jas. a. k::.'.as, e THE COU1TT" ti: f ... ! - - r v- r i. i w 1.4 I..., j , VOL XXYIH LOUISBUIIG, !u C, nilDAY, FEBRUARY. ! : church, directory. . ,,.'" J . j ; . V METHODIST. Sunday, School at 9:30 A. M. ' I " Geo. S. Baker. Sopt. Preaching at 11 A. M and 8 P. M., every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. " - i . G. F. Smith, Pastor. . - BAPTIST. -. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. Wilder, Sapt Preaching at 11 A. M and 8 P. M., every Sunday. : . . Prayer m-eMng Thursday nightT ; roEREST smith, Pastor. THE SUNDAY SCH00E LESSON VIII, FIRST QUARTER, INTER NATIONAL SERIES, FEB. 19. THE. LOST CHORD. NEARER 11 Y GOD. TO THEE. Text of the Lesson, John vi, 1.14. - Memory Verses,' 0-11 Golden Text John VI, 85 Commentary Prepared by the Rev. D. M. Stearns. '- ; u Copyrights 1898, by B. M. Stearns.. : 1, 8. "A great multitude followed Him because, they saw His miracles which. He .did on them that were diseased." The true j WeCannots Alway Tell What Hearts Are Being: Comforted When We :'.'-" Are Loyingly doing out duty. . Jjt. 8. P. BURT, " . ' - '.. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. x.. Office in the Ford Building, corner Main and Nwh streets. Uj stairs front. - - The poet was weary. A week be- disciples followed Him becauso they be- fore his lovely wife had passed llverer and King, but the majority of pec- wayvInaqoiet spot on the moun- ple saw no beauty In Him; they only saw tain side, where the many-tinted a wonder working man who conld heal autumn leaves formed a covering, them when they were sick or feed them -, ; , when hungry. . He had crossed ; the sea, ?nf .the wa'inS Pines sang . ner perhaps to be more alone with His Father, quiepj, there they laid her. " . for He was so misunderstood by men, even . , -., . , , . v ' by His disciples, but His Father under- Andloday the poet had returned, stood Him perfectly. The multitudes, All day.long he sat in his study, however, wouia not let mm alone, their but the fancies would not come as needs were so many and He was so able to . , , , , ' meet them. . 1 - - - - in the days when she he loved was 8, 4. "And Jesus went tip into a moun- at his side. -. The I imagery of the tain and there He sat with His disciples, mind . 6eemed commonplace. He and the Passover, a feast of the Jews, was , . .mk '" tu.nii u . , delved deeD into the mvstic legends WlUpracttcemallthe Courts of the State jrdV but lt had become a mere feast of and folk, lore of the ancients, but tne Jews, anytning Dut an Honor to liod. .. ,. , . .. --- . . , . To Him all was very real;" the animals It aid not satisfy mm. lie tried to slain by His own ban to provide coats of recall visions of the sunrise upon skins for Adam and Eve (Gen, til 21); , . the , lambs by whose blood the firstborn the bills, ana the shimmering were saved in Egypt; the sacrifice He was m00'n" in' the silvery lake, or the soon to offer of Himself all were to Him - - - - ' ... very,, very real, but to them a religious I majestic booming of Heaven 8 ar ceremony, a weary form. B. M.ASSENBTJBQ, ' " ATTOENBT AT LAW. ' 1 , L0UISBUBS, H. 0. , s Office In Court House. of the moonlight starsligbt and sunlight the whispers of ; all the fairy zephyrs of the South as the closing strain of the instrument seemed to say: "Go tell it to Jesj?, all will be right.". '.- He wished to sit there atid feast upon the melody to which he had just listened. lie went out, into the night again, aud as he looked at the stare, he thought they were brighter; the. low, descending moon seemed to be shedding a softer radiance as if in sympathy. lie had found relief and rest. The player had fulfilled his mis sion, ilia master band bad called forth strains, which had soothed a troubled; spirit and healed a wounded heart. lie did not know? Ah, no; we may not always tell what hearts are being comforted when we are earnestly aud loving- y doing burduty .William Stan toofin Christian Standard. PASSING. BY. OPFOHTCMTIES ALV.AYS ENT. COO&B ft BON, 0. ATTOBBTBTS-AT-LAW, LoniSBTJBS, S. 0. win attend the courts of Nasn. 8. cSwsuit and District Court. . , Dr. Bu 8. Postkb. .E& FOSTEB & 14AX0NK. DB. J. B. MALOOTt' tillery, when the lightning flashes and the thunder god strikes forth upon the inky clouds, but all in vain. . -. I PEACTICTNO PHYSICIANS b BUBQEONS,- - - Louisburg, N. C. Office over Aycocke Drug Company. At last, after the sun had gone to rest in his western couch of red 6. "When Jesus then lifted up His eyes and saw a great company come unto Him, He saith unto Philip, Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat?" He was full of compassion for the multitudes, who were as sheep without a shepherd. As to their spiritual condition, their teach ers, the scribes and Pharisees, would nei- tl.tm ante f-.Vic H ti n r m thorn col tract nA. suffer others to enter. Whatever religious uu Kuu, buu . vus B.ar-epaupieu rites they performed "the object was to be curtain of the night silently COV- seen of men (Math, xxiii, 5. 13). - x, , , lL . 6 "And this He said to prove him, for erea the busy eartn, ne went forth He Himself knew what ue would do to find relief and rest. Along the Man's thoughts and ways are very earthly. - . .7 The Lord needs rione of them. His are as busy marts of.trade, through sba'dy far above ours as beavenis higher than aveuue8 and where the river flowed ' 1 ' : . -KVA.T.'klln I ine earta I isa. iv, v). - no inusiius to uu . . Tmn In all the Courts Ot 1 iv luk Hi. -w ..J n 1.-.. 1 lilorlr orA of til V,Q riifnrarl Tria . " i'i.rrr -.Hm, alaoin Ihe Bupremo urns '"' ts"' SS. rfrCmn bours rolled by, and he found him lirtui.y""' liittAii TtnudlllK. - I v ... i i. i.it. l.. - i.n omcein.wiwrii. v. - complete tus ooay, we cnurcn, ue win f bii at leugtu ueiure a music uaii mate Israel an ngnteous, xie wui suDaue i t-x, , j .-,l,. f.-w. .tk. mHOS. B. WTLDBB, - - " all things unto Himself, and' He will let " .. .... X . ' .-.r us be partners with1 liim m ma kingdom in attractea nis attention ana m. H AY WOOD RUFFIN. ' ATTOBNBT-AT-LAW, ' ani8BlI-te. h. o. ATTOBNBT-AT-LAW. LOUISBCKS. V. 0. - . . . . . . . . . 1 ' . TT ana man . .mngs senoaiig to dub xe .,.. .-t .t. y- needs no suggestions from us as to how it I 6 Office on Main street.' over Jones ft Cooper's shall be done. tore. S. SPKDILL. i . ATTOBNET-AT-LAW, 1 ' LO-XSBUHO, H. C. Will atte-d the. courts of Franklin. Vance Gr-nvllle. Warren and Wake con-ti. the Supreme Court of North. Carolina, prompt attention given to eollecUOns. - Office over Efferton's Store. At first low and sweet the straine T. W. BICKBTT, ATTOBUET and cotjnsellob at law. ! JUISBUB8 H. 0. eat Coll Otfioe , Vj i UO. JUto ' --" . r. x? -oc iMTny.ili.ke. l'court House, opposite S-terlfrs. EL1XIR OF LIFE A Pleasant Scheme for Keeping Ex- ternally .Young:.. that a celebrated violinist was to r -T..l., .m.mkI - TTt . frl a V.. I . i. "rump irarou ---jju-, jt" xiuii- I !, .;,V TT - 4 r,f 1,-. a -r.. r,ffl-io-, appear that night. Me entered for them that every one of them may take and found that tbo player bad just them was wholly out of the question, the re-appeared in . response to the money necessary was not to be had, and I plaudit of the audience. He stood to be found? So to Philip's mind the idea before them a moment, his hngerB was simply preposterous. He did not I lovingly Caressing the strings of JkUUW JU-X1, ' uur u-u -q xuu . I Hi f . . . , . even up to the night before He was cruel- j18 instrument. fled (John xtv, . - - ' s - 8. 9. "One of His discinles.' Andrew, Simon-Peter's brother, saith unto EUm, ame, like the distant murmuring mwm - a . . i t t JQ i xnere is a iaa nere wnicn nam nve Dariey :l --,- r,. nt loaves and two small fishes, but what are of silvery cataracts, .or the notes of they among, so many?" we look around the nightingale borne on summer's and find, that we have just so much, just . . . . .---' ' . r,nA . . . . . . . , . Sz m AvAnmor air? 'NAs.rar m v l-Jod. to Promnt aud ualuBtaklnR attention given to tne veriest ne 01 wn 18 neoes ror r --0 - ----- Terr matter intrusted to his hands. - tne WorK, so llWiie- vnav i- is nos worm i xne0. ' It 866mea as inOUgn ine . . - t i:.AQi,.tnhawi HAn. Jnnn I . t j M nvA K.a-m. I Manning. Hon. Robt W. Wtaston. Hon. J. C. ttat lt la fy to think of it. These things hnstrQn,ent .-der the masters t" OlenT-' Manly. Win-ton. Peoples Bank are written for our instruction. May we "hand, was really speaking : the V"".' Vi W-U ln. f thim .nil fmm Mils, fin I. I ' " " - ri r niourue. UUU. x J v , " . . i ictuu uu vuvu. m.. wu. v..v i , . . . tures to have laitn in oa, to aweu witn "--,. . .u.v -v .- the King for His work (I Chron. iv, 3), strange, that the soul of the poet sure that what the" King purposes He is . , . ... able to carry out. All power in heaven seemed to rise and fall with the and on earth is His. swelling of the music. "Nearer -10. "And Jesus said, Make the men sit mt ' v v down.- Now, there was much grass In the mv btod, to 1 heej . words that he place. So the men sat down, in number had ' known lone aeo! Strange about 5,000." AU suggesnons, encourag- . D, ing or discouraging, are now ended. ' The that he should - have forgotten Lord, who knew just what He would do, hem takes the matter in hand and begins to " ; " " work. He is the author and finisher of . Visions of childhood - and every good work. He is the only Creator, .. , . . . - ... 4. the only Redeemer, there is none but Ha, mother; the old cottage With the and none like Him He says, I will work, honeysuckle about the porch ; the and who shall let it or turn it back? (Isa. . . ... , xliii, is). - All .the disciples have now to ver gliding by. Ahl yes, fancies do Is simply to watch Him and obey His ca-e gWifter now. For the time he orders. He. fed millions for 40 years. He . . , " . . . - TT . gave them flesh to the full without kill- almost forgot his sorrow, lie al- lng a single ox or sheep. - - . most forgot the music. But the - 11. "And Jeeus took the loaves, and . - when He had given thanks He distributed tones have swelled to a joyous key, to the discipres-and: the disciples to them StiH all my sonff," it seemed to fishes, as much as' they would. . He say, and the musicflows forth like If you would avoid the rapid downhill process keep your heart and mind young, says a yonthful- looking matron, who has evidently given it a trial. Gather about you all the young people that yon can. Gain their love by interesting yourself in their plans and pleas ures. Invite" little parties of them to spend the evenings with you or to join you ialittle excursions Surround yourself by youth and devote yourself to -making young people" happy. Don't make the mistake of im itating youthful ways, however,dr the whole effect will I e "spoiled. lour neart may be as young as a girlVbut ycur manner, mast have the dignity of ynr years or yoo will appear older by trying to appear girlish. It is a noticeable fact that some people get old very quicfelyj aud others very slowly tafce their time about it, so to epeak. . It is very exasperating, too. 'Hake Hay Wtiie the ban -'Maes." Tie Curfew Cr 'C. We are conuDually coniing up to doors which s'aml open for a li;t!e while and ihen are shut. An artift has lrie3 to teach this in a ticlurr: a Father Time is there with inverted hour glass. A joan man Is lying at his ea?e on a luxurious couch, while beside him is a table fpread wiih rich fruits aud Viands. P.ssirs by him toward as open door are certain figure, which The mcst importact n-ur.icijal e fjrna of therresenr cer.'.urj is the cur." few ordinance. It r. rovides 'lv.ai bojs and grli undsr f.fLecn years Cf age shall be at their own homes at e;ght o'clock at night from October ct:l March of e3ch year, and. from Mirch until October at 9 o'cUk at oiht, un less accompanied by patent or guar dian, or unless ab?ent on leave." The ordinance further provides that in case of the arrest of any boy or girl afier the hours indicated, the police- r,::.c3t!:o fccJ r.crc c! ;!!do us c r. J w I , c ! zz z r. Nutritions Stes, A stew in th uo?t economieal and tnest nutritiou? dUh that cn bs prepared from raf-t. It is pre pare 1 with a less q.antity cf wa ter than In making e:'p, anl cock? 1 at a moderate beat for a longer t.cae. As a pait cf th nu triment is to be in the meat, yoa do not cat in email, as for coups; cut into pieces convenient for eerv- man is compelled to take them hvxt, and ascertain the parents' wishes. Of course Ihey are almost invariably leit represent opportunities; they come to U. home, and ire never incarcerated. inv.te ice young man to nobleness, to UDiess the parents refjse to be held re manliness, to usefulness, to worth, snonsible for them. First is a rugged, sun browned form About four hundred cities so far have carrying a flail. ..This is labor. He J adoDted the ordinance: The officials invites the youth to toil. He has al- of many of these, includin? Indianao- Pul tones. gthWy "bits ready passed fr by unheeded. Next olisi St. Joseph, Da Moines, etc., rc is philosopher, with open book, invit- port a decrease of eiitht ter cent, in arrests and commitments cf youths since the curfew law was adopted. it was supposed at .first, that there would be a vast amount of indiscrimi nate arresting of boys and girls. The 1: SOMETHING A DUC T THC V.ZZK7. Y.ST WELKLY XZKYZlTZZ in Tiin cou.m;;v. Take Your Horse Ytz-r azlTt.C stltalioa ar.1 te Haj r y. ing the young man to thought and study, that he may master the secrets I in the mistic volume. But this oppor tunity, too, is disregarded. The youih has ho desire forjearning. Close be- - a nina me pnuosopner comes a woman contrary proves to be true, some of the ? t f Vv Knv.ft frn 1 .... I - - 1 , -, .w.-u, 1 cities aou iowds report only two or Her dress betokens widowhood and three arrests annually. The Mayor 0 . t mm. l- poverty, ricr nana is stretched out J North Platte, Nebraska, -reports that appealingly. bhe cravts chanty, for two years belore passing the curfew Looking closely at the picture we see they sent fourteen boys and girls to ... i that the young man holds monex in the reform school. For two years atier his hand. But be ts grasping it light- passing the curfew, they did not send ly, and the poor widow's pleading is any. The Chief of Police of Pueblo, in vain. Still another figure passes, Colo., says: endeavoring to lure and woo from his 1 "Many young girls between the acts idle ease. It is the form of a beauti-' oflhirteen and sixteen, who were Lr ful woman, who seeks bv love to awaken merlr on the nrren a Utc t!vi- n hiin noble purposes worthy of bW o'clock at night, now stay at home. powers, and to inspire for ambitious andhave been saved by the curfe or- eaorts. One by one these ODnortuni- dinanre." lies has passed, with their calls and in- The Mayor of Leavenworth, Kan vitatians only 10 toe unheeded. A Isas, sajs the cuifew . ordinance works last he is amusing to Sieze them, but like a charm, and all the mnitim ire it is loo late; they are ' vaoihing 1 in love with it. Numerous cities and frois sight and the door is closing. I councils have already passed resolutions This is a true picture of what is going I endorsing the curfew, On all the time in this world. Oopor- The city council of Lincoln. Neb.. - - 1 . tunnies cotue lo-every person, offering says, "The practical results 10 the youth beautiful thing, rich blessings, brilliant j of the city, gro ing out of the enact hopes. Too often, however, these of-1 ment of the curfew ordinance, have f.rs and soliciuiions are rejected and (been such as to satisfy the members of one by one pass by, to return no more. I this council thatgt should be adopted Door after door is shut, and at last men 1 at the earliest moment by the council and the poorer parts of the lean meat into co'J waU-r. This draws oat the richness and gives ddd nutritive valae to the troth. Yhn tb? water boils add the tender portions, then the juices re kept in them. By flrtw, tender simmer ing rather tt n by 2rc boiling the fibers are softened, and tl coarsest and cheapest kinds cf meats ar) male tender aud nutri tious. Piecs cf meat from the shiD, the aitchbone, tie nmk, tie netk'and the ehou'dr ar ruitale forstew?; b'it tie flin is tie rich est, it has so much marrow in the tons. Fowl?, the toucher 4rts of mutton, lamb tud veal mar all be used in .tews. Woman'a Home Companion. When The Time Came. Maud Ob. Ethel and what did yon say to him when be propose 1 to you ! Did you eay what you eaid you were going to eay the 'other day? That wait a noble speech j:it suited to crush tbe boldest cd&d And did be eHnk away like 1 whipped do? Ethel Well, not eiactly. Yo. eee, I didn't eay jaet that II we!t er er well, you eee, I eaid -. T n t n Tn rt j.w. v m m, i,f. M. PBBSOH, , : ATTOBNIST AT-LA W, Practices In aU courts. : Office li. Neal Boilding. :. - H YABBOROUOH, JB. . ATIOENEY AT LAW, i i LOUISBUBO.H. a - Olfice on second floor of Neal building Main Street. - " All; legal business intrusted to him 1 will receive prompt and careful attention. jQB. D. T. BMITHrWlCK, , i r DENTIST, ' when you are aging at the rate of stand al lhe etid of lneir days ' wilh of v7 city, town and village in this a year to a month", to. see someone else going along leisurely seeming ly as youDg in spirits with a face correspondingly youog and fresh looking as they were ten, twenty or even thirty years ago. - Notice how those youthful-look ing middle-aged people manage Dairy Note. beggared lives, having missed all that I country." The Chief of Police at St. they might have gotten of enrichment Jseph, M ., says "Not half a dozen ind good.from the passing days. arrests of youths have occurred under the curfew, and there has been a de- Wnmon nfl Ki nmA I r - ... ...uou -.u. i uuiui. rtriv ni rn v.tiuf. tr r.ni 1 n . j - 1 - - crimes among the voutb. It is the ab- When buter is worked very dry, the salt" is not th Axith!y d jlrtd, but is left in a griuy Condition. The cost of support in proport on o live weight, but the yield of batter Woman in her weakness is yet the I solute duty of the ofScials of every 1 not in such proportion. IiOTJISBTJKG, N. C, without.pain. TVR. R. E..Kma, DENTIST, ' 1-OUISBUEO, N. C. ; Offkb oveb Aycookk Deuq Company. might hav rained .bread from heaven as th glad strains of the birds He did in the wilderness, but e took ' 0 . what was at hand, and looking to His Fa- when springtime comes and the nffl- tn Wnrd's Hnildins. 2nd floor. 1 ther that He might work He multipUed ,i, fl...; .,, TK .WTL.ZJZZa Za '1... It... tlfl rtW thoil and meil forths '51"U u""wov . -y. uas auuiiumbciu mu ku .iiw- - . . . J!:.J.-l oas and elad and free did the mignc ue paiu a, i-.igs, a-w -a jxiga t iv. 71. I melody come. The ooet sat en 12. "When they were ftDed, He said un- t.-n(.-3 TT Aa notsee the Dlaver' to Hta aisrfTrfflfl. Gther un theTracnnents tranced, lie am no-See we piay er, that remain that nothing be lost. While he did not see him bending near He provides abundantly He will have noth- ,.n :,"-, Kia fin- inr wasted. Filled and overflowinfl but his instrument, and see his fingers all to His glory, and that many may be j sweep over the string.; h& did not zTZZ ..ri:air-B eee that the master himself was Trvirn ati pTnprience 01 Lwtui-Y-iivc j i ,. j i . i n . i is a sufficient trnarantee of my work in all Qance 0 occasion ana mucn w j0Sl in me joyous DUrs. 01 BOUK the up-to-date Jines oi tne proiession. 7 , " .rA .T Onlv the mnsic bo heard, and as vtnaiever xxo eives us is mas n may uu i - glorified. How sad when He bas to say j the blood daneed through h run i-nii ln.wniwH iiHrui inv iirrvLU ihhikx i . . . , ... HOTELS. . whose are all thy ways, hast thou not veins, and all his- being thrilled glorifled, (Dan. v, 23). When He per- and tingled with the magic ecsta nplvfia In na n reAl dnslra to crlorifvIim. I . . . . Tin i nn ivnnaii nnmri ' ,..n h .v.n-.ntw fiiii 1 sv ol the sweet retrain, ne was , . i -". .----w .., , i uyrutj uuw.ru buu an ay iiuui , FEANKLUTTON', N. C. f: anfa rf t.Vin five harlpv Innvpb xch.nh rft- himself. "Nearer my God, to Q-Alf'T 'U TTVQTTT TvWv mained --over and abo?e unto them that Tbee." ' ' QlLM L MJhliJtLLbL, rlU A had eaten Peonle filled and .baskets ' ... filled, and He did it all without any help J But the SOUgS has Changed. bOtt public. Good Livery Attached. strongest lorce upon the earth. She is I town and city in the country to adopt 1 . 1 , ... . If h. ri im it I1 Ihinirl hnm,n Lh. frr n- I Ih. rnr(.v If Anl. tn al.. K t . T ' ' ana now mey epenu ine greater i & w i , part of their time, "and in almost ,n many shapes and knocks at many The following is a partial summary every case it will be fonnd that j doors; she is quick and patient, and J of what the curfew ordinance will do their every-day,. their home and I hcr Pass,on k not ungovernable, like for the unprotected youths of the couq- that of a man, bui(as a gentle steed that 1 try: she can guide e'en where she will, and I j. It is absolutely free from any po as occasion offers can not bit up and J litical and denominational feature. give rein. She has a captain's eye and I a. -Jt ets nothing to enforce it. vkout must be tnat fortress of the bettt . It improves parents and children their social life, brings them -into constant contact with young people and their interests. A Parable. Cream that is slightly sour,, needs churning a few degrees lower than sour cream, or cream that has stood lor days. It is the solids that are to a hundred pound of milk that gi e it value in stead of q larts that have an uncertain value. Uing improved mechanism in the It ii a fact perbsps cct gecera'.'. known tbat Tte VTeekly Cccs'.lt tlon has the lariit circulation cf any newepap-r ca tie wei'.era. beraispbere. Only a few cc:ll.r" agfa larjre cswipaper dlrc'.iry' fj iestionei tbe claim cf drtuU. ion made by The CoDttitut'.OB asd. rut ur a forfeit of 21C3 that ' it ould be diiproved that it tad more than 100.003 circulation. Tbe Constitution promptly accept ed tbe cfTer and submitted its bocks to the representative cf tbe bra. Mr. George P. Howe!, pub- uter ot the oewepacer directory. acknowledged tiaerror pabllcly and paid tbe forfeit. Tbe Constitution, while teinr a Democratic cewepapsr, is Crttatd ve all things a tewepaper. It is a twelve-rare. seven-eola n weekly, making eighty-four col umns each week. Its anbserictica prieeis $1 a year. The Constitution has a tpeeis.1 correspondent in every Inportast city in tbe Lotted States and a rep resentative 10 all or tbe leading ceiitere"of tbe world. Daring t,e war with Epaio, which baa just been broorbt to a c'oe, tbe reports cf co newspaper In its toatQ coaid compart -wi'.h its news presentation from tie front. Its special cU-Trepreetcta. tive eailed with tb army when it Bret embarked from. TaDpa, and of tbe 120 correspondents who west 1o Cuba, ha nuooe of tbe only eeven who remained to see tbe Ca hoisted over the public baild'nffs inSaotiazo. Its ipeial represen tee a!o accompanied tie Sect in tbe Caribbean tea, and i'j Waabingtoo special service eoterei eyery detail of tbe itrportaot war reports originating at tbe capltcl. Tbe Weekly lone:itution aarE tbe late Spanish war served lie tewa of all the notable event, from Erst to lat, with tbe prompt ness of a daily. Tbe vietcrvcf Dewey at Manila, tbe death cf Ea. eign Cagloy, tbe movement of tie troops and fieels, tbe destractlca of Servera's fleet, tie cperatiocs la orta liico, the treaty, and thi on- furliog of the atari and atripes overrdorro castle, Havana were all given InTbe Wbekly co licnday. on tbe very day tbe newa frit ap peared in the daily. Tbe Weekly cone tltatioa makes a special featare cf in agricultural page, wbieh is presidid ever by Colonel R. J. Reddlcg, direetcr cf tbe ueorIa eipenment firm, acl a man who St recognized as an x- io which she finds no place of vantage, j morally and socially, buildstup homes, J diary, aids in making a t-rttsr uniform 3 i! . A9- 1.1 . 1? I - - - 1-r . T-T JX Vtooa accomouauou iur io uravoj-ug iroia man. now wouuerLuujr xo ubcu , . , ....l., the lad and his loaves. Years ago I pray- JU liv""" "&A" ed that I might be like one of those loaves, 1 but now it is like the rich tremb- fully in His hands, to be blessed and bro- ,. . . -,:, --,, ken: and as , I eo from city to city, from Ung of a harp-strmg a sweet day to day and from week to week, I think goothing strain, as though it were how wonderfully He has answered my - , . . . . prayer. . ' 4-- a note of sadness tempered by a 14. "Then those men, when they had gablime trust in a higher power. seen, thff miracle that Jesus did, said, This . .t. , la of a truth that prophet that should come "Go bury thy Borrow, the lnstru- Into the world." So they would take J ment geemed now to say. The poet film Dy iorce ana ixnuto .iu a -uig, uui OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N.C. Good accomraodationff for the traveling public. ' M1SSENBURG HOTEL J I? Massenburj; Iropr nE:iDi:r.co:i, n. c. Kjlood accommodations. Good fare: Po Utm and atUutive srvant T" It.ilUW.J k . w VV J. RCrtXTCJU.rroxrletor. Patronage of Commerc -1 Tout".-".s a2l avellng putllc Eoll ;' T. c-o i r He, having sent His disciples away by boat, departed alonu to a mountain. The Wind blew, the sea rose, and He did not come uhtil the morning watch. Then .He came walking on the sea, and as soon as they received Eim Into the ship she was at the land. The people still sought .Him, but only because He had fed them. . ; ; : Remarkable Cures. . The book now beiDg sent out for one cent stamp, by tb.'r Blood Balm Co., cf" Atlanta, Ga., certainiy. shows Botanio Ealco, (B. B. B.) to be a wonderful rem edy for buildin' up, and curing all c-anner cf blood and elia--'diseases. Their certificates are frora well known r.ectle, a-1 the cures" performed tl- ooFt E'.?.--?r credulity It i3 a ns was himself once more and though he felt sad as he thought of her he loved, yet this sadness seemed something that could be borne, since he felt, "Nearer my God, to Thee," even though it had been a cross" that had raised him. The melody roseandjell like the billows of the sea. Be fancied he could" hear the pines singing their on the nountain-Eida. One night a man took a little taper out of a drawer and lighted it, apd began to ascend a long, winding stair. "Where are you going said taper. . "Away high up," eaid the man; "higher than the top of the house where we sleep." . "And what are you going to do there?" ; "I am going to show the shir at sea where the harbor is," said the man. "For we stand here at the entrance of the harbor, and some ships out on the stormy sea may be looking for our light even now." . "Alas! no ship could ever see my Jight," said the little taper, "it is so very Bmall." -v "If your light is small," said the man, "keep it burning bright, and leave the rest to me." . Well when the can cot up to the. top of the lighthonse they were in, he took- the. little taper, and with itlighed the great lamps that stood ready there with their polished reflectors behind them. You who think your little light of so small account, can you not see what God nay do with it? Shine and leave the resttollim The Wellanring. Does thy blood beat, fast in youth? She and increases the attendance in the rill out run It. Art thou set toward j churches, Sabbath' schools, an j day ambition? She will unl ck thy inner I schools, and it a complete remedy heart and show thee roads that leads to glory. Art thou worn . and weary? She has comfort in her breast. Art thou fallen? She can lift thee up; and to the illusion of thy .sense gild defeat with triumph. Ave. she can do these things, for nature even fights upon her side. 'And thus woman rules, the world. For her men Spend their strength in gathering gains; for her they tlo well and ill and seek for greatness to find oblivion. Bui she still sits like yonder sphinx and smiles; and no man has ever read all the riddle of her Brni'e or known all the mystery ol her heart. Jrle must be great, indeed, who can de fy the power of woman, which prefsing round him like the invisible air, is cf- 9 j ten strongest when the senses least dis cover it. Christian Work. Hold on. Boys! Daaarers of the Grip. " The greatest danger from La (Irippe i of its resulting in rceamo;a. If reason able care is used, however, and Charn berlain's Coaxh Irnedy taken, all dan- srer will be.iyoiied. Araoc? the tens rf thonssnds who Lae used this remedy for la grippe we lave yet to learn of a rnnrrle case cavic? res::ej m re cannon. a which shows eor.c'.usWe'y thr tin re- -.- ..(v.r. ivo. Baomoil tft.dv is a certain rreverMve ct iaicsc,r liWV 7 r I rtir,n P T v i r ix crrtrn in tlrow his whcla soul into tla na ie, itsoun.I lie it 9 ticklinj cf cry:'.;! vr: ,cr tT3 tha f : !;.:lir t c-f ever tL-3 less ticne than Rny o:hr trvntnifct. It wpl ict sci f.fe to tike. For Flir ty V. G. Thc-as. dru.-;i.-t. Ilold on to virtue; it is obova alt t rice to you in all times and places " . Hold on to your good character, for it Is and ever will be your best wealth. Ilold on to your hand when you you are about to strike, steal, or do auy improper act. Hold on to tbe truth, for it will servo you well, ant,ao you good throughout eternity. Ilold on to your tongue len you are just ready to swear, lie, or speak harshly, or n 3 an improper word. To!d cn to your temper when ycj are ar: -ry, excited, tr in:: cs ed o;on, cr ethers anry alcut ycu. 1 1 o 1 1 on to your heart l?ri evil pers-M,s s-?ek yo-:r con j any, and invit? yn t3 j:i- iLeir rame, against truancy to the public schools. 4. it lessens commitments to the station-house, jails and reform schools in cities where enforced, 50 per cent. 5. It will lessen convicts in the pen itentiary in the same proportion aud ptotect the trades of the honest me thanics. 6. Police officials say it will save thousands of boys from becoming tramps and rescue a mullkude of yaung girls from lives of shame. 7. Superintendents of reform schools certify that the curfew, if hoDcstly en forced will prevent .commitments to their schools 8. The sheriffs of the United States in convention at Denver, Colo., three years ago, adopted the follow. rg re-o- lution: Resolved, That it is the snse cf the Chiefs of Police in this convention that I the city councils cf all ciliis should enact and enforce the curfew ordinance wiih as much promptness as possible It is admitted that crime in lie United States has been on the increase ever since the establishment of th Government until the passing of th enrfew, within thre; years, and the decrease in crimes among youths is conSned to the cities that . have the curfew, as already stated ia this ani cle. There are many Tellers and moth ers who have children that defy house restrain'; at same ti ie the:; ta- v n 1 r T T t5 j: 1 r v t . 1 to J f r it ; J article zf butter, and usually with less labor. The difference in Jersey tailk from any other is that th. proportion cf all of its solids are greater and the arno.n of water less. It is an item in the keeping of b-t - ter.aftrj it Is mle an t finished, trfe frora contact wiih I ght ard air, pack ing and covering cl ;.!y. Sclcttd. What a Bov Caa Do. l heso are some tnings a o -ri?- tain boy can da who wants ij work for Jesus: Bit frank. Re polite. Be prompt. Be obliging. Obey his parents Ivcd Liaise Ref ja to do tt t w 'roil-. rents are lax-payers, and they want their l-xes uci iaacs stiig them in keeprnthe:r children at home, -and tff tbe s'.ut-'.s at. rJzh'. Col. Alex, !t.g'and, la th- Crr'Vn Ob" -:cr. , r n o' r. 1 r 3 r v at I C i - .tevcr u;e profau t ?. Never learn to sojok. - -Ba nsef'il about Loai. Keep cut cf bl c t-,i'i v. Never laul at a cosr j j .'s. Learn his l??ns toruihy. Never mko onner?SJ.ry ro;s. Never be dir'p?:tf il to eld app. l)s kind to his hrV.V-r ai ! is t?r?. Take the part of tto- tl ! r i!l-ua?d. Never nske (a. cf ar.tler lc-cau?-3 le is peer. . Fail, if be caui.ct ps bis ex nrjinatioi honestly. NeV! teller li'.e;i U' a t.-ry which he wjul 1 not re;t to bik r- - 1 r 1 T. ! Try to l?aJ hi ccrnpani Je?us It e-.-aklr.' a little w Hid ieu I ran. f-r- Iv ? cr : --rtur.;t;" ar pert on all acricnltnrel topics. Ila giyes a full peg'? every week ca agricultural matters. A page is devoted to children, theMtwo de- partmoafs beinr presided over by Mrs. William King. Anon tbe regular etaT d en ters of The Conititation are Jel CbandlerJIrrlt, Frank L. Stan ton aud others well kaown through out tbe country; while among iu epecial eontrrbatora are each sea as Wallace P. Red, Bill Arp, arpa Plauktt, Bety Uanllto-;, Dr. Talmas aud others cf nation al refutation. Tbe Constitution has J-8t com pleted the thirteenth year cf SU existence, Clark Howell being th p.litcr and Colonel W A. Lierrp bi I i:s busincMcantrer. lis tin ; i a bonsebcld word 1 o every Soatbero State, from Virginia ts Teaaa. Itbasalwaya been in e: pesally loi touch with th agri cultural n aa --s cf tie South, and iu batir;g reached a circa'iilcn, wbichcarries it into UO.CCO hemes it has woo a unique d.: -'-e-'1 wbJrb ranks it among tbe greai?: r f Am-' rican weekly cew?'-7 n. Tt? Conetitutioo will i:l i am;lopyof its great W e e ' 1 7 f r-e t aoj one sending hi cwr. came and lbs caaeacf six c'-1--Lvr-, on ar-'.al card. livery man elojli t e h'. county tewipaper before anj tlir -elft, aud cext to this L 9 il : .. 1 i tak. a good general r. e t ? - .-. - - -jcb as Tie Cotfti'.a'.lrn. cennty pa; er gives bin lis boxe Lew, which is not t I l-y a rewpsper furni'Lir. j tl.3 pe.ifral tew. frcm a'.l pans cf t..? cc-mtry and frcna all cv?r tls wcrll. Befcreansn f - i :. .' - r c. at ion from t.'.- !, 1 t.-.' I f.rfX fee! s .ro tltt I ;s t r j I - t posted ca Li: ;j c i : cj Loxf. Tils is wlv 1..? il ; J I.! j bis co i.!y .; r lr?!. .-.- to :, ; r 1 f v r ; 1 ' ' ' r . '- i. r ; - 1 t: f t n Cl: k - ; c

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