- v-- ' "".'v:.; ;-. Til V - , -. ...... . V 5- .TV -. . FRANKLIN JAS. A. TKCMAS, Editor and Proprietor. vol, xxvin THE COIHSTTY, THE STATE, THE TJISnOiT. (lll'HCH DIRECTORY METHODIST. I -u .lny t-CLcol at 9:30 A. M. Geo. S. Baker, Supt. 1 ,. ;,, biriK at 11 A. M., and 8 P.M., rU-i Minday. j meeting- Wednesday night. G. F. Smith, Pastor. BAPTIST. 'iii'iay School at 9:30 A. M. Thus. B. Wjxdeb, Supt. I'r-.-ii'lnntr at 11 A. M., and 8 P.M., I'ruyr m-eting Thursday night. KotKEtaT Smith. Pastor. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON III, FOURTH QUARTER, INTER NATIONAL SERIES, OCT. 16. 1'rolV'Kwional cards r. lirur, l TICLNU PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. i! , . in 1 In' Ford Building, corner Mail .,-li htrcftH. l'i stairs front. B. M ASSKNBURG, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOU1SBUR8, N. C. W ill iT.n tice in all the Courts of the State Ollire iu Court House. c. M. Ci'UKK & SON, A TTOKNEYS-AT-LAW, LOU1SBURB, N. c. W111 attrinl the courts of Nash, Franklin, nrmvilli , Wiirnn and Wake counties, also the mu r.'iui' Court of North Carolinp, and the U. r, uit iiii'l District Courts. . PK. K. S. r'..TEK. Br. J. E. Malose i) R. KOSTER & MALONK l-KA-.-ritiNQ PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Louisburg, N. C. c i;:..-.- 1 ivit Ayi'vn ke Drug Company. -y II. L1PF1TT, M. D , PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, FRAN KLIN TON, N. C. I) R. W. U. NICHOLSON, FRACT1CINQ PHYSICIAN, LoUIHBURe, N. a. ORDERS BY SIGNALS! THE 8ILENT SYSTEM OF A LUNCH ROOM IN CHICAGO. LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1808. I Rata a aod Jenkins A Contra t. Mlttlimci: JI.C3 hs Yur. Strtj ki Ltmtt. NUMBER 54. . .- : : - . . ONLY A FADED FLOWER. Text of the Lesson, II Cliron. xxiv, 4-13. Memory Verses, 9-11 Golden Text, II Chron. xxxlv, 1 Commentary by the KeT. D. M. Stearns. 4. "And it came to pass after this t.hnk -KToash was minded to repair the house of tne Lord. After the death of .Tnhmhanv who did right in the sight of the Loid (II Chron. xx, 32), the story is a sad one of unbelief and rebellion until Joash at the age of 7 and under the guidance of Jehoiada the priest began to do right in the sight of tne Lora (verses 1-3). It may have been 20 years or more after the death of Jehosha- phat that the temple, so long neglected, began again to be honored. The negleot of the temple meant the neglect of God. 5. "Gather of all Israel money to repair the house of your God from year to year and see that ye hasten the matter. " It is interesting to note that the neglected house of the Lord was a safe hiding plaoe for the child Joash for six years (II Kings xl, 8). What a comment upon the disuse of God's dwelling place in the midst of Israel and their utter forgetfulness of God! This compulsory attempt to raise the mon ey for repairs is very much like the way most Christians act now, but it is not the Lord's way. The Levites probably under stood this and therefore were slow to obey the king's command. "6. "The collection of Moses, the servant of the "Lord, and of the congregation of Israel for the tabernaole of witness." The king called for Jehoiada and asked why Orer One Hundred and Fifty Different Articles of Food Which the Waiters Can Call For by Simply Mirg Motions With Their Hand. The other day a man slipped into a Monroe street lunchroom, ordered me dium boiled eggs, and when be had done so he ducked instinctively that the waiter's voice might pass over bis head, but it didn't The waiter snapped bis fingers vig orously, looked across the room and then raised bis right band with the thumb and forefinger held to form a circle and the other three fingers in the air. Then he turned to an urn to draw the coffee quietly and in good order. "Ain't you going to order my eggs?" the man asked fearfully. "Eggs is ordered, sab. Got em on the fire now," replied the Waiter. "How is that?" asked the customer suspiciously. "I ordered 'em as soon as you gave me the order, " said the waiter. "All I got to do is just that, " and again he made the cabalistio sign with his thumb and forefinger above his head. The man was almost overcome by surprise. At last he had found the place he had so long sought, where he could eat in quietness. When he had finished the eggs and coffee, he sought out the the Levites had hot been required to brinar manatrer of the house and miri: this in. The answer of Jehoiada is not "I want to buy a ticket to eat here orlZ'nr 6LZr I?7rful,,thTaD the rest of my life, and I want to find gument, and possibly priests and Levites iU . . . .l, gave themselves to prayer. InEx.xxx.11- nt some things about this system of 16, there is the record of the ransom or yours- The manager took him aside atonement money which every man gave tol him the secrets of the queer when enrolled in the army of Israel, but messages which had passed from waiter this money was used to build the taber- to head waiter and back to the kitchen, nacle (Ex. xxxviii, 25-28). In Deut. xvi, The distance is too great for a waiter 16, 17, there is a record of an offering free- to walk back and transmit every order ly given when the people came to Jorusa- to retTlrn to h, lem to worship the Lord, and this, I think, fnTT,p would be the proper offering for the re- ' A , pairs. Notice that this was brought -to Years ago two waiters who should go the temple. down to fame for their serivce to dys- 7. "The sons of Atbaliah, that wicked peptic and unhappy mankind devisod a woman, had broken up the bouse of God, system of signals for all the articles of But Its Ies Rooaed the Sara la the Man's Nature, Ha was well past middle age, he waa homely, and bis soiled and shabby at tire didn't fit. Evidently he was of the great mass of toilers, workers by band rather than with brain, and hia patient, lined face was of that dull, putty col ored pallor which comes from exhaust ing labor in an atmosphere heated be yond common endurance. He Bat in an open car, bent and weary and toil stain ed, but there was a pleasant light on his dull faoe, as of a smile hiding some where behind lips and eyes. In one grimy, thick fingered, broken nailed hand be held, tenderly and carewingly, a tiny spray of pink geranium. It was too big for a button hole, it was too slight and unpretentious to havo been bought singly from stall or store. Evi dently it had dropped from a bouquet somewhere on the street, and this son of the soil had found it aud was taking it borne. How carefully be held the pink blos soms in his clumsy hand, balancing the spray loosely between the first aud x ond finger of one hand, that it might not get overheated or rubtxxl and shit M ing it with the cther open palm from the hot glare of the sun when thr car bobbed past the opeu croswiiiKa of the streets! I think ho was dreaming a lit tie, too, perhaps of a woman ur a child to whom in the noisy, dirty city this slight pink blossom would enmc as a message from another and a fairer world, for the nnsu eiuiUi m-'mel to flicker more brightly, and his i-Tit,Ti'w thoughtful and faraway. Then, suddenly with a ru.-tle i f taf feta skirt, a nodding of wmij.1p.us They are 8wbx the LixtU Nw-ad Obnrrrer. It wj in 1883, we believe, that the Congressional Convention of the Foorth Drsirct, wis held 10 long deadlock in theUoaoos contett lor the nomina t ion when Cox, Graham, Fuwle, Cooke and Bann were candidate. After be convent 100 . had ttken many bal lon ind it begin to look like the deadlock could not be broken, there was a break in fivor of nominating Hon. Thoinat Ruffio, who hid lately resigned his seat on the Supreme Court bench. When the muter sprung on the convent on ind n about to be consummated, Jule K it fin dciuanded to be heard, ind mk! in ijbariee "I came to thu convention Irom'Ofsne it the beid of 1 deWgi tion chargrd to nommite Msjnr J hn VV. (.rihara for Congreiv H jldini hit trim, and com ne here he friend if Mi) t t'.raham. I u.1 deel nc the n-'m:nat n.n if it rrr o;Trr.l me y acclamation. N j h n oraMe man can art as the frwnd f,l another sn.l accei: a n.mmamn h't h h friend dev rev " '1 na: was f ;ur:eeo ear a TSe i' I'V man has gne : . - r ar1 and t ryoM!e ( all jar- es .v.'.l s lunir iniarij the S:a:'s iVrs ir'siv ar.d i-urest patrols. H . Ire ml as n t nom-na'ed a: t Si: r r.sen: : r,. arvl re s. .n saw ih: r.eo j i r: t ' .:de K ,:h t w .u'.,1 n t e; : he pnie he in 1:1 ATTORN E"S S-AT-LAW, LOUlSBURe, K. c. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, rjiMiiville, Warren and Wake counties, also Hi-, .-upr. uie Court of North Carolina. Prompt .tioiu.in Kiven to collections, &c. T HuS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, tOUlSBOBO, N. C. oiu. e uu Main street, over Jones & Cooper's and also all the dedicated things of the house of the Lord did they bestow upon Baalim." Is thore any danger of our taking things that belong to God and, like that wicked woman and her sons, giving tbem to Baal? Let Baal stand for all other lords except the Lord Jesus Christ; then, if hon est, would wo not have to say, "O Lord the bill of fare. At first the system was quite simple and the signs were few, calling only for the principal things on the card, but it has grown with time until now there are over 150 articles of food which can be ordered by waves and motions of the hand. No other res- res- -r h is !r en! 1 wf 'm j .na! ( our God, other lords beside thee have had taurant in the country has a system like dominion over us" (Isa. xxvi, 13). What- it. ever is given to self or the world of that A headwaiter or his assistant stands which belongs to tho Lord is like taking in tne center 0f the floor during the from the Lord to give to Baal. rnsV, Uonra and knS an pv nn th 8. "They made a chest and set it with out at the gate of the house of the Lord." waiters behind the long counters, sur- 'ji W. B1CKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBURG N. C. Hr nuj.t ami painstaking attention given to ef r multrr intrusted to his hands. R. -tvrs 10 Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John M iiniMit:. llou. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Hint. in. First National Bank of Win- b! 11. lil. iin 4 Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank uf Monroe, Chas. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est :.iii.-u Hon. E. W. Timberlake. off i.-.- in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. y M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Tr. tt Tin.Tc ,n o u. i k. vlr, rounded by " stool climbers." If a cus Dlaced beside the altar on the rieht side as tomer orders roast beeT medium, the one cometh into the house of the Lord, waiter snaps his fingers to attract the By comparing the two verses we see that attention of the head waiter. Then he it was done by Jehoiada, the priest, at tho makes a cut across his left hand with king's commandment. The altar suggests nis rjgnt sticks up his right thumb cne sacrmce, uoq s love to us, me cose 01 Tr.of.nfW tV,Q waiter rcta t.h our redemption, the love of Christ which . , , tl , w . 1, ' ... , 6ignal to a man in the back room, who constraineth us to yield all we are and "6 . ju r.i,vn r,v,P,flTfiiiiv to Trim Giving i PftSv transmits it to the cook, and the roast when we consider Him who so loved us beef is being prepared before the wait- that He gave Himself for us. What can er who took the order could have gone we give compared with His gift? five "feet toward the kitchen, and there 9. "And they made a proclamation jg no noise or fuss about it If a small plumes and flowers, a fa.hi. nal.ly dressed woman sprang pa?t the t.uI-T, eager to catch the car nml r- g.u-dl. KH . f any one iu her way Her ru!i'.d hU. caught the fragile utalk and liroshM fT some of its pale flowers; her swinging opera glasses Knappel the delicate stT.i The man tried in vaiu to save his tn-.-vs ure. It was too lat. Tho pink p t.iU lay on the floor of the car, and tho gnyl v clad woman was arranging her l.n-s with never so much as a wnnl i f apil. gy. I suppose she thought it . f no a count, if she thought of it at all. But there was a look in tho toiler's eyes that I did not like to nev. T!i smile had gone, and the Ux.k wan like one I once saw on the faoe of a N v-fc'ar when a brutal passerby had kicked hi only friend, a little mongrel cur. but his. Sometimes life soms hardly juirt and fair, in spite of one's happiest jiln- losophy. Flowers are tho one artistic joy of the poor. They are what pictnrv, books, theaters, jewels, are ti the nrh There is nothing elsv and knowing thia.it almost seems sometimes that ct of supplanttng h;m while s-jpportng the flower mission is one af the uoblet vti lor n mmat: or,?' ' Id ienkitvs Neva and Ot rrw. The Populau, who are hooeat citi zen (ind we hare alwiyt known and declared that moat of them art booo) are begioinf to are the l'ght, and are wilking in the l'ght. There is a Populist c4 thrs chanctrr in Mirtin cosmtf. Mr Satnoel Pile. A Democritic nightoT nkesi Mr. Pile how he wosjld voe with the RepctMcin to fmen such rjero gowrornent is ei tti in Cnen cosinty Mr. Pale rrp4ed that he dwln'i televe it m myth nj I ke the Demorrm tini, bat that i( it Ne would not adrocale fvrson wtih 'he kerxibln-an. IkraorriK nenh t)or t.Srn said ! ,i make rosJ a ifios;iion. tou jo 13 Newtwra tod 1 lork to:o the ranter tSre. If c do o-M fifs-1 t I ke iSe iVtrwn'i mt I will pi Tootrirntei irxl n.- nt v5 ! to vt'e w:h j Hi' .( ! " mrtli 1 he I tin ni ui, w ;n yosir - n nrtnn irni :e t fx- t m. ' cril 1 ir ket j M'. Pale ifrff ! ir. 4 tc . ' View be rn :o iee K--w r. f 1 ii r ' dye : e d '. here an 1 :' j .r , leaders : r e -n - ! were 'f '.. rj ' ' Se tr -a- v . '. '. f- 1 ri'rrrfu SfV" T ; - i. i S! f "m t jr ' j r i r. -. ' . .1' . 1 ar-r.er ..I j r r. rrti's. (ii 1 i n S? Vti 1 f 'it, 1 - ! wt - t .lewTO PolltJea. rvome of oar Popaliil friaoJt In- j ill that all Ibis Ulk about the ' fro wanting eSt it all u:k ' to frif htm tbaa away frea fa- loo.aod aaj Ihera aodaagar Raad the followiog aitracl froa a p h in id b t AN MiliUlon a negro of Dapha eoaotr "Wbj.I d-stbe dwUlitf 1 e. mj coooty. md wbeo I d t tK dictatiD w aiwayt ,e, "W doa'l want m - r r. fro in o5t r-.fbt ow cn int lo : 1 1 IB-ri',: r t of n:ggt' ar.4 g-el tla wliu j .; . time id i carry the tsi: tkea we !1 ta e .. J 11: - if i: 1 t-e-erh wt will . i . fc- : r s : 1 a.--' t C ilflt'wi fr:a Vi -r 1 r.gr- f;r ;t .t-l - Ur. e 1 w . f:fjni 1 , . '" w : l m a r - r . ' ; . t i r. 1 1 e : . - . . U". T FtTl'ADEH tar . gara 1 Tr. 1 '.: BUGGY AID WAGON . i. : 1 . . t . : 4 e V ij u' : ( n met n Kaie-h r r en (. ha'-iam r. un'v rame er :T r. r.s ii tr.e Ir en! and sut.u-rr o1 tvicmur. 'ro(i. lid 'er.k-r.t mi::e r,e h ii iiu.-I m rals tui h: ty J idge Rurhn? W r.cn a Ketub'.. ran .'U';.;il. ho r.to.ls ( fr-.re under McKinlev. ouih! to defeat Mr -:rowd bv divnt-.ne ( hathim'i vote lid Sher tT Jenk ns say "I came here as the Inenn m Mr 'rowd. inl I will n t te gu;l: of :re disftosioriblr ' r. r f i;;-e-r. - -i'. - r 'l' '. t .r '"? . .e '.r ' x-r ', a' rc ' S en 1 1 I 1 4 , m ' h r ' 4 ' i ' 1 -n a r. ' ti f ir; '''. ' ' . . . 1 1 - : . iffll 'Kl M " . k ( t ' .. 1 4 err tit. 'f-xf-f - :i.i u' . 1 ' 1 aer Mr :'i'' ji" ' ..-1 "A f.rk :'. a - i f '. 1 r. f . 1 ' ws 1 t ! o 11 t h : si : t To ' Vr- : ' N f". 't' 'ti bs - t 1. -!. 'Two sears ( '. w 1 1 j.e-! lae t Se Wmvn' jar's, r ;! of furtherrg rem n ref -ti w' 1 ''.' w V on earth. Elniira Telegram. through Judah and Jerusalem, to bring in to the Lord the collection." This is wholly different from sending out the Driests to gather it (verse 5). This is the Lord's way, the other is man's way. When the tabernaclo was to be built, proclama- steak is ordered, the waiter holds his right hand at the height of his head. palm out, fingers joined. If it is to be medium, he clinches his hand quickly and lets his thumb project If the cus- Practices Hii.Miiik- ILOU1SBUBS, N. O. in all courts. Office li Neal VV. II YARBOROUGH, JR. ATTORNEY AT LA W, LOUISBURp, N. C. uifirc en second floor of .Neal building Mni u Street. All lcirul business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. JR. D. T. SMITHVvlCK, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. office in Ford's Building, 2nd floor. Na administered and teeth extracted without pain. J jR. R. E. KING, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Ok kick over Aycocke Drug Company. With an experience of twenty -five years in a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the up-to-date lines of the profession. HOTELS. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. WOODABD, Prop., Rocky Mount, N. C. Free Bus meets all trains, Rati $2 per day. Prlvtrs ud I'lrktrs. One may dig out of the histories of naval wars in the past more interesting and exciting adventures of privateer than of the regular ships of the line and, if privateering is entirely omitted in modern wars, a picturoequo and spec tacular feature of naval enoouuters must "go by the boards." The sixteenth aud seventeenth century privateers brought more romance and adventure into th literature of the world than their les l to Chest U ex mc :h s hij-h s'and that ;iec:ei i f men of the h deals? What d:d Jenkins il ) in this crnrs that wis to test his pol.ticil moril'tj? He adopted the mittu, I scents what pays the lies: And goes for it bald headed lenk ns was not taken by surprise was !ei ' 11 ev c z'.ii l vf-;-"! through t re rr-rr f : :' 1 f-arty ar.d '.Vr.xiih 'a'. ;r's '. Is -3 i.nre the e.er.tl' eee: -.c - ' ,' I ha -t ha i rns rri i;T-ei -- r ! rapt ton of the P f. irt. ir. '. ! hire witnessed '.he ticj"! s itie' ! ence of rr'tw ' 1 cr"-l I kne ler: Pt,!,c 1 that ihe Pope', -t: marh ne a .is. a:- an5 s'ands p. edged : 1 lii'.rc rrp tit even more irm'.v "j;- r. : Ne ; '.e -! the ( id N r'h ::? iMn :hi: .' it .resent cjrsea o'j: ;-:p'f Fellow ft :er.i I a-n a wh "e 1 -a n . 1 I e 1 e n e : ha '. '. w s r r.'rr 1 - 4 1 r. 1 w it t 1 f : M Tl- if1.? wcrk t. g 1 .'. i:w- sr. - ' t . a . :ir3sr wn U 1 V c & t b LltD f hi rs , r : ; a r s r g w i. a - 1 is). V ; 1 . . - 1 FKANKLIKTOiN HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C. SAM'L MERRILL, Prp'r. Cjooi accomodation for the traveling public. (iood Livery Attached. tion was made that all who were willing tomer wants it well done, the open might bring their offerings, and the result hand sign is followed by two quick was that so much came in that Moses bad blows of the right fist on the left palm. to command the people to stop bringing Q eye Qf the interpreter must be xxxv, y; xxxvi, o, t). 11 was tne qtlick to catch the changes in the sign, same willing spirit that provided for the - aoi nTrcx n1 tUa han fnii. temple (I Chron. xxix, 9). I believe that tui " '"a "v f"" if people were taught ihe privilege of giv- anotiie5 mea8 "omething entirely lng because of God's great gift to them different from what a certain move thev would todav give as freoly as in tho means if originally displayed. If an days of Moses and of David. I have 6een oyster stew is called for, instead of It and know it and have heard of the same shouting "stew one in strident tones. spirit in other parishes, where the efforts fa e custom in many restaurants of to raise money were set aside and tne peo- the iower price variety, the waiter pie permitted .to give willingly. Ma fingerv when he has 1A ' An1 oil Iho nTinnofl- nrsrl oil TTa 0 y "r, "Ti,r, :r;,r:.rV"; caught the eye of the interpreter he ex ., t-hf. ,1T1fii tw r,n mnn an tends his left arm with the fist closed And." David Drenared for the temple with and the thumb in the air. all his might, because ne bad set his affec- ii tne oraer is nan a aozen rnea oys tion to the house of his God, and when the ters, the right hand is thrust out with people gave he said, ' Who am I, and what the fineers snread far apart. For ham is my people that we should be able to 3 gggg wajter places his right offer so willingly after this sort, for all . against his cheek, that being the LWni!lTP,fliT6r?? signal for fried ham. and then extends There is that scattereth and yet increased arm with the palm of the hand up Everv man. according as be purposeth in and the fingers closed, which means his heart, so let him give not grudging- fried eggs. ly or of necessity, for God loveth a cheer- Some of the signals are continuous ful giver (a hilarious giver) (Prov. xi, motions, indicative of some process 4; II Cor. ix, 7). throueh which the food must pass. 11. "Thus they did day by day and Thus an order for corned beef hash is gathered money in abundance." When the transmitted bv a shaking motion of chest was full they counted i j ana put it d backward and forward, in up in bags and put the chest in its place ..... u . tUa n tL tt TTincra -rit in Tr wa dicating bow well shaken the ingredi m -tn tr,,1H vthr it. No one was ents of the hash are before being served. asked to eive. All eave as tbey were led, For baked beans the waiter holds up and no one knew but the Lord who gave his right hand and beckons rapidly much or little. Doubtless then, as when with his four closed fingers. For liver long afterward He sat over against the d bacon the waiter scrapes his right treasury, many who were poor gave more ty, tho fnrefinj-Ar nf hia in proportion than some of the rich In Jeffc hand 8howing how the is 1" ' "tT V ?ZirZ? Zm sliced, and then places a forefinger over -r-Ht 19V nnd Hn who reads the heart will his side about where he thinks his liver rfiward richteouslv. is located. Pork sausage, too, is a sig 12. "And the king and Jehoiada gave it nal easily discernible. The waiter links to such as did the work of the service of his two little fingers together, lndicat the house of the Lord." The money is first jng tjjQ links of sausage. Chicago Trib- provided, ana wen tne worn is curneu uu. y, - When tne jjora wouia senu nu Bervauw, Joseph and Mary, down to tgypt, tie nrst Story Bolld Down. provided the gold that was necessary An amusing story is told of tho editor tBLougr " Z V f ad evening newspaper, who. Vci a u. Hucu xau ntuivo u"; w. r, . not Jenkins. During the wrek ifter scrupulous first cousin, the out and out he prestded at the Pritchird Popclts: j Jm (or pirate, aua 11 toaay enngnieneo puouc calCU, , RaiCIgh on ,ne , -th of MiT opinion condemns privateering the memory of the heroes of the past mwt nc -'n'i n' rxepuoucan irienas oegin not be blighted in the process of shift- the secret scheming by which Mr Strowd should be undermined and Jenk'ns receive hu nomtnition. T.e work was well done. In July Hirry Skinner told a friend that Jenkins would te nominated in the Kourth ing our moral views of warfare. There have been privateers who were pirates in everything except in name. and pirates have boon hung to the yardarm who were simply authoring privateers, serving their country faith fully and with all honorable intention of doing their duty. Too of ten in the district, and in Aagust ill the Repub eariy centuries pirate tuiu ptiybuxt OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. MASSENBURG HOTEL 'J P Masaenburg Propr HENDERSON, N. C Good accommodations. Good fare: Po lite and attentive servant NORWOOD HOUSE a. narrenton, North Carolina w- J. NORWOOD, Proprietor. fatronage of Commercial Tourists and deling PubUc SoUclted. Good Sankple Room. -'"Aaaw Horn, so Btojus axj cotjbt Uovsm always provides for it fully. When any thing seems as if it ought to be done and there is nothing to do it with, either it is not tho Lord's work or it is not the time to do it. But when His work is done in His way and in His time all is easy. How few are found as faithful as these men into whose hands the money was given and no reckoning kept (II Kings xll, 15). 13. "So the workmen wrought, and the work was perfected by them, and they set the house of God in bis state and strength ened it." The next verse says that the work was finished, and they had a sur plus of money. There is no straitness in the Lord's provision. He does exceeding abundantly. There is a house now being builded, the church of God, the body of Christ, and many are seeking in many ways to gather money to do the work, and there is a lack of funds and many hin-Iranoes. Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. MichaeLCnrtain, Plainfield. Ill makes the statement that she cought cold, which settled on her lungs; she tnr . month by ber family s,in rmt.ffMW worse. He told ber hA wa hornless victim of consump tion and that no medicine could care her. Her druggest suggested Dr. King s New Discovery for consumption; she boug&t a bottle and to her deligbt found her self benefited from first dose. She con tinued ite use and after taking six bot tles, f onnd herself sound and well, now does her own housework and is as well as she ever was; . This Great Disooverr at Aycocke Drug Co,a drag store, large bottle 50 cents and.. $1.00, x ., . in the eternal rushing to press to get ahead of the opposition, was constantly impressing upon his reporters the neces sity of condensing all newa A terrible explosion had taken place on board a big ship lying at Ports mouth. "Get down there as hard as you can, " he said to one of bis men. "If you catch the 11:40 from London bridge you'll be there soon after 2, and you can just wire ns something for the extra special but boil it down. " And the reporter went Soon after 8 o'clock that afternoon they got a wire from him: "Terriflo explosion. Melpomene. Boiler empty. Engineer fulL Funeral tomorrow. No flowers." Spare Momenta were convertible terms. But it was no more than could be expected, consider ing the license and freedom of action granted by nations to privaUrs, that many unscrupulous persons should be attracted to the trade who would in the end degrade the term of privateer and make it synonymous with pirate. Lip pin cott' a NTy Dertr. "I never knew a sailor worth keep ing," declared an old uaval commander, "that would desert in time of war But in times of peace, when everything appears to be going along as though it were greased, desertions will begin from no apparent cause and will sud denly become epidemic. Away they'll go, and it's 2 to 1 that in a little while they will be hunting around to see if they can't get back into tbo service without having to suffer punishment. 1 used to put in a good deal of time try ing to find an explanation of the thiug, and finally presented it to one of my superior officers. " 'Drop it, young man,' was his la oonio advice. 'You can't tell why they do it and you can't stop them. If you must worry, let it bo about aomething where you may have a chance to accom plish good. I'll tell yon right now, if you were to sail a ship for heaven and were obliged to touch at hell for coal, half the crew would desert. ' " Detroit Free Press. A Cholerw Imsl.L According to a traveler who baa spent years in countries where cholera breeds, a person may become immune by wearing a small copper amulet over the pit of the stomach. At the begin ning of New York's latest cholera scare he purchased some sheet copper and made amulets for himself, his wife, his only child and three or four friends. then said to the latter: "Don't be afraid. It is not necessary to run away from the city no matter if the disease comes next door. It is impossible for you to have cholera while the copper is on vour person. " One of theae friendi threw away bin amulet recently be cause, after seven years of wear, it bad become as thin as gold foil. New York Press. Robbed the Grave.. A startling incident of which Mr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the subject. is narrated by him as follows: "I wis in No Cure So Pay. That is the way all druggists U Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonie lor LUtlli and Malaria. It is sinply Iron and Oninine in a tasteWa form. Cblldrpo a most dreadful condition. My skin waa . jQTe Adulta prsfer it to bitter nao almost yeuow, eyeu iuuku. " 7 I seating tonics. Prie 50 cents, coated, paia continually ki back and n annetite ffradaallT growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised trying 'Electric Bitters, and to my great joy and surprise, the first bot tle made a decided improremeat. I con tinued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my Ufa. and robbed the gra of another victim,' v No one should fail to try themr -Only CO oenta per bottle, at Aycocke Drug Co.'" drag etora, p.cans and P itchard itrs who were 'onto" the deal did not hesitite to T that Jenkins would be the nominee To make certain of the defeat of S'.rowd, K. A Johnton, the negro As sistant District Attorney, came out in an interview and said the Republicans would not support S'rowd. Thi. set tied Strowd, for the negroe-s whenever hej assert themselves ilwiyi dictv.e Republican politics. The day after Strowd was defeated, this same negrj ss:s:ant District Attorney cime out n an interview tayint? that lenk ni as acceptable to the Republicans rhese were not chance interviews Phey were inspired. They did the ork fjr Strowd. They insure Jenkins negro support. Jenkins t nomination was dictated by negroes ind revenue oftic;rs, and Jenkins was on the sly a party to the whole scheme. In recent jean some men have come to the front by professing one hing and doing another, but only one man in the State in ill its history has been elevated to office by open ind notorious political treachery the pre sent S'ate Auditor who betrayed ht andtdate for Crovernor in order to et a place for himself. If ShertfT J -nkirs shall tie elected, he will hive he aiifaction of knowing that he ind Mai. .er are the only two men who we their elcvit on to i specie of reachery that will never be forgotten nd never forgiven. Mr. Jenkins stirt- d in life with fine proapecti ind the confidence of all the people, bat be his sold his birth right for a roesa of pott ape. When be old ind rrftects ipon his past life, the tin of hts icitoo in 1898 will it up before him nd destroy his peace of mind. No poa lion purchased at the sacrifice 01 political faith can bring yj or honor. s s'i'e sh- .r..i V r -n'r i.! s h.te men, and bv w :e -nerj a'. h.te lupremacv :-.-s". if ind all th- me I rar.ro: :in i m - t party wh eh stands f r tir(r im r i every rpec es of wrong arv! rc vj ttt ment In Craven rjntt I we : v negroes ire completely ;n con'.r, the Republican t-irtv, ar.d ye: the PopcWs's are rnv.njf Heaven and ear- to arrange fust n with i-jch 1 crowd ! cannot, no', rsp;.r'. any mch holy movement and when election dav rolls nound, I w.!l r f-rd. W rg a fc t 1 i ..".'.tt br tin bi iivti.i 7 1 ' t: a: V h c g .t. '. i ap ai . . 1113: 1 !i 1: '.-1 tS e '.. : k i 1 '. '. r 1 an 1 IL. a: 1. L : i i a r , . '. 1 1 s . g 1 -. i r. : w a -eam- : i htmMi .. .g't 1 1 hit it t: ti't t ehok-bis t-- h tit', t r '. Ar.d a it wm. ar 1 :.;' : :. 1 !f b t-c r w w d j. i JEWELRY, JEWERY. JEWELRY Watches. Clocks and Jewelry C1p rop CASH a k : i 1 '. L firm w t ; trti'.arv w ' fcei -t b 1 1 ild tit r : 1 - V . t.rke: - v aid Cf : the IVernocra: n(fers 1 ran. wrvch :s ior 1 wh.:e man to v: e samik; r atp. ( t Start n Coor.'.v If hon P:-j! st .n the Va:e. wants good gov ernrcen:, couid take a trip I rk e Mr Pale I d and see f r h tn self what negro supremacy has wr xijf t. the white man's party wcvj'.J w n th 1 year by 30, ceo m-T'ty w fc r. b- tj . I I WH ct.'.T r.irJ f a n. jt. sl : do- bit ': - 1 trr iM 11 cur.d -r. L ; b 1 1 et t : t.e tit:, r. 'it a r ' h ir. i i h 1 cc r- i a r. 1 0 . i . the. ert'jrfi ir mar b ba:.,-rr, '.: coM, or faict. :r ti:k. or woat. b4 ?:.;:'. . Think bfcr 1 m fr;k -'. j r t h '. e a n n - ; 1 k )' r ; 1 r. REPAIRING. 1 h t. r s fc i 4t 1 a . 1 T The Chirlotte 1 'jeMer we'.', tan S'e recur lo the -pje-st mn aike.i bv ij. or T.tkr 411 week or two ago Whv s t t'lt the whites w-.ll s'ay dtvMied wh.le t'se ' i-.-..- black people are 3l-d I? the biieki t for, -j r. a'. . t .t think that in ih.s fc.ll:ty they have a : en lb 1 r erw hu b-- . commun.'.yof m'ereni, why have no: eovrd i&d i-i in : t 1 the whites a Ike tr.terrst n st a od r g bo- k . p afd wt Hi! Av- -:. together? The black peopk wtll not ' lalip.r, which th P.;-t -a come over to cs lor the iccoraplaheBen: iata h " j--i ',. , w-.'. of iny pol :t icil tirpotc w by siioald which Ly n:--, i'..:, we go over to thero The IVmocrits ) tbroufhoal 't St i'. -. ;g' ire ehirged w)ih draw eg the color font la thit taoi t--a w rid l.ne tn this cimpa gn ind 1 great oo:- 1 "lor;na; p-rio.: ' ', w cry 1 made iboul it. list :t st &o the yaars : n which tarty 1 ii Wa D. P. LYNCH K ' ' j 1 ii Fee Sale Livery STABLE HAYES ; FULLER. Prinr.in LOuisojnci o. V an:- Youth is oingiodo thinRS to morrow that old age didn't do yea terday. ' Carpet rags dyed with Pataam Fade less Dyes do not fade, are bright and will not stain If too shoa'd plll sinearar or I rA, lurt nillar 1 nia wins e other fruit acids on taem. Bl" P"r I s n,.,. . ia pickagw. Sold by A. C. Frifett ft Co-"1 A Honaehold Remedy. Aod it w?r fill to ear rka catarrh, pfaapUw, Moeh sad all dtaeaawi arlaiaa; frwssi lprw blood, la BotioM Bkxd EaJm. (b. B. D.) Thosuw ada Mr tt aa taw bi rwaswdr wr vffvred to asaaklad. TV tkoaaaada of eorw Drford by tki rrtBwdr ajw al moat mlraealoa Try IC Ualy fl 00 prr Urga botta. Foe aJ Dy arawaav. Pilot, H. C, ones. 0 V . whites bflt the blicks who hire drawn the color hoe. Coogretsmin (reo M White, colored, of t be tecevrd d r r ct , ltd in 1 speech before the RfpMein Site cooeotloo, reserriog to the er4o boe, "I invite the itwoe " Thrs wai mnute of termi. He dd o-X mlly meio that he invited the swoe, kr that would imply accept aoce of 1 eaal lenge. The fact a that he led bn people made it ind 1! a the whiles iS ire the challenged party " ('ifs.tti, : :r Bid it VT Ilk f f m : it tt. ii The Chatham Cm sen rrgre'j thai J. W. Atwiter and oirr refSaentn' men in Chit ham cooot y hare left the Popsilwl party. Eat these gestleawsa claiwj that they hare rxK left the pari y bot taod aqoarely cm the Oaaaha plal lorwa, tad that the crcwd that has cow pired to lect goldbcp lo crfSre are the ooes -ho haw rrally ionakrs tr party. OABTOZIXA. train par'.v twaye-i injf p-owr in Neib or pad a law ffort lo ditfraecbit lha ogr- : L pcwt c Il go- oe U air till ot tb elkir band lha IioriU fci tt w favcr cf tb 'rX:.ier. cf t ta k t lo lb r. g r 5 . " Tba & pof h-ar. tmi t-r. 4 11 fiL er Hoi Ion oriT e' ciVcrt ar lyloar. Ttk '. b :. g.. a of lb jury "i 1 iri :: tifsvM 1 , at vy ri.: s. . Fillll! LK Ili.cim ill I r l dT-BTT.O. .n 1 strT "VKB OIE hUJCSEO TECUUID ni cf :i 1$ uu ftt m m mr.i u tETcvTra tv . . . . Hoc f aatnk Pralaltty W ar arirlag Pr' Kev? ty ectqiMt. Taal U low Sra.a qalrwd it: Bat wka Sala c. qrd lb lalaad ah fiUralsiUd tka lahalitaala, plUag U 4lk ?Cti.Cn0 aatlfr. S eaft waa br wark of murdT ti-al Ik ly rlk f tai pwwpU ar bow pe rrrd a ewrrewits- I tb Brrlla ' f . j - o . m. 1 nwsiw. w oq r 1 wrim taawo , U wllliar. eada-tr U l.ta aw 1 mt Hoa-. t-r t.i Wtiaa il.i fra4A ,1 " "s " .

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