... . , ,1 . jas. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. VOL XXVIII THE COU1TTY, ''H b STATE, 'I'M th "UTSTIOIIsr. UUaJTUl: II.CJ hr Tii?. IYsTj b Urtta.- LOUISBURG, N. O, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1808. N CM BEE 3 THE MAN WHO SUCCEEDS. Negro Snprtrnwy. j MAJOR UCTB.RIE EXPLAINS TH Tntk u Mttr. AW4ta f raaew. 1 P; " i - - - - - - - I i CHURCH DIRECTORY, METHODIST. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Geo. S. Baker. Supt. Pn-aching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M.. e?rry Honday. Prayer meeting "Wednesday night. G. F. Smith, Pastor. BAPTIST. 0 riuDday School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. Wilder. Satk Pn-achirjg at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., ! try !Simday. 1'rayer m eting Thursday night. Foeeest Smith, Pastor. LESSON XII, THIRD QUARTER, INTER NATIONAL SERIES, SEPT. 18. lJroi'K8ional carda jyt S. P. BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. ( ifflcc iii t lio Ford Building, corner Main and Niifh streets. Dp stairs front. Mot the Grand-Stand Player. Bat the Unostentatious Fellow, Who Means Business. Text of the Leaaon, II King xvil, -18. ' 4 , , I Chron. xxTlii, -Commentary by the A pniiOSOpner WHO 8668 With 1118 rt. d. m. steam, eyes and who takes note of what fl. "And the children of Isranl did se- e OD86rTM, submits these conclu- cretly those things that were not right sions: against the Lord their God." Pot 260 llT . , . years God had borne with the con tinned 1 saw two men playing bll- and Increasing sin of these ten tribes who Hards, says a writer in Brains, persisted in following In the steps of their r. , , 4 first king, Jeroboam, of whom it is writ- Une played to attract the attention ten so often that he made Israel to sin. of the spectators. The other made no During these years they had 10 kings, but t . , . ., , ""uo u" not one who feared God. In Deut. iv, 25- taiicy Shots, but palled oat every 27, they had warning as to what would count in sight. He won the ffame. come upon them if they sinned against ,lT .. , . God, but In spite of aU warnings and en- 1 witnessed a game of football. B. MASSENBURQ, treaties they persisted in their sins. With One fellow on the losing team was such words as Ps. cxxxix, 1-12, before them , cl"6 lu bow deceived by satan they were to think a gaUS chap. He waved his tb?AG.?lUlnoLn.lnBoor1! a nds gracefully. When his team 10. "And they set them up images and groves in every high hill, and under every waa applauded, he bowed and sa- green tree." Even Solomon did this, and luted the arrandstand At the and Judah after Solomon's death (I Kings xi, - grwoawna. Al ine end 7, 8; xiv, 22, 23), but Israel exceeded. See of tne g&me I heard the manager the plain and express command forbid- of the team say that they wonld nine thAOA r.Mncra In Man t 1 .nd .nl ' 21, 22, with the added words in xii, &s, have won but for the poor play- "wnaianmg soever i command you, ob- iDg 0f this c.allQB' chan serve tefdo It; thou shall not add thereto , gauus cnap. nor diminish from it," and the warning "I know a handsome salesman vJZSk G:lanah0waa?k0 Wh "'Mta M t0 tb gods, and serve them and worship them, where he works. They love to Wnl attend tne courts of Masn, Franklin, i osaiDgt you wug any, mas ye uau Ib n H o. siv v: v- : n..,..niu Wnrrnanrt Wftkf.RonntlBii.a.laotlie noioh I u uiui LIO IB IB BO SStaT 11. "And there they burnt Inoense to 'witty." They listen and giggle ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOUISBURO, a. c. Will practice in all the Courts of the State c. Office in Court House. U. COOKE & SOW, ATTORNEYB-AT-LAW, LOU1SBUB8. N. O. DK. K. 8. Poster. .Ra. FOSTER & MALONK i) PRACTICING PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Louisburg, N. C. otUce over Aycocke Drug Company. an tne nign places, as am tne heathen tu. n,nn,;o(. whom the lrd carried awav before thm.'' ib0 Pr0Pnet0r tel,a me 6 IS the De. J. E. Malonk, In tho days of Samuel they insisted upon poorest salesman in the store wn,L8(ilm m m.8iuh. 1 fenow an advertisement ing the Lord who was their King and turn-1 writer who gets many compli nTi non n Mn, t.Kan, tv,,.. I ments for the brilliant sentences sacrificed unto their net and tmrned in- I and witty verses in his advertise oense unto ineir arag ijaao. 1, i), tninx Mr. Kditor: The Popalists pa pers of the State seem to delight in ridiculing the Democratic parly for its defense of white supremacy in North Carolina, and would have the people believe it is a scare crow set up by the Demo crats and is not worthy of consid eration. It is remarkable bow rapidly some people change their position on important questions. On July 14tb, 1892, the Caucasian had the following editorial in it: "Whatever differences may exist among INorto Carolinians over questions of National policy there fthoold be none in tho Stete where Anglo Saxon rule and good gov ernment is the paramount issue' Thus in 1892 the Caucasian con sidered white supremacy as the paramount issue in North Ca.ro Una. Since that time negroes have been put in almost every imagin able office in the State and the question is of more vital import ance to ub to day than ever before. If it was wrong for negroes to bold office in 1892 it is wrong for them to do so in 1898. It is a principle of the Democratic party and on which should be defended aliko by both Democrats and Populists. The above clipping speaks for itself. No one would ever suspect He is Not a Candidate for Any Offir at tku Time. The Alamance Gleaner Ut ck contains the following parf rpb: When Adams is Dominated for Con gress be will accept the nominal ton and then the executive comnimee will cast abmjt (or a candnlile fr j wir. In looking around Settle will not br seen, but ll is confidently bclvrd the roan will be found in Hon. V. A Guthrie, of Durham, who bai hud t TV UtxWl w&wwt o4 drtatr c tte peocc of Fraacc m An unjust policy is always an ( wis; the man who fU called op on U eepoaa a eaoae that hekaews is wrong had better decline U do it. If the Isadora of poilUsal partie wonld tak this U koarv. thoir Uadership would bo Sioro I o : ticvaca. Ij.um -i - suceosoful. Wbon thoy are eoa- j ra m 4cU oo U (Uan d m, fronUd with wrong dotaf, tb j bot it abor .:. tbt c.'rr U t 'M thing to do is to rpu4lU 1 1. ; ft It a ucxmsjgt orf wt 1 t not to try to dsstroy tao ata who -a foc o Ui ;rH eir tho wrong". Thai is plain ifcr Lau tfe tj o tti ,fn. v ponrsred .a iW too3g t rai trttm a book patajtifctd a ktw jtr ja by a cVjm uvksi U mxl ccd amjum 'O tbt cooairy T aaW- m rt "TV grat dark ciasd o '-W lortune or mu fort not, one or th ohT i as can bo, but look yea, how t v-4m a cr: to belong to all parite withiij ine few )ean. This wis i Sown to Mj r C.u-.nr.c and he was asked regarding ine troth of the statement. In reply to ih., Mr. Guhrie said: "I am not a ranJt,Ui? fir iSt n m nation of any political r : y f r mi orhce at ih prevent t .me, n ir ilj 1 n (ct or desire to be nuraiin'cJ (or n pohtiG4 othce '.h.s year ol grace A I 1S9S. The most esteemed fivr ro lersonal friends of all (an.n ciri i 1 me at prevent is to let me a'i jac an.l stp c :rc u la 1 1 t.g filve rum jrs, twril r. nothing said or done by me !j?r.oui ige thetn. I want it d.st.nc.U un trrs: !:".' wh.le I tee', a f cr v Lvely ;n'erest -y H. LIPFITT, M. D , PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, FRAN KLINTON, N. V. l)R W. U. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHY8ICIAN, L0UISB0B8, . O. PKLTLL & RUFFIN. mnnta TT I l.ll. 1 inc that their blessines came through them o"ipoyer sens me ne instead of from God. is looking for a writer who will that the Caucasian pointed such a 1 C (IT? i.1 9 Jan.. t m 1.1 1 Lord had said unto them, Ye shall not do convince readers and bring busi- this thing." See Ex. xx, 3-6; Lev. xx, to go direcUy against God even as when 1 ntice, wherever I go, that God said, "In the day thou eatest thereof the fellow who is bent on altract- tnou snail surety aie, ana tne aevu saia, . ., . . ... "Ye shall not surely die" (Gen. li, 17; iil, ln& attention to himself is not the 4). One is our Master, even Christ, and fellow who succeeds. we should be able to say, "Whose lam, , , , and whom I serve" (Math, xxiii, 8, 10; 1 notice the fellow who has Acts xxvli, 23), for we cannot serve wood to saw and saws it, is al- God and Mammon, but notwithstanding . that we are assured that the friendship of ways in demand. the world is enmity with God and that we In other words, success is thor- are not to be conformed to this world (Jas. Iv, 4; Bom. xii, 2), yet many who bear the OUgh, not superficial. Accom- ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LOUlSBURe. V. 0. win ftnd the courts of Franklin. Vance, nFKi.siiifl. Warren and Wake counties, also ib supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt name of Christ conform to the world as nlixhrrtAnbi ura 15 Ita ernnA olnthac uteution given to collections, &c (rfJ1f.i. Tci wia pusnmenis are use good ciotnep 13. "Yet the Lord testified against Is- They help the appearance and 'oft rpUOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LOUiSBuae, ir. c. Otllce on Main street, over tora. rael and against Judah by all the prophets proclaim the man,' but they do anA Pitt nil fcVi aooia fininncr 1 nrn vn rmm I J your evil ways." Consider Isa. i, 18; Jer. not make the man. Many a youth Jones fc Cooper's ill, 13; v, 5; Ek. xvlli, 81; xxxUl.ll; K been rnined by a BQperficial Hos. xiv, 1, and compare with II Pet. iii, I j v 9; John Hi, 16, and see how from the day aCCOmplianment. Mr. Kandolph 1 n 1 .. V A n .1 IT1... In Vnl. I rp w. BICKKTT, nUu(su-ua1uOUu D 0f iad in his comman tv . I biding place in Jixien unai tne story oi i j attorney AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. "ev. lx, no, hi, now iie is ever seeKing to who was a graceiui aancer ana LOUISB0B8 H. C. Prompt every matter U,.frn til f!l Manuiug, Hon. Root. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. have His wandering ones return to Him. vt- Ua v. f n?,. He even puts the words In their mouth " " """" " 6"" He boys and the the and painstaking attention given to which they shall say when they return to self UD in attractive style Z&SSSmSHoB. n Him (Hos. xiv 2). In the story of the wa8 the envy of the boys ai u uv.t w winn Rnn J. c. nroditzal in Luke xv He teaohes us how B uo OUTJ ul kuo uuyo tii kiiihwi Pri Wmt, National Bank Of Win- I t.Vin wnnrlnrnr in lnvpft nnd sonoht for hv 1 irlnl rf tou. oi'enn .Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank Qod tbe r-ther. God the Son. and God the , ft HnivSoirit neignoornooa. of Mouroe, Chas. K. Taylor, Pres. waae jror- e.t College, Hon. K. W. TimberlaKe. ulflce in Court House, opposite Sheriffs. But his accomplishmentsaruined VY. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, ILOUisBuae, v. o. Practices In all courts. Office in Neal UulMlng. VV. H YARBOROTJQH, JB. ATTORNEY AT LA W, LOUISBURG, N. C. Holy Spirit. 14. "Notwithstanding they would not 1 II T T IE TJ AMlUt 1T. turning and rest shall ye be saved; in him- 1118 head was turned and quietness and confidence shall be your he was never anything more than xxiii, 37, He says, "How often would I, & dancing dude. He had fair m- and ye would not" In Ps. lxxxl, 18, 11, He tellect, adds Mr. Randolph, and says, "Oh, that my people had hearkened , , . unto me, and Israel had walked in my without these superficial accom- ways, but my people would not hearken to pHshments might have turned his my voice and Israel would none of me." He ever longs to save and bless, but has talents to practical account, and to cry, "Ye will not come unto me." He have made a man of himself. Him not; He was in the world and the Richmond, Va., Evening Ledger. cond floor of .Neal buUding world was made by Him, and the world Olfice on se Main Street. All leiral business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. 1) R. D. T. SMITHWICK, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. A Kind Deed Rewarded. "I was running a paper down in Tennessee then," prefaced the ex- knew Him not; He only asks us to have faith in Him, to yield to Him, trust Him and follow Him. Why will we not? 15. "They followed vanity and became vain and went after the heathen that were round about them." In Jer. x, 8, 15, onAAVIno nf idols and their worshin. the Spirit, through the prophet, says, "The newspaper man, whose only work stock is a doctrine of vanities; graven ana Q0W is collect whftt other people molten images are vanity and the work of r r onnNi " Tho umn nhnntflT fiflVH T.nnr, Inn nwe II 1 III in inn W&V ni re II L HU(1 Office in Ford's Building 2nd floor. Ij0rd la the true God, the living God and ;ntAreat nnA ftf th fin looking King of eternity, the Creator of heaven and earth. In Jer. ii, 18, He says that His women you find in the mountains lwals of that region walked into the of- cisterns that can hold no water. The dee one afternoon and said: "Be whole book of Eoolesiastes teaohes that all . nA j : under the sun is vanity, but in the Song Yoans "6 eaiiorr of Solomon we learn of Him who is alto- 'Upon being informed shat I geer lovely, who alone can satisfy the en.oyed that diatinction she 16. "They left all the commandments of looked me over as though greatly tne ixra tneir uoa ana maae Tjieiii iuuiuou i . . , j Tv (.n i . - With an experience of twenty-five years lmaRe8." He brought them out of Egypt disappointed, and then told a long paragraph six years ago by read ing it to day. Below we give a few extracts from populists papers on fusion government and thy are not bo far back either If they were true last year why are they not true to day? "Up to this date tbe Legislacur is a damnable disgrace to the State." Caucasian February 27th, 1897. "The good done by the Ligirla tare could be printed in a small pamphlet. The bad done aud tbe good omitted would fill several large volumes." Progressive Farmer. "As to the Legislature of 1837. the one now in session, we have to say as a fact that it has won tbe contempt of the people generally of all parties, and we have to say as an opinion that we do not believe that.it can overcome that contempt in two years' time and hence can not get the approval of tbe people." Caucasian. " The Legislature only has about ten day snow to complete the work, and it hasn't begun tbe i work yet. Let tbe miserable pie tmnters go to work or go home." Progressive Farmer February 26, lb97. "To a man up a tree it appenrs that the Pops nominated some ex tremely sorry timber for the legis lature last year." Progressive Farmer. January 26, 1897. k. x 1 i I a f . n . ' m j ing rou.i tcm(i! me at '. c ; ffwr.' time to bcoirue i randnl:e re : rvr people f r any ; t ral r I :r , not a j - l ; ; ;ca I trjider ir.il -in' ', -.fx j time shii'i come. I ever, n N r. n ( l:na, that pol.r.ca'. h-nL.rs sSail ' based up. n poll', icai ;r nr:) !ri, I sha'. ( be con'.enl to rrma n s.m; i a ; r a'.r , csfzen, ami v )'e as I vee r :Sr tjest lir.'.s I can et ai : r,A: i r: under the cirrumrinrci t pr r.i :r goxl gn:rnmrn!. 1 am hrart.'.y k ' and disgusted at vee.ni our p';ii..c of nee made a mav.rr of mrrrrun.! ve : ' be hakcd around by p o :xx traiien for ure personal gain. t jr t.-.e ri oi government is that the pub.ir ti are the agencies of pjMvernmen:, ar. ! trvve who hold i hr m are vran'. -i the neofle. bui m t l iiioe h ! er and ottire vcetrri . i r.t j reven (Jay in N r ( h i 'i roi n x . . n r xr k r.xr reversetl trrs the t) "h er, .s ;h- true theorv' of vern-rer' "Tne traders now hue the r day . but it re'juire-s no proper; ; i ! .resee that a day is c m:r.j, and. ! r- : . near rt hand, wren tne "rdcM .!'. !r forced to go cu'- tus r.e-ss ml i r the peoj e a chance ! adm r. 'er our own S'.ate g jvernmrnt up n i or rect pi ;nc:p!ev" I ituhem I x ' y Ke curd. dom It it tha ril of a partisan's s&c-i t? e-a at-r aetion! No our. ean dsfvnd lh- too sfdiasa a '. : Agricultural DpartrBl, ecr caa S&- tar &rvi a auv on ms'l a de-ent arolejMr ft ibe Unl aai a.a't-3 d I ho withholding of lb sor.nt! r .J Kx trraj a! ir port of th 3printadnt of lb SVal I'rtsoc r. ona lri W. Il : wo-iUl have bn far b- lLr for ths l'rori Ksimir and tka '.on Kpub.iea:., and o',brs, f thy had sipood lbs coodl'.iocs of the mat itriticns lotUad of d no'jcln( lh dit-r of th H- eordvr a .d trying W aaaka thair reader U.mn that L is a pari! a:., mpu 't b a t h public ly ! ttvi a.i!r. farta r.ali Uj lh- r. .) tic n, which cc ditiM odfnd. TbT kti('W that w ar , r.ol i nnalr :f r-T rr.T- and ;r. uti . &t mm ;.-' yet. t ' t are arni: thai w arv net afra. . of ali lh (oil '. teal pa'.ts ; n lh ta'. T:. y r i.ot goicjf Vo fright : uawtthth.rm it r pr" c La'. . r. t r. '. j " m. '.. - i . : . e at th tb.r der, utictal.ont, not a. cf 1 1 wi'.b sil that tbv ean tT ct uat r it o fllt i -'.f. a aUrwttS. Ir f ri -ft w4 U WTm. ial ai'a bf m. a li.ckfrv T" racr is trciri a S !' r;.v iiajc'M. -.k. x-t 4.x 3iS SO. J ; .vt f r ! t f J. t ( .ra 1 ax t. in'fn a eat t to erit ; S-r lo t, -. ' ia: '.S S5 f -i ; -r-1 v- .-: -spa il d "4: . it i?ir.k .Ja t i Vtr 13 si l :f t - Se i x -'at i tt-1 APR KM P0'DEH BUGGY AID WAGOH "..1-4". . t DUCiT AND wj A GQ H aORKS ; m-'t '. rs -r 1 - ! a 1 1 t . a. ie-t .jie-r. T t will put tho jtacd f a'.hrv.li. i :.trc. h i r'a"-'T Wo know t attacks wir cox ; 1 . ; t h v havo b"- r. r' k : n -! -3 01.g be forn wo tp. ikt 03I 1 1 it bad t-. eoneoal a:. ti 1 n w ;rtt tn dofor.4 oco, i' : wort to '.rr : -dottroy hina bi ipott ctt. at! it.'. i worso 'o mass fait ttatmc'.t about bltn, tayic h it strtisj a r artv te,in or. It to 1:. ;r t.t it Suor.ee I'.t'.tr b-- h?ntt 'a .. a wrong a wrong. an i -. 1 p 'o right it W':.al a roatsfn'.trr upon '.bit o.l world' in thousand ytars of r.ia- v : a - , -3 Tif 1 ; - ar t ' ' a t ". - - 1 Mr tar - - -a a--.-i ;. a . f 1 1 v.a : i i a a i k - .- r.r - a n - 'i - f a - r ' ry teaching y Miopi ia'. a r-fleet ion upon all th sfforU of tba teachers of men. '.hat this timpl oti mun! bo taught all ctr .1 a 1 r. 1 : . t L 1 1 lielh century, ar. 1 '.aujfht li rate who are :n rtp .as.bl relations th.r f'l lows' ; a w r. . c , cf tha twt- ' : r.:: a ; : tt 1 1 ; -rat-Ti : pf ttt: 1 p. 11 . e-i'rs. :.et : rf M .4 r.ji 9 net 4 i t :n. ; 1 1. : 4: t-e ; tT- 1 f-"i fi-i-tic 3t'r- .4 : 4 ns t : ,' ' r. 1 1 4 - 1 ' -i - V(4IW if' T ' .11. 4 1 xr..'. - " a. 4 ri; :i"? z. ' 'if ' ; -r t 4 : j it: ciT' K -'o.' ' r : v m" I 0 T f '. W- W - v r ; j; : w .! - s : 4 1 1 : ts, cc ' Se 7 '. -J jf le-, U r 1 t.A o :r al. : Srwr ' .s j i e. - iK,e ai oe j 4 1 4 in - t a - i ri 'a 'f ! :ki : : r (i : p . 7 ' f t a :r '. k ja : Ij .4 - 1 - : - ' 1 vcrel i'4.-. R'Tiew JEWELRY, J EWER Y, JEWELRY Watchci, Clocki and Jewelry C h t ap r on CASH 1 ' What a N hopjw-r The schemes an.i ptories - pub lican office holders work or. their colored constituents are won derful. This afternoon a colored man approached a I'tnocrat and . 4 '.a r. z -e !ia adminintered and teeth extracted without pain. Jj R. R. E. KLNQ, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office over Avcocke Drug Company. aid thai be watited to ask Lire "Of course there are some good something. Tbon he went .-;. :o men here, who can not, in justice be held responsible for tbe record, but we are speaking of t'je record of the Legislature as a wbo'.e, and unless that record shall be iH a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the up-to-date lines of tne prolession.i that He might be their God and they His gtory of petty domestic difficulties people, that other nations seeing God in , , , , , , and through them might turn from tbe tbat had led to the disappearance folly of idolatry to the God of Israel, the 0f her husband about two weeks only living and true God. But when Israel XT , j 1 turns away from the true God to worship before. Now she wanted to put the idols of the heathen what can the -jn a nice advertisement telling heathen conclude but that the God of Israel . jalil 1s not as good as their godsr Thus Israel that he was forgiven and that she dishonored their God. longed to have him at home. How 17. "They sold themselves to do evil In 0 the sight of the Lord, to provoke Him to much would you charge herr anger." In I Kings xri, 20, 25, Elijah said 'Two . dollars an inch," I an te Ahab, "Thou hast sold thyself to work evil in tbe sight of the Lord." See also swered. Isa. 1, 1; Hi, 3. There are two bidders for "Taking a pencil and a sheet of tirJZ copy paper she figured laboriously but tries to hide from us the awful hereaft- I for pretty near an hour. At er or W Mil us inm more is ijo iuuuic vrx- , . 1- t. ment; but see Math, xxv, 41; Luke xvi, length she tore the paper into 83; Rev. xiv, 9-11. God offers peaoe and 8hreds and was deliberately walk eternal clory hereafter, but how many, ing out of the office when 1 asked PUDIIC. HOTELS. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. Woodaed, Frop., Eocky Mount, N. C. Free Bus meets all trains," Rates $2 per day. FRANKLIN T01N HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C. SAWL MERRILL, Prfr. Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. 08B0RN, Proprietor, say tbat tb' otTicr-holder of their party g'es as an excuse f r not giving colored people auy poi tions tbat they bad to get I-::io- rats to go on tb;r bonds and lhat AN K V R v "T Ai r-Ksl. wrer-.-. t ". 1 rr. re .'. c . :.t.i. "e pa:.-, f i-iiy was r.r u: m rr .r '.:. trc-u 'y )( 11.1 rj ,3 rn:rit:e : na; 4: in ro otsl n: e t jr rrci! c r. -J e a '. r. ! Ijrr y : 1 'r r. N rrr. '.r. xt. i :r ) 1 cu: '. (r -ro Se tor.i-, is p.or.sl I ern "aa: jar's. wt:. r ,nrt o i-jr tcrraf ;rr . 'a 1 a t'rz. r ght u lorn vy. .: : .? n -tr . r.r r-,lf-' f '. i-t ;nrta vfverr.es 1 ' r. k w r . . ! : t result ! ac". ..r. Sw cats t -s destr jy . n rur.l : reta.ld '. ai.ee - n i a ' ei . c;.r-! car-14 'w- 1: ! j 4 1 '. 1 t t'Ufi 4 - -1 V 1 :i ill y - -' 1 a o-i .w .--.s:;t-.'-. -r- -s,.'s REPAIRING. a : ind.ie nrri men a-d liar. 1 .r. S . w r r 1 .f u 4 r. ; r. t o t" idem eta r- r.k we.l if -e js t4 -I r ri;i a r 4 1 '.a . 1 - r .,--.- nV.nnm.n,llt -ban o-od w i th i n a. tb e v the Democrats exacted a' 0 rr.rn n n week it will be tbe imperative dutv, and we think it will be the pleasure of the people to see that such a crowd is never sent up to make laws again." Caucasian, February 27, 1897. "Thus the people's mooey is be ing divided out to pay political reward. There is no help for it now. But tbe tax payers of North Carolina will speak in thunder tones at the polls when there is another election. No party, no man has ever been able to run rough shod over the people of the State, but a short time "Pro gressive Farmer, Febroary 23, 1897. ma ;' tner.' promise that they would not gi ve i be darkey any showing 1 From tbe circumstance stir- j rouudiug this story, it is no doubt , rue to tbe letter, but it i th mot absurd torv ever cooeocked t is true Democrats, some few, are , on bonds of some Ilepnbl icanv but tbat tbey ever asked for such a ; promise is a fabrication, pire and J simple, told to dlud' the no groes. I But it won't work. Tb nero is beginning to real iz lhat he it doing considerable over half th' voting and getting none of the of!'; ces and is k ick ing - (Jrensboro 1 -'i Record . :-.e r n v Quit Counting Since the War. like Israel, prefer the servioe of satan and ner jf gne thought the charge was tne pleasures ul biii duu uwidio wj 1 , . , lie about tbe hereafter! I too high. 18. "Therefore the Lord was very angry I mj (Jon't reckon I know any . . T , I 1 .L. r.A. f VXa I J Bight. There was none left but the tribe inmg Bumyct uuoiuwb. ouu. " of Judah only." The very next verse says j never see that much money letter that Judah also kept not the command- , ments of the Lord. Yet God spared them lone handlin of it. Joe 8 WUth it, a little longer. In the last lesson of the t t couldn't never buy him back neiff quaruor . .441 a TTa'a .t, J Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for the ity also. But as truly as prophecy was ful- at them figures. He s six three in filled in the punishment of Israel (verse .. . fft.t .b Joe is At t2 travel i no-nn ViHc. B3. so shall nronheoy be fulfilled in their . ; ..' a a NORWOOD HOUSE Wirrenton, Nortb Carolina w. j. NOHW 00 J, Proprietor. Puronage of Conunercial Tourl. ana 5 nveiing PnbUc BoUclted. 0f &ii blood and skin diseases. Good Sample Boom. P w. For sale bj druggists. asisr Horn, to Btobxs AID Cotrt HOVfJ - - . fntnre restoration (Jer. xxxli. 41; Amos a inch I make it $150- I'll just lx, 14, 15), when Israel shall blossom and . . d it his T an(j bud and fill the face of tne eartn wita . .... I I I f.ll.M I fruit (isa. XXVII, U. I awator. I didn't eyen smile, gentie men. There was something noble in her resignation. I advertised 'Joe,' got other papers to copy, and rounded him up. One morn ing there was a ten gallon keg of moonshine whiskey at my kitchen door and I did not advertise for MASSENBURG HOTEL J P Mlasseri.bui-g' Propr HENDERSON, N. C. Good accommodations. Good fare: Po Cures Kidney and Bladder Troubles. lit aad attentive servant mi o.na nf annh cases have been cared by the use of Botank ( Blood Balm ("B B B.") H yon doubt It. eaii or send to the Company whose adrertis ment appears in this paper, and they wUl.for a one-cent stamp, send yon a book of wonderf nl enres, not only of the 41... Knt. nf all manner 01 ail- 4UU1V - . y . . cure $1.00 an owner. Ex. OA0TOHIA. A Georgia man was arraigned for beating his wife. "What have you to ay for yousell? asked the judge. "Kin I speak out jedgc?" "Yes. What you have to say?" Jedge, yer honor, I want ter say just this: I never did have no trouble with none er my wives 'cept this one My fust wife wuz a angel, my second came mighty nigh bein one, my third wax willing an reasonable, ray fo'th wnz moderate, my" "In tbe name ol goodness, inter ruptea the judge, how many wives have you had' ' The man looked thoughtful and then said. "Jedge, I don t know. I nse ter keep track of 'em, but I quit counting after Lee's coerendei!" 1 c -. . ere :?x x 1 "W r-s ar.ee ca-wd to prjjanrc t n :ne i-ress of S::e to n el3' imi i i uiri ij j It n n tSr ery jj',.nm'n(( I his lat: data Sn h s no 1 r-f r r ai : 1 f ct sc-1 ;,sk to n rr.. w c . 'Si n ;rr a.-- r. : ... s ia. : a 1 . t :ru psras'a; n H4t na ; ' 1 f es.v d t a a z, : r r. r.-w . '. Tr a t. 1 .x ' f. n' st'i -4 t-e '-s "Ala! :t ' 5 Cl.t i' 1 t it rv Twr w v. re ad--; '-; q.xal Snat-iJd St - irpi 1 .- d tr t . i.k i 1 rs ct.sof-s d i-p"j ; I ' -( r jhar! e ai i. s ' -s-f t - a. -' a i Its mi rvv r! s:; ; ( rerrrwr -4 1 ir J'iel flrvi Ti-re . rrtf 4 -: r - i ! p. -e ;-"Kt ' a c . arroastt l ' :v tiiip T "r 1 D. P. LYNCH il i r. Must Rr In It O Bsanflw Rfiatan .sf QTC tiUmtsshwliaasX A - ' " """ - - 1 rt The conditions under which sa fights are fought are entirely d:f fernt from tboee nnder which land battles are conducted. Hence it is tbat tbe naval hero can win bis laurels only by fibling for tbem He can't remaiu in the background and direct tbe rave. ments of his fleet. He is required to be in the thick of it, to be at much eipoood to danger as any man on tb shir., and rather to Ml tbe pace in fighting. Therefore, while the soldier may become a military hero, though never ei posd to actual danger and sever in tbe actual njfbliog. tbe sailor can never expert to become a naval hero unless he wins bis victory with the shell Hying a boa I blss and his own ship sailing Into the thickener tbe fray. Tb absent naval hero is nakaowa to the hl tory t)f the nary. alsapkis Coat nertul Ar.'t 3 ri mrvr ss.ier w-Afi ' s-'. cieariy. and a! m -1 lefcf.n. 1 Se tnrr nvskrs ii.1 w-S. U . ir and rer-s n e. '. s -vj d re rrto'.t tin irrpi is ri as iai wo-jVi r.,e tt S f.n Can;ei f v ' w C,r" " r n.te rr-.e o tir Ntate sA-'-J Wll !W cu !: :li i n t.-r lm. rsi.r par's. We erm st-T .a ax 1- u 11 rm( 1 e a yrop&eey t'ri Scclrwa-t kssvlra;! T 'r !-.-s thr State, and t mi alrrady trra f: , 'J ' ? , ft: led to the -rr, fer stl -r. n i assssrtsvra! o ST p- is. o the ru n of the rr l.oaBrssosiwraltr 'M' Tirirs.t whKhtSr 1mmr.1l Van k-wr4 so i bi '-" i-r.t -rll.and -h--h Se cat tSe ..rrr.tti j ' ; ' f h t pre' 1 te ' SS4 Mf.Wr orf trwr 1 .ar 1 f :-i , tctraa! a tkai bas w- i Keprai nj the weis ol tbr rra! rnbone o( ,rwor hKa. brew , Ttst, r" dead t,r n re than tr rr.rr. Tfcr J '- s : Ctxt.n,oT.:ih no-twiar ttua. lot , - ' J ' s . . . . , t o4 ail csrottWwiS. ywTT ;r-fi!aw hue men atd frrols oi frl f ovt a , ' v . .v whra iftwt are U-s-i sa 4T" o tSr ' I'H'" w Feed Sale Liyerj STABLE MES i r.'.iv ? 1 , ; . LO'oiSUjna s.C. -fc 1 ' ? ' Ill W ' I j t - t t.t. 7 a w art s -t ; t-a t . at n rt-tvt.: a.ak. ; s'.f t doty wtt rv .-rr more pia 1 f wwwasaw n rr F r t I wa kiof rw i ativr than at th memo'.'' Wr rrsH it the hrs daty 0 e-rrry Site rasa wbo n at all reirrrsscd be sale fotrtnmrot r4-Noih CarrJuu to rve solidly the Dewa-ncraiw: iraes ihrt yesr tad rrder-rw th Sal from mssrale tad dwiraceM ssd srkraif crwt p o. Cotaassaow wrah a. pataaa F4'Ut lywa ar (Us at U Vo SO wraSa rf fsk4ar aa aa saakaw sto-std b ai 10 twtsaa. ft nark tr iwan ffwaa sa4 tt t Ik raw Usawa a sasw sTx-tfta aw aay etW. lSewatsiMtr jwlsfs. 801 ky A. C. niw 0, fUo C C M, A C TWa. k4 f wa4 a wr. La r aaslt tWwlt taw kaswasLka W ttmvT. Tt ,aat wan up IWi U law laUa. Iw M W af wl aas-l sntr fnw aii,raws-" aaaii w awaaal tf t w a rSawaraw. s4 waa eaa4 aw4 -r t Ktaaft w- tWiiai 1 it t 1 am a tafc.w, aakVa aaU tuata. W Ita aina iXaa f Sa atf a ka twaaawrSaia w lata 11 1 il it x4 ka ap a si arwa a Vtswawwl 4aw a mrtim jLsaha. lnwiaa ta4 td taa4 al Saaar sfwSVwt atw aaiwwtfaafy aw Vf D nuiij u: iiliuti mi -1 L t .n c ci loiwSEQ ti:.ui: KUU. nrni y lintmu. ns i k- .. )Ma Vf oT7 !f 1 (t av-r;rt . a' Sbuit -.at r 4 . M.as a. T W 1 Iaa-t C KsWa Xaat WaJ aa JtywMtka Jw-sf Cia a tf , rajt a w ---sMnsa ll rSwloW Htl, l M H r s s 1 J

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