i : ILD A JiilJ JL Jo JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. THE COUNTY, THE STATE, 'I'M M "cntTIOiT. s::::rjrT:i: :i.t3 Fir til ::t ii im::. VOL. XXIX LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH, 21. 1SW. tt-ttth LJ - . I - .1 : l.l ' r ZZ m I - CHURCH DIRECTORY, METHODIST. " . I Sunday School at 9:30 A, M. 1 Gbo. S. Baser, Sapt. I Preaching at H A. M., and 8 P. M., every Sunday. .Prayer meeting Wednesday night. -! r! G. F. Smith, Pastor. ' : . .- baptist. ; Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. i - Thos. B. Wilder, 8apt Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., every Sanday. Prayer m eiing Thursday night, j Foreest Smith. Pastor. lJrofo8HionaI cards, ; jyi. S.P. BURT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, I . Louisburg, N. C. r ; I Office in the Ford Building, comer Main i and Nosh streets. Dp stairs front. ' THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON I, SECOND QUARTER, INTER NATIONAL SERIES, APRIL 2. ANOTHER LETTER. X RESURRECTION DAY. GIVING A DESCRIPTION OF HOW THE CUBANS LIVE, &U. " From John W. Foster, a Tolunteer in Army at Cuba, Written to His Sister in Raleigh. " Text of the Lesaon, John xl, 82-45. Memory Verses, 41-44 Golden Text, John xi, 25 Commentary Prepared by the Rev. D. M. Stearns. V., r Copyright, 1S39. by D. M. Stearns. 82. "Lord, if Thou hadst been here my brother had not died." Thus said Mary CAMP COLUMBIA, Cuba. TO Knn cVi e rr Tin a 4- Taena n .V.n 11 a. I - - - " " "vu duo veuv iu v vouo OS OUO ADAA C&W . mi f - ... . His feet in her sorrow. They had sent Tbe CubanS are very jolly bat Hini word, but .He, came not, yet He lazy 6et of people. They never loved them. Oh, but this seems hard to farm, keep bar-rooms or Cafes as loved ones taken away knowing that He the7 ca" them, lhey bring or- could give them health and let them stay anges, outs, pine apples, tobacco, wun us, ana yoi, Deiieve tnat in it all ile ,.nwla A rtn tht rnat nma naif - an eoa fria Iitta nran TIa f gives health, as to the blind man or the rrotp 5 cents to 5.00 a cake, and lmpoienB man or tne noDieman's son, and all Kinds Ot toilet articles - to oar "I am tbe resurrection aud tbe life; be that .belie vetb iu me, though be were dead, yet shall be live." To bow many millions of bereaved hearts bare these racred words come as a beoieon in tbe boar of Boreet affliction, when duet was gathered to dust aud ases to ashes. They are tbe keystone of tbe Christian arch pf faith, tbe re moval of wbicb would cause tbe whole beautiful Etructare to fall and crumble in pieces: The manger ecene, at Bethlehem the 'maiden mother and tbe babe amid tbe lowing kiue. tbe adora tion of tbe Magi and the : aston- TRUE LOYE. IT E7EH EUS3 SMOOTH. Bat this' Case Blosr tu Bicfption It Came Sear Causlujr. Sffrioai Hitch ia the CoorUhlp. cioas old call Gerald dear' . V.ellf 'We'll marry now to ipite br, wou't wr Yea,- if yoa lock out dar. Yoq'11 eeratcb yoar face againtt mj tcarfpla.' 'You haven't given me joar your usual greating, BjrooUl laid the young man, with A Word For the Clxarette. i I M w ?.!c!vC3 the fcxd more dclkious end vttiolcsornc B. MA8SKNBURQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. liOCISBCBS, v. 0. Will practice In all the Courts of the State - ( Office In Court House. : Q jnOKB ft BOW, i J ATTORITETS-AT-L AW, . I : LOUIBBUSS.il. 0. - Wia attend tbe courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warren and Wakecounties.alsotbe Supreme Court of North CaroUnp, and the U. B. Circuit and District Courts. Db. B. 8. Fostib. Db. J. S. Malonx, JBS. FOSTER ft MALOlfK " - r jj PRACTICma PHYSICIANS ft SURGEONS, i Louisburg, TS. C . Office over Aycocke Drug Company. - Ann " TTIfl lrtTr TT A.. 1 x TT!. T I - - - 1 . 1 CHUII1 1.1 KKll. tabta iu His uuaubiiui Home, uu. wnere is r ' . - , i i v v. the evidence of love to the broken hearts , The Cuban lad V baa "verv darfc ished Zza of the 6imPIe hepherdi that are leit? . Yet it is all love, and all , . . . .. " . I of Bethel, is an exauisitely toucb- fniit,..w - i complexion but Drottv. uses lota of 1 tt oimoucij 83. "He groaned in the spirit and was nowder and naint Kn1 ni,rf.imAR S picture, WHO 1U SlOft UgDl Ol -'-&S.l?w,S Tbelower classes wash for tbe sol-. & f Pe Thsy live in huts made - of ransom them from the power of the grave, j diers. T ' Will roripATTI thftm - frnm r?raf.i ;' Ci I death, I win be ihy plagues- o grave, I ( bananna leaves., Tbe richer classes wiu M tny aestructionr' (Mos. mi, u.) live in bouses made entirely of ioo wora oi , ine enemy cannoB -nun any i , n of His redeemed. hme-stone, with very fine mahog- 8. -vvnere nave ye iaia Dimr This on Annra nA .inno anna TK. from Him as a man. for as a man He was I J ' sympathizing with them and entering in- floors are always very damp. .' lhe to their sorrows. We have not a high nnnl ,unnu Q. v.. ik. nriest who cannot be touched with a fP.l- rr w.u- ing of our infirmities, but wasin all points I ins1 made of thin cotton cloth of tempted liKe as we are, yet without sin -pf--- onlora - j , j - - the sky (Heb.iv, 15). They said unto Him, Lord, come and see. 35. "Jesus wept.; What tears they were which fell from tbe eyes of the Man ot Sor rows; actual tears from human eyes, yet He was God manifest in the flesh 1 - Here and on Olivet as He wept over Jerusalem Tbe rich wear silks, and fine furs. Jnsttbiuk.of furs in this hot cli mate. r l be nouses are. all square with an open court in .the center. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. v ; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ' v .j-- MuisBuae, v. o. Will practice in all the Courts of Franklin an t adjoining counties, also in "th Supreme ourt, and Id the United States District and Circuit Courts. Office in Cooper and CUf ton Building. IJIH0& B. WILDER, j ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, - lAuiSBuae. v. a Office on Main street, over Jones ft Cooper's store, i room mistic star that set ablaze the of nigbt. Noble the simple life and nobler the deeds, aud yet more sublime tbe words that fell from tbe lips of Him wbo spoke as never man epoke before. - Calvary shows a spectacle of suf fering to make the world weep over tbe sorrows of One who in tbe agony of death delivered a man given over like himself to human destruction. But while the glory life" of the Nazarene quickens the heart-beat of love and excites to admiration tbe miud of tbe believer, it fails to thing like cload on his b mm Is anything the matter? ' 'Haven't I, Gerald?' moodily replied tbe young woman, dm ta ming abseutly ou the table with ber fingers. - . , -- You know yoa have not And you haven't answered aj queatioa, either.' ' Wbatquestionf ' 'I asked yoa if auytbing .wm the matter., - Tbe cigarette baa naver bad a BOme-1 ood word aaii for it. This baa not burt the material welfare of tbecixarelie to any appreciable extent, but it may bare bnrt iU feelings. How the turning la the long lane baa corse. Ia Camp Churchman, Georgia, a. man waa dyineof pneumonia. Tbe tale It THE GREATEST SOLDIER. As LifTii Aroav t Ona tat a. Tbe great war wat cearieg iU cloee. It waa tbe evening bio men looked back upon tbe eoooday oftlaagbler. At tie front all told tbat be crated a laat cigar expectant. In tbe ccnqatrd taU ette smoke and tbe pbyiieian said civil law began to lift iU bead be might aa well have it aa not, But even here there were lode since it waa only a matter of mln- pendent tatde to be captured or a tee before be would 4e berond I destroyed. One band waa beaded I Eerbel, lalita, acd Tbey croaebei is e'.'.ttee till tie byaawaadoar. Then tbe futr ri'.la preacher fctfaa ta pay. He tl asked tbe Lord that paace waa bftratbacd. He prajad fcr lie eoetalei. He aked the Leri te forgive tbee bo Lad iejarei bio. He ;cke ef hiiica,atd lit doo ettlcg. About fae, wLlip-irtl lie cap- r Throaib tbe wedi tbe aoHiira lib maay 2to yes, . everything is tbe ti,e Mac 0f etrthly diUactlua. by Lit Braxe, Tbe eoldier who a dark look cait at tie capUla. matter. It nothing new, thoagh T, dying aoldieraccordintly bad etndiea tbe oooda of bla enemy Tb- gxild wai dltg niU J. ueraia, area i yoa geiung urea tbe "nail la tbe ccSa" which be waa not alow to learn the whims of unto mm who was awe on the other side, the horse stable "D,Jr luw "b'"c r they conld to throw us toiretber.' tt-j : tv. Kt tv. ahant Sf tniia ff l ... Tk. i from death and was heard. . 1.-J-- .. . . whir.h in in a man that cries alond .r .. . . . F. "a from dying in the garden, rear uex 10 ine uining- . - ,. . .. -we-i, woa oi Dioffley law lUelf. wbicb, It wai band ie greatly reduced la HOBJ by an angel and room. - -ii a mau aie enan ne nve aainf And when too Dronoaed to me -i.il.i uw. r..t .... !.,. T ... v... A ff finished His work (Hob. v, 7). XT a r . . Ai! r.r,t Bethlehem, not Naw- r ... r- j said the Jews, Behold, how iBkoves a, useu lorcooKing, - i r;n' jour arms, aian -nne producer at well aa protec- Un them. ."Yes, it was love that instead the v nan V. n p niflofts of reth. not Jerusalem, Dm a tomo ait.. i. V . i.i tu .-.- . t. was more than love in it IT" r 7 V -"- Luw ,ni u ,H. . . ngrei Bigo-pnwuaBiiKisiwr, usthinkof I John m, i, maroie wun louror nve ooies cm - ---------- , -wen, yoa aia come pretty near u. 4fim F. S. SPRUILL. I j ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. : ! : LOU1SBUBO, IT.-C- in it and a hot fire made of coal is used. Wood costs $18 a cord. I went to Havana last Sunday; tbe first thini; 1 did was to hi'e a sail-boat and go out to tbe .' wreck of the "Maine'' and then on - the thence that proceeded tne com. pletenest of the boly faith and changed faith to sight and hope into glad fruitiou. 'Brooklyn" which is here. I tbei I the grave of the loved that is not, If Will atte"d the courts of Franklin: Vance nranvllle. Warren and Wake coautUs, also the Supreme Court of . North - Carolina. rompt attention given to collections. -Office over Eg-erton's Store. . - . T. W. BICKBTT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUISBUBft B. C. . . : Prompt and painstaking attention given to every matter intrusted to Ma hands. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Manning, Hon. Root. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win ston, Glenn ft Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. E. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est College, Hon. K W. Timberlake. Office In Court House, opposite Sheriffs. -: w. M. PERSON, j ' ATTORNEY AT-LAW, - L (IiOUISBUBe. B. 0. - Practices in all courts. Office 1 Heal Building. ' . ' , fjjy H Y ARBOROTTQH, JB. : " ATIOENET AT LA W, , .V; . , IiOTJISBCBCl, N. C r Umce on second floor of Teal building Main Street. All-: legal business ' intrusted to him vill receive prompt and careful attention. (Luke six, 41) He wept for others, not for I in which palms, bananna and or inmsen. - jo me aaugnters 01 Jerusalem - f nlnntflrf H&said, Weep not for Me, but weep for ange lree8 are Planted. yourselves and for your children (Lnke Tbe Bitting room is in one Bide ill r 1.J. 1 a. 1 H i M tti I uxii, sot.. rx w uib huau wo say 01 xiis 1 r Ai . a t - i strong crying and tears in -Gethsemane. of tbe hou8e and the bu2g7 when He prayed to save Hirc and was saved and was sfcMngthened went on and 36. "Then He loved .him, wept, but there The words make "Behold-what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called -the sons of God." But one Only Begotten, yet many sons through him, 87. ."Could, not this man have caused that even this man should not have died?" Yes, He could, as far as the ability was concerned, just as easily as He could open blind eyes, but there was to be more glory to God by the death and resurrection than uia BauavxiCHB nciao . iu Dtxma as ia or- i cauvu vuuu iu.yi a vum u i w - - - v I v. erything He did was questioned by those ftV aV ont t.n honra anilina wnt thev feel that all that man "can Nn TV uu Alien uiuj uuui. 83. "Jesus, therefore, again groaning in Himself, oometh to the grave." The whole together until how, and we also who have j steet, the main street of tbe city, which scorches tbe cheeks with the first fruits of the fapirit groan within tia etnroa Q.a ,a K.krionmoet T tpara and stretches the heart atrinir miMo nu n i ni fn. tVia nvloTnnf inn nf . - " " . - 0 the body (Rom. vui, 22, 23). There may fever sa w. The finest stores - you to oreamng, ina is vdo crown ins o1on rHeverfanrth in Raleigh would be consid- promise of all that ieofworth in groanings of Jesus on this occasion. ered fourth class here. Tbe street! living RQ 1 Tociia cuiri Tulro r a xz? ott trio I I stoned But Martha objects, though she 18 3Qst wlde enaeii f two backs a voice from tbe grave, mark 1 J !J 4 TT 1 j.1 X. 1 i a mt a- I . nnu bju, x anow man even now wnas- 10 go aDreast. i ois sireet is cov- spot, a voice from the grave. HIlHVHr 1 I If 1 1 1 V I I li MKK 111 ItIUI ItlHI W III I71VH I I - it Thee" (verse 22). How weak is our ered by awnmgs. Then came din- ra0g out upou the air of that first faith and what a doubting faith it isl -It nftr. hef steak, fferr fin broiled I t .J' . nfbn CAATno lilrann faith a oil Wo cov ' ' . 1 D J I know, I believe (verses 22, 27), and then chicken, fried Irish potatoes.bread, i8 riBen.'r Ti. I lA4- Un.1 Sn$V.1 I .-n a a a a I bv, . liuw. uuijr luiusoiuio, iresn nsn.moiasBes, sweet potatoes, rra a. t.inmninni j.r..,. itcannotbe; if only He had come before. , .. , ' -, . - ' I . Hence the triumphant defiance 40, "Jesus saith unto her, Said I -not J coiu nam wim muBiaru, i auu j Q ran 0J Paul: "O death, couee, wine ana .case, au cobi w,Rpft. tht!n.? O o-ravelwbere ... l J - . i.oo. we ineu visuea some oi . tb . tor f But ths be the stores, all of which are open nnto GodwMcb girelh ns tbe vie all day bunday, and saw some oi . . tvronffh our Lor(i jeBIJ. tne nnest jewelry l ever Baw cbrist." After this we walked about and saw tbe fire department and fine hotels until about five o'clock. "We then bad a drive do w n to the 'Pra- oftbisP' : 'Tired of iht be echoed, feel ing hia balr begiuniog to rise on end. -Tired of what?' 'Tbe whole business! Bee here Gerald. Your people bavw always wanted ns to marry, baen't they?' Yes. . - 'So have mine. We haven't any relatives on either aide that have opposed tbe match, have wef' 'No 'No. They've all done tbe best Why dlda't yoa kill Uaf Yoa desired. lie inhaled a few breaths, I uraxe. One night iu a doweponr cfl bad bica in yoar power. waa seized with a violent tt oi I rata tba colonel cocomaoderof coagblng and ia now oa tbe road J poet remarked: tay to recovery. New York Commer cial Advertiser. We) may aspect tbt fell noi Tbe Tariff Mena. And be came, bieboreee daablec? madly, and fitb labera giitLrtz like evil eoakea io tbe air. Bat be Tbe Diogley tariff law contlooee I waa driven back. to yield a deSeit. Tbe war tax, lo I Que day tbe colonel eeut for iU many annoying forme, meeta I Capt. Lace Uncle 8m' dally expense bill, I 'Captain,' said be, 'I am la and the surplus from the wicked I formed that Braxe and bie faeo are and unnecessary bond aalee la still I lurking ia tbe Galh neighborhood. it that's a fact,' admitted - Oer-aid. 'I haven't any small brothers, either, to play tricks on us or make Ittedlr a failure. Senator drew. He rode forth at tbe Lead w - I Hanna himself baa called attention of bis troops. Aloof, toward nigbt. to this fact, lie say no tariff can fall he picked up tbe guiia. bereafter be depended upon for rev- 'Ha Isadaabiog fellow, and it . t i at w . noe. Dectaio w are now eiDon i it imy va iiu aia, ia vo &ad hearts, mourning neart-, fool speeches to you while yoa are iBff. u EuroDe aa well aa to all captain to tbe snide, wbo rode desolate souls, stand weeping by waiting for me in the parlor, have Uth.rvarUof the world, rooda in with blm at the bead of tbe eol- . " I r - i Silence, sir. I iball cake report to tbe oioaeL Aad eo'wlll I. Yoa lad lira acd jo j let lira jet away. I b-- lieve yoa tali toaelllcj a bo at bacgicg rne. It may bnsy torate ay toaetbiog atoct bacgier to yoo Ob.you etn't daeojlMag th . me now. Tbe otaare all bet at yoo, and youTl la ia luck If tbey don't striag yoa op iheeoielvea. Tbe caj ula U;pti tbe bat ef a pistol and tbe gulie tode ca la alienee. Tbe colonel ai titiitx labia teat wbcu tbe captain troops rode ictocaop. Tbe gu.d jumped eff hie ban aodbatteteJ to tbe col. onel. Tbe captain slswly fol- lowed. vTbea be eaurad tbe tent tbe colonel waa io a rage. Fcr a time be could not tpeak. At laat be altered tbe word: Traitor. Tbe captain smiled. Ckbel,eald be, yoa are a Chris- each elaae covered by tbe JJingley umu. ecbedolee. Toe natural raalt isl 'I goes be'e daabiog enoogb, tian, aad wbeo yoa are ca'mir yoa And mamma never lie-1 that roods are not imported and I tbe guide replied. 'He knows bow I will agree with me. I waaaeatta . - . i v r i r xr --vii ... - - ..... . . a snore and tne trip only cost Know or ieei, or iear oi auguisn tens at tbe kevhole or calla down I tariff revenues decrease. People do I to Egbt and tbea get away.' I kill tboae wreUbta. Ifoaodtbera t-TnJ pay ocean '1 imagine tbat be'e youoz and their leader was preachln? to man is here yet, does she? I freights and a 60 per cent, tariff bandaome, laid tbe captain. I tbea of tbe Baearrection ao c!d ' 'Surely not.' J when a eurplus of tbe tame artH 'Wait till yoa see bio, the I man preaching to.a coogregelioa 'Sorely not. And papa baa I eIea is produced at borne. But al guide remarked. in rags- Tbey bad decked a slump never aked you if yoa coald sup- I though tbe tariff is not needed for I It waa thought beet, after a cer I fcr an altar Tbe sua was J ait r it- port me in the style to wbieh 1 1 nrotectioo f aa we - are eelllog all I tain time, to diimount and ad I iog and fell upon it. Aad wbat have been accustomed baa be?' I daMa of irooda to Earooeant I vaoce on foot- Tbe c iotrr wat ! yoa may call treaaoo. but which I Not be. - He knowa' I cheaper than tbey can make them) wild. All blgbt the caplalo aad I call was a teoderceaf, fell opoa 'Yes. He knows. And we've l and although the tariff is useless his men wandered about in tbelme. Itawaaort of mit'ed John He is not here, but nevr quarrelled,' either, have wef j as a revenue producer, it will not I woods. Beneath a big tree tbe J Brown -pray lag. Eiccerltj was lit 'No, But Byronla, dear' be repealed or modified by tbe Re- commander balled to rest. . accent. FaUb waa bis watchword. 'You've never been tha least bit publican party, because It is use 'Let me pake around and tee If Tbe great Birds were balldlsg jealons of anybody else, baye ful to tbe beneficlariw ' of tbat I can Cod him.' said the guide. their neat Aad I aaii to mytelf: JR. D. T. SMITHWICK, : DENTIST, LOU1SBUBG, N. C. Office in Ford's Building. 2nd floor. Gas administered and teeth extracted without pain. TR, R.E. KINO, DENTIST, . j ' LOUISBURG, N. C. -Office over Aycockk Dbuo Company. With an experience of twtnty-flve years is a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the up-to-date lines-of the profession. unto thee that if thou wouldest believe thou 6houldest see the glory of God?" To the Father of the little girl who had just died - Jesus said, Be not . afraid, only be lieve (Mark v, 36). To Thomas He said, "Be not faithless, but believing (John xx, 27). If we have faith and doubt not, -we shall see His power (Math, zxi, 21, 22). Faith considers not feelings, nor circum stances, nor difficulties, but only God and is fully persuaded (Bom. iv, 19-21), 41. "Jesus lifted up His eves and said, Father, I thank Thee that Thou hast heard. Me." This after they had taken away the stone and before He called Lazarus forth. In Math, xi, 25, we hear Him saying, "I thank Thee. O Father. Lord of heaven and earth, because Thou hast hid these I per bag of flour at US apd when cnings irom tne wise ana pruaen ana I . , : . j i,i. hast revealed them unto babes." On an- we got home 0Qr back 8nd clothes do," a large park. Every person we passed would throw s small pa- were white as enow. I afterwards went back and found the flour Tbe sorrowing ones standing by tbe grave of tbe dead may look up ward and" with the eye of faith see tbe coming of tbe resurrected Lord with His angels, to call forth tbe dead wbo sleep in their graves, and thenceforward and forever tbe loved who were lost awhile shall live together with Him. Easter day, resurrection day. you?'. ' No. But' No. Neither bave I. Doesn't all that show, Gerald, that we really don't care for each otberf No stop hold oul Let ma finish. I am making an effort to form a How io we know that we are not! State Federation, composed of all party in enabling tbem to maintain artificial prices in America. To The Women of 5orth Carolina. Tbe captain turned upon Mm. I Doet my country in tbe glory cf Look here, 1 am beginning to ber victory want tht blood cf aotpectfyou, and if my suiptelon tbeta poor mliguiie4 wretcbeaf become a little stronger 111 bang Aad I believe it waa the spirit ef yoa op to tbli tree.' my country that wbitpered: No. I .The guide laughed. He baa bad I sadmafc thai I bave d.tobayed . m . I A M - T eMx a V A at a Ja t a. . natta. lAu mif auartaet ma all I w uctuw, . making - a dreadful mistake? tbe orgaaixations of women in TOn please,' said be 'If I try toeePl Icoald act Sad itln ray Think bow terrible it would be if I North Carolina. This will brioirl throw von down too air ban? , teart lomorder tbeta. Coioael.Iaa 'other occasion, right in the midst of the people, He . said, ' Father, glorify Thy name" (John xii, 28) 42- "And I knew that Thou hearest Me I nhnnt two inches deen and the noor always, but because of the people which ,f nr tday of glad promise, m06t glorious .tJ i cw it n,ottwn,hn0 DeoDle were eatheime it np to ' ft . v . . that Thou hast sent Me." Itwas Hiscon- mafeft hrn. This is the wav thev of a11 the dav 8 tbat nav6 been' 6tant testimony that He was here on earth - , n.. n j tare, or that shall be, meet were it for the Father, that the Father sent Him celebrate the "Mardi Gras.' I got I ' . , . . , nntl trlil TTim-lncf. nrhnt kn finv nnrl vmilffht I 1. 1 4. - - V n ... . Am - w o i it m l n. LU vamu auuuk - bcu all His works in Him. . " - I j . 43. "And when He had thusspoken He very ureu nuu aiecpy cried with a loud voice, - Lazarus, come , t advise von to stav atbome and rno flinf if Via ho1 tint 1 - " montinnni imrnii hv namfi. hut had inst take the cold weather. ihere is cried, "Come forth," all the bodies of j n0 fau here for a young lady un fihe saints would have responded, but at I . - .. .. this time He only wants Lazarus, and 1 less SDe speaas Dpanisn. . you him He calls by name. When Christ Him- t nnt ft mellow flas for one case f - J a -- . -. wo found oat when it was too UU I tbe women of tbis 6ut io toocb i that we were never intended for I with each other and with the wo eacb other 1' I men .of other States, thereby ee- . Gerald bad been doing some! coring the increased benefits wbicb rapid thinking. come from enlarged acquaintance, He sat witb hia head in bit bands J exchange of tbooght, and unity of HOTELS. self rose from the dead, many- bodies of the saints which slept arose and came out of their graves after His resurrection and went into the Holy City and appeared unto many (Math, xxvii, 62, 53) a "Joans c.ilfch 11 nto them. Loose him Jb KAiNftLlTOx J1UT Jill and let him go. " He was now alive at tb.9 mouth of -the tomD, dui. still Douna 1 FBANKLINTON, N. C. - - . M'L MERRILL, Prp'r. ' ' Good accomodation fdr the traveling public. Qood Livery Attached. OSBOpN HOUSE, C. D. 0SB0EN, Proprietor, Oxford, N.C. Good accommodations for the traveling public. i MASSENBURG HOTEL J P Massenburg Propr j HENDEESOir, II. C. Qood accommodations. Good fare: Po - ; lit and attentive servant , I IOT00D HOUSE ttirrentcn, . . Esrtitrcl'.na W. J. noRWOOO, Proprietor. -Patronage ot Commercial Tourists and TaveUng Pamlc Solicited. hand and foot with graveclothes; hence this command. ' How many saved people are bound, by former habits of their life when. , they were dead in sins, and thus hindered from running for Him or worit ing for Him or speaking for Him I He permits those who are already free from bonds to set others free. : How necessary that the believer should be free from all bondage! V ' ' ' ' '"' v ' 45. "Then many tr the-Jews wnicn came "to Mary and bad seen the things which Jesus did believed on Him." How tould they help it? . And yet the next jf jbe taxes are not paid he is dug TerSeS WU US tuab BUtuO WCIIU onilj aux becan to counsel together for to put mm to death. Think of planning to kill one who could give life to the dead 1 How blind and mad satan does make his serv ants. In due time" He would lay down His life, but they could not take it from Him (ohapter x, 17, IS). See now the glad sisters and their brother, once more with them, alive and well, a happy house hold, and see the new believers and say if He did not do His best for them after all ! . I tViat frinmnVi Afln on ahull riM from O'clock " - o ----- choral lips, that sweetest flowers should fill cbancel and altar, and that faces, should 'be brightened into smiles and men and women rut on their gayest aprarel. Tbe day tbat tells of His resurrection .11 .hat wnnia von do if als ia the day that, confirms His aa u . coming again, when all tbat sleep in Him shall rise with Him. Bethlehem was the dawn of Cbustian hope, the triumphal en try into Jerusalem its noonday Getbsemane its gloomy and Calva . , i ry its black and'"gloomy night But tbe tomb of Joseph was tne meridianal BDlendor of a', day o faith, tbe light of which shall glo until it is merged into the greater glory of Heaven's own day wbere is no nigbt. William Rosser Cobbb up and bis bones are thrown in t.h honevard. I went to the bone- The baichelor's motto As a man . yard to-day , it is 70 feet eqnare,60 rips that shall he sew. of sm you were surrounded by small-pox and yellow fever as we aref I went to, the. 'Colow' cemetery to attend the ceremonies over tbe vie , timS of tbe Maine. There are some of the finest monuments here tbat I ever saw There- is one " e to sixty firemen that cost $200,000 "When .a man . dies here be is buried and stays , in' the ground one year. - Then his people-are made to pay tax on his body, and np. 1 want you to catch him or killbim, rather, for be won't give op. 1 onre belonged to bis gaog,' Ab, then of coorte yoa want blm killed," replied tbe captain. Very, well,' he added, 'go out and see if you can locale bim.' covered with wounds. I entitled aa a private aud I have fought my way up. Yoa bave commended me for travery. Yoa knew tbat there ia ou treason la my otlare. Tea km that I love my coo o try better tbaa I do my life. Io New for two or three minutes without (action with definite aim. The or speaking. , " j ganiratlona of women, and all, Tbe guide, wilb hia neck tbruit I Eoglaad ray father is preaching Then he said with a deep, deep j Women's Deparmenta of mixed I ou glided away among tbe tret. I praj-a t tbe seals of men. And sigh. I organizations (inch at Daughters Boa conttrictor, and the captalo, lb :d man tUedieg In the vai- I don't know but yoa are right of Rebekab.Ratbbone Siaters.ete.,) Byron i a.' 'are invited to join in this move. 'You know Mis Harkalongf meut, wbicb is con-sectarian, non. I am forcibly reminded of some-1 political, and only designed for thing she said to me the- other I mutual helpfulness. evening, 1 bad called there' I If tbis effor meats watching bim. At dsyligbt tbe guide returned.! 'I have found bim, said be. 'And be couldn't be in- abetter otaee down in a bo'low. , He ith general lM k h . bi v Wbt were you doing at the approval, a convention of women ean fin4 bjm. It iata'a much ill te called at an early day to Uireer than a sink-bole, tbe ntaee organize tbis Federation, and out- nd T0U tu tUtiorj TOI). ThTsT " How' ' We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot, be cured by Hall's Calarrh Cure. : F. J . Chehet & Co., Toledo, O. Wa tv. riTidersisned. have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all bosi- ness transactions ana dmdcihuw carry out any obligations made by their firm West & Truax, "Wholesale Druggists, WALDisa, Kenan & Marvin.. Wholesale! Druggists, Toledo, u. , . Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and ran- feet deep and now is very nearly full of boues. There is said to be over 100,000 bodies in this yard When a poor man dies be is taken to the grave yard in a coffin and buried and the cofiBn taken back to his bouse to be used again. Life is full of ups and downs at a boarding house; you bave to put up with what they i"ive you and comedown for it in advance. Scrofula and Ulcers Cured. -. . There ia no doubt, - accordlae . to- the I saw the place where Columbus many remarkalle cares performed by V . -a .t,. Botanic Blood Balm (B, B.-B.-'Mhat it is far the best Tonic and Blood runner ever manufactured, others pale into in significance, when compared With it. It cores pimples, ulcers, sain diseases, ana Harkalonus'? 'Simply making a rail. Bbesaid to me tbe eldest one, you know tall, rather striking girl in ap pearance' Girl! Sbe'a S7 if she's a day !' I think not. She made some remarks about the conrse of true love never ' running smooth and ben she said: 'Mr. Higginside, I have been expecting overy day to bear tbat it's all off between you aud Bvronia Billiwink. There hasn't been and' She said that did ehef 'Yes, and I laughed a little and said I shouldn't.won ' - She'd been expecting to bear tbat it was all jver between us, bad sbef Yes. I only mention It to show that the aam idea bad occurred to ethers, and was buried. And the place where Gn. Garcia is buried. We have had some very cold weather and a terrible storm. : : j - , - Corporal Johji W. Foster Co. K.rist Regt: N. C. V. I., 1st Brig. 2nd Div. 7th A. C. . Havana, Cuba. all manner of blood!and skin ailments Bay the best, and don't throw your money away on substitutes. Try the long tested and old reliable B. B. B. 1 1.00 per large bottle. For sale by Dru?iri8t Job Work of any kind. Cheap for Iioe future action for the same. Tbis body of women, represent ing the organizations io the Slate, will decide whether tbie Sute Fed eration shall affiliate witb the National Federation of Women's Clubs, and all other action propos ed to the convention. Each dele gate representing an organisation will be entitled to vote on all qnea- Hods discussed by tbe convention. An effort will be made to secure enough- opposition, reduced railroad rates for the del egates, and tbe fact duly publish ed. All organizations of women are requested to communicate witb me on this subject. Any information desired on tbe men all around and pick bim and his meo like sbootin? torlejt. Come on.' Sergeant, said tha. captain. keep your eye on tbis fellow and if yoa catch bim io a lie shoot him down. Tbe eergraot saluted aud took bis place beside tbe g lide. Tbey found Braze situated just as tbe guide bad reported. V will make abort work of bim," the captain whispered, Wait Wbat are tbey doinf They are holding Eaiter erioe. Wbo is tbat gray-haired man pretcMogP" That's Braz-," lbgii !s an- awered. "Let me pick bta. ' lie ley with tbe too upon his gray bead reminded se of him. I will take off my sword; I will A shout arose. A soldier came running inlo tbe UdL, Braxeand Lis men bave ccme io and sur rendered, tald te soldier. Tbe colonel reached forth and grasped tb (captain's band. Kep ytur bctcrcd sword,' be said. Mercy it tb greateit aollier. A i'ew Piaia Truths. subject of tbe proposed Federation J cocked a carMoe. -will be eheerfully and promptly given. Address, Has. Ros kb t IL Cottxx, 'Liz HarhaloDg had tbe assar- 423 Blount Street, Raleigh, N. C. ance to eay toyou that there hadn't been enough opposition to our mar rying, had ehef 'Yes. I suppose she' 'The dried-op old maid! What business was it of hers I shoald like to know!' She Ejay Lave beard tbe sane thin from ethers, yea knew From all over tha country, eome words of praise for Cbamberiaia'e Coagh Iai Uer is a aampla letur from airs. kj. r oep. o: uiiia i.oet. Art t waa auTerini? from a very ar eold, whea I read of tha core tbat had bee a effected fcy Cbacberlaia'a Couh Im- e-iy. I eoncladcd to gire it a trial aad aeccrilnRly r rocored a bottle. It gut J rvr.: ; t reiirf. aod I tare tbe b-et r-a. .0 Wait, tbe captain commanded. Why did be take np armi? Do yoa kDowf Tbeinion guerrillas banged bit son. What for?' .'Became tbey cou'd What i the father doing at the llmef 'Prayiog helde tbe deathbed oi a federal to'Jier. lie waa a preach er 'L5'.?n. TLey ar- si As an ear trumpet tbe average woman is not a success. When a girl is Iu arms tbe youoic man io the rate seems to ojy It. Happy are tbey wbo lok before tbey marry, ail overlaak after warJ. Nothing to luhaoces tbe valce of. a thing at tbe difi-alty la oh. raiaiog it. Sme mea aland on principle tod some bthera probably woald if tbey bd it U eland ru. Every woota knows that be talke too much, but wbal tbe Joeea't kso it a ready far it. Sharper than tbe tooth cf a eer pent it the MHia of oae who baa iO tympaihf wub bumau vtoitv. V hi a mti i-nndr ct'ii cf lebt its raiber diLleu t for 1,1. . redi'.ore to ace tbe tuver lir.ic?. Tbt clock invariably t'.rikes lhe L!f Lour who yc i iU c in w t L t t 1- ; v ILa l: .1 a: Good. Sample Coos i. afi3 CI ice pysieuj.