3 k JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. THE FS AN3H1N TIMEST THE COTJ1TTY, 'X' H H STATE, THE XJlSTIOISr. VOL. XXVIII LOUISBURG, N. 0, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4JS9S, NUMBER 21 ,11 i-nrri TTrirTi-'T a I METHODIST. I Suuday School at 9:30 A. M. Geo. H. Bakes, Sapt. prv.iching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M. eVt.ry Sunday. j-r;1yer meeting Wednesday night. G. F. Smith, Pastor. baptist. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. Wilder, Supt Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., eVery Sunday. 1'rayer m etiDg Thursday night. FotKEST Smith. Pastor. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL HORRORS OP WAR. LESSON VII, FOURTH QUARTER, IN TERNATIONAL SERIES, NOV. 13. l'rolessional oai-cl 1'. BURT, I'ltACTlCLNG PHYSICIAN, Text of the Lesson, II Kings xix, 80-22 28-37 Memory Verses, 32-34 Golden Text. Ps. xlvi, 1 Commentary Prepared by the Rev. I). M. Stearns. Copyright. 1898, by D. M. Steams. 20. "Thus saith the Lord Gnrt nf ti That which thou hast prayed to me against Sennacherib, king of Assyria, I have heard." In the fourteenth year of Heze- Kian tne king of Assyria came against Judah and greatly blasphemed the Lord both by word and by letter. Hezekiah, when he had read the letter, spread It be fore the Lord and prayed (verses 14-19). auj Liiuea nave l lonowed Hezekiah's plan and always found rest. If we ask anything acoording to His will He hear- etn us (l John v, 14), and it is His wilL FRIGHTFULLY ILLUSTRATED BY BAT TLES IN THE SUDAN. an 1. B. MAS8ENBURQ, L0U1SBUR8. H. C. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofllce in Court House. ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW, LouiSBUBe.il. o. Louieburg, N. C I t-V. ...II Til. .. . oHii-c in t he r ora BuuainR, corner Mam i -; vcijr umug ana nave i ;ish Htrcets. U d stairs trout. lairal" uuiiuiy aDouu notbine. See in verbe i mat tne great desire of the king in asking for the overthrow of Sennacherib was that all the earth might know that tne bod or Israel was the only true God. 21. "This is the word that the Lord natn spoken concerning him. The virgin. the daughter of Zion, hath desrdsed thee vuu practice in all the Courts of the State and laughed thee to scorn." The people v.. vuu in uvinn, uuneu Liie aanenrpr nr Zion, the daughter of Jerusalem (compare Lam. ii, 13), having God as their defender ana avenger, need fear no enemy. In such strength Moses and Joshua lived: Gideon also, and David when he went fearlessly against Goliath. "When we seek only the honor and glory of God, He will not fail us. 22. "Whom hast thou reproached and Diaspnemetl, tee Holy One of Israel?' As in the nest verse, "By thy messengers than hast" reproached the Lord." Thev spake against the God of Jerusalem as against tne gods of the people of the earch. the works of the hands of man, and for this cause Hezekiah, the king, and the prophet Isaiah, the son of Amoz, prayed ana cnea to heaven (II Chron. xxxii, 19. ii). Uod heard their prayer, and now we will see how He answered it. 28. "I will turn thee back by the wav which thou earnest." This is a part of the word or tho Lord concerning Sennacherib. See also verse 28, "I know thy abode and thy going out and thy coming in and thy rage against me." He who created all things can set bounds that none can pass, We can only go hero and there or do this or that if the Lord will (Jas. iv, 15). Man does not stop to coDsiderthat all his words and even his thoughts are known to the Lord (Ps. exxxix, 1-1), and that it is im possible to hide anything from Him. Even Adam, blmdod by satan, thought he could hide from God among the trees (Gen. iii, 8). Happy are those who live as in the sight of the Lord. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, -" "S" " riilviae Warren and Wake counties, also By comparing this verse with Lev. xxv, special blessing of God upon the Sabbath year, or, in other words, the blessing of God on His obedient people. What but the hand of God could cause land to produce a three years' crop in one year? In. the W'ui attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, nra.iville Warrenand Wake counties, also the UTAH vine ,. - , .w rioMiliiiTi .nil tha TT H Circuit and District Courts. jjr. E. H. Foster. Dr. J. E. Malone jRS. FOSTER & M ALONE. FKACTICINQ PHYSICIAJSS & SURGEONS, Louisburg, N. C. ottice over Aycocke Drug Company. L1PP1TT, M. D , vir H PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, FRANKLINTON, N. I. R. W. II. MCEOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOCISBUB8, N. O, Wounded Dervishes Who Would Hot Allow the English Doctors to At tend Them Deliberately Put to Death aad Thai Oat of Misery. When civilized nations war with one another, the wounded of the defeated enemy remaining on the field after the battle are cared for aa tenderly as cir cumstances will permit as carefully as the eize of the medical corps and the . our North Carolina law to baof oo A Lady of Eastern Sorth Carolina f u Pietnrea the Dreadful Condition to that Section of th Kalr Statf Under Nerro Suprrmaty - Broagot About by Greedy Politician-. Who Haye Sold Their Soul for bold. To the Editor of.Tbe Observer: Men and women of N . rih Carolina, to the rescue! They tell me it is a wa-te of lime to appeal to a Republican help. number of the viotor's own wounded pThe idea in Eastern Carolina is thai will allow. But it is different in the .here is not ooe on the face of the Sudan, for there the English doctor at- . . . . tends only to the wounded of his own earlh lhal wou,d no1 dra" men tn1 army. women and children to irdttion ami Now, there is no braver, kinder man hurl ihim in f., i. ,. i 1 In the world than the army doctor. In , his extemporized field hospital, often lhat 13 whV thc very n,me " under a heavy fire, with a hastily stench in their nostrils, but I have thrown up screen of commissariat cases, realon lo know lhat lhere pack saddles, water tanks or whatever .,, came handy, he performed miracles. " estern Carolina, and enough of thm He was ready to minster to the wants tosave us Irora a degrada-i n worse than of all wounded men. He was anxious a,,u l , ,, . . . , , x , . . , , . , Qeath, who would not vote tor fusion - iu tenu me wounaea aervisn whnvor one might be brought in, butnowound- 's's te' ncw w"at " means t u- murder onleaa you coukj proe lhat he left home with the intennoo of coaxnillinf, lb uijkJ. t. ' I could wrue a resm of jumper UxH the mdiniiK-s we haw to sff-r, rd 1 we ire well iff com pared to what they ! are lower down, but it uUl be a i wane of time. If any one thmki Southern people will continue to tear it, and kia ihe rod thai iniitn iKm ! let a hundrefl battle gr un1 n oid ! Virginia, where Ih xmn1 of our l,rr oni and brothers are sleeping in an j timely grae, bear witness to tK- con t trary. M i.hcr, hfn kneel bi ' the little white cut to ak f t yrvt tion fr the j-rccious. inoocent ilffjr, ! remember your eastern inters anj nd I'JIJl'U up one petition that ('! will n i lut ' -l . I. .V . v.c iRfm io irveir o re exueai: j rihers, when jdu lxk on tUat ta r oung irl that y u w iu.d c t e Baking Powder lMade from pure cream ol txrUr. Safeguards the food against alum baking ppwi.ii M tim rrAara cr to huh a Om prvmtat dT. Alum A Grand Opportunity, And ihe best way to Meet Success is !o Scure the Opportunity. k t aj- Gci-Ttifj llM tat r.oa tr:ia va iu C:st, Til l litu in i Baxlu C;;utxL'r! ii 7 KRKillfKNKl. a ' t a vrw t . t Ta ' a w-ol KKltEUU. ZY.iP'f ed dervish ever was. It was as much as any one's life was worth to go near a wounded dervish. He would lie on the ground, glaring about him like a wild beast. Approach him, and out came his curved hamstringing knife. With it h would make vicious sweeps, any one of which would maim you for life. It is not possible in the terrific stress of Sudan warfare to detail fatigue par ties to overcome the resistance of wounded men and beat them to the field nosprnu. nunareas aiea ol their wounds from three negroes to teach the aa Liacj lay sju uuo uuiuewiu, aJALL lao&o that did not die of their wounds had to be put out of their misery. Terrible and they have to go to a negro to get KtnTlAS ftrA t.nlri nf thio' (tirfl norcaficrit-i? I .l . V. . . .j. meir wages, tvery scnooi in ance inose Know rjest who nave oeen engaged in battle with the dervish what happen- counly 1S under negro ru'e, dir.ciU ed after the fighting was over and how or indirecly. The saperinten ieni tne problem ol rteaimg with the ene- appoints three negroes, and two mv 8 wonnded was flnlvftd. In tho ram ' paign of 1855 parties of English sol- men, for the committee, or if there is a diers, commanded by English officers, white man mean enough to v Mr nr.- n nA - A.A U. 1 1 a.UA J J r i a. jjja.i lit t-j against nis race, he p'lts hnu ana two a a t m w c ,-'vau,-va bu j uua ivoo ivuj I tween his shoulders with his bayonet, negroes in. Last year the appropria It would be useless to speak of the I lr 'm hariT1. fememtr thai the disgraceful acts perpetrated in our State capital two years ago; the very prince of darkness might wvll shirk the readme of such a record I will only speak of the effects o( some of their actions on us. How would you like for that fair young daughtrr of yours to have to eel rjermission rhite free school? We have to submit to n PKUILL & 11UFFLN. ATTORN E- S-AT-LAW , LOUISBOKe. K. C. i Iia iunr uteiiuuu (five" to collectiona, &c was somewhere about $300. The l'H08. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L0C1SBUR6, N. 0. Office on Main street, over Jones & Cooper's If there was no movement, the party tion for free schools in this township J. 'Mil 1 I .,.1 went on ; 11 tne aervisn provea a live and squirmed, another private instant ly blew his brains out. In one case, remarkable for its in evitable cold blooded horror, it is said the troops inside a zareba, the night after one of the most desperate of bat ties, were driven to madness by the voice of a wounded warrior who lay out side amid heaps of slain. All night a groaning cry ol "Allah 1 Allah! rose low more man tnat 1 w;ii aptxunt an three negroes divided it thus: Seven teen dollars for the while school and the reraamder to the black. One of the white m-. L complained to the superintendent and he sa:d, (' back and tell them if th?y i not al itore. into tne siiem mgnt, not tne nerce ntri ,r r mmi , Th ... ,hPV t . -rr . r-, , . . . . I 1. J aUa 3 U ii. i . I I ' P ix. v . margin 01 rrov. x, m, we reaa tnat 1 xiug ui mo wum uou iv m me the hlessiii? of the Trd makpth rinh nnd warnrv for a hdlnn? fiharce hntnnim. ,or the white School to have $ So nspiration hnm:cn, VVnal nirajrr e mete it shall be mcKurcd 11 ynu aain," and may deal nh pi rn your direct need as uu do with r. in this matter. JV )e Revulil ran ttice seeker! Cljihe your ajves ami (hildren in pjrp'.c and fine l.nrn ami lei ihera fare aumptu juiy every d B11UI palatial horue in hci'rr t-em ith your iii it'.en a.r.s. !ul a )r a the sun slimes n ;K.e b'.j- un )v above us ou will see he time iha- a 'I your money will not srne'.il you lr.m the worm that d;etn nt. and tie hltc , i;at is not qjrnched. Aini i ' .) ulists pi)r, puitul jickals, trawi.n after the republican party, if percUit.re ou may find some fragments n ;-. bvines of truth, and hn.)r, aiv! j u: ice, with which 10 lul vourselvcs ma (."fd have more murry on yii than you have had on us hen the iy of reckoning comes! And on tne lurk of cery.hnc else, nine-tenths of our post ofhees arr kept by the m.rst r.inempt ible nfi" es that they can fnd in the State. !""- have turned o'lt ner-jes w.'h n ither means of mak rij; a l v n. an 1 h n r abie h: e men that ie every sat 1 To ortn t'andlna to as il; H.r br Tarty From IW-a-t 4ttArr.' iff nral Say ..l -lir i'.: ' - If I i 1 f rn- r w ''nlT Senator I'rr eh r .) "i hta p a - . dcxiniod overthrow al lt ; : nt Tum ij T' art -ieh a c d it ion and prpt it'. t r-k reiro-i pr d:;re Sl(t. ho a't th i ' r t i r. t Kedra' tr ; 'n )i r'.h ' ' iin to -1 . r. i r - vot I !oodhd " I :.i at il K I iC h I'ot ; a t , 1 1 . n i 1 . '. .!- j poj.'. of the '.. r. i , on tbst tie ;r :. a d t. r ' lion of hi part v. inroa ' , ure r'iri-),-f i 1 f uaD'. f r ther the V t (irt Havei.: How :. Kat T"'nnff jti L ear MENS' FURNISHINGS. a . . t 1 a ' aid aw f ". J J 1 w w 1 li-Y AND AACiON WORKS N Jf '. a. V, rjl W. BICKETT, toil addetn nothing tnereto. ploring, despairing moan hour after nay nine-tenths of the tax. and takr 30. "The remnant that is oscaped of the sOI1r that one word onlv. .L . L house of Judah shall yet again take root .For God,s that man"- wnaiev" al,ow os 10 7 V i.T;" " .L . Z that was the feeling of all. Council was ow wuia you like tor your UUVU11UO UUUU IV 10 J Ul LU AVJ VT V U W aw UiJ I . , , 1 j , , I many who are really the Lord's and who held aa to how xt nld done- 80011 or son 10 Dc arrested by a negro con i. ri rHH me.11 weru nun oil lo vhi uihiti uin i . , , , . . ' . r . staD e. ana carried netore mree or Stones OI JNOan, OI lXIC in OOUOm, or Ionian nauu uan ui mu miio icuuuui a v uio nfe T. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, LOUISBURO N. C. p.nmnt and nalnstakintr attention given to glorify Him is found in all Scripture. The .,r nittu. Inr.natPil tl lliH hand.. owaa -f V .1 . V. iP Tj-iIt in Qnrlrtm f ITlliaK a, .v.rrr ------ iC, . -"J"" O- " -- - c , Kbfcrstoijriiei JurecuByru,. -v d fa statements as "Fe th be corner of the zareba and when the moon '"ur negro raagisiraics to oc mcu ior Miming, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J. v.. .,.. nmA , v.;a v, , . ,, l , - t ,,,, u-uu ui far. rj fiiirtnai iiuitt. ui i a" 1 I'uu o uuu m, 1 J- uiiiikvu unu ajvja. - 1 r.iiuin uui i. JaLa Lrouiiiu tuu uuuuo aju. i r r n rvc Tr n Ttntp a 1 a ann n i giou, ui'onu & Manly, Winston, Peoples Banii pe wno snai trust in the Lord," indicate volleys in the direction from which the . . of Mouroe, chas.E. Taylor, Vrea. .Vake ltor- that which God sees to be ever true. See Th nQn firoH kt luagment given against them in the Math, vii, 14; Zeph. iii, 13. f. t -pinnUv it nad- face of Dositive evidence to the con 31. "Outof Jerusalem shall so forth a I T . J .. .. J ... remnant; tho zeal of the Lord of Hosts shall "" "no. "iu..uui traryf It we appeal to a higher . . . .... . -w -w 1 ttt a a a crvirr a in ai rtnE in rna 1 do tbis. Tbo zealot tho lxra or Jdosts shall " " . " . court we have to nav our monev and v, v! 1 f n, rnnm ns there were onlv dead men in coun wc nave 10 Pa7 our motMrT na tltsu uiiiig viiKS aiuguuiu yjL jeciu su oca 1 in 1 o 1 which shall bavo no end (Isa. ix, 7). All that part ol the neld. There were otn- oe tnea Deiore a KepuDiican joage shall be accomplished in ana through the ers, nowever, still aiiva inese couia w;tn nerhans a iiirv that can be hnhed 1 r j j 1if.11. ro' Hrn r w Timrieriake. oifice ln'court House, opnosite Sheriff's, M. PERSON', ATTORNRY AT-LAW, JLOUISBUBS, tt. 0. ptmHm. in all courts. Office lr- Neal Building. w. H YARBORODQH, JR. ATI ORNEY AT LA W , LOUISBURG, N. C. Son of David, our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom it xis written, "The zeal of thine house bath eaten me up" (Ps. lxix, 0; John ii, 17). It is nothing with the Lord to work with many or with few; nothing is too hard for Him (II Chron. xiv, 11 ; Jer. xxxn, 1 i). 1 i -i j:. . .. Otfiee on second floor ol .reai ouuuiug Maiu Street. All Wul business .intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. purp0ses are as good as accomplished (Isa xiv, 24; Jer. Ii, 29) 33. "Therefore thus saith the Lord con cerning the king of Assyria." Our Lord him. He lay there with his knife out. doeth according to His will in the army of ready with one of those sweeping ham- heaven and among the inhabitants of the bringing cuts for any one who dared to earth (Dan. iv, 35). His thoughts and near whereupon the officer, still Another story was current in those 10 ao anyining. terrible days of how an officer, going up Don't think for a moment, lhat this to a group of surgeons round a wounded nilhllttl,H . 3Hvln ih- im-r dervish and inouirintz what was the matter, was told that nothing could be est 01 any party. 1 oespise me very done with him; no one could approach name of politics. I have do axe to D R. D. T. 8MITHWICK, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office in Ford's Building. 2nd noor. 83. "By the way that he came, by the same shall he return and shall not come into this city, saith tho Lord." This was the decision of Him who had ail the hosts of heaven under His control and all power to carry out His purposes. He could siy, 'Hitherto shalt thou come, but no farther (ias administered and teeth extracted (Job. xxxviii, 11). Even the great ad without pain. under the blood 'madness of the fight and "seeing red," whipped out his own knife, avoided the rapid sweep of the wounded man's weapon and drove his own to his heart Such are some of the incidents of Su dan warfare. As said before, tho dervish has learned to know us better and has become tamer, but the problem of deal. grind no relatives that are look ing for a soft place. Of course every man in this portion of N rih Carolina is a Democrat who is not an infidel or an idiot, but Ihey are not office-seekers. We have five negro voters to one white man in this township, and fiction to all ronrt r ne1 . ani m: ;i. negries, that hue not vene enough to know to which end 01 the r isd a letter ought to go. IVroni urinl let ters to the othre to go ;! :n have, and perhaps in a week the same letter will come hack to them, never hiving left the office at all. If it a maitrr of life and death, sotnet mes vou ran' get your mail from the orVe 1 !! t 1 a week old, thirjgh you ask for :t every 1 day and in regular office hour. )-e has to go all over the village tr find I the post negro to open the ofhe and let you have your mail. It is n t safe for any young lady to go to the office without a Ndy guard. Arvi whit is all this for? Whv must we suffer s-jch as thi-? Veil your faces, oh ye angels, lie I write! Simply tecause son e man, made in the image of l'l, wants to get h;s hand in the publ.c treat ury to steal the hard earnings of farm ers and other business men in Nirth t h h'.m fT whit are mad" cf! l)e n t, r n ; t r oi . j ; t. . -1 1 1 . 1 ., . :it t h fc i : to a , o r 1 1 r '. h 1. 7 1 1 x 1 L 1 Tier who t x i! n 1 , a : . 1 Li 'e rtbir. ; 1 fr" Tl ti.t.na l r : 1 33 ' at ion 'f t h r :. . : j . . ' . . administration of affairs' ILL CF it 1 iiiirii-., . .-. t a ui 1 T t . Wb-'O tl- cri-.Unt ht I twr . a;'l ail m i n i lr red t,r L; '.ho pre:it '.fH'i'v br 1 en n l c ti o !-d m n !! y ,f 1 . Jlb t.alor c.at. toold.r a'. i k 'n t i - T r tt . f a f r. o r a c. 1 D ra t a . t r I - f : A L latter to o v r r. a t Hut thank ,M. th' r -i ; r i who live, irpr'r. . fxr'.r peaee and iropritv aro idi ; io this eo r ;-t and V ! . K I h , K I T 1 I Wlh, ean tk lb. -rea'.o'. e or I ae from tbi act of th r. I It t a err f d"pa.r, wbieh -r llain dft ha ir. pirri T: 1 white men wsil presort tL ; ' 1 but, by the tfi. '.h'f wi.i serve tb intfcrrry of .L.r L : :: 1 a (ft d the r 1 4'L t lo ec i. '. ro . I h i r " an airs. Jj R. R. E. KING, DENTIST, LOUISBURG, N. C. Office over Aycocke Drug Company. :o; I UVUIIUlim,'. With an experience of twenty-five years 6-8; Gen. xvii, 1-S; Ps. xci, 14-16, ia a Bufflcipnt guarantee 01 my worn. .111 an the up-to-date lines of the profession. man. They are afraid not to vote for Republicans though they know it i bringing destruction on them. They come to us with pitrful stones of their privations, but it is simply impossible HOTELS. HOTEL WOODARD, W. C. Woodaed, Prop., Rocky Mount, N. C. Free .Bus meets all trains," Ets $2 per day. FKANKLINJOS HOTEL FRANKLINTON, N. C. SAWL MERRILL, Prp'r. Carolina. Every one of them h m " p i.t r. irrvM r m r 1 1.- i-t: j ami intrfU ft nri itnrn In rr.ti f Kr nara 10 m-Ke a n.-ing ami arc oemg r r the North or lb- South, atd v,,.,ri ni i.Kr k k , D k cons 1 1 1 ui ion o 1 t he Lnued 'a'rs. In: uvaiv,vi wui v a u-v K J 1 ft I taxes and low prices 3 1st l.ke the white lhcJ care not thil lhT llnd f'jurnJ They care lor nothing but money and 1 power. l nc cries 01 tne oppressed n music in their ears, (iod pity them' f.w4 rtfv iKm' We rrjoice in the prosperity of the colored rare are always glad to hear of any good fortune that may come t t. The kindest feeling ex-vi between us and a maj ruy of them, hot they are too ignorant to rule us, or even themselves, ana no one desires such a ' ' . . . 1 nlAonnf .n.rlinn Pnl nn mi IitjjTro with. , j ..i . i . tr or 1 tl a I nl ihintTi rirf n( s nir one ahr It A a li. . . . .. ... . V. . . n.nl. I 1 I nn Ml 1 u OOUAUK. u W V". .1 v I A I , O I 1 1111 nil! 1 J .11 I , H 11 I 111 I V" , - - - .. - that the angel of the Lord went out and rnanders in Egypt cannot be blamed for evervthine and thev had ship- -01 to evry K001 impulse one that war with such a TjeoDle, London Sat- oed so much cotton here from n K'ven himself to atan it l urdayKeview. LiverDOol that we couldn't set get tain amount of money a w . i r L a I To clean Piano Keys. anvtning tor wnai we raaae The white ivory keys of a piano Suppose you had a large maj ri'y ol 01 anyone who understands the situa- a. Un CLA r- TT c,x versary muau &iaju wudu uuu duoii but dw, . , , . jj a. ,;i and he shaXX go to the pit tor a thousand -j ; " years, and to tho lake of fire forever. Was there any mention of dervish 34. "For 1 will derena this city to save wouuueu aiiei u uniuc ji who oiimih, it for mine own sake and for my servant and were there many of them in the hos- David's sake." See also chapter xx, 6, pitals in the rear? The correspondents and compare Isa. xxxi, 5; Zech. xii, 8. always remained strangely silent upon The "I wills" of Jebovab are a study or i.hia enM-t Tr. has hen denied innar- greatest possible benefit. They often oo- Jiament we believe, that ever such or .Ti,nMr, r, ptr vt things as we have described took place. 23e. I yy on, injuioieis jjiv raou; lo rnaae mem unuersiani me corui cause He is what He isHewill do what He critical man tne rest oi us, anu Pob- f lhlDBg Ooe nttrouidWl tnese ootrc nrt. fnT Tarnnl's fiabo. hot for His own siblv some of them knew that sake. See Ezek. xxxvi, 2a; rs. ovi, a. things did happen. YY netber tbey Knew years ago, "n iuhuu uu uoi Ku uj we must not ilkjk iui- wuiuliucm ui mwn jt or rjoc, mere are aozens oi men, jiko alter the election I will never voit in ourselves, but in Him who alone is .u. TO-ir nf this article, who know worthy (Ps. cxv, 1 ; Rev. v, 4, 5). Take hoTTajw1,(1I1M roerft that way again. A tew weeks ago all the comfort you can find in such pas- tfaem Th do nQt mak(J h(. said he had fonnd oul all abiut sagesaslsa. xlni, 2o; Uohn ii, 12. I p ' imn,. . ... . , . . smote in the camp of the Assyrians an hundred fourscore and Ave thousand. The work of this angel i3 also mentioned in Isa. xxxvii, 36, and in II Chron. xxxil, 21. When tho devil is to be bound and cast into the bottomless pit, it is written that one angel will do it (Kev. xx, 1-6). Consider in eaoh of these cases the power of an angel and thn think of the millions upon millions or them mighty in strength, for a cer There is little doubt in the minds our peopla wiil show them w.. a the world that they k r. , w -h-Mr rijfhta, and knowing, w.o 1 maintain thic. Keconatruet .0:1 day ;. pasd. The day of martial law ha paed. The das of tro.,-. a', the j-r.'. i The dav of nfcTo dcaiiatict. will toon have endd. TLe white men o:,!y bar" t stand firm, as they will do, at. l the victory ie won TAX NOTICE. JEWELRY, JEWELRY. JEWELRY '-la'.:. cf Watches. Clock nnd Jewelry CHEAP OR CASH ' ' a . r. c c . i a Le p " " '. a--. ?c!"y , ' . : is al. t - : . A REPAIRING. tion lhat there will be bloodshed un. 1 . s j v 1 J i a U J?Ju TZ? ignorant people in your county and u 11 1 1 '1 1 ail hi :i 1 1 1 11 n a 1 ini 11. inn amma aiav 1 . should be rubbed over with a soft flan- a man-a member of the church, a ''" material, alteration m doing His oommandments, hearkening nel or piece of silk dipped in oxygen- son of a minister of the gospel should il'lcl iffairs in our extreme eastern "..ru KVtr ,Mfl Lrra .r. t dd on a public platform and tell unt.ei, and the brand of Cam -HI ld till V f 1 1 I I i K 111 LUK3 QUKCt O UIWW I V4T1 V t'. 1 1MIT1 I HI, M. 2kllll nilrJU LXIO UUbOO BID u Good accomodation for the traveling gar(j 0f' an(j power over soldiers and fast Btained or greasy use methylated spirits, them: -If white people don't do to Alt . I J a. X . a. I. c-4-,.itt nf t'oton ' C ro AAHO I. m..aa. I Darreu gaw m mo tuv.. 7 " 1 gin or aiiutea wnissty. nuit vou stick a torch to the r hoise In Acts xii. Think of the one who oarrlea . - ,. in good tidings to Paul in the storm at sea folloTf8.Get bicarbonate of soda & " them over their heads' Z'yiLrZT":: JZX Z LL::; and some hot water. Dip a brush into Suppose a man was to tell your neigh- unto the heirs of salvation (Heb. i, 14), the water and then into the soda and VQte fur biro for soHcitor and and let your heart say, "xnougn an noss 1 rnD me ivory wim ik uuuuuu u.. should enoamp against me, my heart 6hall public Good Livery Attached. OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. MASSENBURG HOTEL. HENDERSON, N. C. not sit ligh'ly on the brows of political nardenesi sinners though they le. If I curd die to-day, and ave my mother S'ate from the horrors thai threaten her, I think I woold willingly lay down my life to save her, but that Necessary. he would not notice their stealing . . 1 : r ould not avail anvlhioe; sol appeal pig or a cnicacn; nc ws going ----- , to jou, nouest, Uitniui i-qrisuan men, both white and black, to help u; and NORWOOD HOUSE rVarrenton. North Carolina W. j. NORWOOD, Proprietor. Patronage ot Commercial Tourlsta and nvellng Public BoUcltel Good Sample Boom. . . aMi Horn TO STOBSf 419 BWW nnr. far" fPs. xxvii. 3). If God be for me, who can be against me? I will trust and gince Black has bee,, a wid. riot be afraid. I nw " h sncaeeted. "it seems to me she I . 86, 37. "His sons smote him with tne mCn out of their We? Oh! tiae XVtJlrttoMl "Of course," she replied. "It is more Would fail to tell of the villaino, , 7), and while in tne acs oi worsniymK "rc""'V Tl i ,,,.. advice that s e ven to these poor g idols. So shall perish all the enemies of Thus do women betray eaoh other a QV,CC the Lord. I angling proolivities. unicago r-oss. nurani ucgiu uj t; '6' f i j , -- seeker that has ever tpoken 10 our It of ten happens thit the doctor is out How'sThis. county. A few years ago a man in of town when most beeded, Ihe two We offer one Hnndred Dollars Reward Davidson county shot a woman and the community never until he was hung to a limb negro -near'Hendersor he was out of town, I purchased a bottle nim perfectly honorable in all business went to a white woman house mo ot Cnamberiain'B Cough Remedy, which transactions and financially able to earry hacked her bead to pieces wkh n axe. h&2&'SS2S2r& ttttmtt Tb found todo, d,i &te:.!&1tf2& t?;.k.. MM., srv. "" ! ar biucb iuo " . ' ,x : i t- ., Tnbn o i over ner. naDmin? in tne diooo. u ,!, Bipfenens. WDen u kiy1" gain uruKKiowi r , x ss I " eenoua sicaness. y uc o , .--7? t b Cnreis taken internallT. 1 .1 m. .1.. 1 .- xi. ,n. soon as ne croupy l?ou5u -v---;. -.1 thm hlooA nd mu. a iuC .f, wfllnt etauaexno- Republican judge gave him 30 -year. t1&&iwW b7 a" P"5SI8t,,: TWU"1 in PWitwtiarj. 1 Why w be 9t Good accommodations. Good fare: Fo year old daughter of J .TfI ;Iv 1 Jin'a Viti!Z., Tntn -0 the men io I fart do I nu. ler., was uiirawura " icureu jj -T , , - I . l,aaao,inu. 1 , . . lnB:af(w1 F. J . Cheney & Co., Props.. Toledo. 0. 1 stopped , croup. . tie wrue: v --v w lfc Qnder8igned, hare known F. J . mr a tViat. t cm for the doctor at once, but as . . tha 1K TMr, -nd believe LASt ycar' . 1 may the Supreme Raler of this Uni verse blcs you in ytur basket and )um store, your children and graodch !l ieo your body and soul, as you listen o the prayer of A Southern W. man. Oct. 18. 189S. From th Lnno Star 8Ut eoaxw ih f llovln letter wrlttea br w. F. Oia. editor of the Mt. Vrosn. (Ti ) Herald: 'I base oaed ChattbrUln i Colie. Cholera and Diarrhoea ReenJy ia mj family for the pat year, aad fiod it Jh bent resnodr tor emie and diarraoa taavi 1 havw evr trtrd. Iurtetarw iaataav taoeooa had awtlafaclory, aad I cfcawr r.ny rveotnmeDd Itvwelally for trtmp oU "l 'dlaTThsa. v Iodsd. ahall try and keep a bottle ol It on our eiedl eine ahelf aa loaf aa we keep hoca" For ) bj W. 0. Thomaa, draftiat. Seeing the tendency toward which we are drifting In North Carolina many prominent Repub licans aa well a Populist. have declared tbCDtele for white -promaev and will vote the hlt man's ticket at the coming election Among these ia Co!. A. W. Shaffer, of Raleiib, late poetmaster, aud boldiag other offices ki a leading Rer.ublicati for the last 30 veers 9 lie eaya he will vole tbe Demo cratic ticket lb ia year the first one he ever voted in his life. ( ol Shaffer isa New Norker by birth, an eiUoion soldier and a Kepub lican from principle on nstiouai issues, but declare can't conscien tiously vote for Ibe fuaioniata '.hit vear, representing what they do -negro domination. As a good eitirn be owes It to tie com an nltv, be thinks, to vote with tbe DemocraU f r tbe restoration of boneat and decent Gorosnet. t jjl: ' f : : i 1 '1 1 r ! r. 1 . I j r u ! x 1 ' : Na r o I -rrt 7 " r : das ' ' v " ::'. l'fl M -f i S.a ' -i r i i s ; ; t'e '. ar K i i M ro'aj k "v. .'.: . i' . t"s;-ni l-C't . "re, 1 N .'fir I u r. n 1 ' . - , a Wcijrjf N H r : s ' 1 m ; i c!-ia N f rr r r y JutoMti' Tjm' ; 1- f .das N riulr , r t a r k'. r.v n I. r. fn Nt'3filis N .sen t 1oj -' I a on ai'. '.rai Iim lr- r '.: .-!i r s 1 " rr. (I). I urge a . '. v' , ve '. . n as -;, is .-"S-s i n i. Kiuvn, si? a a Oai: aid A ..T fZ. i i a D. P. LYNCH s t- 3 ' a: iTT a a 7Da a - Feed Sale Liyery STABLE a 1 s. L -r-!.r r.g ie 1 ' c i i 'IK c .--Vr. r i c c f HAYES i FUUU. Prc-rUUri IOUISDUR3 N. C. ;mn TK MS A.VP lVUTa. DR.VrlRS i.i s'xr N t T-e lvnx-i; C.r?ii:(tx t P I A 1. ATTTM ION TO, TEiT. a -. Not a word abooi repeal. c the war Ui has appeared ia a single adminaa- j t ration organ thus tar. OAOTOHXA. aa aWBBSSSSwaa lxrsia:-ire rvi c miij hepect'.e ike slse a'es atd d as CUM tbe ea-ara r-f fc care; a .p. 11 all toro ro a-d rear tSerts W. II. Vast tucM, Cta. l?e. Zu Co "9 l .f use (arootBS iLaf 7 al v arc ke-ep food bar aw ($ , i vtrj'rtajtfcabit i i