FRAN IK JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. THE COTJTTir, JJ.' H Hi STATE, 'I'M ! U 4 IOU. , S:3SC2I?Ti:i : S1.C3 Pir Yiir, Strlcl!j li Airrct, :tol xxvni - LOULSBURG, N. C, TRIDAY. JANUARY. 20. 1890. KOMBER48. CHURCH DIRECTORY., i METHODIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Geo. S. Baker. So pt. Preaching at 11 A4 M., and 8 P. M., every Sunday. . Prayer meeting Wednesday night. , . G. F. Smith. Pastor. BVPTI8T. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. i Thob. B. Wilder, Supt. Preaching at 11 AT M., and 8 P. M.t every Sunday. : Prayer meting Thursday night. . Foeeest Smith.; Pastor. v THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON V, FIRST; QUARTER, INTER NATION AL"SERIES, JAN. 29." 1 : l AUNT ABBY, THE IRRE . PRESSIBLK D iro'JL'feissioiia.l oardH.'x R. 8. P. BDRT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, -. . ..-.. i j I . ' -. ' i. : Louisburg,-N. C. Office inithe Ford Building, corner Mais and Nash fetreets. Up s tain front. - .Th(T following article which ap peared in the "Land We Love"a short time after the "Civil War" was handed us by a subscriber, and as so many of our people knew Aunt Abby House, we republish it in the Times. Aunt. Abby was a great character, and seemed to think what "Zeb" Vance and "Joe'' Davis said was ''lawand gospel." She was known : by, -nearly every soldier who went from this sec- 13. B. MASSENBUEQ, I j; ATTORNEY AT LAW-s LouisBuae. v. c. ' , - - Will practice In all the Courts of the State ' Office in Court House. 0. tt. COOKE ft BOTH, " ATTORNEYS-A.T-IAW, L ' ' LOUlSBUBe.K. 0. Text of -the teuoa', John iv, B-15. Memory Vend, 13-15 Golden Text, John lv, 14 Commentary Prepared by the Rev. D. M. Stearns. . : . " Copyright, 1S98, by D. M. Stearns. 5. "Then cometh Ho to a city of Sa maria, which Is called Sychar, near to the parcel of ground that jaoob gave to his Bon .Joseph.": - He, Is anointed with the Holy -"Ghost, and, with power and goes about doing good, seeking never His own will, but always the will of His Father, and all His steDS as well as all His words and actions are ordered by the Father tion to the-war. EDITOR TlMES.1 Vra aat vi, oo , ait, u, ato, xxxvii," 23). To live such a life is the busi ness of the Christian, and Christ In ua will live that UfeJi we yield fully to Him. . 6., "Now Jacob's wejl was there. Jesus,' therefore, - being wearied with bis journey, sat thus on the well, and it was about the sixth .hour. " As we said In a previous lesson, probably 6 a. m., . according to John's way of counting. He would be journoylng-early, so as to avoid the beat of the day. He is weary, for He is truly a heavy fire to carry water to our are.- We have not a high priest who can- wounded.) On one occasion an officer not be touched with a feeling of oufln-: met her coolly walking down the road firmities. He knoweth our frame; He. , .. -- , , ' . ... .. romembfirs tht w w, iint , 1 leading two horses by the bridles, with idc ouueis wmsiiing arouna ner use She was as fearless under fire as she was in the use of her tongue, and more than- - one officer , has .testified to the coolness : with v. which'' she would -walk through the trenches during; the fear ful bombardment' around Petersburg; and she has been known to. go under Will attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court oi North Carolinp, and the V. B Circuit and District Courts. . Da. E. 8. Postbb. Da. J. E. MAtOHB' .RS. FOSTER & MAXONK : PRACTICINa PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, ; lAulaburg, N. C. Office over Aycocke Drug Company. f s PKDILL & RUFFIN. . ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW, , louisBuae. v. c , nrin tA MiirtM of Franklin. Vance, Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to coUectlons, to. maoa B. WILDER, ' L ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, - i ; IiOUISBUBS, K. C , Office On Main street, over Jones as Cooper's 'store, i.. ; V-: :;-'V T. W. BICKETT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW.' ' ' : itOUisBuae s. c. " Prompt ana painBtaklng attention given to aver uuwi iv - - j t-i,,. I " Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John ld - Manning, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. Jx . on Buxton, Pres. nrsi nsuoiuu fu. iton. Glenn & Manly, Winstxmeoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For. est College, Hon. B. W. Tlmberlake. Off ice In Court House, opposite Sheriff's. 7. "There cometh a woman of Samarltt to draw water. Jesus saith unto hed Give me to drink." For our sakes H put Himself in the limitations of a mortal body, liable to weariness, hunger, thirst, suffering , and. death: He who made all; things and upholds all things made Him-; self dependent uppn the ministry of oth ers for the necessities of life. He fed mil lions with manna for nearly 40 years and brought water fom the rook at His pleas ure. ' v : '; - 8. "For His' disoiples were gone away unto the city to buy meat." He who said, Qome, buy wine and milk without money and without price (Isa. lv, 1) sends his disciples to buy '-with money things neces sary for the body. It is very difficult for us to believe the extent of His humilia tion. : We cannot understand how rloh He was nor how poor He became for our sakes (II Cor. viii, 9), but we can look up grate fully and say, Lord, I thank thee for bear ing it for mei . - " " 9. "How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which aim a woman of Samaria? For the Jews bave no dealings with-the Samaritans.'' Thus answered the woman of Samaria. How different from Bebekah when Eliezer said,. Let me drink, I pray thee (Gen. xxiv, 45, 46V See In II Kings; 17, the origin of these Sa maritans. Co good unto all, especially to the household of faith, and give to him that asketh thee are good "precepts to re member and practice, for not only is it more blessed to give than receive, but not ' even a cup of cold water given in the name of a disciple shall lose Its reward (Acts xr, 35; Math, x, 42). ; t 10V." Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou'knewest the gift of God and who it i's that saith to thee, Give me to drink, , thou wouldst have asked of Him, and He have given thee living water." The gift of God is the Son of God, as we which was pick up by Sherman's sol diers. ' Ai fearlessly as she ' had here toore sought General Lee nnd Presi dent Davis, she now marched into the office of the Provost Marshal and O tnanded the surrender of her property. - 'I've come here to git back my crap critter that some of your men has stole from me,' was her abrupt address to the official who sat in state in the room so lately vacated by Gov. Vance. 'And pray, Madam, what js a crap crijter? Said he politely, off-ring her a chair. V -s No I'm not gwine to set down in this office till them as oughtor be here, is back whar they belongs,' said she contemptuously pushing the chair aside.' I've sot . here many a" time with Governor Vance anoVjOur betters, and had many a talk with them, but I wants nothing from you but m'ycaap critter that was stolen Thursday a week ago by your thievish soldiers. , Well, Madam," if you will tell me what a crap critter is, and where I am to look for it, I will do my best to have it restored to jou whatever! k may be. . . .... Where are yoa to look for ii?.JVhy i i . $ lOOK haiL My God! old lady' he exclaimed. 'what are you doing here?' 'I'm taking Colonel McRae's and Capt. Young's horses to 'em. - .They jumped on em and . turned em into the yard, .while they run. through the ' bushes down to whar the Yankees be gun a firing on our boys; and when they opened on 'em with the cannon, cow. Jts a mule, man, that I'm arter, and shells begun to 'burst round head- not a cow.'. ' quarters, these here foolish horses got , The Provost Marshal, who' was sort, of cantankerous, sq I. 'cotch ,'em qoife equal to Aunt Abby, and tole'of by the bridles,and as they'd 'erbin his interview with her afterward ask- killed, maybe if I left 'em .upr yonder, ing if there were 'many more such in Pm gwine to takeem fdown Jo whar the State, directed her to the proper the boys is under cover.' I officer, and told her if she ould not The officer who told the story said find her own 'crap critter' she might as cool as though she was I take her choice of any of those in the las stay it home that time cause he wai afeard of the example.' I did write to Gov. Vance, and his reply was so characteristic of 'him, Gen. lee and Aunt Abby, that I will close here story with the following eic tract from his letter. ". - .'On one occasion Aunt Abby came to toe and said her nephew Marcellss was in the hospital at Richmond, and twas gwine lo die sure ef he didn't git away from thar whar somebody could nuss hirnj and promised me solemnly that if I could get hi no a sick furlough lor thirty days, that she would return him at the. end of that time, dead or auvi! Upon this I applied, for . the far lough, and gave my personal pledge that he should promptly return; . She set off to Richmond with my letter, and soon Aunt Abby t and .Marcellas came home rejoicing. It had all passed put of my mind, when lot at the end of sixty days into ray office pop ped Aunt Abby. She took aaeat and stack her tct up on the fender without a wotd being spoken. Well,' said layout took Marcellas back, didn't you?' . ' Na I didn't said; she, ubat child's I FBtXttOSTICATlSUTHE WElTHrS. Some Curious Faeti from' ta (Jli Al-maoae. A curious - old almanac, pub lished in 1700, gives tbe following rules for prognosticating lbs weather: -The resounding of the Ma upon tbe shore and the m arm or of the wnds in the woods without a p. parent winds show, wind is to fol low; A murmur oat ef cares portend eth the ' same. -' The obscuring of the smaller stars is a sign of tempest. Also t the stars seesato shoot, wind will come from the quarter the! stars cime- from Tbe often changing f the wind ehoweth tempests. If two rainbows appear it will rain A raiabe-w presently afUr rain deueUs fair wa&tber. 1 1 Flil-es tha fcxxl more deHdous end wholcsocrxj I Good Adylce From Bishop Hood. got the worst coff ever you seed, and I am come to git yoa to write 'em that he ain't able to go pack.' ' " in your own cattle pens where you wont find much that hai'nt been stole. .' . .. ' : 'Ah, I understand now, its a cow that you've lost, can you identify ?' 'Lord sakes, who but a Yankee ever heard tell of tending of a crap with' a spate my word? ' 'Well, but I on't; I've " not seen him, and I can't certify to anything which is not within my own. know- Atlanta Oonatttactoo. By far the beat advice which has yet been given the colored race comes from Bishop J. W. Hood, of the Afri can Methodist church. -. Bishop Hood's views are especially to be commended because he lives io North Carolina, in the storra-center of the present agitation, and he is thus enabled to speak advisedly. The occa sion upon which he spoke was the an- nail conterence at twartnage. l am astonished," said he as how . little I If the sky be red In the morning have been discouraged or disturbed by it is a sore tot en of winds or rain, tbe events which have brought sadness, or both, because those vapors which gloom and sorrow to so many hearts." canse the redness will presently be Looking for a cause of the friction be- resolved .. tween the races, he found it in, the If tbe boo or moon . loots pale, ignorance of his own people, in their then look for rain: if fair and I weakness in accepting tbe leadership TEE AILA5TA CQMIOIO. The mischief you have? How do I bright, expect fair weather; if red, of bad men, and in the fact that they ! know it? Why, I tell ye so; do yoa -dare to rinds will come If a dark cloud be at eanris.ln which the tea is soon after bidden. it will dissolve, and rain will fol low. If there' appeareth a clodd and she was leading the norses to water on a sum mers day at horoe and only got ex cited and used expressions more forci ble than elegant when they, snorting and jerking back at the whiz of every shell, came near stepping on her. She saia tne woman at tne noose naa ; run into the cellar when the bombardment began, but I told her that I was going to carry them thar horses to ther own-! were yard where the stolen animals kept.' , ; ; 1 expected' he said afterward, 'thai she would be at least a little molified by my polite deportment, and ven tured to hope when I added, that' if she liked to do so, she could take two mules in the place of her crap critter" that she'd think me not in spite of my blue coat, unworthy to sit in the seat M. PERSON, - ATTORNEY AT-LAW, ? -- . - - , (LOUISBUBS, K. a ' Practices in all -spurts. Building. ' Office lr Neal tY HYARBOROUOH, Ja. ATI OENEY AT LAW, LOrjISBTJRO.N.O, Olfice ou second floor of Neal building Main Street. ' All legal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. . a -j. S m a TM j.1 beverlaShw: needjem yet be- of the departed Zebulon.- Instead of mignt bow nave tnougnc or tne woros, j tore tne aaj was over. the waters!" -afid have said, Art thou He4 "f - UC1 waJr lv Lee s army when she . beard of the evacuation of '- Richmond, and Mr. Davis' arrivalat . Gteensboro. 'I couldn's work my way through .to Gin'ral Lee afore he gave up under that apple-tree, so I say to the boys; edge. And besides, I'm not a doctor. I after vapors are seen to ascend up Bui they'll believe anything yon on it, that portend eth rain. If the sua seem greater in the Yes, ;but IdanVleJl then a lie It taint no lie, I' ellyel If yon could see that boy coff it would make you sickl Shut up with your foolish ness, and just write to 'em what I tell ye; tell-'era I ssy.he ain't fitten to go 'Well' well,' said I, in despair, .who shall I write to?' s Write toGeoeral Lee, I don't want no bothermeni with ' none of them offi cers.' ? ; ai so easily allow themselves to bt led into opposition to their white neigh bors, who are, after, all, their best friends. To show that sensible con duct oo part of colored men secures for them thf respect and protection of their white neighbors, the bishop cites his own town. He says: 'It has seemed to me that the white east than common it is a sign of I people there have taken extraordinary rain. S I pains to be pleasant, notwithstanding If in the week about sunsettingl every man voted as he chose and had there appears a black elood it will 1 his vote counted as cast. The condi rain that night, or 'the day folio-1 tion of things in the State at large is Ing- because that elond win want the result of bad leadership." ft. A A- I ucas loaiapoBo i. .The alliance with populism, the If mists comes down from the bUhop ngxrded aa effjrt lo bills or descend from heavens in enemicJt tbere w oothing .t tt t . . mevaueys, is pr-m.Bewo lair n elieinit to attract colored men who weather. - I are naturally Republicans. The climax nitsts to ineerebiaganow a not I seized a pen. and wrote about toiiow: R. D. T. SMITHWICK, ' . DENTIST, V LOUISBCBG, N. C. of whom lsalam wrote? If she had known Jer. ii, 13, slftf might have asked, Art thou a fountain of . living water? But she knew not these things; she was not living unto God, yet her soul was precious In God's sight ' . - . i . r ,- 1L " The woman saith unto Him, Sir, thou bast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep. From whence, then, bast thou that living water?" Whether It be rich, religious flesh, as in Nicodemus, or poor, sinful flesh, as In this woman, it is in either case ignorant of spiritual things. The well is too deep, and the natural man has nothing to draw with. The woman unwittingly described her iown copdition in her words to our Lord.- She thought only of natural water, a rope and a bucket She did not know the words of Isa. xliy 8, "With joy shall ye draw water out of tbe wells of salvation.". He testified what He knew and had seen. Those who be lieve His testimony proclaim Him. as the Truth, but those who receive not His tes timony make Him a liar. ' Let us as faith ful witnesses proolaim what we bave beard and. seen (I John 1, 8). . " 12. "Art thou greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank thereof himself and bis children and bis cattle?" In chapter viii, 53, the rulers ask Him, . "Art thou greater than our fathev Abraham? Greater than Solomon or Jonah (Math, xii, 41, 42), greater than prophets or patriarchs, greater than angels or archangel, one with God. the -Father, .God manifest in the flesh, how meekly He bore it all, to be so unknown, so misun derstood! Are you, for His sake, willing to bave some one far beneath you socially or intellectually spoken of as better, than ou, and can you keep still? Can you. bear to hear some other land or city hon ored above yours and be meekly.quiet be cause your city is New Jerusalem? ' J 13. ''Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again." Both literally and figura tively true. The first the woman could grasp, for she came often to draw wiater, but the second she understood not. But few have yet learned that the waters of this world cannot satisfy, andv the multi-j tudes seek the pleasures' of sin, which sat-' sfy but for a season.- They hew them selves out cisterns that can hold no water: (Heb. xl, 25; Jer. ii, 13). : ; X FllANKLlNTOH flOTLL water that I shall give him shall never thirst, but tne water tnac lanaii give nun shall be in him a well of water, springing Up into everlasting life." Christ In us, the hope of glory is a well that not only abundantly satisfies, but is ever spring ing up to refresh others. ' It is possible to be satisfied with favor and full with the blessing oH the Lord (Deut. xxx, 23), so occupied with God that the pleasures of this world have no power, over. us. : In chapter 1 we have water in connection with the forgiveness of sins, in chapter s water in connection with the wine of the kingdom at the marriage of the Lamb, in chapter 8 water invoonnectlon with the first step toward the kingdom. Here we have an advanoe, for every- believer may be a well of water if only willing. 15. 'The woman saith unto Him, Sir, rl mo tlilgf vnnttw.'- that I thirst not. Good accommodations for the 1 neither come' hither to draw.," She still thought only or natural water, dus soon, as His love and wisdom continued to deal with her, she. began to see herself a sin ner. Then, she saw Him as me Messiah indTier Saviour, she received Him as such, nd joy so filled her that she . forgot all -lse but Him and ran to bear the glad jldings to others. ' - hich she turned on me with. At! easy comes and easy goes; but you need not think to make up for steal ing from one by giving to another. I'll have non from ye but my own crap critter.' -t Her- own crap critter, however could not be found among the stolen mules. General: The ubiquitous, inde fatigable and inevitable Mrs. House will hand you this. She asks me to say that She says, - that . her nephew Marcellus of the regiment, N. C Ts day on the morrow The like when white mista arise from tho-w a wrs in the eveniag. v . Tbe circles that appear about the son if they be red and broken por tendetb'wind. If thick, and- dark,' it shows winds, snow or rain, whish are al i Office in Ford's Building, 2nd floor. Gas administered and teeth extracted without pain. . " x TVR. R. B. KINO,' , i DENTIST, .'. .1 i:' - . ' . .-- , LOUISBURG, N. 0. . Offick ovebAycocke Dbuo Compant. With an experience of twenty-five years is a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the up-to-date lines of the profession. HOTELS. HOTEL WOODARD, W. CWoodabd, Frop., Bocky Mount, N. C. . Free Bus meets all trains,' , t3$2 per day. v - ' FRANKLINTON, N. C. SAM'L MERRILL,' Pt&t: Good accomodation for the traveling public. Good Livery Attached; - OSBORN HOUSE. C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, o Oxford, N. C. boys I'm gwine to jine President Da vis since I can't get to Giperal . Lee; so you all take to the bushes so as not to get cotched by the Yankees, and I'U foot it down the railroad track. One of them told me to be" sure when I got in sight of my enemy, to raise my right : hand, , -'and now Aunt Abby,' said he 'don't you sass 'em none be cause they ain't like us, and would as lieve. shoot, an old woman as not." -' When I seed 'em I did raise my hand, but Lord bless my soul it was the heaviest lift everT tried, it seemed like it was made of lead and ha J a hundred pound weight ; hung . on the eend of my fingers. But I knowed it was'nt my hand, but my hearty was so heavy, and I saved 'to myself: Now Abby House, says I, there ain't a grain of use in telling of, you with a. civil tongue in your head if yous got to talk to Yankees; I knows it haint your na tur, so I tells you to keep a dumb one thar. - ;: did, I walked through ten miles of .them, and never said nary word. I thought I should of choked, for when they cussed Jeff Davis, they Words keep 'er rising up in my throat and I thought they would come out any how'; but I keep 'er wiping of my hand over my mouth and doing like I was a taking of 'em out and of fling. ing them behind me'at 'em, and that sort of eased my mind.j' " ' She got , to Greensboro to see Mr. Davis before he left there, and staid by the train in which he was untfi he left. I cooked the. last mouthful of " vittils V he eat in North Carolina, and he shuck x hands with : me ; when he and after much persuasion she was in duced, on the representation of the Provost Marshal, that she could return it when it was called for, to pick out another male. . He pointed' out one that Jie thought the best in the lot, but she rejected it, and finally selected one of the worst, and replied ' when asked, why she did not take a better one; 'I'm not j gwine to be beholden to no hatchet-ficed Yankee among ye for nothing. Some 'on ye look my crap critter, and if ye can't give it back to me, I'll take one as nigh it's vally as I can get, and that's this here one.' - ' 'All right, old lady, take the one suits you best. Jeff Davis himself couldn't say more if he was President of the United States.' And, that he'll never be-meam his self to be,' she7 replied indignantly, 'for he never did an ongentmanly act in his life, and being President of the United States, ai'nt no gentlemanly calling now, since rail-splitters and tailors' is tuck it up.1 .;' . j Just before she got up to leave me a gentleman. who had frequently seen 'her in the trenches- at Petersburg, came in, and recognizing her, spoke to her, but he had to recall to her memory - the time and place where he Jrad last - seen her, before she could recollect him. .''.. -O yes, I riccollecks'you now,'- she said at length, but you see, you men all looks so different in your' 'store close' Jrom what you did in your old dirty gray jackets in them trenches, that I don't know none on ye at first.' Don't you "think Aunt Abby, said I, that they looked a great deal better in their greyunifofms than they do Tn to the southward and the wind be there, denotes many times a tem pestoooe day; aleo - a roinbow of water gall in the west denotes storm, wet'dey. lne "sun does" appearing in the ttornlfl ger erenhig U a sign of cold, wet, -windy weather time. ' fv wet sammerU always followed by a frosty-winter, bat U happens occasionally 4hat the cold extendi no farther Every winter with, 'excess of west winds Is" followed 1 by a- cold summer v. ' . . A Contrast. . started, and said, .'good bye, Aunt J their store clothes? traveling public. Abbv. vou are true.erit, and stick to -. - . . your friends to the last,' but's no more than I thought you'd do. v" Aunt Abby arrived in Raleigh by j the first train that came from Greens- i MASSENBURG HOTEL - J PjMaHsenburg Propf -X HENDERSON . IT. 0. Good accommodations. Good fare; Po lit and attentive aervaat NORWOOD HOUSE V sVarrentoa. - - Kortb arollca XV. 3. NORWOOD, proprietor. FitHBiun- of nommerdal Tourists and! nvenng Public Solicited. Good Sample Room.' I don't know about,., that, honey, some on 'em was monstrous smoky and ragged, I can tell you; you never seed 'em at their worst as I did, they spruced up a sight when ' the come b- to after Sherman had possession of home, -to what they was in camp, but the town." When she got out at the depot a Yankee soldier,, standing on j i the platform" seeing v an old- woman stumblrns along loaded down with bags and bundles, said to her good" na- During the past two years, Mrs. J. W, Alo.sna unfa nf th editor- of the WaV- ne8boro (Miss.) Times, has, in a great turedly; many instances, relieved her baby when 'Hand np your traps, rpy grand in the first stages of croup, by giving it author, and. give' us your . hand, I' 11 Chamberlain's cough remedy, Shelooks he)p " these steps. upon this remedy as a household neces- r ; . sily and believes that no better medicine 'No you won t was her abrupt re has ever been put in bottles. , There are ply. 'I raised my right hand onffe to many thousands of mothers in this broad a whole army of ye, but I'll never give !?nd. ? Hl!.88 i! It willingly to one on you.' ;. '1 nended upon as a preventive and cure She did not escape the fate of most only knows that Ginral Lee said it was dwellers in the track of the 'great de- a mighty smart letter, ana scemea gtrcver,' zi l::t'.. t?r-'crap critter' 1 powerfal sorry he coutt'nt, l:tl':"'l if they didn't look butter, than they does now, or ever will as long as thefe b.lue coats is a swarming; over the country like-the plague of ; hopper grasses in the scripture. But I've got to see lawyer Rogers, afore night and its bout time I was gwine down town. You jest do what I tells you : 'about writing to Governor Vance, and axing him 'bout that letter he 'gin me to Ginral Lee, and told vac not to let nobody laugh at. He read it to me but rdisreraember what was. in it: I is now at home, thirty days over his so presaged by the eirclesabeot the leave, is still unable tq attend to duty, moon She says he has a 1 rhost distressing .White and' ragged clouds ap- coff. I have not graduated in medi- peering like ' horses ' manes and cine, nor have I seen this patient, but tails forelelIeQi: great winds, even judging from the symptoms as detail aa the sailors long hare said, ia:: ed by Mr. House,-1 y future the opin I ehaffged iraa a otd mmi un. ion;, that MarcellmJ like hi. cr,t I Mkatony Ship. tdearrylow aaU. namesake, has his-thought 'bent on peace. I fear that the air here is too far South for his longs, and earnestly recommend that more salubrious at. mosphere otthe - Rappahannock ; and that- when- comfortably established there, he be made to take for his kofr a compound of sulphuf , saltpetre and charcoal, to taf cop'ronsly admioistrater ed by inhalation. ", I should be happy to learn tbe re sult of this" orescrirjtlon.'aod" have the honor to be General." ' - Yoor oV't serv't, 'I Z. B. VANCli. I read thisJetter over to her io a loud and pompous tone. She was de lighted with it, and slapped me on the shoulder, saying, Lord bless ye, hon. ey, that's it, why couldn't yon a done that at fust without all this - foolish ness?' . As I folded and addressed the let ter, I. said to' her, that there were ma ny people in the army who didn't like me, and perhaps some of them would make fun of mj letter, and if so, she must let me know. - Jastlet 'em par to "laugh at it said she, and with many thanks she left me. In a couple; of weeks she come into my office again with a very long face,' indeed. ' I What luck. Aunt' Abby?' said ' I. did yoq get Marcellas excused?' . , 'Lord bless you, honey, it never done grain o' good ; I carried your letter to Gin'ral Lee, who read it, but they tuck him, Lord bless your heart they tuck that child back jist the same as if yon hadn't 'er writ that letterl ' I expressed my concern, ot conrsr, and added, 'I hope Gen. Lee didn't make fun of my letter, did he? No, said she, he begun to' ' laugh wonst, but' I told him Uodry that tp,' and he read it through mighty soletoa, and said it was a mighty of folly was their support of Governor Russell in 1896. This leads to' tbe dec laration that "the only surprise on my part that the strife which we have had recently did not occur two jears ago in connect ran with that caropaigo and Governor Russell's administra tion has not tended to the promotion of a better feeling." - r It is in the following paragraph that the bishop sums up the w hole cause of trouble; ' MSb far as we are concerned our selves, the root of the evil is the in satiate desire for office, regardless of 1 fitness. We are plagued both in church SOHETHIXQ ABOCT THE GREAT. EST WEEKLY 5EWSPAPEB IX -T1IP. U0U5TBY. Take Your Home Parser and The Con stltndion and be Happy. It is a fact perhaps not generally known that The Weekly Coostitu- titan ISftft tk lftpr7iat i rtnlt ! An ff any newspaper on the western hemisphere. . Only a few months ago a large - newspaper directsry : questioned the claim of circula tion made by The Constitution and put op a fcrfeit of tl00 that it could be disproved that it tad more than 100.000 circulation. The Constitution promptly accept ed the offer and submitted its books to tbe representative of the firm: Mr. George P. Rowel, pub lisher of the new-paper directory, acknowledged, bis error publicly and paid tbe forfeit. Tbe Constitution, while belur a Democratic newspaper. Is first sad above all thiogs a newspaper. It is a twelvs-iatre, seven-column weekly, making eighty-four col nmnseaeh week. Its subscription price is fl a year, but if taken un der the arrangement with -th Is pa per we can give them both at the . price above named. Tbe Constitution has a special correspondent in every important city in tbe United States and a rep resentative in all of tbe leading centers of the world. Daring the war with 8pain, which has just been bropght to a ax a . m eioee, me reports 01 no newspaper in the South conld compare with its news presentation from the front. Its special staff representa tive sailed with tbe army when' it first embarked from Tampa, and of tbe 120 correspondents who went to Cabs, he was one of the only " seven who remained to see tbe flag hoisted over tbe public buildings In Santiago. Its special represen in the Caribbean sea, aod.lls Washington special service covered every detail of the important 'war reports originating at the capitol. Tbe Weekly Constitution daring the late Spanish war served the news of all the notable events, from first to lastr with the prompt- - ness of a. daily. The victory of Dewey at Manila, the death of En-. sign Bsgloy, the movement of the ' troops and fleets, tbe 'destruction of Servera'a fleet, the operations in , Porto Rico, the treaty, and the un furling' of the stars and stripes r overMorro castle, Havana were all Thunder In the morning; if It be ld State by office seekers. Everybody KJtn inTbe Wbekly on Monday, seems to want an office, and 'many do not stop to think whether they have ntness lor omce or not. 1 was once offered the position of collector of customs at Washington. Of course I did not accept it, for what "do I kno about a collector's business? All my training and study have been in a dif ferent direction. I rm sure I am called to preach, and IJthink I know some thing about that. I am at home in the puipit, but inf the custom bouse I should bave been like a cat in estrange garret, as the saying is. And yet there are man y seeking such offices who are no more fit for them than I am. ' These views all sustain the position of tbe constitution, that there is no real problem between theraojs, so long as they continue in the performance of A man once said to Sam Jones: "Jones, the' church is putting my assessment" too high' Jones I tbe doiies incumbent upon citizenship. asked, "How much de yea pay?" year, was the long the "Five dollars a reply. Well, said Jones, -'how have you been converted?" 'About four years," was answer. "Well, what4If jroirdo - before you were converted? ' I was a drunkard." ' . "How much did , you spend for drink?" , ' Abant$25bayear." v . "How much w ere yoa worth? I rented land a ad plowed a steer. ' . What hare) you get bow?1 "I hare a good plantation and a pair of horses." ' Well," said Sam Jooee, "you paid the devil $250 a year for the ptmlege or plowing a steer on rented land, and now" yoa 'don't want to give God,' who saved yon; It ssonly the agitators and the dis'urb ers who create trouble. Tbe sooner tbe colored race learns to drop tbe anxious politicians and' half-edocated place- hooters, the better it will be for it Drop the politicians and go to workl Some men exert themtelres more in trying to borrow a dollar than in try ing lo earn one. 1 The only soap which tbe Hindoos of tbe orthodox type employ is made en tirely of vegetable products. . Kmerica has eight towns named Madrid, three of which are considering tbe-expediency of changing their names. There is mor Catarrh in this wetioB of thoeoeotry than all other dew po toeetbvr. and uatll tb lat few y was soPDoeed to be ineurabl. For U treat ma bt rears doctor pronounced iIImu m rA :v J I rm. five dollars" a ye tor he privilege edfc. aBd by' constant failing; to cure rT1ft-lnp. bar- on -oar own with local trmtmaf. pronouneed U in r s . . I earabl. Setae; baa proven catarrh to plantation; xou are a raseai lronr k. a eoosUtotional disease, and. there . 1 i K.'f. .r V.t tn iK rl I fore, reouires constitutional treatment. smaii icuct tu vi. w. j 1 ,r.n-. ol...K -r, k. v ot yenr oaw - for croup. The 25 ana ou ceni Domes are for sale by W. G. Thomas, drug- O.-'-Wi O. Hardmaa, when aheriff of Tyler County., W, Va., was at one time. almost prostraUd with a eold. He used Chamberlain's eoTigh-renndy and was so much pleased with the quick relief and ear it afforded Litcu tbt be Me tbefol- j ieTj ali c nm r.i,, od one-half of the lowing UBSolleited twtimonral: MToa41 J'ond bottle elltd a ecETplU enre. mao mar oe interemi, vwa- w wmT, 1 y. J. Holland, Ilolland, Va USamber that I have u-d Chamberlain's eooeh j plia pla-ia equally good for remedy and find Hinvaluablf for eooebt j ,r,r.r. ,..;:- ci Umenww. aa well For sale by W. Q. Thomas, g CQn). cuts ar 1 li'J. u Per pile at I had the rbeumatfct to thai I onld not ret tar lmd to tsy bead. I tried the doctor's medicine witboat the least benefit. At last I thought of Cham- brUln Pata Dalm: tho Cnt bctUe J. Cbeav & Co.. Toledo, Ohio, la tbe on ly constitutional cure on tbe market. It is taken internally io dose from 10 drops to a teaspoobf ul. It sets directly oa the blood and raoeooe arfse- of the system. Thev offer one hundred dollars for any ease it fails to cure.- Send for circulars and testimonials free1. Addre, F. 1. CHX5KT & CO.. Toledo, O. on the very day the news first ap peared in the dally. - Tbe Weekly Constitution makes especial feature of its agricultural : page, which is presidid over by Colonel R. J. Redding, director of , the Georgia experiment farm, and a man who is recognized as anjez- : pert on all agricultural topies. 'He giyes-a lull page every wees; on agricultural matters A page is dacntAd tn children, then two ds partments being presided Mrs. William King. Among the regular staff mem bers of The Constitution are Joel Chandler Harris, Frank L. Stan ton and others well known through out tbe country; while among its special contributors are such men as Wallace P. Reed, Bill Arp, Sarge Plaukett, Betsy Hamilton, Dr. Talmage and others of nation al reputation. ' Tbe Constitution has just com pleted the thirteenth year of its existence, Clark Howell being the editor and Colonel W. A. Hemp- bill its business manager. Its name is a household word in - every Southern State, from Virginia to Texas. It has always been in es pecially close touch with tbe agri cultural masses of tbe Sooth, and in having, reached a circulation which carries it into 150,000 homes it hss won a unique distinction which ranks it among the greatest of American- weekly newspapers. Tbe Constitution will send a sample copy of - its great Weekly free to any. one sending bis own name and the names of six neigh bors, oo a costal card. Every man -should lake his couuty newspaper before anjthing else, and next to this he should taka a good general newspaper, such as The Constitution. His county paper gives him the local home newi, which is not supplied by a newspaper famishing the general news from all parts of the eoantry and from all over tbe world. Before a man' eeeks Infor mation from outside, be should first feel sure tbat be is being kept posted on what is going on at borne. This is why he should take his county paper first. . - and colds." I drcr:,t. ,,0, Zl:-f c;z:c r-. i. I.: insA. . A Exposure to rough weather, dampness. extreme eold, etc . is apt to bring oa an attaek of rheumatism or neorslgii;ebtp- p-d bands and lice, cricked lip and vi olent itching cf tbe skin, also owe ' their origin to eoid weather. Dr. J. H. Mo. Lei as Volcaoie Oil Liniment should be kept oo hand at all time for immediate application when trouble of this nit ore appear. It is a soTerein remedy. Fnce '.4 cetts. 10 ce-ta asi ?1.C3 a tot '.1 9,