I r j, Vi 'if ,V n ' JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Prcprle TZEEIE OOTJlsrToTHrE! STATE, TJinoir. SU-S:":?Ii:ix$.C3 hr Ye:r, Stl'j la ktezu yol. xxvnr LOUISBURG," N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY. 3, 1899. KDHBER50. Mr. ' ' ' CHURCH DIRECTORY. METHODIST. 1 Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. . Geo. S. Bakes. Sopt.' Preaching at 11 A. M., and . 8 P.H.. every Sunday.' Prayer meeting Wednesday night.' - , . - G. F. Smith, PaBtor. ' ... BAPTIST. . i Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Taos. B. Wilder, Sapt Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M.. every Sunday. r Vprayer m-eting Thursday night. , Fobbest Smith. Pastor. Vx J " -i ? - .-- . - ' l'rot'essional eail. - r- - THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON VII, FIRST QUARTER, INTER NATIONAL SERIES, FEB. 12. - AN ACT To Authorize the Town of Louisburg to Issue Bonds for Public lmproye ments, and to Levy a Special tax. and for other Purposes. . The General .Assembly .of North ; CarounaTSoEnact." 1 Section i; That for the purpose o( providing asystem of waterworks, D R. S. P. BURT, 5 PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, - r Louisburg, N. C. - ! Office ia the Ford Building, -corner Main and Naah streets. Upstairs front B. MASSENBUEQ, - " 'jl- ' ATT0RHBY AT LAW. i'.: : LouiObae, w. c , Will practice in an the Courts of the State I i ' Offloe In Coart House. - Text of the Leuon, John 1T-27. Slemory Verses, 24-27 Golden Text, John It, 42 Commentary Prepared by the Rev. f. M. Stearns. Copyright.' 1898. y D. M. Stearns.1 - 17. "But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto and " I: work." Because He had healed the impotent man at Bethesda oa the Sabbath day they per secuted Him and soneht to kill "Him. Th. Weston says that their Sabbath day was to sewerage and electric lights for - the them , their national banner, and it was town..of Louisburg, or of making other not well for any one who would dare break ,Kt; .;m ,.m.,0 s . , , , ' . ,, x. public improvements in the said town their laws concerning it. God's Sabbaths " r and feasts which He Instituted , had be- an (or refunding the ; outstanding come the Jews' Sabbaths and feasts, and bonded indebtedness of said town, or their: own, thus making the command- when the Board of Commissioners may ment of God of none effect by their tradi- k"n-.. ( f ;r.. tion (Math. v, S, 6). - ' ; ' i determine, the Board of Commissioners 18. "Therefore the Jews sought the of the town of Louisburg, in the county more to kill Him, because He not only had r t?.i.i:- i u .u :- broken the Sabbath, but said also that r 4-""' "15 racu ttL.T God was His Father, making Himself empowered to issue bonds from time equal with. God."-On another-occasion- . . ' j- they Vera going to stone Him because, as to time, to an amount not exceeding, they saidisHe, being a man, made Himself in the aggregate, thirty thousand dol- God (John ix. 33). What spectacle is this, , t , , . . v the Creatornated by thereature, stio- !?f such denominations and in such voters of said town. ..The said election shall be advertised for thirty days pri or to the day of election in a newspa per published in said town also at the Court House door and two other pub lic places in said town. - V The Board of Commissioners shall appoint a Registrar and three jidgc of election who shall hold and con duct said election according to thr same rules and regulations as are now prescribed by law for election of munici pal officers in said Town,except as here in otherwise provided. No new regis tration shall be required,but all person whose names have heretofore been reg bOV. TAYLOR'S iFAEEWELL ' DRESS. - AD- The IAf or a Pontieian and OQc e Holder i Not One of Endless Joy. AS OTHERS SEE US. 0. y M. coo&K at soir, ATTORNBTS-AT-LAW, i LomsBuae.ir. c Vflil attend the courts of Nash, rrankUn, OranvlUe, Warren and Wake counties, also tbe Supreme Court of North CaroUnp, and the U. ciroolt and District Courts. , r ; . : .; . r jk. J. B. MALOITK' B& FOSTBB J1ALONB. . Da. B. B. Fosraa. D PRACTICING PHYSICIANS fc STJBQBONS, - i ' Xouisburg, N. C. Office over Aycocke Drug Company. w M. HAYWOOD RUFFLN. klers for the Sabbath day seeking to kill I nrorjortions as said board mav deem the Lord of the Sabbath I Yet such Is re- ... . '.r . : - , . - ligion that is not of God. advisable, bearing interest . from the 19. "Then answered Jesus and said nn- date thereof, at a rate not exceeding to -them, Verily, verily, INsfcy unto you, . ' - ' -i The Son can do nothing oKHimself but s,x centum per annum, witn mter- wbat He seeth the Father dofor what est coupons attached, payable annually things soever He doeth these also doeth - - - the Son likewise." ' Their unbelief and a such times , and at " such place pr 111 Jl 1 m. . i . 1 V j. ' ' - . . oypositiou uiu nut tuu couia not arter xne facts in -the ease. Kf withnnt armmnnt Hn quietly went on with Hie teaching. WhenM said Board, said bonds to be of such ono is right, the only .thing to do is to form and tenor and transferable in keep right on saying and doing right, i - sure that they who war against us shall suchrway, and the principal thereof be as nothing and as a thing of naught payabletir redeemable at such time or (Isa. xli, 12). . . : r 1 . . s 20. "For the Father loveth the Son and times, not exceeding fifty years from showeth Him all things that Himself the: date thereVfr and at such piace , or doeth, and He will show Him greater N works than these that ye may marveL" In places as the Board.of Commissioners chapter Ui, Si. "The Father loveth the a determ:ne v - Son and. hathfgiven all things into His ma" aei"m;nc N,; hand." In chapter x, 80,x"I"and My 7 SEC.-3. That none Of the bonds pro Father are one." In chapter xiv, 9, 10, .-.. , . - ,X , '., , tm. .1 - 1 11. .1 tt- vi-lfA fnr in Inp'ahnvf "rriiir snail he " 1 ti alBoln the Supreme I 'lUa " " w iuo uaui ektcjj duo a or ... . . "armalnOTnltl State. District and theiv, lam In the Father and the Father disposed of, either by sale, exchange, 111 iUO. . - Ail liUQp JCt AV, wo mm. AD I m - - . X, the Father hath loved Me so have I loved ) hypothecation or otherwise, for a less you,", and in xvii, 23, that the Father prjce than their par valued nor " shall at the mafiifestation of God in Christ, but said bonds or their proceeds be used riZT "7 hef purpose than those .de- f est in us? (Gal. 11, 20; II Cor. iv, 11.) I clared in said section 91 "lfra-no tVin T?oti niccfVi nr. tit a I dead and quickeneth them, even so the I Sec 3. That the bond authorized to bon quiekeneth whom He wilL" In the I issuej ty section one hereof, and fnllnwlnir TflTKfw this fiTTilalnoil mm. I ' ferring not only to those who are dead in their coupons shall not be subject to ?i?'uUln,g Tnrr.,pleasu ,theinsevea taxation by the said 'town until after (Eph. ii, 1 ; I Tim. v, 6), but also to those - ' .. - whose bodies are dead in . the grave. In they, become due, and tender , of pay- yerses 28, 29, we read that all that are in ment shall have, been made by the cue graves soau near his voice ana snau 1 corner forth either unto life or damnation. Board of Commissioners, and the cou the Son." . lie hath appointed a day in town taxes or other town dues, for any ttewfiioh Hewm Judge ttie world,to gscal year in which said" coupons be rtsrhtnmiBTiesa hv that man nhnm He hath I 1 . . . . . . ordained', vs hereof He hath given assurance 1 come due.or thereafter; and if the holder unwiueaunBD xum , f . , . COUDJns shaU f,ftmtnd,t,ainsteklnir attention given to prom tne oeaa acis itu, ?i . , oneaay . ( ' . , . 8). . At the beginntog-t)f the day shall be ",c Wluc ul " the judgmentof the righteous, and also of J places therein named, he shall not be the living nations, and. at the end of the J j j ,1 - , ,i,.. r ,v, ! day that of the unrighteous. ; : ; - . J K """r' ...v, - 23, "That ail men should honor the Son, I time they have been outstanding- after even as they honor the Father. He that I . . . ' - - honoreth not the Son honoreth-not the 1 ,; - - Father which hath sent. Him. " He wlU . That for ih- nnrnrco nf nrn- y f ' r r - r-- ATTOBNBT-AT-LAWi - LOUiSBuae s. 0. WiUpracUce inaUCoarts of tn Tofflce 1" ooP' CUf ton Building, r rjlHOS. B. WILDEB, . . I i ATTOKNBT-AT-LAW, " -.'(' 1 LOUISBUBS. V. a ...... . office on Main street, over Jones Cooper's tore. , ' :: . . . ' S. SPRUILL. . j ! ATTORNBT-AT-LAW, -LOUISBUBO, H. C Will atte-d the courts of Franklin, Vance ' aranvllle. Warren and Wake counties, lso the Supreme Court of North Carolina. frompt attention given to collections. - - Offloe over Euerton's Store. T. W.BICKBTT, ATT0RNBT AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. : ; liOUlBBTTBS H. 0. u..ni. ann Rnht W WinRton. Hon. J. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Wln ai.nn v Mmir wimtun. Peovles Bank of Monroe, Chas. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est College, Hon. JS. w. iimueriM Of floe In Court House, opposite SherUra. Gov. R. L. Taylor, of Tennessee, who has thrice been Governor of that State, retired from office Monday two weeks ago. Before surrendering ti his successor, Hon. Benton McMillin, he delivered the following dresy: ' , 'l am alout tosht.ffli t ff this mor tal coil of politics and fly away to the istered on the registration books of J heaven of my native mountains, where said town, and have not died, removed, I may think and dream in peace, safe or in any way been, disqualified ac fro,n the sickening sting of unpst cording to law, shall be entiued ' fo I criticism; safe from the talons of some vote in said election, and the Board ol old political vulture, safe from, the Commissioners shall appoint at leas s,imy kiss nd l,he keen da?ger of 'Q three days for the registration of voters gratitude. not already registered. The qual.fka - "I do not mean to say that all por tion of the voters shall be the same as ticians are vul tares or that they are all are provided now by la w,or may be pro- hypocrites or assassins; for the great vided at the time of holding said elec majority of our public men are upright tion. Those qualified voters approving and honest, and worthy of the confi the issue of such bonds and the levying dence reposed in them by the people; of the taxes to pay the same, shall de- yet there are blark wings in the politi- posit, in the ballot box, a written -bt cal firmament, and reputes crawl and printed ticket, with the words, For hiss in every capital. But, thank God, Bonds," thereon, and those disap- the live thunders of eternal truth al proving the same, shall deposit a like ways clear the atmosphere, and the ticket with ; the words, "Against heel of justice will surely bruise the ser Bonds," thereon. The result of said penl's head. .'. - . ' . ' election shall be ascertained, by th ! do not retire from this office with aforesaid registrar and judges, and re- ihe rankling of disappointment and turned by them over their signatures to chagrin in my bosom, but rather as one the Mayor and Commissioners of saio I who retires from labor to Leon Fiertner, a wealthy Swiss merchant traveling in thiaconntry, has given some of the results of his observations to & California news paper man: The United States , is looked upon all over Europe with great admiration an.i respect. I find" much here that disappoints me. It farewell -ad-iistrue that niue ontf ten families find it hard to make both ends meet. Rents, interest, taxes, hih priced elothing and other r.eee?8i t F,!c!;c3 tho food mere delicious end who! A Game Two Could Plav. die and lower clasaes to labor al- I had plently of money came along and most from the cradle to the grave. ggesiei a friendly game of poker. "Your Rockfellercives a million glme rIn ,lon8 vcr aoolh,y for dollars to a Baplisi 'college and twbile' at last whcn the PPortane mo then raises the price of oil and gets ment camt lhat un"gerai nliw his million back ut of the pockets u"11 IO inc lour queens of the people. Your Mr. Stanford aDa nlmse,, ,our a ut course tne oetting rxcame inter founds a uuiversity, and follows Mr. Rockfeller's" example by charging all the traffic will bearN n tbe Eastern cities a States hun dreds freeze to death with. moan, tains of wealth in sight. You mast admit that you have a curious kiud of a republic. town, who shall cause the same- to . be ' recorded , iu the minutes of tbe town. It a mai ntv of the Qualified voters 01 said town shall vote ''For Bonds," then rest; .from war to peace; from- trouble to happi ness.' - "I do not retire, the somnambulist. of a shattered dream, but with all the the said Board of Commissioners shallj buds of hope buming jnto bloom an(J issue the bonds nrovided for in this! . K " r ------- 1 an trie Dowers ot tne luture ringing rxvj, iuui.u u aiuuuui u nicy an X . .lJ - T am mt.tpr,1ri wilK deenKnecessary for the purposes afore- 1Q ,Ql fn ljfff Three lim T have said, and shall levy and order the col won , he ,aure, wr,h of honorf t wined lection otthtaxeB authorized by this hy lhe m j nAXtvc Sute 4nd Ac; ooiniMnyo. tnc quanneti j is glory enough for me voters 01 saia town snau- ran . 10 vote. yy M. PBBSON,' , I ' -ATTOBNBT AT-LAW, (LOCISBUM.S. a. Praettoe. In all courts. Office In Neal BuUding. H T ARBOROUQH, Ja. j ATIOSNEY AT LA W, ' : t ' LOmSBUBO.N.a! ' Olfice on second floor of Neal building j Uain Street. : v - . . "All legal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. b? honored bv all kings and all nations. and to Him every knee shall bow (Pa. viding for the" payment of the interest "wWcTeVe Zh thlnJ Z S brought down, and the Lord alone exalt- turity, of the bonds herein authorized, tX-Uh. Hvsiiyrvi?"! the Board of Commissioners of said Ui tuuucro ziuta at, -fr vud ixuc; no . woeaw in tbe last verse, and He will be town, shall annually and at the time SSSiKJffi! (fcS. of levying other town taxes, levy and xv, 25). - - " . lay a particular taxon all persons and 24. i'VerilOverily, I say nnto you,.He , . ' . v u .v- . xa that hearethly word and believeth on subjects of taxation on whiothe said Him that sent Me hath everlasting lifet Board of .Commissioners now are or but is passed from death unto life." Here may hereafter be anthorized to lay and For Bonds," at such, elettion, then this Act shall be of no force or effect. V Sec. 7. If said , water-works, sewer age, and tlectric lights are procured aJJprpdedJoOnthis Actwthen- the Mayor and Commissioners, of said toT. shall have full , power over a.od control of the same, and may lease and sell to any person or persons in said town,or owning property therein, or desiring to so purchase or lease, the right to, use said water, lights or sewer age upon such terms, and under such arrangements as may be agreed upon between such persons and the Com missioners of said town; and all pro ceeds, arising from the sale or lease ol D B. D. T. 8MITHWICK, - DENTIST, - I 1 LOtJISBUBG, N.C. levy taxes for any .purpose" whatever; said tax shall be so levied and laid as I to raise a sum sufficient to pay off the interest upon said bonds and to pro v'de for the payment of the principal Office in Ford's Building, 2nd floor. Gas administered and teeth extracted without pain. ' JB.' B. B. KUXQ, . - . DENTIST, . ' - . j 1 LOUISBrBO, N. C ; Office oveb Aycocks Hrvq Company. With an : experience of twenty-five years is a sufficient guarantee of my work ,in all "the ap-to-date lines of the profession. . is the way of life, described in chapter i, 12, aareceiying Him, in chapter ill, 16, as believing on Him, and here as hearing His word and believing on Him. This - verse was blessed to my-soul in the sum mer of 1873 with a blessing that has last ed ever since and will ; to all eternity. " It word of vGod and believe that Jesus died. I of saidbonds at maturity, and shall be for you and rose again, and do you receive 1 collected in the manner and at the mm as your eaviourr 1 uo. inen you 1 have everlasting life. - No, I cannot feel times other, town taxes are collected, that I have. What does uoa say? He and shall be accounted for and kept says that I have. Is His word sufficient? I I would Uke to feel it. Will yoatake 1 separate . from other town taxes, and cS& t, SW?wmiSreveGo1 shafl applied exclusively to the pur- - 25. "Verily, verily, I say junto you. The poses for which they are levied and hour is coming, and now is, when the dead , j s - - . - , shall hear the voice of the Son of God, couecicu. and they that hear shall live." This hour - Sec 5 All profits resulting to the bas already lasted over 1,800 years and is . . . still on. The dead in trespasses and sins said town from the operation oi said are hearing the. word of God, and recelv- System of water-works and ell'Ctric - . . .- .- - - HOTELS. ing it and life in it, or rather in Him who is the Word and the -Life. I- Faith cometh by hearing the word of God. I had been hearing it from my childhood, and before 1865 I had been received into church membership "and was regular 4n my at tendance upon ordinances and . outwardly FRANKLliNTOS .HOTEL SSSASS.Si ' '' . 'J-r : not know that I had passed from death to . . . yEANKUNTON, N. C. x life-, s rui ilrr irPDrj rTT 26- " For as the Father hath life in Him- biLw. L MLKKILL, rip T- " self so hath He given to the Son to have - x. i life in Himself." He is the Life. He Good accomodationfor the traveling I that hath, the Son of God hath life, and While I lielieve that the good in politics out weighs the bad, yet how thorny is the path and how unhappy the pilgrimage to him who dares to do his dutyl There are no fioers' ex cept a few bonq'ieis snatched from ib graves of fallen foe; there is no 'hap pi ness except the transient thrill of cruel triumph,- which passes like shadow across the heart. vEery honS! man who runs for "ffice is a candidate for trouble; fur the fruits of political victory turn to ashes on the lips. "To me there is nothing in this world so pathetic as a candidate. - He is like a mariner without a compass, such richts. shall be JDDlied as herein- drifting on the tempest-tossed waves o a 1 --. before directed. ' ; - I of uncertainty, between the smiling Sec. 8. All laws and clauses of law I cliffs of hop and the frowning crags of in conflict with this Act are hereby rr- J"' He is a walking petition and pealed.' ,. , j living prayer; he is the pack-horse of Sec. 9. This Act shall be in force public senlimeut; he is the dromedary from and after its ratification. In tht "f politics. And e7en if be reaches General Assembly read three times, the goal of his ambition, he will soon and ratified this 14' h day of January A. D. 1899. . - : - . - , ' C. A. Reynolds 1 : ' ' President of the Senate : - H. G. Connor, . .. - , - ' Speaker of the House of Representatives. I remembered' that a well known Louisville gambler - on one occasion thought he had struck a good thing ies make it essential for vonr mid- hen a stranger who looked as if be . j esting right away, and ' after all the cash was up and it came to a show down, the Louisville man laid down his four kings and the stranger showed four aces. ' Take the nvrey, misterl" gapped the astonishe I Kentnckian, as he near ly fell in a fit. Take it. if you have In California. I find thousands todo iU Bat IMi darT,ed if and thousands acres of land uncul tivated. and unused. Under your fine system some old man and old woman are able to keep millions of land hungry people from own ing or even rentingtbe broad acres which the monopolist has j lhat was the hand I dealt you!" Ex. Thlmrs Worth Knowing. Good Hooiirkeepiog. A "whisk broom is j 1st the thing feuced (dean the h re ra!Lh grater. to a and neither cell, - improve nor uie in any way. Los Angelos could support a half million people if the ranches north of you were broken up. - 'I am not enie at all that Amer icans need feel any' greaV pride over their country. It is better than Europe, but isdrfting to class gov. ernment very fast. My experience Corsets with the whalebone removed mke good cleaning cloth. Wu-xl ashes put in a woolen bag and placed in the water will make hard water soft. When yo'i drive a nail into a wa'l. clothes press or closet to hang things on, drive it through a spool up to the head. Ceilings that have. become smoked ashed in rny pedestrian tour through the South will show you how freeyour I by a kerosene lamp should be tieonle are Dressed in r uh aui I off with weak soda water. and often dust and mnd stained 1 did not look far removed from a tramp. I asked no favor, paid for what I got, yet on four occasions I was halted by constables, rudel) askea.my lusine, and it was only too plaiu that they were eager to make a few cents out of me as a vagrant- In this alleged free coun try oryonrs, I find it a crime to walk your . highways and ask fori Put a litte household ammonia on a rag and clean off the rolls of the wringer bef re putting it away. Drain pipes that are tour or impure may be cleaned with limewater or car bolic acid or chloride of lime. Picktes or vinegar will not keep in a jar that has ever hd any kind o grease kept in it. Clam shells are more convenient for work; and it seems that rural con- J scraping pots and kewffeTban a knife stables and justices, to use the requiring less time. feel the beak of the vulture in his heart and the fang of the serpent is his soul. I am no longer a candidate. Never eain will I be inaugurated into nublic I " . . 1 irrow omcr. 1 nc ik ii-rny numuic puiuic career now rests on the Arrarat of pri vate lifejaand I stand, on its peacefu' summit and look dowtion the receding waves of politicj.JTie dove of my des tiny has brought me an olive branch j State of North Carolina, Office Secretary of State. " - Raleigh, January 20,. 1899 I, Cyrus Thompson, Secretary of State j from happier fields, and I go hence to - of the State of North Carolina, do hjVe and to love. - - American phrase,, pool their isauea and consider it a crime for a mau te walk at all. In a littld towu in Venture county a constable actual ly arrested me, and only gave up his prize reluctantly when I showed him letters from the Swiss conen) ana innueuiiai inenas 01 mine. As I walked away, I ea'.d to my self, 'And so this is ihe starrr laDd of freedom the home of op pressed nations!' I wandered as I saw an American eagle flying over school bouse if the children conld up respecting an emblem which represents a government that protects land " monopolists, and sends me to jail for walking its highways and tskinir .for work." Southern Mercury. - A small bjQXyfuled with lime and placed on a shelf in tbe pantry . or clos et will absorb dampness and krep the air dry and sweet. To clean a spice mill grind a hand ful of raw rice. TEE ATLAXTI CSnnuTuI. SOMETHING ABUUT TUB GREAT EST WEEKLY 5EWSPAPES Uf THE C0U5TEY. Take Your Home Paper and The Con- stitullou and be Hippy. . It la a fact perhapj not renerallr known tiat The Weakly Constitu tion has the largest eirealation of any . newspaper on the western hemisphere. Only a few months ago large newspaper dlreetorr questioned the claim of circula tion made by Tha Constitution and pat up a forfeit of tlOO that it could be disproved that . it . had more than 100,000 circulation. The Constitution promptly accept ed tbe offer and tobmitted IU books to tbe representative of the firm. Mr. George PEoweU, nub Usher of the newspaper directory, acknowledged hta error publiclj and paid tbe forfeit. 1 The Constitution, vhlle beiDff a Democratic newspaper, is Brat and above all things a newspaper. It is a twelve-pace, seven-column weekly, making eighty-four col umns each week. Iu subscription . o K-pricels?! a year. ; Tbe Constitution baa a special correspondent in every Important eity in tbe United States and a rep- resentative in all ot the leading centers of the world, j' Daring t:e war with Spain, which has just been brought to a cloee, tbe reports of no newspaper in the Booth could compare with its news presentation from the front. Its special staff representa tive sailed with the army when it first embarked from Tampa, and of the 12corref pondenta who went to Culji, he was one of the only -seven who remained t see tbe flag hoisted over tbe poblie bulld'cgs in Santiago. Its special represen tee also accompanied the fleet in the Caribbean sea, and its Washington special service covered every detail of tbe Important war reports originating at the capitol. Tbe Weekly Lonstuationconng the late Spanish war served the news of all the notable event, from first to last, with the prompt ness of .a daily. TXa Tictoryof Dewey at Manila, the death of En sign Bagloy, the movement of th troops and fleets, the! destruction of Servera's fleet, the operations In Porto liaco, the treaty, and the un furling of tbe stars and stripes overMorro castle, Havana were all given in Tbe Wbekly on Monday, on tbe very day the newt first ap peared in the daily. . The Weekly uonsiltntion makes especial feature of it agricultural When hot erease has been SDilled on Page, which is presidid -over by the flxr the best way is to dash cold Cloel J- Adding, director of a man who is recognized as an ex it ater over it quickly and prevent from striking in'o the boards. To brighten the inside of a coffee of tea pot, fill it with . water, add a small piece of soap, and let - it boil about 45 minutes. Parents of Today Sotice. public. ; - -. Good Livery Attached. osborn house; C. D. OSBORN Proprietor, v Oxford, N. C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. ttASSENBJJRG HOTEL J 1? Massenburg1 Propr HENDEBSOI1". II. C GnnA iMnmmnitatinm. Good fare. Po lt urtA attentive servant . , be that hath not the Son of God hath not life (John xiv, 6; I John v, 13). We can' neither earn nor in any way deserve this life, for it is the gift of God (Bom. vt, 23). But whosoever will may receive the Bread lights, over and above, the cost and ex penses of operation, and all moneys which may be derived from the rental or sale of said systems, in the event that the same shall at, any time here after be rented , or sold, shall be held for the exclusive purpose of paying the interest and principal of the bonds above provided for. So" much of the moneys iderived from the ' operation, rental, or sale of the said system of water-works and electric lights, and from 1 the taxeswhich shall be Jevied in - hereby certify that the foregoing is V a true copy from the records of this office. . . ; ' Done in office at Raleigh, this 20th day of January, 1899. -Cyrus Thomps n, ; Secretary of State. m T It. ma. S T T t f a.nn't led even Christ Himself, and in Him find accordance with, the provisions of -the a life begun here, consummated at jhe-1 next preceding section hereof as may nity. We must come as empty and helpless as the impotent man at Bethseda; then all Is ours. . ' . "" " ' ' ' l " ' . - - 87. "And hath given Him authority to rxecute judgment also, because He is the : Bon of Man. " In the final day of judg-1 ment all men shall come forth from the. grave and be judged. And all those who , have done good shall see the resurrection Df life and those who have done evil the resurrection of damnation. . . ...... . " Remarkable Cures. noawGOD Warrenton, i W. J. NORWOOD. Proprietor. . Patronage ot Commercial Tourists ana taveling PubUe SoUcltea. , The book now being sent out for one cent stamp,- by the Blood Balm Co. of AtlaBta, Ga., certainir shows Botanic Balm, (B. B. B.) to be a wonderful remi edy for building r up, and curing all KCrtS I'lWll manner of blood and skin ; diseases. Their certificates are from well Known people, and the cures performed al most stagger credulity. It is a fine medicine, far better than the many-sub- Good Sample Boora.l IAB3T,HoiHiT0.ET0E-$ ATD.C-T"? Z' stitatHS, said to be "just as good.,Bay the old reliatie ana long tescea x. t. fl.OO xpt izrve bottw. not be necessary to pay the interest On the bonds issued as it falls due, and cannot be applied to the purchase or discharge of the said bonds, shall be invested by the Town- Treasurer under such rules and regulations as the Board of Commissioners shall from time to time prescribe, so as to .secure the payment of the principal of said bonds at " the maturity thereof. And the Town Treasurer shall also d3 and per form all auch other services in connec tion with said bonds, as said Board of Commissioners may prescribe, and shall give bond and receive such com pensation for bis services as said Board of Commissioners may determine. . ; Sec. 6. That before any of the bonds herein provided for shall be issued, the hnestion of issuicz the same shall f.:st ts Eutnii'.si to tbe -qualif.e3 Original Ohsenratlons. Orange ( Va.) Observer. - . Women are the only clothes obser vers. -. - . - Words that can never die: "Shut that door!" - , - " Some people are so given to - lying that they become immunes !o telling the truth. "I take with me a heart full of grat itude and a soul full of precious mem ories; gratitude to the penp'e for their unwavering confidence in me; precious memories of ray friends-who have been triec&ind true. r- The record that I have made ts"an open book to all. I . am" willing, to live by that record; I am willing to die by it. For whatever mistakes I may have comnjitied, I. have kep steadily in view the honor of the.Stt'e and tbe happiness of the people. AsI nave already presented my views on public questions in ray recent message to the General Assembly, I deem it unnecessary to further discuss them on. this happy occasion; happy to our new Governor; happy to yoU; hap- Seeing the Point. Heaven lies about us .in our infan- J py to me; happy to os all. - cy" and the world lies about us ever afterwards. Our people no.w observe grondd hog day all the week its sausage sea son, you know. . Love matches are very easy to strike, but some of them . go off dreadfully quick. . ' " JJaagers of the Grip. The greatest'danger f rom La Grippe is of its resulting in pneumonia. If reason able care is used, however, snd Cham berlain's Coogh Remedy taken, all dan ger will be avoided. Among the ns of thousands who hare used this remedy for la" grippe we have yet to learfTof a single case having resulted in pneumonia which shows conclusively that this reme dy is a certain preventive of that danger It will core la grippe in less time than any other treatment. It is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by W. G. j. nomas, uruiu "It only remains for me to bid you all an affectionate and final farewell, and to express , the prayer that the Christ who died for love and merry's sake will guide our chjef executive and all who shall follow him in the path of peace and love, and baptize them with the spirit of mercy. - Farewell, farewell. ' ' . I now have the distinguished hon or to close the scene, so lar as l am concerned. Benlon McMiliin has given his heart and. hand to Tennes sse. I now pronounce ihem husbacd and wife and may the Lord have mercy on their souls. To change the figure the United States boasts of Hohson who sunk the Merrimac, but Tennessee has a "Merry Mac" that proudly floats on the billow our own Erntcn McMiliin." Ti e following story is told of a Phil adelphia millionaire who has been dcail ome years. A young man came to him onetlay and asked pecuniary aid to start him in business. Dj ou drink?" asked the million aire. Once in a while." "Siop it. Stop it for a year, and t ben come and see me. lhe young man bu.ke ff lhe habit -at once, and at the end of the year came to see tht ni'.lionare again. "Do you-smokt?" abked the success at man.' - . "Now and theri." ' S:od it. Stou it for a year, and hen come and see me again." The voune man went home and broke away from this habit. It took him some time, but finally he worried through the year and presented him self again. ' . . . "Do yju che?" asked the philan hropit. - "Yes, I do," was the desperate re ply. Stop it. Stop it for a year and then come and see me again." The ycung man s-opped chewing, but he never went tack again. When asked by his anxiors fritnda why he never called on the millionaire again, he replied that he knew exactly what ,tne man was driving at. "He'd have told me that now that I have stopped drinking and smokinz and chewmz I must have saved enough to start myself in bus: ness and 1 have." Youth's Compan Kaptiat Signal. "Can you write a good hand?" asked a mn of a boy who applied for a situation. Ya'as," was the answer. "Are yon good at figures? Ya'as," was-the answer again. pert on all agricultural toples. He giyes a full page every week on agricultural matters. A page is devoted to children, there two de- partraenta. being presided over by Airs. William King. Amon? tbe regular staff mem bers of Tbe Constitution are Joel Chandler Harris, Frank L. Stan ton and others well known throogh oot the country; while among its special contributors are such sen as Wallace P. Ked. mil Arp, Sarge Plnnkett, BeUy Damilton, Dr.Talmage and others 01 nation al repntation. ... The Constitution has Just com pleted the thirteenth year of its "That will do; I don t want existence, Clark Howell being the you" said tbe merchant. I editor and Colonel W. A. iiernp After the boy had gone a friend bi 1 its business manager Its name said,' "Ikow that lad lobe an ' bousebold word in every t ; . . . ; . vj. Southern State, from irglnIa,to oou-snnuuunou.wj, wuyuwu M Toxa8. Itbas always been in -you try him?" pecially eloee touch with the agri- "Becauso he has not learned to cultural masses 01 the bouvn, ana ay 'Yes, sir, and No, sir " re- in hating reached a eirealation Dliei the merchant. 'If be had which carries it into 1W.000 homes answered me as he did, how he answer customers?" rill Dont's For the Nursery. it has woo a unique diBuucuon which ranks it among the greatest of Ameiican weekly newspapers. The Cons itatioo will lend sample copy of its great Wexiy free t tor one sending hi Don't han curtains around the cot. I oame and the names oi six fga i. ... Children need nlentv of air. esoeciall v bor 00 tlUl "ra- "I mr-m, I 1 livery man enouia rate nts couuty newspaper before anything Don't place the cot in .a position else,' and next to this Le hould here the light will fall in the child's take a good general newrpsper. a ' a. fla.a. i r r ' I rtnntr Tarp ivea him It lnril . r - - . Don't make up the baby's btd on J borne new, w bleb is not eapplied. thflor. Theaiiis must !rntcKui I by a newspaper larniening uie nr ,h fl w,, 9nd ..nrr.i in the mid g?,ral Bern from all parts of the Icoantry and from all oter the aieot tneroom. I .t,4 - p,rnimin v. tr,r-. WiS -w m m w w mm mmm m m . m. 9 m mm m Don't foreet that children clothirg mation from outside, he should I . r . .1 iv.. v. v.: v . A.nM l ..rm Imt llc-ht. nras leei -urw ua j. weiujf aepa w- o I v . t , Don't forget to remove the child to home. This is why he shoaldtake a cot, with a nair maurcss, wnen n umvuuij vmk' old enouzh to leave the cradle. n tn .!r the rhiMren'i Expo. are to rooh watbr. dicpnsas . -.. - - I mr-ow cola, etc is art to c r.ar on aa ted clothes everyday, taking them in I attack of rtxiroatwa or Bnrt!;Uitbit. about doo . Dan't allow a child fo sleep with an elder rron: its rest will be less d;s- - - - r - r lurbed and more bentficial alone. ' Don't neglect any of the h:o".s. Oxfga, lent itehio of th skia, a!o o ti: I r oruin to tli ef hr. Dr. J. IL 1!- Lein'a Volcaow Oil Lioin-ct aholl bo kept co taoi at all t'.cni f r i-:-ia: Cflication ttbea troctl-s tf tl'i ctar at;ar. It it a oer- -a ren-iy. Pri fcre;o:rj fftt?. 12 etz'.t a:i ?1.C0 a l-::t.

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