1 L )) A l .1 j 1L V o JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. g'.H 'H3 COTTUSTTY, TIHIIE STATE, ::::::.:?t;:i: :t.n rir uit. u i VOL. XXIX LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL, 28. 1S0O. NUMBER II. "WW"WaMaaaia.aawaMaaaWJWaWaWaWaWaWjaaWaaWaaaWaiaaaWaWaaiaa w - I 1 I CHURCH DIRECTORY, METHODIST - Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. ' . v . ! ;. Geo. 8. BAKEBSnpt. Preaching at 11 A. M and 8 P. M... 'every Sunday. : Prayer meeting weaoesaay night. 1 : G. F. Smith, Pastor. : !. . BAPTIST. 5 V : Sanday School at 9:30 A. M.- . Thos. B. Wilder. Snot. - Preaching at 11 A. M and. 8 P. M., every Sanday. . Prayer m eHng Thursday night. ' Forrest Smith, Pastor. l'rot'esBibnal cards SYMPATHY, AND SUCCOR. I Exeess Batrsrag-e. I AEP, THE FUJJ S Y MAN. The Lord'g Prayer la Oil English. WRITE TO MY MOTHER. This Letter Was Written by Abra - ham Lincoln. Titueville Courier. "Madam, " said the conductor, as .be ponched the ticket of aTi tusville lady, "I am very sorry, but you can't bate your dog in It is reported of Abraham Lin- to-is car. It's against the rales." coin that during the war he fre- "I shall boldbim in my lap all quently visited the hospitals and way 'she replie"d,"and he will addressed cheering words to the not disturb anyone." " . wounded warriors. On one occa-l "Tbat makes no differenee,"said Jocular Georgian With. Various ' Peculiarities. Here is the lord's Prayer in the English of former times, the best example of. how the language baa changed : "Bill Arp" Major Charles II Smith the famous Georgia hu morlet, gets bis ' inspiration and bumor, says Leslie's Weekly, from 'bi dn. nertbe, tbi Served Them ELjht. The general statement that it takes a woman to rebake aootb-r woman's rudeness is borne outby A. D. 1258. ''Fader ure in beune, tie following story: A lady enter- baleeweide beotb neons, cumeo I d railway train and took a seat wills beoth iahu front of a newly-married The suerrsb I couple. Hhe wai scarcely seated JR. J, J, MANN, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LoiJisBURa, N. C. Office over Thomas' Drag Store.- the quantities of crackers and heone and in erthe. cheese be eats while in the throes 1 dawe bried gif ons wbllk dawe. before they began to pass remarks of composition. Though in bisl And vo'zifure detteras vi vorxifen abont ber. Iler last year's bonoet ' I ... I . . . . ....a seventy-fourth year, he goes about ,ire dettoures And leoe ooa nought and cloak were luliy criticised. doiii chorea !n hn into temptation, bat delvvor of with more or less ffiffellnj? on the ioKo uu ueen ampuiatea, and wno t " wu UUK uere. uugB muss riae - , , . , , . .7 - . ,. M. Aft 1.DWU I It matters not where the .mercury C V i' iz ciuitet tuns F.loics Lho food rr.oro dcHdous end wfcolcsocio slon be found a young fellow" whose conductor; "I couldalt allow legs bad been am was sinking fast. "Is there any- in the baggage car. thing I can do for you?" asked Lin- m M right for you " coin. ,Yoa might write a letter ; 'Don't you touch my dog, sirl" 18, to mv mother." was thn faint mnlir- exclaimed the woman excitedly. fiuoWB The Dresident wrotA at the snnth'g I "I will trust hrnv with no'one " warm blooded, and the daylight dictation. "Mv dAnrost mnHiof 1 1 And with an indisrnanl tread, aba daties whiIe tbe rest of the family have been shot bad. but am beaV". marched to the baggage car. tied &re asleep, are bfs fondest recreV in tin: I tried to dry mv Hntr ber doe and returned. tion- He can leat al1 lbe wor,d They tell me I ca'nnot recover, Qod As the train was approaching makineT fires. The other dayafter Office in the Ford Building, corner Main I bless vou and -father.v kiRa Marc I May?ille and the condactor came -J K... .tn.t. Tin f.i hnn X I T . I " - . . -, u.uu iiuuu lur me. . . ine - ena JB. 8. P. BRT, . PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Louisburg, N. C. . B. MASSBNBURt, ATTORNBT AT LAW. .. j: itOuisBUBo, n. a W1U practice In all the Courts of the state Office In Court House. . 1 U. COOB.B ac BOW, - . ATTOSNBTS-AT-LAW, j iotrasBuae, v. a. Will attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, came these .words as - postscript: This'letter was written by Abra ham Lincoln.' Yv ben the boy pe rused the epistle, and saw those added words, be looked with as tonished gaze at the visitor, and witb li at Corry asked, "are you our president?" "Yes," was the quiet answer; "now Every Man His Own Soda Fountain A. D. 1300. "Fadir onr -In ing what might bate come nextif He cares not whether it rains beene,, ilalewyd by thl name, h had no put a sudden stop to freezes or sleets. Ua i thl kingdom come. Tbi wills be the conversation by a bit of strata done as in hevene and In erthe. gy. Bhe tamed ber bead, noticed Oare urche days bred give ' os to- that tbe bride was ceneidered older day. And forgive oare detles, as than the groom, and, in tbe we forgive our dettoures. And smoothest of tones, said: lede us not into temptation, bote! ''Madam, will you please ask the early morning pastime- was delyvere us of yvel. Amen." I your son to close tbe window be over some one remarked: -"Bill, A. D. 15S2 "Oar father which bind youf" bow can you stand it? . I should rt in heaven, sanctified be thy I The 'sou closed bis mouth, think you'dfreeze to death in your 1 Dime. Let thy kingdom come. Thy Jaod tbe bride no longer giggled. shirt." "Whv. do vou feel cold? Mnbe dene, as in beaven, In W nr- Tl A arth nUn. ftnin im tr- ntir I .Learning the Tmtfl- naaQU uo iuajui. lu iiDoiv.viut I - - - j etiner Rubfitantial bread. And lad r I A ..V..1 t . I- -P, E17ELL, ic-E, ICE. WATCHUAKER IZi JEWELER. TrebareniaJeaaJprtlarTtftr: along, she asked him: Will you tell me if my dog is all right?" ."I am very sorry," said the con doctor politely, ''but you tied him to a trnnk. and be waa thrown off rdy I A be mercury is h ve . be low." Up sprang .mil and into m8 do 1Dl vempiatioo. Itakethla method of aanoancior to the public that I am now located la Lootabonr prepared to do nil kinds of work in rot line. REPAIRING mentf with W. T. K0ct to han dle ICE tor tie tbe comlcg oivaoa la bis b; -:OF: you know that, is there - anything ,. Wul uwna me couns oi rtasa, mus.uu, i t . j r. on - t" . , aruiTlUe. Warren and WakecounUes.aJsothe oioo-i vu uu lor your ueeoiy I rhipaim Rrtr.1i Supreme wiwipiormwouiip, ia u u. f. , . . . -ttJ n mi( J luww J wv . UllgU. S. Circuit aud District Courts. . bis coat and breeches scrambled. "Goodnessl" be exclaimed, "I bad no idea .it was as cold as thatl" Tbe best things Bill Arpever wrote were composed while a horde of : 1 I J , li.nr. n from A mn ' ' '-UK v,08 ,uerlBB,f muu WJ 1UB l. . i-:- ik. - . r .41.. A. D. 1611. --Oar father wbieh 7 "F' v. .u,,- is in heaven, hallowed be tby name. Tby kingdom come. Tby will be doDe, in earth as it is in Da. B. S. Foster. Sb. J. K Malosx, RS. FOSTER & M.ALONK. PBACTICINQ PHYSICIANS fc SURQEONS, Louisburg, N. C Office over Aycocke Drug Company. W u. HAYWOOD BUFFM. it'.-- ' ' - ' "'' i ATTOBKBT-AT-LAW, ! j LOUISBnBO. It. o. uince in cooper and CUf ton Building. mOS. B. WTXDBB, ATTORNBT-AT-LAW, i LO0I8BCKe, V. C A IVTp Rtao.na nf 7ni.li tin I 1- :u A w A -V !U - I ViAvn Oni ill tkla lit itn. A o 1 -w j ' ' . ... - ;"obtained a patent'for reducing car- crawling and fusing over him. Mj bread- Atid forgive us our t .. . . ' eJ bonicacidgas toliquM form, and! He never loses patience. Like debts as we forgaie oar debtors. tail, uauuii jjuhu, wuu a Deari ten- it- i, .i . . . . . ,B be proposes to sell it to the public Napoleon, he can sleep in any po der as a woman's held the soldier s 1 - . .. .. . .. ... v j .t, u t i- i . jiujiiuecapeuieB, email enougn to 8it10n at any time, which means hand-through the live-long night carried ia the vest pocket, By ick x'. If he looks 7" : 'IT rrJr: " thirmvention every man eau bay older ih.o 73 it is due to early r i . .i , . t it " , bou louutam wim mm waer- piety and late poverty, uniy tne ful truthJhat-Cbrist the greatest . . . v , r , . . . m. f. - . everbegoes, for . by unscrewing rich grow young. Bill'a golden of all kings, in our - afflictions- is .u i j j . . . fi ' . 1 thfl cananlfl and dronnintr its con n r . aUk..U1 n M..K nfflirttrl anA thai ha .,. I,a"tr.,.l. il I ' . . r r- , wuuuiug - vrvw. " bcutojiit.ua puiuor ui uumo i i f a jariersviue, ueorgia. lie water tbe liquid dissolves into gas 6aV8 MrB, Arp has boesed him theee again and charges the Water like afty years, and he intends to role apoIUnaris or soda in a fountain Bipbon. - A company is being formed for tbe purpose of "making capsules and charging them with and adjoinlLg counties, also lu tbe Hapreme With the leellDg of OUT innrmitiee? K oari, na iu umj uuiteu qiavcb nru u ia i r ,.r v n - I VV n a pa tho anrpnar at li ra A'araihalm us, when tbe cradle is empty, or the borne desolate, when the-mind is distraught, or the heart burst ing with grief, we may "go and Office on Main street, oyer Jones ft: Cooper's ten Jesus." In everv red furnace I n r. 3 store, i, ; i - r i ine iiquia gas. x ia propoBea io i paiu, una aiming uuer.y pat them np n mu boxe(J - to fce over every aying coucn,sianas one whose form is like tho Son of God." Rev. E. 6. Gauge. : tbe roost for tbe next twenty-five- Exisrencies. And lede os not into temptation, but deliver os from evil. For tbine is tbe kingdom, and the powerand tbe glory forever. Amen." Where Mistakes are Hade. ' The Southern Farm Magazine well says: Our young men are taking the tives and noons by a telling ex ample. "Now, for an instance," said be, wbatml?" - That was an easy question, aud all the children shouted, ''Amtol" and then looked aroaod triumph antly, as much as to say, Ask another." Yes; but what else?' said tbe inspector. This was not so easy; bat after a pause, a boy ventured, to' suggest, A little man."- "Yes, bat there Is something more than that." Ifini Watches, decks, Jitrslry, Spectacles, ZiMhg Machines, &c. A SPECIALTY. My price are cocstent with fint claM work. All work guaranteed 13 month. Old GolJ and Silver, and Co on try produce takeo la exchari lor work. REFCRENCESt TT mrmx aerufy momm4 Vr. EU lo I aarekaova Mr. P. En, tke V-rrr rf thl. nliotit od jrr. m4 la air 4ituc kiva to lb li4 raniiWtm r4 m trM-Xm OUR RULES, DeUvrrks rsa! free la qpiastiUfw ct 5 pccnvla and up, at 1 cct- a pound. Ik not driver hm than 5 pouaie. IcliTer reamadeeArTy la tbe rnorcir. and late ia the altr nooa. None d lirrresl at coon,Q&cs it l-r 10 cream.tbeayoa must gt 20 pounds or more. Too can gt-t any quantity yoa waxt by ta'Jisj at W. T. tore, where it will be kept for iaU during tie daj. 5eK a Lccisi.f j let Cit Uanaprra. J.io. W. Ktso, CC Dabbow. This was a poser for tbe young lone doubtful and tedious road to I aters: but after a moment's Duzlled i UwUberir T. J. Trw f'tnr np ... , ., I . - . , I t-t taoPcU srnraioa. t. nriAii Tahon I n v DnTAf thA nwv- I .IU... an infant r.KAnnm.nnn al. I vw- j r y--" IT. U . tkoro.r miW.a. rood pur- I most leaped from bis seat io bis ea J iwc. ej au onhf ti o is F. S.SPKDILL. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. JLOUISBUBO, . C. - Will atMnd tlia couTtaof Franklin. Vance. Granville. Warten and Wake coriitis, also the BuDremn Court of- North Carolina. rompt attention given to collections. Office over Bserton's Store. "I shall not marry," be declared because if I were to be ship- supplied to the public through wrecked a wife would be right in druggists and grocers and furnish U,e way. them to hospitals, steamships, Rnt he was never shinwreuked. A Husband May Whip his Wife Under Certaia Conditions. - . armies and navies in quantities. T. Extremely Pathetic W.BICKBTT, Instead be was pursued by wolves in Russia. 'Now at once he became aware of the unwisdom of bis choice. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. 'I LOUlSBUBtt V. a - ' St. Louis, Dispatch; 6th. : " - : ' A decision was rendered by i Trompt and painstaking attention given to Tn, i . ' every matter lntrustea to nis nanas. iuuugoi.cauui.ijr m iuo .m; ; yuuvo Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John j - . " ' . . . MaaniBrHoTRoDt w. w&ston, Hon. j. c. court yesterday that under certain :t"S7' Bank conditions a husband has the right of Monroe, Chas. JR. Wjor, Pre Wake or- , , , , - - f ra tnat of Bernard-Kretzer, charged with beating his wife because she would not agree with him in (be manage ment of their children. Judge Peabody said in passing judgment: ' . "In this case tbe wife was more Charlotte Observer. fessions or into mercantile suits. These are overcrowded. We need manufacturing talent, and as fast as this is developed capital will be forthcoming. It is easier to raise $500,000 toeogage in a man ufacturing enterprise . than to find a man fitted by edocation, trajniag and natural aptitude to take charge of t. We want more tech nical and scientific education ani less education in the humanities. 1 I l . W . t . VJ k . . -. gerneas, anacriea wjibb inspector. M hsrca. arrtoa, C "Please, sir, llUlamaal" I know ab ugly MochlaLitUe. I kava kaoa Ur. T.1 rt twfco.l II U a atiaiaa c4 aoaor. i43lrT m4 aat cbaaH hi kt'MM . ana.rr to loa km mm oliara. J . W. Htltmom. t'oel aMtor, WilUaowfoa. N.C With an experience of 20 years ut i . a a i . at - , . t . . i me oencn. aioce rTinjr rnv um na M U V a a av r-Bsawvaa yield $3 000 worth of feathers. an apprentice, I Il aaf ia e-sylag l that I can give you as good work FAHE3 LXD EICEiXH Ei!I :or. LOCLSBCr.O. . c. ASSETS OVER OXE:hUX0RPD THQUSAKQ DOUARS. m lUCFYu.ca M Ea3 Kl Til U TICTi:iCFCE?CSITCES. "Alasl" he cried, "If I had a I mm W aa & A a Vl I Th Wth f Pronrietnr Leland Wl 9 1 VW Oaryoung men should be prepared c. ni u ' w;n,.. "oJvesand mane my escape wnne to enlep Q tbe grftd destiny which awaits tbe South, and tbe It is very difficult to anticipate it requires nan a day w sing me . .vt)TTciAU a liberal share ol lpoita on Interwt, or V I . A 1 a.A-4l- tvnAy T7; -. 1 ui .uo u : ru ,u they were deToariDg herl awful wreck the flames wrou'eht is t nniiAo-n Hnn K W Timberlake. Officeln Court House, opnosite Sheriff's. Axipencies. evidenced farther in bis decease. J , M. PBRSON, ! f- ' ; ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Practloes Building. in all courts. Office- li Neal His hotel in ashes, his wite andj-re Constitutenta of a Man's Body. daughter dead as a result, 45 hu- am a n ra!nnra 1 mnot rha rai olmABt I auau uaaaft9 aa.Vww VMWa . i Fall Mall Uaitte. . in it I beyond recognition and w omers A German 8eientist. with tbe in- ' missing whose lives Were large- finite patieriC9 of nation, has iy in ms uauuoi "au8 wul been working out a series or calco- Aatt HVa thia nnnn rii a shnnldern. I... t nSI(. tli on tViA TinahnTif? for ipvinir I .a-.- laH0n8 as io wua. man a oouy roai- to contradict and thwart her hus 80rr0W ,'e lb e Iy Cntaln8- ACCrdi,;ff I n n wnnnAT that no ctar not able I - . 1 1 vJ :: .... ..BJ.-iWn,...nftf tV. i.hil-1 ww. ."..""f- ,'--T 7" ail .ne consutuienis oi mo uwuy ( office on second floor of eai buuamg , : to liveuuder the severe operation of ft man of ordinarv size miebt MainKtreet. Nfph, anfl Rfltt niF-thftm ft bad 6X- - . . ... .. 01 a man 01 Orainary S1Z9 migu AllJjegal business intrusted to him J ample; which be bad a right to re buke. Tbere afe times when a wife irritates her husban3 to such an extent that be cannot control himself, and uses his band or fist. As long as no serious harm is done sooner this fact is recognized tbe greater and more quickly will come the rich fruitage of wealth and in flaence to our section, for the up building of new industries means national hymns of China. New Zealand contains at present 42,000 natives (Maoris) and C28. 000 whites. About forty tons of letters pass dally through tbe general post ofUce, London. In Egypt fans were need in re H YARBOROTJQH, JB. . i ATI GENET AT LA W, LOUISBURQ, N. C. trill receive prompt and careful attention. better markets for tbe products of j Hgioua ceremon'es made of parch diversified farming. I ment or feathers. Commenting on tbe above tbe your patronage. Yours rwpcctfuHy, P. EWELL. Louisburg, N. C. At Strickland A. Wbelc' Htore. IF YOU WANT Your Shoes and Hames Saljct to Cbxk Money to loan on approval of erurity. Wcxias HatLtr. rmlitt. A. B. ILiwxrya, TW Frial, -W. J. Btixit. Clr. SA!rioit Bo i ea forTrst, fl.50 12.00 anJ $3.00 a year D R. D. BMITHWICK, DENTIST, . L.OUI8BUBG, N. Offlee in Ford's Building-, 2nd floor. ji be underwent. The pity of it, the bQ contained in twelve hundred pity of it. It is almost impossible for one to aDpreciate what thiB man has recently suffered. Who does not bone that he has found rest and relief at last? Suffolk Herald says this: Tbe North and West have both been reaping tbe benefits of tech nical education tbe past quarter of a century, while tbe South has A German scientist Is of tbe 1 frenatrcd Cheap, corao and - i opinion that women will have beards some time future. io tbe rexote Tbe wearing of orange blossoms ' GaraToiSrS1 anexSa Lblieve ia tbis punishment." without pain. . -. ?. High Breadstuffs. DR.R.B.KTNa, .. ', . 'DENTIST, Uexu Fitzhuffh Lees Last Order. Havana Dispatch, 18th. - v The last general order issued by Fitzbagh Lee to bis command, tbe Seventh army corps, is in part as follows: ,An order has been re ceived which moves'tbe last - regi meut of tbe Seyenth army corps across tbe sea, to be mustered out anil tbe ranks of the organization will be forever broken. The re cord made by the ofiicers. and men will be forever "preserved on the pages of military history. No Good aceomodation for the traveling troops won a greater reputation for discipline, -drill,, manly dis cbarge of duties," soldierly conduct and cheerful obedieuce to orders. "Tbe President's assurance that had the warwith Spain continued the Seventh army corps would have been selected to lead the assanlt on the Havana lines ' proves that ! LOUISBUBff, n. c. , OrricB ovbb Atcockb Deus Compamt. .: "Willi an experience of twenty-ftve vears h a sufficient guarantee of my work .in all the BD-to-date lines of the profession. t ' HOTELS. - FUANKLINTOJS ROTEL i i FBAirKLINTON", N. C. SAR'L MERRILLy Prp'r. public. Good livery Attached. ; OSBORN HOUSE. ' ' 0. D.'OSBORN, Proprietor, . The indications are for higher prices for corn,-- floor " and wheat this year." The'faniine in Russia and that country's edict against the - exportation of wheat will naturally cause that article to in crease iu value.and if tbe crop dam age reports out west are true wheat and flour will doubtless sell much higher during the year. Corn and hay will of course move up in sym- eggs. Or, to pat it more specifi cally, there is enough irjn in a man's body to make , seven large nails, enough fat to make six and a half kilogrammes of candles, enough carbon for sixty-five gross of pencils, and enough phosphorus to tin 820.000 matches. Add to these 20 teaspoonsfol of salt, fifty lumbs of soirar, and 42 litres of water, and you have all tbe con stituents of a man'i body. . :., been reaching but for the pTofes- " "dal decoration originate! sions, and the resultia rsadlly in tbe days of the Crusaders, seen. Business education should In Australia spring begins follow tbe aeadenaio course and Angeet 20, summer November 20, then the. South will be folly able autumn February 20, and winter to develop its grand resources. Frills of Fashion. bee me. Shop on Main Street, near Uiver Bridgn. W. M. MANN, Lxuisburs, N. C. ! Original Obaeryatloas. Orange (Va.) Observer. , Just now tbe dressmaker ;s get ting her nose in every bodice busi ness. - The man with cracked voice is pathy and oar farmersJwill do well continuany breaking his word. -to plant lots of corn, and save their pront gates are beginning to Oxford, N. C. . 1 Good accommodations for the 1 the xorps possessed the confidence of the commander-in-chief of tbe army and uavy,a confidence shared If A 00T?rDTTDrL TTflTP'T. by BW I.euow coan.ryiu- fodder. . Last year v we noticed farmers selling tfbrry tobacco that ayeraged 6 or 8 cents and earry ing home hay from the fields or Ohio. . ... ' it . a u 1 Their rodder anea up in me umu. k nothine. . j. i I while they were saving ineir poor . The profe8slonal , gossip tobacco, and the frost snippea ine most bountif al crop of hay that has eyer growm in this section. Raise your meat and bread, and feed for your stock, then yoa are f afe, Ex. - !": -v ; Brown is one of the fashionable colors for tailor gowns-.. Black taffeta blouse waists are worn with white cloth skirts in Paris. A pretty iiovelty in belts is made of black or white velvet, embroidered with steel jet or imi tation jewels. Pompadoar ' pique combined wltb cloth is one of tha eccentrici ties of fashion's. Tbe pique forms a circular flounce around tbe lower skirt, and is ripped off and laun May 20. Marriage in Spain takes piej-,rite by day or night, according to the fortune of the young people or their station in life. If well-to-do, the ceremony comes of! in the early prt of the morning. We obtain considerable wood from Russia, together "with horse hair cloth, albumen of blood, and Hebrew books; very little liqaors; bat mnch flax, hemp, bristles, sb bladders and human hair. Tho POOR CATTLE. 250 IIea4 of Poor Cattle wanted for tbe SPOT CASH. C. G. HILL, Loo 1st org, X. C. Don't t humbcryrd by th olJ reliable" or any one Ms, br bavins your Prescriptions put np Irora Med icioe that baa twn on band t'ua Call oo or I or twenty jenr. but ben you ant irocr lTT-cnptioni oi senusu-y-cp-foJate ethode not itn EEi.ru carry tbeta to H c!:ce:1 E!e;ti:a. Njlice U bertbv eio tbit on the 6nt Toedij ia Miy .S99, UUioj lbe aDddsvoltaki month, there wul be an election held ia the Too of Loo:s- groan in anticipation of tbe work before them. . The man who professes to know . wben nacce88ary. The round it all is generally found out to be a ed bBqae aud teTer ar9 ai80 "of r the pique. n.,.t.n v.a . nsi.4 A a . l f K a t . n I barr coder and accoidioz to the Akucuiau w aa a am v-va uww w i spare. I rjrovtsio&s of its charter as amended -The Netherlands, where the gsm by so act ol tbe but Ccaersl Auemllj polishiog . industry nourishes, of N-na Carolina, eniii'.ed -Ao Act but 112.000 worth of Frank R. -Pleasants who ia the onlv Cradoat of Phar macy In Louilcrg, and hoe sUxk of Medkinra aire to revise, amend and coos !.Ji:e tbe traveling public. Deafness Caunot be Cured is a walking interrogation' point, and never comes to a full stop Eating onions not only keeps the lips from chapping, but also keeps the chaps from -lipping. Honesty may be the best policy, but the man wbo is honest from mere,policy will find bis pass bo aeods as diamonds and 12,800.000 worth of I a,. . . -- rl flnmafr. fn.PArt Tfift Cl trar tXtl Ol mCOWf. UOQ Ol IRC CM W va aM 4 a --- wi O I J 1? Massenburff . Fropr tte career of the corps, to remem I w iAt.. 'It is gratifying, in reviewing by local applications as tW nnot gooa on me lag. train, ins grauiyiug, , diseased portion of theear. A woman alwavs tells a secret to HEIIDEBCOII. II-C Good accommodations. Good fare. Po JUa and attentive aerrt , : KcriVcoo i:cuse . Warre&fOB. Ksrlitr::::a i 'l W. J. NORWOOoi proprietor. &Z Patronage ol Commercial TourlsU and raveUag PabUc Solicited. , i l' Good Sample Boom.l ber tbe barffionv which existed among the .40,000 soldiers who answered roll call at Tampa, J ack eouville, Savannah and Cuba. Whethfir volunteers, soldiers of the North or South; they took the snnahine and storm of camp to- . . . There is only on way to cure aeainei, . . , and that isVeonstitational remedies. ome one because she is afraid 6te Deafness is caused by an Inflamed eon- ruiaht die and then tbere would dition ot tne maconsiiningoi iuo ,uiio- chian Tuba. When tnia tone is jnnamea yoa have a rombling sound at imperfect hearing-, and when it is entirely closed, deafness ia the result, and unless the in flammation can be taken out and this tube-restored to its normal condition, hearing- will bo destroyed forever; nine cases out. o: every ten are causea oy c- gether and marched side by siae Urrh) wtioh is nothing bat an inflamed under one- nag, country." one cause, one ' Tiae will change all things ex c -t-rfeit v3 dclhr till. -nndition of the macoaa services We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars; free. F. J. Chexet & Co., Toledo, O, ::n7r;:;;i:t,75c;-'3. be no one to keep it. Love is tbe sunlight of the soul and a soul without love is a sou less dime, locked in the embraces of perpetual cold and gloom. "A medicine advertisemeut "says that with the exception of Adam all men have had some disease. We have always understood that Adam bad some trouble with one of his tits. .' Fashion seems to be making an e (Tort to relieve the neck of the ruinous stiff high collars, which bave a very bad effect in causing the muscles to shrink io each a way as to produce wrinkles as well as a throat weakness. Tucks are to be cultivated tbis sammer and lace ties substituted for the ugly linen collars. Some very pretty gowns, too, are. mane wun a wriukled ei!ar bsnjx of thin silk trimmed with lace, cr made entire ly soft transpsrent laee, witn a narrow ruQa of lace on the .upper edge. smoker can figure what tribute be dally pays to tbe thrifty Hollander and bis industrious colonist. Lonisborg, N. C, and the icit tcceeda tory thereto, at 6icn saxi efc lion tbere will be elected of atd by l qaa!ied voters of ai d town, a M.jor acd four CoraaoLuiooei to bcM oSce For frost bitea, barn, todolmt sores, ei-ms.Ekin dieaf. and rv-cUUy Ftlns, DeWiife Witch U..-1 Sl susda Brut and b8U Look oat f or d;.honst p?o ple vho try to imaaitat and eouotrfeit it. It's th-lr rndor?ni-nt of a iroM ar. ticla. " Worttln Roti ar not imiuti. Grt De'.Tiifs Witcii llnel SaUe. VV. O. Before the' discovery of 0a MlanU Coagh Care, tniaUtera wrt jrrvaUydia. t or bid bv eonfthioif eon; r-xrationa. N ioae for it now. W. U. Tbocoas. -iilrm tne a lir rgsUtor ,aod I nm I for lbe term of one ttir. r(mUt the world " aaid a Kraioa. The I drosrint baodrd bita a botU ot Dewllt'a LitlU Early Riars, the Umooi l::u pUs. VV. U. Tbomaa. Ge S. Bet tut Ueo atpoinftd Rrjiitrsr for the wUi '.-ctiuo and B.I F. Hawkins and Ferrul P.r? bh 5r,t ihereol. The remuitioo bc-.k wi'l be A Kentucky man made counter feit money with which topay nis board, and the j idge decided be J 0fted oo Sigurd sy.the in Jy of Apl was entitled to board and lodgic for aeven vears. rerotia o;3 lor ine prrK v The rU-t LiaianL MCl.amtrUia' . j,., f .v rr. -;ra?Kn cf rcirr fain 4ai BJ 1 1 IU" u tar u r n. w i . Kdwsrds & Park-r. of Flalo-, tia, - Thi U the verdict of stl wbo o tt. Fn rbeomatliitn, latae back, praioa. sril loi-s and tbe aacn-rous aiifbt ail- in-Dts sod accidents effltnuo to ry boo-hold. thi liaim-ct bi ai9l. With it ia tb bya. a crt Iral .4 jaia act a .!!'-? niy t- a-. i !-d. For aaie by Wajtf.TiiOcn, L'rt!j-i.:' Ttte l.w provxlrt f f new rrMJra lko, so 1 al!qiS 5.d c tnou tc$ Uter in onler lo vote io 'J t'lniwo. W. If. Yarp. sovo!!, Jv., M.jor. G. S, txnt?, C'.::k. Entirely Ueo). Don't I baabucTd -don't. F.R. PLEASANTS, Cp-to-DaU Prrw-cription tVcgUt, STILL AT THE BRIDGE. BLACK-SMITHING Wan 1 a wn tm I'M i;nn- i I ka yea u M a T W1J t -A MM i,rmi irt . s c l - " r j a Sj'.fcra.nx'-i-. l.fH UUlUi .l-TWairriJIn' fw.mmtm aa yrt.ar -,m - ka a lw ' aar-- 4 lXalL-i tal If m m4, tern law 4ra. Vra tr."7, a. T a.a Y-! Y i r re Sr, IjtVti tzi c". r.-t-' . r v.r i r ..I, ird il.r-n! 1P t rl vl Vt Rl.r J dzZZ t.ff. A'o I'.irkt t T;wii Cif .Zl