:.-,' . - - 5" 1 . . V- .- - . - - ... -"" . jAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. THE COTJNTT, THE STATE , THE TJlSTIOiT WISCliniCl: JI.C3 fv Tiu. Itrtrtj h Unta. XW11I i ' i . . ' f IIIIIV.LII ' tl a I I I W . I VI' I " LI it; ,MM 1AU101U1iAJ, il. V;., rikl-UaAI, AtUlOl lOl'O. NUMBER 6 cm l DIKKCTOUY. M KTH' iPIriT. , .. h,,ul at 9:30 A. M 1 ' Geo. S. Baker. Supt. ;. it 11 A. M., aDd8 P. M., . I I: .'-lintr 'SVednesday night. (. F. Smith. Pastor. HAlTlST. . i..,l at 0:30 A. M. 'j H' ! WlLDEK, Supt. at li A. M., and 8 P. M. ing Thursday night. L MKKEtT Smith. Pastor. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL: LESSON VIII, THIRD QUARTER, INTER NATIONAL SERIES, AUG. 21. clonal ;uitls . : . r. Tli INi PHYSICIAN, ' .i n if-l jurpr. Is. C. nl Huililiiifli corner Main I'li st j iirt front. JJ. :.- Text of the Lesson, h Kings t, 1-14. Memory Verses, 13, 14 Golden Text, Jer. xvll, 14 Commentary by the Rev. D. M. Stearns. Vk"vW man captain of the boat of the king of Syria, was a great man with his master and honorable." The terse goes on to tell why. but closes with the sad statement that he was a leper. The Wd of God from beginning to end reveals Uod to lis working in and through and for His people and for all who are willing to receive His mercy. Even by those who do not know Him Ho sometimes works as In this case, delivering Syria by Naaruan. All the great and honorable men of Snrin- turc, suoh as Boaz, the mighty man of woalth (Ruth ii, 1); Mordecai, who was great among the Jews (Est. x, 3), and KEEP QUIET. REPOSE OF SOUL IS STRENGTH Uo Into The Habit of Thinking or Speakine Before Acting. c I ill. (ir ! - ii r-: J)' I'll w -KNBUKQ, ATT' 'RNEY AT LAW. Li'flSBURS. N. C. . in nil the Courts of the State .. .. in Court House. n.ihh h SON, ATTi 1 K N" r, YS-AT-LAW, l..umsi:kg, n. c. . courts of Nash, Franklin, s ii r i. :i i : i Wake counties, alaothe r i .North Carolinp, and the O. . 1 iiri:t Courts. Ll N. N. Herald. In Quietness and in confidence shall be your strength Isiah, xxx., 15. Ia my early youth I watched a game of chess played by two ex perts, and the lesson I learned has lasted me a lifetime. For a while thb chances were even, and it would have been rash to prophesy the results. The victory hung in the balance, and I was breathless. others lead the believer to say with heart- At last I noticed that one of the felt gratitude, "I know a greater and ia , . more honorable than all others, and He pJavers was losing his quietness, can heal even lepers." and then I made a startling dis- 2. "Brought away captive out of the . 4 . , . , land of Israel a little maid, and she wait- cover7 tDat m his case, at least, od on Naaman's wife." Thus did the the loss of quietness was the loss Of Syrians with God s permission, but what u t i , about the little maid's father and mother, slrengtn. Impulse and rashness and what about her own poor little heart? took the place of calm wisdom He It is very evident that God does not al- A , . ' ways seek the comfort of His people, but maae nasty moves when he should He does always seek the highest good, and have been especially deliberate the greatest eternal glory of each ono. T . v . . . , Consider Joseph and Daniel, etc. in tnirty minutes the end came. 3. "Would God my lord were with the The nniaf t1ottQ, r, v, nl,BttW.i.in mUI V.t 1 I JV. OUU lUD recover him of his leprosy." But for the nasty player was defeated love of God manifested through the little SURE SIGN OF lSTOXICATIO. A Youhjc Wite'8 Experiment Ami The Proof That Followed. and why is it worth while to do I HE MISSED NEARLY HALF 1 K . X uvu JTUU Will ICCbWU hUO Wll' clasiontbat there are some things which it is worth your while not to do. . All this is included in the broad idea of religion. It teaches you how to create within yourself a spirit of quietness, to attain that self-poise which is o necessary to happiness, and thus to be at yonr best when some unusual struggle is at hand. The laws of the universe will then be on your side, and you will be able to overcome without effort, for the events of life are made harder by the restlessness with which we meet them, and they could do less harm if we would meet them quietly and accept them as quarried marble to cut into shape by the patient chisel of a a nature which is determined to be as contented as possble.--GE rok H. Hep worth. DON'T WORRY. LKAVF. IT WITH OD. , ; yii. Dr. i. E. Malokb, ; hit .-v M ALONE. - V, rilClAN5i & SURGEONS, I 'ii'"urg, N. C. r . k" In-tig Coiuiiacy. 1 1 r r. m. ii , HI! - 1 IV. A In and SURGEON, . K LINTON, N. C. I) I. W U. .NICHOLSON, 1 i.A jiNQ PHYSICIAN, maid we might never have had the story From that incident I deduced a !.!.' A ,V III TFIN. . .RNEYS-AT-LAW, LnL ISBL'KB, S. C v-.-,, ' il,.- . ourts of Franklin, Vance, I'. A u-i'-u and Wake covintiea, also i- r .tr curt of North Carolina. Prompt ',,!. t-;v.-n to culiectious. &c. L. V, ILDEK, A 1'TC RNEY-AT-LAW, LOCISBUR6, N. C. .ii m tm sir-ft. over Jones & Cooper's V. Bl'.'KETT, T. ATToR.' r V AN D COUNSELLOR AT LAW. , Lol lSBURS N. C. ! Ii tinstaking attention given to mU'UHleil to his hands. i. f lustice Shepherd, Hon. John ii Rol.t. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Measures of Capacity. Pr -v.- K-1-r Mm:: : il i ii ,x M uiiy, Winston, Peoples Bank f m ur -. . has. K. Taylor, Pres. Wake For--hU . Il. ii. K. W. Timberlake. off i - ,.i i on i t House, opposite Sheriff s. Si. PEK.ON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, ILonisBCRS, if. C Fraiti.-'H in all courts Office lii Neal I!:i,l iilL t VARBOROTJQH, JR. ATI ORNEY AT LA W, LUUISEUKO, N. C. . n ecoud floor of Neal building m . i t. I - ,1 business intrusted to him iiroiujit and careful attention I) H. ll. T. SMITHWICK, DENTIST, l.Ol ISBUIfG, N. c. Kurd's 'RniidinEr. 2nd floor V,: a iminiMteivd and teeth extracted 'Ai:!i..ii: pain. J jR. it. K. KING, DENTIST, i.orisiiURO, N. c. i-i: o i:u Aycocke Druo Company. of twtntv-five years init guarantee of my work jn all i io date lines. ot the proiession.i HOTELS. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. WoODAED, Prop., Kocky Mount, N. C. i t e Bus meets all trains, i:;.t-s $2 per day. of Naaman. The faithfulness of the little general Drincide has served mo a 1 O .. 1 , . C 1 J . , . . , . , - . f 47 tiiuuui aim ui luis iiciie gin are great , lessons for all boys and girls. Jesus at Rood turn in many an embarrass tho age of 13 was about His Father's bust- ment and helped me to overcome miss, aim is isido Diismessor auwfio Know , i T it Him to make Him known to others. many a temptation. In life, as in 4. "Thus and thus said the maid that is chess, other things being equal of the land of Israel." So said one to the u i t , , ' king, and thus the message of the little man wb acts slowly, measur- maid is passed on to headquarters, even ing the consequence of what he the words of a little boy or girl are worth . j , . , . being passed on and will accomplish God's Proposes to do, is apt to gain his pleasure if they concern Him or His serv- end, while the man who is eov vessel that is willing to be son does himself verv slender o. "Alia tne King oi toyria said, Go to, ,. , , .. . , go and I will send a letter unto tho king Nustlce and falls ln tne advance of Israel. bo Naamau departed, taking ment of his ambition. One of the as a present tu talents or silver, (3,uoo , , , . ..... pieces of goldandten changes of raiment. best things in life is to hare nn- God gave His Sou freely and with Him disputed possession of yourself freolv all fhinssi (Rnm. iii 24- viii '.V? . J ' Those do not know Him who think to buy and one of tne worst things in- His gifts, neither do those know Him as deed it is a positive misfortune they should who bring Him no thank ... offering. is to let -yourself get away from 6. "Xow, when this lotter is come unto yourself, thee, behold I have therewith sent Naa man, my servant, to thee, that thou may- I revert again to the Christ, estrecover him of his leprosy." Our mes- Whatever your theological opin sages Tor God often got twisted and per- . J n r verted by those who bear them, but God ion may be, we must all agree will somehow accomplish His pleasure that in character, in the manner It is not for us to worry if we hav acted according to Jer. sxiii, 28. Tho little girl in which He met the experiences had said that the prophet, not the king, 0f life, He serves as our guide as would do it. 7. "Am I God, to kill and to make surely as the north star serves the anve, that this man clou, send unto me to mariner. He furnished a perfect recover a man of his leprosy? Thus said I the king of Israel when he had read the illustration 01 my text lor the letter and imagined that the king of Syria quietnes8 0f His soul. No haste, sought to quarrel with him. True, he n ' was not able either to kill or mako alive, DO worry, no Wild Or rasn activity but ho should have known the God of L,,.j tt- 1Ia -i-i Israel and His servants, the nronhets, and J have been able to point people to the one to the Sea of Galilee, "Peace, be only living and true God. , nf nn . 8. "Wherefore hast thou rent thy clothes? " " v v-w Let him now come tome, and ho shall mand Himself to be quiet. know that there is a prophet in Israel." rp, 3i , .t i, , . . . w, i, 1 , . , , lue ideal man is not the Dhleg- Thus sent Elisha to the king when he beard that the king had rent his clothes, matic, the indifferent or sluggish tiere is a man conscious or ine raci tnat . n . r j he is on earth for God and that God is man 18 hke a Plle of green wood- with him. He has seen the power of God from which you can get no blaze. i i ji.ui- . i ...... 1-1 , , : . . . e " 111 tuuuiviuiuif ui w.H areiB, inciiouiius ui rp, . . , . ... . , the waters and in the miraculous supply There is in him neither heat nor of water, in the increase of the oil, the good cheer. raising of the Shunamite's son and tho . , , . healing of the pottage. He knows God The ldeal an 18 the man of and feels free to expect whatever will many passions, impulses, ambi glorifyHim. .. ... ,, 9. "So Naaman came with his horses and """"i a" uuuo' uunui wi with his chariot and stood at the door of central will. If yOU wish your the house of Elisha." A wonderful sight . , truly to be seen at a poor man's door! It engine to do good work, you must makes us think of tho time when all kings have plenty of coal in the grate shall fall down before Him whom Elisha J . , , .. served, when every high thing shall be and plenty Of Steam in the boiler, brought down and the Lord alone shall be jut you most be master of the exalted in that day (Ps. Lxxii, 11; Isa. ii, , .. L A x j jj) steam, for it is omnipotent to do 10. "Go and wash in Jordan seven your wii jf rightly directed and times, and thy flesh shall come again to ' ...... i thee, and thou shalt be clean." Thus said omnipotent to destroy you unless tho messenger whom Elisha sent to the g0 directed. aoor, ior .iisna mougiii ii uun uetuboarj . . to go himself. He stood like Elijah before There is a great deal of religion God and considered no greatness that was ifl gjmply keeping quiet. It iB the not of God. , , , , j j , 11. "But Naaman was wroth and went best thing for you to do, and at away and said, Behold, I thought he will gamfl time the hardest. The surely come out to me. Naaman had it all planned in his own mind just how it rash people in the world spend ought to be done, for was not he a great mQgt of their time jn regret for and honorable man and did he not deserve to be honored before his soldiers and by what they have done. Friend- this Israelite? Was he not prepared to pay 8hips have been broken by words well for all he got and was this any kind P J of a way to treat such as he? His pride which no more represented your wowuTObu iui,. ''u real sentiments than a house on a rage. 13. "Are not Abana and Pbarpar, riv- fire represents the happiness of the ersof Damascus, better than all the wa- - that H :n :f Domestic ters of Israel?" The water might De as - j good or possibly better for some purposes, misery has been caused by lan- 1 -1. .. nA. . ,.i ' n. (, ,f Ua 1 IIANKL1NT0S HOTEL FRANKLITON, N. C. iitt'L MERRILL, Prtfr. i.,rd accomodation for the traveling puMi.j. 'iix.d Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, 0. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, T. Oxford, N. C. Oood accommodations for the traveling public. MASSENBURG HOTEL. T r Masseiitmrg- Propr HENDERSON, N. C. Good accommodations. Good fare: Fo an d attentive servant NORWOOD HOUSE "amnion, North Carolina w. j. Norwood, Proprietor. PMronane ot Commercial, Tourists ud railing Pabllc SoUcitefl. ' - iood iSamplelRoom. . f Uiut Uoni, TO BXOBXS AMD CvVBt HOPfl cleansinc. Cain's fruits were probably guaSe much more attractive than Abel s bloody language; every syllable Oi which lamb, but they were not God's way. Good - . ., , ri; f worksand a good moral character are very falsify the true feellflg of the beautiful and all right in their placo, but person who uttered it. The speaker they are not God's way of cleansing the . , , . , leprosy of sin, and therefore of no avail. was Simply obsessed, a bad mflu- 13. "How much rather then when he ence threw him into mental chaos, gaith to thee, Wash and be clean?" His , vi:,,J - servants, wiser than he, thus reasoned and his words were a blizzard a with him that he would gladly do some CyClone. He could not control It ereat thins, and why not this simple . , , thing? There are many who would give because he had not learned one of much money and do many so called good tQe important secrets of success. WOrKS II BUS tuejr iiuuiu o.v.-, Tvr A IVor, tVot Manir imnlv to receive Christ and depend wnoL- ixioro am fv uMn Him and to have all their right- n man has mads a failure of his eousness count for nothing is too nurniu- i ru- atina for some people, and they will uot career lur ino oomo icouU. submit (Bom. x, 8). jew Testament is worth studying 14. -men wen iio uunu ai.u KY . . . . himself seven times ln Jordan, according u jou uu wv-o. j to the saying of the man of God. and his et jQ life and to make the nesn came again uko luw mo uu , nt.M hi in. nd he was clean." He oer- most of the varied experiences taioly was not worthy, but he was obedi- wnich como to you. ent, ana ne was uicaueu. uv i . , iV. oo f r v hut God's way Acts iv, 12), and You aie too much like tho sea of all, without exception, who accept the riai:iee in a storm. You need xiiC 10; Kev. 1, 6, 6; I Cor. vi, 11; Isa. 1, some one at your side to cry con- 18). stantly, "Be still." But yon ought not to need this, for you should be your own ruler and utter Yellow Jaundice Cared. tne command to yourself. We are in a state of mind too The following measures of ca pacity may be found useful to hDg up in the kitchen for easy refer ence: Four even teaspoonfuls liquid equal one even tablespoon fuJ. Three even teaspoonfuls dry material equal one even tablespoon ful. Sixteen tablespoonfuls liouid equal one cupful. Twelve tablespoonf uls dry ma terial equal one cupful. Two cupfuls equal one pint. Four cupfuls equal one quart. Four capfuls flour equal one quart or one pound. Two cupfuls solid butter equal one pound. Two cupfuls granulated sugar equal one pound. Two and one-half cupfuls pow dered sugar equal one pound. One pint milk or water equals one pound. One dozen eggs should weigh one and one-half pounds. Skim milk isbeavier than whole milk, and cream is lighter than either, pure milk is three per cent j heavier than water. The following table of propor tions is also valuable. Use: One tablespoonful soda to one cupful molasses. Ono teaspoonful soda to one pint sour milk. Three teaspoonfuls baking powder to one quart flour. One-half cupful of yeast to one quarter cake compressed yeast to one pint liquid. One teaspoonful extract to one loaf plain cake. One teaspoonful salt to two quarts flour. One teaspoonful salt to one quart soup. One scant cunful of liquid to two full cupfuls of flour for bread. One scant cupful of liquid to two full cupfuls of flour for muffins. One Bcant cupful of liquid to one full cupful of flour for batters. One quart of watertoeach pound of meat and bone for soup stock. Fonr peppercorns, fonr cloves, one teaspoonful mixed herbs for each quart of water for soup stock. It is often said of good cooks that "they never measure, they guess." Not so. Long experience has taught them to measure, and meas ure accurately, by means of that same experience and judgment. This however, is a most risky ex periment for beginners, whose pinions are Btill insufficiently fur nished with plumage for independ ent aerial navigation. Exchange. They had only been rairried unc short months, but one day she made a fearful discovery. On a prt;culr evening when he came home she wi completely startled when she fjncici she detected the x!or of liquor tijxm him. At first she held her breath, she was so frightened. Hut at length n slowly, hut irrefmably dawned upon her. She was almost dazed. iv.;ll, and when all indications pointed that way, he refused to believe, and as a last straw, she asked 'mm A he had bee to the barber's. He replied that hr had not. Therefore, at last, even Ui rum had to be given up. She did no', have the heart to tax h.m with ;t that evening. She trusted h.m ever so much and she thought how chagrined she would feel, and how shocked and if fended he would be :f she sh.uid D ceed on her suspicions and they sh yjld turn out to be inaccurate. sr.e re solved to wait, but in the meantime s.e set about devising a plan whereby she could establish upon any luturc if c i sion, beyond cavil, just what the tru'.h was. She thought over a great many i iea and ways, and means, hut rime air ss nothing sa'.isfactory . J is! at t;r.s ; ;nc tion a dear friend came n. T) her af'.cr a great ilea', of ; r.i :i..iury rau tiomng, she revealed t:.e awfu'.r.ess ..i friend Way To Trat Thf Manj Perplexing Froblem That Vex Christians. In one of big letters touching a very important eveDt In hit life George Fox wrote: "Wherefore I lot th thing ret and went on tb work and service of the Ixird." Ther i a dep and vital troth cf practical liting iuggeMed by this fratftnont of a eentene a troth , wl w;'' x ha r which, received and acted uron i r,t 7 cowaxdv. goe lar to make the tniod calm, the heart peaceful and the bandi! effective. There am a treat many conscientious but aniioai people who find themselves eonUaaa'.ly tempted to potpone work until al! quetio:: can be ptt!d; who at tmp t. in x wor.i. to a:itirijaletl education of hfe by rraf ir.g a, the beginiiin' of thoee r.;t wmcu ci iv i.t.iy a i u.e e:ia. rcr there, are a grat many perplexing problems m ist be worked out The ma:: or womai. who want to .ftl :hcm in adrar.ee will fail alike cf :L" etth-ment cf th q'ietion ar.d '.be d m n K cf th- Ui k It in through tb" aetire putt.: .g f irth of cti.'- powr '.hat lir'r.t continually '.:ami in n '.L quetion which rot.cer:. what one oirght to d.-i. In at. y e i ira'... r. the wii.lerta:.dinfc' cf 'he -.r.t.ma'.e C UUit( ot tW rb. Toblee yocr own tt50hit to be- ' here that a trje (or yoa :o yoor pc:T:e ' heart, a tne tot al! caen nui r. DTll. We twt half t x; rexi oorirltt-i, and are aKrel o( thai di.ne ;lr th eci of us repfeseo'.i, It may t ikly ly tmi-ed as reofori.Daa'.e aad of -.A Mnr. ;t t Uttrifuliy 3i-.rte2. fc-j: w jf t roade sia It needi a d.f.ne z aoyth nf d tve TrT. h ii handvoet tatioo ( Ijtt. hare some edr t Wftf m-v. tfo s a. I rnr . n '. ;-je rj.. r ; n. ar i we r i e ' . r ; -y - zr;;:: BUGGY Al WAGH ia: aatttsi l.r.k. T'.a n act i. . ,f . kii le Ja"..t:;s y.r't- VORKS. f, : e x n m a r. 1 r i " r. ( -.rler. Lcaje y j i : h -,- th ck :yr -r 1-'t tr. '.er liar. I: e a y n : re ' r. r lr ' j . ir i' ?r i;:ci: mir, '.he r r ; w i t r-r ; - : -. a.vtyi ' - 1 I'w.r 'u t"T rD'.-w to ti poL&C '. I :. .t c r a BUGQY AND WAGON WORKS - : - I.' "I-UfRG. 5 c. r. ir ' ' V w t i 1 . - ; .in, her situa: .on. Tt.e very ilcir sympath .cd hcarf.ly and Icr-.cr.'.l) with her hi the terrible ciiami'.y, bu: sr. suggested that it would te .i. g 1 plan, as the first iiad wlcrC'l : perfectly p:tivc Inrfore coi.l-ur.ii .ng him w.th gu.lt. On be.ng .r.:err ga'.'-d as to a plan, she replied that she had alurays heard it said, and she bcl.cvcd such to be quite the case, that a man even slightly int ixica'.ed, could n : pronounce words of any length. Her friend was immensely gratified at th s idea, which she also aerrcd to hae often heard and to retain pcricct fa.: h in. Thereupon it was agreed tr.at the bride of a few months sh iu'.d mate out a list ot worus and cep tr.em a. ways at hand, icady for use in ary emergency. As soon as her friend ha 1 g-nc :ic got down an unabridged dirf.onary, and made oul a list that s.-.c thought would give the matter a fa r trial. At tht.' u'- -.'. T h i ! . 1 o: tii. are r t i.. 1 ..t, ; -,- i ft . . o : . a . j -o-. . i r-reemi t.er..' if a'. io: '. ; u. r a a TV... j th uand 'A qu-rt.vjti wci-h oi. e-. ery n.rer a:.d e'-ir."Ci. mind wh.rh ear. r, bo e'. ' any am. 'i :. c th m k i l g, b i 1 c h CI. 1. wh-r. a r it v '.r . Z " r- u ; : '. i - u 1 ty w i c i. ' ' r. i t x - t. - HiiLrLrics, Wagons, i : : M AL TRl'ME.VTi. 1 i rB.rjti .'.ul.'Ar a. AH I i. iti ii iv e ; ' . fl.ow.v Dm laittj u In'. v which 1 ies n- x t f , : ... . t . v - Tb.n e m t ' very i.ar b-ing' th.e whole phil.o. liV Oi WtilCti m in V." t. ft tt.ement l.'.ima'.e q .e; . j. , : wh.ch is al way p nman'. t th. .bong i.f th-- thing that pre . to h- done. H ':. . ;a able to d f.attbful'y atid hear", ilv that which lic m har.d "n the road to the h. '.t lorn on t f a He i wcrxin,; th expe.-i.m-e which i t be, fr..m -h ppiritaal ".de, one , f the gret Mar. r. in , 1 x ;iiu, . - ... Wllvl. m ilk. iWfV. the fl; al jet.or. , i ar thr. . r. -t. e i ' -i c : 'e r : ' ..e :Te r. - i k "i x r. . : : ' .v i.jr.i JEWELRY, JEWELRY. JEWELRY lu cf t -oiirce- o! persona To learn to leave and to do ne work i . u m i n a t . . h . n g with f u - i t ; --: r i '. . ' Xi r if i.c-1 last, in a couple of weeks, she Iclt sute lum be tni.eo, i io gam r p.-.e aeain one cvenmc that her hutund did ! a!''1 f -iH-heartedne-" which perm t not seem just exactly as lie generally did. She made no attempt to con tain hersell any longer, but immediate!) asked hun to read the words she ha 1 collected. Her friend happened . call the next day. The young wile was m a state of great agitation and collapse. "Yes, )es," she sobbed hys'.cr.caHy. "it was just as I though.!." on.- to pi.ur iit h. whole -.r n without ar.iity. worry r d.strac tion. Marrtnif f ir I v Marrji f th. 1 ut wntintvnt ter lef i:.to the calcala'.i n I T . ! in tiiC marmiff" i '. t reet i day young men marr n.g f :r lore o .: 1 i a p p e i r '. o en- of a i" a .-jc . r t i I -t.-.rsrr.t Sr. :'.-.i',--r.l i x : j n.i w n t - nr. - -. jt a c : .: 'i .-a ar.r, : '. r. ' t :er.r.S --.,;. :ve ::x1. ! x .. -r . c . .: h .-. g '..c a. wan :rx 't -x: i' ir-r.tm here r rea. ; : .x t .i tr. i:.l : .r .-ierr.: in x :c : a-e t. e t r.i i .aw : r. a : . : i 1 - ' r : - i.h-'l J - Ihi . Mif '. -c pirw'r h i j r. t '. 'c l' :j aif r. : car t. a:. 1 Watches. Clocks and Jewelry ; I-. , CHEAP FOR CASH f " a - ' w, o old thcrp : : fully ; ; a-' i v- io all i - . t REPAIRING. jd ol tears choked J mn of matur! her utterance. I'resently she was able to proceed. "I gave him this list," she cont.n ued. Here she handed it over to her friend. It ran: l'ththisis, phylactery, photochromy, hypochondriasis, mul.e years, and yet r. union ba-el upon anyth.njj b .. .: love can be a permanently happy ; lz. on". In thi? "legenerate age men ; frequently ir.arry lor money, p-o itiOii or in order to ad d to personal comfort or convenience As re i ' rrr wru: c. gr.a: a-r , act a , i i a - r. i . i i ur . : i t iva:.'i. CaJl i&l r r. , .fC3t; t.3 A . t r'i to4 ui ' -:rt totio. D. P. LYNCH A irra: ruar. brity, parachronam, phenak istuscope, gard? women, a dr- adf il old cynic once tvrT"d that piesiosaurus, pococurantism, diatessa ron, antinomiamsm, pseudaeslhesia. j womay marri-s for love, at "And," she went on while the friend i for position, at twenty fir The Wiser of the Two. was reading half.' 1 it, he missed nearly irv should be supplied ...;o, -,-tt Tnoonx nossible for its relief. I tr nartn-rhaA itnrl restless v ilu ccij r- - - , -n CUUBWlli jr ljbA Small things throw us off o-r bal- rible sufferer from Yellow Jaundice for ye are suspicious, envious, over six months and was treated by some w A, - ftrobittered of the bst physicians in our city and all and, last of all, embittered. . to no avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, re- Keep quiet. Get into the babit commended Electric Bitters, and after vefore Brjeakine or taking two bottles I was entirely cured, of thinking beiore epeaKing or I now take great pleasure in recommend- acti0g Spend half an hour in ingibem to any person sngermg -Vita .as.iftn lv ask- this terrible -malady. Iam gratefully serene meditation erery aay, asa yoors, if. A. Hogarty, Lexington, Kyi i-j What-U li yrorth ,T?bUe: to. do, Sold by Aycocke Drag Co., druggist. 1 a r , x ' " - -w v " rci' :f " ' - "Mary," said Mr. Thomas, when a Bilence fraught with un pleasant meaning had followed his first altercation with his young wife. "YesP" said Mary, interroga tively. "When a man and his wife have had a difference," said Mr. Thomas, with a jndicial air;" and each considers the other at fault which of the two do yon think should make the first advance to ward reconciliation V The wiser of the two " said Mrs. Thomas, promptly, "and so, my dear, I'll say at once that I'm very sorry." It occurred to Mr. Thomas that it mieht have been as well for him to make the first advance, after all; but he thoughtfully refrained from saying so. Beantbe Bagaatoxe 'JhT mM- i Ha Ktod Ym fan Hwn Boct Huyine Drinks With Nails There is an endless number of tricks resorted to by the man w.th the fear ful and everlasting thirst to get a drink after his financial means have become exhausled. a new one comes to the front, and a Pittsburg saloon keeper was the victim. During the early morning the German proprietor of the place seated himself at one end of the bar and read his morinz paper while waiting for trade. A glass worker who was known to the proprietor rushed into the place on his way to work and threw something on the bar. rolled off into the rinse tank back of the bar. 'I threw a dime over there, S ," he said, "but I guess you can find it." "Oh! that's all right, Jack. What will you have?" "Give.me a 'j ggfr " man re plied. The glass of cheap whiskey known by that name was served and the man harried to work. The same thing occurred twice agaiu during the week, and on Satur day the tank wis cleaned oet "You will find three dime in that tank," said the proprietor to the wo man who was doing the cleaning; bat when the bottom of the tank was reached a half doxen tenpenny nails were found. The man had been work ing the night bartender in the same fashion. s.xte.:. a r.ty for monev, and at thirty neitb'-r i monoy, love no: position nter ' into the matter, the ,.nly question j th-1!! beitifc. where is the man'' This cyni- evidently saw with jaundiced eye., th- world of to day, ana underto.j society .vs it with all its artificxlly. hypo cricy and ? -Ifisbncas. In olden times parents were mily too glad to haro tLcir daughter marry the man they loved, and money. how and position wr-re quite secondary considerations. It is a sad and regretable condition nf atTair? when marriage beeom-s a mere contract in which the man i?ks for wealth, psition or advance mrnt, and in which the woman, recognises her helples-s and de pendent condition, accepts the sit uation, marries for love when she I Hwvji ere-1 by a v.tui- A: '.if rl irt ia te r l'. aal '.iai It x -tr '.s '-- ;:;j ' I ;.! fa:d :a '.:V -; aal f r wi Feed Sale Liyery STABLE HATES I FUUiil. PmrtiUri Tr1 to., i Kr il. rgz. 3Dirc&atl ai wrarm ,z: 3t'. t Vtr a c 1 :i ttii'Jr - i r -i i . -; t Saaliy rl a way t. r.trj tt prr-a:- u I t-(li I'T. K -4 I'.c:rjr f f c- anJ'.i 1. ai.4 m . . pv- r.tl c '-a a . &jc t r: I '.lal X a., t i.1 ai 1 :,.i: w : :1m ha t-s at.l 3iiT e zr-i ilt x Mr I-alr " Ta. r-.! W C H i--a & " , -'ri.t;. V At Arc k I' r -i t ir-.f v. r lleiij.ir aia !.' osv i (i 'tt t u- f urasUvi LOUI3BURQ TKAMS AM): h'l.ITK DRIVERS VYj UI. ATTHMIurx THAT- Let u rtolve to i j m: r f r J sos t b i tear than er lef;rr a ri c : c o BHD. aal y j f J f r it .nt A. 'i'j tij V cweia wtrth P:'.ain Y Ityaw al aa h?r :rk. j a tu i jaa cf 3 i r. a re 'j i vl boti it arr.la a th ly aai li.T ar ca.1 aiia. V-4 It A. .' Prir.i, a to . PU. C We always k -p gl Ww s.a., at very rxtva: prtew. Yoa can b sotBtcdy or :.cfcJf caD, but marries for anything jast aj you caay elect. olse sooner than Worn an old maid. Mr. A C. Wolfe. n Dowd . M-v. ib lrxla for Manaar A Tlbbrtta. I ratk meat Co-, of .HI, Look, rivwa tratlir lo tP."J Kward 11' Tb r ir c th pfr w-..l pWl to lera (aal iht a at wut . drvwiel iwrae ikaa ka t rneu anJ trareHvrv Io irsrl. wta g dice. "H-ioc a knitfbt of lb Onp." b aaya. "1 kat for th pt lb r yrara. mad it a roU to kep tr.jmll top-pled miOx CaiatnowrUla'a W aholera a ad diarrboea lUoedy. a4 bar foatd a -mvrtxM nrsaioM to tea lia tnta. awH only oa myarlf. bt oa c4brt a wD I ran truly amy that I . la a ataW iBaUoeo. kai kaowa It to fall. I e aider it ofl of U b Tami traWi ca o carry ad eoald rvlat aaaay lata rea wbr I hare oed th rvwlv tm akepiicav, mwk to tbtf auprW aad re lief. I hopvrrvry tralia: saaa la th U.H. will carry a b-xtU U tk r4j lataffrip." Voe awW by W. O. ThotMa, raurrb- Hall Caiarrb Cr a U calt rM)r rarw kaowa tj tuV aajiraj f r -tvralty. Caviarrb bla a catxUc daaraa. rrqalrvw a r0( aa.a t lrt avwl- tUiraCaaArrb Car aa ula ta UrwUlly. aMiatff dirwOy ipoa kUrf aa4 atoi wtm o Lk ayaaeaa, Lbvrty etry laf tb fatlaUo of tt diiiaa.a4 gita, tb ywiivat atrdrvk by baiUia p lb rataaUow aa4 a aaatla aaar la 6U4 ll wk. TV trofrwtora haw u saaxh faith la ru aratira (Krwra. lhak LWv cr Oa Haalrd DoJUra for ar raaa ta4 fall to rare. Wai fc Uwl cT aa(ia. ataJ- AddrwM- y. J Cmsjiit. A Ca., lafTlbaU b y drectasU, Tba. LtrLBT-'RO, . C. assets ovra OIE HDIDRED THCUIAID DOUW. iu cf tixi u lai rti m riaU Schorl to CWi' U jry t o kcMa o apTyraJ OI twenty. WcAua Rnf. rswaiiMt. A & liaanui, Tkaw riiasl lias. . 2. PtaxiT. Ckahair. IXOJ aid IIjQO a ywa , 1 ' si . ; . I; ; i 1 I r i