jAd. a. muMAd, tciicr ana rropnstor. the couisra?ir STATE, THE TTISnOUST. VOL XXIX S:::r.:,T,:i: :i.C3 Fsr Ytir. S'j CHURCH DIRECTORY, j XBTHODIST. " Sunday' School at 9:30 A. M. - - " ; i . Geo. 8. Bakes, Sept. , Preachinsc at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M. every Sunday. - Prayer meeting Wednesday nhrht. i. if. (Smith, Pastor. .BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. , -t . U - Thos. B. Wilder, Supfc Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., every Sunday. Prayer m ering Thursday night. V x j . i. Forrest Smith. Pastor. jjr. s. p-burt, - . .-: PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, i ;; : Louisburg, N. C. Office in the Ford Building, corner Main and Nash streets. Up stairs--front. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON X!!, FIRST QUARTER, INTER NATIONAL SERIES, MARCH 19. THE DEW FLOWER. LOUISBURG, IC C.,' FRIDAY, MARCH, 10, 1899. 5UILBERJ. . r-. . A STRANGE WHIM -OF NATURE. B. B. MASSENBUB.Q, ATTORNEY AT LAW. .: , 10UISBUK8, r. a Will practice in all the Courts of the State Office In Court Hon so. " - - ' -; . ' - " - ' ' :; "- , M. Cno&B SOW,' , I 1 ATTOBNBT8-AT-LA.W, I : LouisBUBe.ir.a. Wia attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warren and Wake countlea, also the Supreme Court of North Carolinp, and the U. B. Circuit and District Courts. . . . Db, B. 8. Fostse. db. j. b. VLumsv INKS. FOSTER As M.AXONK " PRACTICDSQ PHYSICIANS SURGEONS ; ; Louisburg, N. a ' Office over Aycocke Drug Company. : HAYWOOD RUFFLN. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LOniSBUBS, H. C. . Will practice in all the Courts of Franklin and adjoining counties, also iu the Supreme Court, and lu the United States District and Circuit Courts. - Onice in cooper and Clifton Building. ' -" ' ' -' '. rjHOS. B. WILDEB,. .1 ; ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, ! . xjdisbcb, . o. Office on Main street, over Jones ft Cooper's store, i . S. SPKUILL. I attorney-at-law, I LOUISBUBO, If. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance Iranvllle. Warren and Wake conutls, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina.' prompt attention given to collections. - Office over Egerton's Store. . T. W. BICKBTT, Text of the Lesson. Jobs t. 1.1ft. Memory Verses, 14-10 Golden Text, John x, 11 Commentary Prepared by tb$ ReT D.M. Stearns. J ' Copyright, 1899, by D. M. Stearns. ' 1. The misconduct of the scribes and Pharisees, who ought to have been the faithful shepherds of the people, brings to mind the words by the prophets, notably in Jer. xxiii and Ezek. xxxlv. Unfaithfulness and unbelief seem to prevail in all ages in the professing people of God. By the gate of Eden, with its sword and sacrifice; by the gate and door and veil of the taber nacle He taught the people the only way of access to Himself. He now reminds them of: It and says that ail other ways are invented: by those who would rob God ofa His honor. . , 2.' The troe shepherd accepts God's way and knows no ether. - Lik Noah build ing the ark or Moses the tabernacle, he has no suggestions to make, but -simply obeys God Implicitly. He does not ap point himself to office, but God calls him and appoints him, as He did Moses and Joshua and Samuel, Isaiah, Jeremiah and bzekiel the apostles and all who are will ing to be wholly subject to Him- 3. His voice is recognized as the voioe of one In authority, and He is followed and trusted. He -said -,tb Moses, Thou hast found grace in my sight, and I know thee by name (Ex. xxxiii, 17). Through Isaiah He said; 's Fear not, for I have redeemed theeL I have called thee by thy name, thou art mine (Isa. xliii, 1). ' , L 4. A great many people who bear His name and seem to be doing His work do not understand this, for they complain of not being able to accomplish what they wish xnor . get where they desire to ko.- There must be a misunderstanding some where, for when we follow where He leads .all should be easy, and when He goes be fore He Will not leave obstacles in the way of those whom He leads. 6. Sheep must be wiser than people, for, while sheep' will1 not follow a stranger, many who call themselves Christians fol low those who do not follow Christ and yet think thjay are in the right way. They do not seem to know the difference be tween His voice and that of strangers. His word is His voice. It is true from the beginning and forever settled in heaven (Ps: cxix, 89). 6. "They understood not." It seems a comparatively simple parable in the light of the prophecies we have referred to, but it was all dark to them, for they were more full of tradition than of His Word. the Scriptures. It is even so now, and a- Bible study to those unaccustomed to it is something very strange. How sadly He Bays even to his disciples, Do ye not yet understand? How is it that ye do not un derstandr (Math, xvl, 9, 11). . ; ' r 7. Now He says plainly, "I am the door of the sheep." The gate of the garden of iden, the gate and door and veil of the tabernacle, the door of Noah's ark, the en trance to the city of refuge, were all typ leal of Him who is the way and the only way. There is none other name given un der heaven among men whereby we may be saved (Acts iv, 18). Christ told men to look unto Him and they would be savecL. Christ is God, and when we receive Christ we-receive Ood: The Hon has left on It Blooms la Death Valley and Hnjra the Sand tor the few Moments it Has to Live. In the lower eastern part of the state of California is a trackless mast seem moderation and econ omy itself. The aggregate of ap propriatioos of the Congress. do about to expire is estimated at $1, 600,000,000, exclasife of the $115, 000,000 proposed to be appropri ated for the construction of the Nlearagna canal The . war with Spain an un necessary war accounts for sever al handred millions of the total. TnELO 13 IIT SHEPHERD GAMBLER'S TRICKS. 1 SHALL' NOT WAST. He Maketh Me to Lip Dowa iu Ureeu Pasture. lie Leadethftle B. side the Still Waters." Thistwenty-tbird Psalm is like a harp, whose strings being' touch ed. awakensweetst melodies that ITS II U MAN SATCnF.. People Like Belli? Humbojrxed to Much that they ilate to be t'n- deceived I tell you," declared the re formed gamblers, "that there are people in this country who insist " a waste oi do. sana ana Known as but all exDeuditares are on the ex Leatn valley. Across it,, bleach- aeerated scale, and tha aat ex ng in the sun, are scattered the tent of the total outeo is dne rather bones of ambitious'white men and to the reckless oolicv of the party horses that have essayed to pass iu p0wer than to any particular over its torria bosom in early days. eYent of the last two vears. The A few stunted shrubs, a roCted protectionist idea of ependinir one sense of strength, protection, rest tbe infernal egotimof theater prairie wagon, a stretch ol telltale man's money for an other man's and lore it imparts Th Lord is K man that leads him Into . the uones ana a eea or sana , matte up profit is at the bottom of tha thrill the hflart with joy and glad- upon being swindled. Nine oat ness, It is one of (be brightest of ten of the men who are caught gems in the golden settingof God's know that tbey are golog op blessed World. The very first I againstsome kind of a banco came. verse contains a volume in the I Tbey have read all about it, but it F.LiIC3 tha fcxxl nor delicious end vvho!cscn3 Hlp Toor Taitor. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. . ;- !;-!"- IiOUISBUBe B. CU i;". Prompt and painstaking attention given to Man n.tta. IntnntMl tAltll tlUllli. Refers to Chief J oatice Shepherd, Hon. John Minnlna Hiui RnhL W Winston. HOD. J. C. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win tnn. ainnn Jk mmiIt. Winston. Feooles Bank of Monroe, Chas. B..Taylor, Pres. Wake For est college, Hon. is. w.XimDeriaa.e. Office In Court House, opnosite SheriiTa. Vy H. PBBSON, . " . , ATTORNEY AT-LAW, . . J, UuisBUBe,B'. a ' PractJcea in all courts. Office, lr Neal Building. , , ' tgy H T ABBOROTTGH, JH. ..... I ATIOENEY AT LA W, LOUISBURO, N. C. Ulficajon second floor of Neal building Main Street. All legal business intrusted to him 7ill receive prompt and careful attention. . J-B. D. T. BMITHWICK, ; DENTIST, LOUISBUBO, N. C. Office in Ford's Building, 2nd floor. its scenery. -Rising fromTthe ho rizon are the blue crests of the Pan- amint mountains, almost Joat in the haze, and all around hovers the awful desolation that mates with bartenness and silence. . - - - Yet in the midst of it all there is a brief moment at the dawning when thisbeatridden spot becomes as rich and beautiful as an ocean of tinted satin undulating and bil lowing.into SDace. .' The Dew flower of Death valley is one of nature's strangest whims When the sun goes down at night time on tho hot -waste; it would seem that-no flower of God's crea tion could live upon it. But before ... x . morning the heavy dews wafted by the winds from the : mountains fall inr misty - showers " upon the parched plain. . An hour or two before eunrisu the moist sand, with its undercurrent of warmth, gives life to the dew flower, and when the:light begins to glow in , the east myriad tiny pink flowers burst into bloom, bugging the sand for the few moments they are destined to live. - - - j V Tlie first rays of the sun ' come slanting across the field . and, as though a hot breath had touched tbe garden, tne colors laae ata tne dew flowers wither and disappear mowed down like wheat before the reaper In five minutes the . sand - takes back its pallid color, the -heat ord that blessed truth, "Him that cometh l waves begin to coil upward in the unto Me I will in nowise cast out" (John, . . v.. anet . a ni.tn n.i-ntP hv vi. 871. - v " -" v r- i" j 8. AH before Him or beside Him were I nature 8 brusn is gone tnievesana roDDers. l tase it tnau tne war and the various increase of expen diture that follows it. , ' - Old Man's Trayer. . -x - ' In one of our city hospitals, re cently, the physicians were getting my sbepherd. " lbe Lord, the trap, lie Knows mat otben bate creator and preserver of alt thing; I been eaugbt, but he's too. smart whose voice is heard in tbo tem- fr oything of that kind, don't pest, whose smile is seen in the I yon seer rainbow, whoee finger touch kiud I "I was at a country fair io Iowa les the watch-fires that gleam on j exposing the tricks of gamblers, the brow of night; who paints the Mr graft was in selling a little clouds with amber and gold, and book that I had on the subject, " .. . .... I ri . i, ready to perform an operation droP8 lD P'rple veil ol twjligbt Q"e was a preuy uteiy gang The patient, an old man. was I "r 'nt a sea, cringing rest townsuip, aou stretched upon the operating table, and Seace to a toe world: w Den 1 omta mem now me sneu and when at length all was in re-" 8 T shepherd." trick was done one biff fellow In- adiness, one of the physicians ap- What does a shepherd dof lie B.,BlBU " Qe cou,a i0" D thamAmin nwKi P and was bound to bet oo man raised his hand and said: 0Qt over bill and plain, through Wait a moment." Then, folding the barren and waste places to his hands and closing his eyes, he gea. spots, where is abundant began repeating the prayer which herbage; be guides them by cool he used to say at night, at his streams, where they may refresh mother's knee: , tbemseltes, and qnench their "Now I lay me down to sleep,' ' thirst; he watches unceasingly, and I pray the Lord my soul to keep; when tbey are weary, lift the If I should die before I wake, tender ones to bis boson, folds bis I pray the Lord my soul to take; arms about them; shelters them And this I ask for Jesus' sat a." from the storm and tempest, and The doctors bowed their, heads brings them safely 'to the fold ,el hlm PQt P b5s aoT od ld I I j tt i - -l- . - t.r .fi.. i i J .1 M -. . . J 1 I Iscrain K Hni rtn r ah IS. "tu II VICi IU U1UJ l ker 1 uau roicicuki y auu w au, auu w uou i c 1 - be had finished, be looked up Lord, the Saviour leads His owo. calmly and said, "I am ready-" So doSs He guide our trembling Skilful and tender fingers did rough and stooy paths their work, and after a time the of life; so does He bring us into eyes of the old man slowly uncloa- unny places where we may feed ed again. As he took in the famil- on the word of II s promises; so iar sorronudings. a look almost of does lie give us water or lire to disappointment crossed his face qnench our thirst, and ; when and then he said, softly. "As Thou storms and tempeet overtake us, bis proposition. I told him (bat I was out of the businers, but that be was miatakeo. Thtn they set ap a cry that I was" a fraod and afraid of my owo game. I went over the whole tbingagaln and showed them bow tbey were fooled but I must give the fellow a cbioce or tbey' would wreck my whole outfit. "At last, just to sr.ve myself, I wilt, Lord." Ex Prophecy for 1899. expression "All that ever came before me' has the same thought as in Ex. xx, 8, "Thoushalt have no other gods before me.": The first thief and - robber was sa tan, who tried to take Adam and Eve away from God. 9. Again Ha says that He Is the door, and He speaks of safety and plenty. ' Not only is He the door, but He is also our Afew courageous and fortunate men who have crossed this valley of death have witnessed this re markable scene and told. how in 24 hours one can experience all its The following propbeey for 1829 I has been made by Farmer Perter Smith, who is known as a prophet in the State of Wyoming. He pre- He 'puts His arm around op, say ing, "Lean ou me my child; find rest and shelter hereon my breast Is there one of n- who would fear to irustTlTm wTilweD?arTbe whisper of that divine voice with in nsf It is said of the Alpine shep herds, that, as the sun sinks to dieted a greafmaoy of the events of the last year. He always writes "at behind the distant snow-cap- bis prophecy th first month of the ped peaks, and the silver mist year, and boasts that be has not J comes treepiog over the valley and won. Then it took three other men to Leep him from whipping me be cause I took bim for a squealer. One or two-olhers insisted on bay ing a try at it ana never turned a hair became of their lorees. When it came to three card moots, it was the same. Each of half a dozen men was sure that be could pick the card, and despite my warning would have a try at it, and some of them two or three tries. When they were cleaned but, there went kind of a fraud, and tbey chased me three miles into the country before it was dark enough for me to'eseape." Ex. Breakers and Darxtn Ahead. A minister who is worthy of the name can stand so empty purse better than an empty pew or an empty prayer meeting It is a disgrace to a church that failure U pay an honest aafary should straighten a pastor's par; but the spiritual emptioes a dicta bis heart the most keenly. Ferbsrs your pastor is wonderlog what has become of you oothe evenings of devotional meetings. The bet ter manor woman "roa are. the more yoo are .missed; the worse yea are, the more joo need to go. It may be that your pastor is dis heartened by the emptiness cf your pew oo the Sabbath. lie has carefully prepared a discourse for your special bvbefit; joo have lost it; both be and you suffer from that absence. For one I am ready to confess that I bays never made any converts to the truth lo an empty pew, and bse never de'lv ered a sermon loud enough to awaken a parishioner who was dol ing at home or who had strolled off ta another church. If a good reason keeps him at home, try to send a substitute; Invite some friend who seldom bears the gospel, to go and occupy your seat: your minister gets a bearer, and that hearer may get what will save Lis souL Church members sometimes complaio that their minister does Dot "draw" i larger congregation; yet they d oothlog to draw ouUiJers to the House of God by a cordial iovita tion to come. Help yoor paator to fill the bouse. T. L. Coyier. It really looks as if the l qnor -eg Forty Years of Calf Eaialng. pleasures at the rising of the sun failed for 2q years to correetly pro- op the mountain eide.the shepherds salvation and our food. Hesaid, rHethat and its horrors and beat during Dv.e8v ine comine evnt. He says: the lower cliffs call flatath Me. even he shall - live bv Me I . it tt.i. t i-. I" I - eateth Me, even he shall ' live by Me' (John vi, 67). Any one may enter in and find in Him salvation and rest and peace and plenty. " 10. He desires to give life and lift abundantly, while the thief seeks only to destroy. The father of , all the Jihleves is called tne adversary, who goeth about seeking whom he may devour (I Pet. v, ). Christ is our life. When we receive Him, the day .New York Journal. A Constant Uuest. to those My prediction this year is a big tM"lMB rra.se oe to uou, European war with France and oou u,1' "lmwn,... England involved with Russia. Did you ever observe that the manners of even the best mannered we have life, and when we let Him fill us families are a little improved by lneueen ol Holland will mar ry and the Crown Prince of Ger many will be. betrothed. There will be cabinet charges and several cabinet officers will re- Zi2& sence of company f Do you RIootcTiato Tin snvn. (it rather la snnken of I nnt rftnliy.B in vnnr Own raSR that i as the Great Shepherded the Chief Shep- . ftrfl leB - t tQ .ye sign their portfolios. nerd (JtieD. xin, so, ssi ; l iret. v, )' as I . , I - Mia. 4t- r '4 the Good Shepherd He gives Bis life for swers, to be contentious, to speak There will be a month of record ns jhas iie may save us. .as tne ureas Rn-pr,iv .u wav to eel fish si- I breaking weather during tne year . . ... .,. ... D Shepherd Hewortslnus the things which soarpiy, io give way 10 seinsu si 6 . j to Him, we can say with the Peal Having bad experience io rais ing calves for the past 40 years I have learned some facts of value although tbey are not wholly in accord with many writers oo . the subject. I always leave the calyes with the cow until tb.yaretwo weeks old, by which time tbey bava mad a soma trriwth. hava 8o,looking back over onr past . . . hm life and recognizing God's band as . for their feed. 1 He has led us gently, eo tenderly, xba them to dry. warm so loviogly-not always as we I . . . - m w!tKonl mUk i - - - r ----- - - - - op the parting salutation 'Praise be to Gcd, good night" a note of adoration and thanksgiving for the mercies of the day. would choose, but as seemetb best m nlnastnir to God. Aa the Chief Shea- Itneo . lr ha mniuiv. or . nnrpannnft- I and a great deal Ol rain Will, tall tZZS hKS bleror disagreeable, when there all over the United States - compiish in na is a guest in your bouseholdf . Es- There will be several important 12. The hireling thinks more of his own . ,. ;. - ... :t l - , . .a. . n I naJI lHIIV- IU I. 1 1 M 111 IL Mil II LIIH I I II LMTUK k I II II al lllllf r IBVnB n 1 hll QI felj Office in Ford's Building, 2nd floor. I uie than tne weiiare or tne sneep. ie is i v v.- - o - 7 . Gas administered and teeti extracted - not one with .-the Good Shepherd,sthough Utrangeris one of dignified and j unknown honors, bestowed upon I mist, My,cnruuneth De Lean, in Christian Work. over. Thank Uod For Mother. without pain, pvB. B.B. BXNO, ! DENTIST, : ; LOUISBURG, N. C. L , -Orricx oveb Aycocke Dbuo Company. n ti:-. - rn.f. l un nextverseare fully set forth in thosechap- . uuuo wiuf, ters In Jeremiah and Ezekiel, already re- tion and character, of Bweet and ferred to. Let each answer for himself as I . - . pastor, teacher or Christian worker, Am winning manner, and very espe l one with the Good Shepherd in self re- cJaUy if it is one whom you love, tir.ninlni aol iianvlTtni laKi-tW aao1rin I " . nothing for myself, but only the welfare 1 and who loyes you? cf those with whom He brings me In con- Now this thought seems to SUg 13. "Because he isan hireling." There gest a possiDliny Ol your wearing I cabinet office "will be T With an experience of twenty-five years Is a sufficient guarantee of my w.ork .in all the up-to-date lines of the profession. : may be Christian workers in all positions, thfi a i,eomDaDT manners" always . - , HOTELS. whose principaL thought is their position for always you have, or ma.1 have, and their salary rather than the salvation i u h ft t y0QQue who of aonln and tha srlorv of God. I .. O . ' - 14. He knows His sheep, and they know I is. more majestic in bearing than Him. Tueixw Mowetn xnem tnatare 4ib tintfu nT the earth vet more His, and in the judgment. He will make ltie 01 ine eaDi Tet mor ' . . . r-r - I .... J 31 . ii no mistaKe. xie weignetn, our actions tender ana loving tuan a uiuiuer, and regards our thoughts and is ever wKn is crowned with fflorv readv to show Himself stronji on behalf Une w.d0 18 "Owned wnn glory of those who trust Him (II Chron. xvi, o). I and honor," yet bears Himself to- iie even keeps a dook ior mose. wno wunx 1 . - ;it, .f.vioo. tan1ar noon Him (Mai. 111. 16). "ds 70X1 Wlt matchless tender 15. The Father is wholly occupied with Bess; one whom surely you must t . - ... , 11 .1 1 I . . Good accomodation for the traveling Him. The Son is wholly occupied with hoye, since He so loved you as to Hie xauitxBuu hhu ocoauig uim lYoiioiii ifivg aig me ior yuu, luers . vtu - t t?.i 1 1 . 1 1 1 o Ol au wuoiu ia f Bluer una kuou w auu. i. - , , , TT . . They understand each other perfectly. DO doubt of HlS Willingness to They would have us as one with them, aa I abide with you, for He Himself 18. "Other sheen I have." Until after oas promised, "Lol lam with you His resurrection there was no command 1 always: even to the T end of the KO preacn eioeyu w tuia uowb, uuu uuw ijiio command Is to go Into all the world, to every creature, that all who "will may come. The worker must not be discour aged because all who hear do not believe. . .V . .1.. 171H4.V fll.tft TTlm Pnll aW.m. Good accommodations lor tne Him He shall see of the travail of His soul and shall .bo satisfied, and He shall not fail nor be discouraged XJohn vl, 87; Isa. liii, 11; xlii, 4). May the fre quentr repetition of these and other texts In these lessons be as helpful to the reader as to the writer. I do believe God. FHANKL1NT0K HOTEL FBANKLINT0N, N. C. SAM'L MERRILL, Prp'r. pnblie. Good Livery Attached.. OSBORN HOUSE, C. D. OSBORN, Proprietor, ' Oxford, N.C. traveling public. world.' ! Nearly Two Billions of Appropriations MASSENBURG HOTEL J I Maseenburc Propr HXIIDERCOIT. N O. Qood accommodations. Good fare. -1 lit and attentivn arvat - , How' This! - . We offer One Hundred Dollars reward Fo for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. '- - F. J . Chssbt & Co., Toledo, O. W. tha undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for. the last 15 years,-and be lieve bim perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to earry out any obligations made by tbeir firm. ! - ,-' " woi, TnnAT. Wholesale Drueffists. W.J. BOBWOOD, Proprietor. Toledo. O.. Patronage, of Commercial Tourlsta and Walddto, Kbsah & Mabvut, Wholesale raveUna- PubUe Solicited. - - TTnira Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu- CTOOD HOUSE fVirrwtsa, . . Kortliarc::sJ Good Sample Room. piaBisrroTSi to FroE-s Ara Corn Eotrsi eons surfaces, of the system. Testimo nials sect free. Price 75 cents per bottle, Baltimore Son. - - The country was scandalized when the Fifty-first Congress ap propriated in its two sessions as a billion of dollars. Various items of extravagance on a large scale were pointed out, and the country was hardly satisfied with the ex planation of Soeaker Seed, that this is a billion dollar country." Because a man, or a country, can stand a certain amount of waste is no reason, it was argued, for enter ing deliberately upon a policy of waste sud higher taxes. But in comparison with tbeappropriations of the present Congress those of Speaker Keed's first T!ongress A new created. The army will reorganized and a more important post created for the bead of the army. One man wll control the Amer ican turf and there will be a great wheat sensation in early fall ' I see an oyerthrow of the Spanish Government, which will be adjust ed without open war. The'Presidentof France will re; sign. - i " QueenVictoria will die and the Prince of Wales will be . crowned with great magnificence. The King of Denmark will die and the Dowager Empress of China will be disgraced through out Europe and Asia. . A wave of prosperity is coming for the United States, financially. Anew political party . will tie founded and there will be five presidential candidates in the field, including the Prohibitionists and the Populists. The Government will take con trol of the cables and canals that are being built in the colonies Carriages . will run" without horses in eyery city io the united 6tates Women will dress like men, . in derbv hats and ulster, and there will be no big sleeves. Three of the famous old men of the United States will -die and Europe will lose her oldest queen Preserve this until the first day of 1900, and I will give you penny forevery niesUtecent. After one of the bard fought battles of the war, a Confederate chaplain was called hastily to see a dying soldier Takiog'bis band, said: 'Well, my brother, what can I do for you?" . - He supposed, of course, the fellow would want to cry to God for help in bis extremity; but it was not so. r "Chaplain," said h, "I want yoo to cut a lock of bair for my mother; and then: chaplain, I want yo'i to kneel down and return thanks to God for me." 'For what?" asked the chaplain. "For giving me such a mother Ob, she isa good "mother. Her eacbtoifs a-e my comfort no And then, 'chaplain, that by His grace I am a Christan. Whit would I d now if I were not a Lhristianf Aud thank Him for giving me dying grace. He makes , this hard bed feel soft as downy pillows are. And, oh. over one or two feeds After that I give tbem milk fresh and warm from the cow aud have never bad any trouble getting them to drink by the second or third feeding without putting anything in their mouths to aid in sucking. I feed fresh milk from the cow uotil three or four weeki old, then skim milk aud shelled com boiled until it is a little softened. Oae would be surprised at the rapid growth calves make on this feed. When I am short of milk I boil clov r bay orbluegrass and poor the tea thus made iutotbe milk. This bas a rich feed value. At about six to eight weeks old I begin to feed clover hay, blucgrassor some eioii lar. coarse feed.- Joseph Butler Co, Oho. cpruion was more daegtrout to dem ocratic aoJfdity and hirmooy in Nor.h Carolina than the gold q-jesiioa watia 896, Great cxci'.emtnt prevails la tocne cooamuaates over lbe dapecaary and its ppears as if person al dal.iea aod party Lkkericgs would grow out of if- This ts vtrv eaiortanate for lbe future saccrmt of the party as well as lor lbe peace aod hippioew of towns. The moral atpect tA lbe qirrion ita- rrwes maoy sensible people, bot lbe strange thing is, that a Urge namber vote for a d i-tatiry opoa moral gToundi, while another eoally iaielli- - gem naaaber vote agaiou lbe dapea sary opoo stiictly mnral groooda. Sen ator Otboroe ws ooder sharp fire be cause of b.t course relative 10 a dpea- urv for Charlotte. He was viodkated by the senate by a vote of 31 to is. la r speech c!ing lbe dcUle be said: "11 f G id has not told me that the diowiy b a good thiog; be is sileat on ib ru'?ct. Wbetber a cbsrch nxtotef :v;xild run a dhpeniary and sell I;qof lor hire I con lew my en led cannot grasp.' Te nter of ibis would say ibat be bAS ool oucbed l q-Df ov wine or beer or cler or any kind of iotoxaat for nearly tveoty-vt jtart, and n not re mote! lo besmpected A leaeieg .to ward the bUjl ov Oa lbe otter bind in 1 S3 1, be oted for the tea- peraoce aoveoeet scd wold d? to agtio, but be has never been able to sew the dttpeotary Ua'.om io tub a Uvorabte l ghi as 13 jaify bim ia tsuk tog so entire cotamaB.tr mpoai.ble for aelliog lj-or aod telp-ng to make drunkard, or to vo:e -tlood mosey" 10 the public acta'.a. He tas eertr bten d-?wd to atcic Of i ;k CTiLtL. aoy oof al men wbo could cot rew the question ia tie tame 1 jHu It b a qietiioo that b very ucfftuca:e at ika time. for the harmony ol the party sod tr soccrsa of tbe White Man's party ta 1000 a moat irnpcuicl clecxioa iodecd. Tbe MewBger is very aex- oeter I oo to see the party heartily eoited, kno If it depended opQ bim to tell sod striving to pot lbe stale upon the without being asked. Danog leo or 11 b gh-ay of peace, prosperity acd telve weeks of tbe Dat crop year Mr. wicty. After lbe most streoaovs sod Fondtrburk was don with typhoid eicitiog cam pa go of i?c,S, U wCl b lever, and ha crop was Ihus cecewari- moat onfortanaie 10 every way if lbe ly what it would bive been. He ran fro its ol tbe mign:ceoi victory abo-s'.d a five bone farm. List tall be gain- be lost io aoy pamcslar by, reason f ered 35 bales of cottoo. 800 bushels of j sod bkkehegs and personal aoug- coro, 154 bosbels of ssheat, 300 oniama. bosbels of oats, aod corresponding I Tbe ameodsxot lo tSe cooJlitsttoa quantities of peas, potatoes and rocgh-1 b lo be voted cpoo, aod if foal by party ness. His corn crop was cat doo by I UiAsenst ct it will be a reproach aod a Iresbct. O-it of seven bogs be made evil that wi'.t not don. It will raise 1.786 poands ol meau Dcsadrs his J an bsoe hereafter more fatefol and ex- main crop beol c -rc made soch o her I cuiog thao aoy that has occurred. Let things as a good farmer a)a)S does, ns bare peace in the party. A maa who including the considerable quantities calls bimself a demscrat aod a wbi'.e of butter, eggs aod chxkeot whxh mm and ho wold be wilUog to de- Mrs. Fonderbark bandied. Mr. Fun I leal lbe atseodsxel aod raise aga:a derburk is well-lo-do, aod has never I ia Nrih Carolina tbe qeuoa of ee done aoytbirg but farm but be lna J gro supremacy a Ireacberocs a&d aa . .... 1 how to do that, lie nas larmea 17 t enemy. years aod made rooocy dartnic every one of these but three, and ia these kt nonel Besides lbe crop raised as men tioned above be led nineteen teai ot cattle, lbe value of bch h apparent Otr. fundcrtark's Farm lag. atoaro lovraal. While Union counti baa no iarmct so far as we know, equal to Mr. B't ley, ol Iredell, sull we have sooe bo not ooly rnaae a g--d living oo lbe farm but make oiioey besides. 0e of these b Mr. N. A. Fon ierUjik, b- lives three miles south of Monroe. Mr. Funde'rburk, makes do Wags about what be does, and ooe wj!J Success ia Life- Put Your 'anie Oa Your tiale. Ia order to be sueeefjfal In life Allen, I there most be bat one object of pursuit. Let thit object be what it may.it must exclode everything else. Yoa must b Miion f everything except the goal ef yonr desires) tbe mecea of jonr aatiei- patloos; and. if the ebjset yoi are Why doo'l our. farmer friends put thir mrnn on the fr jat rates of I heir places? Ifihey would do this it wouli pursuing be alaudable one, victory yltU tbe focneeclh A aVJected Flaa- The pi 1 a by wbka sooe of tbe rt lUcaf leaders proposed to pot la cp eratoa lbe provisjaaof the fosrtrrsib Ameodmeot Vb relaies to rerrrvea lat)oa ia Cocgreaa, seems lo bare come loeaogbt. Io fact, it b a t-Ua h;h, if 11 hi Lscjs io iu bead for tbe Sotb, hs forg tiingt ia its tad for tV North, the West and lU Et. Thzt the RepUaa leaders bare discovered, foe there It 00 pfxrriaiool made 10 the peodieg cens-js Ul to sccore ibe i&formatioa oeceaury to ' I t . T1 ..A I. .A.l I . . 1 . t will 00 Tours. A w i o is , thank Uod ' 0 . .. h..un.ntk i. iU itm-r-l it wouli mate duvin? and hceiinsrl" " I . 1 . - . rr v .v . . -.tit ihrn-h the eonntrv much m re dm- spoorwm, - - o - 1 c 1, . ...1..JJ ant and ioieresunz. Ho. often ll lt" ' wtT "a Da ,B' ,,,;.,n .hen two or ra. tloelbU pnrpoee determlaee, to 1 Hrivinir alin9 lh rnnnlf i triad Irt ft a 1 . . .:. . .i "Wbc-ie ar 10 M or "f'gujacau. - ill be marshal of France," ones getber, "W ho lives therif or place is thi I" The jeison asking the ehanlaln. thank Ilim for tbe nrom r r ised home in clary I'll soon be J there. 'And so," said the chaplain, "I kneeled by his bed with jiot a pe tition to utter, only praiso and thanksgiving for a good mother, a Christian hope, dying grace and an eternal borne in glory." For some time, I bate sn3rd with rbomatim and triM errr Imainabl rmdy. without r?-ct. Mr. F. O. 8. WVlls adi-d m to try Chambcrltlo's Fain Balm, U-llinir m that U hai carrd many eases of long standing lia to In. 1 have uafd foor botilf" and frl aar that one mora bottle will make my care eomrl-'te. A. P. Kostx, Oir-taore, Ark. cli ty W. G. Thoass. well and vet not kno hj lives in each place. Of course, strictly speak iog it may be nobod) "a business ho re. sides here or there through the ctuo try, bat cool J certainly da 00 harm t have little signs op on the gate posis giving tbe informitioo, and ihere i n-s d jubt it would gratify a very natural and a very general curiosity if it were d-ne. Then, too, it uuld be a preat convenience, as anv one will admit who has walked cr drien hack a hon drni yards or so fr.m ire larm hoe only lo fsod that be hi! stiuk the wrong house and at the sime linse the wrong d .. Ca. exclaimed a Freceh Seer, and be was. Wbo told that the Alps maJeitimpoMible to take artillery Napolean answered: 'Tbere shall be no Alo; Impossible cao only re found in the dictionary of f le. The key of success is a thorough prspajauoo fof and aa indosssita- 1 1 preseverauee io tbe accomplish ment of aoy undvrtaxm:;ana ice characters who have made tbem selves conspicuous io theology, civil Jurisprudence, mercantile an t agricultural poreotts, and, in fact, any bojiness or j roftviuB in life are thoee that have beut all tbeir energies In tbe aeeoapliibiaent ef cue object. arretdasroi ia cperaisosx Tt- fo- vi.icn, blaetly stated, is lo tse rr;rr- sntaioo to Cocgrras 00 the neater id roeo wh an sally vo-.e, aci rot oa rxpltk)Cl. Oj it baa s Matvich -sent wol i kne at Iratt ooe coegrrsamaa, if not mo'r, and nearly aU tbe states w.e'd bae to make sorne aacrikre la lbe?r rei-rrseotatKm. Xa tba kv cf lbe rase, the Hr(l(Cia leaders bare thocght h pvolect l aharvd rt a p'.aa bh Ccmljmi j tn-cH pvtr,-se cf trouMe m ih r.r g qiarter. The rorai-jre louorfoftd So tVe hooe I r tbe r-ors. u if Utu& the acice 00 the cvti-i has lees st,!T'.cied in rtamiiltr, ai d 'V rrrues b il tvom ia cocfcreoce -ette the bocsra is ao od 'c KudrrB !fr tt ;i Kj.s entiej stuii at tUt 1'. . As uual, eiir.a want f Vwd u d a w lh all STts I t jVssfCJt cr.w'i:y std ottc-ecruary itl-tssu.-a, let ilct: are tare: lew A'.Ui'.a C-r-t;. .a