f 0' I O JAS. A. TKCUAS, Editor ui Frcprigtcr THE COTJTLTTir, THE STATE, TT3HD "CHtTIOiT. s::::r.:?i;:i: :i.C3 Ftrtur. u VOL XXIX LOUISBURG, N. C, FrJDAY,1 FEBRUARY. 2I.1S00. I METHODIST. i Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. " . . . Gao, S. Baker. Supt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., every Sunday. . Prayer meeting Wednesday night. -. .: G. P. Smith, Pastor. - BAPTIST. ' Sanday School at 9:30 A. M. " Thos. B. Wilder, Sapt. Preaching at 11 A, M., and 8 P. 11., ; every Sanday. ' - j Prayer m eting Thursday night. ' i 1 Forrest Smith. Pastor. lJro torsional oai-tlt. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. UESSON X', FIRST QUARTER, INTER NATIONAL SERIES, MARCH 6. Text of the Lciion, John vlil, 12, 81- 30 Memory Verses, S4-36 Goldea Text, John .vlil, 36 -"Commentary Prepared by the Rev. D. Ok Stearns. Copyright. 1899. by D.' M.' Stearns. 12. "Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world. , He that follow eth Me shall not walk In dark ness, but shall have the light of life." By reading the first verse of this chapter with A SUCCESSFUL FARMER. STOKE LIFE CHANGED FOB A FARM. JJR. S. P. BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, ! " Louisburg, N. C. - OfflceTn the Ford Building, eorner Main and Nash streets. Up stairs-front. B. . B. MASSKSBUKQ, A.TTORNET AT LAW. LODISBUBO, H. O. . i W1U practice in all the Courts of the Bute ,; Office in Court House. jj COOKB fe BOW, I j ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW j ' L0UISBUB6.BT. 0. ;. I will nt.tAnd the courts of Nash. Franklin. Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme uonrt oi jorxn uaroiinp, sua vuo u. 8. Circuit and District Courts. a DB. B. S. FOSTBB.1 ; ' Db. 3. B. Maixnb i - . ' JR& FOSTER k MALONK D PRACTICINO PHYSICIANS fc SURGEONS, j : - Louisburg, N. C Office over Aycocke Drug Company. . w M. HAYW001TEUFFIN: 1 ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, . LOUISBD&e. BT. O. ' . -: will nratf lne in all the Courts of Franklin mi .iiininiiiir nnnntiM aluntn th Supreme Court, and lo the United States District and Circuit Courts. Office in uooper and Cltf ton Building. rjiHoa B. WILDER, ' ' 1 j , ' ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, - i " . tOUISBUBS, W. Cv ' ' -V Office on Main street, over Jones St Cooper' tore. S. SPRUILL. j ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, "'- - . ' LOCIHBUKO, IT. C : : . win uttand th nniiTtiiof Franklin. Vance Granville. Warren and Wake comities, also the Suoremn Court of JNortn uaronna. Prompt attention given to collections. .. - Office over Egerton's Store. F. Caldwell's Great Farm. i Charlotte Observer. A FARMER RIGHT. Mooresville, N. C If there be any man in Mecklenburg county who doubts the ability of the soil - of this the last one of the previous chapter we see j section to make a family a comfortable something of the homelessness of our Lord livine and a s nmr ralh inmme and many a time, . While all go to their own I e . 7 ,. . homes He goes to the Mount of Olives, Profit each year let him journey to the probably to Getb soman e, for He ofttimes j home of Mr. J. F. Caldwell near Da- resorted thither wth His disciples i (chap- dson Colleger- A few days ago it was terxvlil, 2). Early In the morning He - 1 6. was. again in the temple and teaching the my good fortune to pay a visit to Mr. people. Nowthe selfjdghteous Pharisees Caldwell's farm. The farm' ma V- bring to Him a woman, whom they say - was taKen while committing sin, hoping J titiucu as a aairy larra. cut a vane- tnat JiewiUTOnaemn her or proving Him ,y of raoney crops &re grown. Ten to see what He will do. hnt He. hv writing I ...... 7 r & . on the ground, would tell them where I years ago Mr. Caldwell was a merchant, A.r .4 a ml - inexr names were written Because tney nao having been in a ktnre sinre h- a , lUreaMU. UOU t"er- v" -WJ. -:- - .. .. .. . " (Tivin .n.mmnnli; IT- VI, 31. "Then said Jesus to those Jews years old. However, his, heart and 6 1 which believed on Him, If ye continue in Nine vears aeo gwdless of hundreds of starving 10 cents total I4.60. The straw paid j for the threshing. Mr. Caldwell is a believer in the broad tire for wagon?. He has a low, strongly constructed, farm wagon that has the broad tire. He says it is the very thing. It will not cut down. Among other farm tools he has a griio . drill, a disc harrow, & manure distrib utor; for broadcasting rough manure, a wheat harraster and binder and a mowing machine and rake. The Caldwell farm contains 310 acres of land. It is cut up in Gelds and each Geld is enclosed in a wire fence. ine cows are turned into the vauous Gelds after the crops are harvested. Mr. Caldwell's idea is to enrich, )X lands by rotating his crops and broad casting rough manure. Some of his land produces twice as much now as it did three years ago. This is the kind of man that does ! Ha ake8 Money, Even Thonza Prices ; Are Low, by Keeping the Loaks Stopped, anl Eeadi'uj the Advertisements lu the ewspapr THAT FATAL GIFT BEAUTY. 110 X ELY UIBLS IS DEHASD. A Chkairo Jf an Says It m Oat of Five la a Stcr. Qraenrille. H. (X. News. 'I want to tell you something," said a younz farmer to the editor ol the Greenville News yesterday. am just learning the value of adver tising to us in the country. I winled some flannel not long ago and looked ocr tie adwnisemeots in the Srtni- Weekly NeJ. I foind whit I wajled and I make out in that single tranUc- tioi I saved enough by "studying jhe advertisements to pay my subscrip tion a ear. I find the advertisements Is beauty an adQantag. or other wise to a woman who -baa to work for a living-. Ten years ago such a question would have been regarded as a joke, for in those day baauty and lota of it was the motto. But times have changed, and, strange and Irrational as it may appear, good looks are not only at a discount Id tha modern business world, but positive TjRliness ir -eDjo-yeiimt a boon. Iiowadaya the 'fatal gift of beauty" is 'particularly fatal to a ( J a ' 1 i Mdcs Lho food more delicious end vholcsorr.3 as interesting and valuable to me at I J ' anvthlna la In fK- r.,-, I .KI..W . 'Tef, if, ther 13 a Dioer. I :l . . j ' . I . . . ii Te mnnnna in i j r . , . . . . i lamnv arc coDicniea ana nrasnemni. i r -,.- -.. 1 mr.A Af !1 1 "'"'-I , IWU1 VUl, Uail Ul 1113 UU I" I - ' I...UUJ will UlWlUtl 11 Will VT H'CIU j " v vmgu sua v u au.T uiDuiuicn in- - r r . deed." The evidence of true discipleship J hood, on, agriculture. always to keep track of ali advertising ' werdXTRonTi '" .Mwk,W changes. They can pick out what itch uuiug uuui. ll. If., no IB BLUB IA1 I .nnnl. Xtr T 17 r 1 A 1 U.. J I . . keep-ns from falling and to present lis liked and that has proved very proGt- c. v Mr J -iaweM na lor8eI i hey want before they come to town, lef' H able to him as Well. He first boueht his WiJ 10 thc front He has of Jesus Christ, No power can take us 39 acres of land and began business on money "7 aray licks and energetic out of His hand, but if we are truly there, . .. M . - . efforts. He does not have to tell the twit, it ia ho -mm k.tvhnit..! a small scale. iNot Deine a man 01 eonsness manifest in our lives, there wiU much means he bad to go slow. But 8tory 01 b,s ucccss D,s neighbors do to-day his farm is a model and his sys terns and methods are the talk of his fellow-farmers. His success has been wrought by toil and' economy, backed by" a fine business sense. ' .His neigh- it for him. H. E. C. Bryant. Causes of Death. be outward evidence of the : life within. The light will shine unless it is only a painted light (Jude xx, 81; PhiL ,1, 6; John x, 27, 28). God will work In us those things that are pleasing in His sight (Heb.: xiii, 20, 21). There are those who have a name to -live, but are dead (Rev. iii, 1). There may be so little life that It is scarcely r manifest, but where there is abundance of life (John x, 10) it cannot be hidden any more than you can keep a bright, healthy child still. ; - 1. 32. "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Then I money farming. the Lord (Hos." vi, 3). By nature we are writcr sa w on entering Mr. Caldwell's tie exaggeration in it, for even - though in bondage to sin, the world, the flesh and barn yard was 18 or 20 fine, well-bred not always suddenly fatal, strong pas can set us free, but He is able and as will-1 registered Berkshire hogs. They were ing as He4sable. He does it by His word, j fat an(j healthy. The old hogs were Almost all persons die of disappoint bors claim that he works 365 days in ment personal, mental or bodily toil or town. the year.. I accident. The passions kill men some- Here is the way Mr., Caldwell makes I times even suddenly. The common The first thing the I expression "choked with rage" has lit- will know just where to go for it ,"and will save time and money! ' There are always bargains to be found in the ad vertising columns." N - Then the farmer and the editbr fell into talk. The farmer i'a vounr Tnan about 30 years old. He has a wife and four children and he owns sixty acres of land, miles from . "Money in farming?" he satd; "of course there's money in farming. I growing prejudice against employing very handsome women," eaid a big re tailer. "It'a no joke, and there's no sentiment about it; it's jast a cold-drawn matter of business. I don't eare how competent a strik ingly handsome woman tay be, or how discreet and quiet aod indus trious she is all the tame she's bound to demoralize the force. She makes the women jealous and the men absent-minded, and it tells on their work. Of course she can't help it, but that's no affaii ol mine." "I've made a study of the sub ject," be continued, "and I know sions shorten life. a.w.y, mate u a ru.e 10 come out wbat Vm talking about- A real ancau me ena 01 tne year aod 1 ve beaut iu a Blora win reduce lba never m.ssea 11 yei. 1 ciearea itto working capacity of its employes on'five cent cotlon and I expect tol Kt 9ft r rni ir..K.nn.n. Strnnff-bodied men often vnnnv I i .r j r I ' s , o..c., iuuuc. UU II II 11 urODS 'O lOUr frt Utk m .... n.n.1 t.r,. . . . . ... -. . . 0 I . M-MM V. . A n . 1 n v a .nil w4 V mr. nen.ll ll.. fk.l, . Il . I - 1, i; i rat. 1, z.s), Dut Dy tno same wora 1 lu p-"3 H'S3 1011 afc '"'S aui 1 .uvu u-.i.j ... ilj6v., mM cents. I KlAr,- ; ,. r, j..v nflKrAffiinntifloii.nlfliinaxi. hnilt nn f.Tnhn 'j t .1. . i . ' .1... . 1-- .u- .v.:. I ' DIOUQe, I0r lUSianCe, WUD QrS ,: " --" -v-- 1 me yaru. in tnc oaro were 30 ncau 1 tuc auuug, mr mc bkuuk use tueir 1 a i a i. t,. 1 :l I , .,, . . ,, svii, 17 ; Eph. v, 26 ; Acts xx, 32). From I " . . I L ' . . , .. "How do I do It? It s like every eyes the redaction will be fully uen. tl i. bpto moyea ma - j" -, v. u-uiu,. . 1 ...vu6. lUv ,v -" other business. Close management 25 rer cent. fiunnoM th.tavrol uoa spaKe ana uani came, au mat u ao- , ;ii,;nn ,. n,.. ik n nV. 1 . - r r r r-j am I to iiu-tn latter lakf rar nr compnsnea is aone Dy tne opine 01 uoa 1 ---- - . I and the Word of God. From the new I weu oousea ana wen aept on peavine selves tne lormer ao nou S'beWrdee fiwSS h " f he As it is with the body, so it is with tnem 1 . . v ' . l : I , -, ... . . .vi uiiu iiu wiitmujj uiuig-i. 1 1 is fioyj m weex, joq a nave w mats can find something to do on my sixty n entry every Saturday like this acres everr hour of the vear. li s the I Tn inpnUtinn no inrt nf the Spirit and the Word. My a Chris- this Ibt of cows Mr. Caldwell sells on the mind and the temper-lhe strong iu,e kk, lh,t take farmers' profits, f dark eves $187 50" That's tisn la in rmniisurn tn anmn tmsoMlnfr Bin r . . ... . ..... . -1. . t , ., .. I y I i uoi -Jm urn just as they take merchants' and I eouotfb to break Vanderbilt. oonaage to some oesetung sin ,u r"t,-- Wiin.mi.mn I ir r i K.V nr l.v K. -nrll. or wfticrhf;. nnr! nnlv thn Watt! nf find mn I " I f w., - w-mwo., set him free, even as it is writtenr 'Where 80 pounds of butter every week the run; the weak burn out. BvTkinTh 'ound at an average of 22J cents Man, of all animals, i, one that sel word (Ps. oxix, 9, 11). : - I per pound netting tiS a week, or Iqt6 dom comes up to -the average.. He S3: "Thev T. W.BICBXTT, ATTORNBT AND COTJNSE1XOB AT LAW. . " . - r - LouiSBtrae h. 0. - ' Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter intrusted tonia hands. , , Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. J ohn . . . .t n.w nr nrlniAn Unn T r BUUlUUg, 1XU1X. IWUb w VI mown. uvru. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win ston, Ulenn s Manly, winsion, x-eopiea a of Monroe, Chaa. K. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est College, Hon. E, W. Timberlake. Office In Court House, opnosite Sheriff's. M. PEBSON, ATTOKNET AT-1AW," T tlrODlSBUBB, H. a y- PnusUoea in all court. Office U Neal Building. H TAEEOROUQH, JR. ATIORNEY AT LA W. 1 LOUISBtTSQ, N. C. Uifice on second floor of jNeal building Main Street. . All lesral business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention J-B, D. T. BMITHWICK, : ' DENTIST, LOTJISBUBG, N. C. ! " Office in Ford's Building, 2nd floor. Gas administered and teeth extracted without pain. .- . : B. B, B. KING, - DENTIST, - LOTJISBUBG, N. 0. Office over Aycocke Drug Compaht. X. -:o:' With an experience of twenty-five years Is a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the up-to-date lines of the proiession. .- - HOTELS. FRANKLlJiTOJS HOTEL FBANKLINTON, N. C. S&M'L MERRILL, Prp'r. Good accomodation for the traveling ypublie. Good Livery Attached. . . " OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. 0SB0RN, Proprietor, Oxford N. 0. Good accommodations for the traveling public. MASSENBUR6 HOTEL J 1? Massenburff Propr j HEIIDEIICOII. IT. C Good accommodations. Good fare; Po H te 1 and attentive servant i rioawcDD house VYarrentsa. Kcrtairc!!: W. J. NORWOOD, Proprietor. Patronaore ot Commercial Tourists and raveling Public Solicited. Good Sample Iloon. rere never IrroonungB ot tha hnrn T .nt n tK nnoht t Drink;' More Water. namTTseetr" any man. How sayest Thou ye shall be 1 dairy. There I saw the milk and then I the physiological law, but instead " ol made free?". Their statement .will not . ... ' , T , ,. ,. r . . -agree with Ex. 13, 14, where it is said lusuu""' ncic lu uiscovcrtu iui uc w.ai.ciyrc.uc an average 01 that the Egyptians made their lives bitter the secret of Mr. Caldwell's success as four times the growing period. The Xa-. 1. 3 l -4.1-. - . . fession in John xlx, 15, We have no king a P"01 uCcr of such fine butter. Mrs. reason is, obvious man is not only but Cffisar."-After the flesh they were Caldwell, his wife, and Miss Tinv I the mdstirreeular and most intemcer Uuuiu ui aunuiam-uia. , uiej nsn , ,, .... . 1 ... w... .1 1-1 : I v.. 1 descended from him bntif thev were true I - Jwcn, ins Libicr, were mere, wui .- i ic, uui iUC uiusi i.uuuyuj iuu uaiu children of Abraham they would do the ioe he milk into belter. Everv vessel 1 workinz of all animals, vzmvlra rt A Vitq Vi o in anil ti nl: trt a Vmtt ailr. I I " " I . ... . .. . 'L " , ' I f T 2 l .1 . Ing to kill Christ. Their conduct made it in , tne Duuaing was as ciean as water I : nc u always inc mosi irruaoie, ana manifest that they were of their father, 1 coA make h: There was not a neero there is reasons to believe, thoueh we the devil, who was both a liar find a mur-1 .. . ; - 1 , ; 7 1' ,, deref'(verses 89, 44). Cain and Abel were ! about the place. The milk is ' earned cannot tell what an animal secretly brothers,.both sons ol Adam and Eve, but rf;rer-t from the rows to the rlairv." Tt feels, that, more than an other animal Arm! wm ji trnft unn nf Arim snvnd Tin I , . ' I . grace, while Cain was of the wicked one I is strained three times and run into a I man cherishes wrath to keep it warm, 1 John iii, 12). " . - I "TV T-aval Rohv ?vnartrr and the land consumes himself with the fire nf RS ''.TAsnaAnmcfflvn thnm: Vfirilv. vatI. I J r I ly. I say unto you, Whosoever committetb 1 cream is separated from the milk. The I his own reflections. yeL '!' - 3 : Stowed " to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, I stand about 24 Hours betore being nis servants ye are w v.nom ye orey, t , - t-v, ri,: j , r.j . whether of sin unto death or of obedience tiTttA viflrriravkncTtocef'1 . TTo w-.ft V !t c- g4 r t Ka-1 vac raTfTQ wKiIa warm " VKn John iii, 6-10, and similar passages seems Mm - sonr . - . f - "? BW to De that the new nature in tne Denever, r -. . . ' . Mv ODinion is that oeoDle do not that which is born of God, cannot sin, but churn it is poured into a Reid's Bar- . 7 PIDlon lBai people ao not the old nature or carnal mind cannot but , -. . . t : 1 . I drink as much water during the fall sin. Hone nrofessin to born of God '"A-"" . lcu S""" uciug tuurucu 1 , ; - continues in sin, then it is manifest that I at a time. The butter is taken out as he is not a child of God, but of the deviL j . . . . , . - . A HhTtsttonmiiT. Tinrloi- temntsitlnTi. st.nm. "u -uuica mu la UKM.CU m mc ble into sinr but he will not continue in I butur washer.-Every drop of milk is ngain, though he may ran well for awhile, I workeJ out by that machine and by will turn again like a -dog to his vomit the use of a paddle the butter is cut and like a sow that was washed to hei : wallowing in the mire (II Pet. il, 22). We apd beaten into roughly shaped cakes. are slaves or servants , to that Which oon- j A.alLe at a time is put into a printer pleasure' or Tthe 1 life of righteousness. Oui which pr esses it ;4nto pound blocks, Lord did nothing of HimselL, only the Wock are wrappcd Jn tissUe paper spoke what the Father taught Him and rr r r didonly those things that pleased the Fa- made for the purpose and packed . in to wav a perfe;t "SI" boxes for shipment. The box used is 35, "And the servant abideth not in the - r house forever but the Son abideth ever." made expressly for butter. Thirty HfficSaS3! cak e Ped . around a central have called you friends, for all things that box, which contains ice, when the I have heard of My Father I have made ath j, Bv this thoroneh known unto you. In Rom. vUi, 15, 16, weainer is warm, uy tnis tnorougn we read, Ye have not received the spirit of process of separating, churning, wash- aeep em stopped.' "I'm talking from experience 1 v - . He looked like that kind of a roan J We had a young lady clerk here well fed and well kept. His clothes I once who bad everything in thn . 1 m ere ttrwg and aatm ind htled fitafwTrTd 16" recommend he r" except well. He wss in a well made wagon, j homeliness. She was beautiful which ran tmoolhly and easily and I poor cuild, and what made had been takeog'vxl care of. He I worse, ehe had that hopeless, In drove a horye which he said is 33 years I eradicable kind of beauty that one oia ana can ao as mucn orx as any 1 aoeen I ouierow, line warts or animal in the country a fat, sleek,! freckles, and is always the same, dark bay with evidences of good feed- do matter what happens. I believe ing, carry comb,' brush and rubbing I that girl could have fallen into a 0n every inch of his shining skin., The I hogshead of black- molasses and harness was good originally, h fitted come out still radiantly lovely. chappie would drop io, buy a stick of gam for a cent, aud talk for three hours at a streUh. At Ut the proprietor diacbarged tie whole force aod engaged a'ot of the homliest worsen in Illinois. rots-eyed preferred. After that he made a fortius. And so it g-ei. coaUTlltf yc-rarazUrea ';ciw; jj but you can say confidently that pretty woona very pretty wo men, I mean areata irreat dis advantage ia baiiness. It's next to mpoteibility for one to get a job. The homely girls have the call." Chicago Inter Ocean. the iiiiHi SOMETHING ADULT THE ULEAT KST WEEKLY Ew bfiPES IS THE C0USTSV. TakeYoar Home rsrr acl Tke Ccs sti:aiai 1 be Ilapsy. Mocktys as Cottoa riekers. Mr. G. E Fr'.ch returned last week from a visit tu Memphis. Remarking on the fact that- the cotton fields ol Mississippi are )et white with list year's unpicked crop, Mr French tells ul a rather novel force ol cotton pic ken used by a Mttsisiippi planter. Oj one occasion an itinerant showman m.ted that country with a lot of trained moo kejs which he taught to da trkks. Among those who saw the monkey was a cotton planter and the idea sug gested itself i t him that the vuonkejt might be utilized in picking cotton. He got some and tried the plan with such success that he n w hat 390 roon keys picking cotton on his faros and a lot of others are being shipped to be used for the same purpose. Mr. French mis a tick that will bold about 35 pounds of cotton is fost ened around the monkey's neck. When the sack is filled the monkey goes tu a point 10 tne rrcia where a man empties his sack kr him and then be goes back and fills it again. , .The, colored m s sJr9 ef"k-kiog upon this invasion io the tabor market as a direct infringement of his righ:s and is threatening to annihilate iKe whole tribe of rnui.kej s. line a lauor.roaae gown ana -every buckle was in place. There was not a piece of string or grass rope or hick ory w) the any where about the outfit. Donuage again 10 iear, uui yu nave re- , u ,.,,- ; vf ceived the spirit of adoption whereby w. ng.and packing the butter is kept cry, Abbk, Fatherly The Spirit Himsell fresh and eatable. The machinery in . 1 .ill.," 111 :Xl J. - . 1 - , i oearetn - wwness wn our spirit wias we . u, - tk. are the children-of God. It is truly a the dairy house cost: The separator great thing to be a servant in the family $gc the churn $loy the washer $ 7; of God and to be able to say. Thy servants . - are ready to do whatsoever my Lord the tne printer io.. King shall aprintlII For summer use Mr. Catdwell has a But to be a child of God, an heir of God and joint heir with' Christ who can ea- dairy building over a cellar with " ce- tlmate this? Behold what manner of love m'm ,iic W ihat T in the Father hath bestowed upon us that we rented walls.. The day that I saw m shouldrbe called the sons of God, and then it, I beheld between 150 and 200 jars to think that we shall be like Him and sit . - . f . with Him on Hia throne and come with u vanoua uuiia yuk : m.u Him in His glory. Miss Caldwell. : " 1 88. "If the Son, therefore, shall make . you free, ye shall be free indeed.v". No one Besides making 4,160 pounds of but- Zsufhorougmy. wfitS ter last year Mr. Caldwell grew, bar- of life in Christ Jesus makes us free from vested and sold 500 bushels of wheat & E His rSS "cm - acres of ground, and for whiclf sinful flesh (Bom. vui, 2, 3). How much I he realized ft per nushei. . ine iana It cost to set na ireei ua aiso irooa ub , . u... from the fear of death, for He came to was run in corn and peas, then wheat. deliver them who through fear of death J After the wheat peas were sown. From .......... ..I.. JS I were all their liietime. suDject to Don a age (Heb. ii, 15). He frees from besetting sins and every Weight and all that is un becoming In a child of God.. All those who are willing to be delivered He is ready to tree. He does it when we trust Him and field ourselves to Him that He may do it Remarkable Cures. The book" now being sent out for one cent stamp, by the Blood Balm Co., of Atlanta, Ga., certainiy. shows Botanic Balm, (B. B. B.) to be a wonderful rem edy for building up, and curing all manner of blood and skin diseases. Their certificates are from well known people,; and the cures performed al most stagger predulity. , It is a fine medicine, far better than the many sub stitutes, said to be "jost as good." Bay the old reliable and long tested B. B. B. tl.CO per Jarge bottle. I ;r f-'jlrj rr:::t3. the 20. acres 50 loads of pea vines were harvested. And on other fields Mr. Caldwell grew-3o loads of peavinesand 20 loads of grasses. On 15 acres he raised 12 bales of cotton. From 12 acres he thrashed 210 bushels'of oats, he killed 2,000 pounds of meat and raised a pair of colts. He raises all of his work stock.. He works two regular wage hands and one extra during the summer. - The cosi of producing the 500 bush els of wheat per acre was: For fertili zers, a mixture of cotton seed meal and kainit $1.50; preparing the ground 50 cents; seed wheat $1.25; harvesting 50 cents; twine for harvester 25 - -. 1 cents; "Well, ehe went to work, and I never bad a better or more faithful employe but the deadly demoraliz ation began to spread the minute and winter season as they should," ob served a well known physician to a Star reporter, "or as much as is positively necessary for them ' having health in view. There are- thousands of people who do not drink one glass of water during the entire day, people, top, who drink from three to six glasses during seasons of the ear. Water is as neces sary during the cool - as during the warm seasons, and those who keep up their usual quantity, regardless of sea son, are benefitted thereby in their general health. I do not believe in gulping down water just because it is convenient to drink it, but I do be lieve that drinking a regular liberal quantity of water each day is demand ed by the system and that what are known as water drinkers have on the whole much better health by so doing: There are many people who have' such a horror of growing stout that they never drink a drop of water except that which goes into their coffee, teas and soups, and many of them carry it so far as to give up these so as to avoid using water. I have yet to see the man or woman who has been made fat by drinking water, while I know" many who have grown stout by avoiding it. The kidneys Cannot properly work un less there are liquids consumed. Stim ulating drinks, beer and the like, may furnish the liquids, but the stimulation they cause and which is unnecessary for perfect health more than counter acts the benefits derived from their use. Take any of the animals "and it will be found that they drink a regular supply of water every day in the year that is, when they have any choice in the matter. It is a pretty safe rule to follow the habits of animals. I am sure some of them grow fat on water aione." It is safe to bet that the man did not she stepped behind the counter. have a pin anywhere doing a button's J Everybody felt It. The bookkeeper duty, either. He looked as if he had I was a surly Scotchman, and about left a wile at home who is the same as emotional as a fried oyster. In kind of woman he is a man, and who lees than a week be was raising a watches her husband and children and mustache and making at least forty house j 1st '-as he watches his-barnand errors a day on bis ledger The stables, livj stock, tools, and running correspondence clerk started half t?ear. He has a horse 30 years old bis letters 'Dear Annie, instead and apparently guod for five years' of 'Dear Sir,' aod the cashier was work yet, and many a man loses. his short every night through trying horse at 12 or 15 years and must buy to make change with one eye oh another at a cost of 1 100, or rnoie, the lady. And that wasn't all. simply Irora failure to take good care The floorwalker aod bead salesman of him.- - , . became rivals in their minds, be- One thine more vou ousht to tell cause she never a", much as looked c -4 a - the farmem." he mid. a he -a U-av at either ooe of them and bad -Dajrrs of the Urlp The jfriiftt daojrvr from La Grippe la of its r-oltJog lo porotnooia. If rrtvca able eare U oed. boerr. aai Chacn-b-rUia'a Co ash Rrmedy Ukfi. all daa rrr ill be avoided. Amoe tb tens of thooaanda who have sard thia remedy for la f-rippw we lit yt to lern of a single e having molted la pooamoaU which shows eooeloiively that this rn dr is a eerUia preventive of that daoger col dlseae. It will cor la grirp ia We time thaa aoy other treatenrnt. It U plea at and saf to take. For aalr by W. G. Thomas, druggist. ing. "I like whiskey, but I'm land hungry. I want more land." I figured out years ago that with very moderate it out while the store was full of customers. Tbey spattered core all over the ribbon department drinking' I'd drink an acre of good and finally rolled through an opeo land every year. So I quit. At the hatchway and were both laid op end of the year I tell myself I'm just for a month. And now, by George, ansacre ahead at $25 an acre by ; not tbe7 re threatening me with a driuking. I find when I put it to my j aamage suit. neiithbors that way it makes 'era think. "I am only mentioning a few of You tell farmers to think about land tb ore case. I thought the head every time they start to buy whiskey porter would escape because he and calculate how much real estate was such a disagreeable old rascal, KoCur So Pay. ' That is the way all drussrists 11 Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonia for dills and Malaria. It ia simply Iron an Quinine ia a tasteless fen. Children love it. A3alt3 prefer it to-tlMer naa. they are drinking or giving away." Then the careful and prosperous looking farmer spoke to his prosperous looking horse and the horse moved off strongly and easily despite his thirty years, holding his head well up as il he felt that he was part of a successful combination a, d was proud of it. ' And the. editor of the Greenville News fell to wondering what kind of a country we would have htre, with our natural advantages, if all our men, in the -city and country, studied the newspapers, watched their own busi ness, kept the little" leaks stopped up, stuck to their work every workiog day and figured out their hiskey. bills in arable land or town lots. As the farmer left he was chuckling over the story cf B b Means' Alliance J p0rter. and besides be bad a family as big as a kindergarten but he didn't. He primed bimself up un til he looked like a shaved ape and when he realized that he wasn't in the running he got even hy beating bis wife. Sbe had him arrested, aud meanwhile the ele vator ibid oearly murdered several of our best patrons by etoppiog be tween floors to feast bis eyes 00 the charmer. By that time thought the thing had goue about far enough, and 1 let the girl go. I advised her to get a job iu a tele phone " eichanee, where folka couldn't see her." "Bat I thought handsome clerks .a a were cousiderea vaiuanie lor drawing customtrsf" eaid the re corn patch. Mr. Means says wten the Alliance was first organized . he marked off a ten acre field of corn and determined that he would work it only while his neighbors were attending Alliance meetings and looking after politics, li s scheme fell through after a ti.-s tccaase he fjund he wis work- ir h:s corn to death. A Boy's Mother. "If I could only see my mother'' Again aod agaio was the yearning cry eprated. "If I could only see my mtbeil" The vessel rocked, and the waters, chased by a lresh wind, played musically against the side of the ship. Toe sailor, a second rna'e, quite youth ful, lay io a narrow bed, bis ejes glaz ing, his limbs stiffening, bis breath failing. It was not pleasant to die thus in this shakinglonging ship; but ' he did not seem to mind b dily decora fort. His eyes were far away, and e.er and anon broke fnh that grieving cr: "If I could only see motherl" An oil sailor sat by, a Bible in his hand, from which he was reading. He bent over the young man and asked him why he was so anxious to see his mother.wboin he willfully left. "Oh! that's the reas on," he cried; "I've nearly broken bcr teart, and I can't die in peace. She once said lo me: My son, when you come to die you will remember this. O, if I could only see my mother!" He died w.th the yearning 00 his lips. as many a one has died who s!gh:rd the mother who loved him. For La Grlpp. Thomas Whitfield & Co.. U0 Wtb av., eoroer Jaektoa strevt, one f CbU eag a oiaeai ana rrui promtaeor arc gut, recommended chamberlain aLoaaa Remedy tor la grippe, it not eoly gWea a prompt and complete relief, bo also counteract" any trndciry cf 1 grippw to realt in pneamooia. For by W. G. Thorata. droiraiat. Fifly thousand Dank cf Ergland notes are on tbo average made daily. That used to be the theory, bn it exploded. Years sko a big Chi cago confectionery shop became famous all over the eonntry for its beautiful gales ladies. The result of tie experiment was this: The place loet all it3 women cus tomers, and c::a 1 revel the trade of the w::tl!:;3. A ycus 1100 Reward, f IW. Tha raider rf tbia Mtr will pleaded to Warathera laalleisoa drsd ed diartae thteieB- taa been able to tan in all it stan-a aod that U L i.rrK Hair. Oatirrh Car U tha only poaittva cure to koowa to tba' oedical frsUrnitT- Catarrh beiog a eoostito t!rnl dirasr. reauirea a aOuaUtuUooal tr.trrvent. lUU'a Catarrh Car i takei lotroal!r.aciindirw-tly epoa lit blood aod maeo .arfaoraof I b- yum.ther- by drwlf'j th fooiA!i.a vt lba dia- bailJioz op th eiol!otioa anl awui. io,r natar ia dlnrf iu work. Tha pro- prtetors bate ao tnucb faith la i'a eora lire rrr. ttl Uy icr Ooellaa dred boi'.ira fr aoy -t it fa: la lo care, tws j i . r ci je .. i ju :. a a fact cerlarit&l csttrallr known tbatTt Weekly C-oaitita-tion bn the largut circulation cf any newspaper on the weatero beraii;h re. Only a few tsontis ago a lare newspaper dirvttory qnestloned tie elaica cf elrcula- tioo cade by The Conatitulion aad Pt tip a forfeit of 100 that It could be difrrovad that it bad more than 100.003 circulation. The Constitution promptly accept ed the offer and submitted lis books to the representative if the firm. Mr. (jeorge P. Rows', pub lisher ftbt newspaper directory, acknowledged his error publicly aod paid the forfeit. The Constitution, while being a Democratic newspaper, is first acd above all things a newspaper. It m s twelve-rare, eeven-celuan weekly, makiog eihty four col- umoseach week. Its subscrictioa price is $1 a year. The Constitution has a special correspondent 10 every Important city in the Loiud Slates aod a rep resentative io "all of the leading centers of the world. During t-e war with Spalu, which bas just been brought to a close, the reports cf no nswipspsr in the South could compare with its news presentation from the front. Iuspecial staff representa tive sailed with the army when It first embarked from Tatars, acd of the 10 correspondents whs went to Coba, be was one of the only even who remained to see the flag hoisted over the public build'cgs in Santiago. Its special re; reten tive alo accompanied the fieet in the Caribtesti eea, aod its Waablcglou iptrial aerviee covered every detail of the important war reports engicatlngat the cap I tol. The Weekly Looitttatioo Oancg the late Hpaniih war served the news of all the notable events, from firsVto last, with the prompt ness of a dally. The victory cf Dewey at Manila, the death cf En- igu Baglor. the movement cf the troops and fleets, the destruction of Servera's fleet, the operations in orto Kico, the treaty, and the 00- furliojr of the stars and stripes .overUorro castle, Havana were all given in The Wbekly on Monday, on tbe very day the nsws first ap peared in the daily. Tbe Weekly Coueiltntioo makes a special featore of its agricultural age, which is preaidid over by Colonel R. J. Redding, director of tbe Georgia experiment farm, and a man who is recognized as an ex pert on all agricultural topics. He giyes a full page every week on agricultural matters. A page is devoted to children, fheetwode partmnta beinir presided over by Sirs. William King. 'Among tbe regular staff mem bers of The Constitution are Joel Chandler Hrris, Fraok L. Stan ton and others well koowo through out the country ; while among its special contributors are such men as Wallace r. Reed, U ill Arp, Sarpa Plunkett, Betsy Hamilton, Dr. Tel mage and others 01 cation- al reputation. The Constitution has just com pleted the thirteenth year of it eaieteoce, Clark Howell being the editor and Colonel W A. Hemp L 1 I its busiuea manager. Itsoame is a household word in every Southern State, from irgiaia to Teias. It bas always Keen in ea- peeially cloee touch with the agri cultural masses of the South, and ia bavin reached a circulation hicb carries it into U0,000 homes it has woa a unique distiLttion which ranks it among the greatest of American weekly newspapers. Tbe Constitution will send a sample copy of its great .Weekly free to any one sending hi oma name aod tbe names of six nc'go bors, 00 a postal card. Every man should ti his county newspaper before snjtbing else, and neat to Ibis Lesion!! taka a good ocraI newspaper, such as Tbe Cwcgtitotlon. His eouoty paper gives bias the local Lhome new, which is not inrrlied by a newspaper furnishing tbe general news from all parts cf the country and from all over tbe world. Before a man eekainfor- raatlon from cntude, be should first feel ear that Le js being kept posted on wbat is jcoing cu at home. This it why he sbouldtake bijconnly j apr first. A F. J. C Eipoar t-i ro;rQ 'It. di cp teas ettivoe eo'.l. eie . i p-t to brier sa a'CXik cf rhairst.ai ir eeert!. i;rtp. r-d has ! at, 1 rn ertck-d li ailti. tiest iicbicg-.if it .kio, i t.vir c.fi?-ia to e- id ait-r. I'r J. 11 i'e Leta's V..!ra l Lianwtt t"c: i t- kept ea Las 1 at a' I 1 tir- f r iit I f ..cu. a r ; ,r tt t. ia s r. i j c ; ". . I; U a wr- . a r-a-Jy. r rs I J ts'i 1 - i ' ' a y.

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