V r iP IL JAS. A.lTHOUAS, Editor and Proprietor. THE OOTr2srar2 TI03-THE TJisTIOiT. SUSSCS!FTi:i: JI.C3 Pit Ym. li A.'n::t. YOL. XXVIII LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, JMUARY. 27. 1S99. NUMBERS. 'W J7 1 X . M M i t I II . " . . 1 - 1 - 1 " - - ' '" ! METHODIST." Sunday School at 9:30 A."M. " Geo. 8. Baker, Sopt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8. P. M., every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night' ! . G. F. Smith, Pastor. - . t baptist. - - Sunday School at 9:30 A. JIV ; Thos. B. Wilder, Snpt ... . Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M.f every Sauday. -. - Prayer m-eting' Thursday night. ' . i- Forrest Smith. Pastor. - Vrofessional cardM, JJR.8.P.BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN,' : Louisburg, N. C. Office in the Ford Budding, corner Main and Nttdb streets. Up stairs front. - jj B. MASSBNBUBQ,, . . ; ATTORNEY AT LAW.' ' . LOUIBBUBe, v. 0. ..- Will practice in all the Courts of the State " Office In Court House. . THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON VI, FIRST 'QUARTER, INTER NATIONAL SERIES, FEB. 5. " A REAL HERO. THE WRONG MAN GOT THE PRAISE. God Will One of These Days Raward . the True Hero. When- the first call for troops reached- the village last spring7 John Black 'Text of tie Lcuon, - John It-, 43-5-4. Memory Venex, 4&-51 Golden Text, John BS Commentary Prepared by the Rev. D. H. Stearns. " ' - Copyright, 1898. by D. M. Stearns. : 43. "Now after two days He departed struck his spade into the -ground and thence and went into Galilee. " The Sa- ,.j ,u u .mi ruaritans. hearing the woman's MM,. larned lOWard lhe bouse- - "l 11 g " came unto Him to hear Him for them- ne sa'd to himself. selves. Many believed because of what 4 But as he neared the farmhouse he she tola them, and through their entreaty He abode there two days, and many more believed because of His own word (verses i and poor crippled Jennie. How could B9-42). Thus souls were saved, united to 1 he leave them? " " Him, made partakers of His redemption and His glory, and there was joy in heaven as well as- in Samaria (Luke xv, 7, 10). Untold blessing came to them thzougb&hia 'Jew, and because of Him they forgot their differences.-" : : v-" '; -" " ' 44. "For Jesus Himself testified that a prophet hath no honor Jn his own coun try." His own country was Nazareth, and, though He taught in their synagogue, they only-wondered at him. and' called Him the carpenter's son and were offend ed at Him, so He did not many mighty j works there because of their" unbelief I (Math. xiii,. 54-68). We need not think it - THEY GO OFF IS A TRAJfCE, Women Lose, Consciousness, and on Recovering from Trance Say j ' They Have Been With . Angela. '.'.. . He had given up marriage for these two, he had drudged all his life. ' Bat A Tramp's Eloquent Lecture. A tramp asked fr a free drink in ..1.... r-l . "'wii.- i nc rctj'jssi was granieu, ana, j when in lhe act of drinking the prof-1 fered Leverage, one of the young tuen ! present exclaimed: "Sopfmake us a speech. Ii is poor liquor lhat doesu'i unloosen a man's tongue."- The tramp hastily swallowed down THE HU3JA.X BODY. ilauy Odd Facts Which Are Sot Gene rally Known. A Special from Waycross, Ga., to the Atlanta Constitution says: Con siderablejExcitement has been caused among the people who are attending the gospel tent meetings being con-J the drink, and as the rich licfjor coursed ducted by Evangelist Pulliam. ' A through his blood he straightened him number of persons have gone into.ra self and stood before them with a grTce trance and relate wonderful things of and dignity that all his rags and dirt what they saw, heard and experienced could not obscure. ; while in the land of the angels. Genilemcn." he said. I look tn The first to go into a trance tn2ht at vou'and meir ankrr 0 A7 0; li. cno&B It BOW, . ATTORNBT8-AT-LAW, IiOUISBUBA.V.O. W1U attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, aranylUe, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carollnp, and the U. 8. Circuit and District Courts. , : , Da. B. S. Fostkb. ; Da, J. B. MAtosa' - RS. POSTER, as M.A.LONK. " PR ACTICINO PHYSICIANS & SURaEONS, .-. . , Louisburg, N. C Office over Aycocke Drug Company. M. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. chance really to livej . or to die nobly. The thought sent the hot blood rushing to his heart. He would go.' He could send his pay home to his mother and Jerfny. ' . . - But up the road just came his brother." His face was red. He "was strange if sometimes those nearest to ua "v'uu ,,l"cV bouuicu. do not think much of us. If well known "J m goine to enlist. Tohn V in neaven, we can oe con ten d to. do un known on earth, and the consciousness of His approval, whose we are and whom, we serve, is everything; (Acts xxvii, 23; II Tim. ii, 15). .V-; , v- 45 "Then when He was come Into Gal ilee the Galileeans received Him, having seen all the things that He did at Jerusa lem at' thefeast, for they also Went unto had cleansed the temple; .and wrought chance to see something of life." many miracles (chapter tt, 17, 23). At "You've no right to shilk your duty one time He said, The works that I do I . . , . ' bear witness of; me that the Father hath- lu uur wuc anu cnuuren, sauv jonn, sent Me (John v, 36), and He also said, The Father who dwelleth in Me He doeth the works (xiv, 10). We are commanded to let oua, light so shine that others may see our good works and glorify our Father Which is in heaven. : ; x : , 46. "So Jesus came again into Cana of j.Vi.i .nnnt a ian in iha - Supreme I Galilee, where He mada the water wine. Court, and in the Unite'd States District and I there wasA certain nobleman whoso L Nobody suspected that he bad. wanted vireunyuuiv.. i Tntin ' j son was sick at uanernaum." At tne mar- t tt: i . ,. : : Office in uooper anu .m Q ,uaA w a0,,a lu Bu- muuicr.any XNaucy ana me from" a difficulty. He manifested Hisgiory. I whole village -watched. Will's course Me iB tne same yesterday, today and lor- I -j.t d , - ht . d . ever (Heb. xiii. 8), and we are assured I WUnaelI2nt ana Prlde that He will supply all our need, and de- j hero, their fearless patriot 1 i t nii ; (W ti . I unto His kinedom (PhiL iv. 19: II Tim. He was slightly wounded before San- tv, 18). ' : . tiago and came home on furlough. He v xioii no uoaru uuau i chub w&b come i . ... , - . - . . - - . - . out of Judffia into Galilee, he went unto innlea witn exuitaUon as he stepped rHim and besought Him that He would out of ' the train and saw a crowd of come- aown ana neai nis son, ior "ne was i , " . - , . - at the point of death." He heard that I peP,e come to wetcoroe him. He was Jesus was come, therefore some one must helped into a landau:1 over the back of that we should be ever telling that Jesus whcn was an American flag. His towns nas come ana sunerea ana-aiea ana risen i roen had come to do him honor. He again, ana oy xiis lue ana ueaui ana res- i , urrection provided eternal redemption for J eIt that he was hailed as a fayorite Son air who will recaiveHim, and that He He nodded carelessly to his brother to all His people and to set up His king- - "Hello! Jogging on as usual?", .he dom on the earth! ? i ?; ; . . - v ' 48. "Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders ye will not be lieve." v Faith needs to be tried, for by trial faith is strengthened. Jesus never said an unkind or an Unnecessary word, - and therefore there was a cause why He should thus speak to this nobleman. They herewas Tjgreat work ro be donea jMrs Victoria Booth, a young bride of w me 1 1(X)k upoathe p;clure of mourner's bench early in the evening . , - . . r . i This shambling figure once walked vation until about ii o ckxa, when she suddenly went into a trance- -For eighteen hours she remained ' in ATTORNBT-AT-LAW, havisavsa. v. o. Win pVacUce in , all the Courts of Franklin "To enlist? and Nancy and the ; children?-,'-,-:'-t ';'';X-i' -j-r'- -. ; I told her to pack up and come to jwuYouMrhave lo look after them. It will be hard scratching for seven. I know, but I'll never again have a sternly. ; . But Will only laughed, j Nancy and the four children came me, without a penny, and John driiged faithfully for them all summer. mH0& B. WILDBR, " - .. . ATTORNBT-AT-LAW, ." ; . jtOuisBuse, h. o. Office on Main street, over Jones Cooper's tore. )- - - He was the'ir S. SPRUILL. . , . ATT0R NBT-AT-LAW, LOCISBCBO, W. C Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance Granville. Warren and Wake conutl"s, also the 8uprem Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. A Office ever Egerton's Store. . -- rjl W. BICKBTT, . ATTORNET AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBUBBB". 0. ' Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter intrusted to nia hands. " - Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Manning, Hon. Robt W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Wi ton. Glenn ft Manly Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est College, Honj B. W. Timberlake. . - Office In Court House, opposite Snerlira. said. John drew back' out of the crowd The old doctor! seeing his lace, laid his hand on his shoulder. - "There will be another coming home M. PERSON, - XTTORNEY AT-LAW, my only a. few months. She knelt at ; the manhood Tnis bloale(j face was j obce as young and liandsome as yours. as proudly as yours, a man in the world of men. I, too, once had a home and friends and position. I had a wife as state, lying as one dead, except bcca-4aulifulasan av. .v... . .w- dropped the priceless pearl of herl seconds, make some reference to the honor r(.snprt - ... " brightness of the fealm inOhich she and aeopauanke saw Vdisiolve and was resting and lapse again into a Quiffdd jt dow fh- hr;mmino draught. - 1 had children as sweet and lovely as the flwers of ?pring,'and saw them fade and die under the blighting curse of a drunken father, fhad home where love lit the flunejipoa the altar and ministered before it, and I put out the holy fire, and darkness and deso- as The London MalL Human beings are of all sizes, but the tall man is less, common than the short; only one man in every 308 ex ceeds the height of 6 feet, . For every foot of stature a man should weigh from 26 to 23 pounds, a proportion that is not the lot of all in these hur rying days.- - An average-sized man weighs 140 pound s a woman 125 pounds. CurL oualy enough, the mean" weight andl81"1 drank while others toiled, height of lunatics are below those of J nd serious minded people had said sane people. . Another unexpected " never got back it would be thing in this respect is that of a ne- no The company had gone ff groe's skeleton weighs more than that 1'ttle blaze of glory, with flatter- of an Englishman's. - I iog ogs, an1 blare of music, and after Th ;tai;TincT m.,r- , tK. Kir it H over and the last echo had - . o r ' - . 1 A. r v T a r'fiRi- X "'JX I i- 1 . ' ' " M l " -1 Msl.es tho food more delicious end wholesotTia comatose state. She was finally re stored to her normal state. She was removed to the home, of her father-in-law, John Booth, where she is at pres- ent. . ; ' - -. ' - ... .' There were two or three others who went into a trance, but the period was r 1 . 1 . : T7 1 T-, t I 01 snoncr uuranon. vanEeiisi- rui- 1-,.- ,.;. ; ;, a t u.. t mviyu aviKuvu ita gtdJj. a (jJivA Ham. says pne man who went - into, a pirations and ambitions that soared as trance at his tent sang a new song I v:k - a 1 t. 1 when he .regained consciousness a bruised thcir beaut&l wines. and at 1 r 1 a 1 V 1 . song never ucrorc nearu oy raoriaicars. la. slrant.,ed lhe.n lha. t milh. hpar Mr. i-uiiiam says tne trance state is lbeir cries no more. Totlay I am i quite common in his meetings. He is hasbnd wilhout a wifc a wil4l , out a child, a tramp with no home to ness people, being the president of that OWQf man jn whom- eyery . t?i :j T"! .u- u . i bcti m X.OHU. UCy ucucyc uki good impulse is dead. And all swal- is a state higher than christians usually ,owed 'up in lhe maelstrom ofdrink." attain to in this life, known as the bap-1 '-. " tism fire. When a man reaches, there The -,ramP ceased The his face is sometimes changed and 8Uss kU hom nerveless fingers and snivcrcu mio a mousanu irAgments on the fljor The swinging door pushed Qpen and shut again, and when the little group jibout the bar looked op the tram was gone. New Orleans Picayune,. " ' a drop of which takes 22 seconds to go the rounds of the body. There passes through the heart once io every 3 minutes ' an', amount of this precious fluid equal to. all that is contained in the body. . ' Th&mileace of the blood circulat iot reveals some as'onishmg and , un dreamed "of truths. It . is estimated that, assning the average speed of the Heart to be 69 beats a minute, the blood travels 207 yards in 60 second; in dther words, 7 miles an hour, 167 a day or 6.320 per jsjar. shines like a light in the darkness. Ironical Ifsu If a hen lavs for you she doesn't I mean any harm by. it. -If pbeta are TborrTa'' lot of;, them are unmade in after years. . - If a young man is too bashful to propose he goes without saying. Things that Annoy the Sick. Nothing is gained and much time - : 4UrSBUB,S.a iint.ioe in !aU courts. Office 1b Neal Building. j H ' Y ARBOROTJQH, JB. ;. AT10ENEY AT LAW, LOUISBTJRO, N. a A (Jreat Awakening Amonff the Peo ¬ ple of the Seaboard Air Line- Office on secondk floor of Neal building Main Street. . i .:..:; . : : The agricultural interests are being were ever , saying, Shew us a sign. What j of men one of these days,who have been signsnewest xnouifliatn.xu,s;oonn ii, hn . OM. fioK, ; r.,K, 18) and there may, have been a desire fpr , ..v such tjven in this man's heart, for the said, quietly. "And then God will re Lord knew what was in man. r a .uJ i. i ,,- ' 49? "The nobleman saith unto Him, wa?d thf heroes, unknown , as well as Sir, comedown ere my child die." When; known, who have-given "Hfs and service lb is a Kitau eiucx-gexiuv uuu wjw bulla lb i r tt 'j m -w-r- i i very mueff in earnest, our words are-apt j "r Him and for His needy children. co . oe lew, ana w zao point ranapsas the man journeyed -he tolerated doubtful thoughts, but by our Lord's remarks he recovers himself, and now comes this cry of faith, believing that if Jesus will only come bis" boy will live. It was a father's heart cry for his son. See one much more ii. i tt o do 1 1- too late. What did our Father in Heaven elevated and the farming class manifest-' All legal business intrusted to-him j feel as He gave up Hi3 only begotten Son ing much interest , in seeking a higher -will receive prompt and careful attention. I for us? ':: :y - I ... . ,, . , , . , -ov. jesus saita unto mm, wo iny way, i. v " - . r"" thy son liveth. ' Atod the man believed the j edge of farming. ; - ' wtaw? 1eT: Toona rinrl onnlrnn nnfrt V i m I "" - and he went his way." The same voice' b peaDoara Ait Line, which is which said, Let there be light, and there constantly doing something practical was light; the same word that made the , ' ... heavens and all their host; the One to Mf the people along its I road, instituted whomnothing is hard or wonderful (uen. a wise project some six months ago, in 1. R' Pa imtili. fi: Jftr. -xmtil.- 171 said to I , r , o ' TJw this man these comforting words, and the establishing a Circulating Library De- . l tvian i-Acfta lirvrvn rhom in nnlotTiDca onrt I r . a Z, 17 panmeni jor tne Denent ot tne farmers confidence and goes his way expecting to . . j find his eon living and not dying. There on its line of road. They -have pow are joy and peace, in believing, bet there is .krnF ihes- lihrariPQ in rnnci.m - If a man can t raise a laueb bet ' 3 sv lowing ourselvts to become nervous is very apt to raise a few sighs.- .... :.-.: and unable to be of the slightest use m If people are very bright n is lhe sickroom tmnAODiklia t Vaan triAm in i.Via I ,u,Fr.w. .. ..r- - Although we may consider a person OA-T- I inn ill K aava rm rC whiit ie I u Ir in rr iuv - v v v aas. tn laaiqg If a man gives himself away it J place about hira, he is sometimes fully is probably; because, be isn't worth j cognizant of the merest trifles and al baying. !. "' . , I ways more' or less susceptible to any Tf - mn n.v mr.lrino- forland all things going on. For that A. a u auuu g' vu V ew q - - i . - a widow she ooeht to site np ber reason conversation aoout tne conai j. t - " . I Hon ot the patient carriedAon in wms weeua iui uiiu. R. D. T. BMITHWIpK, . DENTIST, r LOUISBURG, N. C. ' .Office in Ford's Building, 2nd floor. I Gas without pain, j TR. R. E. KINO, DENTIST, . liOUISBUEG, N. O. OrricE oveb Aycocke D&va Company. With an experience of twenty-five years i s a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all ' the up-to-date lines of the profession. . HOTELS. no steadfastness apart from it (Rom. xv; 13; II Chron. xx, SO; Isa. vii, 9). and are arranging to add several more. j HOTEL1 WOODARD.- W. C. Woodaed, Prop, ;' . .; Rocky Monnt, N. C. . Free Bus meets all trams,; " , $2 per day. - ' oi. "Ana as ne was now going aown Th rt ic t .v- hi Kfirvant met him and .told him. eaV- -M,a v . y, l4JC ing, Thy son liveth.?' And so it came to Industrial department ot the b. A. L- pass as Jesus said. , When Paul was told p:i rJ.nA n. .k..n,. by the angel in the storm at sea, after all Ral1 Road and one- of the '"ost ener- hope was-given up, that all -would be getic Georgia ladies, Mrs. Eugene B. BAYOU, XITi D LVUVi CUiU OOIU, -yJ w I T T J . t r. H T T.J . " 1 cheer, for I believe. .God that it shall be Heard, who is a S. A. L. Industrial even as it was told me. And so it camp Agent, is General Superintendent of to pass I Acts ixTUsO) . wnen xuary i ... ... . believed the message of Gabriel, it is writ- thislibrary work. These libraries are ap, ten of her, "Blessed is.she that believed, plied for, by the lady industrial" agents things which were told her from the J at the different points on the line of road Lord"? (Luke i, 45).. i : . -V v"" through' Mrs. Heard, and they are sent r-rt l L ml. 1 . . : 1 T.nn. 1-1 1. a 1.-,. t ' J from station to station and allowed to remain thirty days at each station, giv thence forwarded to : other stations, These libraries are filled with valuable when he began to! amend. And they said unto him, Yesterday at the seventh hour t-.ha fotroT' lAft ViItti " ; Wo nmv imaffinfl thn anxious watcheMrifter the father left home ing the farmers access to . its contents; and how they would reckon the time till his return, bringing with him the great prophet. They would say, Now he is at FRANKLIN TON HOTEL anafnow I(aK books'and periodicals treating . upon leaving for home, and all the time theyl J (arming, domestic economy, and prac wouia oe watcning .tne sick ooy, pernaps , suggestions on aU subjects, -The unable to lift his head, and not oaring, to b J . open his eyes, and they were longing ifor library' work- started bythe Seaboard JeS ?f knew -t.ht it J t Air. Line is very popular among the the same hour in the which Jesus said unto I farmers Along the line, and they are ex i .. . . ml ,i J.I. T I I 1. 1 1 J .T I - J - - Ilim, lov soil liveun, tuiu muueron ueuovou i . . v,c, f - ,u nd his whole house." - Faith cometh by pecting gfeat benefit to come from the hearing tho word ot God (Romx, 17). Every - promise believed and fulfilled in creases our faith, and if only we are will ing and yielded our God will fulfill in us ell the good pleasure of His goodness and the work of faith with power (II Thess. 1, ll. - 64. "This is again the second miracle FBANKLINTON, TT. C. ' SAM'L MERRILL,-Pjp'T. Good accomodation for the traveling public. : Good Livery Attached. osborn house; C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, '.'i,' Oxford, N.CV . iQood accommodations for the traveling- public. movements. Recently, a prominent lady Mrs. M A. "Lipscomb, oT Athens, Georgia I showing her appreciation of the work donated" to . the Seaboard Air Xine J MASSENBURG HOTEL HENDERSON, N. C. that. Jesus did when He was come out of through Mrs. Heard, a complete li brary, and' in honor of this lady, Mrs, Heard.has named this valuable addition 'TheLiDscombLibrary.!' .r . : .a .- - Wa understand that Mrs. Heard is soon to have more of these libraries sent to' her by the enterprising people of her Judaja into Galilee." In the two miracles we have gladness and - health. - - In His presence is fullness of joy. There is a . river the streams wnereor. mage giaa. .t; Ht and attentiTu serrani j I NORWOOD HOUSE fY irre&ton. 4 Karth arcllna tion of the patient carried"! on in pers or in any mysterious, in an ne should be avoided and an air of quiet cheerfulness always maintained. : "Nothing is so annoying as to be con tinually asked if we do not : wiih the pillows changed, the bed. clothes straightened, the blinds closed or It Was Best So." The village prodigal was one ol the very first to enlist, and go eff to the war. He had never been aov account. you know. Hejiad klled while other men worked. He had danced and died out on the air, a woman sat with bowed head and tear-stained face try ing to pierce the future to which the prodigal had gone. -Shf knew.very well what tb?y had sa"id. She knew his faults; th it he .was lazy, shtfilesa. lissolutrt There was no fiber vt ber heart lhat he had not' racked with an guish time and again. For weary years she never heard a sudden foot fall on her door step, or the call of an unexpected Voice, without turning faint and sick with ' apprehension of some calamity that he had brought her She knew so well, she had heard to often. , f r o tat I i. a man o. 04 couia nave . one sin- lhe. f0.,nd most drcaded of an lhat em gle blood corpuscle fluting in his com jnto t woman's life, the shuf blood all bis life, it would have lra- flmgf unsteady( heavj lread 0 those versea in mat penoa no less than. fcet bringing home a drunken roan to 5,105,808 miles. ! his mother. Yet he was th onl ann The average weight-of the brain of I of hismoiber, and she was a widow, an adult, male is 3 pounds 8 ounces. I and she had thought, as she saw him The woman's brain begins to decline J go, that his wrecked life was her fault. in weight after the age of;3o; the j She had not been firm with him, she man's not until 10 years later. Ac-had not managed him, she ' had not cording to hish authorities, the nerves. I punished him; how could she when with their branches and minute rami- I he looked op to her with bis dead fixations connecting with the brains, j father's' eyes? O.her women had cl ing exceed 10,000,000. I weeping to their sons as they marched Th raim rr it. fcan.t an, f out. - She alone had dry eyes. Sme aa aHaMki v 1 w a a4 miiu 0V tv J t - la - a. r a tKn rt .r. r.t cK,. rj I ooW" u seemea 10 ner mat ooa was far, in order that sudden bits and vio- almosl 8nB n,m nother chance lent blows may be successfully resisted. There would be infinite strength to and no injury done to muscles and bones back his weakness, there would be tht underneath. ' - I iron curb of authority to COutroJ his i ' , f , . , . I wanton will; there would be the very The muscles of which the tnnfftie 1 ' ' .. .. . . . ... I robe and crown oi glory btfore his If we were all as good as we ad vise others to be, heaven would be right here oh earth. If. you would know the differ ence between impertinence and re partee size up the man who says it. . . - - . . - I onencd. some nourishment brouifht. or If there is'one man meaner than J any small details attended to. Better another it is the one who ' refuses by far to see for oneself and di quietly to allow his children : to attend without disturbing the patient,,. Par ticularly if he is disposed to sleep do uot at once get a newspaper ol the kind that has the greatest : ptjssible amount of the rattle' in it and seat Sunday School. Chicago News. human" structure in combination are capable of-more than 1,209 different motions. ' - The teaching of experience indi cates that accidents are far. mote likely to occur to the right leg and arm than the' left. Further evidences of this fact is supplied by the makers of artificial limbs; they dispose of many more appendages to the right side Of the body than to the other. Statistics show that on fifty-four cases out of a hundred the .left leg is stronger than the right. . " If a man coufd move his legs proportionately as fast as an ant, he would travel not far shnt-of 86 miles an hour. - Good Adyice. Didn't Want any Insurance Anyway. She had been concluding to take put j y0urself in a rocking chair regardless a life insurance policy and appeared J Qf ibe possible effect it may have upon before the examining physician. "What's vour name?" he asked m .1 his'crisp business way, and she looked indignant, as she answered. "Age?" . ; I didn t come here to answer lrn- Dertinent questions, sir. I came to De a . - insured.".- ' the nervous condition of your friend. : ' When it is time, for nourishment or medicine, be prompt to give it, but al ways without talking over it too much, and if it is the bitter cup that is to be prescribed have, something agreeable to follow and a cherry word. If it is the food 0 broth, have it prepared out- "But we must "know, your "age ml side the sick room and brought quietly order to fix the rate." "What rate?" v, "The anSouhtyou must pay "annu ally for being insured." r -"Thirty-three then," she snapped. - "You must be accurate or it - will invalidate the policy." - "Forty) but I must say that I never heard such impudence." "Weight?" "I don't know. Neither does - any one else. Just as though that . would make any difference.' ' -: ''Married -or. single?" - "Single, thank heavens! Not but what I've had plenty of chan ; "Of course. Any insanity in your family" : : ' ... "Sir," -and she tried her best to con geal him with a look. and, above all, in an attractive ftrtm, bearing in mind that a little, daintily presented, will be much more accep table aud partaken of with more benefit than a larger quantity. New York Ledger. Jack Pots. During the past two years, Mrs. J.:W. Alexander, wife of the editor of the Way- I . . . r mr ... 1 . . 1 tr, T,a firatatjicma of cronn. br eiviiut it A ir Line is to be coneratulated oh hav- : "i gaess inai you nrmmherlaln's caoirh remedy. - She looks I amnnrr "t nnmprns workers such a l insured. ...... ' . - . ,5 :- i . - Upon this remedy as a nousenoia -neees- , - . A or n T.:n-rnmh has ever been put in bottles. There are Surely the day star of promise is fast many thousands of mothers in this broad rising upon me sons oi uui iuo5 iuC .r. J. NORWOOD, Proprietor. age of Commercial Tourist- ana - SeaboanlAir Line, :fof when the fair pended upon as a prevenuTe sna cure wuica ui u; uu uW.u6 for croup, ' The 2a. ana ou cent ooiues . g gea5oard Air Line ladies, success are for sale by W. G. Thomas, drug-1 . . . . favelln g PubUo Solicited. Good Sample Boom. HTsiBisT.HoTXi. to ff:ri tr-C-- ". "You keep coffee pots here, do you not?" .. .' .Yes, ma'am." - ' "Yes, ma'am." f "Well, I guess ihis roust" be the place," she said to herself. "Do yon know my husband, Hezekiah Brown?' "No, ma'am." ' : - . "Then, J guess you can't help roc," she said, with evident disappointment. don't want to be "You see, I want to find out whether you have.been selling him any jick- . . i .. , if . r..i l-a "And you guessed it right lhe first r , T ' - , , , , r :i I uu Ol laic, auu luc uuir iiiiuk x luuiu time. ' I aon i propose 17 oc a; lamuy 1 encyclopedia for you or aoy other gs- Congressman-elect Roberts says: "There is trolhirg permanent about this sudden storm of religious fanati cism which is attacking me. It will soon be over. Why, I don't take my seat before next fall. There is a long summer between now and then. There is the sea serpent to think about. When they go to, telling fine tales about him Roberts and his hideous crimes against humanity will ' be forgotten.". Mr. Roberts seems -to have strong constitu tional ground on his side; but there is unquestionably a, prejudice against the quantity of marrying in which he is engaged. The moral sentiment of the people is against plurality of wives. The sentiment which is not so mighty moral is the same way. Poligamy is opposed in this country, and if Mr; Roberts wants to slide through a term in Congress he should be quiet. . ' The people will not forget, even if a sea serpent should run up Broadway, New York; especially if Mr. Roberts keeps on talking about the. matter. The Constitution does not present a smooth way of getting rid of Mr. Roberts but it is to be remembered that the House of Representatives can do pretty much as it pleases about its own membership Men who have been as fairly elected to Congress as Mr. Roberts was have been deprived of their seats for mere party expediency. .Anyhow Tlr.' Roberts should be modest, if a man with three wives can be. Cincinnati Enquirer. eyes that had seen nothing worth striv ing for. No man could go into the baptism of war and come out the same. He must needs be worse or better, and so she waited and prayed for all the prodigals who had offered lbeir poor, purposeless lives to their country. When the end came it seemed to her almost as if she had been expecting it. At first it was only a name in the' list of the slain. 'Then a K-tier came from a comrade, telling of. the splendid and daring piece of heroism. There was a call for volunteers to do hopeless deeds ol daring, and the prodigal was among the first to-respond. "If I should get killed," he said, using almost, the words lhat others had said of him, "If I should get killed, it will be no loss not even to my mot ber 1" And so he went, and he did not come back, but the deed of a minute bad atoned for the failures of a lifetime. They call him hero in the little village and are going to build a monument, blazoned with the memory of bis glory, and they feel that his mother ought to be com forted. If he had lived he would never bave amounted to anything, they say She knows that, too, and that be nvght have again been the village prodigal, but he was the only soa of his mother and she was a widow. . sip-monger," and she flounced out with a vigor that made the doctor think j that she was a pretty good bul jcl after all. get out of hira was something about losing some jackpots, and I thought if I could find out where he got them in lhe first place' I might help hira straighten the matter out." Where do You Carry Yonr Money 1 I had the rheumatism so badly that I could not get my hand to my bead. I tried the doctor's medicine without the iVast DenffU. At last I thought of Cham berlain's Pain-Balms the finst bottle re lieved all of the pain, and one-half of the second bottle effected a ccmplTte enre. W. J. II0LLA5D. Holland-, Va Chamber Iain's Pain Halm is equally good for Frralns. swelliDcrs and laments?", as . . ,1. .. ao nn mt. e ni.4 ana orniaea. rui said iti W, Q. Ttcruis' drcr et:Ti. i a The two wfves were discussing Jfcc pecuniary peculiarities of their respec live husbands, and they coincided with great unanimity until they reached the point of their own relation to the purse strings. - "My husband never gives me a pen oy unless he gTOwls about -ray extrava gance," said One. f .. Mine does the same thing,"attested the other. "But I get even with him." And her face showed lhe color of satisfaction How do you ever d i!?" 1 go through his lnusfTS ockeU when he's asleep - "Goodness gracum-l" exclaimed he other. , ! wouldn't 'do lhat for any thing." . ' "Why not? Haven't we. a right to lhe money as well as they ha vt?" 1 "Yes, but I wouldn't go through my husband's trousers nockets for it ' r7' ' "I'd like to know-whj?' said the first, quite indignant at the apparent reproof.. "Because," blushed the other, "be welj J carries his money in his waistcoat pock a at et'rearscn's Weekly. THE ATIim CCMIIJTB. SOjIKTHIXO about the UREAT . EST WEEKLY 5EWSPAPER IN TIIK C0USTEY. Take Tour Home Fairer and The &) Blitndlon and be Happy. It is a fact perhaps not generally known that The Weekly Constitu tion b&s the largest circulation of any newspaper on the western bemiephure. Only a few months ago a large nswspsper directory questioned the claim of circula tion made by The Constitution and put up a forfeit of 1100 that it could be disproved that it had more than 100,000 circulation. The Constitution promptly accept-- ed the olTer And submitted its books to the representative of the - firm. Mr.-George xVKoweU, pub- ' Usher of the newspaper directory, acknowledged bis error publicly and paid the forfeit. The Constitution, while belnz a Democratic newspaper, is first and above-all things a newspaper. It is a twelve-paire. seven-column weekly, making eighty-four col umns each week. Its subscription, priceis Jl a year.but if taken un der the arrangement with this pa cer w can give them both at the rice above named. , 1 The Constitution has a special correspondent in every important city in the United States and a rep resentative in all of . the leading; centers of the world. During the war with 8pain, which baa just been brought to a close, the reports of no newspaper in the South could com pars with its news - presentation from -the front. Its special staff representa tive sailed with the army when it first embarked from Tampa, and of the 120 correspondents who"went to Cuba, he was one of the only; b ten who remained to seethe flag hoisted over the pnblie bulld'ngs in Santiago. Its special represen tee also accompanied the fleet in the Caribbean sea, and its Washington epeeial aervice covered' every detail of the important war reports originating at the capItoLJ The Weekly Cons.ritatlon daring the. late Spanish war served tho; news of all the notable events. rom first to last, with the prompt- ness ox a dally. The victory ef Dewey at Manila, the death of En-; ign Bagloy, the movement of the - troops and fleets,, the destruction ! of Serv era's fleet,' the operations la ' ortoliico, the treaty, and the an-' furling of the stars and stripes " over Morro castle, Havana were all -given in The. Wbekly on Monday, ? on the very day the news first ap . peared in the daily. The Weekly Constitution makes a special feature of its agricultural page, which is presidid over by Colonel K. J. Bedding, director of the Georgia experiment farm, and a man who is recognized as an ex- -pert on all agricultural topics., lie giyes a full page every week on agricultural matters. A page is -devoted to children, these two do- partments being presided over by Mrs. William King. Among the. regular staff mem- t bers of The Constitution are Joel' , Chandler Harris, Frank! L. Stan ton and others well known through out the country; while among its special contributors are such men as Wallace P. Reed, Bill Arp, : Sarga Plunkett, Betsy Hamilton,' Dr. Talmage and others of nation-' al reputation. ' The Constitution has just com pleted the. thirteenth year of its existence, Clark Howell being the : editor and Colonel W. A. Hemp- bill its business manager. Its name is a household jrord in every Southern .State, from Virginia to Texas. It has always been in es pecially close tonch with the agri cultural 'masses of the South, and in having reaehed a circulation which carries it into 1C0", 000 homes it has won a unique distinction which ranks it among the greatest of American weekly, newspapers. . The- Constitution will send a sample copy of its great Weekly' free to any one sending bis own I-name and the names of six neigh bors, on a postal card. ' Every man- should take his couuty newspaper before anything else, and next to this he should taka a good general newspaper, such as The Constitution. His county paper gives him the local borne new, which is not supplied by a newspaper furnishing the general news from all parts of the country and from all over "tie world. Before a man seeks infor mation from outside, be should first feel sure that he is beirg kept posted on what is going on at home. This is why ho should taka his-county paper first. Exposure to rough weatberc dampness, extreme cold, ere . ia apt to brio- on an attack of rbenraati-m or noralgia; chap ped bands and fc, erackrd lip and ti olfDt itching of the skin, also owe their origin to cold wwtfhtr. Dr. J. H. iic Lean'a Volcanic Oil Liniment should be krpt on hand at all times for immediate application wbea trochlea of this cstur appear. It ia a oTer-i7n remfy. Pric S3 nc?itsasl Jl,C: a b-:'..:. "