V JLV. JAS. A. THOUAS, Editor and Proprietor. THE COTJITTT,- ''1 STTIU, THE TJTIOiT. S'J2S:-:?Ti:i: JI.C. Fir Yur, 1:1 U liru;:. vol: xxix LOUISBUEtr, N. C, FPJDAY, FEBRUARY. 17. 1S09. , i i i 'it- r CHURCH DIRECTORY i I- . j . METHODIST. . ! Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. '. Quo. S. Bases. Sopt. r Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., every Sunday. . - . . . . , ir Prayer meeting. Wednesday night. 1 -i "(. ! G. F. Smith, Pastor. , i-1 i "baptist. . . Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. , i i Thob. B. Wilder. Sunt ; Preaching at 11 A. M.. and 8 P, M., every Sunday, t.. i Prayer m -wring Thursday night. : i j rOEBEST omith. Jr astor. ; JL-ro teMional cmi-tl. 8. P; BURT, ; PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, ; Louisburg, N. C. - Office in the Ford Butlding, corner Main and Nash streets'. Upstairs front. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON . IX, FIRST QUARTER, INTER NATIONAL SERIES, FEB. 26. - Text of tlie Lesson, John "rll, 14, 28--"'37 Memory Verses, 28-31 Golden Text, John vH,37 Commeittrr Pre pared by tbe Rev. D. M. Stenrma. v Copyright, 1899, by D M. Stearns. 14. "Now about the midst of the feast Je6us went up into the temple and thought." ;-' It was the feast of tabernacles, and His brethren who did not believe in Him had n 'a sort of sneering way advis ARKANSAW TRAVELER. THE STORY AS TOLD BY "SANDY" FAULKJHJU. COL.' Te Author and Personator Who First - M adeTtTamoua An Unrememdered Explainer Attain Brlmrs it to the Front With an Introduction A Great Favorite Years Ago. - The following introduction, by an unredeemable "explainer" tells the ed Him to go up to the feast. His reply 1 story of the "Arkansaw Traveler." wSrHfiSlS; Colonel Sandy Faulkner, the origi- and as He taught the Jews wondered at nal Arkansaw Traveler, was bom in His knowledge and -His teaching, as He Georgetown,' Scott county, Kentucky, had not been to their schools. : His reply r-r-u v'.q-.-- ' it . t. to them was, "My doctrine is not Mix. Mareh 3 1803. He came to Arkan- but His" that sent Me" (verse 16V: He &3iW in.1820 and settled ia Chichot took ho credit for His words or works. He H. B. MASSENBUBG, " ! ATTORHBT AT LAW. - - -- '' - i . iouisbues, x. a Office in Court House. sought no glory for Himself. ; 2. ."Then cried Jesus in the temple 1 He taught, saying, Ye both know Me, and ye know whence I am, and I m not come do you do yoursell? - T. I mean what do you do for living here?- S. Keep tavern and sell whiskey. T. Well, I told you I wanted snue whiskey? " " S Stranger, I bought a bar'l raor'n a week ag3. You tee, me and Sil went shars, Arter we got it here' we only had a bit between us, and Sal she didn't want to use hern fust, nor me mine. Yon e I had a spigen in one eend, and she one in tother. bishe takes a drink out'o my eend, and paji me the bit for it; then I'd take one out'n hern, and give her the bit. Well, we were getting along fust-rate 'till Dick, a durn skalkin' skunk, he bored a hole in the-bottom to suck a', ;'and the next time I went to buy a drink, they wan't none thar. ' T. I'm sorry your whiskey' all out. I HER WISH GRATIFIED. a ' DEATH OF EMMA ABBOTT. ; HAPPY CHILDHOOD. THE EVILS OF OTEH-EDUCAT10N. Scholars must - Stand Like Human Vessels aud be Loaded with Fact If your boy's tastes are not scholar ly you may make him miserable trying ing to force a lovt for learning ,"riir Mrs. Lew Wallace in- the February Lid ies Home J iurnal. -He will go through thethM ks, and tbe books will county, on the Mississippi river," as a cotton planter. Later Colonel Faulk ner, (with his father, the late Nicholas of Myself, but He that sent Me is true, Faulkner, a Virginian by birth,) ' took i.. mtf friend h do.t . ,h whom ye know not.". They had said, We ur his rM;Hnrt. : T,,tU p V -W- ? ' Y ? 1 yU pUjf lhC Know this man whence He is. but when r . bilance of that tune? Will practice in aU the Courts of theState nrist cometh no man .knoweth whence he died August 4, 1874, at the age of S. It's got no balance toll. ' ' "J V M . J-"" B.IIOW liUttb XL Wail I fm T ., -i - r I .. , . T.I mean you don't play the his weu wown inrougnout tne j whole of it. v.. cooas & BOir, ATTOBJTBY8-AT-LAW, lOUI8BUB0.ir. 0. Will attend the courts of Nash Franklin, OranviUe, Warren and Wake counties, also tbe Supreme Court of North Carolinp, and the U. 8. Circuit and District Court. Da B. 8. Fostxb. ' Dr. j. B. Halohk Jaa FOSTER fc 14ALONK. . j - ' - PKAUTIOUQ PHTSICIASS fc SURGEONS, ; Louisburg, N, 0 ; Office over Ayeocke Drug Company. v. y Y"m. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. i i ATTOBKBT-AT-LAW, - r LouisBuae. h. a . Will practice in all the Courts of Fracklin and adjoining counties, also in ihe Hopreme Court, and in the United States District and Circuit Courts. ' ' A . : office i Cooper and Clifton Building. from Nazareth and of humble parentage, and that was all they professed to know, but If they had been honest they would have said, We know that Thou art a teach er ccme from God (John iii, S). 29e"Buri Jknow Him, for I am from Him, and He hath sent Me." He said again, "As the Father knoweth Me, even so knQW I the Father" ( John x, IB) and again, "No man knoweth the. Son but the Father; 'neither knoweth any man the Fa ther save the Son and He to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him (Math, xi, 27). North-west that Colonel Faulkner was the original personator of the Arkan saw Traveler." It was his nride to be known as such. -The story, it is said. was founded on a little incident which occurred in... the campaign of 1840, when he made the tour of the State in In His prayer He said, "O righteous Fa- company with the Hon. A. H. Server. turn, wwwuiiu uauu uviu &uuwu auuOi uui i , f L - I have known Thee, and these have I Lovernor tulton, Chester Ashley and -known that Thoa hast sent Me" (John I firwpmrvr vll- n. in iK rt xvii, 25). . 1 . ' . . 80. "Then they soueht to take Him. I Tn mountain tne party approacnea a S. Stranger, can you play the fid dle? , : . - T. Yes, a little, sometimes. S You don't look like a fiddler, but ef you think you - can play any more onto that thar tune, you kin just try it. , . . . The traveler takes the fiddle and pla) s the whole of it. S. Stranger, tuck half dozen cheers and sot down. Sal, stir your elf 'round Hvw the yaeen of the Lyrie Ktsre Sanz the Consumptiye's Re quirm and her own Dire. O. U. Stvenitos, ol Dallas, Tela, la AUnnta Cunatitatios. There was a time, it was not many years ago, when every city in theSuth looked forward wiih emulion of U through him; there is n aniroila- pleasure to the coming of Emma Ab t,on' Alter all, what are our children bolt.-. Every admirer of grard opera bein8 Seated foi? Tbe boys are lo regarded it as an epoch of the year Drcadi inners They must hurry PUut aside from ber extraordinary talent I through and 'hustle f.-r a living. The and culture, our most aristocratic ladies 8irl le.t believe it are the future loved her for her" virtue her "charity jbomeworker. Tbe word help meet is and her gentlexiispoiiiion' and when J oosole 'efi behind with the woman in town she was showered with invita- who roide E,eo Padise. Constant- tions to dine, to tea, and to come and, lhe 'J1100 . being brought op, spend only a few moments iu the roost I 'ShU this and thtt be addevl to our palatial homes. I public schooh?" But who asks, "Can Her rebuke to the Nuhville preacher lhe "lars endure any mort?" They is still remembered and often spoken of I h e no Pr'"is nor petition; they when her na .e is mentioned. This roost stand like human vessels ready to pure woman pne Sunday morning at- 'ed 10 lne r',n Wll tnir.urei of tended church; in that city. - Whether "Cl Pd lor a childhood of the the minister knew she was there, and i800' wel1 ' lhe body, f jr the frte ho she was, has been asseited and de-1 ir tne 'ed suashine, the mcxlerate 1 yZ-MP"- :r- 1 t A - u v , 1 , , , , , -i ; Makes the food more delicious end v ft deserts JCSIAH TLEStR. an Almost Forrotten tni clete4 Hero to Whoa Sorth Carolina Owes ETrlastJnj floior and Gratitude His hour was not yet come." Many a ". - l.kft a six horse team in a mud hole, timewould they have taken Him, bat they d Colonel "Sandy" as made spokes- GOiToon in the hoUcr whar Y ku,ed v,wulu iiu, .UuvU jw. man ol the comoanv. anrl it was nnon I .. ...... . . r r 1 trial duck mis mornin . cut on some ol rJJlHOB. B.WILDBB, j I I j s ATTOBKBY-AT-LAWt ' '- ' .. i SUISBUB, H. O. time." When they did finally take Him, it was because He allowed them to, and when He died He freely, gave up His. life. He laid it down of Himself ; they could not take it from Him (John x, 18). , . -31. "And many of 4ibe people Tbelleved on Him and said,. When Christ cometh will He do more miracles than these which this man hath done?" While some be lieved and some . believed not and many hie' llln ,arrnnr. Ik. , i n a n.l I ""r-"3- ,um "u the best pieces, and fotch it and cook .uuuucu. wu rc.MB.ug w it for me and this eentleman. direcilv! Rock, a great banquet was given in the Raise ap ,he undcr , be hd ot famous "bar room" - which used to the bed and git the old black iug I hid J . t i tt a iUUU BCW lQC AnODy na from Dick, and gin us some whiskey; " ul" know thar is sora left vet. Til. drive . , . ..... . - 1 ' woo proiessea to Deneve turnea oacK ana piay tne tune ana ten tne story. Atter-1 r. t? ,k. k.., . walked no more with Him (chapter vl, 1 , , ., ' Ole Bose out n the bread tray, and 66) He kept steadily on bearing faithful ward , 11 8reT lnto popularity. When clib :Q , f .. u umw nua luww uw wv . tesumonT ana aoing ine xiamer s worjzs 1 ne suoseauentiv went tn lrw 1 )rlpan5 I ),... . ,k- :. r.i. ..--. ., -s. I - , , , ... , , 1 I J p I lU.k 9 t U i lilt. OUKOl IIUC IU II. li.a. Wre. ... . .. v .-;..! , I .nil will, unre that nil whnm tha Fattier 1 . . ' . . . ..I 0 0 - ' ihe fame of the "Arkansiw Traveler J carry the gentleman's horse 'round had gone ahead of him, and at a ban- nder the shed, and give him some quet ne, amid clinking glasses and bnl fodder and corn, much as he kin eat. S. SPKUILL. ATTOBHBT-AT-LAW, liOUISBCBO, H. C. - Will atte-d the courts of Franklin, Vance OranviUe. Warren and Wake coubti8, also tha Sapremn Court of- North Carolina. Vrompt attention given to collections. ' Office over Egerton's Btore. . ; , and will, sure that all whom the Father gave to Him would come unto Him (ohap ter vl, 37) and that He would see of the travail of 'His soul and be satisfied (Isa. Uil, 11). 82. "The Pharisees heard that the peo ple murmured such things : concerning Him, and the Pharisees and the chief m W.iBICKBTT ! J ' ' ' ' ' - I rjinlil nnfc Whfin will tho p.nvmina nf GnA stop imagining vain' things? Not till the antichrist, yet to be manifested, is destroy ed, and satan shut up in the pit, and even j Prompt and painstaking attention given to I after that there shall be enemies of God verr matter ,lntruated tohis hauds - nntil satan is finally cast into the lake of Manning, Bon. Robt W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win- ATTORHEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. ; , ixuiaBUB v. a uant toasts, was handed a violin by Til Dad they aiu'i knives ennff the then governor of Louisiana, and I for ik ioKU S Whar,s big butch, little butch. old case, cob-handled yesterday? find Elijah, but also failed ; , thatSenna- I . . . - ,,yXr?ai ' y.BVUvwjl cherib would have, taken Jerusalem, but votea to nis use Bearing in gut letters ubie lo0uln y00ve (Xt um Duro over the door, "Arkansaw Traveler." priests sent officers to take Him." They j requested to favor them with the favor- . t a. T J 4-VAa. u.i.t. i kinff of Svria did hia best to take Elisha. I ltC Arkansaw tune. At the . Old St -toon Taln nr Hhftfi A hah flirt mb best to f", nP a irrrM room was ritv nied; anyhow, in tbe course of his ter mon he denounced alt women on . the stage as fallen and wauling ia chastity. Miss Abbott at once arose in the audi a ence'and, after challenging the truth of this monstrpus assertion and slander walked out of the house. It is, however, not with her life so task ended at the schoolhou?. This night young head aje leaning against their mothers, tired aa 00 young thmgi should ever be, and it is a sorrowful sound to hear a child waking fr m what might be the sunny slamber of a light heart beaiiog to heathful music to ask in troubled voice, Do yoa thiok much as with her death I am trying to 1 "n P grader it i leal.' One night in the city of Denver, I Mi1 ,h1 ,hfJ ,ike 10 go lo chool. Col , located at the foot and in plain . nu tney wuia i.ke it twice as view of tbe Rocky Mountains, she wat we!" lf m half as much to learn, billed to auuear in Faust." In th Mny children have I known, but n t same city a most attractive and bcauti- J one wlo loved study for its own sak ful 18-year -old girl, belonging to one Companionship is what lures ihemf of the wealthiest families, , Jay 10 the I lnsiei4 of wandering op and dawo the last stages of that fell enemy of tbe human race consumption. Sme weeks before the arrival of the compa ny she said to. those around her: "Oi, wilderness of wintry facts, let them loiter a while among the dear illusions The Hippy Valiey of Cfiildhood is but narrow, hilc ihe golden water babbles for. iton, Glenn & Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank or .Monroe, (Jnas. a. rayior. rres. was.o sur est College, Hon. B. W. Timberlake. Office In Court House, opposite Sheriff's. -; DIALOG UK. v Traveler Hello, stranger. " . Stranger Hello, yourselL : . T. Can I get to stay all night with you? . " -" S sir; you can't git to j - you ve me stranger, ef you can't stay - as I rg I as you please, ; and I'll give, you plenty to eat and drink. ' Will you have coffeefor suppei? T. Yes, sir. : S. I'll be hanged . if you do, tho', w. M. PERSON, we don't have nothin' that way here, T. Have you t,ot any spirits here? but Grub Hyson and I reckon it's S. Lots UV 'em. Sal seen one last mi?htv vnnd with wrr!nini7. Pis. I D J o " " O' - J ATTORNEY AT-LAW, - Practices in au- courts. Office lr Neall Building. I . H Y ABBOBOTJQH, 3 B. V ATIOENEY AT LA W, -1 LOUISBURQ, N. 0. . Office on! second floor of ,Neal building Main Street. AH legal business intrusted" to him will receive prompt and careful attention. J-B. D. T. SMITHWICK, j '. DENTIST, i i l,OTJISBUBG, N. C. i : , ' j-; ''.! ; - :y-;S:?; Office in Ford's Building, 2nd floor. O&s administered and teeth extracted without pain. ' JB. R. B. KXCTO, r '0 ! ' DENTIST, . fire and the kingdom comes. 83. "Then said Jesus unto them; Yet a little while am I with you, and then I go unto Him that sent Me." The time was short until He would give Himself up and let them-take Him and kill Him, but even in death He would go to the Father, and after the resurrection .He would in His more than 80 years He had willingly ab-1 n,8ni "7 tBat ar old holier gum, . and away, stranger, you can sleep on the sented Himself from His home m glory, 1 u nearly tkeered her to death. Dearmg au manna 01 numuiaaon ana scorn for our sakeSuid soon He was to become our sin offertrrg, bearing our sins In His own body on the cross.' ,' 84. "Ye Shall seek Me and shall not find Me, and where I am thither ye cannot My wayj-aud ye shaU seek Me and shall J out n the pot die in your sins. Whither I go ye cannot T. You don't understand: I don't come.": In verse 24 of the same chapter - He says, "If ye believe not that I am He, mean pot liquor. Im wet and cold ye shall die ln your sins.". .Now U .the and want some whiskey. Have you time to seek Him, for it is written, "Seek - ye the Lord while He may be found," and I got an jr. -all who Truly 6eek' surely find (Isa. lv, 6; Jer. xxix, 13; Math, vii, 8), but if the sinner will not yield to the seeking Sav- I morning. iour ior ne is always seeKing ever wnoe T ym hanprv haven't had anv Ha Bonshfe Ada hiding from,Him in m hungry, navcn t naa any Eden then there is a possibility of the thing since morning: can't you give experience of Prov. 1, 28: "Then shaU they ..,),;.- , .,,) calTupon Mo, but I will not answer. They me something to eat? shall seek Me early, but they shall not find I S. Hain't got a durn thing in the MJ ..rm.: M Tm- house. Not a moufful o meat, nor a selves, Whither will He go that we shall . . . j m n . TrriSi tt a. ai. Jli ' nos bbh a.imt uiu no go unto lumun- ,, - v nersed amonir the sentiles and teach the I T We." caQ 1 ya 8fve borse gentiles?" If they believed Him to be J something? possessed or a aevii, as .ioej saiu, iney S. Oh, yes I drunk the last this LOUISBURG, N. C. Officbovbb Avcocxs Detig CoMPANy. 1 With an experience of twenty-five years isa sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the un-toklate lines of the profession. "" -. '"' -. ' -V ; . . r" -: could not think of His going to heaven to leave them, but even if He should pos sibly be a good man and go to heaven surely they would find Him, for wesa they not all going that way, at least in theii own opinion?: Anything more than a mere man they could not see Him to be and so they understood Him, not becaust they would not receive Him. - 86. "What manner of saying is this that He said, 'Ye shall seek Me and shall not HOTELS. flnrl Ma. and where- I am thither ve can. not come?' " It is not strange that these j your name Def unbelievers could not 'understand His S.It mjgbt Djck and it might vnni. for even the disci Dies are heard sav- I FKANKL1NT0N 110TELI ing on the night before His crucifixion: be Tom; but it lacks a right smart of "What is this that; tie saitnr a nine while. -We cannot tell what He saith" (John xvi, 18). FEANKLINTON, N. C. s'SAU'L MERRILL, 'Pzy'A " Good accomodation for the traveling public. - .. -:r: . Good Livery Attached. . v ... - " OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Oxford, N. C. - - Good accommodations for .the traveling1 public. a. MASSENBURG HOTEL ; J I? SXaisseaibarer Propr HEIJDEESOII. II. C Qood aceommodationi. Good fare: Po -- ( , -.. .:- -. .... . lit and attentive servat : lOTOOD HOUSE urreatsa. Ksrtb rnWzi nam V J 1 J -4 - J.1 A. 4. M BY. xn me las aay, inas greau uajr ui i -a j ,n the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If roau 6ocs lw -v dry spot to-night. T You mistake my meaning; have -,T ,After two hour. firMlin S M, you got any liquor? friend, can't you tell me about the S.-Had some yesterday; but old road rm to travcUo-morroa? Rose: he ito in anrt lannprl all rt it " - , e .rr -- c T- 3 e. won't git out'n these diggin's for six Weeksl But when it gits so you can start, you see that big sloo over thar? Well, you have to git croat that, then you take the road up the bank, and in about a mile you'll come to a two-acre and-a-half corn patch. The corn is mifily in the . weeds but you needn't mind that, just fide on. About' a mile and a half or two miles from thar, you'll come to the. dampest iwaurp you ever struck in all your travels; it's boggy enuff to mire a saddle blanket. Thar's a fust -rate road about six feet under thar. . . '.How am I to get at it? S. You can't git at it nary time 'till the weather stiffens down sum. - Welt, about a mile beyant, you come t place where there's no road. You can take the right hand ef you want to, you'll foller it a mile or so; and you'll find it's run out, you'll then have ' to come back and try the left, when yu git about two miles on that you . may know you're wrong fur they ain't any road thar. You'll think you're mity lucky ef you can find the, way back to my house, whar you can cum and play on that ar tune as long as you please. ; S. Got nothin to feed him on. T. How far is it to the next house? - S. I don't know, I've never been thar. ;---;: - '" - T. Well, do you know , whd lives here. .... ' .- -.- S. Yes, sirl .. ,. - T As I'm so bold; then what might it. T. -Sir! will you tell me where this jes to? t : . It's never gone any whar since it any man thirst, let him come ucta Me and I . S arinK." iiaa xney oonsjuerou uioir own ,, .. . v : 9lwav- thar when 1 Scripturta they migRt- have thought of l ve lived here, its always thar when l Isa. lv, 1, or Jer. ii, 13, or the rock that git up in the morning. . . . i .i v.i i i .,.1 rrvA4 jaosesBuiu uuii ucj Yvauuuiiuou. . ,. . f . . here hearts were hardened, their ears heavy 1. Well, how lar IS It to Where (Isa. vi, 10) because they would not see fotks?. The fountain of living water was now in S. It don t fork at all; but It splits their midst, and yet they would not drink, an like the devil. efiapter 3 we learn how to be born of water . T- As I m not likely to get to any and the Spirit, in chapter 4 ve learn that other house to-night, can't you let me WO may uo eiM oi naKtt uoio learn that we may be rivers of.water, Iringing health and life wherever we go Ezek. xlvii, 8). Most saved people are content just to be born again, a few are willing to be well,-but lewer stiu care io be rivers. It is for us to say how much jf the Word we are to have in us (Eph. v.. 18; Col. iii, 16).. Bemarkahlb Cures. Tha book now being sent out for one cent stamp, by the Blood Balm Co., of Atlanta,' Ga., certainir shows Botanic Balm, (B. B. B.) to bo a wonderful rem edy for-building up, and curing all manner of blood and skin- diseases. Their certificates are from well known people, and the cores performed al- It is a fine . W 3. NORWOOD, Proprietor. Patronage ot Commercial Tourists and J most stagger credulity raveling Publle Solicited, ' Good Sample Room. medicine, far better than the many sub stitutes, said to be "just as good." Buy the old reliable and long tested B B. B. 1 .CO pr large bottle. Ter c.Ia ty Prrj2"st3. ' sleep irryours; and I'll "lie my horse to a tree, and do without anything to eat or drink. - .-"-S. My house leaks. Thar's only one dry spot in it, and me and Sal sleeps on it. And that that tree is the old woman's persimmon; you can't tie to it, 'cause she don't want em shuk off. She lows to" make beer out'n em. T. Why don't you finish covering ycur house and stop the leaks? S. It's been rainin' all day. T. Well, why don't you do it in dry weather? t S. It don't leak then. T. As there seems to be nothing alive about vour place but children bow do you do here, anyhow? . S. rPurtv well, I thank you, how The Pernicious Grumbling? Habit. FA2teaU.Wajit . .Not I . hope the sun will shine and" the to lhe l'kng b'rd and the singing "we.iher .ill h m.rm .;.i i r. hcre the suit alwats ahioes and oan fcfi.. . . ' uwl. .u.s Uu,c mure. ylsi ,he lo4j ,htl Q0 I think I could then pass away peace- ibesprtogj of life haveraoch to account fully and with ut cne single regret." But Jhre.ca rr,jrit h. lh c tnta . of lhe lyric stage a'N )nTierri hurticafte with" the very air charged wnh icicles which penetrated the lungs. Some oue told M as Abbott of the grievious disap pointment of lhe dying girl. Se went to the opera house and never sang more sweetly, and as soon as it wasoserand he audience dismissed, she called her carriage and greeted it to drive to the beautiful home of the young lady. Oi course she was at once admitted to her room, and told her she had come to gratify her wish. - - ' - The scene which followed was worthy of the finest brush ever wielded by the grand old masters. There lay the dy ing earth-angel with pallid lips, hectic cheeks and lustrous eyes and tbe light of immortal beauty shining upon ber face. Standing beside her in one of ber richest robes (ihe one she bad worn that night.) spaikling with pearl, ru. bies and diamonds stood the alm ist divine mistress of earthly melody. "The first piece rendered was. "The Old Folks at Home," and then fcj. flowed "I Know that My "Redeemer Liveth." Th finale of lh "s weird scene was "Rock oj Ages, Cleft for Ale, Let roeHide MjSilf in Thee." And then Miss Abbott bent over the frail f rm and kissed her au eternal farewell. Soon after the spirit passed into the winds which rang through the moun tains near bysct sail for that haven which the first homeward bound baik is yet to be tern the stainless heavens by the sweetest music ever heard on earth' into he mel odies of paradise bird. " ' f , Miss Abbott returned to her home at the hotel and retired. Sometimes dur ing the night she awoke with a dread tul pain in the left lung. It rapidly grew worse a phjsician was sum moned ihep an'Uher and, another, who applied every remedy they could command, all to ni purpose. It wa SOHETIUNQ ABuUr THE U 2. LAT EST WEEKLY 5E SFAFEJL 15 THE C0U5T2Y. Take Your Horns rirr acl Tie Co- stltsiioa and be Happy. Do not let your child acquite the hab it ofgrumbling.- Stop the first begin nings and it will never become a hab it. If there is just cause of complaint, try to remedy it; if there is no possib ility of improvement, teach that silent endurance is the best way to meet the inevitable. It is never wiss to stay in a place and grumble. If the things you dislike cannot be altered, change your environment. If on n flection you de. cide that, balancing one thing wiih another you would rather- bear the ills yoa know than fly to others that you know not of, bear them ia silence. February Ladies' Home J wirnal. So Cur Xo PaT. That Is the war all druggists well Grove'a Tasteless Chill Tonic for Chilla and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitter can sstir2 tcsjjs. Price to cents. Dallas Nsws. The bibit of ependjoK more than one makes in America. It does not prevail generally In any other country on earth. ' Of Americans employed at good wages la the most remunerative lines probably not more than one of five saves any appreciable percentage of bis earn ings. Whether the pay H 75, $100,$150 or $200 per month, tbe result at tbe end of tbe y ear is tbe same 0. It may be even less than nothing. Tbere are little ac counts to pay or to put off at a dozen places about town, and-in some cases, bard bills are unpaid. Nothing is laid by for a rainy day. No provision is made even for sickness. Tbe wife joins tbe bus. band in tbe foolish effort to keep up or ahead and to these are added in due time little pauper pets to outdrees other little pauper pets or tbe children of tbe rich bankers of tbe town. This swift and im provident method of life is not found io foil swing in any other country. To explain that it means disaster is to insult tbe vain and tboujbtleas spendthrifts who care less for, credit than tbey do for eas or show. They desnise the eldarly person who has "waste not, waut not for a motto. Tbej cannot endure any thing thalisnot "spick" end swell.". This runs on until the "job, on which they have enjoyed themselves is lost, and a'l is lost. Without employ ment, money or credit tbe bead of the family Mods himself unable to secure a footing or provide for bis wife and children. In some esses the result ismobt pitiable divorce even suicide Iu other instances a bitter taste of poverty brings tbe whole familyaround to methods of safety and common sense. Tbe wife joins tbe husband in tbe ef fort to go on In the good old way. Tbey quit tbe epbemeoal train and devote their lives to something a deal safer, better and more satis factory. Ia tbe end tbey learn that this is really the only way to be bappy and free. Of course one prodigal nau iu a thousand may find a fortune or even bavft abund (O. 1rka!l is N.s a4 OWrror ) I never expected 4o see the day , wblcb ortb Carolina should need be told who Joeiab Turner was. Hut 1'ich ia tbe sad fact as evideuced by the recent ctterasce of tbe News sod Observer. INorth Carolina ori more to Joe Turnerlban to any oiler man of tbe poat bellao period, Zsb Vance not excepted. He was tha Patrick Henry nay, more than the Patrifk II i.rj it that pre. rjant perioJ. for to a poo and tongue that fired tbe souls of men against wroug and oppression' te ad Jed tie courage of a Lero. When thedoorof Federal prisoua yawned for our msubood; vbj IIoMen, backed by Federal bayoocU, at.t impelled by Satanic male vole nee. against our t'ueat and beat, bald tbe Slate in ihe hollow of Lis band; it was Joe Tfner, aud for long time Joe Timer alone, thtt bore tbe brunt and with mat bleu elo qieoee invective larcasm, and iron resolution and courage, tat back tbe foe and inspirited Lis despairing followers. For month between tbe baiter of Ho!det drum-bead court martial and tbe bujlets of tbe mob, bis life was not worth . a moment's purtbaae Vfbea re any, afterwards bell in high honor, where weak kneed, be rtood like a rock. Vitb his old Colt's six-shooter lkaveseeobim standing aioue and nnsided put bis back to a tree at.d defy a sea of carpet-bag, scallawag scoundrel dom, and - their negro raioiour, seeking to take bis li'e or frtjfbten bim into silence. But bis courage and genius rose with the danger. and HelJenigtn, tbe greatest peril j tbat bas ever menaced tbe State, met its Waterloo. Tbe war fought and won, white, supremacy established, tbe old warrior cast io heroic mould, tacked the tact and suppleness to walk tbe primrose paths of peace. He saw wroug where perbsps it did not exist and attacked thoae whom probaby be" ought Dot to have attacked. Men forgot bt great service to tbe State, and left bim to bis bitterness. But a more fearleee, heroic soul than Joe Turner's never animated mortal clay.-I bis wat were not the ways of other men, so coach tbe orse io many respects for other men. Tbe Slate owes to bim a debtit ewes to few. lie was onr prime champion io tbe great straggle for wbiteeupremaey. I wish tbat tie present Legislature, created by and symbolieof this great cause could some tssrked and unique way show its honor and retpect fortbir man, but for whom North Carolina biatory could net have beo tbe same and must have beeu'darker. In a little while be must, in tbe coarse of oatare, pass beyood the borders of time, and North Csro lica will boror herself in honoring bim before he goes bence. typhoid pneumonia in its worst form. The black camel was kneeling at her io r. Angels of lhe Heavenly choir had that night listened to her voice in the sick rrxmi and sent for her to come home to thera. Io three da) s lhat voice which had so often raised the souls of cnen and wo nirn io the noblest, the grandest heights in bol) ers icy, was forever stilled in death gone forth into the niht. . O f t .1.1 ' . I X -oM..iPcsuramc.ouu.w.yt ince of wealth thrust npon him .u.......u,..wVwf ,Q B0QJd manner he and Sj dies the waves along the shore." th- j,.nmnlilno, ing capacity may escape tbe pec la.igers of the Grip. The grent9t danger from La Gripp la of its rvna'.tia o paromoDia. If rvaton able rare i 'nd. however, and Cham-b-?rlala'e Cungh K?m?dy takro. all dan ger mill be arolifd. Among the tens of thoU'adJ3 wb hare osd tbi rem-dy for la grip pa we bate y-t to Iara of a single ea aatiog resnlitsl io poeamooia wbicii sb c.joc!a-iif ply that tbU rca dy in a certjta prerendTe of tbat daogt-r ons d i-s. It will care Ugrippta leas tica- tlsu any otbsr treatment.' It i.4 p'icnt and eafa to Uke. por sale ty Vi. G. Tboras?, drcjiaU - For La Grippe. ThoroM VS bitlUld A Co.. 2 W.U-h av.. cororr Jscko st m-t. o t( Cni- eajr's ol4t sni m-t rr.ta:Dat drox friale, recomonird Chambrritia's Cwaab iiecoKlr for Is gripp s it t lv airs a prompt and eoptrt r-lrf. bo also eouoterscts aay iro iudf v - f Is rgripp to roit la pooniooU. tot m by w.u. iBucDii. drogzut. "Did you say lhe. t&iu wasshot in the woods doctorf 'No, I didn't. I aiil be was rbo io tbe lumbar region ." I10O Eeward. $1UJ. allies of extravigaoce and improv ideoce. But tho role is the other way. As a rale, tbe persons wbo set in to sto to tbe limit and over the limit are racing'with folly for a stake which is worthless. aud which tbey can never wiu. Tbere are rainy days in store for allj No man can defy tbe inexorable purport of this fact with impunity. The readers cf this iapr w'll tw clrased to learn tbr W at Uiob drrd ed diaras tbat acWaew has two ab! to ear ia all its la'-s aad tbat U ta tarrh. Haifa Catarrt Corw lath only positive core now known to tbe ovrdical fn.trohy. Catarrh brlog a oo1tq. tiosal dlsxrawf, rrq-irea a eo4tuooal Ureatmeat. Hairs Catarra t-orw U takrn Int-roaliy.aetingdirwrtly opoa toe blood and sBaeoo sort ace of tb sysuta.lherw by deatroflcg tb fnoodatioa of tbe dis riix, aod giing tbe I aiwnt strrotb by bailding ap lh eoosf uotlua and aasUt Icg nalorw ia djiog iu work. Tbe pro prietors ke sotnach fa it b la i:a eara live TH)n-n. tbat tbey c?er UoeHaaw drvd bollara fur aov c tbat It fails toJ core. Send for lit cf tetimon;is. AJir-. F. 3. Ci:i?rrA Co T.i'Is.O It la a fact p'trapenot reoenalir- known tbat The "Weekly Coastita- - tioo bas the largest clrealaUoa cf soy newipaper ea tie wealera berniiph- re. Daly f saoatbi sgni large nswipapsr .directory q-itatiooei tbe claim of circuit- . tioo made by Tbe Constitution aad pit ap a forfeit cf 1100 that it could be disproved tbat it lad more than 100.003 circulation. Tbe Constitution procsptly accept- ed tbe o3er aod submitted its books to tbe representative of tbe crm. Mr. George P. Eowail, pQh. lister rf tbe newipaper directory, ackoowUdged bis error pablicly and paid tbe forfeit. Tbe Constitution, while belns? a Democratic newspaper. Is first and " above all things a newipaper. It is a twelve-page. leren.eoIamD weekly, making eilbty four col- umaa each week. Its snbscrlclloa priests f 1 a year. Tbe Constitution has a special correspondent in evsry Icaportant city to tbe Lotted blatee aad a rep resentative to all of tbe leading renters of tbe world. During tie war with Spain, which bas just been brooghtto dose, tbe reports of do newipaper i tbe South could compare with its news presentation from lie front. Itaipecial staff representa tive taited with the army when it first embarked from Tata pa, and of tbe 120eorre rpoodcnle wbe west lo Cuba, be was one of tbe only seven wboremsioed to see tbe Sag hoisted over tbe public balld'ogs io Santiago. Its special represen tee alio accompanied the Ceet io tbe Caribbean sea, aad its Washington special service covered every detail of the important war reports criginatiogst tbe capltol. Tbe VeelIy Constitution Oaring the late Hpaoish war served tbe hews of ail the notable events, from first to last, with tbe protspt ness of a dally? Tbe vjetoryef D-wey at Manila, the death ef Ko- ign Bagloy, tbe movement ef lhe roops snd fiesta, tbe destruction of Servera's fleet, the operations in 'ortojuco, tbe treaty, and the an- farting of tbe stars aod tripes over Morns eaalle, Havana ware all Kiven In Tbe Wbekly so Mondsy, on tbe very dsy tbe news first sd- pesred io the daily. Tbe Weekly Conitltatloo makes a special feature of its agricultural page, which is pre, id id over by Colonel E.J. Redding, director cf tbe Georgia experiment farm, and a man wbo is recognised as an ex pert on all agricultural topics. He giyesa full page every week on agricultural matters. A devoted to children, tbeae two de partments beinir presided ever by Mrs. William King. Among 'the regular staCT mem bers f Tbe Constitution are Joel Cbaudler Hsrrls, Frank L. Stan ton a ud otters well known through out tbe country ; while among its special contributors are such aso ss Wallace V. uea, uiu Arp, s.rr Pinukett. Betsy Da aU ton. Dr. Talmage and others cf nation al reputation. Tbe Constitution has juit com Dieted the thirteenth year cf IU eaiatence, Clark Howell being the editor and Colonel W A-Hemp- bi 1 ita busiueea manager. Its name is a household word i every Southern State, from Virginia to Texas. 'Itbeselways been ia es pecially sloie touch with the agri cultural aasfei of the Seuth, ael iu bavin reached a circulation w bich carries it into 1M.000 homes it bas wou a unique distiuetloa which vaoks it among tbe greatest uf American weekly newspapers. Tbe Cooititutioo will send -sample ropy of its great Weekly free to any one sending bi own name and tbe names of six n'gb bore, on a postal card. Every man should ts his eouuty newspaper before an)thlng e!te, aud next to this be sbea'.d take a good general, newipaper, urb as Tbe Coostitollon. His coutty psper gives him the local bocue uewe, which is cot supplied, by a newspaper furnishing the grceral tie we from all parts cf the cwontry and from all ever the world. Before.a mso seeks Infor mation from outeide, be should ft rt feel sure tbatbe isbeiegkept posted co what is goiug on at borne. This is why he shooldlaka bi county psper first. II i prmor In rirb -s'br. di mp- ess ei'ivme eoll, ee . U apt lo briitg ow as attack of rarQtoa'Ucs or avrUu; el ip pd fcaods asi fe rrkl Hp ssf U ileot itcbis 4 bv kio, a!oowe tv-lr rlcia to e-ld ti-T. Dr. J. H. l-'e-Lni'i Vi.lcioit Oil Linlm-ct b'vnid t-e kept ca band at all l!an for isnei ;e ar p'lwation Va trooM cf tt .s cilrrs arp--ar. It U i jf rL?a ro-J. Tf-CJ Zl rz'i. I) cc'i aci a t-,