. " , r- V .r jas, A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. THE COTJUTr, THE STATE, THE TJliTIOiT. UUCtlfTCI? Jl-W hf Tu. Stttfj It Ifruo. VOL. XXVIII LOUISBURG, N. 0, FIUDAY, JULY 22, 1803. NCMBER23. M ETH0DI3T. , i.lV fcrhuol at 9:30 A. M. SU1,J y Geo. H. Baker. Supt. Vr,3..hin,:atllA. M., and 8 P. M., .. SuiiihtV- - -. . . . er'-' fimr Wednesday ment. G. F. Smith. Pastor. JialTIdT. .,-bool at 9:30 A. M. '1 'nod. 13. Wilder, Snpt. at 11 A. M.. and 8 P. M, uiil:iy THE SUNDAY gCHOOE Lesson v, third quarter, inter national SERIES, JULY 31. Text of the Lesson, I Kings xxi, 4-10. Memory Verses, 4-6 Golden Text, Ex. xx, 17 Commentary by the Kev. D. M. Stearns. . . . i . ev;,rry,;,.,- mating Thursday night. i 1 J AY ANT REUABf-MEN. No Room for Drunkards in Respnsible Positions. LX)L. KEOOH'S OPINION?. I I I 1 irrest Smith. Pastor. p.iV.ssioual cai-ds , i 1'.! I.T. pi; i I'll IN(j PHYSICIAN, l.oiiiisburg, N. C. . I'oril Building, corner Mam i.iis. Upstairs f.-out. 15 j, y -.-KN BUKQ, ATTi)RNBY AT LAW. L..L1SBURQ, N. C. in nil the Courts of the State I'.'.l. f HI Court House. . iuKK & BON, V. .ttuRNKYS-AT-LAW, Qr LoUSBUKe, S. C. MRh. Franklin, Wui ""'A"1 ..,i wait; counties, also the al , omime u. i iiui - urt t-u',r''"''', in strict Courts. 1IK I K,IKK. DB. J. E. Malose li Y.1C1ANS & SURGEONS, I,,.iiisliurK, N- c- , ko Drug company. . r Ay H l.liTl'L'T, M. D PUVLCIAN and SURGEON, KKANKLINTON. N. ('. 1) PRACTICING PITYSICIAN, LoL'lSBUKS, S. O. 4. "And Ahab came into his house heavy and displeased because of the wnM which Naboth the JezTeeiite had srjoken unto him, for he had said, I will not give ! thee tho inheritance of my fathers." There fore like a sulky child he went to bed, turnea ms lace to the wall and would not eat. It was a law in Israel that the nrinca should not take of the people's inheritance uy oppression (zek. xlvi, 18), but Aliab seemed to know no law but his own will. He offered to buy the field from Naboth, but the Inheritance of his' fathers was more to Naboth than money. The Holy Spirit, by whom we are sealed, is the ear nestjf our inheritance (Eph. i, 13, 14). Are we aesirous tnat He shall not be grieved by any misconduot of ours? 5,. 6. "But Jezebel, his wife, came to him and said unto him, Why is thy spirit so sad that thou eatest no bread?" And he told her the cause. Contrast the sad ness of heart of Neh. ii, 2, and of Dan. x, 2, 3, with this selfishness of Ahab. He should have been, like Nehemiah and Daniel, full of desire for the welfare of the kingdom and for the glory of God, but no such thoughts filled his mind. On thecon trary, he was full of desire to add a little bit of property to that which he already pos sessed. He had not yet learned that a man's life consisteth not in the abundance Toledo Commercial. Steadily, rapidly and r6siBtless ly a great temperance reform has been going forward in the United States, wliilethe so called temper ance reformers have been them selves scarcely aware of its exis tence. There are today among the hundreds of thousands of railway employees in the United States ex ceedingly few who drinl? to excess and these hold the positions for a short time only. Managers refase Lto employ any but sober and reli able men, and the employees them selves insist that such alone shall be employed.. Time was when there were few railway employees who did not drink to excess. None can long hold his position now who does so. The same role is be ing applied in other kinds of bosi ness where large numbers of men are employed, and it is now gene longer a qualification for newspa-1 per work. It is now recognized ( th&J, facts obtained in conjunction with a glass of whiskey cannot fee relied npon; that modern news-1 paper work can be done best with the brain free from alcoholization and the manifold illusions inci dent to that condition. of the things which he possesseth (Luke raI1y insisted by employers and xii 15)- emnloveeft thai srrript.w Vmll Ka 7. "And .TprannV Vila wrifa " 1 him, Dost thou now govern the kingdom lne rUle. lne manager Of one Of of Israel? Arise and eat bread and let the greatest street railway systems thine heart be merry. I will give thee the . TT, . vineyard of Naboth, the Jezreelite." The iu tue uouea Oiaies says devil quickly suggests to his well trained T want fit.flau- n1 nKr mar, servant his favorite method of removing those who are in his way, and she as quickly sees the whole thing as good as done and tells her husband that she will give him the desired field. There was none like Ahab- who did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the .Lord, whom Jezebel, his wife, stirred up (verse 25). They coveted fields and took them by vio lence; they defrauded a man and his her itago (Mio. ii, 2). 8. "So she wrote letters in Ahab's name and sealed them with his seal, and sent in my employ and have only that kind. If a man when off dutv ft takes a drink on the quiet, he is not even reprimanded. Immoder ate drinking is a bad habit and will not be tolerated by me. My fore menand others who have charge of men are repeatedly cautioned rKl n.L Hl'l'TlN. ATTORN ETS-AT-LAW, LoUSBURU, . C. Will aiten.l the rourta of Franklin, Tance. Qr S V: rivu and Wake counties also 2,upr.'iu Court of North Carolina, frompt Mliuiiniiitiveii u. collections. &c. T rruus. u. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOU1SBUR9, N. C. Otlke on Mam street, over Jones & Cooper's ItuP:. rjl W. BICKKTT, ATTuKNKY AN'IJ COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Uil'ISBURG C Hr..mi,t an 1 mistaking a'tention given to ev.ry uKvti- r ihiraated to his hands. K . (. r, t. i -f J ustice Shepherd, Hon. John in Hon. Rol.t- W. Wiiiaton, Hon. J. C. buii. n. i r-a. First National Bank of Win ,tuu. ui-.i.i s Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank ufilonroH. i-has. b. Taylor, lres Wake For-MlC.ll-tr-, Hon. E. W. Timberlake. olfii-.-- in Court House, ouposite Snerttt s. Views of an Expert in Rrranl to the - New Bankruptcy Aet. T11K ISSUES OF 18 WILL BE THE ISSUES OF The Defects of our Friends. M. FERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, LUU1SBUR8, H. C.l Practica in all courts. Office In ffeal liuil.liiiK- U YARBOROUGH, JB. w. ATTORNEY AT LAW, LOCISBURG.N. C. Hif-H ,.n second floor of ,Neal building Mum Mr vet. :il business intrusted to uwj vc prompt and careful attention. All 1) K. D. T. SM1THWICK. DENTIST, l.oriSHURG, N. c. fi(i;..u ir, vrv "Rnilr'inEr. 2nd floor adminintered and teeth extracted without pain. JR. R. E. KING, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. 0m, k ,.vt:ii Ay cocke Deug Company. Will, experience of twtnty -five years in a Kiilti, lent Kuarnntee o? my work .in all tii,' uii io-ihue lines of the profession.! the letters unto the eiders and to the no- to be careful when they report for Dies mat were in nis city awemng witn j.itrr if. , , . vwi, wkk ,oo tw. duty. If a man shows the least death dealing letter of David the king in sign of having taken a drink o ix. nam. xi, i xot vjou is ine juage. now t, i A . , much better the life giving letters of Es- tW0 0r d68 not aPPear steady 111 ther and Mordecai in Esther vii, 7,8! The every way.he is right then and there ouu ui Juan uauio tu Dac, iiuu iu uocstruy, , i . , 1TT . livp Thn flfidl l kh rln,.nH aSbe(1 t0 SD Out. AVO mUSt do the destroyer. that in self protection, for let i saying, Proclaim a fast and set Naboth on once become known that we toler high among the people, and set two men, ate drinking and demoralization sons oi J3euai, oeiore mm 10 Dear witness -, j ., , . , , against him, saying, Thou didst bias- would ensue among the whole lot phemeGodand the king, and then carry while every accident that happened him out and stone him that he may die. " ij v j-l j u This is the devil's favorite pastime. He "JU1" urcunou uy iuo puunc iu began it on Abel and has been at it ever the drunken antics of our men. since. He worked it vigorously with the ,, , , . little children in Israel about the time We would then be compelled to 'that Moses was born and with tho children pay every claim made against us. in Bethlehem when Christ was born. , , , Through an unscrupulous woman he had x ne courts wonid allow .mem, as John the Baptist beheaded and tried to judges would decide that we were kill Joseph in Egypt. When the time came, he was allowed to kill our Lord responsible lor the acts of our ser- Himself. But in reference to this worst Tants. This explains why we must the devil can do to us we are told not to fear r J it. "Fear not them which kill the body" watch our men and keep them out and "Fear none of those things which 0f the 8al0ons; that we must not thou shalt suffer" (Math, s, 28; Rev. ii, . 10). uuiy tureateu, dut. aiso innici pun- 11, 12. "And the men of his city, even ;fihmnt. oliAn AareA nm nf the elders and the nobles who were tho inhabitants in his city, did as Jezebel had the labor leaders accuse US of in sent unto them and as it was written in fringing on nersonal libertv. the letters whioh she had sent unto them." rp, x.i -t j Perhaps they were indebted to her or to AUy wigui as wen say n is neeu- the king for tho possessions they occupied, less to prevent workers in a powder they evidently feared to disobey her orders. liom smo&ing. Those who fear not to do right at any cost, Jt IS right 01 every man who has the high places in Naboth's town, nor do m bis keeping the lives and the they abound in high places anywhere as a 8afety of others to demand that his rUi3. "And there came in two men, chll- employees shall always be in such dren of Belial, and sat before him, and condition that they arerelible, and even against Naboth in the presence of the they are not SO when under the in people, saying, Naboth did blaspheme uod fluence 0f strong krink. Employ- forth out of the city and stoDed him with ees themselves feel the same way stones that he died. o justice on eartb about this matter, for their own fnr annh n9 Nnhot.h wnn (lareQ to stand against the will of the king; no justice lives may be imperiled by a drunk- for Stephen or Paul; none tor the Ljora f n workman. A steamboa .Tpsna Hlmfifilf when He stood in our Dlace to deliver us from the hand of the enemy, or a railway, steam or electric, run But there is an abundant welcome lor an fa 1 t f fc employees.is like- such in heaven, and the time will come j r j when their righteousness shall shine forth ly to be Wrecked without the inter- as the sun. Most of our friends do not come up to our ideas of physical perfec- ion. AY hen you come to look critically at the face of your wife or sister yon do not find it diffi cult to suggest some trifling im provements, and tht man to whom your bouI cleaves in loyal friend ship is a short, dumpty fellow who never conld by any possibility be mistaken for an appollo. Bat you realize so perfectly that your wife's retrosse nose cannot be changed or your dumpy friend be elongated that you are quite con tent tn take them as as they are. Indeed, their very inerfectiona commend themselves to you, and yon would not have Mary or John different than they are if you could make them over. But strangely enough, this indifference to physical defects is often associ ated in our minds with a strange intolerance of imperfections of mind or disposition. Your friend takes narrow views and shows no interest in what lies beyond a limited range. Your wife has a certain peculiarity of temper that sometimes put her out of an an gelic mood. Why should you not look at these variations in tho same light as physical imperfec tions? It will be quite as difficult to change them. You remember the story of the man who set about forming bis wife's mind. "With all thy faults I love thee still" is a From the flreboro Kn-urd. The Record today interviewed Col. Keogh about the bankrupt act recent ly passed by Congress and which is now the law. His urge experience j register in bankruptcy under the act of 1867 makes hun an authority in this parrtculir branch of law, nd there ire Stmt aa.J OWrrtr Io a rcnt fpb in tb Illinois State convention, ovroor Alt!d declared Ibat Bryan u kept oat of the WhiU Hoqm by groM frauds. "Mr. Cleveland, tald i Governor Altel-J, "carried Kentucky m 12 by 40,0iX) majority. In our candidate for the Presidency received nearly 50,C more volet very few, if any, lawyers in ihc S'.aie as lamiliar wuh bankrupt law and frve than Mr. Cleveland got, and yet court practice under u a Col. KeoRh. ! tb Stt wu counted for McKin la response to oar request lor v.mc ; .ey. Mr. Cleveland earriod Indiana inlormaiion on the su!)-ct, hp gie , by 7. major.tr . Oar candidate the Record the following: in 1K3 received 43,'i more rote "The present bankruj t act was ap-' than did Cleveland, ytt '.he Slate proved July i, 189S. Voluntary pen-I was counted for McKinley." tions may be filed thirty riays after that 1 Kven if we bare Ttiienc4 and date, anil involuntary jet. tuns f ur ' famine added to war, nothing can months after that date. i blot out the fact '.bat Mark llano "Any person who owes debts, except ' by fraud, bribery and corruption a corporation, whose property upon a ; thwarted the will cf the people m fair valuation will not pay the same,, 1"'. Ibat crime mut never be may file a petition m bankruptcy and ; forjfotten nor forgiven. Mr. Bryan obtain a discharge from all h;s debts. ! and Mr. Tilden are two I'reidnt j, t 'In this State in est;mat;n,; the who were elect 1 and cheated oat ' 0f property, the homestead ind prrs-anal , of it Mr Tilden lad noub property exemptions arc njt to tr ;n money to prev.-r.t the fra-.idi and eluded, as the bankrupt law allows the br.ber that defeat, a Bryan, and exemptions to the bankrupt. ' . ren ?L-nby atr.bur.a. unknown "Any natural jrson , except a wi,;c 1 to onr orerr.mT.t wa fra ;d earner or a person engaged ch cv.y :r. , uientW kept o-.t of Li o:T:c.v If farming, any unincorp .rated company the party :. .id been wue e:.o-i':. tc and any corporation engigcd pr;nc;pal- ret;-.mil. ate the old ticket ,r. ly in manufacturing, tra ling or mer cantile pursuits owing debt t the amount of $ i.eoo or over, nny lc ad judged an involuntary L ar.kr-.ij t. t':. vatc bankers are include 1 ;n th:, w;-.,'.r , National banks or liar.ki ;nc.ir;.)r.i:cil under State laws, cann : 1 pr.-vecded against in this wjy. 1'.'. rtner: ;-s mi) be adjudged bankrupt. "Tne cost of bankr-:ptcy, 1 y th i law, is reduced to the m.n m.im. Tr.e bankrupt is required, on filling a peti tion, to deposit wuh 1 he clerk J.-; fiz iaUmt io aefUT io fo h poHciea tkat tava tronl aat' loto tboaiaodi f 'boat kr' aeir ronjott oteratiooi; tkat lava aal- ti plied atP.iosairee, Uat kave t arced b flta foiiy af &rra ntat ovtr lo y :.ditate-. tbal kave under forai of law p4ra:t!ej tk I'.roog ta rob lb wak . Tnawar and tko who.ly acruurr war bendt ka ad ie-d ta tke t ar datt. No p!r.o: ckjtU u jy. log war taiee Jflitly lavii. ka: the loeaiUbla aea4are thst throwf all tko bordvn 00 tke cor, , taaar and p-eraatlt tke aral c?r I pora'.loti to escape tkelr ; ait ikare j wtll meet ti.e c c ado a t att cf tk j people. Kn :ri ".k" jkaa-le lapc-ti'.icc rf .k kir .den cf '.he war '.um a;a the -t. iraer it "ho imic cf : war bcr. dt, when i;fi:' tt '.he HiawnaMaaaa POWDER - tke ' ar I ei '.ker w are, k c w i f ;;': r:.c:T - '.'. a t d a '.. l tke . ea: war w i'.k it d l it.- 1 o the e-:;.t :t ; :er i d zi : r. lb' del. t. i ; .:'. kit kavc :e,ereael '. t e 1 r t i . a t . '. ! t tf k e : e ; 1 '. -. . M 1 t . i : . d 1 ret wcautn rcccitu wimimi, - I ke - r;' T . k K. T- I . r. . x lit l C- x : re -n - i - ! t - . a? iwfc.aaa v-t..ae f Ttafa.' pii mm 4 ai a-a. ' tA. a 1 1 mm 1 4 aj. 1 avk J aa w 1 Y M.f . ar'l.W ul, - a and charged fraud, .'. wo i'.d ka.e b n a v c t. ge: . 1 I e j a r t y w . . . t if enough ii. l. '.0 j r-ft. by that mictake, and i:. 1 l ii'.ic n c tl; j it ;ce f,f tie l i.ica p'.atfcrrz a r and !irri!i' p. .pnlari. v . ti.e w ill b-- aided ty a:. np---jro the frauds of 1 - . tl cci.tro. o legi-'.aticn y the men tb election, and the failir . rede-m every pr m ma le 1 : r : r. ( the cam pai n . . r ,rre..e 1 ".l w V. ; - k w - J J , a r r.r iniff ;t .'V'; .k i'r n f f .- - t T ft n f 5 i. n . a ; i m i4 b$m mm vr. pleasant song. Christian Com- for the clerk, id ur the rekree ar.d monwealth. Little Thinifs Worth Knowing. There i" a ; ; l'.ar err r iii 1 . V - t.rt. IfMfl. l r ... I..'' ...... V. - - w ,-iwiiii..t-.3v.. 111 3.3 i r l" 1.1. I J'l ,7 L kll. ku n nt ..... ccmpensation for services rendered :n ( Kinl'-'y in th" White H . each case bv thc?e ctt.rcr. There sa! n. av Lelr '.h. tar'.v '.i" i'.u, provisioninthelaw.that mr .ws where would help it very m u - h tit f r M: It ar.d . t- r 1 1 ' m r. y t i '. 1 .her far a'. . V rr , ir -w r i v . ... -n i . 1 .,. u m mr 1, 1 . - 1 -w.ry f m m$ w k t ree w 11 i n ft bj-.nW 1 im itiha , if .-f . . , . xrt a, a f " . bl - 'i j 1 ,mm m f MfMhfMaM x . v . I r- . I I c 0. vh -i v-, : m HOTELS. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. Woodabd, i"rop., Rocky Mount, N. C. i'ri f Bus meets all trains. $2 per (Jay. FKANKLINTOiN HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C. SuM'L MERRILL, Prp'r. fi'M-id accomodation for the traveling public. (io'xl Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, C D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. MASSENBURG 1I0TEL. J PlMassenburg Propr HENDERSON, N- C. ood accommodations. Good fare: Po Hte and attentive servant NORWOOD HOUSE ai.. . "wwon, North Carolin; w J. Norwood, Proprietor. rtr, 14. "Then they sent to Jezebel, saying, Naboth is stoned and is dead." It would seem from II Kings ix, 26, that his sons were stoned also. It is not according to Gen. iv, 10, that dead men tell no tales, for the voioe of Abel's blood cried to God and the "voice of every wrong thing on the earth is still crying to God, and He will yet see to it (Hab. ii, 11; James v, 4). Although God seems to keep silence and let men do as they please, yet He sees and notes everything, and it is written "Our God shall come and shall not keep silence, a fire shall devour before Him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about Him (Ps. 1, 8). As to the dead who die in tne Lord, it is always blessed for them (Rev. xiv, 13), for they rest from their labors, and their works follow. 15. "Jezebel said to Ahab, Arise,. take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jozreelite, which he refused to give thee for money, for JNaboth is not alive, dus dead." The God of Naboth still livd, but of Him she took no account. Her heart said unto God, Depart from me. What can the Almighty do to me? (Job xxil, 17.) The devil offers many present possessions and enjoyments, pleasures of sin for a season, but the season is so snort ana me eternal consequences so fearful that were it not for the awful blindness he puts upon rjeonle there would not be so many to ao- oept his costly pleasures. Contrast II Cor. Jv, 4, with Heb. xl, aa, o. 16. "And it came to pass wnen AtaD heard that Naboth was dead, that Ahab rose up to go down to the vineyard or JNa both the Jezreelite to take possession of It." But now the Lord speaks. His serv ant is again commissioned to meet Ahab. Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap, and Ahab Is told that where dogs licked Naboth's blood they shall also lick his and shall actually eat up Jezebel, and so It came to pass just as the Lord said It would (chapter xxli, 88 ; II Kings is, 85, 86). position of a professional railroad wrecker. The owners of railroad and steamboats have been compelled to draw the line in the drinking pro clivities of their employees, and the rule is to refuse employment, to all That a bag of hot sand sometimes relieves neuralgia. That warm borax water will remove dandruff. That salt should be eaten with nuts to aid digestion. That milk which stands too long makes bitter butter. That a hot, strong lemonade taken at bedtime will often break up a cold. That it rests you, in sewiDg, to chaDge your position frequently. That rusty flatirons should be rubbed over with beeswax and lard. That a little soda water will relieve sick headache caused by indigestion. That a cup of strong coffee w.ll re move the odor of onions from the breath, That tough meat is made tender by lying a few minutes in vinegar water. That a cup of hot water drank before meals will frequently relieve nausea and dyspepsia. That a fever patient can be made cool and comfortable by frequent snongine with soda water or salt wa- c 1. 1 ter. That cold tea should be saved for your vinegar barrel. It sours easily and gives color and flavor. That to beat the while ofeggs quick- shall c v It the debtor has no means to penses of proceed. ng. he charged no tees or costs. "It is now unlawful for insolvent people to makr preferences or give anv undue advantage to creditors. Tr.ere are conditions where 1 us.nvs trar.sjc lion of daily occurence may lie con ducted wuh insolvents with ut dan ger but as a general thing it is not sale for creditors lo get satisfaction f-ir their debts from insolvents. "The practice under the present bankrupt law will not d :Tcr much from that under the law of 1.7. Tr.e gen eral principles are rrec-ssarily aSju: the same. The most important d :Ter ence to the people is the great rednc the mifmatiik'rai:.t by r e '.a r t Alger ar. the ik r, cf t L. 1 : d ad i . wbof i r.eont pe'.enee La tailed ut.to'.d sufferic r. th. Irar -, '. unteerj. 1 a f " " T w . . r ai.d f. ; 1 t .... 1 1 x: 'e . d r - tbetn bv th- c;. ker.e.t g d '.XT S X'. '. t-er Van 7. JEWELRY. JEWELRY. JEWELRY I he flr',l Rep -ib. 1 ran ; cian.t o that th-y have but to hope from the war ie-,! lS;', and they are tryi: '. cure ad iris. on cf party '.tr.e tho new pr, b'.em ti.at the cc m u t o '. v e a t t h e cj:.ci.k:. c war. If pusaibL tk--y will ;-c th- ir solution 'ir.ti'. aft' r th- lion in 1 '. .i. tkev u.-kt 1 postpoi.e the w a: .r.'.il - j tenibr .ti.e 1 r. j ; -: n ; t. '. r v : - e, e T:. tkei 1 TT5 II :i ; . k . ' ' dated 7 EE. e ". Ter . w ' k k f a : ' a r 1 " 1 ik'.r - . k -e : r. : : -. '- T 1 x : t ' x Watches. Clocks' and J c v c I ry CHAP FOR CASH ' v i k : "p Ither frc- . ar at wr'i. kowerer. tuns in fees and costs. I'ndcr the and if the war is tn ';k'. a -'. -e present law the bankrupt may after ' before the V ail , a it a. re '. err .am , the expiration of one month after filing the ( ; ' d -.k. : t -1 : I e e m . : r njfreoo that meet r. his tietitinn in liankruiv.cv. a- r'.r t r 1 bcr will hare to deerm r r r . - 11 j 1 his discharge. lationsbip to C ita, Port.- Kie- ar.d "The liability of the person who is ' the Philippine Lland. Wbt. a co-debtor with, or guarantor, or n j that relationship le o:.ce "ettled, it any way a surety for the bankr-pt, is! will be fettled, and will a if r i r. - rv J T-r :. xttx d k; day. wk; ura - f t da-.. ar.d tke w;rk - c n . 1 1 r. ed '. : . t f : : r yea w. re ar ?u k m 1 . 1 p . e -: -3 j . ! He a 1 3: t Ij:t Tk ;ri m-dert: : -d a-d r;-: l r k . ;t - x REPAIRING. .IV: - ' : r 1 - 1 - '. k "A n e e " not altered by the discharge , .f a bank rupt. The business of the bankrupt court will be done by an othcer, called a referee. The estates will be wound up by a trustees campaign Th Democrat are t- w e even if there sko-ild reraam ar. I'he creditors elect j open question in !'. to let t: d-feated ...it. war cr ; ear. fcuct ::.e ?t then ' . as as i '.d a r. 1 '. k r ; b r. e r t wk.fk lk fcea k e '.'x.i a - '. .?. -'. D. P. LYNCH 1 1 f - 11 'rc-a a a trustee at the first meeting do not elect him, the court w.ll point une. Referees and trustees bonded ofheers. "In involuntary bankruptcy it If they ' Repablieana make foreign re a 1 ,v9 fra-: d ka- irape-d ap. ! t;o:.s the paalOlr.,. i'ie 10 tte .-,e:a -t j .; e a z '. are campaign. The vote in Cot.gret , . , itt;-rraev . tr. : : k Sale ; LiYery STABLE onR ot Commercial Tourist an! nnPabUc Solicited. " Good SamplelRoom. - T HOTH, TO 8T0BS AJTB OOVBT SOVSl' Catarrh Cored. No remedy is as effectual in eradicat ing and caring Catarrh as Botanic Blood Balm, (B. B. B.) It purifies and en tria Mnnd ' eliminates microDes, builds up the system from the first dose, .thousands of cases of catarrh have been cured by its magic nvir ail Wool and skin diseases, it has no equal. Bay the old reliable nd nntr tpnrAfl remedr. and don't throw your money away on sobstitates, palmed ff . "inst ar Bood." Bav the old -reli ably Botanic Blood Balm. Price fl.00 tier large bottle. - " . - ? . -: . , For said byDrag&iBbv : -jc : r Why does a loafer always bother a man when he's busy? Why does a man who is really good usually look so bad? Why is the the hired girl of foreign men who have formed the drink- ly add a pinch of salt. Salt cools, and ing habit. This is so obviously cold eggs froth rapidly, recognizing the law of self preser- - vation that the principle needs no Why. defense, least of all from those who assail it as "interference with per- Chicago News sonal liberty." No man has any Why isn't bigamy a twofold bless real right to make himself a corse jDg to bis fellow men, besides innict- nff injury upon himself. -The Why is it that a silent partner has so right to get drank or to make a sot mach t0 say- of oneself may well be questioned. Referring to the subject an ex change says: In no business has the change been more manifest than in the newspaper business. The time was when a newspaper man was considered by the pnbiic caucd a domestic? as inseparable from his cups. He I 11TI . .. . I t L . if was expected to drink and get vvnyaoweusemeierm-piaywrigni drunk. There used to be newepa- iastezd of "playwrighter?" pers in this country, and not ob- Wh docs MiTj an thc milk of hu- scure ones either, which had not a kindness taste of tha can? single man on force to whom the road to the saloon was not more wny mnai a wumao n never familiar than the road tohishome. thrownything straight but kssesf From the head of the establish- Why docs lhc average man always ment down they drank, and there want t0 open a door marked "pri- wasn't an ariicier in ue paper, 1 . ?,, local or editorial or general news, 1 which wasn't flavored more or leas Why is it that your shoestring never ... .-i-t avma V. I KmoVb nnlM von are in a tinrr? -witn ine dookq w wudo n uu jic j - - - j t 11 . 11 T!'l n.n 1 parea tne mawer. us ;vhy the wedding ceremony a nne eauoro m. "Vi SOCCe unless there is a hitch in it placea onth bar where they rested 8omewhcre? tv,A?e olhowB when they stood up I to drink. -kkl;&: --vi'i Kfyhji it that about two-thirds of a Bnt sreeit change has taken doctoi's bill is for gncssiog at yoar place; ?. Capacity - to embltw w , no compiamir - ;v. . on tbo Hawaiian qn.ft.oo ekowed .1 diiion in tke IVemc-crat if . 1. Vl.l, C . I).. quires three or more creditors who hare ey unwieeiv Boutit to euro cy action. It wa fcrtjnate that be failed, for aeb action would have tended to kelp tk Hopablicans make annexation or imperialom th chief mm in tke next national carapaiic-. Tkere are Denioeratj, wbo are o poeed to provable claims to the amount of $5:0 against an alleged bankrupt, in excew ! cuu9 of any security they may have, to file a petition against a debtor. "Debii which have priority are. 1 , Taxes due the L'niled States, the State, the county, the city or town; jv. live 1 B 1 ! iiivf-r, anxtoai to let the campaign to the filing of petition, rt) the filing i . . . ,- 6 ' J 5 ! be wajjed 00 impertaiiir.i or re lees paio oy creditors in involuntary ' I diappolnWl. for there no net eluding the fees and. mileage payable 1 . . . . , . . , , M 6 division between the partiee ur--o to witnessess (5) wages due workmen . . .. , i.-a. v;y 6 I how to dupoee of the liitodi at 1 ar f ! ilii . 1 t- g . -f k ujtar .. wk. ' i t? a wife. xrce r- t k U e lear:: he tkeT w ..1 fe ller ".key ar T:t to te m ife'n ccafcr. at yoa firet tr;e-d k.- need j i j r HUES i FULLER. Prrni'.trs LOUISDJRQ. H. C. i v .v . - e - T C ? c : . er i.r art . r 'e 7 : S v : v i'JelYKPaS ro c r t r. w . poblicanlem. AH these w.ll be, ln . lor-t a.. i-e to'j 'ueei to clerks or servants which have been earned three months before thc date of the commencement of the proceedings not to exceed $ 300 to each claimant, (6) debts owing lo any person who by the laws of the United States or State are entitled to priority; these are to be paid before Vhe creditors receive anything. These are the principal pcunu which interest the general public, out line pretty clearly ihc scope ofihe new bankrupt law. The dairiet jodge will name bankruptcy districts and appoint referees io sach pamber as he may deem necessary to transact holiness." It A man la Tlnrinla. rode forty miW. to Fairfax Station, for tbe eiprree parpoa of reUinff CtaanberUta Leaf d Keoetfy. aod took homewlth him. a doaea boitWa of theToedietDe. Thedrarxlat who re la tea tht iaefcleoL ad da: MYoar remedy awms to be a reaeral favorlba wherever known " Ita affeeta are indeed woader- foUaaUlang aad tbroaUhottblea. Pro tar a boUla at W. tf. Tbotaaa'drj tora, . ' -. . -,.- onired aa to make it an imd 1 will be oeeeeeary to wait until Ike McKinley admin ietration haa act ed before tberecan be a defined dif ff rence aa (o polieiee, avtn if il were wlan to give a temporary ;a- iue firtt r Uee. Tbe islands in qifetioo will le annexed, given home rule, or re turned to Spain long before 1IX. While the American pop!a are In terested to e ibat no on-American policy of imperlalUro la en tered open, tbey are oocb more vitally intereated io detroylof tbe nn-Atnerican fioaoclal r-oHcy that robe the producer for the enrichment of tbe Idle boarders of Idle wealth. Tba American popl, ondtr a Republican form of goveramtat, aaw tba election beoght aad paid 1 for If oen q fc-4 a ptcatlary e . t . ' : r . k:w kr tc f which made yoi aprear to we . .tr eyee, if tkere were a-ttt: endear Ler tj ycT lf-re axf-xg he thoald be a tkectar 1 '.ism dearer bo you tow Lei her tell yea ker r.evaee aod tell ker year wotnee. ye tsay be able to kelp eaek other, aad yc a eaa earelv oaaforl tub ctker a Help bar with tke children aose lime at night, when ibey are fret fal au4 yoa have tio kire-d ke'j -jppotic tkat yoa do j-: 1" tke plea that yoa are tired aad tkal yon bate been werkieg all day. baea't the bee o working all day, loo, aed in't the liredf Never do anvtblajr Urat "ill make yoa appear mean Is ker eye. lVerv berpfet eafideaee. Seated. 4 - ct tttif We el wart im: fi ket ea , a'. ry reat..--s.ale : rt r-ee fe FiiiEi n j nmxn mi r - a v- :t uvur OU HUIOHEO . THCUUI3 CCLUSS. iu ef 11:1 ieij f a tu ru un:i wtEnsnru. ip.-i'e i c3 Ktevwet, .; nr f 'o fwra M iof i cas ci afpxaJ of ewrarrl e or Wr-jtxa P-acav. f6i.l. A. R IUti:. Tmm ttmmi, jmA . V. J. Sraauv. Owiw. tM tJaltailawtwrw lapt i JUV IVpr-t I HatewSor reef, JU mm r 1 i 1 , ! ii; 1 ! J i H i f 1 1 I 'r