-)""' Lx ; -s v - 7 v JAS. A. THCps, Editor and Proprietor. THE COTJTTlTv STATE, :::::r.:?:;:i: fir mr. vs.v;j ii i.'::-.:. VOL XXIX LOiJISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH, 31, 1S00. 1 II 1 - L ) o CHURCH DIRECTORY METHODIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. " y ' Geo. S. Bakes." Sapt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. ; : i F. Smith, Pastor. ; ' - ' BAPTIST. : Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. Wilder, 8opt ! Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M., every Sanday. Prayer m ting Thursday night. Fore est Smith. Pastor. Aio tessional cards, TJB.S.P7BURT, ' PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. . Office in the Ford Building, corner Main and Wash streets. Up stairs froDt. . -y B. MASSENBUBQ, -. S. ATTORNEY AT LAW. tocisBCBe. v. a ; - Will practice to all the Courts of the State tf Office In Court Hons. . Q . COOKB k SOU, . attornbtSat-lawT - ; LOUISBUSe, s. c Will attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, 1 Granville, Warren and Wake counties, alsothe Supreme Court of North Carollnp, and the U. 8. circuit and District Courts. m - - - - . THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON I, SECOND QUARTER, INTER--V NATIONAL SERIES, APRIL 2. I THE LEGISLATURE imposed on the bolder thrrmf a? are abolished and the fees hereto . . , ! will secure better government ol . fo The Democracy Kept its Pledges Beview of the Work. - - . ..... , .". Db. E. 8. FOSTSB. SB. J. S. Maikhtk, R8. FOSTER MALOOTS. PRACTICrNQ PHYSICIANS fc SURGEONS, j Jxjulsburg, N. C ; Office over Aycocke Drug Company. Mi HAYWOOD RUFFLN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ' ' louisbubs, ir. a Will practice In all the Courts of Franklin and sdioinlug counties, also in the Supreme Court, and in the United States District and Circuit Courts. s Office in Uooper and Clifton Building. IJJHOS. B. WILDER, . , j ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOCISBUKe.V.O, ' ' Office on Main street, over Jones Cooper's store. Text of the Lesson, John xl, 32-43. Memory Verses, 41-44 Golden Text, John xl, 25 Commentary . Prepared by the Rev. D. M. Stearns. ; Copyright. 1899, by D. M. Stearns. , 83. "Lord, if Thou hadst been here my brother had not died. " Thus said Mary when she came to Jesns as she fell at His feet In her sorrow. They had sent Him word, but He came not," yet He lovtd them. Oh, but this seems hard to anything but very great faith 1 To see our loved ones taken away knowing that He could give them health and let them stay with us, and yet believe that In it all He loves us t" We can see the love when He gives health, as to the blind man or the Impotent man or the nobleman's son, and we can see His Jove to those whom He takes to His beautiful home, but where is the evidence of love to the broken hearts that are left? Yet it is all love, and all lor the best. S3, "He groaned in the spirit and was troubled." He' hates death and will yet destroy It 'Hear Him as He says: "I will ransom them from the power of the grave, I will redeem them from death. O death, I will be thy plagues; O grave, I will be thy destruction 1" (Hos. xiil, 14.) The work of the enemy cannot hurt any of His redeemed- y-- :- 84. "Where have ye laid him?" This from Him as a man, for as a man He was sympathizing with them and entering In to their sorrows. We have not a high priest who cannot be touched with a feel ing of our infirmities, but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin (Heb. iv, 15). . They said unto Him, Lord, come and see. .'. 85. "Jesus wept." What tears they were which fell from the eyes of the Man of Sor rows; actual tears from human eyes: yet He was God manifest In the flesh i - Here and on Olivet as He wept over Jerusalem (Luke xlx, 41) He wept for others, not for Himself. To the daughters of Jerusalem . He said, Weep not for Me , but weep for yourselves and for your children (Luke zzili, 28). ' But what shall we say of His atrong crying and tears In Gethsemane, when He prayed unto Him who was able to save Him from death and was heard. and was savfd from dying in the garden, and. was strengthened by an angel and went on and finished His work (Heb. v, 7). 36. "Then said the Jews, Behold, how He loved him." i Yes, lit was love that wept, but there was more than love In It The words make us think of I John 111,' 1, "Behold what manner of love the Father The Raleigh News fc Observer! gives the following review of the work "done by the recent Legisla ture : - . The Democratic party, through the General Assembly, came into ita own on January 6th. Two months later that General Aesem bly adjourned, leaving no promise unfulfilled, no pledge broken. - And herein it has been the most remarkable Legislature North Car olina has ever had. Not only was there a coaossal task, ahead of it in the way of new laws to be :e"n aeted, but there was four jears of bad, vicious 'legislation that needs mast be undone. The task has been accomplished, Every particle of the Fusion struct urelias. been removed and the State reorganized. - But beat of all there has . been erected 'a memorial that will" tell forever in the new glory of a gov-" eminent by the "intelligence and virtue of the State.'' the State and conduce to the inter est of tax payers. - (c) To the end that decency ii administration "be secured aud a recurrence of such scajidals a have characterized Fusion rule b made impossible, the varidus io re going into the pockeU of . tbr Treasurer ad Auditor now go iu 'o the State Treasury. 5. In the same Act .the nse of free passes, which have eo often wen used by political railroad corporations to defeat the will of r to establish ao. Immigration bu 1 Mar, a r. A a' - 1.-7 ' .u mtj qici w . i,vuiujituucr iherefor. A I theM codiScations of laws go far toward doing away with the necessity for a ne Code. The revenue law wta prepared with the greatest rare and it prob ably the best ever enacted. It was the policy of the framers of the be Deople, is prohibited and their stitutions and departments were I use by an? ra'lroid made punish- tti i , n ill a hnnili At mn hn hftt I .K)a KwnAmmA t Ol (Yvl . - I rrw " : , Iv c7 f ll nnoT 9 ' Uw 10 ,,ow no Plee of P'opertr In the e'ectioo of officers great J 6. Another improvement on the care and wisdom was manifested I Railroad Commission Act ia the For Corporation Commissioners, J provision that beginning with the the Legislature elected an able j next election the Commissioner to escape taxation, but not to Ui a single piece twice. A number of vexatious tares were abolished, such as the inheritance tai anl the merchants purchase tax. The ' L r - t I x McIC3 the food rr.oro ddldous end sko!csoc3 PURE WATER. T.IE CO5STUtCri0S AND CARE CF WELLS. lawyer, a competent business man -ball be elected directly by the r&te propertr and poll, re- Shallow Well. Catch Sarfac. Watr. and an . excellent farmer, repre- people. . The same is true of the matn. p-actically as it was hereto Which Caaw. lopariac. Muting the three section of the Labor Commissioner and the Com- A " ' - -- State "-Its commercial matropolii," missiouer of Agricultnre. - And the great agricultural Jbelt and the I Congress has been petitioned to tllow us to ' cb oee our United States Senators in the same . way This pledge has been more than kept.. The. platform demanded only thit Railroad Commissioners transmountain region, as yet to undeveloped. For Insurance com missioner it elected a thorough business and expert insurance man. Its choice of Commissioner of AgrienUure was a tried and I be a popular and not a legislative true map; and for Labor Commia r office. The Legislature not only sioner a man in touch with organ- j provided for this, it went further ized labor was choseu. and said that the Commissioners (d) "Constaut improvement in t of Labor and Agriculture must al. our educationat system" was f ur-1 e j be botn of direct ballot. It was ther secured by liberal appronria- wise. Clearly the day has come i.' inane counties, cities and tions to the University, the State when the people should taVe the towns of Eastern North Carolina colleges and the colored normal makiugof tbase officials into their capable white men bare teen put schools. Whatsoever charge -i- own bauds ib control or public affa'rs," and laid at the door of the Legislature I 7. "We oppose the removal by such legislation enacted as will that of stinginess toward the edu I corporations of suits or eases from prevent air possibility of their catoinal institutions of the State our 8tate to the Federal courts. being again dominated by ne- certainly cannot be. land. favor legislatiou to prevent gfoes. (e) Nor can it be alleged that 1 it." This has been accomplished by the Confederate soldier has been I This pledge was redeemed by amendments to the charters of the I neglected. From the means at its I enacting into law a I ill Intro- towns; by "appointing finance com-1 command the State has given lib- J duced by Mr. Craig, of Buncombe, bat cacied Le eatap to b atan done 1 bis tad tie waUr F;1 for tie mailt If act tte exd&aive . cause. The July rales waited tte microbe-lsdea atsot;tr atd tte polluUl soil, aad carried tte oaortii maUrial into tte poiu of wUr struck by the paop. The spring water was pcllaWl by tte cacva tsf f and tte tatsidy bottoms of tte caiU. Ttetecas! arcoant fur tte malarial and ty phoid tiKt, tlU tte lota of vital ity, tte lastafo, rteavstlia, fore. The Legislature antbonx?d a it-1 Although tte shallow well is an ; ne of $110,000 for the peniten-J institution of very early times yet liarjto pay for the de&eit made J bal fw ke been the improve- by toe fuslonists, and it bas aa- menu ttai have been made ia Us; tborizsd the issue of (35,000 la I construction. In laoit eey eiter bonds for the purchase of cer- department cf eogiDeerleg, Im- aod stoaaeh disorders ar dot, fcr tain leased farms, which the State provemenU Lave advanced with the moat tart, to tte Lard water has greatly Improved. The inUr rpid strides bat tte sba'.lo well, 6f tte poops' and fpriags,' This est charged on these bonds fails "tth (to eften) tte - mess caver-1 report only gc-ea to eooEro tte fact i - upon the penitentiary, and not the d bucket hioHs remain a ten-1 which las alreaJybeeo welltiUb. State, and is only about one-half JS of oldest civilisations. In luted, vi'x; that Icopuri watir Is hat the rental of the Wod has otu P tv buU welts can decidedly lojarioas to IseUb. asd been. In addition to this bond b fao4 without any- that eotdisrs are no lnlits!y to tafue ao appropriation of J SO, 000 1 au or lining, ad many that are I teroae vlctlto of lu om, than are annually was made to run ttew"e1r scarcely tetter than 1 ordinary men and woeea. peniten'iary fcr the next two I loC, lllt are ot. forthey are ao Several oettods ef prtveotleg years.. Before this was done, tow- constructed that the surface drain Uurface water frcta getUcg into ever. IJ.WO wu scortDr sled to ifi"0,t aiemtvuuiin more e'.l have teen so recited, bat ' - ' - a mm meet immediate necessities. or Ies CIib,Xfleo more), can flew I only brief rtferetce csn te i-. . . . . i If Capt. Day wioi lo the court, d,rt J B ,oJ lbu con 14 ,b 'jtj' tbi bul'.itla. thoogh, neither th bond lssi nm'iaie oy pue w.ur nw bin tie earavalictt Is tbrcajh may tave eotered iroattrttctiom jeolik rock, tte w alii eg with Uthers are left open at the top all cylindtr of trick wcrk cr etttr the time, s that nllh in the form j taa'erial, will only te cecwiry to of slicks, ieavee, miecU and even j kep ool the water froa tte more mice, rats and toads are tot iu-1 previous surface ecll. If it is deilr ireq-ieowv iouoj, wto ifce coudi I ed, ttts wall car reil upon the til wih be made or the appropriatisn be available for bis use. Many other important laws were passed during the session, a F. S. SPKUILL. ' ATTORKET-AT-LAW, - - ' LOCISBUBO,S. C Will sttnd th conrta of Franklin, Vance Oranvllle. Warren and Wake eonbtl's, also thn RuDremn Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections, f OtHce ever Egerton's Store. - mittees or increasing the cumber erally to pension and care for these I tbau whom the Legislature had no of commissioners in the counties, old heroes in their declining years. I abler or more conscientious tasca-1 atalnr'" 01 Bico oas already i ""!!. s-; .-i. I i ii . . t i ..'sj I Ti t a . i ,i t I bsitnr nr I ntrl in tW nn rtnt oriy prescrioiugBucu r.tiaiiuni Ana is couia uo uavo giweu oor. aoib c. compe.B u loreiga - r "lion becomes ao . bad aa ti eoml in f iV . KQt.V'4l-s j - ic i i nili iii.. - l j: t .t.-lnntuntilln4)lawaarartrint.snwilll I -- - mregamiuumom.uouut a win in a wormier cause. . corpuranona uoiug ousiuesa m vo.s 7. - . r T 1 an ciimlsil.on. An IriUsci linhl In.t.la .UK L..tr.: ,.n.nt r - . il -.! . I thn hnAnl rtllf A thA TT I (Vft itrtds) I I w s w M j -m -m -vwaMwww ii; luperuianent.y secure ru.e ota o iaae ou a license usaer r-r - u been broajtt to notice and a joint should te mUe which 87. Could not this man have caused I uuiueu uiuumtcr auu uuu i uy vuo ""' mou v l0v0 .uo ,uo w u - where a dead suirrel remaned In In well nlh lm'.nU. u..t,f t.tiAtnTnh thlomiinchmilil nnt liaTAi11ii19" I..,.:..... nnn1! Rilnn. . a .tilnt;nnnl a m n,l m a,. u a I ni t Kan. l a. tU I DT 100 UeOeral ASSembiy 01 lixJJ. I ... . ' .1 ' ' " - ' v I 1 ) II n 1 Mrnn II IIAI 1 1UU k U 1KDI I ill II H LI ll II L 111 II O. I I U U II M IAJ i Ii . V l nj a UC Ul PC 1 C, IU .LID I J 1 WDBDCB VII I III. I 1 V T t M I I 1 . .... Yes, He could, as far as the ability was . - I Thr cm K no dnnbt that It will I " oy aicareibt txravai;on IS a'l tb concerned, Justes easily as He could open M-uem. -- aeoeu c..uj.Utt.Ug i ..jjru tuo..ug u. .ou - - - " ' great many people, aboot two wr ttrouib clay or sand the rJhTt.hrra;n; tbe ".. riuuerV.u c""wa t. PortunaUly f njfinlrl hxilliilMlhinmiwIiiD Hmfmm nnnnlinihllillff la-lTO noom i'iib. I lOULUlUK hUia lUiUU 1UJU. IUD UU'ief OI laws. hissickness (verse 4). it seems as if er- . .tarlSA nr nmm. necessity for it I cannot do better This is but fair and iust that ,8,llTe D0li" eer assembled in aorta Uarolkna. T. W.B1CRVBTT, ATTORNEY AUD COUN8EIXOK. AT LAW. j lAuisBUBaar. o. who knew Him not - sions is conferred upon the justice I than agaiu quote from Mr. Dan- those who enjoy the protection of the laws and courts of the State creation groaneth and travaileth in pain I peace in euch cases being appointed I J the, people., were .promised should themselves Leamsnabl to 1 sogttiner uum now, auu we amo wuo nave . ., y . , above all 6 S " W bite CjlipremaC) t.Vio flinrf: finite nf't.ha SnMI: cfwmiti wUliln I OV 106 JjeglSiaiU'e. I - r -i Ar a n .l -- I .nil if dIiahM Ka HA.na(n mi A A ourselves, waiting ior ine redemption 01 1 . O Wh? to mn nnlv havA hfln "uu nun fc ouvmv Assured to ai vne pieages 01 toe i too 01 ten nas toe federal bench party upon other matters will bejbeeu packed with corporation kept, interest now centers in a I agents. The people are long suf Constitutional amendment 'that I fering; they bear much and say weeks Fortunately for tto4 1 work of Uoio Is oot n.ntte so tla using tte water, decomposition pie. For this frk, Loetr, terra and pulrefactioa bad cot goue on I cotta tatlsg has proved to be an An Kaaav on M an. these laws r.nd for their violation t e tried in the State courts. Oncel thn bodv fRoni 'vill. 22. 23V There mav be a connection between these two groan-1 put in charge of white' public Prompt and painstaking attention given to i mgs 01 creation and neiievers and tne two I aunniH - every matter intrusted to nis hands. . j groanlngs of Jesus on this occasion.-: , - 8cno l8, . . ' uZT?w'?c. b 89- r,Take ye away the ' The school law is very complete Buxton, Pres. First National Bans ox wm- stone. -i jjut jtianua oujecia, cnougn bub i Tew He ton, Olenn fc Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank I fcad said, "I know that even now what- The township IS the Unit, DUt tne . :.r-alw. ViJoo' tr, S.'t'coK. yot- fpever Thou wilt ask of God God win give ol(J fly 8tem of a committee for each ?lnA. A! eat College, Hon. K. W. -lmiDeriaao. Offloe in Court House, opposite Sheriff's. w. M. PEKSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, iLOuisBUBe, v. a . s , -Fraetlees In all coarta. .Office U Neal Building. . . l. ml 1 r oo TT j- I ' faith and what a doubting faith it isl It j school district IS ' re-establisned ; often seems like no faith at all. We say Tu ar,ftni onthoritipf. ara ner- J I know, I believe (verses 22, 27), and then I i " . j . say, It is too late now, utterly impossible, mi Ilea 10 apportion tots i uuua bu it cannot be; if only He had come before. to jve each race 8Cbools of the 40. "Jesus saith unto her, Said I not R . . unto thee that if thou wouidest believe same length of term, but they are thou shouldest see the glory of God?" To nerm:tted to Uke into considera- the father oi tne uraie kim woo nao msti . i nrnmisea died Jesus said, Be not afraid, only be- tion the fact tbatnegro teachers ML ,eve (Mark v-86). Jo jbomM i He said, 'be" employed at mucriess than "Be not faithless, but believing (John zx, v " j 27). If we have faith and doubt not, we white teachers, and thas they do ---V?fib' 22- away with the waste of giving ne- Faith considers not feelings, nor circum- """J ;. . B , " stances, nor difficulties, but only God and crro teachers higher salaries than Office on second floor of .JNeal onuaing i8 fauy persuaded (rlom. lv,-l-ai). - 1 ;... t. i,:a fha whit M.in Ht,.t - a I ".TMn. liftoj, nn TTia htm aim. mid. I UM'" J v " " tjjy H YARBOROUQH, JB. - ATI OBNEY AT LA W , LOUISBURG, K. a : All letral business in Will receive prompt and careful attention, 41 Jfn lifted nn Hia evea and said. I UBCceaary . i i i l.- Father, I thank Thee that Thou hast heard people Will not 6uffer the injastice trusted to uii ; Ml mvia Affa haii t.tATi aitat thA r . r . .. . " I r li-trlnrr an larrra a nnrtlftn OI J l UtlllUg .W.aW - yj V - - jrR. D. T.' BMITHWICK. . DENTIST, . ' LOUISBUBO, N. C.- Office in Ford's Building, 2nd floor. without pain. mas of igno rant negro voters. They cannot be eliminatecLexcept by Constitu tional enactment. I can have lit tle patience with, those short-, sighted machine politicians ''who advise a half-way keeping of the made by the party. There is no half-way ground in a revolution such as we have passed through. No election law can per manently preserve White Suprem acy. As long as 120,000 negroes stand united, with their names on the registration books, the eword of bad government hangs ready constant Me. shin a and hnfore He called Lazarus forth. T ir--U '1 OK Van Him oa-wl-nM T 1 Z An 4A mdV.A flllAnll O Tl f thank Thee, O Father, Lord of heaven , 8 tarlt . ftRtd to M..uPu our heads. More than V mi vm i , I too. to a 12 re at extent, wastea. I . . .. . . . things from-.the wise -and prudent and I White committeemen may be ap hast revealed them unto banes." un an- : . . ' v,o;, other occasion, right in the midst of the pointed for negro schools. people, He said, ''Father, glorify Thy Such provisions as these in the name" (John xii, 28). . v . 42. "And I knew that Thou nearest Me 1 scnool law, removea we ubcbbouy that; they present a temptation to the demagogues to ride into office by a division atthf white vote added to tbe'eolid ne nothing, bqt there is a straw that i reaVs even the camels back. . 8. Every thing possible, iu jus tice to all classes of the State's cit izenship, was-done W encourage investment of capital In the 8tate and give it ample protection. As an evidence of thi and of the faith of capitalists In the promise, over twenty-five railroad charters were granted or amended, an equal number of banks were incorporat ed r their chsrters amended; up wards of a dozen Insurance com l anies were incorporated and char ters were granted to over sixty other corporations. .7 9. Tbe'Fusion election law, un der which so many election frauds have been committed, and so many illegal votes cast, was wiped out w - - Mao born of woman is of a days and full of promises. buyeth freely iu the market place and aayeth "charge it,' and it Is charged. On the first day of the month the collector calleth at bis excellent eabiiitute for brick and rock. Ttis tntieg can te bad la diameters from ten to twenty four itc-es and- when rrepr!y patla with cemented joints forms a lie Bas administered and teeth. extracted always,, but because of the people which j n, oflnr,tini. of a oroDOsed amend- stand by l said it, that they may Deueve i .r that Thou hast sent Me." It was His con- I ment tO the constitution WhlCU stant testimony that He was here on earth gro vote. The womb of politics I aud a n.w law, more in accord contains more Jeter Pritchards 1 with the genius of our people, waa and Marion Butlers than we bur- enacted. to any great extent when tte nuis ance was detected. Allucb mate rials act as a source of coolamUn tion for tte water; the leaves and the sticks beiog the least and the auimal life, most liareaful. Often J nice which is almost waterproof psrta of decayed curbing, aad and b&s proved cnlirtly latlifactory covering, are allowed to fall into j In maoj cases. In ao case steal! the well, and tbee yield putrid , tie cement be need below tte organic matter lo.the water. Draw I water line. Whatever may te a ft e I m. m - - . .. - domicile, and findsth bim out, weu oa a,PP,n ed lor the liolog, hettir It tt neither Is he at the synagogue or lisble tote conUmioaud by tte .tone, brick, or terra tclta It stcald at'the well. lie abidetb'oot at the dirty v ease Ss let down into '.hem extecd from one to three feet above caravansary and no man hath teen aod especially is tiis true, where the groand, according to the re bim that day. Night comtb on two buckeU on ooe rope or chain qiirements and be securely eoTer apace and the collector giveth up are used, .au arrangement which ed so that no foreign tastier caa the chase and weodeth his way ' ofla fouod l Puklle U'. etterlfce well, homeward sorrowing. The second ' tte rope and backet are Anotter mettod which has beea day cometh and be wbohas bought handled by all classes. eog'sted fer overcoming tte ch at the market place is seen ef all In welts otherwlie caref ally con- jctlon to shallow wells (ilaee ttty men, he perambulateth the high strutted, filthy water Is often al- mist be looked npen as a ssrt cf way and looketh large, yea, be lowed to run Lack into them Decenary er H) Is to fill them np to weareth a chrysanthemum iu bis through cracks in the pump plat tbe higtett water level with buttonhole. He applaudeth hU form, or along tte track of It gretel, and ttea over tte gravel on pride and seemsth to own the j pipe leadiurf from tte pump to ttel i to tte top. Of coarte aa erelL I iron 1 1 e w o'd tave to travtrte In a well noierlr constructed tU "o4 -J rf1 Jl ee- no watr should b. allowed to n lib a ump at tl;e surface. ter except that which comes from I nesr tte bottom, eo that before I reaching the well it must i whole earth. Tha seller in the market place eyeth him from afar and eajelh to the collector, 'Be hold him whom thoa sought the whole of ye.terdey. lie that war JR. R. E. KINO, V: --- v DENTIST" . LOUISBUBG, N. C. Orricx ovbb Aycockb Dkdg Compamy. With an experience of twenty-live years is a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the up-to-date lines of the profession. -. wo man hoM nn aaiith 1 . I " i nairrn m nno V On Iv I fl T I r - - - : . - . I. - ... a . 11 . , 1 ,. for the Dather, that tne isatner sen mm i - " . - - i ieu l&B govern uer. 11 uur fmiuiao l. u. uu.n, iisi"iui and told Him just what to say and wrought negro schools. . : to eliminate the negro is not ful h'Jim Crow Car Bill" was passed. 43. "And when He had thus spoken He I 4 Inordeto insure compnaocoj gijgd. wq invite anither coope fS 'OnehaTs with the provision of the Constx- tion between negroes and dis?at- ated the Legislature passed a great mentioned Lazarus by name, but had just totion that the publie schools shall jaei white men that ' will bnog number of wise la8. fhelnr be kept at least four months in the anothereraof corruption. The only . It established a department of this time He only wants Lazarus, and year a provision was inserted in re(Dedy is in Jhe adoptiou of a iusurance, codified all the icuur- bid to view bath appeared lam i reachiua? the well it must bate Go thou and s'ek of him be aeed .through a considerable seven dollars and fifty cents b thickness of soil and thus have sl oweth thy master. Straightway impurities wtich it msyhaveoi- Besides the work above numer-h "Hector calleth and sayetb. Iginally contained, filtered out. I tT 1. . I r . V : l. ;.lrKt. - . f - f f 1 - t i Sa nil V. A a - iiero is iBiiii account wuitu is nv u., dne the merchant at the market ever, aUsys po-sible, as Is In place-eveu fifty, sir, please." staoccd ty the recnt report made Audio, the man eavetb, Thou 00 tte sat j, ly cf palaUtle wetert eomest too late, O son of a gun; I of Camp Thomas at Chickamana, In ttls wsy say water which ta. tared tte pit at the bottom. If it came ficm the torfatr, moitCrtt have fi'.tercd ttrcojb a ttick ted of tatd and fravel, and ttls woald greatly i prove the waUrbycx. iJ-i.ng aud drttroyisgthe orgsnie impuriiiee It Is ior-crtstt, tow. ever, ttat the icperCclal layer cf atd ttvuld leatleait six feet in i i'-Snerf, and If tte ants-oil water is reacte'd at a depth bi ttan tea feet it is pretable ttat ttls method HOTELS. him He calls by name. When Christ Him- Vrtnl 1a tn tha effect that Wiit. -r T..i.;i. .Kpa l.a nf lhi Ktata and amnll self rose from the dead, many bodies of Z. .. . , f . . r- v, ,v.. m. Ni From tki rr.rt"il arrears ttat the saints which slept arose and came out if tha tans levied by tne Biate tn8 ignorant negro- vote is legally tied them until now in ibis class 1 , , will tct afford comtleU trcUc- . . . , mt. tt! ...i-inn arA I . . ..... !) 0 . . I . . . . . I r... I il.. .nii t.A 10 rntti la! rv4sr I tha aha 1 cian la iocavea l - 9 lZ for ropport of public schools nvi and Conetitutionally suppressed." of - legislation iortb Carolina l8 -"uw . r ' . ' Tl. lien many (Math, xxvii, 62, 53). be insufiicient to maintain one ' or Whether or not this amendmeut j abreast of the most progressive J 6 mVrT tt,a 1 m elT 01 eo0, , 44. "Jesus salth unto them. Loose him - - : ...i. iHoi,,.) r- .... .r.i.. :.L..... i : . 4 I Then the collector lifteth op his FRANKLlTOS . HOTEL fnd Je , fnnr mnnti,a. then . A .....c.-i:... :..:.. r. .iuk t.i.. tn. vorceand weenetb. bitterly. "Oh t. riM nil 111 till -ui tiAio tuiii ks, uuv sa a . mvuu L nn 1 nr iuvi va a iu" - waaa , 1 inur n 1 1. n an n a h nni riiua. ui luui jc. i m v ui uiruvuco outa a m wa vvwwai hand and foot with graveclothes; hence , . of rnmmiafsionera of each ' f n ..nn1B in" An. snranr comnanies. ' Solomon wisest of all SagCB, well Vi1 AAmmand Hnu? TnaTIV RAVM TMV)T) B I v wa- VUiB UUUJUM". - ' ' rf X t FBANKLINTON, N. C. 'SAU'L MERRILL, Prfr. Scrofula anl Ulcers Carrd nn tha vntpa of the neonle in' An- Leuraucn comnanies. vu-Hw.wWw -r - x r a - ... . arebound by former habits of their 4ife county may 'levy annuajly a ffll8t igoo. The Leifiplature has .The probate laws of the "State Daal t00tl 8,a. AU fne8 ar when they were dead in sins, and thus I , tn ,n;nW the deficien -1. m.u u. h.v Kaan r.rfnlU mllatad and Uaral" Ex. hindered from running for lim or worK- 1 l'""" rr J - uouo u it I J Good accomodation for the traveling 1 inK f0r Him or speaking for Himl He I Cv." - - I narrof the Coustitut'ou. lean hereafter be fouod'in one P'- i : " - - raa1fttroaSeet of ail epoch- 4. The powers of the Railroad chapter. " This is a great improve- Good Livery Attached. that the believer should be free from all -.t.:---.nt it is was the ap-1 Commission fuow Corporation 1 ment oyer the present confused to45aThen many of the' Jews which rropriation 'of liOO.000 to the.pub- Commission), have been enlarged conditiou. OROPIM HOUSE. MDie Maryand had seen the things lic BCb00l8 of the State. and its usefulness to the people ex. The same improvement Is made . ' ' IrSSn Tndtthe ne o xr. DKio,t t Wialalion re- tended. : as to laws regarding mechanics' ..oorac.ar-d. other, wu U CD. 0SB0RN, Proprietor, . rerses teU .ul that some went away and ponnideration Under the uew Act the Commis leius. Now these are carefully ar ,.T . : I - -I nf .;n l,n.rlflm.U-'iJ6t and ranged. And a same course bas ill 1 uoaui. i'""" o 1 mo T( I I. nn I I ill auaKV ui v u . v i r - i " ar-ove a msueiian limeitone. Tte surface water aer-ce dirctlj through siok-tolee ar.d Snares In totbesmsll water OckeLs sirrck by the socaHci arteiiai we.'s Hence it has no chance of Clurlos sudpurifyiog itself, and after a freitetthe wails give turbid water. Tttre Is obvious da er la drlak- Ther is bo doobt. axordl0ir ,0 I ice tbil watet from a bacteria msay r-mariatie cim yr tnevi t? I . . , . , , llotanle Blood Balm B. thai it j point of View and the re,ol J I. far tha b-st Tools aaJLioul t ona-i I uncn .. fACi that this w ater. hk- Oxford, N. C. traveling public who could uive life to the dead I How; I a 1 . J nne-n r ra mnlra Vi 1 a BarTa Good accommodations for the dne time He would lay down His life, but they could not take it from Him fchaDter x. -17, IS). See now the glad sisters and their brother, once more With them, alive and well, a happy house hold, and see the new neiievers ana- aay it He did not do His best for them after all! MASSENBURG HOTEL. J 1? Massonbur- JPropr HEITDEIIEOIT. II-C- tJood accommodations. Good fare " lit and attentive .arrant Po tYirre&tca, W. J. NOnwooDi Proprietor. Patronage of Commercial Tourists ana raveling PabUc Solicited. Good Sample Hoon. TTum3T.C:t"ti.'" ' How' Thisl ; . ' We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Core. P. J- Cheset & Co., Toledo, 0. We. the undersigned, have known t rvomi. fnntha last 15 years, and be- 11- afaflir honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to -..ntriT obligations made by their West & Teuax, vv noieaij u.s WALmiV'KESAir & Marvo.. Wholesale ,T.i. ..v, r.nr is taken internally, ac i,"dirUythe blood and mu r, " r--:e3 of the systea. les..ao- : - k f - - rri:s,;5c--.3Ht--- sigoiacne, ho eomrr-4 waa it. Ir ttatofmoit fjticje to limevtone eon-. plmpWa. nleera. skin di--a. .ad foririklsori Wt,,g ,,. ttld, cot all to.nnr of tloo-i;oi skia atltot ' nm ik. hmt . n.i don't throw roar onlv fails to Cock the I ohj.1 t ret Cf- .. ii . 01.1.- . aataa" t nr riiirnnn. 1 hin Miritiirii cud ririru iu iub ia w 1 - - ..... the nUblic institutions OI me Dtate. 1 fcaouuauio --' r : I mony aay on iomiuh!. 1 ry 10- 1 , bat tai (a) "Economy in expenditure aua express comp-n.ee , t u,.-- . T U natrl Is the watch-word m dealing and telephone compamer; -cans, -haw likewise in one chapter, being b Dtt I UoU uf no - case the building of side lracK.s aua i aamiraoiy urawu auu nuK.u rpq irc j North Carolina itto line with the was with them. And yet in iVr.n attemnt or even a regulate grade crossings; -r - - v....: i :. ci.. ... r-' v - : .a n i,. ihinip nr rrnsira 111 sat vuc, wuiujc i vm w disposition 10 no .wugr r""::'t.i f ., - Also the insanity laws are codi rr . . nii e a a a i rnmnni NHnnrsLH w niiuj sc luuuia ava . - i7ardlv xnere waa uu oa oiuco w-. w-,. - - . a . . a 1 l . .l..4 naAn nw. .arrr,5t.inn and aUDreciatlon 01 1 wane auu cuiurou Ht0"u'0 the work accomplished by these separate cars for their If ansporta institutions educational and tion; also to perform all the duties -..-;tanU nnff . a sincere desire and exercife the powers asto bank VaAA A WM W avr . ' ' t J to aid them in their work. And , and banking heretofore imposed on the tslate ireasurer, ana per this was done, by appropriations measured first by the needs of each institution and then by the amount of money at the disposal of the State. - (b) All unnecessary odces were cit'z:r :,.!ix-tl cr each duties a form all the duties and exercise the power as to. the .building aud loan Associations formerly, con ferred upon t'je State Auditor. By virtue of tbes3 Uit twa pro visions several unnecessary cilices and j 4ed,rasde uniform an4 put in far more efficient Torm. The State Guard is provided for and for the first time the till was supported by all parties. The new electi -n law is supple mented by a separate law for elec tions in towns', cities, counties and townrhlps. ' The agricultural deprtmen re -orguniivd and alt laws relating to it co liSsi, and it is iurea f c-.t. Life is but ao empty drcica cv pecUlly to the poet who ges to bd tuppcrlcss. 16 t. I I V. . . . .. 1 . I , .1.. a T.l 1, ticsn." Iu tie rjoit. oui.a-wiiD 'lie fjrin water, wtltb after the ether supply was abandoned, vu tailfd in White mock atteatioa Is cow fee ing given to tte perfection ef evs teas cf water works for tar w cltUe. it is still iaportact ttat thn apt for small towns acd rural duirlcU te not Cf-'ectd, aad it u along this lies ttat moth caa jet te done. By Iter rovlcg wt!ls alrg some of tte liaee sarxUd aboe, tte tpresd cf lj toid fever, in eo far at It Is dee te water, may te restricted to a great riUtt. ?tercverit is (OM.tle artMisa well are c;-erisUy dtilrstle sicc tte water wtich ceses frcm great debits i tte earth Is la eet tas ef hiah resale j nrlty, atl Is .ot tat jrcl te ccQtaalnatka t j impure surface watr. barrels frcra different source scf From all or the eoottrr. tont ord ufpraiaafnr ChsciVrlaia'a Coch a -dy. tlr U a samU tctur fno Ur. C. f-bf'P. of UvU lx-t. Ark s -I wis snTiTine fro a a -erf a-rr -.Id. hea I r-ad rf lh corra list td l"- a -c:d ty Ctcrtrllns Cooh Ita Jy. I c-cclaJ4 to gir it a Irtsl ssd cconliDKiy p rxarl a Mt;. 11 prom f t rritrf, ao 1 1 tstb t--t rr a for r-ri3Tn lira- It ry b!s-t!f. ktrb I d ) i:h J .rS.Qrr.' fv-rsJl.t- W. O. sopply. It af j ears ttat it the cuilca to place an clj canvas tack ever tte top cf tte t asral Klaw tte lid to rreve&ttte spilling c the water. TLe tstks were cflec "ii the grtui-d or u tl C.or l the s,t, std its irriorti ttey picked up were al'0 into the tarrelty ttej!ahiBg the water rfc'ltit h m. Tt- r';crt tt i dudes ly njii K ".tt t -tr ii.: . r V - . . . a. - - ry srcit. Ur. V, . Tift tio. I ts n?-rd al b ttKi'ioi st'1 irx-1 tri rnr. a--at tja. H ;: i;iaTi r la fry Ck istrU P.a s'ei. Uli.M sd itl U 1st rcra-1 ritruwUktr vit' ( I ts aM I tiiitani ,r t-itj fi j r li I ca e-f t " ai.l ! f ' z rm r r t. A. P F.. rrs, O rcr-, A r .4 ty ' . itM fl iim t: S"r, jr tt tz 1 I'. : l?c , : tet! 1 ' - r i. std i:iil St j t.t.4 ts I"i rg t - Z.Z itlf. A!: 3 I 'llll l l.-'li C: J.X,

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