 80).' ; . 2. "So let the gods do to me, and more also, if .1 make not thy, life as the life of ono, of,. them by tomorrow about this time." Jain threat of .'a wicked woman ! J'or ' dyl she notcknow that the ;God or Eli jah had so securely hidden him for three years that he could not be found? But she was;,amgry now and stopped to think of nothing but the vengeance that was in her heart against God and His servant. 3. "And when he saw that, he arose and weJfcfjhia life and cjm ? fieeKhebty w'hich' belongetV to Judafi, arfif Tett hi! servant there. ' ' "Desperate people are some times! permitted to do desperate .things a.rid jt might have, been very unwise to have remained within reach of such a one. When they persecute you in one city, iV is- fomietames, right to flee anpthex. Ytei ia tMis ease it lookSeif jezabal fcid her threat came for the time between Eli jah and his God. 4. "It is enough. Now, O Lord, take away my life, for I am not better than my fathers!" This was his prayej to God, as having gone a day's journey frito1 the wll- ydqrnesshe sat down under a juniper tree ana wisnea ne was dead. Yet this is the same man who stood before all Israel on MJaFHiel-in. the rxameol th&LorcL TJhen J?e stood with God and for Got?, and thought not of himself, but now .he considers hiipself anci sees ho$ heis ho better than hi3 fathers. Hra- mind Is hot staidupen.i God. He is considering feelings and cir cumstances, and God is not ruling in him. 6. "And as ho lay and slept under a juniper tree, behold, then an angel touched hini and said unto him,' Arlso and eat. " He Vras weary and needed rest; and God gave it to him. It is wonderful how dif ferently things appear when we havo been refreshed by sleep. We are often like fret ful children who do not know what alls them, but mother "knows that it is time puos. B. WlLSJtRj O T FT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C. Ortice on Main atreet, over Jones & Cooper's tore. T S-Wff t t s-7-"AP$tk angel of the ! 1 1 s M ! i l& IL Qafc ffte iee&dtimo and ATotiQ AJrjy;cgHSELLO.:3Av- jd&afdj A)-i$raii eat, becatis. LOUISBUBB N. C. Prompt and painstaking attention given to every mutter iutrustejl to Ilia hands. , i Refers to Chief J ustice sliepher'd, Hon; John Manning, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank ot Win ston, Gleiyi & iliuilj, WiMJton, Peoples Bank of Monro, fcbiaj fygST, flresiWae Vti estColliiEVWJaitjfcAaieX j) Office in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. -yy M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, L0UISBUB6, If. c; Practices In all courts. Office li Neal Building. j . j ( ) they wero asleep. Ho giveth to His beloved in sleep. And he looked,, and, behold, there was a cake baken on the coals and a cruse of water at his head. And he did eat and drink and laid him down again." God jrfnatXkat HWchiW vrag hungry as well as fvvta-fyAlitfle sleep ijdietedMd prepared the body to receive the food which an angel had prepared, and without seeming Ito cotnt !lt at, all strange to be thus pro vided for he eats and drinks and sleeps again Lorxl. came teuhoahiiB becatise thef jour ney ls'too great for thee." How' wonder fully ministered unto is this poor, weak child of God, who is so discouraged and wints to die,' little thinking that he is never to die, but be gloriously received up when his work is done! Every child of Gpd is jnstas.weU Cared for. rather, fon fefi Hofy SpCk iiadX Aiin49la ara all ministering unto us. . 8. "And he arose and did eat and drink and weut in the strength Of that meat 40 days and 40 nights unfqHqreb, the mount of God." The Lord liehovah' is our strength and song. Jesus Himself is the true bread TrbM heaveTT. v?hen it is our meat, as it Vy H YARBORQTJGH, Jk, , ATIOENEY AT LA, ..... j i rLorjisBtrscr'. N. c. r , j ill ,lfel business intrust! to hfno will receji? prompt andcaxulttentin - " : TAR...6ilITHK, M " ' LOUISBUE u, N ru. Office in Fbrd'smfdrrrR, 2nd floor. UAa-administered and teeth extractjed without pain. in violent movement, hurre flying u:.1 i.L-.i . i , t f You May be Unknown to Fame, bat the ADg-els May be Acquainted v'ith You. ld-6dt. Neoer trjaka fn or vM ag, f matter bow decrepit, onforUnate, or eil it may-be. God'e harrri rt lovingly the agd ba4 Two buurl Fire f.ory.tnxj at., Ilw! Mpiima karty Usa Vtnr K-icix ir-.hfr in aa Moor )& l!madlde l'ot II".'""" lh r it a cr;y drao I 7 hlie-1iphir lf .n! ' Some idea of the (norm I - I td !lolbr in '.I ma'.Ur cfpro- Never iie irttoi icatio n.i.rti 1 f ar at the rrfinl 1it mr btttirrt r... il...., . . -......-.- a " "V,,VJ IO'l IKtlt utr hid ,i fitf,.,',,.,, on k Rmtirn. 'rl. .,..4.. .: t . '..1 OeCOtDH a f! rnnl-B r,t Ki.t !... . .. . 1 solitude of unnoticed labor. They are serving God irv way which is txcred- ingly useful, but not at all noiicable. How very sweet to many workers arc those little corners of the newspapers and magazines which describe thtir labors an cL success; yet some who are doing wharCrOd will irmik a great Jrst c :. l T r -0 r t n n jj. rnent rt ec n ' o on th :r. r' A Mm- ..' ' aud wbtilteT wHt do yon nr roo.l bal'le-b alile the Oregon and iV.e ' p.r'j tbe i.y ana may wreeu tour lira Htrwr t ni-, it,. t. , j be on the tafe Bide. MaV r.sir total lutluence count for nubnet? . i b a iU r : . Outbid th damag od Met J:rJ it,! t r'it of auiin ir.it; u n-" runs Ti,i V , . . .. evrr maae Fpor; or one oi ibue amazTn v fat. almo'. like Rt ib'.icao rTil.ral.t 91 . t . 1 ..... L. ,. t . ir..iin . rnrnii'K a .1 ev. i; ct paring man or woman. Tli sre rfrlt:'4i , . ,,mm . .v.. ., r...i mra f f it 1 -at a ... n, 1 K 1 1 k. . . a J 1 . K - ..w.v. u. "I- n 1 uui u'xi sionn Knows me Ntres or ' fr.,ru a ril,,;i,n, . 1 names in raei., ax tL fiw: cf l$ war rtitouw, art . . u vru' l : ecarlrd at. ti a A; 4 iU-v tti, a t a r. k ir pr.nt tonder btrl.. e 1 : the slorm-r wb Ich droffe hetn uro, Art K ,10 1 n In , , f .,.;,,, ,r btother is plodding away in a c -unify (tb breakers. Weep ratler than ib-t Tnitl Sn' out tt.at ha village; nobody knows an) thing alx ut j lamfh. him, but he is bringing suuls to (i. Nepr t 11 r !itpti to tf!; Unknown to fame, the angels are a. - liitbv gtorie?. ff-ar li n- in w-.rd - '.:., ' "A. nearly t.i.f .1 i ;n 1 ' Z "t ' -t- 11 ".. ; nM w r '.1. 1 " - - ii .:, ;,i 1 'it i! 1 , quainted with him, and a few preen ur. and act is tbecin ronmial of 'f4Ill ul)r;.. -rKt., f ones whom he his led to Ju5 kr.v j tru.- f e-.itlemsn . You rit.nni -at, , from !'.'0 ta i hinj well. jbandle filth without bet im .tn rory Lo perhaps yonder sister has a class n fuiil.'d. (,',- broad-ld- from th ffl- thej Sunday School; nothing strikmif m j Neter cheat nor be nnfatr in ' Ore(rnt,. with e-rT rn herj or in her class; nobody trwnks . f 1 your play. Cheat itif i conlemp l.eii-hi j f.re ar.-i wo 1! ; ro-. her; as a remarkable wofker; she is n .1 e tiMo atiy where, at anr tunA, at'st !eat ,jra,,;T f ,r .v. .. ' t the less fragrant. a we.l a- a tcr i f 1, a L i.. , : I : '. 'h jI r. ti leu ' jar'T c-- -,")'"" i.rm '. 1 . t t-1 ' ' . 1 ' 1 : ' i . ' rte ..1 a 1 1 l V. r :. J t . ::.. I ' - : . :. ., u.li. : '.if r 1 t.l mak '. Le r ,t much : t r. ' t h r - r? , 1 i j tf- tn',; i . - ;"tl' : I ., ,'. Iff POWDER 7 ''f a 1 - J r:w t.xuin MCUUU aiiy are. Yfur piny uoneq lp iqe. Report as maKing so rnat.y cd v ist ts 'U'ei fSjrlKrryj'd ri?ov-: l l,aii)d There is a Bible woman; she is nun- : etrengiben rmt weaken. : so rnar.v character. j,r:v fAbWy'dMeoNft-f-r'nU Never call anybod y bad i.wie.. a,j ;tl snc is ooing lor ppuor . ann nce'v, no matter what ativbodv ein v.i I t;i't' i,.un t;, anu now miyay jnj4VW in me, k, 'PWjonon catn.Ol ibrnw mini ar.d keep L"ar,t r.f tt a w r n d .. fU.fl. ti ... ... , ... mrougn ner- lrrstrHTnenTaiuy. t 'iff" T'r own tiatxl t .'n. dreds of uoq dear servants aTe sen- eier UcruM. Wi have n. ing Him without the encouragement right to bvirt ewn a tl r it r-'li y H rc m t t . 0 n-a t. il 'or the r.Tir ! FlkT'ir nn th - '. r: r'. !" n of r rr,- br !-() a br- iii, nr. jj n. r r 17 1 li v t n 1 i ' t ' r a. !.-. t mr'.r r '. v ; .. 1 i. . r K ." tx. .;, (it. 1- r. . ; 1 j it. e. : -e r . f -ri i . ; a-. :j ' r iT! x . ; ' 1 x. f r i.r " ' ? f ', . of man's approving eye, yet they ate ' Cruelty is the trat' of a bully, t.-u J n'i.. r a . , 1 t, not alone; the rather is with them. ' kindliness tl mark of , and whefTife jetfU tver n&r$ ' n -JR. R. E. KING, v DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in Opeka House . . Building Second FCoob. was His to do the Father's will, we can go in that strength pf tSatf mept fiir jour ney's end. We do nfct live by bread aione, but by every word of God. 9. "Wjhat doest thou here, Elijah?" This is the word of theLfOrd to him as he lodges in a cave at "Hpreb.r It is a good w,ord of the Lor4 to ns at all- times, and happy Is it for us if waa.ejtc-iottwL wfaer He has not bent xxgSBt'm say truthfully, "IkcSSiiklAeas, for Thon aidstrKna me. . 10. "And'hifanViraTeBeen vetj 'Jeal ous for the o$i, God of Hosts. " Thti he tells whjat thaifebrd well knew abO"U Is rael's sins,'biida: that he ia.thefnly prophet! livfni4ft5fflsSl9wto:Jdaflger. What Gpd woiadQdta&lMfeJed he does feiot dare to hint, but he evidently thinks rjhe Lord's fcavisisjingea peril. 11, 12t He is tofd to st'andon the mount before ihfl. Lord, and, behold, the" LoxdL passed by. There was a mighty wind, then an earthquake, then a Are, but the Lord was" 'not' to either rf them. Then there Was1 a still,' eruall'voice. :HoW slowi we are to learn that God often works in -be-aaost-unlikely ways and through most unlikely people the still, small voice , gather than the storm pr earthquake or fire. 13, 14. To the' repeated' question, "What doest thou, here, Elijah?" 'Hftr. all that great object lesson, he gfves the same Teply hither and thither ...1 r J oui ne louna an 01a iruit seller a m a street boy in a fierce fight. The wo man clutching the sleeve of the boy's threadbear jacket, screamed: "He stole my apples, and 1 will beat him for it." Martin made peace between them, and, finding that both were hungry, he took them home and shared his supper with them. The day being ended, he went to bed with a sad heart; for the Lord Je sus had not visited him as it had been promised him in his dream. He slept, and again he dreamed, and, behold, in his dream appeared Hirst the tired woman and her sick child. She looked into h'rs eyes and said: "Martin, dost thou know roe?" And the old man came, and the fruit seller, each asking: "Martin, dost thou know me?'' Then Martin under stood, and he remembered the words "Inasmuch as ye .have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, e have hone it unto me." Northwestern Christian Advocate. Down on Key West and Marion Butler more about how you work; never m:r.i Never "lie. Kven ;hit- who sees, if God approves. li H smiles be content. We cannot a!as be sure when we are most useful. It s not the acreage you sow, it is the nni Uplication which God gives the so d which makes up the harvest. F..in- gejical Messenger. Increase in the Valuation of Kail roads for Taxation- I ! leave black spots on the cbirw'fr. What is vntir opinion of a liar? po you wish otl.r peoj t.. L.t a 1 i ko opi n 0 11 of youreif? Never Tnak' tin of a companion becaiiee rf a miforr.M- h" cuiii.l not beip. Nver heBi'at to fsy n'umi askexi t do a wr nj ibm' It i i often require courage bat nav n, uii.it, I ( Li .1 ) : A .1 3. t k ati.!'' f:i.C7w. I'. :.- j r tl.- -.bat f :-e ' l'.r . . r '. r ; . .- . . IM . r 1 ' - - T(j cHk) Vgf it . -1 d 1 1 '. -i 1 : a 1 . v ; , I : m ' 1 1 '. t a ! '. r . ' : ' ' w i '. .1 1 1 ' . . . - ; t : ::. 1 :. 1' . ' 1 ber. K - h . . 1 ( f ' 1 1 1 r k- 1 . 1 r ! -r 1 1 ;t i i . x t S - -m !' tm I ' 1 n. i r t ' i : t : : '. .. : . r mm : " ft-. . wi...4t.f x. : t. m am ; . 1.. .-if I -l t "' o diftinctly tht in)o::f 'ci The railroad commission, a; it- ses- bly uniortatol you t? m- ati y- sion last week, assessed the railroads 1 Never uaarrel. WLcu y .11 r for taxation and the rep rt shows an . tonu etajiLj-uly irk iln. -if 1 ti '.V " lb- v nor' !. f h. r k-'H.- increase of more ihan 5, 000,00c ocr i need ba bita it. Neecr uff.-r ;t to , .l , 1 the valuation of last year. It is tx- I ad verti-a y tTur r4 ttm e" 1 7,1 -1 .... pected that the railroads will file x ! Never rnak'e f.Jsr'f'rt" l.r, . ceptions to the increAe. The Suu'h- who are con 1 i 11 u a!? e" To:; ern Railway is assessed as follows: ?ayitit; eii tLin. A bav, a Atlanta and Cnatlot.e Air Line, rr well aa a miti, 19 11. wi. : y tt..- mile, $15,000; increase in tax, J -5.- company be ke.-p 45. Never, be 'inkiti l t" v 1 r f.i'.LT Atlantic, Tennessee and ()ni , per an i inotLer. WL. 11 tbv nr d'! mile, $7,000; increase in tax, 04.- at . d y u i bare c h 'Jd f 11 of y 0.1 r 0 v uf 1 I e" ' T':: 1 r . o . f Ji :' - j"i oi-n 't.rv 1 1 rr, " h -d . ai.d 1 tx 1 ,- I.--, 1 ! ' 7 c . - tr. a 1. : .it. " in 1:'. t" ; r t . i " i It i no". ; r ,t t !ir.l f r ti. r ,1 ', . J.a. ' r Vni will dicovrlbat en U,o 11 o I n- i MoDroe Enquirer. We are told, and it is said there no fake about the matter, that a Vance township Populist magistrate, who who is at outs with Marion Butler, said that the meanest man connected with this war is "this here fellow Key West." The magistrate says further that, in his opinion, "there is no more sly and treacherous fellow loose than that fellow Key West, except Marion Butler." lx:. r : f t . f f J : r t : : t - : -. r ' r :t. ; ." v . k I .4 , With an experience o! twtnty-five years as before, indicating that he was sopre- u il untfii ipnt, pnHrnntee of m v work in all the up-to-date lines of the profession. j HOTELS. himself and his champion ship for God that the lesson was lost upon Some Stops to Make. Charlotte, Columbia vV Augustajcr you did your be?', yo 1 w--re at .e i- r . -mile, $ 1 5 ,000; increase in tax, 5 4 7 . - to make only rmrt paTtnent f the I T: it 420. debt yoti owed them. T'-e t'ati- ' , .,, . f a. Northwestern North Carolina, ,,tr ' yvi mast nj orr to yrvurchil- i-J j o, . mile, $8,000; increase in tax, 30,- 'lrfn. ,.', 1 f : rn tb .''.' i 6IO NeT-r treat other b.- ' ei-t T'1 r r .: 1 . . i. .. , , . i' ; k i u it 11 j ii i r i w 11 . r 1 a t ; ver fancy vi know m r- 1 b 1 ' ' a ' . : ' r . . ithpfi ti ft.-ri rir r.'.t Ihin v., ir V, ; . . .. A ....... ..,wn yv.. . . w yih i.," . - l ' --.I . ' '. : '. u f k. . ..." J... I L ' - tti . L - ' a . : : in 1 : X 1 t I ? n.e t C mmm JEWELRY, JEWELRY. JEWELRY Watches. Clocks! and Jewelry Cmc-AP FOR CASH " : w .-.it ; Piedmont, per mde.JiS 500; increa in lax, $185,095. Western North Carolina, per m;ie, $11,000; increase in tax, $289,705. North Carolina, per mile, $17000; increase in tax, $98 5,050. Total, $1 ,536,725. The total increase in the valuation of the lines of the Atlantic Coast Line .system is $2,080,796, the Seaboard I Air Line is increased $773 890, and REPAIRING. Exchange. Stop thinking of the body; keep it clean, and comfortably and becoming ly clothed, and then forget it. Your body should be no more to you than fatbr and toother ha !. arc I u- all the year of thir !'hn. Y'i. dom is not givuu to babe-f N'?'T lay aid vir m ?t r. rr r w he n y 011 take ( tT y on r ti n cioi Li - Never be rudely t oi-ter' i a. homo or el?js b. re. Never forget that G vi im yon to be ajovoua, lo v i n . lw vah'r. a '. i T ' h rr. 1 I I ; n r f b r T 1 I . ' 1 c r bm i.'"" 1 S M e -b . 1 f 1 .!. - 1, a t 5 e Ul 1 I; W. C. AVOODAIlD, Frop., Itocky Mount, N. C. Free Bus meet all trains; ' " -J Ej's $2 per day. FUANKL1NT0S HOTEL FBAXKLINTON,: Jf , C. . S AWL MERRILL, Prfr. him. It is.tr-uo tba he did not know till your house, through which you should God told him (verse 18) that there were ., , 7,000 still, small voices for God who had enaeavor to express uic iuca i,ou.c. -npt bowedto Boal, but he dinot kpow, s,0p finding fault with the weather im- vnaoiw 4ii j r u la) taatj rMro 400 jwhtil KDbadiah ana speaaing ui cvciy niangc u. n.t himself had cared for. Latmosnhere as if sickness were con- 15,16. He is told to return and anoint a ... , . . , ,j king over Syria and a king over Israel, tainea tnerein. reiuse 10 taac coiu. and. t .LQrd.iaiids,,:'j:i4sha, the son of gome rjejatde Sak certain days Shaphat, of Abel-Mebolah, Shalt thou VLYll iL'ij . motpnercs as "gouvj ivji picumo- anoint, to bo prophet in thy room." When and atm 1." Stop describing your sensations, ay (worker, with , God gets t ee-exalted in ills UWii stllliatiUXJ Lliau 1JO LXJllja xjuxjacii. the only one capable of doing the work, It is then tntn! toiappomt bis successor- in the total increase in all hr.es, inclcd- : heh fnl beiriir. oi,e ing the telegraph companies and the 1 Pullman Car Company, is $5,591,454. A Dodrotteu Fool Southern DrufCKmt. I was the only passenger in the mr. Midway of a block another came in. His hat was crushed and his clothirg daubed with mud. ror a lone time 1 br.sat wi glqcuany inveJitanon. Then nerhitcrrted up towarti me and satd: "I guess I'm the dodrottene3t J"ool run- loose in the town. "S r 1 ning .sense cTffi y tbat.ia.wiU- Stop sayipB, feel ?rck fee. tfe, , " ,? w. . f, f got s ingJbo bo used bv Him and to His glory, feei weaK, Jfte.'rjqt j JiQ po)d , fei )iry-p'quh to pfft( pfTjpui f. jpuar- 1,iLliv i.L 1. UAInHA) rM Tit i DUX) Vr litU LJJU TcDoCi UCyiuo w WAiiiiia. nowi . . .in.,.L, conci im,rtnt.. it, ..timfl to broak.it or set It thing. Cultivate thought, not sensa- aside. Although Paul wrought more than .'inn Good accomodation tor Jtliq. trayeiiag 1 ,p,tasrs, jo.paid,. "Aflt..W W .Stam 01 public Good Livery Attached God which was with me" (I Cor. xv, 10). John the Baptist insisted that he was only a voice. Our Lord Josus made Himself of C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, IT. C. tccomiri traTelin pnblic. i Forget self in making others happy. Banish fear by" ceasing to think nerAitatiamtfu emptied Himself even or talk.aJboutiL. S'.Qp.'saving "I ain f afraidTinXntng.11 1 " ' Fear, distrust and doubt are depress- ter xvii, 1, remember that it is the living God before whom we stand, and that He . . , i , j tt: : L IS wen awe lomaiiiiaiu nis uauw wiuiuuk . - , . , anv holo of ours. May we rejoice to say iDg sensations. Cultivate hope, laitri aB and trust. They are the tonics of the KepwT--uuimiit"-;oBis.o ui ?uwii i - Good accomnditiorifi Wtf e L M&T&Mt V'md' r . i o, ' '-. v MUiLJZ I Realize iitoi-. ri;iiimfl. laiiniuny qoidk uri i wrket ready hir any.call trom THisi. te universe and that man cSrvriOr fee B3e u laitAiui ana reaqy, ne .8G8r AQ ; that there isbut one LileTn deen. -r-efrerr H I lit 1 A" x aka bK r separated from that Life. J PIMasfiieuburg rroiTT HENDERSON, N. C Good !fciuojodatae?n. jG)oclrfarejsPo Hfccan. best uae Be' not anxious "iftrie 'day pass 'by in lit and attentive servant rv o ii which you fail .Ideal breakfast,, dinner fnough. Iost my car, split my and skiot my "back' jest fof' the infecoriBCatarili & Botanic filc r w- tjriu. k -k - B&tKb. B2F.r Tt purifies" a$rt- glad to incorporate into yo"r j"0"1' 1 d?eq nickel, an' givin" it to this 6r supper; but do not allow.a day to f? pass without aaaing some mougui iu J- . atriliured ai30 laBTeffectriaT in eraa. !,our mentai slore, which you nffl, ,bc i -i. . ... w f k tfMun l " j Irlfi looser 53Mnpnd8xfi6a8aB 1 Never say yon are in . pool IhotflM Sooey away on substitutes, paupen pony J ' .. " .. ... I uiiril -. 1 Brir,lo!n ,,ia raH!!i Taveiir gfllWt rf , i,i t Good Samf leloom. "KUBtStHoTW, TO 8X0213 4X9 CQTTST B0V8I1 See that car up ahead there?'' j It o hall a dozen blocks ' away. Waal, sir, I run like sixty to catch that car." '"Goiildn't catch it ! eh?" 'es, I could. That's the iron bM'd kitblTt, anUClgirOU iJn ductor a dime on the hind platf. rm arv' he gift me a'nickle change. Thee somehow I up ao' dropped the nick'.e overUoid... I oyc4lp the cor.duc or to iot3 UJ feHsjfyi11'' dc it, so I ups an' jimps ofT back'ardj. Look a' my clo'es. When I get up that car was o reach, so I had to wait for this one. "Uid you nnd your nicfcU?" ; "Ohyes; fouirtl that--Tight clo'es my DacK jest lor the gran fynD- pmijedge of pkkiu' up that do1- con- ductor. I used to IhiDk Bill Thorop sdi iwtl Mfgfc .tY.fr I guess I'm close onto bim." "What lldiilHi do?" "W'y don't yon know? Bill's dog got his head stuck in a head , to 51 c t; PORIl) WlMi. Width 37 mMes. Inur.eniely wci'y. Poverty is unltn n Populili'ip 1,000,000 Area, ; : o s.jmre u. -r s. Treet re al-jys grre n. Fvery Yii.tn rrwr.s a fcr.rr. O'drr tr.an the l;ntr l --i. PtinCTpil sporr n c-x-V. h,'r n. One mountain o)co rri 'ic-Iv-ery hnuvr hs a ro .( givfen. AM Sin hm ( p'e sre t."T h'.k-r . Pnnripil' pa!;me u rorvetc rd Sin J un, tbe cprrr, -ti-s 30c cl c nhabuaniT. sAjhRGFS AO West 141..-, i. . . .. ; Qjl li;l t night. I urce$ oJ revenue- ( Tt.-t..ta i t .1 tb. p. an a v r ' .. : ' t D. P. LYNCH t B t- ?:: I T -i.l th .'! 1 d.-b 1 r..t ' b : i.e ha'.',? Luted . fc-"T Tt. u.- k 1 ih f ' . c ' 1 - , 1. i(it :x.ai ma:. i M '- I 1 t .- '. t T . i . k r v oj-1 b (. arc ie .r, ill .-r , w.,V. c '. ra.: . . i. x r ; : .- a 1 a ' I f ' '. . i 1 r . 0 n ' ' 'i fc '1 1 w . ' 1 " llf b " : tr. .y j 1' 1 rc ; 1 k 1 (x.ni. T ;ic .I' 5'.r ic'.i l r' trrv e ' ',1;. . , di.b! v." ;. . c f g J --4. wo : 'd '.11 : , (.y.ml If 1 . i.l. i v- - . - on!d t 1 w ' t. - 1 ' J "J. o' f- ';. ,?i. : . i a : d iuJ j . . : t t l. . ' 1 H r 1 to b x it c ' .ir c ba!-r J 1 t v ' - t ". , '. t r - Feftl Sale : Livery STABLE lo j sauna h. c. .- b k : b ra'-1 . . : - y . b " X A ' s- J ' 'It r- T " ',- li- ; -.. iisv,-;,wv. f.'lrvrtrJ nitcher. ATtA Bill .cot Qu J !r?WW r 3 ieaSlL00 wwwt svo lataTrrrnix-TraiiAii; lauivi - - J N9HUU 1 WmEVNfifk .i .h. hodilv funclioM w31 uke ctrei i? P'"'. bftbcmscWw. I( -- f -' . . . --1 frtiriKiafiQ rtlKrTiO Don't drop lonnuitiuu). A bgcr ru.n may pick them up. '" A rua o ia Virginu, roda farty roiW-, tQ Fairfax SfalJourV fpa ciprr pn.rp pC ritu ChauUMiaia'v Woob Eaody. iDdtk kMMtlk biiav4 4. a but tVs la tea br toefdraT, Wr Vj a f rem-l r mf w be peTirrtl raer1t brvrT kaod," tti tfJraT ladd vocT f(U.JaJUo ad't bruit UoabUa. Frcr eam a..buUl . a4-W.. CL Xhaoaa'dra ttoca 1 -.- . 1. . . . I'lvf of Kaphuny A i;i''n rtiff, eg 1 ir: : rr r.nr V'--v n : ' t-1 i,1, 1 re 1 . r ,- col'.." , it cx:: JT . MVh.t r o rv ?" fi Wr.v.'i ' " ' l - Any r.c I1.' "i "Ft nrv - vVtit' ; rv oi Tc ctmiif?" Whit d j'rt; cat?'" "llt'gv" "Ho Ka. (il. t till f i. r . ' k r c. f ar 1 j r 1 r i il 1 t c-. bn l: lr b 1 1 a IC.i wbll t i) ' r1 ftf i fu". jr' wri,w' -. .-. : 1 .T T 'T i l). ' ' 't ) l 1 lit a rrr r k-i '.tb'.i . CASTOR I A For lafaata ai CWAm. ' Ui RbJ Yn H2ti Alt ij B::j 1 t :pro. 5. c OHE hUSOEEO TKCUUIO nri 1 mi IETi:i Cf tlttiflfiX r.ctti Ka xn ," . j b a:ct ;rjwtr Ct - :'! i d jc: caU h ;bn- " (.fi' - iff. ik r" Ml f 5 Eantta wk mm rt Iw. J . U- K'L iwtiahalmibrit :(.4jik.ilu UJal i HmuL ttti 1 Lrt fr. r .nil 4 "i'.-f to r t Vf M t ( j ca afrt i cf t-arsiy. Hi'Jt. Trmimx: V J PiaXit. Cl m 2) Akl 4 Ca Jwt w - - .. J